🏆 The Glorious Beginners Guide to No Man's Sky Frontiers - How to Play No Man's Sky Gameplay in 2021

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So I crash the market only with cobalt? I just sell ionised cobalt and chlorine and buy only the normal cobalt back?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/nWo89-_-Saelen 📅︎︎ Oct 04 2021 🗫︎ replies
welcome to the perfect beginner's guide for no man's sky frontiers i'm going to show you all my secrets on how to get yourself a really good multi-tool we're going to pimp it out all the way i'm going to help you upgrade every single general technology and cargo slot to their maximum while we do it we're gonna make over three billion i'm gonna help you find a new ship we're gonna pimp that out all the way as well i will also show you how to get a free capital class freighter not even gonna cost you a single penny i'm gonna build a really awesome base on this as well while we're making our money and upgrading our suit well i'm going to show you exactly how to get all your glyphs once you have all your glyphs together i'm going to show you how to get a cheese maker of your very own that gun is so totally glorious but before we can do that we must start a fresh save prepare yourself traveler this guide is packed with every single tip i use to progress quickly the tips in this guide can be used in any mode normal survival even permadeath when you start out with a fresh save you're not going to have very much environmental protection so you really need to find a cave [Music] in order to survive you need to find sodium and oxygen [Music] to fix your multi-tool you're going to need to find carbon as well as ferrite dust here we go we're just about to be able to play this is the beginning of greatness the direction i am facing right now is the direction of my crash ship the main reason why all smart travelers look for caves in the beginning well there are these hazardous flora plants all over the place and they will always drop either oxygen or sodium considering you're going to need a stash of sodium to re-up your hazard protection and you're gonna definitely need some oxygen if you plan on breathing caves are the place to go caves will always recharge your environmental protection for free that's pretty awesome just watch out for those daggone poisonous plants inside and out that gas is no joke at this point my environmental protection is getting really low i'm going to have to stay out here and mooch just about as long as i possibly can then we're going to run inside and duck for cover i definitely need to scarf up some more ferrite dust and i hope i have enough carbon and if i don't i hope i can farm that inside the cave because i need to get this multi-tool repaired as soon as possible when you get inside the cave make sure you farm as much of this cave marrow as possible a little later in the video i'm going to show you how to refine that down to sodium which is your environmental protection you need tons of that now that we're safe in the cave i'm going to toggle my camera view just so i could see my little dude there you are man that's my little dude well at least before we change his skin now let's get back to work this cave looks pretty cool it doesn't look like i can find any ferrite dust in here but i can find all kinds of carbon and i can mine that in complete and total safety away from the elements i'm gonna take full advantage of that before i run out of mining juice i might as well show you how to mine effectively now it all has to do with keeping your laser beam as hot as you possibly can the hottest it turns red and you're gonna be doing 100 damage all the time now the trick is is to turn your laser on and off but keep it on mostly try not to let it overheat you're gonna be doing a hundred damage most of the time well until you run out of juice and you're gonna have to recharge your laser that is after i get my mining beam charged up let's see if we can get this multi-tool fixed now i hope i got enough ferrite dust i'm not sure ah it's pretty close i only need two more well that's dumb hope i guess we're heading back outside into the harsh environments i know i have plenty of sodium but it's pretty stupid when you only need two more i just need to find one more rock and i'd have been fine um hello mcfly where okay there's one over there gosh there's like hardly any ferrite dust here at all let's just hope i can find a lot more of that later in the meantime we're going to get this scanner repaired definitely have enough ferrite dust now while we're at it let's install an analysis visor this is going to help me get secondary drops it's going to take a carbon nanotube that's simple enough to make from carbon there we go let's get it installed in the multi-tool and there we go now i can get the secondary drops from all elements that i scan seeing so we have ourselves a perfectly good cave i might as well run in there and scan from the safety of a perfect environment where i'm not going to get bucked down by the elements in the very beginning of the game scanning and then uploading every plant animal and mineral you find is a decent way to make nanites now don't get too focused on that mostly i'm just here to try to find a good secondary element drop i mean seriously who doesn't love scanning for precious little life forms there you go little squid creature i don't know what the heck you are but i'm going to scan you too for nanites this is the one time basically in my gameplay that i scan absolutely every single thing that i can find because after i get off this planet get my new base set up i'm not going to have to worry about money or elements anymore because i'm going to be able to buy absolutely everything caves are also another great place to find humming sacks