I played in every single Rocket League server (EXTREME LAG CHALLENGE)

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i played in every single server region in rocket league and it was kind of amazing there was toxicity there was lag there was wholesomeness there was lag there were comebacks no way did i mention there was lag the lag was a big part of this which is why i'm calling it the every server lag challenge all the servers in rocket league in one video has this ever been done before maybe but i have not seen it so i'm gonna keep track of my experience in each server region the region will get a point if someone says hi to me or is wholesome in general but a point will be subtracted if there's any toxicity the region will also get a point if my teammate carries me even though i'm lagging but they'll be subtracted a point if i carry and we'll look over the results at the end i'm also going to be giving a best lag moment award and a worst leg moment award that's up to our panel of judges which is me you know the worst lag moment technically could be the best but first i want to let you guys know about an opportunity to participate in a video on my channel sometime in the near future i'm going to be doing a video called rocket league's got talent so i want as many submissions from you guys as possible what i'm looking for is basically anything talented relating to rocket league the more creative you are the better whether it's a music video or some kind of original song or some kind of short film maybe a sketch maybe just the craziest play i've ever seen i want you to submit on my subreddit just make sure to include in your title that you're submitting it for rocket league's got talent in this future video i'm going to be reviewing the submissions and deciding which of you has the most talent points awarded for creativity funniness originality you know whatever if it makes me laugh you're probably going to do well the winner will get 1 000 second and third place i don't know a couple hundred bucks either way it's gonna be amazing so make sure to submit whatever your talent is related to rocket league and you'll probably get in the video all right now let's begin our server lag challenge turns out there are ten regions wait a second where's recommended that's not a server region okay let's start with south america here we go under call oh you just got played let's go with the lag with the 155 oh what i avoided it i did not not avoid it a little tough it's a little tough snuck it under me you little sneaky boy smart smart just go low there got him get in there what oh okay now they might get a negative point if i can carry hinder call i'm not gonna turn on that this is actually tough okay now i'm good [Music] can i even blame the lag there i don't know if i can i think i just whiffed that oh what what oh no i'm just not gonna go oh that's so hard to read man that is that is muy dificil tender call strikes i'm getting into this man i'm getting way too into this i double jumped i still scored okay so i did carry with 159 ping sorry sam that's negative one for you as far as toxicity no toxicity no problems overall good good regen i feel like this is a region review good region overall uh 150 ping probably best only queue there if you live there but uh otherwise yeah it's fine europe wow we're in europe doesn't quite look how i pictured it but now if it says we're in europe we're in europe how's the ping 120 better than south america love it love it oh boom thanks modi moddy i don't have the booze just kidding as i do bang oh my god oh my god oh my god wait does that count as toxicity why you go for why you go for boost oh my god we have toxicity i need it another flat dog he called him a dog n a that's like a compliment bro if i carry even though i have ping that's another negative one i can't win with someone don't use his brain good point if you're small as piece of garbage brain can't grasp it i actually need boost to save an aerial like that then you can go deep into your mom's kitchen this is the best video i've ever made all right europe was cool oh we already got a game it's probably us west no oceana let's go what's my thing like i didn't check 212. so this is the highest ping region so far someone told me in oc the gcs are way better because of the lower amount of players so i guess we'll find out if it's hard to tell uh what's reality i jumped super high because i learned that time i jumped higher than i thought i needed to for that challenge what oh man i can demo him you know maybe i can't troll now like that that was dumb of me that was my fault yeah i'm good i'm really good what what has happened what that's going to be the worst lag moment i had an open net and all of a sudden i just that's gonna be worse lag moment 100 i mean i hope nothing tops that let's keep it going here oh my god we're in the middle east 277 ping it's gonna be awesome oh he used some characters that i don't have said hi to me oh my that guy's really something this a dollar sign one is incredible i'm about to cry me too buddy just for different reasons the kickoffs are incredible i thought we were in trouble there taps me two seconds later explodes how is it three to four i'm not getting my hopes up for this one wow dude he's taking it easy on me i swear there it is oh interesting what what just happened all right that was an experience to be sure i think i'm gonna have to give that best lag moment that was incredible all right we got a match us west i actually have played very few games in the u.s west scary oh the fake i wouldn't have faked that personally that's in let's go nobody said a word this is quite quiet server oh that's a