No Man's Sky Frontiers Gameplay 2021 Episode 1: Getting Started and Finding a Settlement

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welcome to no man's sky everybody this is survival bob and it is september 1st it is the drop day for frontiers no man's sky frontiers update is here and we're going to jump into a new playthrough i've had a lot of people ask me should i start a new playthrough or not i i don't know the answer to that because i don't know how frontiers affects the gameplay in the beginning so i thought i would start a new playthrough and let's find out together so in this playthrough i'll be teaching as much as i can for the new players oh i got the orange suit you have a possibility of getting other suits now as well so i'll be teaching as much as i can for the new players and we'll be exploring together to see what is different uh this is normal mode if there's enough interest if you guys let me know in the comments if you want me to do survival or permadeath let me know what i find is the majority of players are definitely in normal mode so that's what i do the most of my videos on but i do play both those other modes as well so uh check those out oh look at the sparks look at the new sparks that's cool that's totally new animation all right so we are on a hazard planet you always start on a hazard planet so if you're wondering why uh it it's trying to kill you it's that's part of the game it's trying to teach you about hazard protection the first thing we have to do is we have to fix our scanner with ferrite dust which i've been collecting by shooting those rocks and then i have to hit the c button to scan on pc and look for the yellow sodium right there and once i get the sodium then it will uh continue the quest and it will show me what to do next to find my ship i'm pretty sure i went in the wrong direction i just got hit by a hazardous plant was that a little hit there we go we got that let's grab this oxygen too while we're here watch out little two-legged deer that's weird all right so now we did that so we know how to do it the computer is happy now we can move on that's what that's what got me i just saw a little whippy plant all right let's grab the sodium two and now we should get a signal for our ship where is it at where you at there you are now the ship will be in the same direction that you are facing when you start the game but i usually run around that i can't remember whoa there's a hole all right good thing this isn't permadeath because that would have hurt all right so this is a cave cave is a good place to jump early game because it's going to allow you to recharge your suit for free you can also grab cobalt in caves whereas there it is and you can find hazardous plants to mine for oxygen as well oxygen and sodium usually so i'm not seeing any hazardous plants they usually like bubbly is that that's not a hazardous plant i don't have a scanner oh there's carbon oh yeah okay that's an unidentified plant okay so sometimes the the terrain from up top will come down too and you'll be able to get some carbon and stuff down here so i always jump in a cave check it out that hazardous yeah there it is right over there it's kind of far away but you can see the hazardous flora right there and that's going to give me some oxygen bam suck it now this is maro bulb i always get people that mention this some people like to use that to refine to get sodium which is uh which is good to have but i usually use the cobalt and ferrite does and i'm going to make a whole bunch of batteries and i'll do that here in just a minute after i mine a little bit more cobalt we're going to grab the carbon too so the things you're going to need early game to start you're going to need carbon you're going to need dihydrogen you're going to want to have ferrite dust sodium oxygen and uh that's the main stuff you're looking for all right how do i get out of here always remember don't get lost in the cave don't go too far in all right where is my ship that way all right so we're gonna grab a little bit of dihydrogen nopes now it's a slight chance to get a storm crystal here guys i have been lucky and i have been unlucky i do it so often that it seems like it happens frequently but it doesn't really now let's get a little bit more ferrite dust and now let's go ahead and make the batteries because i know i have the stuff for it so this is a geode that's cobalt so if we come into our main general technology and cargo tab so i'm going to start here and i'm going to make an ion battery which takes 10 cobalt and 5 ferrite does so i'm going to hit that and i'm going to make i don't know what five of them i guess is all i could make because that's all the ferrite dust i have then i'm gonna go ahead and move my jet pack over here and i'm gonna move my hazard over here and my life support here are you are you what are you doing what are you doing you weirdo now the animals should not attack you on the first planet they will attack you on the second planet i haven't i i think they set it so that the animals won't get you just the um environment but on the second planet everything's fair game it didn't used to be that way all right seriously where's my ship all right so this is salvage data and it's supposed to be underground but it's not so uh we're gonna go ahead and grab it because there's no way we would