they're going to give you albion pearls you can also find vortex cubes in some caves as well now i'll be in pearls and vortex cubes aren't worth a whole heck of a lot of money but to a noob like us right now if we can afford the bag space we can afford to loot them for a bit i'm gonna spend a decent amount of time in this cave maybe 15 minutes or so i'm gonna farm up as much of the carbon as i possibly can i'm also going to farm up as much cobalt as i can that element right there is a key to our success when we're making billions in no man's sky the really neat thing is we're getting salt as a secondary element drop salt can be turned into chlorine then chlorine can be mass-produced on a large scale making you hundreds of millions in a very short period of time operation mooch the cave was a complete success so let's start scarfing up some of these dihydrogen crystals um looks like i forgot to analyze that plant so i'll worry about that later the hydrogen crystals are used as rocket fuel for your spaceship so you want to make sure you have a decent amount of this on hand especially in the beginning when you're out in the wild on a planet surface there will always be these ugly looking plants that have these gassy pods if you pick those you actually get oxygen for them they always have three pots whenever you're done picking them well if you can just blow them up and get even more oxygen it's just really a win-win situation when you're out on the planet no matter where you're going you're always looking for as much sodium as you can find they will always be those glowing little yellow plants whenever you come across these damaged machinery you always want to go up there open it up you're going to get a piece of slime that can be refined in a nan night slater but more importantly you either get nan nights or you're going to get some kind of upgrade that you can sell for nanites if you ever find these blue deuterium plants they give you an endless supply of rocket boost for a very short period of time what this does is just helps you cover a really big distance without having to run all the way there all right well that was easy looks like we made it to the ship now it's just time to start the ship quest which you're gonna have to figure out on your own don't worry it's really simple i just don't want to spoil anything for you once you finish off that little bit of the story line we're going to have to go out and get a hermetic seal but in the meantime we're going to need to repair as much of the ship as we possibly can with what we can let's quickly make it to hydrogen jelly so we can get that launch thruster repaired don't worry we can get the pure fare right here in just a little bit after i make this portable refiner first things first though let me get all that marrow bulb that we farmed up in the cave turned into sodium i'm going to need that on the next leg of the journey when we're going to go get our hermetic seal these personal refiners do require fuel you can use either condensed carbon or carbon once it's in there you can begin the process it'll get the job done let's turn some of our stash of ferrite dust into pure ferrite we can get the other part of the ship repaired then we'll go track down that hermetic seal with this last bit of ferret dust we will have the ship repaired as much as we possibly can now it is up to you to do the remaining part of the ship quest in order to track down the hermetic seal the one thing i will mention though is on the way to get your hermetic seal there will always be a storm so be prepared for that traveler whenever you find these green crates make sure you loot that rust as well because it can be refined down to ferrite dust and in the beginning you need as much ferrite dust as you can get your hands on when you arrive on location there will almost always be a damaged machinery you can get yourself some more slime or rust it doesn't matter your ultimate goal is to get nanites right away or something you can sell once inside you will complete a little mini quest that has to do with your storyline you'll get the hermetic seal you're now free to head back to your ship make sure you're stocked up on a bunch of carbon as well as ferrite dust made it back to the ship i'm refining all that rust into ferrite dust while i'm at it i might as well upload all of these discoveries i found with the discovery scanner turning them into nanites i'm mostly just trying to ensure that once i run across the advanced mining laser i do have enough nand knights to purchase it alright done done done drum roll looks like we made 104 nanites that's not too bad with what i've found so far we definitely have enough for the laser hopefully this ferrite dust is just about finished cooking up yep looks like it's almost done we're gonna get the ship repaired and get the heck on out of here once i lift off the ground i really try my very best to plow through as much of the quest as possible make sure that you have your awakenings quest line targeted in the log section and then fly up into orbit at this point the game is going to want to teach you how to fly your ship i just like to take this time right now to farm up a few asteroids we will need gold we will need silver and we will need tritium in order to complete a lot of the quest lines here in a little bit once you learn how to fly your ship you will be sent to a signal source location this is where you're going to get your terrain manipulator once you've landed all you need to do is bust out your scanner and it is going to tell you the direction that you need to run in order to find the signal source once you find the signal source you will be able to download the plans for the terrain manipulator you will also receive the blueprint for the base computer this gives you the