How to Make Money and Nanites in No Man's Sky Prisms Gameplay 2021 Ep. 5

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hey guys and welcome back to no man's sky this is survival bob and uh this is no man's sky prisms gameplay episode hell i don't know what we're on five six something like that guys uh i'm tired of being broke that's it there it is right there i'm tired of being broke i've got 1.4 million we need to make some money there's lots of different ways to do it uh but i'm going to go back to an old faithful way and at least get a few million bucks because uh in here is a multi-tool which is not amazing but uh it definitely would help us out and it is uh three million bucks we don't have it uh we're not really even close we're about halfway there so uh to mark this place because i don't have a safe beacon unlocked yet i just put a base computer down and because i have a base computer down i can now do a few things but i think what i'm going to do instead is try to multitask so let's go find a trade post okay uh i have that down so we can always make it back here i've got my um uh economy scanner in so we can scan for a trade post if you do it in the atmosphere you will find one on the planet you're on and there it is oh it's just right over here so let's hop over there because still you know 59 seconds is too long ain't nobody got time for that i don't think we've been to a trade post yet in this play through guys if you are enjoying this play through please hit that like button subscribe with notifications if you haven't already uh if you haven't figured it out this series comes out on tuesday thursday and saturday i'm doing three a week tuesday thursday saturday so uh oops i missed come on come on you can do it there we go got the green so first thing i gotta do is throw down a base computer this space is mine so we will claim it and uh we're good to go all right so now that we have that uh let's throw down some refiners now in order to have refiners we're definitely going to need some magnetized ferrite so let's go ahead and start getting that going oh we got some nanites in here very nice so let's go ahead and start cooking that ferrite dust we are going to need if we go into what is in general uh 100 magnetized ferrite 5. hydrogen jelly i bought some dihydrogen jelly didn't i i must have refined it all okay so let's go ahead and do 15 to start with and while we're here we're going to be checking out the ships that land that uh don't that are not ugly to see if there's one we want to buy because we're definitely going to need some more storage for what we're going to do oh they sell the hydra oh no that's me they sell the high jelly too yup okay oxygen we'll go ahead and buy that and i think i've got some salt but if not it's good to know they've got some here makes life easier they didn't have any magnetized fair i did that because that would be awesome no oh look at that see that's what i'm talking about right there all right we got a hundred magnetized spirits we can go ahead and make the first one let's go ahead and do that and while we're waiting on some more and i'm gonna make them right over here and let's see what we got to cook start with the salt so salt 2 1 will turn into chlorine so there we go we got four chlorine and then chlorine plus some oxygen uh is going to give you one chlorine plus two oxygen is going to give you six chlorine so that four will turn into 24. that 24 will turn into 144. you see where we're going right and uh that turns into a ton of money because these are 600 units apiece oxygen is only 34 apiece uh so that's uh that's good that's a good return and uh we'll keep doing that and while we're doing that go ahead and do one of these all right we've got another 100 so we'll throw down another one hold on let me get some get some chlorine out of here go cook that check our backpack got more throw down another one take that and then keep it going right all right so this is the chlorine that we are working on currently we will also be doing cobalt but i want to have some chlorine just because see there's a c-class 21 plus three not quite enough to buy that yet but we're getting real close now you can put down more refiners you just can't put down more than three right here um we'll put some down on the other side uh i need some more magnetosphere right just go ahead and cook all of that shall god all right so now we can throw another one down see this says it's too close but if you push it out just far enough then uh then you'll be good to go so will get another batch cooking and on this side we're actually going to take cobalt and we are going to turn it into ionized cobalt okay it uh two cobalt will turn into one ionized cobalt the reason we do that is because the ionized cobalt can then be multiplied the same way chlorine can by adding oxygen to it the reason i do this uh it's not worth as much okay but the reason i do this is because i can turn that ionized cobalt back into regular cobalt and every trade post and every space station that we visit is going to sell cobalt so we'll be able to flip it if we want to do the economy flipping thing and