How to Find S Class Exotic Ships in No Man's Sky to Farm Nanites Prisms Gameplay 2021 Ep 12

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all right guys welcome back to no man's sky this is survival bomb and today we're going to go do some exploring and we are going to look for a new ship we're going to look for exotic ships we're going to look for s-class ships uh i'm kind of feeling a hauler right now but i'll also take a fighter or an exotic so we'll see what we see hey we may even find an awesome explorer you never know we're going to do some looking around now before you do that uh my recommendation is that you come over to this guy and you make sure you've got it upgraded uh hyperdrive i've got the indium drive in here if you don't know how to do that you can check out my last video i did uh but you don't necessarily have to have this it just helps and then i've also got three s-class hyper drive upgrades that gives me a range of around 1200 uh light years so i can move a little bit further around now the other thing i want to do that you don't necessarily have to do is i'm going to come over here and get a black hole and i'm just going to go to a different part of the galaxy that i haven't explored yet just so um i don't know i'm just feeling like it uh now i don't think this helps at all but it'll also keep people from saying oh you already knew it was there when i find one super quick if i find one super quick you never know i have that tendency for some reason let's go to the galaxy map uh so my current mission all right so it should tell me where our black hole is right there can i get there in one jump of course i can because i got an awesome hyperdrive let's do it now we've still got to be expanding out our uh exo suit as well i need more slots uh i'm not going to be doing any cobalt flipping because i'm okay i got 300 million or so i don't really much worry about it after that because there's nothing in the game that costs more than that bam wow i've never seen one that close to a planet before that's kind of interesting uh before we go to it let's uh hit the space station now usually when you warp into a system it's going to put you uh right next to the space station but this time it when you go to a black hole system is going to take you uh right next to the black hole so just kind of remember where it is if you don't go there immediately all right i picked up another hyperdrive module now i can't put more than three in here but i can put three more in uh technology so let's stick that one there actually you know what that's my best one so let's stick it here alright so let's head to the black hole now the black hole doesn't necessarily promise to take us closer to the center um it just promises to take us really far away so uh let's do it oh cool i don't think i've been through a black hole since they updated the animation and we're in a freighter battle almost like a big one too [Music] first contact uh all right let's uh let's check this out this might be cool oh no that sucks my uh that is a problem it's going through a black hole sometimes some of your technology does get damaged which it looks like mine did have to be very careful i don't shoot the good guys you're welcome all right this is a good looking freighter right here let's see let's go take a look and see if it's something we want to we want to get for ourselves i like it now we will have to buy it because i've already done the free freighter mission but i mean it shouldn't be more than 350 about 350. so let's see what we got uh a client 33 plus nine that is not bad 128 million i mean it's not cheap but we're rich it's all good money's not an issue for us we can always get more of it so let's see what the crew looks like uh it's the big eyebrow gig look at you trying to be taller with your eyebrows you're still shorter than me the other way all right and you sir your feet don't even touch bro just dangling right there all right let's take a look uh let's inspect it i dig it let's get it compare uh it's definitely better all around than mine so uh wait wait wait wait wait we're see what they change anyway no sorry yeah don't forget to transfer your items my bad now everything else should transfer automatically uh from the other freighter so let's go see that's my color and this is my layout so the freighter fairy has come through and uh put everything where it's supposed to be very nice and we've already got our storage so giggity i like it no i did not notice what the system was let's see uh industrial promising at war so it's a tier two but it is high conflict level we're also looking for um travelers as we go around doing this too now you're definitely gonna find more ships when you're looking for ships at the trade post but i always come to the space station first one because you warp into the system right next to it and uh two you've got a chance of finding a first wave exotic and if uh this turns out to be a high traffic system then it might be a good place for scrapping so i always come and do my rounds real quick and and wait just and listen to see if i hear ships coming in you always want to be listening because exotics are actually going to make us different sound and if we happen across one of those then hopefully we'll uh be able to show you what that sound