ability to claim an area and then throw down a base anywhere you want we now have our base computer and our terrain manipulator it is now time to put down roots and build our very first new base now i like to do that at a trading post just like this or add a minor settlement now this planet does have ancient bones on the surface which is a good way to make money but since you can't always count on that i'm not going to really show much of that in this video once you place your base computer you can now claim the base this is going to make sure that there are no other base computers in the area and if there aren't this entire location is now yours only you or your friends that you allow can build here in just a little bit we're going to have to go searching for buried technology in order to get to that technology we're going to have to create the terrain manipulator looks like i need to make a couple nanotubes that's going to be simple enough once we have this terrain manipulator in here this guide's really going to start taking off once we get our base pimped out interacting with your base computer for the second time will give you the ability to download a whole bunch of base building blueprints you can use to create your newbie castle let's get to building the very moment that you place your first block you're gonna get a warning that a storm is incoming this happens every single time you start building your first base just get the walls up as fast as you can and make sure you get the roof to cover you i like to go at least two stories high never fear traveler at this point in the game you have stocked up on plenty of sodium you're likely going to get this roof on anyway before you even take any hazard damage that is if you didn't wait to the very last second to farm carbon because if you did right now you're going to find yourself in a little bit of trouble and you're going to waste a whole bunch of your sodium stash i created and placed a few more refineries it's now time to create the construction research unit this is going to be how we pimp out our little newbie starting base in just a bit i'm going to show you how to find buried technology you're going to need a whole bunch of that we're gonna need to get this portal turned on and every single thing we need to keep it on well i'm out looking for buried technology and i ran across an ancient burial site this planet is relatively special you can't count on this happening each and every single time your system might not even have a planet or moon that has these there but since they're here i'm going to mooch up this one site just to show you how much money you can make if you find a decent amount of the good bones and by good bones i mean anything that's not blue it's either purple or yellow there we go that's a purple that's gonna be worth a decent amount of space bones scarfed up the last bone of course it's a blue and there you go i ended up with one purple and three blues when looking for bird technology you're looking for two things you're looking for that white shield shape right there or you're looking for a piece of damaged machinery damaged machinery almost in every case will have a piece of buried technology right next to it once you've yanked up all your nanites notice how there is a little blue shield shape on the ground right there that signifies that there is varied technology right there all you have to do is dig it up with your terrain manipulator and there you go this is where rng's this plays in a little bit you can get between one and four salvage datas with each dig most of the time you're gonna get two sometimes you're gonna get four i ended up snagging 26 salvage data which is pretty awesome let me show you how much money we're going to make by selling these bones that's 400 and some thousand just for that purple that's pretty freaking amazing let's get that last blue bone sold and it looks like we're gonna be around 800 and some thousand that's pretty daggone and awesome considering i just started the game with 26 salvage data you can research every single blueprint on this construction research terminal for now i'm gonna buy everything else except for this health station and the protection unit the save beacon and the signal booster i'm just going to go ahead and snag that up right now anyways we're not going to need it right away but we will need that much later in the game time to place the base teleport module after we get that done we're going to need to place a biofuel reactor and then wire them up together in order to complete a little bit of our base quest now remember all that slime i've been looting earlier on in the video well you can refine that down to runaway mold which then can be turned into nanites more importantly though we need magnetized ferrite and you can make that from pure ferrite within your refinery not only did i need magnetized ferrite i had to create a little bit more condensed carbon just so i could throw down two batteries you can make condensed carbon just by putting carbon in your refinery let's get these two batteries wired up to the biofuel reactor which will connect it to the portal itself after that we're gonna go up on the roof and then make a bunch of solar panels well i don't have any chromatic metal and in order to get that i need to mine copper now the reason why i was able to make my base computer earlier i just destroyed that missile rack in my ship which gives you 100 copper which you can then refine down into 50 chromatic metal well i'm a little bit short to make these solar panels so i need to mine up a bunch of copper real fast back at the base i got all the chromatic metals sorted and i have plenty of gold from mining those asteroids earlier in the video i'm just gonna make three solar panels that's gonna be