The Oyster Shell Grave and More In This Old Cemetery

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everyone its Robert you're watching sidestep Adventures I am out here with Cody behind me and we are not exploring today it is another beautiful absolutely beautiful spring day in Georgia it's really nice to get out and enjoy it and practice social distancing while we're doing it and so we're gonna take a look at this old cemetery today now this is one I've actually been to a couple of times first time I did a video out here and I wasn't happy with the video so I never put it up but I also used it as a backdrop for one of my fake Halloween special scary videos that I do every year and so you may recognize it from there but today we're gonna do a legit exploration of this Cemetery and it's actually a pretty interesting Cemetery there's a lot of older graves out here and we are this one is well-kept it's got a newer chain-link fence around it it looks like someone comes out here and mows the grass but we are in the middle of nowhere so it's kind of cool that it's in the middle of nowhere but people are taking care of it we're surrounded by woods there's a sketchy dirt road you have to drive down here to get to it and there's actually another cemetery up there on the hill over there that we'll look at that will probably be a separate video these two cemeteries are not connected they're just on the in the same property area which is kind of interesting but so let's get started taking a look at some of these graves well go ahead and start at the back over here and this cemetery actually used to be a house out here I'll give you a little bit more details about that later when we look at another grave out here but there was a house out here somewhere of course this is back in the late 1800s and that house is long gone but I'm just kind of interesting to note that so let's go ahead and walk over here and take a look at the first grave now this is a Confederate stone and if you'll notice it sunk really low for a Confederate stone that's kind of interesting it's been concreted in so they put that in there different than a lot of the Confederate stones are this is William T Hogg company a 4th Georgia infantry of course Confederate States of America at the bottom someone told me that that actually stands for Confederate States Army I don't know I've always thought it was CSA Confederate States of America sort of like us stones have US on them and there's also three concrete blocks set up in the ground marking that area this great big cedar tree of course growing inside of the cemetery there's some more there's a bunch of home site plants and everything around this area that people planted many many years ago and they're still blooming so we'll look around here I don't see any more graves or field stones right around this area there's an indention in the ground but that's probably just from an armadillo digging and look at here we have a prickly pear cactus in the ground I stepped on one of these when I was a kid one time in the thorn went all the way through the soft bottom shoes I was wearing it was a very very painful experience so this is no doubt a child's grave from the size of it we'll see if there's there's no marker on it and then here is or I should say there's no name on the marker here's another stone but there's nothing on that we'll just go ahead and leave that right there I think you can see where it broke off from it should be standing up like that but it's broken so we'll just lay it there like it was this one is marked this is Elijah Belk and that's all it says and there's a foot stone right there so that's obviously a child judging from the size of that grave come over here this looks like it's gonna be another CSA grave this is Joby Duke July 14th 1846 and died April 11th 1939 and Joseph B Duke Company B 2nd Georgia militia Confederate States of America and beside Joe Belk we have his wife Eugenia Eugenia V Belk wife of JB Duke October 2nd 1852 to October 10th 1926 there's a beautiful region above the skies and we long to reach its Shore for we know we shall find our treasure there the loved one gone before we have another broken one a a Duke who's born July 23rd 1880 and died November 24th 1884 and if we look at the bottom of the stone there's a makers mark it looks like a Jay Miller Americus Georgia on the another video I did I forget which one we saw another marker that was made by the same fellow and this is the foot stone right here that's laid up there beside the headstone here's a newer grave newer in relative terms James Franklin Duke born April 10th 1876 and died October 3rd 1942 and Valona Harris Duke born September 23rd 1881 and died December 5th 1928 knew the wild flowers blooming so here's something I want to point out there's a couple field stones leaned up against that grave and also on this old cedar stump there's field stones and bricks sat on top of it and at a couple old cemeteries that I've been to it was noted that the field stones that were marking graves had been moved by people mowing the grass and that sort of thing so you didn't know where the graves were anymore and I wonder if that's what happened here it could be but apparently I got in some fire ants because there's one on me right there and yeah I did