have been able to get that otherwise so you grab all this goop and stuff out of here you can refine that three or four times and get nanites from it i don't do that a whole lot anymore because it just takes forever but early game it's a way to get nadites pretty simply we're gonna come to the distress beacon which is right here i'm not gonna read all this uh you guys are welcome to read it yourselves you can pause it if you want to but i'm just going to hit broadcast and tell you kind of what i'm doing so the broadcast receives anomaly is compliant wait and see how compliant i am all right i'm going to grab all this stuff now these boxes are going to contain items that are going to help you obviously uh the rusted metal is something you want to keep because you can refine that into ferrite dust and you're going to use a lot of ferrite dust these tubes are going to require an atlas pass this is not something you have to buy it's something you can make and uh you can get those blueprints in the anomaly or you can get them from a manufacturing facility which would be guarded by sentinels and probably not something you're gonna do on day one although you may all right did i get everything did it give me the thing yeah it gave me the thing sometimes it doesn't give you the thing look at this fire oh this is awesome all right let's jump in our ship and this will charge your hazard protection as well all right so you're going to click through this it's going to tell you things go ahead and read it if you've never read it before basically your ship is broken and you have to repair it the way that you're going to repair it is to connect your exosuit and then that's going to send you on a repair path access exosuit connected repair ship systems so we're going to do self-guided protocols and then it's just going to tell you what's broken and what you need to fix so pulse engines wants us to fix that first so here is your ship you've got exosuit ship and multi-tool uh if we come to our ship we've got general and technology so things that work you can go ahead and move into uh technology if you want to you don't have to right away but you can go ahead and move all this stuff you can't move broken things in there yet so we've got to fix our pulse engines which are going to require a uh metal plating and a hermetic seal so we need to make a metal plating i don't doesn't look like we have enough ferrite dust for that we don't we use it all on making batteries so we need to get some ferrite dust uh we also can make a refiner but we also need ferrite dust for that so let's find a rock is that a rock that's a rock alright dust give me the ferrite dust all right so there's always a group of oxygen by your uh by your starter ship too and it's at least four so always look for that now this is day one so there will be some issues that i will run across i don't know what they are but we'll run into them together uh let me know what you're finding in the comments down below uh day one of a new update there is always issues but hello games is usually quick to patch them all right so no i still gotta make the uh metal plating don't it all right so we take the metal plating we stick it in there and if i can make another one i can go ahead and make a refiner but i can't all right more more rocks there we go another one of those and now we can make a portable refiner which takes 30 oxygen and one metal plating and what i can do is use some of this carbon or condensed carbon to go ahead and start refining that into more ferrite dust so you're gonna get two ferrite dust for each one of those rusted metals so go ahead and get that moving all right but now it's going to ask me to go get the hermetic seal hardship's damage missing ingredients we need a hermetic seal request assistance planetary chart from the distress beacon all right this is the distress beacon you can grab the chart take it and we got okay so this i i started okay so full disclosure i started a playthrough already but my audio was screwed up so i had this is my second second go through my first go through i got a freaking paradise planet it was gorgeous you guys would have hated me so i'm kind of okay with starting over because i don't like getting the best stuff because y'all get mad at me when i do but what i found was every time you get something right now today at least i'm sure they'll fix this in a day or two you get two of them so you're gonna get two maps uh when people give you things or you get something out of a machinery that it gives you you get it doubles up on it for some reason so uh that's cool go ahead and get all the stuff right now all right so now we're going to run over to these coordinates that we used that we found with that map we still have an extra map for some reason because it gave us two and this is going to teach us about storms so a storm will show up now you don't have to mine on the way you can just run straight there and outrun the storm but i'm not worried about it because i got some batteries and stuff it'll be fine and i need to get some materials because i used all my ferrite dust so let's get that moving all right so let's head over to the stall to the uh marker i should say see now while i'm doing this i'm going to go ahead and install my analysis visor which requires a carbon nanotube which i know how to make already so you're