if you don't just sell it or sell the chlorine so i'm gonna make about a stack of chlorine so that i'll have enough money to buy a decent ship to be able to transport this stuff and then the rest i'm gonna do in ionize cobalt which i will then refine back into regular cobalt so it's going to take me i don't know 30 minutes to an hour to do so i'm gonna uh mess around here a little bit i'll cut in and out as i'm looking at ships and doing things and uh talk to these guys learn a few words while i'm at it what is up request dialect help uh let's go to the technology symbol scan now we are on the ar the part of the artemis quest line where they want us to go to uh talk to three different people now unfortunately this will not count um but we can still practice our language skills and learn some things while we work let's go with scanners because he just taught me the word scan uh and then he said some stuff practice language skills some more [Music] uh everywhere gave me a map which i'm not interested in traveler entity i'm afraid to say warren i don't want him to threat think i'm threatening him okay this one he is pleased by let's grab this ionized cobalt out of here we'll stick it into here and we need some more oxygen oh we got plenty bam right now if you can find a station that sells cobalt that are chlorine then that's definitely you can use chlorine to crash the economy the problem is i haven't run into one of those yet now i've noticed in the expedition uh so far the stations that we've been to have definitely had definitely had a chlorine for sale all right so let's go ahead and grab that and then i'm going to take half of this oxygen we're going to throw that in one of these guys and we're going to have all these refiners working hard for us and let's go ahead and put that there bam i am not having good luck uh learning the uh one of the free blueprints from these guys i don't know that i've learned any i wonder if that's i don't think they've changed that but uh i guess it would surprise me if they had now if you are just making stuff to sell and you're not flipping it uh to crash the economy then just do chlorine okay uh don't waste your time with the ionized cobalt if you're not going to economy flip if you're gonna if you're gonna economy clash economy if you're gonna economy crash then uh then go ahead with the ionized cobalt just because you're gonna be able to do it everywhere when i say ionized cobalt we're gonna turn it back into regular cobalt remember okay all right so while those are making ionized cobalt what i'm going to be doing is i'm going to be turning the ionized cobalt back into regular cobalt in this refiner here which is going to go two to one and what we need is about at least six eight stacks is ideal uh more than eight is is going to give you the best return uh eight stacks of cobalt or four stacks of ionized cobalt will get you a full economy crash all right so i've got almost two stacks of chlorine that's worth what uh six so that's worth uh 10 million so i'll have about almost 12 million total all right talk to some more of these guys uh unknown oh god i don't stop giving me maps dude i don't care now did i get credit i think i saw a check mark up here okay so i did um i did get credit for that talking to those aliens that calibrated my suit for me okay cool all right so the ferrite has restocked on that so i'm gonna make another refiner real quick to speed things up a little bit more and you can put three more down there uh at the bottom of this ramp as well so you can have nine going if you have the large refiners as well you can put two next to that so you can have five refiners you can have 15 refiners going it really is just uh up to you and how much you want to do all right there's a b class 25 let's go get that one it's the it's the uh the model we're looking for hey buddy no no no here come here uh let's make an offer all right so yeah he's got that he doesn't have the other one the tech is kind of meh should i i think i'm going to go with a b class it'll be fine we could keep waiting for an a class but uh let's go ahead and sell pouring yeah that's fine that'll be fine sell him that so now we've got 10 million 11 million uh i'm also while i'm here i'm pretty sure it's quarterback's cube i'll i'll go check i'm not gonna buy from this guy and just look around make sure nothing else cool has landed all right you stay there wait always like to check my options before i commit we're going to make an offer let's go negotiate price and we can buy it out right we're only going to save 400 000 a little less than 400 000 by swapping it so i'm just going to go ahead and buy it out right let's do it it is done and we'll go ahead and move the technology around so we got our ship now continue to do this all right so now we've got them all working on our ionized cobalt back into regular cobalt all right now i know as part of the next quest i'm gonna have to increase my rank with these guys so i wanted to look here offer gift one quarterback's casing okay see i can never remember exactly what it is they want and if you know what they want damn it then you could go