plenty of power for this newbie base time to get everything wired up unfortunately it's still considered night time so i'm not gonna be getting any power from these solar panels anytime soon we're gonna have to use the biofuel reactor anyways to get this portal started when refilling your biofuel reactor just make sure you don't drop your entire stack of carbon or oxygen on that because it will totally and completely piss you off if you do that then you're not going to have any of that stack you're going to have to get more this newbie base is pretty much set up we have a portal where we can go anywhere we've ever been as well as come right back to this newbie base whenever we need to once you have your newbie starter base all set up what you need to do is bust out the awakenings quest as fast as you can this is going to help you get warp cells so you can go anywhere you want while you're at it you might as well change what your little tune looks like once you get onto the space stations while you're in the process of doing your awakenings quest you will always be given the opportunity to find a crashed ship and if you're lucky it's going to be a super good ship chances are it's going to be better than the one you start with at least at these crash ships you will always be given a puzzle to complete sometimes it's just as easy as extracting the records and lookie there i just found an advanced mining laser that's totally win ah well unfortunately she is a c-class and she is pretty damaged no worries on the damage we can get that sorted later now the only thing that's left to do is claim this ship now we are the proud owners of two ships at this point i have completed all of the awakenings quests up to the point where i can finally get on the space anomaly and i also repaired some of those damaged components in this s-class hauler just to increase the value so i can scrap it for later and man oh man does it seem like a lot of people are enjoying playing no man's sky frontiers just look how packed the anomaly is it's freaking crazy once you do a little questing on the anomaly head over to the construction research terminal snag yourself up this medium refiner right after that get yourself a large refiner snag up the roamer geo bay that's a really cheap vehicle to help you grab more buried technology you can waste your time buying these cuboid rooms i didn't need to do that right now but more importantly you need to get the galactic trade terminal at this point in the game you have completed the warp cells quest you can go absolutely anywhere you want within the euclid galaxy right now it is time to make a whole boatload of money and in order to do that we're gonna need a ton of oxygen i'm basically gonna let every single bit of money i have burn a hole in my pocket by buying a bunch of oxygen off these little ship guys that land on the space stations once you purchase all the oxygen you can afford head back to your newbie starter base to build as many medium refineries as you can the more the better now that your medium refineries are in place it is now time to turn that little bit of cobalt you have into a whole bunch of ionized cobalt we're also going to turn that little bit of salt that we had into chlorine and then mass produce that stuff by converting it with oxygen well when you know it i ran out of oxygen and i need more oxygen money so it is time to say goodbye to the radiant pillar that i started with on this safe goodbye precious little ship you served me well not too worried about it though i always get a really snazzy s-class exotic here just a little bit anyway whenever you need to sell any type of blueprint just come over to any of those vendors on the left side that offer them for sale go to the sell section and then just sell off everything you have here's my first sale of chlorine now it's not going to be a lot because i left a full stack of chlorine in each of my refineries this is just the overflow it's just enough to get us to just under 17 million one of the other things i love to do at this stage in the game while i'm buying oxygen and trying to build up my money making abilities is to scrap any a or b-class ships that are really super cheap now haulers and some fighters will be expensive just focus on the nice cheap ships don't forget to dismantle all the extra pieces in the ship before you scrap it that antimatter right there is going to make you a whole bunch of free warp cells you can sell everything else if you want possibly keep some of the wiring looms every time you buy one of these cheap ships head over to the scrapper and scrap it down you're going to get a whole bunch of components you can sell on the ship guys and you'll also get some blueprints you can sell them the vendors just to the right of here your ultimate goal is to earn nanites as well as a big pile of these storage augmentations they can be used to add free slots to your starships in the technology or the general section i'm basically going to be saving those storage augmentations for when i can find a nice s-class exotic still buying oxygen and scrapping ships when i came across this really ugly little s-class shuttle i think i'll just take this one for now until i find my pimp-looking s-class exotic once you exchange your ship like that in order to get a better buy price head back over there talk to the npc you're gonna be able to buy it right back for free at that point you can keep it or scrap it it's totally up to you i'm basically broke as hell again but i have turned all of that oxygen into a whole bunch of chlorine and ionized cobalt it is now time to have a freaking massive payday during that time of buying oxygen and scrapping ships ended up making over 6 000 nanites if you play in survival mode or permadeath you understand that