going to come over here and craft a carbon nanotube click on it in your analysis visor and it is installed and now what that allows you to do is to scan things and you can get a primary and a secondary element so you're going to see the primary automatically but now when i mine this i get ferrite dust and uranium you're not going to get as much of the secondary but because i've because i've already scanned it i'm going to get some now that's why i wanted to get it because i was going to do a lot of this on the way and uranium is launch fuel so it's it's really good to have you're going to get uranium a lot as a secondary on a radioactive planet which is what this is you can tell because it says rad down there on the bottom that's my hazard issue all right so let's get start moving before the storm hits us oh free stuff stop moving to get the free stuff got some weird graphical blips too especially when storms and rain is coming in now i always get asked about how do i how do i fly like this the way you do it is you hit the melee button and then you hit your jetpack boost immediately afterwards so you go like that and you can fly it beats the crap out of walking i usually alternate between running and then doing this until i run out now a lot of times in storms you can fly longer i just grab that blue plant and that blue plant is going to give me a surge but you got to pay attention or else you can smash the ground if you uh run out and that hurts on permadeath all right so this is where we are heading this is going to give me the hermetic seal it's going to tell you some stuff somebody left this for you it's a mystery who but we're going to recover the supplies and this is these weird blips or i don't like it hopefully they'll get that fixed all right and then look around to see if there's anything else you can grab storm is still going on we'll run over here see if there's anything good nothing wow this is a chintzy one what about under here you got anything under here nothing all right well we got this let's grab this faceum faceum is poop guys so there was poop in this thing and oh look at that an s-class thermal upgrade that's why you go check those things those guys are awesome so um you can install this it's a cold one though so i don't need it you can tell because it's got the little frost symbol on it there but it's a thermal protection and s-class is the best it goes um cbas and you can install those in your exosuit now we're at the point now where it wants us to install the visor which i've already done and then once we scan with the visor now it will show us where our ship is with that marker but you should never lose your ship because you've got a marker if you've lost your ship make sure your analysis visor is installed and then look around for where the marker is no excuse for losing your ship guys don't lose your ship now if uh for some reason you have multiple ships and you can't find your ship you can call it in once it's repaired through the summon vehicles button but mine's not repaired so i can't call it in yet all right get out of get off the screen all right i'm grabbing this because i'm gonna have to have lots of the dihydrogen jelly for things uh life support gel things like that so i always grab a bunch of this and the spark is just cool plus i want to get a freaking uh storm crystal oh i overheated all right all right let's go i'm gonna need lots of carbon too let me go ahead and scan this since i'm gonna be cutting some of these down as well nitrogen i don't need nitrogen i'll just sell that later you can also right-click on the mouse and zoom in on your scanner and you don't have to keep staring at the object that you're scanning so you can scan something and then look around and as long as you keep holding the button down you're fine unfortunately you can't run while you scan that's the only problem i found so far that would be a little bit more efficient this is a pretty planet colors are anyway look at the stars man the stars were updated with prisms and they are gorgeous they've also updated the oh look at the nebula now yes this was part of the new update as well just they're just doing a lot to make okay these stupid-ass plants all right so these are hazardous flora you shoot them uh to make yourself feel better because they hurt you but then also you get oxygen which is nice to have all right we made it back grab this stick it in here because we're going to need some pure ferrite as well i'm going to go ahead and make 80 because i know i'm going to need 40 more in the next part of the mission and not one more ah damn it oh well all right let's see what else can i refine please sorry i didn't mean to leave we got more rusted metal let's go ahead and get that going all right let's fix the ship all right now we're gonna go ahead and put this in our thruster to fix it we're gonna stick our hermetic seal in and then i need to make a dihydrogen jelly yep yep i know i'm gonna fix it i'm on it i'm on it i got you all right stop it please let me do what i'm doing there we go dihydrogen jelly goes in there and now we're done ready to leave um so in the exosuit you've got general technology and cargo i mentioned this briefly we talked about that uh cargo uh these are gonna give you spots where you can put more in in normal mode you really don't need cargo for for the stuff early