is what okay i like the colors of this system now the problem is when a system's at war a lot of times you don't have a lot of traffic now i have had them high traffic my starter system or one of the systems i've been in already is at war and that's pretty good traffic unfortunately it's a lower tier system so we're not getting anything great so i'll be cutting in and out as i do this and i'll kind of tell you how long this has taken me because it's not uh it's not a quick and easy run go do this kind of thing so let's see what we got around here three stars so what i'm doing is i'm looking for a three-star economy you find out the stars of the economy you see right there next to the symbol uh it's got a number of stars if you don't see that it's probably because you don't have an economy scanner installed in your ship so go ahead and get one of those at the anomaly get it installed and uh you too will see the stars there's a three star corvax now corvette systems are going to give you more explorers gek systems are going to give you more haulers and uh viking systems are going to give you more fighters they're all going to give you all three and they're all going to give you more shuttles than anything else but the uh if you're looking for let's say an explorer then you want to come to a quarterback system because you're going to just get more of them there doesn't mean you're not going to find good ones in other places it's just going to increase your odds i like these colors too let's see what we get the colors of the space station often are going to give you a clue as to the colors of the system it seems that each system has a set of colors that it kind of pulls from that's randomly generated when you go there for the first time now it doesn't mean that's all you're gonna get you'll get some one-offs and things like that as well because again it is random generation so hopefully we'll get some high traffic here if not we'll run down to a uh a trade post and see it's the other reason you want to have the economy scanner installed here we go we got our first couple coming in now again i'm i'm always going to wait here and see what comes in because i'm also looking for a uh a first wave exotic spawn because the first wave is generally pretty set and you're going to get the same thing coming in on the first wave every time the first wave is going to be i don't know i think it's around 8 or 10 ships uh it doesn't always mean it's the very first group it could be the second group uh because it's just how long it takes them to get here all right we got three of the same thing ugly ugly yikes i am liking these colors less now the other thing you can do is you can reload here as well and uh sometimes that speeds it up if you're not getting a wave that comes in sometimes it doesn't oh we got a tropical planet over here let's go check that out and we'll look for a trade pose there now if you hit the trade if you hit the economy scanner in space again you want to have the economy scanner installed which you get at the anomaly you hit the economy scanner when you're in space it's going to give you a random planet trade post but if you go into the atmosphere of the planet you'll get a trade post on that planet so what i always do is just look around at the planets to pick the best one that i want to hang out on and then hit the economy scanner once i'm in the atmosphere and if i don't see anything good i just go to the closest one i do dig this color grass however the watercolor is kind of like a brownie orange which i i don't think i like we'll see when we get closer oh wow it flip-flopped on me that's weird it totally flip-flopped on me i had that backwards all right so let's hit the economy scanner where is our trade post right there a crash freighter see look at this it looks blue right it's got a bluish green out of the atmosphere and then once i get into the atmosphere of flip-flops that's so weird uh well why is it red oh is this just is this one of those weird visual planets because that was supposed to be green something's going on and okay that might just be a game issue my ship was the wrong color there for a minute i don't know guys sometimes uh things get weird and i'm always surprised i guess uh if you've never been told this you wouldn't know but uh you can look through your analysis visor at a ship to see the class of it without having to actually go interact so that's a c class 15 plus three and you can see it's 450 445 000 units it even gives you all the stats so makes it much easier that's kind of a cool looking little explorer actually that's interesting uh we got an a class over here again we're in quarterback so we're seeing lots of different explorer types you got to be careful on the colors when you're on a weird planet because uh the lighting will definitely affect the way it looks and you can be tricked see now the ground looks almost purple all right so we'll wait here for a minute see if anything cool comes in now we got a storm boo oh look at this um i like the fan haulers but i don't like the way that that wing extends that's not exactly what i'm looking for i'm definitely not looking for a shuttle or that although it is an a-class all right i've been here long enough to know that uh i'm not seeing anything i want there may be a cool