stack sizes are 250 or 500 this makes selling large quantities of items difficult that's why i like to build next to a trading post or a small settlement for normal mode it's easy though just like making that 90 million right there that was relatively easy and did not take me very long to make here we are 22 minutes later let's do this one more time then i'm gonna turn the remaining ionized cobalt that i have in my refineries back into cobalt we're gonna start our next leg of the journey where we're gonna upgrade our suits and get our glyphs when you know it the first time i came to the anomaly i forgot to buy my personal refiner so since i'm here i'm gonna snag that up and snag up anything else i feel like buying while i'm here don't worry about letting your nano knights burn a hole in your pocket you're gonna be making tens of thousands of nanites while we're scrapping ships upgrading our suit and getting our glyphs so just go ahead and buy whatever in the heck you want because you'll be buying every single blueprint that these vendors have to offer you know i should be upgrading my suit slots but i literally can't just stop scrapping ships making tons of nanites and selling chlorine right here at my daggone little newbie base now i'm over 300 million time to install the economy scanner i bought at the anomaly this is gonna help us only go to wealthy systems from now on with the help of the economy scanner we're only going to go to wealthy systems and those are advanced affluent booming flourishing high supply opulent prosperous and wealthy these systems will have the highest amount of stock for minerals and gases and i will also get a bonus to finding s-class ships and freighters in these systems so this is the fourth system i've been to now since i've started this fresh save and every single time you come to the space station you can upgrade a backpack general technology or cargo slot this is my fourth upgrade and i'm going to add this to my general slot but if you are playing either survival or permadeath you most definitely want to upgrade your cargo inventory first after i have checked to see if the multi-tool in the cabinet sucked which it did i am now going to go ahead and rename this system and since it is a geck energy supply affluent i'll just name this geck sup a flu i know it's kind of dumb but that's what i do all that's left to do now is just upload it for 15 nanites i'm gonna do this for each system that we visit according to my stop watch i have been playing no man's sky for four hours and two minutes straight and if that's true this very next stop we make is gonna be a freighter encounter whenever you rack up four hours of gameplay on your save you will always run into a freighter encounter every single time you warp to a new system well we're fixing to lay the smack on these bad guys and if we like this freighter we might keep it chances are i'm gonna just pass on it so i can get an even better one next time man these photon cannons totally suck now i'm all freaking excited about my next freighter battle four hours from now where i barely look at these guys with my s-class ship sneeze on them and they die these look like the last two bad guys take that you daggone scumbags take that once you have defeated all these ships the admiral of the ship will contact you ask you to land and if you want you can get this freighter for free or accept some kind of random reward speaking with the admiral will give you three options you can inspect the freighter request payment instead or decline now check her out she is a b class kind of an old beaters 80 model i don't think we want this one and since i'm basically space greedy well i'm just gonna request payment instead whatever it is it's better than nothing and i can definitely use that chromatic metal i've warped a three new system since you last seen me i wanted to show you this moment with the traveler now i didn't want to show you his first question because it has to do with laura but if you ask him a second question and pay him a hundred nanites you can find his grave location once you arrive on location just hop out of your ship run over to his grave marker and then interact with the marker itself had to skip a little bit of lore all you have to do is extract the glyph and now you have your very first glyph you need 16 total to go anywhere in the galaxy whenever you are searching traveler graves and you happen to land on one of these really strange looking planets make sure you scan the strange looking fauna that's there you only need to scan one and when you do you can upload that then claim the nand knights bonus as well as the zoology bonus that you're going to receive as well it's pretty awesome of course i forgot to hit the record button when i find this 19 slot s-class exotic of course i did at this point i have scrapped a whole bunch of ships and got a bunch of free storage augmentations it's now time to pimp out this s-class exotic that i want to max the slots out on eventually she went from a 19 slot all the way up to a 39 slot yeah i love scrap and ships space cheddar one is ready to go i have some of the important upgrades on her most importantly the economy scanner as well as the hyperdrive boosters this is going to cut down on fuel costs quite considerably from now on i am going to be warping from system to system in a never-ending loop until i get all of my backpack slots technology and cargo upgraded i get all 16 of my glyphs and i find a half decent multi-tool after you upgrade one of your slots make sure to check each of these vendors if you feel like it for upgrades because they'll all sell them and they might have something decent snag up all the navigation down to nanites when you find it laying around on the space station and always come to the cabinet