Very Sad! The Most Amazing Forgotten Cemetery I Have Explored

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everyone its Robert and you're watching sidestep Adventures I'm at an absolutely amazing Cemetery today that I'm really looking forward to showing you guys I've been wanting to come out here and film this place for a long time I've seen some pictures of it this is my first time seeing it in person I got to thank my friend Daniel who brought me out here today I really appreciate it man we've been talking about doing something for like what two years now yeah sadly about two yeah and so finally we're out on adventure today and I got to say it's it's really cool day here in Georgia today it's nowhere near as hot as it has yeah I'm glad it's cloudy and overcast and it's a nice cool day to come check out some really really historic stuff absolutely hopefully we don't get rained on though all right let's get started [Music] [Music] [Music] this place is absolutely amazing I've actually never quite seen a cemetery like this you can already see just as we're walking in and we'll get up close to them in a minute but the stack stones over there I've never seen that in a cemetery before quite like that I think that's really cool but we'll go ahead and start by taking a look at these uh children's graves right here and I've got my my little Oh light with me so hopefully that'll help read the graves there's not much left on this when it's worn pretty well from the years but let's see if we can make anything out Jackie that's not that's not gonna be possible on this one unfortunately I don't know it looks looks a little bit better looking at it on the camera screen so maybe we'll be able to make something out in post but I can't make anything out on that one let's take a look at this one it looks like daughter of but names damaged there but we can get a date on this one it's uh looks like born 1859 and died 1860 there's another one right here let's get this this just says sister on it probably the rest of it right here so this is little Mary Jule only daughter of RG and PA Williams she was born July looks like maybe 10 1871 and died November 24th 1875 its at aged one year ten months and eight days children's graves are always really hard to see sad to see in cemeteries yeah yeah I often often say that it was really hard to be a child back then there was one that I went to and it was just a row you know the of the same parents just like five children's graves all in a row you know just imagine you know how hard it was for the for the families then all right so we kind of blow this one off so I can't make out the first name on that one but it's G Williams born April 1st 1829 died December 10th 1877 and over here this one's pretty easy to read firmly pearl firmly a Biggers wife of RG Williams born February 28 1841 died October 24th 1891 and at the bottom it says she was a fond mother and friend to all take a look at this one that's been pretty damaged over the years you can see the grave was sunk in causing that to fall and to look at all this ornate decoration on a very old grave we were commenting earlier as we walked through before we start filming that the people buried here we're definitely very wealthy because there's a lot of war Nate graves that you'll see in a minute here this one's got a Masonic symbol at the top and it says in memory of Joseph W Biggers born December 28 1837 died November 11th 1884 there's more of it over there everything yeah there's not that cab yeah just that's pretty impressive I mean cuz it would have been that stacked on that and that and that's not light light material the original marks when they chipped it out by hand yeah but you chisel and a hammer exactly it is I mean it really is when you think about it you know something that ornate you know just being handmade back then and at the bottom it says our brother I didn't see that a minute ago so again get started looking at some of these and I just want to take a minute and just kind of walk down these before we read the names cuz this is just an amazing stacked stone here you can see these were these were quarried stones at the bottom squared and then just flat stone and looks like kind of filled stone at the top but that's just that's pretty amazing right there I've really never seen that before like this and another cemetery where we start reading the names here I'm a light on this is Laura Ida daughter of alright this is a difficult name we're gonna give Daniel I'll try I'm saying that one pedal pedal Amos pedal Amos J and Matilda F Biggers born April 14th 1857 departed this life September 22nd 1858 so just a baby there this is in memory of James Americus son of pedal Amos J and Matilda F Biggers born July 30th 1853 died July 5th 1854 well not even a year old and in memory of Francis Wilmarth daughter of pedal Amos J and Matilda Biggers again born March 17th 1839 died August 2nd 1852 that's very sad they were just talking about that family that lost in memory of Narcisa Caroline daughter of pedal Amos J and Matilda F figures born September 21st 18-49 died July 30th 1852 and they lost another child August 2nd 1852 right there so that's that's really sad this must have been some kind of outbreak or something in memory of an infant an infant son of pedal Amos J and Matilda Biggers born May 22nd 1851 in memory of William Madison son of pedal Amos and Jay and Matilda Biggers born May 2nd 1844 died November 6th 1845 so that's it was a 5/5 children that they lost 6 children yeah 6 children that they lost yeah I wonder if any of their children survived it is that's that explains kind of why they're all in the same plot and maybe why it's so or night yeah well here is here's the mother and this is one of those really ornate graves I was talking about earlier I just kind of don't you guys look at it for a minute and actually