exotic here but there's nothing else worth waiting around for so i will never know now if you happen to fly by a ship that you like you can be certain that that model is in the system unless it's a pirate then those kind of warp in so if you see a group of ships and you want to check out some other ones sometimes it's hard to uh to get them but you can't go into photo mode okay that's the fan hauler got it all right well let's uh let's head somewhere else oh wait right there restart viking right next door now the three star systems as i mentioned those are going to give you a higher chance of getting a better class ship it's not going to give you a higher chance of the number of ships to spawn they're going to be the same it's just the classes are going to be higher on a percentage basis but you can still get an s-class ship in a one-star system uh it's just less likely but the way rng works i have definitely gotten a good ship in a one and two star system before and uh so i almost hesitate to tell you to just go to three stars and the funny thing is most of my ships that i find it's when i'm not looking for a ship it's when i'm doing something else so find yourself something to do the multi-task while you're doing this because if you're just going to spend the day looking for ships unless that's what you really enjoy you may get a little bit bored with it so a lot of times i'm going to do this as i'm doing other things working the quest line getting the suit slots i'm also looking for a place to scrap ships so i'm looking for a high traffic area as well that's got a good number of ships all right let's see what we got an a class hauler a class shuttle c class what was that oh i heard it did you hear that sound that's an exotic right there bam it's only 5 million what is up dude right so i've got an exotic let's go ahead and make an offer uh this is not kind of the one i am looking for i've got some so i'm gonna buy it because it's only five million uh and i'm gonna scrap it and see what i get out of it so let's negotiate price now this could be a first wave so we'll reload and see uh if it is because that would be pretty sweet and i'll give you the uh glyphs for this here in just a second as well if you want to come get this one if that big mama jam is what you're into looks like it's got a freaking mohawk now when i scrap ships i always destroy the components that you can destroy just to squeeze every little bit out of it let's see what we get out of this guy i've got three storage augmentation on me uh i claim scrap for three and a half million so we lost a million and a half on this deal see what we get out of it um we got three s-class upgrades and three storage augmentation oh please let this be a first wave exotic and let everybody hate on me for being this lucky because sometimes it just works alright so let's see how many nights we get for this purchase it's let's see no i want to sell sorry all right so we're going to get 470 455 474. nice they're just shy of 1500 nanites plus and this is really the key three freaking storage augmentation so let me throw those in uh oh i don't have my matter beam installed oh man that doesn't transfer over that's some crap oh well all right so uh the radiant pillar came back to replace it because that was my original ship all right so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna jump in my ship jump out of my ship this creates an auto save uh now what i've done is already happened uh obviously but uh now i'm going to reload my save which will give me a fresh uh iteration of this station basically as if it just as if i just spawned in so let's go ahead and reload the autosave all right we're back in and graphics there we go have joined us so let's see what we get i gotta build that stuff i hate not having a matter beam come on exotic i'm trying to think if i've found a first wave exotic before i may have i don't recall if i do if i did but um there's a lot of times i've thought i found one because it happened so quick only to reload and find out that it was not in fact a first wave exotic i got ap got an a that's not a bad scrapping ship right there that is too expensive so for me scrapping ships uh people are gonna have their different rules of thumb for me i like to buy a b class and higher um and i want it to be usually under 3 million bucks that was the best option right there and it's gone um the reason i say b clouds are higher obviously you're gonna if it's an a or an s you're gonna have a better chance at getting the things uh the better things anyway but time is money so if i've got the money and i'm sitting here and one lands i'm gonna scrap it unless i have a better option if uh i'd rather scrap it and then just sit here and not do anything so when i have people argue with me to say oh i wouldn't scrap it if it's not an a i mean that's fine but i mean if a b lands and i'm just standing there and my choice is to not scrap it and wait for an a or to scrap it while i'm also waiting for an a why the hell not scrapping and you know go on about my business like that one right there so let's go ahead and scrap this one while we wait go ahead and buy and there's another b class go ahead and buy that one too while we're at it all right so let's go ahead and get these guys out of my inventory because