to these guys at the trade post and they will all sell the uh the item that this race wants so yep journey milestone wasn't even paying attention all right here we go we want to buy items and i want corvax casings so let's go ahead and buy you know i'm just going to buy all of them and leave and then let's make this our primary again and we will throw the cobalt in there all right so while we're waiting we're going to go ahead and build a few things in here don't need a teleport receiver uh i'm just going to rewire that we're also going to want an economy scanner it's going to require more wire looms well i had some microprocessors i did then i need another microprocessor will you sell me one please yes and then i gotta get back closer again get that and then i need a wire loom uh and then i'm also gonna want to make was this guy have for weapons not much i'll hang off on that i'll hang off on the weapons all right these guys are starting to finish up now so let's go ahead and collect the last little bits for our ship and the cool thing about this is once you're ready to go you can just pack this stuff up go into your build menu uh hold down control and uh delete delete and you get your resources back just like that so we got a uh a mobile mobile refining operation going here all right it's got a minute left now we doing over here a little more than a minute all right all of those are done so let's go ahead and pack them up and you know what we're gonna get rid of this space too because we don't need it anymore so we're going to delete the base bam you may have your trade post back i am done with it all right now that whole thing i started recording as the intro was coming in and uh i am at 43 minutes right now so that whole thing probably took me 35 to 40 minutes to do i had about two and a half less than three stacks of oxygen and i've got one two three four five six seven eight almost nine stacks of cobalt plus i had a almost two stacks of chlorine which netted me 10 million bucks to buy this ship which gotta say i dig it why did i do that why did i leave why did i leave bob go back down is it still there can we still see it all right total fail total fail on my part while you're here no sense leaving like i just did so let's fly back in park next to our pillar smack into stuff totally uh wreck it all uh you got it please please work okay that's not the landing we're looking for now this whole series you've seen me jump in and out of my ship right this time i forgot to do it i totally thought i busted it look at that i landed on the rail on the rail guys uh if you can do that more power to you uh i don't think it's going to give to allow me to uh sell from there though because i don't have my teleport receiver so let's go ahead and move this guy right here so he is close enough oh look at that an exotic just showed up uh we're buying that we're buying that right now stop it no no no no no no dude i don't have time i don't have time i gotta sell stuff uh sell exo suit cobalt 17 million then we're going to buy it all back and you just hit this button and buy it all back and uh we should have a ton of money 18 million we'll take this exotic bam uh buy no no make an offer negotiate and it's only 18 slots but i mean come on right let's go ahead and buy it we'll take it thank you sir first exotic still got 9 million bucks uh we should still have all our cobalt let's go check we got too many ships bouncing around over here yep we still got all our cobalt we got 9 million bucks we got an exotic we're stupid rich if uh if you don't know what i did because it happened really fast let me break it down for you okay so we had us uh we had a full amount of cobalt uh or we had um eight almost nine stacks of cobalt right we still have the exact same amount of cobalt for the most part so what i did was i came over here to the trade station and uh if you notice all of these things have a a negative or a positive value to it so when i sold this i wasn't paying attention to the demand but it was somewhere probably close to zero within plus or minus 10 right so once i sold all of it it crashed the demand there was no more demand for cobalt because i sold them so much of it so the the lowest it'll go is about negative 80 80.5 i think is the absolute lowest i've seen so this one went to negative 80. so and they still had it all in there because i'm selling to this machine and not to an npc i was able to buy it all back at the good guy price of what uh 49 units a piece as opposed to the 200 i sold it for so i made that money and i got all my cobalt back on the spread i made the money on the spread okay now that will come back it'll take a couple days and the economy will route it right itself but uh but yeah that worked and we got an s-class out of it and uh we got another fighter so moving right along it's not mine is it no mine's down here all right so we got this bad boy and uh we're going to take it to the space station and do the same thing again only at the space station we're going to stock up on more cobalt because the pilots as they come in are also going to be selling cobalt and they're going to sell it at