game you'll you'll realize a little bit later on what's going to go good in here but all these spots are that are empty you can fill and we'll fill those with things we get in the space station which i'll show you in just a minute here all right so i'm going to go ahead and organize this real quick the way i like it so i like to have my sodium my oxygen my dihydrogen and my ferrite dust on top because those are my main elements and then i kind of put the other stuff that i don't use out of the way uh sorry carbon uh ferrite dust there we go and the other stuff i don't really need so let me grab this oh i ran out okay all right let's grab that let me just uh refine this it'll take just a four seconds just to get that out of my inventory marobo turns into sodium anything else this was just turns into carbon right yeah let's get that turned into carbon i don't need the gamma root i'd rather have the carbon yeah see this just takes too long i don't have time for that stop it i'm just going to sell that i don't care it's just not enough nanites to be worth it for me i'm too impatient all right now a restore point is saved every time you jump out of your ship so i make it a habit to jump in and out of my ship uh and then i also like to apply and fly in third person so i'm gonna go to the utilities and then click on the switch starship view and fly in third person because i like it look at this this is gorgeous discovered by falcon okay so i'm in a system that's already been discovered that's that's rare but it happens worm ridden planet all right so when you first fly up you're gonna run into an asteroid belt you're going to run into these all over shoot these asteroids you're going to get silver gold platinum and tritium most of the time you may get a few other things but those tritium clusters look at these explosions are new too i think in the patch notes they said these were crunchy and satisfying i'm satisfied but don't spend too much time doing that but you can get some some bucks here so i definitely would would do it for a few minutes because early game you're going to need a few extra bucks because we're gonna need at least a hundred thousand in the uh a nom in the space station to get what we need so i'm gonna go ahead and uh let's see what's that eight thousand thirty that's not gonna be a ton make it a little bit more all right uh so we're going to test all our flight systems and once we test all three systems then we're going to get a call there we go we got an incoming transmission identify yourself i'm bob how are you you are not alone all right and then we're going to get a signal to a new planet this will be our second planet we'll learn about building a base this one all right so this is a noxious planet fungal mold exciting that's what i was hoping we'd find now we'll get to go to the space station after we build our base so i'm gonna collect a few more resources just to make sure that i've got enough to buy the things i need to buy when we hit the space station all right so when you come on the planet for the first time you're gonna be coming towards a signal source now the signal source used to take you exactly where you needed to go but they added this new thing with expeditions that uh means you have to land a little bit further away and then use your visor and it's really honestly in my opinion it's kind of annoying so what i do is i get close and then i hit the c button to scan and i look for a building around because that's more than likely where i'm supposed to be going so i'm going to land here and see if i was right come on there we go feel free to smack in the stuff with your ship it'll be fine uh all right so all right so i did not pick the right place it's 500 you away okay so this is actually this is a trade terminal isn't it yep well we might as well sell some stuff while we're here to get rid of it um sell the salt i don't need the poop i don't need the nitrogen go ahead and sell that and that really it oh and i can switch to my ship now i can't switch to my ship is it too far away let me grab that stuff i'm gonna sell that stuff too see what i'm working with and grab that put it in my personal inventory run over here and we'll sell that gold silver all right so we still know we're about 30 grand short let's go ahead and hit this this is this will create a manual save then you're going to have two save points manual and um the automatic save which happens whenever you jump out of your ship okay there's nothing else here that i can get so i'm going to go see where does it want me to go wants me to use this god you got me tricked me this way 480 something you pretty annoying weapon charge depleted i love that new crystal exploding thing that's pretty pretty freaking cool and now i went ahead and scanned five or six things because i knew i was going to be shooting them along the way i just cut that out because nobody's interested in watching me scan stuff but for those of you who are like you're not scanning i did i did not everything but i scanned a lot of it i'm betting that's it right there looks like it grab this little special blue plant fly over there quick yep this is it all right so you tricked me he tricked me but here we go uh decipher the signal all right so this will give us the plans for the base computer i don't get sick from that weird bush in front of me first extract