30 Base Building Tips, Tricks and Ideas to Make You a Master Architect | No Man's Sky Beyond Guide

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Saved for later reference. Good stuff!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/GilboBagginz πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 02 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Hopefully they fix the building limit on PS4 so I can build something again.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ElBeatch πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 02 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Just wanted to say this is a fantastic video! Learned a ton and got a lot of great ideas for future builds.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Zergling924 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 03 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
today I'll be showing you 30 base building tips tricks and ideas that will hopefully get you on the way to becoming a master architect in no man's sky beyond we'll cover things like glitching in multiple forms have some of the base power items work a combination lock design efficient farming and more with just lots of cool little ideas to spruce up your building so let's get right into it okay so this one is adjacency glitching it's been around for a long time now that just over a year and it's a very very useful thing so say in this example we have this flooring which is starting to close to that but you want it to go neatly toward it but if you put this here you can't place that now obviously this is just an example so it's not going to be perfect but if we put this here we can name it uz Jason see deleting to use this frontage and adjacency collect by pressing build and the arrow - pretty much the direction that the item you want to glitch almost at the exact same time to get a floor in there so that's now glitched it in it's used the sort of green light from this to transfer it over to the next thing so we can do that with the other door to get it in the center of this as well and there that is now centered on a square thing so it's useful for definitely big-time useful for getting things to go in a specific place due to snap points that you couldn't otherwise do like getting this completely centered on one of these which really helps for just expanding the ability of building now you may want to do this but obviously you don't matter at all you may want to do this but you don't want that small once getting a small one out of the way when the big ones there can be difficult so a way you want might want to do this is put it at birth and then do like this so then while you're snapping game isn't the scaffolding isn't mixed in and difficult to get out because these things always work unlike a bottom point so the bottom point for this is the bottom Center here so if you put it to a floor from this position it is now the floor will go and well I'll show you the floor is then intersected between both of them it's perfectly centered between them and that's the base very basics of adjacency fitting you can do with anything that is next to each other say for instance you wanted the stairs as small stairs to be centered there you go these small stairs is now perfectly centered on the big flooring and looks pretty good now if some reason stairs are a little janky in beyond theirs you have to do things in certain order so with this you cannot put a stairs like that because that is there so that becomes an issue you can't put a floor underneath the stairs that's already there like this so if you want to get stairs that above a floor as well as has a floor in front you need to do it in a specific order so essentially to do that just delete this one have these two here have the floor underneath already there place that in or you know the actual stairs place that in and then place a floor yeah and that's the order you have to do you have to do the one underneath and then the stairs then that that's the only way you can get it to go like that there are a number of ways to do some really cool things like stair railings so say we have a little path going this way and we want to put some stairs to raise the path up of it so it goes above this ground well we can do this quite easily by using the short wall first put those there just to raise just to raise what's coming then we extend that out of it then use the sloped wall place that on top of this wall now unfortunately without something behind it it's a bit difficult sometimes he won't just switch so in order to turn that around use a wall here but a wall there delete that one and then put this here and you'll be able to flip it them so delete that or first put the other side in because that probably a third of it but that in put the other sloped walling delete these two because they're just scaffolding and then you can put your stairs in you can't do it usually the other way around you have to put these stairs in last because stairs don't like things going halfway up it same with flooring then continuing from this say you want a little raised walkway with railings a nice way to do that as well as showing it to support then you can use some arches these both of these methods were suggested to me by John Hall when I was doing the Christmas build last year and it looks really cool so you just put these in for as long as you want so let's just go a couple this adds both support for the raised railing as well as adding well a railing yourself you can then put the floors in and as with the other you can't usually do this afterwards you can't put the arches in after the floors and they have a nicer path with some supports and it's raised the grass will never end up coming back through these floors and stuff and yeah looks really nice so this next tip is actually about extending your base boundary which is incredibly useful your base boundaries generally about 300 you this is 305 when it switches but that's most likely due to a height difference so what about three or three or four that it switches extending your boundaries so useful because it allows you to reach in multiple hot spots as well as just different areas and from what we know you can extend it to a thousand new radius of your base