and check out the multi-tool after you get done checking everything duck into this room here to the left and see if there's any travelers in here if you don't see any travelers in here head over to the terminal and sell all your cobalt this is going to crash the market drastically once you have crashed the market you're free to go back to the buy terminal every single one of these will have cobalt for sale so you can buy it right back up at a huge discount we'll be heading to the other side of the space station and while i'm at it i might as well tell you because i think i forgot if you need a bunch of cobalt just turn all that ionized cobalt right back into cobalt by putting the ionized cobalt into your refinery you'll get two pieces of cobalt for every piece of ionized cobalt you put in there if you ever want to stock up in any more cobalt at this point it's just easy to go over to any of these little spaceship guys when they land on the space stations and buy extra cobalt there at the crash price we're just about at the end of the run i'm going to make on every single space station no matter what the layout is our main goal though is to find all of our daggone travelers so i can get these 16 glyphs nailed out as soon as possible it's been about an hour and 15 minutes since you last saw me but i wanted everybody to be here for the moment that i crossed one billion space bones and i ended up getting my 10th glyph in the same system things are really starting to come together 20 minutes later of non-stop warping and searching every single space station later i now have all of my general and technology slots completely maxed out now i'm just gonna upgrade cargo from now on of course the first s-class multi-tool i find is a pistol man what a bummer i would have bought that if it was a rifle max slaughter now well i'm not gonna worry about it once i get all 16 of my glyphs i can pick up a really awesome s-class multi-tool as well as ship i just passed the eight hours of gameplay mark this should be another freighter battle here it is and since i passed up on that first freighter and took the reward instead i can now claim this capital ship for absolutely nothing seriously travelers watch just how fast this positron ejector melts the faces of these space scumbags i mean it's almost completely and totally unfair one thing though that is kind of lame about these space battles sure my spaceship kicks a whole bunch of butts when it's all upgraded like this but none of the other friendly fire will actually do much damage to the spaceships kind of like it looks like they're helping you but they're not really helping you kind of sort of helping you if you get what i mean so i really hope that this freighter doesn't suck because i have things to do and the best way to check that is just to scan the deck it's an a339 i think i'm just gonna snag it up now if you want you can spend a whole bunch of time trying to get this in an s-class now let's say you didn't want this ship and you wanted to hold out hope for an a34 or an s34 capital ship hope you can do that it's really easy all you have to do is reload your most recent auto save then just fly back to the same system if you like the freighter skin each system you check will have different ship skins and colors i highly recommend that you do this in a wealthy type system because you'll have a better chance at getting an s-class freighter after we get all of our bag slots maxed out well i'm gonna come back to this freighter and build a super epic base can't wait to show you um yeah just stopped off to pick up this glyph and god dang does it look hot outside my god there's a freaking extreme storm going on no joke um yeah these uh upgrades are starting to get a bit expensive that next one's gonna be a million a freaking pop joint all right gotta check the bloody box because i've been doing this forever and i haven't found a decent weapon yet alright that is a max slot a class rifle i think i'm gonna snag this one up for now this is the multi-tool you saw me show in the very beginning of the video i did get it completely pimped out and after i got all my glyphs i did end up getting the cheese maker which i'll show you how to get at the end of the video so yeah i forgot to mention that we crossed the two billion mark because i was too busy slobbering all over my brand new multi-tool well now we're uh what double bajillionaires or something i ended up getting my 13th whiff on this really neat looking bubble planet and while i was here was one of those special planets that have one fauna look like a floating balloon let's upload the balloon and collect the 250 nights reward you also get another bonus point to zoology which is always quick and easy on these planets let's say you're checking these technology brokers and you find an upgrade module you want to buy but you want to buy more than one of the same kind well it's really simple to do that after you buy that module just run over to your ship you're going to get in then get back out that's going to create a fresh autosave reload your autosave wait for the game to load when it does you're going to run back over to the exact same vendor he will have that item for sale again i reloaded one last time and bought the third module now let's talk about module layout because it really does matter the s-class modules that you purchase should be positioned in such a way that they touch three sides of the main module any modules that you can craft should touch the other two sides of the s-class modules that you purchase this layout will give my mining beam its max bonus ended up snagging my 16th glyph on this really awesome looking green planet hell yeah from now on every time i land on the space stations i'm going to upgrade my suit slot i'm going to check the