this kind of answers our question because at the bottom it says our mother so obviously some children did survive but look at this look how absolutely ornate and beautiful that Ivy is on there and it's look at this space right there I mean it's not just carved into it it's actually got let's face underneath it I mean that's beautiful yeah it wasn't glued on there it was a car yeah that's all a piece of stone and that's just amazing so at the top of the grave it says the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want this is Matilda f wife of a name spelled different here petal ms j Biggers died May 24th 1882 aged 65 years says a consistent member of the Emme church and her daily walk has ever born testimony to the faith that dwelt within her a devoted wife a loving mother and a true friend and over here you can see the rest of her grave and this is a kind of interesting that and this is something I see a lot on the older graves that the writing is on you know we would consider the back of the headstone and all of them seem to be this way out here this is another tumbled one that's pretty damaged as you can see at the top it says the Lord is my light and my salvation and this is Petey Oh LEM us that's a spelling on this one so was it a spell different well that was at PE T on that one that's interesting so [Music] Thomas I wonder what the pronunciation is on that I made just shorts and yeah yeah Biggers born in your district South Carolina December 25th 1808 died in Muskogee County Georgia March 15 1885 he was a consistent can you make that remember member of the early church devoted husband loving father and a constant friend and there's more more ornate work on this slide not quite as well Nate as the other one but still very impressive so we've got two more over here these don't have headstones but rather an insert in the top of the flat Mrs Millie Coleman died April 10th 1861 aged 77 years a consistent Christian and a devoted mother okay this one's marked here it's a lot more there's an amazing hell that writing it didn't look like there was anything on there and now it's all just PG Biggers born March 16th 1843 died August 31st 1900 he was a member of company Oh company C 46th Georgia regiment Confederate States of America says he was a kind and loving son and affectionate brother I wonder if he never married that's why it's got you know like it doesn't sound yeah anything about father or husband like the rest let me say yeah it's pretty cool yeah it was he was just pretty young well I guess 20 and 1863 but depends on when he joined up I guess this is Vesta M infant daughter of jjw and C II Biggers born March 10th 1863 died October 30th 1863 says sleep on sweet sleep sleep on sweet babe we would not break this spell that binds the D mold all right I'm not gonna attempt to read the rest of that because I heard me struggling blow that one off this is Clara acting like that Clara and battery's probably dying yeah I will switch to your light infant daughter of JW + CF Biggers born January 20th 1851 yeah died was that February no November 15th 1856 the sleep on sweet babe without a pain till time show calls to be and then that's woke to life again the Savior God to see people don't talk like that anymore either uh-huh no no it just it gives you chills almost just here and hearing that and knowing that was somebody's child some eyes infant child and they put that much thought in time just to make more absolutely yeah this is Emmie valaria firstborn babe of jjw and is at c c/e Biggers born April 12 1853 died August 23rd 1854 mrs. Slee fall in sweet babe and take thy rest o earth shall have on until sure earth shall have an end and then awake among the blessed and up to heaven ascend Wow and this one's interesting here it almost looks like like a modern concrete blot well that's just a single slab that's carved out and it doesn't appear to be a marker on it there is this this vase here take a look at this one this is pretty interesting we saw this one earlier that's missing a wonderful vase went up there um this says beneath on this side this monument rest the remains of mrs. Elizabeth Biggers who died November 2nd 1851 in the 70th the year of her age never you can notice this these are solid oh yeah I mean one piece yeah they're not individual they're not tiny stand that's amazing it's a lot of weight yeah it is and it's you know we're not on flat ground here and I'm sure that it wasn't flat land back then either you know yeah over here it's got this really cool engraving of a tree with graves under it that's interesting I've never seen that before it says they lost to sight to memory deer yeah that makes sense a weeping willows yeah yeah that is cool and that's I mean just more of what we've been talking about let me see that real quick um you can kind of see I mean look at the detail looks like maybe a fence yeah around it I mean just you know that that was carved out in that great detail you know that's so cool there's there's stuff on all four sides see if we can get over there oh there you go this one says sacred to the memory of Joseph and Elizabeth Biggers and Benjamin on this side this monument rests the remains of oh I said Benjamin it's beneath sorry beneath on this side rest the remains of mr. Joseph Biggers who died July 72nd year of his age Wow thanks for holding back those plants got some more over here this is another one with the D insert inside of the stone see it's a litel act right now sacred to the memory of how do you say that muck hard wife can't read the first name M Biggers born October 20 20th 1818 died September 3rd 1863 yeah the batteries had it on on that light so that's sacred I'm sure to the memory of Francis em bigger diggers born April [Music] say maybe 21st ok 21st that's just looks like 1818 I think I think but it doesn't look like it was even I guess it's