i think i've already got four ships and i don't want to be ship capped let's claim that scrap uh no storage aug let's jump in this one so this becomes our primary clean that scrap and that one's gone all these toilet paper tubes coming in no storage augmentation uh we did get a storage dog from that one that's not bad go ahead and get rid of some of these see now this would keep me busy on the b-class scrapping for pretty cheap because all these are around a million or less oh we got it again maybe it's a first couple wave exotic now that one's uh much better it's definitely not first wave but it's in the first two or three waves uh make an offer negotiate now this one is a very expensive let's go ahead and buy it oh got my copper nice all right and let's see if we get uh let's see if we get the same stuff from that ship what we got three s-class modules and uh three storage augs and i've got seven all right so let's claim our scrap now this one's cost us more for sure because we paid 12 and now we're only getting eight you get 70 back from the scrap and uh just to be clear because this question always comes up uh you don't get money you get scrap and you sell the scrap and that's how you get the money so i got my three and i got my three i am digging on that let's go ahead and get some nanites cell giggity that's not a bad looking ship either that one is yeah i like this i don't like the class all right now we have this one too we're gonna scrap now for me in the game uh you know there's efficiency and then there's time management and and i believe in being efficient not just in my resources but with my time because i don't have all day to play the game i've only got a couple hours i usually do it in the evening when i'm relaxing so when i have people that tell me oh you can do this and it's better usually the catch for me is that yeah you can but it takes a lot longer and it's less likely to happen so for me uh what i enjoy doing is is playing and keeping active so that's why i scrap these ships that aren't worth a whole lot because i have a chance of doing something i'm just standing here anyway waiting around blame scrap and that's honestly how i find more exotics because i stay in one place longer i think a lot of people don't find the s-classes in the exotics because they move around too quickly and they're not patient enough in a um a three-star system you've got a two percent chance of getting an s-class um no i'm sorry you have a two percent chance of getting an exotic all exotics are going to be s-class so um that means two out of 100 ships now again it's random so it's it could be the first two it could be the last two uh you know it may be all kinds of different combinations but now i'm seeing different ships come in that i didn't see before and there's an a class we can scrap so let's go ahead and grab that as well all right so nothing good right now i know we've seen four or five waves come in let me jump in to create an auto save it's a heavy that's going to be expensive yeah when you see those side things that kind of make the ship like wider and thicker looking that's that's generally called a heavy and it's going to be a higher number of storage uh so you see that one's 32 as opposed to a lot of fighters are going to be you know in the teens to 20 range so uh those heavies are always going to be more expensive so you know that's going to be out of your price range for scrapping if that's what you're looking for see something else coming in what is this oh nice and it's a c all right i don't think i've done anything but this is habit so let me just go ahead and jump in and jump out and reload the save we'll see if we can verify if this is a first second wave exotic spawn because that would be pretty sweet all right here's our first couple and we got an s-class explorer for 1.8 that is pretty nice that is a good scrap and ship because that is ugly as far as i'm concerned yikes oh my god uh yeah if this was green it would be the absolute warship ever in no man's sky uh it has it is not uh symmetrical and it's got the big stupid head it's got a claw and a nub we got nubby here sir i'm gonna have to take this ship and uh put it out of its misery so um yes i'll pay you for it don't worry don't worry i'll compensate you give me that yikes all right what is that that's a c that's a b we got back there now there's an a for 1.2 so let's go ahead and grab that two we'll scrap them both now let's see this one whoo yeah combine this one and that one you'd have the worst ship ever or the worst explorer i should say uh give me that uh i think i got one more i think i got one i think i had 11 and now i have 12. i cannot remember to be honest with you and there's a c that's a b grab this one now it kind of goes without saying you got to have room because you can only have six ships you gotta have room to do this i like to have at least two open slots three is better for sure now there is a glitch where you can trade your ship and go get it back so if you do find the perfect shift and you don't want to sell the one that you have active uh you can swap it and get it back let's see let's go ahead and claim this scrap holy crap we got three more modules for that that was a good s-class uh that's a c right it's in a bad little scrapping location i already did