the plans all right base computer nice all right so now in order to make the base computer i'm gonna need to get some chromatic metal there's two ways to get chromatic metal one you can go get some copper and refine it or you can destroy the rockets in your ship and you will get uh chromatic metal so uh i used to do that but rockets are really good now i used to think they sucked but now they're uh they're pretty much op so we're gonna build the terrain manipulator in our multi-tool and then we're gonna go mine some copper so we need two carbon nanotubes and one dihydrogen jelly you can't build over here so you have to go back to your exosuit we need two of those and one dihydrogen jelly so let's go ahead and hit install bam bam and now we got a terrain manipulator now there should be this little marker here whenever you're close to one of these a lot of times you'll see this marker if not just back up and look for it but this is going to give you berry technology uh this was the thing that was above the ground a minute ago that i was that was supposed to be buried but it wasn't let me go ahead and fill this hole back in with the restore feature just because um i'm gonna be here i don't like falling in holes it's embarrassing all right so we're gonna look at these white diamonds and that's sodium we're gonna look for one that says copper that's copper 686 you that's not bad let's go that way you can look around for a closer one but that's about what you're going to get 6 700 you most of the time so i'm just going to go for that hey look there's a thing right here all right terrain manipulator is key once you get that it really opens up the game to you all right so we got a crystal fragment dihydrogen dihydrogen dang it all right so you see i marked that deposit so it's over there i can still see it so i'm not going to lose it now the animals you can tell if they're aggressive towards you because they're going to be there's going to be a little red paw print over them if there's no red paw print then you're fine all right so whoever's been yelling at me about life support i'm sorry let's take this opportunity to make some life support gel i need a dihydrogen life support gel and then we'll take that and stick it in there all right everybody happy i'm happy all right let's go get this stupid copper look at that all right all right so we want to mine this up uh you want to have your mining tool as um there's two you can have a big ball or a small ball you want a small ball small ball is going to give you more stuff big ball is going to make a bigger hole but less materials so it's a more focused beam when it's small and it gives you more stuff uh when you're doing it so you want to you want to use that and 166 that's good uh now i'm going to go ahead and call my ship over because i don't feel like walking back i was going gonna have to call my ship over anyway to get it next to where i was so might as well do it here uh to save some launch fuel and to save a few minutes all right so now i need launch fuel i've got a little bit of uranium i can use let's see what 10 uranium will do will that get me off the ground yes it will one time good then now did i see a building there no i did not i said now this is a problem where the hell did i come from because usually i go back to my ship marker but my ship's not there but that ain't is that it there's no marker here anymore because i haven't put a base computer down yet i guess it doesn't matter where i go i guess i don't have to come back here let's go ahead and put our refiner down and stick our condensed carbon in it and then you can use carbon as well but condensed carbon is more efficient and we're going to go ahead and turn that into chromatic metal now i'm going to need 50 for this and then i'm going to be 125 of it for the next part which is the hyperdrive so i if i can get enough copper to get uh um 175 total i want to do that now that was a small deposit so i wasn't able to get it uh i'm only going to get 83 so i've got to be on the lookout for more of this or go mine some more copper so once i do this i'm going to be able to build my base see how am i doing on carbon i don't have a ton of carbon i don't scrap that all right so now we're going to go to our build menu and choose base computer stick that right there and we interact with it make sure we can put a base here claim it so guys what i want to find out is i want to find out how early can we get to be in charge of a town one of the new um one of the new settlements so as soon as i get to the space station i'm going to buy a map and see if it'll let me be in charge of a town now my gut says it won't but if we could that could really change the way we do early game let's go ahead and extract the plants now we're going to get timber that's awesome we're gonna get timber instead of just a general wood timber looks so much better all right so we have the plans for this now and now this is going to start a timeline that is going to create a storm so i want to go ahead and get a base down pretty quick and i always let's see let's go ahead and put down here here here here go ahead and get a door on it let's get i like these walls because they look cool uh i used to be c but now it's b to do the um a build camera i think it used to be c i feel like it did anyway let me know if i'm wrong i think these