terminal you extend it by essentially getting just on the edge here where you can reach you you can do you use anything a lot of people say they like to use wires just because it's free and doesn't actually cost anything some reason this is giving me a trouble doing the wire I personally usually go for structures and just build a wall because then it's bigger I can see it you don't need a few carbon I need to do it you can just then run ahead and just keep pressing this and as you can see I'm able to build outside of what previously would not let me build so you just built this now I am far away 413 new I'm over a hundred you outside of the default radius and I'm able to build now if we run off to the side here you won't take too long before it doesn't land to build again and there we go I can now no longer bilks on outside of the radius the radius doesn't extend all the way around it extends around where you're placing so yeah very useful to know that especially for anyone who wants to build any kind of factory because you'll want to build the factory self around the actual s-class hotspot of what have you chosen and then find a nearby electromagnetic to go and extend the base perimeter to get your pylons up yeah have the house okay so this next one is regarding electromagnetic generators and it is lovely and simple I've used it on streem and in my videos multiple times already it just makes for some nice looking things and essentia is the electromagnetic generators can stack on top of each other to make some really cool towers of electricity this is great for just getting that crazy Tower look like on my survival stream on the last Sunday I stacked about probably about twelve or so on tough each of they're going from the bottom underwater from my electromagnetic hotspot and then from the tower I got the wires to go down two pylons and as this is such a similar thing the next tip is pylons so when you're doing stuff like this we that like the pollen things when you're stacking these aritaum area the generators instead of going for a basic aesthetic maybe consider doing pylons so another one I used which I felt worked quite well was doing these half arches and doing them both sides put it up like that then you can get some wiring dome on the edge of the thingy thingy madu there so the top one might go to the top here and the also go to here you could place the what the wires on top of like walls and stuff or you can do what I did on my stream which is I move to decorations and got lights now the lights look really cool on the ends of these things and you could do some different colors to do like at least one mentioned like the Navy stuff where you have red and green and this is what I did I basically took the wise from these which I just that yeah and then take that because these second one down take it from that and take that both sides and then these basically go on mine it goes for six total wires to every hundred you being a new pylon and they look pretty damn cool so yeah I recommend nice little style tip there I would like to warn you heavily about doing things like this this is a very nice sort of easy way to clear space neatly the bad thing is that the game does not keep all these terrain edits you've made particularly well for a very long time they'll eventually grow back so doing this and building your base underground in such ways where they used to be ground just naturally this half over time will just fill in again and everything you've put in there will be buried and you'll have to read terrain manipulate and yeah it's just not good it's generally a good idea to avoid doing this wherever possible a lot of people do build underground but they use existing cave systems for the space now this is a bit of an odd one now it's definitely it's just so strange yeah 39 Tardos here one of them is farther back which you can see and then this other one here is actually 8 in this is the same space and they are all connected via a single pipe and if you're looking to hear not this ones or if we go into this you can see that the overall storage is 10250 the 250s provided by this classic structure the rest is from this and then these nine now this could be used to save space or in weird ways it's it's definitely a bit like a weird exploit one but does it really give you anything other than just being able to put crap-ton in a single space I don't know how it would differ in performance but if you wanted to do it here's how you do it so first we'll just get rid of all these and then give her that pipe and I'll show you what okay it actually placed quite a few pipes if you were a head up here so once this is in everything is going to be basically built off at that point so you need to snap from this and have it go to there as he's greenlit and then over to adjacency glittering between each time move back between each successful time I'll just know quickly time lapses so you can see that I'm not pulling any weird cuts okay so they've done that quite a few times and if we now look in here in the extractor there's now nineteen thousand two hundred fifty storage which means there are eighteen in that small area if we just want to clean this up we delete the back one which is what we were glitching off so only do that once you've got as many as you want in there we can go and delete pretty much all of these except for one we should still have access now we've connected one that should connect to all of them just because they shared the same space and now we have because we deleted the one remember we got eighteen eighteen available which is pretty crazy so yeah I hope that's helpful a great tip that golden deck has been using a lot recently and noted to me about is to use custom markers to work out distances in your builds it's really good for getting exact numbers so if you use route analysis visor you can see just below the sort of reticule area there is a count of how bar what you're looking at is now if you won't say exactly a hundred you from this area then just perfected there oh it's difficult to get to the because it has the decimal and then we were pretty close so every time I get it bang on it just goes off a little bit so if you then when you're on badly you that you want just press the e button if you're