oh yeah they're all over my my boots and I can feel them biting on me so I have to turn the camera off for just a minute and deal with them all right with that a fire ant interruption settled look at my shadow out of there a little bit I just wanted to point out that old cedar stump right there and this is the infant son of JB and LR Duke born May 25th died July 18 1871 he is waiting for us in the glorious Eden land which lies beyond the sunset of life I think this is a stinging nettle that's blooming right there you don't want to touch those the dusting you there's an unmarked grave right here marked only by fieldstone and maybe that brick for a foot stone and there's another little pile of bricks another great big field stone right here and foot stone with nothing on it this is an interesting looking headstone here and it's an older one older for this area see if I can get some light on there in memory of that name is gonna be rough you can see what this has actually been repaired in the past and anyway Abraham may be unfortunate I can't make out the last name born April 12th 1850 and died January 3rd it looks like no January 8th 1851 and I can't make out the bottom either I the bottom does say God above and there's look at that cast-iron piece right there looks like it would have gone to a cast iron fence or something at one point it's different design than the cast iron fence it's still out here this is in memory of a a Duke born February 24th 1823 and died December 30th 1852 and Nicholas Jordan June 7th 1822 December 15th 1857 and Sarah a Jordan born September 20th 1820 and died January 8 1908 at the bottom it reads sleep on dear mother and take care so when we start that again sleep on dear mother and take thy rest in Jesus arms forever blessed here's Reverend James Duke born September 1st 1792 and died March 2nd 1861 he was born a very long time ago of course he died a very long time ago as well this is a fire ant bed right there nope yep there they come out of there go ahead and walk away from there since I stirred them up trying to keep my shadow out of this as much as possible the Sun is a bad place for that in memory of Nancy Duke wife of James Duke born August 1st 1793 and died July 3rd 1882 his Sabrina J Duke born April 20th 1825 and died January eighteenth nineteen gone but not forgotten here's an interesting grave its marked by field stone and brick on both ends you can kind of see the mound of the gray and it's this this where the grave is mound it's absolutely filled up with looks like oyster shells there's some of them that have fallen off right there we'll put those back but uh just all over here she covered and looks like oyster shells and again that's kind of interesting I haven't seen that before I have seen sea shell graves that were made with like concrete and shells mixed together but these just appear to be just shells piled up here with nothing to really hold them together that's pretty interesting to see this Frances a son of Francis a and Henriette Duke born January 13th 1866 and died September 12th 1879 at the bottom it says dear Frank thou has gone before me to the land of perfect rest Oh may I meet me there my darling and dwell with thee among the Blessed and so here's some definite newer graves out here is Minnie Swain cook who was born November 20th 1872 and died 1961 Stephen Swain born July 31st 1868 and died December 7 1952 and this that's a Woodmen of the world Memorial there and look at this beautiful beautiful flowering bush planted beside these graves underneath the bushes Sara Swain Jordan wife of Irving W Jordan born November 20th 1870 and died March 6 1952 the grave over here is unmarked so we'll go to the end here there is a just bricks around an unmarked grave there you can see the old stone right there and right there mixed in with the bricks and another unmarked grave now this this is interesting with this grave this marked there and on the concrete stone see we've got Ivy in the top of the stone Susan Elizabeth Swain born October 21st 1845 in died August 16th 1902 this to a mother's sacred memory her son hath allowed that have said hallowed this to a mother's sacred memory her son hath hallowed it looks like there's another letter right there but it's kind of covered up with some concrete or something over here beside Susan we have another Confederate marker Stephen Swain company K 12th Georgia infantry Confederate States of America born December 25th 1820 and died May 20th 1888 we have sweetie Swain right here from the sighs probably a child's grave and NOLA Swain probably also a child's grave
Channel: Sidestep Adventures
Views: 40,900
Rating: 4.9436913 out of 5
Keywords: abandoned, abandoned cemetery, cemetery, haunted cemetery, abandoned places, exploring abandoned places, abandoned cemeteries, abandned cemetery, abandoned cementery, abandoned maine cemetery, abandoned cemetery house, abandoned cemetary, abandoned cemetery near me, lost and abandoned cemetery, exploring abandoned cemetery, abandoned house, abandoned 200 year old cemetery, abandoned grave yard, abandoned oriole cemetery and ghost town
Id: PX9fgRjPhF8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 23sec (983 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 21 2020
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