walls just look cool and then we're gonna go with the roof we're gonna go with the rounded roof yeah i'm seven carbon or three carbon short i need that carbon please all right so the storm has started but we're okay i could actually go stand in the um inside here actually let's do that and even though the roof's not there it still is going to give me credit for it then i can put that last piece of roof up and if i have problems i can just go into the build camera and kind of fly out and stick it here and now we're good we built a base i love that sliding door that's new okay so let's hit the base computer and it's going to give me plans now for a construction terminal and it's going to tell me i need salvage data let's extract the plans now we should have enough salvage data already i haven't been paying exact attention to it let's go ahead and grab this let's go inside work a little bit inside now and we're going to put down our refiner here and then in order to build the construction thing i need your ferrite which uh actually not pure ferrite magnetized ferrite go ahead and make that what do you want me to put in here uh oh shoot i needed 20 of it dang it all right i was wrong all right so you got 20 magnetized ferrite and a carbon nano tube i want to stick that right i always stick it in the corner right there whatever you like all right so now uh salvage data let's research buildable technology or structures doesn't matter what you pick because you can go back and forth between them so you can learn more bass parts here if you want to make your bass look cooler from right from the get-go and i love this timber look man you can get yourself some cool looking stuff and the stone looks really good as well i haven't really messed with the alloy much but it looks good as well so i've got six salvage data i can see up here i'm gonna use the base uh teleport module and then i'm gonna need a biofuel reactor and i'm gonna grab the wiring and i'm gonna save those other three uh sometimes i'll get a signal booster uh to just uh look around a little bit see if i can find something cool i'm not gonna worry about that right now uh but if you want to you can grab a save beacon and see if you can find maybe a crashed ship or something it's no guarantee all right so now i'm going to need five metal platings and more carbon of course all right so i'm gonna mine up some carbon real quick and then we will make the things we need to make all right carbon nanotubes bam all right so now we're gonna need to build a teleporter which is right here i'm gonna stick that right here now these new base parts used to be these would clip into the uh ceiling but now see look they've raised the ceiling so they don't clip anymore that awesome all right let's get a biofuel reactor that's why i made five metal platings because i knew i needed one for that as well and then we're gonna need to wire this so we're gonna go to the queue to toggle wires then make sure you push the button to attach it because you can stick a wire anywhere and it won't be attached but click on the lightning bolt then click on the next one and then they will attach now we need to fuel this thing this is important i screwed this up the first time whenever you pick up something it says down here you can change the stack size or you can do a quick split don't stick it all in there because it'll be gone forever all right so i'm just gonna stick one carbon in there and then that's gonna give me fuel for just a second but it's enough uh to get credit for what i needed to get credit for where's my base computer here it is now it wants us to rename the base uh bobscreen multibase there we go it capture new screenshot no then we can upload the base and other people can come if you don't upload the base nobody else is going to see it i feel like my door is a different color from this but i didn't change any of the default colors you can paint stuff and change the colors i don't know what's up with that all right so fuel the bio okay so i fueled the biofuel reactor too early all right now okay there's my check mark now i get my gold star uh sorry guys these uh this meat is actually pretty valuable don't shoot the babies because it'll make the parents mad and then they'll attack you so now the base computer is ready to be talked to again accessing log from previous user entry follows all right so we've got a uh entry about 16 and it says go to space to check it out so go to the space station that's what it's telling us to do now i'm going to go ahead and get a hard save now by saving and charting this apparently i haven't done it yet this must not be the original place i landed i guess it doesn't really matter does it hey buddy thank you all right now it's time to make the launch fuel and let's go to the station so this is the first time the station will appear as an icon on your screen now with a marker so and look at this this space is beautiful now i mean it always was but it's just getting better and better alright so there is the station 30 seconds away that's kind of a thing so let's go in here listen to the awesome music for the first time [Music] uh now this is new but it's not working yet it's september 1st the day of the no man's sky frontiers update and they said in the patch notes that there will be a third expedition which will unveil what that is uh but currently