goal that's a goal right there oh it's trouble i faked oh no you bumped me try to block it disaster that's cool wes might get a negative point for the carry courtesy of mwah he's a big fan he's nice wholesome never mind all right gg man but they get a negative point because i carried even though i basically had 12 more ping than him so you know what i'm taking away that negative point therefore us west gets one point good job well well well the exotic location of us east my home server see how they treat me in my own region nice good job cool i was afraid the guy was going to demo me just before i shot it he was getting there he was getting there ah there's two of them man they're just right on top of each other man one one after the other they just he just owned his teammate that dude just bawled his look at this what i like this home region i might play here more i did carry but there was no difference in paying therefore that's just a neutral zero the person asked if i was real that's not really saying hi you just walk up to someone and say are you real so usc gets a neutral zero four to go oh i got a match i got a match what is this where is this japan we made it to japan okay i do not believe this is competitive yeah it's not competitive so hopefully no one leaves but we are in japan my thing is 182. this dude's 520. how bad i don't speak japanese nani oh we got a bot we got a japanese bot so far so good this is very exciting he's mad in japanese i missed it i suck i bet he would have saved me demo set up oh my did swabby just oh my i just got demoed by a bot bass nice and maybe he wasn't mad at me in the first place maybe he maybe just lost in translation maybe i got it in in japanese is more of like a celebratory phrase or maybe it's more of a just a general sort of text of confidence just about to beat okay 180 ping but i'm caring but he has a lot of pink too that's not good that's cool all right that was terrible but uh you know we had its moments [Music] got a game oh my goodness where are we asc i don't even know what that is this is awesome oh my god my bad you guys have no clue i've been queuing for about i think it's been 20 to 30 minutes this is crazy he's got it oh they don't do the left goes here it's it's backwards is this competitive it feels like they're pretty good it's way better than the japan match the ping isn't bad what am i at 1.95 oh i thought i was good there like he went back in time and he likes me oh [Music] get in there oh my god we cannot score can't miss that even my quick chat is delayed i pressed my quick chat and like three seconds later it shows up oh yes sir it's just weird playing on a server region you would never play in stay with me yes he's got it mr clutch papa mills 21. yes he went open no way yet again passing right to them says troops oh he's mad papa mills 21 mvp wait i actually technically carried but he had lag too you know i'm negating the carry because he had just as much lag as i did so what server was this again like what is that why is that not on here like japan's not on here either the server was called japan that i was on earlier but that's not like why didn't it say ase this guy friended me so let's find out where he's from oh he's from singapore all right that guy was pretty cool i say he redeemed himself from the toxicity unfortunately it still counts as a negative one for that server that leaves us with south africa and asia's southeast maritime oh my god i got a game and that was pretty fast okay wait it's two it's already started because it's casual where are we asm just gotta make a play on the ball score remaster oh he wants me to okay no he says no india okay oh my let's go so we got shrooms again but this is a different server this is asm he thinks i'm a sunless simp kj kjkj why'd you say kj oh no we did start this game down one to two to be fair so this one doesn't count okay see if we can get another one 225 ping let's go oh my walk it let's go i forgot i removed thanks you can't say thanks thank you wow we've been to almost all the server regions oh they get a negative point because i carried even though i had 225 ping but they were nice so they get a positive point 12 years of gaming and i might be in a video of a critter i like i would like that what a nice dude in usc most people are just like oh booga booga please sign [Music] what time is it in south africa right now you ask it is 4 00 am perfect that's peak time in south africa for gaming oh my god stay calm it's happening my first south africa match i queued so long for this oh my god i'm in africa boys might be in let's go if i can dish this in nope pass who's that legend look at that finish i got some chemistry with these south african boys that's a terrible shot okay so for some reason the entire blue team also has 300 ping i wonder where they're queueing from seems like the only guys in south africa are my two teammates nobody's really said anything other than the quick chats yes no they left okay i played in south africa let's go that's it that's all the servers amazing i thoroughly enjoyed that rocket league is fun [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: SunlessKhan
Views: 1,955,233
Rating: 4.9494839 out of 5
Keywords: rocket league, rocket league pc, rocket league best, rocket league guide, rocket league funny, rocket league moments, rocket league pro, funny rocket league videos, multiplayer games, xbox video games, ps4 video games, free pc games, lag, lag moments, internet lag, gaming connection
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 36sec (936 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 31 2020
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