the same price that the station sells it for so we are going to stock up and then we won't have to worry about money and we can go play the game and explore now if you don't enjoy that if you want to do other stuff feel free you can just make it and sell it and not uh not buy it back if that's what you're into you can do other things you can basically the way to make money is to buy and sell stuff so figure out what you want to buy and sell or what you want to make and sell and go for it there are you can make massive stasis device farms zane from zane's world it's xaine if you're going to look it up uh has the mega stasis farm guide uh i'm not going to spend the time to make a stasis farm in early game it's it's really hard to do so this is how i get my early game money and let's go over here and we needed some wire looms as well right what do we need um three four wire loops so let's go ahead and buy some wire looms and do our little magical cobalt trick one more time uh we need to buy wire looms three four go ahead and buy those all right so if you notice here uh the cobalt demand is negative 7.2 okay so the price is 229 units apiece all right that's if we buy it now if we sell it it's not going to be we're not going to sell it for 229. if we go over here to the sell price and we go to our shift because that's where cobalt is it's the demand is negative 7.2 but if you go to 1 it's 183 okay so if you have the same demand negative 7 on both sides they're going to sell it to you for 229 and buy it from you at 183 that's the spread that's how the station makes its money you see so what we're doing is we're taking advantage of that spread by messing it all up by selling them all of it at once we're going to get 16 million so watch this 9.4 it's going to go to 16 and uh bam 25 million and then we're going to come in here and buy it all back now they've got 90 000 cobalt in here now and there's there we can buy it for 45 a piece so we sold it for 189 i think and now we're going to buy it back for 45 because the demand is negative 81.4 i think i said 80.5 and it must be 81.5 so if you just hit back once you'll get it all and uh we bought it at the good guy price and now we're up 21 million bam easy peasy right but the cool thing is if you've got a high traffic station which this one's medium traffic i guess you can come over to these guys and if you're in a three-tier economy which i think this is i can't remember we'll see in a second uh then they're gonna sell you two to three thousand cobalt a piece yeah and it's still negative eighty one point four or forty five a piece so we're gonna buy it we're actually going to put in our starship buy it bam and we're going to buy these guys out get a couple more stacks and then this kind of really can help you snowball so you can do this as long as you want now they eventually will run out but if you wait a few cycles it'll come back or you can reload or you can just move on so let's go ahead and buy from this guy as well oh remember to put it in the ship you want it all in the same spot okay you want to be able to sell it all in one go for the good price and get it in one spot to do that so let's go ahead and buy i'll take that and see i forgot to put it in my ship hey wait wait wait wait wait now if you're in a lower tier economy they're not going to sell as much cobalt so that's another reason why higher tier economies are better because they're going to sell two to 3 000 a piece which means you can stack it up quicker put that in my ship now you can also use this opportunity to buy more oxygen as well if you're gonna keep uh keep doing the things it's good to have at least a stack of oxygen or two around uh and i just kind of buy it as i go now at this point i'm kind of done mining uh i'm just gonna buy what i need from now on uh because i have plenty of money to do it so let's go ahead and just go ahead and get us some oxygen and uh anything else we need i don't see it so let's come to our ship go ahead and fix that go ahead and fix that there we go okay so this guy's selling cobalt again let's go ahead and put that in our ship uh you know what i need some ferrite dust so i'm just gonna go ahead and buy the amount of ferrite dust i'll get the oxygen might as well get the sodium definitely always need tritium in our ship so we don't run out um we are going to need pugneum to build stuff so let's go ahead and buy some pugnum i'm not going to buy all of it because i don't need that much but we'll buy yeah that's good sodium nitrate pure ferrite okay we're good thank you sir feels good to be able to buy stuff without worrying about it right get get that oh i need a magnetic resonator i need three of those those are harder to find to buy but we can go to the anomaly and learn the recipe five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen and a half all right so none of these dudes are selling me the magnetic resonator which is annoying check this oh all right so let's uh let's take matters into our own hands go to the anomaly and get our own all right we don't need these guys all right so i spent about 20 minutes no not even that about 15 minutes and um i was able to go from nine and a half to what 10 11 12 13 14. 