on PC it'll be a different button for for other platforms but it'll drop this custom marker it's a rather useful indeed as you can see here it actually adds a little thing that comes down which is really good one of the new things added in beyond highly recommended for getting those exact numbers and plotting your building sites because you can only have one per building site though and if you essentially put you can either get rid of it by pressing a key or you can add another one and the old one will disappear okay very useful as you can see here things are upside-down so one of the multiple methods of turning things upside down is to use a little pipe here and when you move your cursor up and down you can see that it flips so what you want is for this pipe to flip upside down which is basically when your cursor is closest to top when you're doing this on the bottom of under the pipe so once it's in that stage you need to adjacency glitch to the left to the paving you can be a little tricky so don't worry about it might take you a few times and here we go we've got that upside down adjacency glitch from the pipe then with this it's pretty simple from now on you've now got a point upside down that you can snap a wooden floor to so get your floor snap to that floor is now upside down so I think you've snapped to this floor will also be upside down shibuya Paul NT of stuff and this is really useful for just having a number of different ways of doing things that one one the most useful parts is her being able to make these upside down so you could do this just outside of your current build say for instance you want to use this but upside down so this comes up to a point you can use the snapping from this floor already here go to the paving snap that onto this you can then adjacency glitch from the paving to the pipe then you can glitch back from the pipe underneath to the paving upside down then when you're paving upside down you can then delete this one I would suggest before snapping this get rid of this snap point which will very possibly make it upside down so you'd want one like here to save this spot although you've got a roofing as well so that's fine then put this in which will be upside down switch to this and getting the right location you need can be a bit tricky sometimes get it on snap point but they go then put another fluorine back there and happy days you now have this glitched upside down perfectly it is snapped and beautiful and yet looking good another cool one that looks really good at night is to use the wiring to make well letters and writing in neon signs and it looks pretty cool so obviously this is really quite simple to do this just get to your wiring and then just right after you might want to do it a little more well neater than I've done it but then once you've done this to get it quite as neat as possible put an output to a bit back there just so you haven't got other things messing with your flow now the dot on this is probably going to be somewhat tricky you might just do you might have to just do a little dash there then bring that through make sure it's as straight as possible so it's not interfering with the lettering then we can connect these to the live and there we go we've got Asha days with an exclamation point another thing you could do is you could strobe you between red and blue you could turn it red or blue to do that just basically invert a signal make sure it's not powered though if you complete disconnect it from the system it won't be lit up at all in order to make it red or be able to basically change it you'll need to use a pair inverter connect it through it to one the back ones here which connects all of them connect this to the power now to make you read you'll need to connect the power also to the modifier but this won't turn it red or automatically you'll also need to add something to be powered for it to count as being red so this kind of works is anything the easiest is probably alight obviously that will actually affect the actual light if it's turned on but if it's turned off you two really are an issue so it's wired add up and they'll turn red because it's not receiving power and now your Shedaisy is red if you want to turn it blue move that lighter will shine through in this particular set up a little bit so just delete that wire and it is now blue but you can't really see the light much from that thing there you go depending on the build you're trying to go for wise can sometimes be unsightly as you can see here it's just a big wire coming down from there where there's some generators but there are ways to neaten things up so one of the ways which I quite enjoy is to use your terrain manipulator get its lowest setting to change the size on PC it's our to go smaller and T to go larger then make a little hole going just pretty much straight down but not not exactly straight down on a bit of an incline just so that you can actually reach down there with your cursor you can't really point it directly down so that makes a bit of an issue then make another hole pretty much directly under where your where your source is coming from now obviously most sources won't be on top of the joint sort of crane thing so now we have two nice deep holes we can choose to build in work mode again get the wire out get this connected to the generator at the top then connect it to the hole without falling in take it all the way down then take the wire over to the other hole these are the hole which we've placed pretty much directly under a connection point place out at the bottom again and then bring it up we can then use the create part of the train manipulator to fill the hole in and there we have a nice neat area all you see is a little bit bare which you can cover with other things as the wise face through pretty much everything we can get rid of this old wire here and now it's a lot neater obviously on this example there's one all the way from there but most of your stuffs you know it's gonna be on the ground most likely okay so this one is probably the biggest deal this is called the wire glitch it is kind of replaced here too glitching because terribly tink is not a thing anymore but this has way more properties the only thing you can't do this you could do it