The oldest version of Rocket League (with a pro this time)

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play rocket League with must and sunless Khan I don't play with sense I've said this many times before there was rocket League there was this a weird little game called supersonic acrobatic rocket power battle cars there's quite a few differences between this game commonly referred to as SARP and the rocket League we have today and I've actually already released a video over a year ago on some of those differences and my first impressions of the game but today I wanted to go a little further and reveal a little bit of rock in the history that not enough people know about show you guys some amazing things I discovered in this game check out some of its quirks and best of all dust off the old ps3 and play it with one of the greatest rocket League legends to this day chrono V who happens to be one of the few who originally started on SARP and is still an active our LCS pro player later in the video will even team up and try to play online against a few people who are still on this game now you heard that right you can still play the predecessor to rocket League as long as you have a ps3 and you're gonna have to cough up nearly three dollars so good luck with that this is my first time playing since I was like 12 or something this is your first time playing it again I've never gone back and played it know when rocket league started the Alpha I never played SARP again are you gonna be really bad at this I'm gonna be horrible well nap should we do I like how you select your car right before you get into the match and I'm just gonna do him got my aftershock I came prepared oh my nah I guess I still got it oh no no no it's not your goal it's my oh go my rotations are horrible compared to my rocket League rotations is the rotation different in this there just isn't one you just kind of like cuz if you're going supersonic and you press brake your car doesn't slow down for like a full two seconds it's like way harder slow down so you just dry run it max Vita use power sled No whoa hi say that alright big area here we go oh I pulled up the other open that I pull up the voice chat holding Ariel that's the other thing that's really different right there's there's like a barely any dog delay like it's so short you can't save your dodge yeah you just have to commit to flippin the moment you jump also bumps make you go slow far Bowl agree when rocket league came out that was the reason I stopped playing so early because the ball came was so much better that I I just suddenly despised playing this how many people were playing this game - I don't actually know what the player base size across both regions like 50 like super consistent people that played all the time only 50 maybe a hundred for some events no it really does remind me of plug rocket League for the first time it's like a simulation for like not knowing how to play rocket League what's the equipment of our skill over right now I'd say I'm like honestly like a silver in us actually no I don't even if I miss silver because I can barely hit the ball it's like we know what to do but we have no idea how to do it like I can't like take this up for on air dribble because my car's just gonna fall off and now I can't see the ball and I just don't leave is that bounce and then I can't it the often that but just come oh yeah we really are like bronze and silver that's crazy I'd say you're like maybe apply it Wow Wow but you can't even air dribble you can't hair dribble you're not a fly you're like a silver is not in this game you only can't a dribble at all in this game it's impossible to be play oh my god oh I love that you explode with a game's over okay that's interesting I vote Matt change let's do the pirate ship what are the loft cards how do i unlock the scarab gave me through every single minigame so I set out to beat every single minigame which was not a simple task they were a ton of minigames and I played through them all and let me tell you they were all amazing okay they weren't all amazing some really sucked but most of them were incredible there's this one where time slows down when you get closer to the ball and then it's normal speed when you're further away some of them are just two V ones or three V ones against bots this one's a four V one where one of the bots is just trying to demo you the whole time and his name is Bo Lee there's another one where you can only score from one side of the field and if you cross over you get destroyed by this laser that's covering half the field this one kind of sucks you're just playing with a box another one these cannons are shooting the ball you have to try to make saves another one you try to score the blue balls in the blue goal and the red balls on the red goal there's just so much variety here and I had quite a bit of fun practicing my SARP skills with these minigames so after grinding through those for a while I finally reached my main goal which was to unlock the Scarab there it is I now have the Scarab what the heck is the ball it looks like a watermelon I think it doesn't like a jewel yeah so bad and it looks like a steampunk like jewel this map is honestly incredible I didn't start playing until like mid 2009 laughter elective the initial peek had uh had gone away for the game were you immediately good at it no I took me like probably six months to get good enough to like actually be okay in online matches I ended up becoming pretty good that was ranked won one of the one for a long time I think I've almost played this game longer than I've played rocket League still like I haven't - my time on it but really cuz I played this for six years straight 50 or 100 of us that were on basically all day every day of playing matches and like trying to set up times to play each other for like a bracket once a week we have a tournament there's like no money involved we were just like super competitive and we did that for like four years waiting on rocket League announcement set in oh I can't tell cuz I can't see the ball poor cab you really don't want to be dribbling that I think you just want to focus on boomers yeah okay this is really sad I need to get it going I'm just I do Paul Tracy even even in this my place that was the same my heart heeds are actually sweating so home oh [ __ ] no it's off oh that stupid mask got in the way that was a goal no all right standard map yeah even would be the only standard one this is the trihard map right this is the standard map like this is basically what everybody did in tournaments like most lobbies were been oh that is that is exquisite you spawn so quickly though yeah you do it's interesting how they oh my that is a madness shot from the day oh my god I'm getting robbed by the post it's like in raqqa league I want to see you try to dribble yeah I have thing that I never did back they can you just don't do Sunday oh yes you just a way to dribble if you weren't host and you would utilize being super laggy to like push the ball side to side on on your screen you're not touching the ball but on their screen you are so you can move the ball around without getting affected by it that's wild so literally only work on hyping it's actually strats for ping that's insane that was incredible but enough about that it was time for me and chrono V to actually see if anyone was still playing this game online sure enough they were like 5 people so we hopped into a lobby to team up and see if we could take on actual SARP players let's try to get in someone's Lobby okay well I have nothing well we can come back let's go wow that was sick oh my god we all screwed on that little did we know our biggest battle would be the ping I mean for real the lag was a sight to behold you got another person oh yeah swing it we got an actual TV to button oh yeah oh oh guys am i sweating too hard now we have to come back that's that's incredible oh wait someone joins even more people we have some unused now it's a3 b2 now oh we're definitely going back now oh oh what are we doing I don't know I so confusing I thought I saved yeah I do and then there's also there's another ball there here comes uh-huh all right boy I've 0 boost I should be home oh oh tried a little redirect please why can't I just realize like I can't go for that because I want to jump off the wall wait so wait that's my first goal wait that's a team fish yes what a goal we're tied 25 seconds it's actually so hard to do anything off the walls what if it's signaling Gibbs okay it's all middle area oh we're gonna have overtime dang it sudden death alright I'll light touch to the middle following it up second away hi oh oh well be goalie the strats oh oh you'll set it oh yeah I am we're just rocking the backward I'll save gobs the boos I going straight now I think just playing ping-pong with the backboard you really are nice so good what a comeback that was awesome your rocket League fan you should definitely at least try this once it's it's honestly worth buying a cheap ps3 just to try this out you know who knows maybe even get some people playing online this has been a cool little revisit of a piece of rocket League history yeah I'm out here feeling 12 years old again so thank you for that [Music]
Channel: SunlessKhan
Views: 3,637,144
Rating: 4.9592662 out of 5
Keywords: rocket league, rocket league pc, rocket league best, rocket league guide, rocket league funny, rocket league moments, rocket league pro, funny rocket league videos, multiplayer games, xbox video games, ps4 video games, free pc games, ssg, spacestation gaming, pc gaming
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 6sec (606 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 24 2020
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