13 and a half stacks so it does take a little bit while to uh to wait and buy and get stuff but you know you've got other stuff you can be doing as well multitasking you know all right so let's go into the anomaly and learn a magnetic resonator got 2 900 nanites 17 million and uh we need some more backpack slots so this is our next next item to work on it's going to be the backpack oh go go go almost didn't make it dude there's a a big diplodocus behind you all right uh over here what's up dude uh we need to know how to make that magnetized ferrite and ionized cobalt we don't have any ionized cobalt whatever will we do this this is what we'll do bam i think i'll go ahead and get a conflict scanner while i'm here it's only 150 nanites and that means we're gonna have to go take down a walker let's see is there anything else i really really want uh you know what i'm gonna i'm still gonna wait on those still gonna wait on those all right so let's go ahead and make three of those finish that up so now we've got some guns for our ship and i think we're good to go we just need some launch fuel right yes hyperdrive needs fuel let's go ahead and make a uh warp cell there we go now we don't have a walker brain so we can't uh put in the conflict scanner yet but getting pretty close all right so we've got a little bit of money uh we've got to make some more money we've got a money making scheme and it's going to require that we do some traveling so now that we have the economy scanner installed once we go to the galaxy map yeah we should be able to see yeah i'm uninterested in that all right so it's telling me where the atlas is all right let go let me do what i want to do free explore that's what i'm talking about all right uh so i'm looking for three star and you can see the uh race okay so here's a three star gek right there it's only 17 light years let's go just like where we came from doesn't it first contact uh looks like they are at war though it said on the conflicts so not gonna be great from a uh well what is that flourishing planet star ball okay but it does have high sentinel activity uh so star bulb is means it's going to be a nice planet now soon enough we're going to be getting our freighter you get your freighter it used to be the fifth jump but i think they've moved it around a little bit so we'll see i've done this will be my third or second this will be my second jump i jumped once and then i didn't jump back i uh i teleported back so this is only my second warp see what we got going on here let's go over here first and work on our backpack inventory and i'm going to continue to work technology checking for upgrades nothing good see what kind of ships are landing haulers because it's a get place so if we wanted to pick up a hauler i mean that's not a bad one as far as the price her uh storage thing goes how about you i really don't need to talk to you i don't know why i'm doing that let me just decline that straight out multi-tool oh look we've got an alien multi-tool alien i'm thinking this is it no it's not alien it's just got horns it's just a horny multi-tool it's not an alien tool uh yeah your tools horny bro need to work on that all right uh nothing out here huh okay we got one pick this up for some encrypted nav data which will also yield us nanites sometimes and run back here all right so here the demand is negative three and and of course they sell what i needed but that's okay uh periphery amoronium okay so we're going to come to our starship let's sell i'll go ahead and dump the silver to get that out of there so we're going to sell this now we're going to make sell it for almost 25 million sell it gets us to 42 we're going to come here buy it back and now see it says 9999 we can't buy it all in one go but we're gonna buy it and then if you notice there's still some more so we just do it again and we're at 35 million very nice sorry about your economy there gentlemen at least for cobalt and now we can come by a few more if we'd like snacks to keep this snowball going now i'm kind of pressed for time so i'm not gonna spend a lot of time doing this i'll pick up some here and there see now these guys this is a three star they're selling forty five hundred instead of two thousand so i think i said two to three thousand before i was wrong that's what they sell on the oxygen and a three star cobalt they're going to sell almost half a stack so let's go ahead and buy all of this at the good guy price now this is where you want to this is where we should have been hanging out for 15 minutes not the other place come on bob i teach these people correct all right anything else now uh i know a lot of people like to refine goop in the nanites so if you're doing this you may want to throw some goop in your backpack refiner and turn it into some nanites along the way i'm not a big fan of that it seems to always be in the way when i want to refine something else so i just don't uh i just don't do that all right let's get that how's our ship looking very nice we're gonna have to get a bigger one soon and now we can start thinking