just Warren whatever they didn't know yeah that's hard to say died June 10th 1862 I'm pretty sure and lots of lots of pre-civil war graves um I don't see that very often well I see a lot of you know post-civil war graves but that's interesting it's STK sh t WS in memory of Lorenzo M Biggers born in York district South Carolina March 17th 1811 died May 5th 1875 in Muskogee County Georgia that's very unique yeah me either there's another marking on the other side of that um it's Shawn to show you guys this real quick before go over there this is another one that's just ages destroyed this one yes sacred to the memory of our dear mother mrs. AE Biggers born May 17th 1815 departed this life September 2nd 1900 then yeah she think of how much she saw - you know from 1815 to 1900 lot of history this says our Father what does that say oh we love to think often we never can forget and this is ox hey so this is the other side of the this obelisk right here you can see where it would have gone these two don't have any headstones yeah yeah and it's interesting this is of similar design to all the children over there but it's not the same because those are quarried square cut stones exactly but still interesting very interesting like said there's the only other place that I've seen anything close to this is I've got with the plague Cemetery and over here we've got a bunch of unmarked graves to take note and we had wondered if these may be a slave burials over here because you see that often in old family cemeteries that are unmarked but there's no way of knowing for sure this is the top of what would have been like this but it's broken on the ground here just a piece of it there enough to read I don't think we've looked at this one it's sacred to the memory of Antoinette the wife of Joseph Biggers born we got a clean someone June 20th 1843 and died September 13th 13th 1870 and I think these two are the last ones that we haven't taken a look at or three I should say which is more children over here you know what that looks like it should be right there almost I mean you know I don't see that it moved all the way over here but the top yeah that's true this one's actually been Wow take you to the memory of it's like maybe Maddy Maddy II oh is this - this is - oh yeah yeah and that's Lula E born December 14th 1850 died October 3rd 1868 1859 first and second born of theseus and suffer little children to come unto me dart of Jael and AV Vickers born December 2013 68 may possibly a 17 May 17th 1869 that one side to this as well James are M bigger son of LM and ei buggers born October 29th 18-49 died February 11th 1851 man I really appreciate you bringing me out here this is a really an amazing place I saw it several years ago and I didn't know you at the time but I saw you doing your videos and I heard Scott if somebody's got to see it somebody get a quarter for it all goes away absolutely like I was saying the property owner has lived here about 30 years and actually when he bought the place used his own time his own money to try to keep it up and keep it nice and keep it respectful and he contacted some people and they said well you can't do anything about it it's considered historical you can't touch it but they never came out and did it either so he's he said well you know I he thought I'd do best I could and he's older now and I can't do anything with it so right that's a shame it is but like I said he he respected it enough to try to do it to do it right and keep it clean and keep it nice for as long as he did and that's really a good thing too I just remembered a subscriber commented on a video the other day that he went out to go find this cemetary that he had seen a while back went out to where it was and was told that they had knocked all the headstones over buried him under a foot and a half of dirt and then planted a garden where the cemetery was and you know and he told me that left that comment on one of my videos and it's just like you know that's a sad it is it is sad and it's why finding and documenting these places at least is right hoarding is sad and it's disrespectful it's just bad juju yeah absolutely absolutely and you know places like this I mean you see a cemetery and you think you know it's just an old cemetery it'll always always be there and but you know things can't happen and they can get destroyed and that's even being on private land is still gonna decay yeah absolutely absolutely as always I wonder what all was around here because if you kind of look at the landscape it's on a hill and down here is the river Creek I should say and so it's on a big sloping hill goes down down there to the creek and it's actually I wonder how different it looked you know back then right they were put here and what always around yeah so you got a somewhat clean land probably 150 years ago right yeah it was probably a beautiful hill you know look in the creek bottom and yeah alright I hope you guys have enjoyed seeing this amazing cemetery today I really did and again big thank you to Daniel for bringing me out here in the world yeah absolutely we'll see you guys on the next adventure
Channel: Sidestep Adventures
Views: 1,204,610
Rating: 4.8811789 out of 5
Keywords: cemetery, abandoned cemetery, forgotten cemetery, forgotten places, haunted cemetery, cemetery tour, abandoned cemetary, arnos vale cemetery, beautiful life story, western cemetery, historic cemetery, kentucky cemetery, hidden cemetery, city of london cemetery and crematorium (cemetery), beautiful places, elder cemetery, forgotten, beautiful music, mount moriah cemetery, new york cemetery, benedict eshelman cemetery, beautiful dua, lost cemetery, haunted
Id: 0kvMHeylGyI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 1sec (2161 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 07 2019
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