here too is you can't use snap points because it just doesn't work that way this was found at first by kibbles he is a legend in building in no man sky fantastic builder and really just yeah nice well kibbles if you only have the hell up did any of this it's actually really easy it's like it's such a fantastic glitch so I'll basically show you so if we just pick up a wall here just whack a wall down this is like the most simple thing this is actually how were kibbles himself shows it shows it in his video too highly recommend you check out lights he's got some awesome tutorials on building in search so essentially you get whatever you want to play so whether it be a wall or anything that's buildable let's say this you get that as in its green state this green light where it's ready to be placed then you press whatever button is to bring up the delete and wire menu as well as the color menu so for PC that's control I believe it's Al 2 for ps4 and then like a fraction of a second after you let go of this menu with the wire on you obviously you take the cursor to wherever you want to place it using the dot of the actual cursor you press the bill just after you let go and there we go that is actually quite nicely centered and that is now placed with its main sort of bottom because that's how it was placed here up like that and you've now basically you can snap to him everything it's fantastic now you might think that this massive room is definitely inside because it's well five by five pretty big it's got a foolproof and everything so you know this definitely counts inside doesn't it but mm the game might not see that way a lot of times when it's something when there's open space this big the game kind of thinks you're still outside so if there's stuff like storms happening they'll affect you because it thinks you're outside so essentially just be wary of building to bigger places inside because it will often count as outside but there are ways to combat this by doing such things as building some large items like even refines I think help you can do stuff like the storage these the stories definitely can't obviously the bit tricky to place you could I suppose get the green light out there do the wire glitch so green light wire and once you've got one any won't they you put it just like any where it says it well but he won't because of the flooring we could put one on top and stuff you've still got a glitch fees in and such but having stuff like this helps for it to see that it's this things in this space it helps to connect it all so yeah it's a bit it's a bit of a tricky one this is if you can build big do it unleash or you know storm las' something like that it's bloody huge now I'm gonna change some things too with conductivity now as you can see these buildings are powered as are that light of that light and that light they are powered which means yeah they're on these aren't pirates are they're off this building is the only thing out of all of this that is powered and the building is conducting that power to lights are placed on it without wires now some parts aren't conducting power now this is a strange thing I don't know what is particularly choosing to be conductive especially as we have like this area here but it appears as though the edges that connect to the main buildings as well as the bottom is partly conductive where a lot of the top isn't then with these it's all over including the glass rooms and such with these another strained and it's kinda like this it's not to do with the glass er and they think it's just to do with the fact that it's not connected this side but it is this side so it's got power here and not there now it's a very interesting thing which Dark Lord found and yeah basically they conductor over short space as well see if you put one there it'll light so those up as well put one here it powers those if you put a single one here it will pair the entire line none of these are connected by wires just these top three and you can do the same thing with these connect those connect these don't want to connect for some reason those that for some reason don't want to connect it to maybe it's to do with the distance there we go you just took a little extra distance there you could do the same with these get those connected boom boom take it up there and essentially just connect them all via proximity so conducting via proximity now another interesting thing is you can use this to be able to hide all your wires on this type of building structure as well because these aren't powered you can't power these blocks these basic structures as I call them but what you can do which you may realize I've done here is place them here oh and that's lit so is that that and everything up and on this side will be lit and that's because I've powered the entire of the side of it so these being powered conducts electricity to anything on I put on this side which allows me to hide wires obviously I've done this a bit ridiculous if you're doing this you'd just say put that there if you want a light in the middle and of course you'd have to actually worry this is why that and that is now lit and so we'll do the side big or if you just want to do like I like doing the lights around here so if we just power that and then I like putting them on these joins because it kind of helps to bring everything together and that's now lit so yeah that's sir some useful ways you can use the conductivity it seems to be from what Dark Lord has found to be about one you everything has to be within to conduct like this so yeah could be very useful now this next one is a little silly I was apprehensive about showing this because it's kind of open to abuse but it's also good to be warned of such things as if you see this and whether the person who built is a trusted source but it also could definitely be used for some really cool mazes and such so this is basically a classic trap room so you walk in here and the door closes behind you and you can't get out and yeah you're basically no stuck in this room first you have to put the floor down then the walls and then before you put the roof in you can put the door in now or after it doesn't actually matter as we're on these menus we'll just put it in now for the door in there now