about now that is a good ship to scrap so let me teach you some ship scrapping while we're here all right dude uh i appreciate the cobalt um i'm gonna need you to walk home though okay because i'm gonna take your a class ship and it's only it only costs 1.2 million okay and now i'm rich now that's not to worry about it okay so i'm gonna go ahead and i'm gonna buy this wait yeah i'm gonna buy it all right so now i've got this ship i'm gonna smash this technology up get that into my exo suit and then i am going to do a little bit of cleanup because i don't have enough space to scrap in my uh my current exo suit so let me uh come over here we'll put the tritium in the ship we'll put the cobalt in the ship let's take uh we'll put that in there put that in there is that full yes that's full that should be good and now we can move this translator into this technology slot that we just purchased give us even more room turn that and put that in the ship and put that over here there we go lots of room feeling good and then we will go and uh get the ship back now that this one's our primary we're gonna scrap it so my rule of thumb for scrapping is two and a half to three million and under uh b class and up uh so if i see an a class for 1.2 million i'm totally going to snatch that up and scrap it and we're going to claim scrap now you're going to lose 30 so it's going to cost us you know a few hundred thousand dollars to do this but again i'm not worried about money anymore so let's go ahead and claim the scrap because we're looking for nanites and storage augmentation and bam i got a storage dog now that was lucky okay so i got a storage augmentation let's go ahead and grab this and then we're going to come here and we're going to sell so we got about 600 nanites for that and a storage augmentation now you're not going to get a storage augmentation every time or even most of the time okay so don't uh don't give me a lot of problems i'll be like i'd never get stored it's it's luck okay and as we've established already bob stupid lucky right now it's going to bring back your first your oldest ship in my experience and that happens to be the radiant pillar but this one's still here so i can jump in and out of this one make this my primary again and uh now that i've done that i can add my storage augmentation to this ship and make it have another spot so now here's the deal okay you have to decide do you want to keep this forever or are you just doing this for a little extra space now okay uh if i'm doing it for a little extra space now then i'm probably going to stick it here as opposed to technology even though moving into technology will allow me to move some of this stuff into technology but i know that i'm going to sell this or scrap it eventually the value is going to be increased by putting uh cargo or storage augmentation here in the general it will not be increased by putting it into the technology in my experience so putting it in tech or putting it in general is going to give you more money when you go to scrap it or trade it later so let's go ahead and upgrade it and we're going to apply augmentation and bam apply augmentation there we go so we did that didn't cost us anything and what would it have cost us i think it said like 11 million uh let's upgrade it i did it so quick i wasn't i didn't notice it yeah twelve million units to upgrade the augmentation and we basically spent three hundred thousand units three or four hundred thousand units to get six hundred day nights and to get that so i'd say that's a that's a good deal go ahead and put that back in my exo suit and we need to sell some scrap now i had someone comment down below uh in my last video i think about this guy now this is a if you want to sell some stuff real quick and there's nobody on the landing pad this is and this is the closest guy you can come over here you just select purchase old scrap and go to sell and then you can sell stuff to this guy just like before buying stuff is going to require tainted metal and we haven't gotten there yet you get tainted metal on the derelict freighters uh but we will get there eventually okay so let's sell this guy that that that and that we also got some ionized cobalt apparently in that deal i'm just going to take that and turn it into cobalt and stack it with the rest bam love that portable refiner all right so let's go ahead and grab a little bit more cobalt and then we will keep moving oh dude i didn't even see you there i was looking right over your head sorry bud don't get mad at me it's not my fault you're short oh there's an interesting looking fighter it's got a little bit of green on it i don't hate it trying to point out the green that i don't hate for all of those people who think i don't always hate green no matter what just to show you guys oh that's an s-class look there s-class uh three million okay so we're going to scrap this one too yes we are because it hits my criteria and we'll get some nanites out of it so let's go ahead and buy items we'll get the cobalt take that first all right and then um sir i'm gonna buy this ship from you if that's all right uh make an offer