we can't do anything with it so these little guys are geck and um i don't they're not my favorite they're not bad this guy's got a hubcap on his head so you're gonna pick three of these guys uh that are walking around that you want to talk to the reason i say you pick the guys that are walking around is because the guys you speak to will never speak to you again okay because this part of the mission you're asking about 16 which is related to the atlas and it's going to freak these guys out and they're never going to talk to you so you do not want to talk to the guys over there which are merchants because then they won't sell you anything and these guys over here in these booths you don't want to talk to either you guys wandering around man it'll be fine all right so i'm just talking to one of each race so there's three races you've got the viking the korvax which is this guy and the geck which are the little guys uh the quarterbacks are the scientists the geck are the traitors and the uh viking the big ugly guys are the warriors all right yeah yeah base computer right so he said the things and now it's telling me to go back but we've got a few things we need to do first so first let's sell our stuff because we're right here sell our meaty chunks and our raw steak and that made us a pile of money go ahead and sell the face him because i don't need that go ahead and sell the mordite i don't need that and i'm going to keep the rest of the stuff for now now this salvage data is worth 50 grand a piece so i could sell those for 150k but i want to keep them because i'm going to need them a little bit later on and so i'm just going to go ahead and keep those now i want to see what they're selling so i'm going to go to the buy to see what they what i can buy so i can buy copper all right uh no they don't sell um uh chromatic metal i'm just gonna go ahead and buy let's let's go see what they sell on the other side first all right so look around uh in a gex station there's not gonna be anything back there but you can go back there and look um not gonna be anything you can get i should say back there all right so that was a milestone for making money you get those uh in the beginning so if you see these little cubes grab these there's going to be navigational data or nanites in those okay so these are the boosts and these are the guys you don't want to talk to first if you did it's not that big a deal because you'll go to hundreds of systems and you'll be able to talk to all the rest of them just not these i did it in my playthrough on origins a year ago it was annoying and uh so i always tell people to not to do that all right so this is the first place you i'll always go which is the exo suit slot space uh so you can put stuff in general cargo or technology you're going to get one of these in every station as well as the anomaly once you access the anomaly the first one in each syst each area is always cheap uh if i was playing on survival or permanent i would put in cargo first but i'm not i'm gonna go ahead and put this in technology uh because uh i want the technology and let's see what this guy sells all right so we're gonna purchase upgrades and this guy buys stuff for nanites so there's three types of currency we got units nanites and quicksilver units is your money nanites is used to buy upgrades like these quicksilver is used to buy cosmetic items in the anomaly uh so none of these are purchasable with cash this is all just in-game currencies so let's see what they sell nothing good uh you guys kind of stink actually but i don't need this so i'm gonna sell this and he's gonna give me 490 nanites for that so that's awesome so if i uh this guy sells suit upgrades this guy sells exocraft upgrades which we don't have yet this guy sells starship upgrades which i'm not gonna worry about because i'm gonna get rid of that ship but there's usually something on that desk so go over there and grab it and this guy sells multi-tool and multi-tool upgrades but i'm not going to worry about that because my multi-tool is kind of crap and i want to get rid of it too this one is way better than ours we can compare it but it costs 1.6 million yeah i don't have any of that and then that's where you would upgrade your multi-tool and that other thing down there is where you would upgrade your ship all right so come back here this is the back room this is where the magic happens now we got the little bar area uh i'm just kidding about magic but look around to see if there's anything you can grab hey buddy what's up everybody's nice they wave at you let's see they sell different things back here sometimes so copper as well but no chromatic metal so i'm gonna have to refine it which is annoying but i don't spend all my money let's see i need 125 it's two each so i need 250. i think i have some already though don't i let's just buy it enough to get what we need and the extra i'll be extra okay um now i know i'm gonna also need five microprocessors and that's gonna be about 100k 95k but now i'm broke because i bought the five microprocessors in the chromatic metal if you don't buy that now you can always come back and get it later this guy looked sad he wanted to talk to me but i didn't have time for him sorry mr geck uh did i grab that yes i did okay uh this guy's a scrap dealer uh you don't really need to worry about him yet but um