vendors for any s-class upgrades i want and i'm always gonna check the gun case i'm gonna do what i always do sell all my cobalt then turn around and buy it all right back up again then i'm gonna fly outside and immediately summon the anomaly last but not least i'm gonna pick up another exosuit upgrade right here so i'm gonna get two persistence at this point i'm getting really close to max slots but i did get the hand of tongues which sounds totally disgusting completely maxed out mission complete we have a pile of money all of our slots upgraded and all of our glyphs in preparation to build the super ultimate glorious freighter base we are going to need to buy all the hydroponic trays as well as all the flowers that we can possibly grow now you can either go down to a whole bunch of different planets and moons to try to track down this plant material or you can head to any trading posts on a planet or head to your fleet carrier and buy the stuff there none of these little ship guys will have vast quantities of what you need but the thing is is just like the refinery technique with chlorine and ionized cobalt you only need a little bit and you can turn that little bit into a whole bunch before we create our super ultimate glorious freighter base we're gonna have to remove all the back rooms and everything in it first before you even start to build your super ultimate mega freighter base you wanna come back here and delete all these extra back rooms inside hallways everything in it you're gonna be able to destroy and get all of the materials back make sure you have plenty of silver and tritium on hand for when you start to build the gigantic room that we're going to build inside this freighter pay special attention to the material cost of the items i place so you'll know what to stock up on most notably will be oxygen that can be refined down to carbon then further refined down to condensed carbon you're going to need a boat load and i need a boatload of metal plating so you don't have to create them from ferret dust you'll need a decent stash of dehydrogen jellies as well as microprocessors when you start to build your refineries don't sweat it too much though you have a terminal on your fleet carrier you can park right outside at bay space station there are two terminals inside there and there's all those little ship guys you can buy stuff from so don't sweat it too much everything can be easily purchased in one of these wealthy systems you're gonna be good to go the beginnings of my freighter base i generally just create a decent sized rectangle which will house a whole bunch of my plants as well as all my refineries let's open up this wall over here to even out the other side this will make it a perfect rectangle after that we're gonna run up to the front to place four fleet command rooms now i really won't be going into what the fleet command rooms do i'll save that for later videos for now i'm just getting the layout complete just so i can get my refineries and all my planners set in place once you have your basic rectangle complete it is now time to place the galactic trade terminal this thing is going to be an invaluable tool for you while you're building your freighter base between this one the two on the space station nearby on all those little ship guys you're gonna have absolutely everything you need to get this freighter put together quick at this point i definitely recommend you save your progress time to throw down some large hydroponic trays just to make sure the size of our rectangle is perfect if it's perfect you'll have a nice pathway all the way around and in between each row of these large hydroponic trays this makes picking your plants nice and easy later once they bloom we also need to make sure we have plenty of room to throw down a whole bunch of large refineries as you can see we're using a lot of pure ferrite metal plating and carbon so keep that in mind if you think you have enough of the three elements that are shown right now hope you'll be wrong every single time i promise you you're going to need to build well over 160 of these large planters just out of sheer greed now this is likely a bug i don't think you're supposed to be able to build these large refineries this close together if that's the case for you all you have to do to get around the range restrictions of these things is just to ring the outside edges of your rectangle you can stick them into some recessed rooms just so they stay out of the outer pathway around your freighter you could also learn how to do glitch building which will get around the range restrictions of anything you want to place you can place as many of these daggone things right next to each other as you want to however you have to do it just build as many of the large refineries as possible because the more large refineries you have the smaller your farm can be i have all of my large refineries in place as well as all of my growing trays it is now time for me to show you how to mass produce all this plant material to create more fungal mold you will need fungal mold itself and ammonia for gamma root you're going to need the plant material itself and uranium for selenium you need to plant material and phosphorus frost crystals you'll need the plant material and dioxide cactus flesh requires the plant material itself and pyrite star bulb requires the plant material and paraffinium the easiest way to make fascium is with carbon and dihydrogen you can create more diet from carbon and pugneum once you have all your refineries set up it's just about combining your stacks to continuously grow them over and over until we have enough to do all of our planning as far as fascium and mordite goes well you can turn fascium into more diet your main goal is just to stock up on a bunch of