yep so negotiate price all right now you can own up to six ships okay um hey we needed some copper we got some when when i do a little bit of ship swapping again because we still don't have a ton of room so let's go ahead and grab that now i got three ships on the pad right now so put that in there put that in there hopefully that'll be enough room if not we'll uh we'll make room oop oop i gotta get the right uh gotta get the right ship all right so let's claim the scraps so we're going to lose 900 000 on this deal but okay inventory's full that's what i was afraid of good thing we've got two ships here that we can stuff stuff in i'll go ahead and put the copper in here and put that in there as well and we'll put the pugnum in there all right i think we're ready hey there's another one that isn't a c-class all right so we'll claim the scrap or we'll try to at least give it all right we got it all right so on that one we got four s-class upgrades and a storage augmentation oh that was hella worth it all right hello worth it so purchase upgrades we're going to go to sell so let's see 450 i mean basically 1800 uh just under 2 grand 2 000 nanites so we're 3109 yeah yeah so 1905 nanites is what we just got that's what's up and it's just about kind of paying attention right all right so this should be our primary now um i'll go ahead and take the copper and the pugnum i think i'm good here let's uh for the storage augmentation in this ship apply augmentation bam you have been augmented successfully all right now we gotta sell that stuff all right so i'm gonna sell to this guy this time because he's right here on the pad let's go buy we want to sell that that that that and that we'll go ahead and buy what's that you got anything else no we're good all right so now that we've got that going let us hit hit the space and hit the economy scanner now translator calibration 100 find a live form to ask okay so the marker has appeared in this system the markers will follow you sometimes so potential assistance is over here uh let's go see what the potential assistance is all right did you see it move again yeah i knew it was right here trying to trick me all right so this is the person we are supposed to talk shoot just occurred to me i s because i left systems i bought the wrong thing okay oh friend get trade protocol for gibbs transactions with beings of unknown credit history that's all right uh through the garble of the artemis translators clear that i am yet to make an impact on the geck i need to improve my reputation all right so this is where the game teaches you about reputation and it tells you to raise your standard with two gek now there's a couple ways to do that um and i'm gonna try it uh let's go ahead and sell first i'm gonna sell uh this stuff because i am not in a quarterback system anymore and i don't need it and i'm gonna buy two of those 100 grand damn it so now you can do this by talking to these guys uh or by um just giving them a gift now it's quicker to just give them a gift bam so that says one of two then we'll come over here now if you talk to these guys and you give get the right answer you can do this for free so you may want to give that a try first if you don't have a lot of money but uh i'm good here we go i'm done i'm done where are you at there you are you moved on me bro all right as i approach the life form their beak begins to click a strange gas issuing forth it is unclear if artemis translator is working ask for information about the star system resist the gas let's ask for information the life form shakes their head disappointed in me i try to resist smelling the gas but the odor permeates my exosuit vents even my life support system i'm filled with an overwhelming desire to purchase things uh offer units for information i offer units of the geck repeating my request for information the gex smiles the gas receding they appear to have found the entire exchange amusing yeah you gassed me and made me buy stuff yeah yeah in exchange for this amusement they offer to decode the star chart for free strange behavior for first greeting friend trade federation please to establish new customer friend please pass me the data for examination give him the star chart i asked the life form to decode the star chart and provide a route to artemis's location your data appears to be fabricated friend or possibly corrupted no such location exists you can ask me if they made a mistake and they'll say no i'm just gonna say thanks and leave it is a pleasure to do business with you friend uh you risk offending them by doing that but it'll be fine all right so artemis's star chart says nothing so now we got to return to space and uh tell artemis that uh yours chart no working but first we'll teach these geck a lesson in uh economic terrorism by crashing the cobalt market you ready 34 million this time uh and that's plus two very nice sell it 67 and we'll buy it all back and we net 58 million nice starship that's what you get geck all right there you are because i found high ground i think when you arrive i'll fire my multi-tool into the air to mark my location what's wrong why aren't you saying