How to Make 50 Million Per Hour with an Indium Mineral Farm | No Man's Sky Exo Mech Update 2020

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That video is 8 months old

Farming got a nerf

They don't produce what they use to.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/xTEKNIKLx 📅︎︎ Jan 20 2021 🗫︎ replies

The storage things increase the amount too I think, at least storage capacity. Try adding more storage things.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/RR-22- 📅︎︎ Jan 20 2021 🗫︎ replies

I made a fun mistake that took many videos to sort out. I made a base, and a mining base. Long story short, there is no way for the two bases to talk to eachother. If you made the same mistake and your boundries overlap? Then you should just expand the boundaries of the main base so that your base encompasses everything.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Chuck-Darwin- 📅︎︎ Jan 20 2021 🗫︎ replies
49,000 per hour and just to give you a reference on that each stack of 10,000 will give me nine nine and a half million units and so I'm making close to fifty million an hour welcome back to no man's sky everyone Jason here and today I'm going to show you how to start your mineral extraction farm and make millions now in this case I'm gonna be using activated indium but you can use anything you want and farm it and sell it activated indium is gonna be the best way to go because it gives you the most return for each one that you sell so I would always recommend activated indium but that's not deep almost endgame level things so let's actually we're gonna land on the space anomaly because there's a few things we need to pick up before we head over to our planet and do some mineral mining now you're gonna have to go to the back and make sure you have these specific items once you get to the shop area always come over here to the construction terminal over the construction of research station and make sure you have some industrial stuff so agricultural industrial we want to go to the industrial page this is where all your electrical stuff is going to be first you get your wiring and then make sure you have all your power stuff now if you have an electromagnetic field that's a bonus but you don't need that but you're gonna need some kind of power in order to power all your mineral extractors and your supply depots all that stuff so I would always suggest at least getting the solar panel and the battery that way you can store the power at night when the sun's not out but yeah and then you can also get the electrical cloaking unit this is what you use to hide your wiring if you're doing some advanced building you can use that as well then on the in the middle you want your extractor your mineral extractor that's the main thing you're gonna be using but in order to save all the minerals that you pull up from the ground you're gonna need a supply depot and a supply pipe in order to get it your minerals from your mineral extractor to your supply depot you can also get the gas extractor if you want to if you want to farm gas you could do that as well I would suggest getting out at least all of those and I think electrical wiring is free right off the bat but everything else you need to grab okay the other thing before we leave is go over here to the multi-tool shop you're gonna need a survey device now it's one of these upgrades that you have to place on your multi-tool so right here it says the survey device right here make sure to pick that up if you don't have it already and install it into your multi-tool I have mine right here alright so once you have those things it should be good to go now because we are looking for indium we're gonna need an indium Drive in our spaceship and what we're looking for is activated in you so if you scan a planet it'll bring up the elements that are found there so you can see this is an icebound planet it has frost crystals that has regular indium dioxide and sodium now in order for you to find any activated elements activated copper activated indium activated anything it needs to be an extreme storm planet because only elements that are activated can be formed by a storm extreme storm that's what we're looking for and I actually did some early searching and I already found it for us so let's go find my my Save icon real fast up it is gonna be right over there so there we go I found this one and if you look at the stats it's a moon and it has Salon iam activated indium phosphorus and magnetized ferrite so I already did some research so let's go check out my activated indium deposit yeah so we've landed here now if you've land on a planet and you don't know where any of those mineral deposits are don't worry that's why we got the extreme or the survey device excuse me but yeah you can see it's an extreme planet by over there on the left hand side overall my hazard prediction it says extreme well if you pull out your your analyzer you've hurt your left trigger it'll be by default in your regular analyzer but if you press left and right on the d-pad you can switch over you can see I searched a lot a little a whole bunch of deposits I've marked but the best thing about the the newest update is that now you can search for specific hotspots and so if you want to find an electromagnetic hotspot there you go you hit left on the d-pad again it'll go over to your mineral deposits and you hit left it one more time your gas and you'll see it does that and so now I know I'm 315 13 I'm 313 feet away from the deposit and I know it's right in front of me because both sides of the analyzer are blinking if you're off to the side like it's over to my left now as you can see it's blinking on the left side but if they're both blinking that means it's right in the middle you're right looking you're looking right in the good direction we're not looking for gas so let's pop back over so you can switch between them all by hitting left and right on d-pad my mineral deposit is right here and as you can see it is an S Class mineral deposit so this is the best you can get right here that's why I stopped at this one now that's the core that's what you're looking for so you're looking for s so this is what you want now as you can see you see the density underfoot it's changing that percentage goes to 85 86 87 the closer to the center where the deposit is the higher the yield so the more minerals you're gonna get so you want to be as close to the middle as possible see I'm right here 99 