obviously if you're going to use this you that you wouldn't want this to be complete trap thing so you'd want you know another way to get out certainly so you can't actually put a pressure plate immediately down like this it's too small of an area and I think this might have been a protection against this kind of thing I'm not sure but you can do is adjacency glitch it in so Jason see glittered in by pressing the build button and the right arrow or whatever it is on your platform pretty much at the same time and yeah there you go it's now and this will now be activated wherever you step within the small room or if you just have a corridor anyway going near the door and then just wire it up so that this is connected to the one output are to turn this around somewhere that's clicked to the one output and then this output is connected to a power source then off to you you want to put some kind of roof on otherwise it's kind of pointless and now if you step in here the door will close now I've actually miss a line this very slightly so if you go to the door you're just about off the pad but because it's slightly too far this way but if you get it perfectly centered then that won't be the case yeah that's a little thing again please don't abuse this it's but it could be used for some really cool things now I go this one looks pretty complicated but don't worry I'm going to explain it I think in a pretty good way so essentially first we have the triggers so we've got pressure plate which when you walk on it powers won't be output allows the current to go through it's the same with the button when you interact with it it allows a pulse to go through with the button this sides powered that side goes to whatever you want to be powered it let it off for a couple of ticks this one is a switch that basically just turn on enough and that low allows the power to go through or not in a permanent toggled State and then this is a proximity sensor which if you're within about 10 you a bit it will turn on and light power through so those are pretty useful those of these sort of input methods then we've got the inverter this one this will allows pair to go through unless the modifier is turned on so if we turn that off and don't provide power to the modifier then power can go through but if we add power to this third modifier input then it turns a power off this is an auto switch this is kind of the opposite this will requires two inputs to be able to actually output so if we turn one of these inputs off it will not allow power through on the modifier if we turn it back on then power goes through happy days now sometimes you might be in a situation this is just an example I know it isn't that just often not going to be situation about this but an example you might want to turn only one like you might always want this to be on no matter which one is clicked but you might only want one of these now to power them all up current is just going to come back see if like with this one powered but that not it's still allowing power to go to this one and then to that one but because this one is connected to that one as well it will then travel through and light all three up whereas using Auto switches that you can create a sort of one-way current so because this requires to to be able to let power through then it will go to this one but it can't go back through the current because there's only one being powered on this side which allows you to power this and that from this side and just this and that from this side so essentially powering one thing as well with both while powering another thing with only the specific one I hope that was clear and if you have any questions about this stuff feel free to ask jaesi hysteria and kipples and a few others who are linked down below are doing loads of research into the logic gates and different methods to use them loads of different cool things so definitely check them out for more stuff and like different perspectives different perspectives on the same thing I find always give a greater understanding of said thing this is an extremely simple strobe circuit so basically if you need anything - well strobe then this is what you do it basically works by these inputs here on both of these inverters are both powered this output goes both to the light as well as to the modifier on this inverter this inverter outputs the modifier in this inverter so essentially they're on equal standing both turning each other off and because of how the game works it takes and stuff it'll essentially just strobes so the way to make this is essentially you just get going to tech it get your switches up get two inverters you then power both inverters one of them goes to the light which then also goes to the modifier of the other the other ones output goes to modify input of the other now at this point this one has the sort of priority now this is this essentially came from meadery trying a toggle an automatic saw circuit toggle by creating two equal States to then favor one which would then turn that to the higher so in order to get this to flash which is why I don't use as a toggle because it's inconsistent get a button then power that put the button in the modifier of the one that's basically on then go out and basically just press upon this will then destabilize it and it is now strobing so just delete that and your circuit will just continue to strobe happy days and now have a very simple automatic door which will open as you go into it and close when you're away from it and open again when you go back up to it this is a super super simple little circuit Center you have power going into an inverter the inverter then goes through to the door the modifier on the inverter is going to a proximity sensor which will sense when you're within 10 U of it and that is powered also and then when you go and tend within 10 you of it it will send this the current which will unpowered the door and open it extremely simple you can put this proximity sensor pretty much anywhere near the door just make sure it's within like five year of it otherwise it's gonna be a little while before you have to wait there for it to open and you could also be quite evil and put it like 10 you in front of the door so once you go in it you won't activate