anything tell artemis the truth i tell artemis the locals could not decipher their star chart the alien even went so far as to claim the stars did not exist that's impossible i can't have traveled that far from chartered space you found my ship suggest they're wrong ask how he got there let's ask him how he got there as i speak the line begins to crack with interference artemis looks up at the stars in panic the stars they've altered since i made that chart blinked out and because how is this possible what happened to me i need to get out of here i need to because it is quiet at first but it is there unmistakable growing steadily louder with each passing moment a sound beneath their words a sound as if glass could scream ask what is happening they're coming for me i can see them smell them i discovered the glyphs for a portal traveler a gateway between worlds i thought that would lead me to another of our kind but now i don't even know if the voice was real alright if you can smell them i'm thinking it's a geck i don't trust those guys the pathway collapsed while i was still inside it i found this place in the darkness i thought perhaps it was a planet i because i was so wrong i can see their faces i ex there are seeds of glass within there as for the glyphs remain silent let's ask for the glyphs they're gone my data fragmented in the cause i just wanted to discover worlds i wanted to find other travelers i didn't because 16 war on your face it please not yet i'm not the signal cuts off as if crackles into it as it crackles into oblivion i hear the name through the static apollo register id a frequency for apollo has been added to my hollow terminus contacts i got two contacts in my iphone nice alright so we will bring news of artemis to nada and polo let's do it i want to check this planet out even though it's got hostile sentinels all right weather is temperate sentinel's ever present floor bountiful fauna battlefall so this is not a bad planet we could make this our home go ahead and grab these anytime you see these red things you can go ahead and grab them it's nav data for the most part sometimes you get other stuff i think look like i just got drop pod coordinated data oh we got two of those nice oh we got some funky stuff here now can can these be our pets i think they can come here we can holy smokes look at that dude um can i have an extrusion thank you and now uh now you will be my friend come here are you excited here don't worry it's okay why am i why am i in the grass all right i don't like that camera angle let's try this let's try this a different way there we go gentle pat gentle pat you enjoy the attention don't you new creature adopted aren't you a funky little dude here i got some food for you too have a treat i have another one just because i wanted out of my inventory now we can't ride this because of the size but uh i've never seen anything quite like it so i'll adopt it until i get tired of them and uh leave them somewhere i mean find him a good home let's check this plane out a little bit see if we like it i kind of dig it now if you find a vertical surface and you look straight ahead you can get all the way to the top of it without using your uh without running out of jetpack i should say if you notice it's not going down as long as i keep a vertical look then uh we're good to go we can build on top of one of these things that'd be interesting hmm what was that i'm sure i've lost my buddy by now oh no he's still trying to keep up whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa oh look at that that looks like moss hanging down oh i like this area it's just so cool i know i've never tried to incorporate other buildings into my build but that might be fun to try what we need to do is we need to get a new multi-tool and we need to get a survey device i don't want to plan a base now without a survey device because i want to be able to have electromagnetic um power that is a given i need electromagnetic power because i i don't want to do solar panels so let's uh let's get our ship over here and we're going to leave it here for today guys this is survival bob saying if you're going to be a bob have fun with it if you enjoyed this episode make sure you hit that like button we made a bunch of money we made some more nanites today uh we've got the things we got a new friend man it has been a good it has been a good good day
Channel: SurvivalBob
Views: 128,046
Rating: 4.9364257 out of 5
Keywords: How to make money and nanites in no man's sky 2021, how to make money in no man's sky 2021, make money in no man's sky 2021, make money in no man's sky, no man's sky, no mans sky, no man's sky prisms gameplay, no man's sky gameplay 2021, how to make money in no mans sky, how, to, make, money, no, man's, sky, 2021, prisms, update, nanites, nanites in no man's sky, no man's sky money, no man's sky money guide, no man's sky nanites, make money no mans sky, how to make money no mans sky, nmsb
Id: yWcCgXhTbn0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 16sec (3376 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 12 2021
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