okay 98 99 98 99 is as high as we're gonna get probably I bet you this rock is in the way for a 100 so exactly right here would be a hundred and the farther you get away from it the lower the percentage goes so there you go but I'm not even done yet because now we're gonna be looking for some power that way I don't have to put up a whole bunch of solar panels and I have some power right over here 300 feet away and so what do you do cuz they're not gonna be right next to each other what do you do well all you really have to do is build a base in between them because your base will extend the the outer boundaries of your base will extend to them so I know this one is 190 189 units away and my mineral deposit is 120 so we can kind of go a little bit farther so let's come over here over to this sweet roll right here or a sweet route we're at 156 Nick's to the power 153 so right about in the middle this is where we want to put our our base of operations right here that way hope this crab is gonna wanna hey you don't want out of this crab that way you can build your base right here and you can extend it out so let's put a base computer right here really crap really do you don't want to do it buddy I'll shoot you didn't want to do it man you forced my hand all right so now we're gonna clean this area right now there's no prior claims sure let's do it done son so we're good so now this is our base let's pick up the sweet root and we know our power is over here where'd it go oh you got a switch my mode real fast my power is way over there so that's okay let's put some let's see what we could do so I'm gonna go push up on my d-pad now I can get my build menu off and let's actually go over to tech and power and Industry then we're gonna go to power and then we're gonna use our electromagnetic generator really guys why are you guys gonna miss the pain so here's my power now my power is not the best it's a sea level so that's why it's only at 50% so it's not really gonna give me a lot of power but it is gonna give me some free power seriously the Antelope is our suicidal here but as you can see I can actually make my generator up I need metal plating so let's do that real fast 10 above so that's what we're gonna do we're gonna put some electromagnetic generators down mother a few moments later so now we have all of our we have five of them are you kidding me buddy get your butt out of here okay but there's no way our power can get to our base because it's way over there and our wires are electric magnet generators are over here so let's let's go mother really are you kidding me quit so let's go to electrical wiring and we're gonna have to wire these all together so go to my third my camera boom so that's together and I'm wiring them together that way they all share the same source so instead of just one I'm basically powering up up in a line so all five of them are giving me power at the same time there we go so now we all have although we're hooked together but we need to get this power over to our base so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna put a battery right over here by my base computer this will be where I start putting my my base of operations but for now it's just gonna be a battery so boom there's our battery but we need to get the power over there so let's hit our our electrical wire Oh stretch it as far as it'll go hope that's as far as it'll go so where's my bass computer oh no hope I based computers over there so and this is just the limits of your your current camera so I can't get afar away from your body that's why it's stopping you so we're gonna put a joint right here and then we're gonna walk ourselves because we got to make sure to go all the way over here up and there's the end of our wire right there so we're gonna start it again connect it there let's go all the way over to our battery connected there you go so now we have power coming right to our battery let's see what's going on here that battery's gonna get charged in less than a minute we're making 698 power per second so look at that holy cow but we need to make our mineral farm now now that we have power let's make our mineral farm now this is the part where I like to take a little bit more care to make sure it looks okay hope there's a nice hit right here that's great so we know that our mineral deposit is right around you somewhere where is it oh right there so this is where a mineral deposits gonna be now you have to place the mineral extractors on all of the ground you can't put like a platform there and then your mineral extracts it they have to be touching the surface so what what I usually do is I will flatten the terrain around here so let's do that now once you have your terrain manipulator out you can press B or o if you're on PlayStation 4 and switch between the different things the different modes of it and now we know we can make this one flat so let's make a flat boom so now that we've we've picked our our elevation it'll make everything that height so there we go we have a nice big flat area let's move this so now we need to put some mineral extractors down so let's do that real fast so now we don't want to be in an electrical bill we want to be in our industrial now we're gonna be need our mineral extractors so let's put them down right here boom oh wait a minute we need metal plating we need a lot of metal plating so now let's do that I like the line mine up she don't have to I like to have mine lined up so boom once I place one so once you have them all lined up they're gonna need power and they actually they can be piped together and so let's go back into our industrial you'll see we have a supply pipe right here but what I'm gonna do is well the only one all they fix that okay so the filling in the back now awesome you used to have them all over the place but now you only have one spot okay so we need to supply pipe all of them together that way they're all going through one big industrial pipe so now we are good to go well actually we need our power so let's put our electrical wiring we're gonna connect it to the back done okay so they're all wired together so just like before we need to stretch our electrical wiring back over to our our base and so let's get over here we can't go too far with it so build menu electrical wiring and now let's go into third person or the build camera we're gonna grab the wire right here to the end we're gonna bring it all the way over here you always hide these wires