the proximity sensor for the inside why I don't know why I'm doing these showing these trap based things but anyway and and another really cool thing that you could use called bases that are like adventure bases that basically you've got an in point and exits and you have to work through a puzzle to get out and stuff like that but of course if you're doing that kind of thing make sure you bloody warn people first and don't just share it so everyone gets trapped that's just rude and no one would like you so yeah that's just so cool little circuit super simple yeah anyone can do it jobs are good oh thank you door I do enjoy it now all this ground that has taken over this crazy farm may make you think that I'm talking about the terrain reclamation again but I'm not it's just an annoying thing that's happened but it's fine it's already built I can access them but one that lava mentioned the other day which is just a genius that all thought is to when you have a base like this and you have an off-site electricity source like that over there then you're probably going to want to be able to as you're building check the levels now you could have a short-range teleporter but a way cheaper way because you're not going to go there that often would be to have a battery in the system so if you go into your tech go to parent industry power and select a battery you can just connect your battery to your network so just have it in a place where you can access it I'll just put it to the side of this refiner if it let then wire it in once it's connected you can induce a battery to check out these systems power to see if you've got enough what's going on like how much have you got left before you're going to top out clearly I have quite a bit extra yeah I didn't think I needed this many well actually I did but it's a goal almost to fall on the texture but yeah so it's great to have a battery to be able to check your power grid stats without having to go all the way over to your electronics or you know having a short-range teleporter which I'm permadeath could be a brutal thing because as you know if you've done long-range teleporting with the short-range teleporter the land doesn't always come immediately and you'll often fall through it and on perm death that could be a bad thing because sometimes it boots can happen and you don't last for a few seconds now here we can show you a little bit about short-range teleporters now this here what you might see is a little test I've done I've done it several times an hour on different updates and still haven't fixed it to be able to do it unfortunately this system should allow you to pick which teleporter you're going to go to there you go in here and you pick say number three and it won't send you to number three they'll sing too well this time number four and if you select say number one it will also send you to number four now that is because it doesn't matter which one is powered and if you goes about this system essentially you press a button the button the you press then powers it goes up here it hits a one-way circuit because basically going this way your power both inputs so will output but coming this way it can't it can't flow back basically which prevents it from powering every teleporter essentially when you press a button it powers both the teleporter you're standing game well as a teleporter you're big you've chosen like the 1 2 3 or 4 and this system should work but it doesn't because the teleporters don't work on which ones are powered also teleporter wire which they're just finally added in does not does not like control anything it just yeah it's just a different way to connect to teleporters so doesn't that you don't think it's broken at the moment so I'm hoping that when they fix this this will be a nice system which obviously I'll show you guys how to make and that will allow you to have any number of tell it was in your base with a very simple like this is really simple selector with a button you just press and they send you to the one you want also if you have teleporters wide into the system but they're not powered but the one that you walk into is it will still send you to an unpowered one so yeah teleporters just stick to two at the moment the back of both but that's all you can currently trust until they fix it at which point I'll make a guide about her to do selectors and such I was going to briefly go over a few complexity values now we don't actually have the full complexity yet I haven't gathered that all from the files yet but don't worry that is coming I thought list of the complexity which appears to be now back in action at least for the moment but a few tips of things to avoid so would in general takes far more processing power to work with the concrete or metal so if you're doing a big build avoiding wood in general is a good idea for performance the more wood you have the slow is going to make your computer in comparison to using like steel or something where is concrete concrete is kind of the midway in a bunch of tough in a bunch of points largely concrete stairs so for instance are the worst stairs for performance our ridiculous they look the best and they're the only two though when you connect them like this actually are flush with each other wood and metal have a gap in the middle and these look amazing side-by-side so I use them at times but they are like three times the performance requirement than wood and metal metal are the lowest by far the concrete the concrete floors aren't too bad but they're not the best when it comes to the best for this kind of thing for the most part is metal metal flooring is by far the most processor friendly for most things there are certain things like concrete walls the walls in particular are the best a large thing would be to basically just avoid wood things that look planar like the concrete walls look the plainest as the walls and that's because they are they've got less bumps they've got less differences in color which means they have less requirements for processing power the metal flooring that you have quite a few extra little bits but it's still nothing in comparison to wood by far and concrete by bit a top tip I learned from mr. John hall which I've used many times and just never thought about