that hey buddy i haven't even been to the planet surface yet now the problem with the planet surface is uh you can't really scrap there because is that the exotic no got an a and a b though this is a good station because it's keeping me busy while i wait uh i hate just standing there and just looking because that's where i miss stuff because i'll lose my attention will be gone but now i'm paying attention to every ship that comes in for me it's like a mini game let's see how fast i can do it and this will help me outfit my uh tiger squid i got the other day let's see there's another a for 2 million let's go ahead and grab this stuff out of here real quick see i'm not even having a chance really to slow down and at this point i have been recording for exactly one hour from when i started the episode now i'm gonna cut it up but uh not bad for an hour let's see uh make an offer go ahead and buy it let's go ahead and throw that in here 18 giggity now if you are specifically looking for a system to scrap in i would recommend going to either a corvax or a viking system just because the haulers you know are going to be more expensive if you're using my my numbers the haulers are going to give you more stuff but they're just a lot more money so i tend to stay away from the haulers and a gex system is obviously going to have more haulers in it fighters and uh explorers tend to be low cost uh of course shuttles are as well but if i've got more fighters or more explorers in the system then i've got a higher chance of getting a low-cost one that uh that i can scrap did i scrap everything i had i think i did i'm caught up caught up all right so let's go ahead and uh i don't want that right let's go ahead and sell some stuff all right so we've made about what 10 thousand nanites here so far twenty five thousand off to check the recording to see for sure i may uh put it in text on the screen or uh completely forget about it we'll see see now i say under three million but i mean obviously that's some that's almost four million but it's an a class with a bunch of slots so let's go ahead and grab it and scrap it anyway and see what we get we got nothing else to do right now right 19 storage log oh so i got one on that last one nice uh let's clean the scrap see this is costing me a little over a million because i bought it for 2.8 so it's costing me about 1.2 million with that 30 percent drop you take why did i get a c-class was that c-class i'm so confused oh but i got a storage dog so that's all good i swear that was an a-class i'm so confused right now oh we got it he's back nice so it's obviously not a first or second wave but he's pretty regular in here it seems and uh you got something to do while you wait for it so let's go ahead and make an offer and let me show you the glyphs on this this time sorry guys there they are bottom left all right uh let's see it's been an hour and 11 minutes i definitely have been here less than an hour let's uh kind of wrap this up and see how we did i want to try one more thing i want to try that oh that's that's a new one i haven't seen that model that's pretty cool if you want an all-white white and silver long nose explorer it's actually pretty cool i haven't seen that model in here so you may have better luck finding this at a trade terminal because that's the first time i've seen it come into the station but uh pretty cool pretty cheap with all those nades you got you should be able to upgrade that pretty quick if you only find the c um so not a bad little ship all right i gotta stop i gotta stop there's too many coming in i keep wanting to do it all right so let me uh go ahead and create a save and uh let's try this out you know what i don't want to try it out with my good ship so let's do it with the radiant pillar all right and so the radiant pillar i've created an auto save in case this goes horribly wrong uh i'm going to take this ship and i'm going to trade my pillar for it so let's go let's make an offer negotiate and i'm gonna exchange the pillar for this it's gonna cost me 460. yes and now that guy's over there by my pillar so let me go scrap this real quick and see if i can get back over there and uh get that back from him so let's claim the scrap got it that one's gone i didn't get out the components but homeboy is still over there checking out my pillar so let's go talk to him hey what do you think about this one not bad huh so now i can make an offer and i can claim it for free so uh thanks for holding that for me buddy i appreciate it now that's a glitch okay um i don't generally do that because in my opinion that's a glitch that you shouldn't be able to trade your ship for half the price or for whatever and then um uh go back and claim it for free so i don't generally do that but some people are into that and i'm not going to judge you if that's what you want to do if you're getting started and let's say you've got an expensive ship you can uh and or you're full you're ship capped and you can't get what you want it's definitely an option for you because the arbitrary six ship cap kind of sucks but uh but anyway so uh that's how you do that if you were wondering so now i got it back and basically i paid half price for that ship i scrapped because um i traded it and then i got that one back for free pretty cool but