both at this point i have a decent stash of all the plant materials i need to start growing so let's get our green fingers on and start planting but first we make a save point the very first plant we'll be planting is frostwort this is mainly used in making glass as well as living glass for your building structures the funny thing is we don't have any of the blueprints to craft any of this stuff that we can make from the plant material quite yet because we haven't even hired the geck corvax or viking npc for our base quests those quests will give you blueprints to craft all of the in-game items that you need in no man's sky even if you don't really need the money anymore because you're basically a space bajillionaire at this point but seeing as how i always love to build a gigantic mega base planetside i might as well dedicate two rows of my planners to this frostwort i'm going to dedicate one and a half rows to gammaweed i'm gonna dedicate the other half of this road to gut rot flower since faceum is so easy to get i dedicated an entire row as well as a short row to star bulb on the next two short rows i'm going to completely fill that up with fungal cluster the very last short row will be dedicated to growing nothing but mordite root the next two long rows of hydroponic trays will be dedicated to growing cactus flesh the last two long rows of my hydroponic trays will be dedicated to growing all of the solar vine that i'm going to need now that i have all my main plants sorted i decided to build a little back room so i could grow gravitino hosts the plants that make albion pearls as well as grow nip nip buds i definitely know early on in the bass quest after you hire the npcs you are going to need a bunch of gravitino balls you might as well just be prepared before we head out and i show you how to use your portal glyphs and get your cheese maker of your very own let's throw down a few of these freighter storage units it's going to vastly increase the amount of stuff that you can store or hoard however you want to think about it the very best way to find a portal is to head over to a space station and click on this cartographer here once you click on them you want to purchase a random map for 15 nanites i generally purchase about four or five of these maps once you have enough random maps on hand you are going to be exchanging for a specific type of map purchase the one that says alien cartographic data get at least four or five of these maps open up your inventory and then plot route on the alien data hop into your ship and then head over to the ancient roon location sadly we are looking for an ancient monolith but if you want you can run around and snag up all these knowledge stones that are laying around this monolith i mooched up a few extra words while i was here then plotted another course on the alien data let's hope we can find an ancient monolith this time hell yeah joint up a whole bunch more words now let's interact with this monolith in hopes that it can show us exactly where a portal location is it's very important that you create a restore point right here you have to answer this next answer correctly or you're not going to be able to find where the portal is located of course i choked and i had to reload my save now i know the correct answer is weight at this point now we can answer our third question and it's going to direct us to the portal the third question is basically you giving them a race specific item that can be purchased from the freighter ship guys or at any trade post on planets plop down a base terminal behind me it is now time to get this portal all charged up so we can actually use it this will take just base simple items to get and of course i don't have any copper i'm gonna have to mine that up after i get all the other glyphs charged up there's always something all right got all the copper sorted now this portal is completely charged we're going to be able to go get that dug on cheese maker i am so freaking excited pause the video if you want the address to the multi-tool now the last one is the pointer all right so this effect is actually really cool it reminds me of one of my favorite shows stargate sg1 it's time to cross the void once you get there just hop into your ship the actual location will be behind you on the other side of the planet just look for the nearest communication station this multi-tool that i named the cheese maker is so perfect for me it has a yellow body with a blue crystal it's totally sweet huge shout out to kj pc gaming and z hunt for tracking down this multi-tool links to them will be down in the description oh my god i'm like freaking out let me inside give me a second i need to wipe the drool off my freaking lip here this is an amazing multi-tool i'm so happy that you found this kj and z hunt look how beautiful it is and it's gonna kick a whole bunch of butt for me i hope this video was helpful to your gameplay don't forget to like comment and subscribe i'll catch you in future no man's sky frontier videos peace
Channel: Hawkes Gaming
Views: 49,655
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the glorious beginners guide to no man's sky, how to play no man's sky, no man's sky beginners guide, beginners guide to no man's sky, beginners guide no man's sky 2021, how to play no man's sky in 2021, 2021 beginners guide no man's sky, no man's sky, no man's sky 2021, no man's sky guide, no man's sky 2021 guide, 2021 no man's sky beginners guide, no man's sky gameplay, no man's sky gameplay 2021, how to play no mans sky 2021, guide, no, mans, sky, no mans sky beginners guide 2021
Id: sUZdxk8-BgE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 18sec (2598 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 09 2021
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