before he said it but it's very useful essentially a lot of times you'll want to keep the terrain looking good you don't want it to Otto terrain like this where it destroys a grass and will eventually grow back anyway and overtake the flooring in stuff so it's a really good idea to keep your buildings off the ground like the ground floor and you can do this very easily by just using short walls or regular walls which will phase through the ground without causing any issue to then put your building on top you can also use arches to create sort of stilts for the house these can then go under and phase in nicely which gives you a base without destroying the terrain just a little tip there this next one is all about if you find a beautiful spot that you want to build the base then you just want to get straight on with it so it's really good to have a awesome ship usually a hauler that is filled with lots of cool stuff so I have a such a ship and it is this baller which I recently picked up so just call it down that is now classed as my ship and this ship has a whole lot of stuff on it's got carbon ferrite dust in the tens of thousands condense carbon oxygen cobalt ionized sodium nitrate some glass tile hydrogen tritium more died every plant every biome material it's got BCM chromatic metal platinum gold silver poking him some war Piper cause advanced ion batteries a whole stack of them navigation detail wiring loom basically if I need anything so I don't have to go to a station or something I have a ship with the crap ton of stuff in as a backup now obviously you can keep a lot in your cargo but it's really good to have this ship this has a load of building material so I can just start building with but it also has other stuff that I might need for said damage technology or just anything so building some kind of tech on my exosuit so I don't have to go to the Space Station also as far as technology it's set up those are building ships he's got a teleport receiver to extend the range that you can take and give items between your inventory and the ship it's also got lawn to recharge when case I just leave it and I'll never have to worry about retry and get even though it does have uranium and stuff it's just there's a free spot why not it's also gone economy scanner for finding trading posts on the planet if I'm building or just exploring so yeah really useful to have as such a ship this specific ship was a crash ship that picked up showed it in a video the other day so check that out if you want to go and get it it's basically free swish this next tip is to be careful on building close to portals portals can be iffy because hello games have put a lot of things into effect to prevent you from blocking portals and such with your buildings and trapping people inside them and all that so in order to do this they've kind of made it difficult to build near a portal now you can build the base far enough away which we believed before beyond any way was 525 you from the portal is the minimum distance you need to be away from it some of your base computers outside of that it should still upload and from recent evidence since beyond it appears as though some if you then extend your boundary toward the portal some things will be visible pretend to things like wires and lights and such whereas walls probably won't unless you're in multiplayer with the person it's a very easy thing at the moment a lot more testing needs to be done but essentially this is purely just to warn you about building too close to portals if you have a portal base that is just right on the bottle no one's going to ever say that unless they join your game now I'll show you a few farms well - to be specific this everybody is a activated Indian farm it is the highest passive income farm basically you just farm it you then collect it and sell it and you're done it creates a ridiculous amount each activated indium on the galactic average which is the base value plus 10% is worth 1044 units per one and you can get a thousand per hour per extractor from an S Class activated indium deposit this is my survival save I this all had time to build in the stream the end because yeah that because you know pylons and they do look good I'm so happy I did that at a friggin awesome but this alone this has 12 silos which all carry a thousand deeds that's 12,000 those carry 250 storage wise has 12 750 activated Indian one of these over a week's time can fill 68 of these so yeah essentially all you do is find an s-class activated Indian deposit or even a lower one stick down some extractors multiply the amount of extractors you have by the amount of hours that will be between each harvest and then make that many silos and yeah just come along in that period and grab your activated Indian from 1e supply depots gogo 12750 you there for me waiting there and that's worth 12 million units that's nice and to sell it at a yeah I wish I'm I'm not sure I should have chosen a high-security planet B now I did if you want a more fall-like map and stuffer for this type of farm just let me know and also today next we have this which is a chlorine farm now you might think chlorine hmm oh you might fall through the floor that's odd you might think it is a big farm it's freaking dude might think chlorine is a way thing to farm but it's really not essentially you are farming oxygen now if we look in here this doesn't a total of five hundred forty thousand oxygen per harvest this can be harvested every four hours roughly this farm will make the unique at four point three billion units per day essentially what you do is you take the oxygen from here you head into these and basically put chlorine and oxygen to make six chlorine from one chlorine and two oxygen you basically just keep doing that so these semi passive it's not passive at all it's the highest semi passive there is it also another farm type which is which has an even higher one which is a fully active fire which I will be doing soon but yeah so if you want to go on the more semi passive this has a higher but then activated indium by about 60% per you little mind so yeah the chlorine farm if you want to see how to do this I did a huge guide which I'll link down below 4.3 billion farm yeah check there this is a terrible showing godly