later on too so you don't worry about what they look like now you can know you can hide them later so oh we're at the end of our vision so it's Popeye right there so now we have to walk over there and walk our body over there that way we can finish it up and here's our power so go to our electrical wiring we're gonna connect it right here and then we're gonna stretch it all the way to our battery we've connected the circuit so now all our mineral extractors are working look at this sorry about that I fell down a hole yeah they're working lepprince producing four thousand seven hundred and seventy five activated indian per hour now the problem is my storage is only two thousand because each one of these little extractors they have a little bit of storage but not a lot so I have two minutes to make up my supply depot but what I want to do is I want to make my supply depot closer to my base that way I don't have to come all the way over here in order to keep it uh keep it going and check on it so my supply depot is actually gonna be right here actually we're gonna flatten this out a little bit there we go now I need to make some some supply depots right here boom now the best part about these things is I I'm pretty sure they don't need any power they didn't before so can I make one I need metal plating like crazy man you didn't need a lot of metal plating guys so be ready for that so let's put it right here and of course I will clean this up a little bit later that way it looks better but for now we're just gonna do that and then we're gonna line them all up and now in order to rope these all together you're gonna need your supply pipe as well oh yeah maybe this is what I was thinking about earlier when they have four different directions but yeah boom connect these all together that way they share the same supply the same core values boom and now we need to connect these to our mineral extractors over there well okay we're going to put our we're gonna put a supply depot right here so they built some things I didn't even think about that it needs a connection so we're gonna put one right here so now we have to realign up everything up wait a minute I need to put it right here actually where's the end of our pipe yeah we'll see it's right here so put one right here and now it's going our third person and let's get rid of this old pipe because it doesn't connect to anything so you press left trigger and whatever is highlighted in red will go away boom that's gone let's just connect another one and let's do it again this time knowing that we have our Oh right there boom so now we have a connected to here but we need to connect this to our mineral extractors so we're right in the middle grab that right to the end of that one boom so now my supply depots are connected to my mineral extractors let's go over here and check it out we got a big hole like keep forgetting about now my my my storage is up to eight thousand instead of two thousand so I just added six thousand so each a supply depot is one thousand storage that's pretty good and it'll keep producing forever as long and the only way I shouldn't say that it won't keep producing forever it will stop producing once new storage is full two thousand years later well well well you guys look at this a few hours of work and I've actually got this to the point where it's making a ton so first let me show you my power instead of having it all spread out and kind of willy-nilly I've lined it all up right there and you don't really need to put batteries here I put batteries there that way I can line up the power lines that way they can I can easily get to them instead of connecting to the electromagnetic generators I just connect to the batteries and we're good to go but yeah that is my power anyway that's my power grid I have a ton of power coming in I have 4,800 power per second available and I'm using 4,500 so now let me show you this amazing and I mean I throw down a a landing pad and a little tiny building that way I can kind of live without you know being melted but here is all my storage containers right here lined up so oh I need to fix the back end a little bit but yeah still work in progress but I got a lot of them lined up and now here is all of my mineral extractors over here like just like earlier oh yeah if you get too close you get that huge slight earthquake basically let's lay it over here yeah I got up all lined up look at that so I have them all lined up and they're all firing at the same time that way kind of looks like it's all uniform yeah look at that that is that's actually going to photo mode so you can see this look at that this is my mineral farm so it's a group of ten i believe ten per row 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 per row and it's 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 rows so i got 90 mineral extractors right here but the better part about that is 90 mineral extractors and a whole bunch of storage let's look at how much I'm actually making here and I am making 49,000 activated in diem per hour and my storage is 93 thousand so it takes me a little less than 2 hours to fill up my storage 49,000 per hour and just to give you a reference on that each stack of 10,000 will give me 9 9 to 5 million units and so I'm making close to 50 million an hour that's 50 million an hour holy crap 50 million an hour just for a mineral extraction I don't have to do anything else my power is all set my mineral extractors are firing all I have to do is come back and pick up my money that is crazy so hopefully guys like the video if you did hit that like button for me and if you want to see more subscribe to the channel I'm uploading videos all the time and I'll see you guys next time you [Music]
Channel: Jason Plays
Views: 354,641
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: no mans sky, no man's sky, no mans sky 2020, no man's sky beyond, no man's sky synthesis, no man's sky update, no man's sky how to, nms, no mans sky exo mech, nms exo mech, no man's sky living ship, no man's sky mineral extractor, mineral extractor farm, no man's sky mineral extractor farm, how to make 50 million per hour, nms mineral farm, nms indium farm, no man's sky indium farm, no man's sky 50 million per hour, no man's sky fast money, no man's sky farming guide
Id: G-WnYa7tvCg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 27sec (1467 seconds)
Published: Mon May 04 2020
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