(Tragic Story) Long Lost Grave Found In The Woods of Georgia

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is it a flat stone or who is that oh yeah oh yeah that's got some those were used at Christmastime they would break them cut a branch off and put it in a little plot or something stick gumdrops on it oh really Christmas trees back in the old days my friend [Applause] [Applause] it's a really pretty jar this is the foundation for the Perryman plantation right foundation for shows all the way back over to there just one falling over it was right here in line without them and when did this house it burned down right this house was a was vandalized to the point that it finally rotted down I got you all the mammals or the doors everything was stolen out of it oh well over the years like I said I was I was born in 65 and it was considered a ghost house when I came along I could remember passing by here one of my grandmother's when I was four and five years old and it was in the woods then and everybody used to say look at the ghost house when we passed by catch you but miss Perriman is buried and you know when the house was constructed then about 350 acres of land with this house this was the pyramid plantation and they came here from Warren County Georgia and his name was James Perriman and he was a Baptist minister and he was one of the founders of the Baptist Church in Tarleton and then he went on later to found the Baptist Church or to help start the Baptist Church I think in Buena Vista Georgia and down several several churches down in Stuart County I believe married and Stuart County he and his wife moved here from Warren County he built this house for her and they decided to move to he decided to move to Texas he heard there was land available out there so he wanted to go and carry his ministry out there and acquire more land and his wife said no you built this house for me I'm staying here he said no you're coming with me so they had all the family and everything loaded up in the wagon and the day that they were to leave everything was ready to go and she wouldn't come out of the house and he sent some family member in the house to get her and she looked out a window on this side of the house they say this was I always been handed down through the years this story they said that she looked out the window on this side of the house and she said my Texas is right out there in the backyard and they went back out to the wagons and they heard a gunshot and they went back inside and found that she had shot herself well and they brought her right out here in buried her and she does have a marker on the grave but we may have to wait till winter time to find it because these big trees were standing last time I was here you see they've fallen it's been a long time but she was the daughter of Samuel story in Warren County and she and my great great grandfather were brother and sister three great-great great-great grandpa [Applause] I wonder if this is actually a piece of glass from the house I mean I guess it would make sense that it would be I don't see any waves in it I'll make it look really old but why else would it be here aside where the house rotted into the ground unless of course people have just been dumping me out here [Applause] so we're actually still of course walking inside of the house right now there's foundation right here actually I think this is the other chimney is it yeah this is the other chimney and I just heard Dan call my name I believe he found the grave so let's go catch up to him there you are you stepped on it oh wow [Music] [Music] don't see any snickies right there the small one over first yeah some indications what's here that's not all some of the flowers or sometimes this has the bottom part of the writing on says this is Jane elf did a sacred to the memory of mrs. Jiang so that this piece goes mr. Rock foundation the rest of it under there somewhere snake you wonder if you came out here and flipped it yeah I can feel work out there's all of it it's all just shows clips stacked on top the writing's on this side Oh so that that piece here's our last money so that goes after this is consort of yeah is the there's the edge so that one goes under there me try to move it [Applause] watch somebody turn that upside all right so it says sacred to the memory of mrs. Jane consort of James James Perryman and daughter of Samuel and Winnie story born May 11th 1797 married February 11th 1816 joined the Baptist Church February 19 1829 and died November 3rd 1843 forty-eight Oh eighteen forty-eight 1848 nine 1843 blessed are the dead who die in the Lord her father Samuel story I forgot how many children he had by his first wife weenie weenie died and he remarried Stacy Duckworth and Stacy Duckworth and Samuel were my great great great grandparents so she was actually a half-sister to my great great-grandfather Samuel story between two wives had 21 children and she has a brother buried in fine mountain his name is James story and he actually built what is now known as sweet home plantation so I saw a venue for weddings and so forth it's a big plantation house and he's buried in the front yard of that house Wow she has a Uncle Jesse story who's buried about three miles down the road here on the Left back up in the woods and all of the most all the neighbors in this area right here in this neighborhood these mutes across the road the Harrises the Culpepper's all moved here from Warren County Georgia what drew him down here of land lottery when the Indians were removed and land was divided up I think they bought land here because a lot of people who drew Leia did not necessarily need it a woman sold it they started their plantation here I understood I understand that he was doing quite well and just was seeking something better so I want to go on out to Texas because there were people who are moving for the West and he had friends that had gone out there and when he presented that idea to her she was against it she said no you moved me from home in Warren County to here this is my home they had been here they came here in 1828 and she died in 48 so they had been here 20 years in total County the really sad part about it I guess would be the fact that after she did what she did to herself he unloads all the furniture and put it back in the house and stayed that's a sad end it is and no one else is buried here but her it's what I was always told that he was buried elsewhere and the rest of the family all the descendants or most of the descendants are buried in the Oak Hill Cemetery in Taunton ka-chow she's just out here by herself with her house that's right and there are descendants in the area there's quite a few left around here and obviously somebody put flowers on the grave within the last years well we did find it somehow I tell you if you hadn't stepped on it we wouldn't have yeah sure I think it's kind of sad you know the fact that she is buried behind her house which we looked at earlier and it's kind of a grave itself you know to the house you know and [Music] and here she is in her Texas and it looks completely different out here now from I mean you were just saying this used to be peach orchards around here and back and she it was across the road and my mother remembers when tenants lived here in this house it was very liveable up until probably the 19 early fifties Wow so this barn here is the last remaining structure that's somewhat intact left over from the Perryman plantation here and I thought it was worth taking a look at because it will not be here much longer it's barely here now there's a no whitewall tire to you it must be one of the peach baskets dan said it used to be full of old peach baskets it is certainly amazing how things come and go like this once big plantation is now just ruins in the woods a chimney pile alone grave and an old dilapidated barn you
Channel: Sidestep Adventures
Views: 260,439
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: grave in the woods, forgotten, grave in woods, cemetery in the woods, scared in the woods, abandoned in the woods, grave, forgotten cemetery, forgotten places in florida, graves, abandoned grave, haunted grave yard, abandoned grave yard, woods, desecrated grave, lost burials.forgotten graves, grave yard, mass grave, pioneer graves, forgotten people, forgotten places, old graves, old grave markers, exploring woods, unmarked graves
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 50sec (1310 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 08 2020
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