because I've only got the main unit and the upgrade I've got no modules but one method for getting your farad just carbon die hard Regine and other such things that don't require a special weapon to mine is to shoot them with your ship get geodes and all sorts remember everything but do you pick up will go into a ship's inventory so make sure you've got space and yeah just shoot away try to pick a better planet than this is a terrible terrible planet was a terrible weapon that she's not bad they're everywhere terrible weapon okay folks and here is the final the idea tip thing to do as you can probably tell from this it is a combination lock not just any combination lock a 16-digit combination lock so and right obviously people have made these already Boyd Gaming was known as the first to sort of get one out there in the world JC's made one I don't know if kibbles has made one but basically I have purposefully avoided watching the videos for their designs because I wanted to just I like coming up with my own little designs of this so as soon as I'm finished with this video I'm gonna look at theirs and see how it compares I've gone with a fairly simple design I don't know if I could make it more simple to be honest I've literally given this 30 minutes because I know I can make one and I've just come up with this so right I saying that I'm very confident this is very good earlier right so basically the combination for this is this is hexadecimal 0 to F so 1 which is the second 1 2 3 or I know it's inventive five then it gets a little more complicated so that's six seven eight nine a a the next one B C and E and with that it opens with any different whatsoever if that's on nope not gonna open buddy I'm sorry with one of these off just a random one there nope not going to open so this needs of course every single one that is on now to be on and everything the one that is asked to be off now quickly show you how this works is super simple like it now this is gonna look complicated it really isn't complicated I flew just got my generators here and with batteries just in case over and out while I was doing stuff so this looks complicated I assure you it's not just give me time to explain so every single one of those that is off goes out to this back wall all of them are connected to each other this is because if any of those are on then this will prevent this signal from getting through these just goes into the modify of an inverter so that will stop this signal from going through now this signal is the power going to the door so if you're stopping this from going through this will turn this inverter on which will power the door and stop you from working now in order for the signal to also get through there this needs to be on so this needs to be powered the only way for this to be powered is if every single one of these auto switches which there are nine because there are nine of the buttons you must press to be able to get through so if any single one of these auto isn't powered by the modifier which each one of these is individually attached to a modifier then the signal can't get through here which means you can't get through and the door is powered so just one last way going through it the opposite way this is a power that goes through so this power needs to reach this in order for the door to be open so it goes through here goes through all of these Auto switches every single one the only way it will get through every single one is if all of these Auto switches are powered because I say auto switches work they need two inputs so this needs to be powered here and needs to power there this needs prepared here and needs to be prepared there and so on through all of them going through this line so the only way the power goes from here reaches all the way through here and goes down here is if every single one of the buttons connected to these modifiers are turned on so those are the ones that need to be turned on but if and that gap brings it down here but if any of the ones that need to be turned off our arm any single one of them this will be powered which prevents it from going through here and so that's the central here I know it looks really complicated just because of 16 of them I dunno what I thought I'll do 16 because you know it's no one's going cease folks thank you for watching this long gas building tips and tricks video I hope I hope you've learned some things if the if there's anything at all not just to do this if you're confused about anything please say in the comments I'll be happy to try and clear that up so yeah if you like this kind of thing to let me know and yeah I'll see if I can do more like this type video in the future we have a website that's linked in the pin comment seems a discord allows for some people linked in the bin comment we got merch if you want to support the channel and get some intangible yourself t-shirts supersoft really nice tri-blend really light good for likely hot days and staff got hoodies for the cold days would super lie again and comfy and yeah check it out thanks for watching folks and just to please have a fantastic day now I'm going to go and check out JC and Boyd's design see how they differ it should be fun and the highly recommend you guys do the same I've linked a load of builders channels and stuff down below in the pin comment especially people have been who've mentioned in the video and then others like Action Plans gaming er burrows and stuff check them out they're awesome have a great day yeah
Channel: Xaine's World
Views: 481,870
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: base building no man's sky beyond, base building no man's sky guide, base building nms beyond, nms base building tips, no man's sky beyond base building tips, no man's sky beyond, no man's sky beyond guide, nms guide, glitch building no man's sky, glitch building nms, landing pad no man's sky, combination lock no man's sky, beyond, no man's sky 2.0, is no man's sky worth playing, no man's sky everything you need to know, no man's sky perfect start, no man's sky should you buy
Id: unocB00H4Gw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 59sec (3599 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 01 2019
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