always make sure you do an auto save just in case things go horribly wrong let me grab this because now i have three ships on the pad here blocking things up and we'll reload that 27 storage augmentations not bad so we got tiger squid back here in the space station where we were hanging out earlier and uh we want to do some upgrading so tiger squid it's time now uh i've got 27 storage augmentation so that'll do a number on tiger squid uh she's an s 16 plus four pretty basic honestly that's a can't get much lower than that but uh we can come here and we can apply this augmentation to our ship now i thought about this a little bit and if you've got a price that's not ridiculous like 2 million is not horrible um you may want to just buy the first couple so let's go ahead and see what we get let's purchase a couple first one's two second one's three uh i'm gonna stop at four yeah so yeah maybe not depends on how much money you have and how much in in time it's a time money balance for sure so anyway we bought we bought a couple because they're gonna get stupid expensive after i put these in so there's no going back so let's go ahead and upgrade we're gonna apply the augmentation and let's go bam bam bam bam bam bam all right and then i'm gonna stop okay and so you see there when i flip back to general it opened a new line there now i'll go over this now since i've got the opportunity uh the value is 41 million now now that's the value as if this was completely full if i reload it the value is going to drop now if you don't see that happening sorry i can't help but look at the other ships it's not you it's me and let me just show you this so it is 41 million let me go ahead and reload since i created that autosave and see now it's back down to 23 million so that's another glitch uh or you know exploit whatever you want to call it where as soon as you fill out just this section not the technology as soon as it fills out and opens up before you put another piece in there it's going to give you the value as if it was completely full all right so now it's 66 million 99 million 172 million that's the most you're gonna get it's acting as if these are full right now okay so i was able to do that without filling any technology in any of these by just doing it one at a time now when i reload that it's going to go down to i think 99 million i'm pretty sure or something like that let me see how many storage augmentation do i have left because i did want to put some i got seven so i'm gonna go ahead and put some in um tech just because it's cleaner uh so let's upgrade that one now this is another way if you want you can um use this to make money too it's not the most efficient way but you definitely make your money back that you lose scrapping all right so uh we filled that up see didn't change the price all right and we're out we needed three more and the price hasn't changed oh look three more just landed hey buddy thank you for landing we'll take that and we're gonna buy that bam all right there we go now not fully pimped out but she's pretty pimp 40 plus 14 we can go 48 plus 21. every ship can be 48 plus 21 if you didn't know by the way so uh now we have a pimp tiger squid and uh i need to move some technology around don't we so this will probably become our daily driver yeah we'll put a few pieces of tech in there as well and there's eclipse one more time for the system all right guys that's gonna do it for today i hope you enjoyed this episode we started off looking for exotics and s-classes and we definitely found any i didn't find any that i wanted to keep but i definitely found a good scrapping location showed you guys how to make a bunch of nanites and if you're interested in that exotic come get it yourself it is a good scrap ship for sure uh now if you are curious about other ways to find exotics i'm gonna link my exotics guide in here uh that i did last year it's pretty relevant still uh the first part of it i covered today the second part talks about the nomian sky quarter exchange where you can get glyphs and actually go to specific locations for ships so uh you may want to check that out if you haven't done that already i don't have all the glyphs yet so i couldn't do it in this episode guys if you enjoyed this please hit that like button subscribe to the channel for notif with notifications and uh we will see you next time remember if you're gonna be a bob have fun with it and uh if you're gonna play know me in sky get a tiger squid and pimp the tiger squid it's good to do we'll see you next time guys take care
Channel: SurvivalBob
Views: 100,834
Rating: 4.8783197 out of 5
Keywords: How to find S Class Exotic Ships in No Man's Sky, How to find S class ship no man's sky, how to find exotic ship no mans sky, how to find s class exotic ship in no mans sky, how to farm nanites no man's sky, how to farm nanites no mans sky, s class ship no mans sky, nanite farm no mans sky 2021, nanite farm no man's sky, no mans sky nanite farm, no, man's, sky, s class, exotic, ship, nanite, farm, no man's sky 2021, no man's sky, no mans sky, 2021, no man's sky gameplay 2021, gameplay
Id: VvcfxJ6QYas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 55sec (2515 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 08 2021
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