he's gonna sell um upgrades as well as weird stuff all right so this is a hauler c-class if you look through your visor you can see it's a c-class 26 plus two and it's 5.3 million so you don't have to go talk to that guy if you do talk to this guy then um you will get some options to buy things or you can buy a ship and they sell different things as well so this guy okay so this guy does sell chromatic metal all right just gonna buy as much of this as i can i'm gonna be literally dead broke all right so now what i would recommend that you do is go talk to all of these guys in the station and learn words from them you're going to need the words the words are important plus you're going to get free stuff now i am you request dialect help um and for geck you want to learn trade symbols he's not offering to teach me a trade symbol so i'm just going to go with technology and because sometimes if you say something okay so i got technology and ship out of that it's giving you two of everything so let's practice language skills and let's say starship and see give me something good come on a few units really all right whatever i'll take a thousand i was dead broke so all right so that's all because i only know the one word so let's go through the teleporter which is what it wants us to do to teach us how to get home all right so we are back the base computer wants to talk to us archives terminated begin decryption decoding 16 messages follows traveler finds their wings fly to us and claim your place among the stars now this is going to send us on a quest to get our um our hyperdrive okay but what i want to do is see if i can go ahead and get a settlement now so let's go ahead and do this let's see if this map even works okay so it does work i got a planetary settlement located let's see if it's on this planet it's not guaranteed to be on the same planet it is it looks like it is 13 hours away though so i'm it's definitely on the planet because i can't can't walk 13 hours to another planet all right so let's go over there and see what we can see right so instead of flying long distances you can go up out of the atmosphere and use your pulse engine to get places quickly on planet for some reason i find if i fly fast and stupid into the ground it it lets me land easier than slow and you know nice so it's like just just get down dude stop flying right so where's the there's the thing okay this is my first time have i been in a geck village i don't think i have it's cool all right so this is the thing let's talk to the thing all right this is a b-class settlement 64 citizens settlement control unavailable management position is not vacant well can we get rid of your manager frequent tremors local localized gas outbreaks unlucky sinister ai overlords see we need to get rid of the sinister ai overlord really to overthrow that person um all right so what's up dude what are you running to i like that these guys run now okay yeah see i don't know what that guy's saying because i haven't learned the words what about you hubcap head okay that's cool thank you for your time sir all right now is this marker gonna stay here uh i think when i warp it will disappear so i'm gonna go ahead and stick a uh a marker here so i can find this place again see if i can rescue these guys from my evil ai overlord that guy's seething right now that says settler yeah he's seething talk to the settler what's wrong dude what's wrong what's wrong buddy your eyes are all red friend it's all okay trying to help if you look through your visor if you're on pc if you hit the e button you can put a marker down you can only do that one time uh but that'll be a marker for you to stay there if you don't have anything else yet all right guys i think that's all the time we're going to have for today uh if you enjoyed this please hit that like button if you want to continue on this journey to see when exactly we can become the overlords of these gek and grab this frontier town let me know we'll do another up episode uh this is going to be a playthrough style where i teach you guys what we learned and we learned some stuff together about the new update for no man's sky frontiers next time we'll go ahead and get to the anomaly and see if that unlocks it maybe but we know so far we cannot get it uh before we get the hyperdrive so we'll grab the hyperdrive we'll see if that works maybe uh or then we'll check the anomaly we'll see at what point does it unlock this for us guys this has been survival bob saying if you're gonna be a bob have fun with it thank you so much for watching uh and we will see you guys next time
Channel: SurvivalBob
Views: 96,907
Rating: 4.9205403 out of 5
Keywords: No Man's Sky Frontiers Gameplay, No Man's Sky Frontiers Episode 1, No Man's Sky Frontiers Ep 1, no mans sky frontiers gameplay, no mans sky frontiers episode 1, no mans sky frontiers ep 1, no mans sky gameplay, no man's sky gameplay, no man's sky gameplay frontiers, no man's sky frontiers playthrough, no man's sky 2021, no man's sky gameplay 2021, no, man's, sky, gameplay, frontiers, update, getting, started, getting started in no mans sky 2021, getting started in no mans sky frontiers
Id: dv9d9DlK0Q4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 59sec (2879 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 01 2021
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