I hired the best Rocket League freestyler to PRANK Lethamyr (he rage quit)

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hey gamer as most of you know every few months i record an episode of rocket league horse where it's like a trick shot 1v1 and i've done this for like two or three years now where i challenge different people in the community and whether i'm playing against pros or content creators they usually end up being pretty good videos but today i decided to spice it up i challenged left amir to what he thought was going to be a normal game of horse which i probably would lose but little did he know he's going to be the subject of an epic rocket league prey before i get into explaining things i want to give a little backstory nine months ago lethamer pranked me and i still have not forgotten about this basically he asked me and someone's different trivia questions each time a goal was scored and if you answered the question right you got a big advantage so let's amir decided to ask sunless extremely easy questions but he purposely asked me impossible questions like this what patch changed the kickoff boost start from 34 to 33. okay i'm guessing 1.46 imagine reading the patch notes bro inevitably i got nearly every question wrong so someone's won the game just like lethamer had planned it and i actually got like very mad because of how competitive of a person i am and i still have not forgotten about the pain that i felt during that video so today i'm gonna make lethar mirror experience that same pain so for this game of course i got the best freestyler in north america to play on my account his name is mesco and his channel will be linked in the description so make sure to sub to him and he's the guy who won an actual ford f-150 because of how good he is at freestyling mexico is your winner of the ford rocket league freestyle invitational he's texting he's messaging his mom so i got him to log into my account and change all the settings to his and when i called let the mirror i secretly had mesco in another call he could hear what shots i say i'm gonna go for but he can't hear lethamer and lethamer had no idea any of this was going up the day prior mesco and i came up with a list of shots ranging from easier stuff to shots i would practically never be able to score so we're going to start off slow but as the video progresses i'm going to start calling out extremely difficult shots that only people like mesco can hit and make sure to watch until the end of the video to see if let the mirror figures out it's not actually me playing but quickly before we get into the video make sure you're using creator code musty in the item shop they just added nascars to rocket league so use creator code musty if you decide to get that bundle i'd greatly appreciate that and let's get into the video all right i will join orange i guess uh oh you want do you want blue no i already good orange is good who wants to go first are you doing rock paper scissors or like i usually like to go first on these i i can start off with a super easy shot so open that this is open net from half you super easy bro super easy okay you're stressing me out already though oh boy all right okay so you know just testing the boundaries here making sure of course of course you're on the same page just the normal uh air dribble into double like double tap air triple double tap okay here we go that's decent you started pretty far back as well these are the ones that are like kind of hard but kind of easy it's like you as long as you you're not nervous yeah we gotta start off pretty pretty calm air dribble double tap all right nice let's go all right so i wasn't nervous there in a second we're ramping it up now i wish i would like think of shots i me too because i'm not like we're not the people to kind of like go for moves yeah we're not like freestylers or anything yeah yeah okay how about uh i've done this in other videos like you have to flick the ball from behind half field like the first jump has to be behind that field i don't know i might do a delayed flick or breezy flick i'm not sure i was think of something probably a breezy ah oh good try i could try i do that's been happening to me so much recently with i double jump and then my card doesn't even do anything all right turtle reset uh musty turtle reese on musty left the mirror the the freestyling pulse left of me right here oh oh oh my god he almost got a double touch that'd been insane i'll start off uh let's go for a flip reset okay just a classic clip reset classic flip reset no bounce [Music] nice nice let's go nice good setup all right okay pressure's on yeah getting kind of hard oh oh no oh i didn't get the flip reset man unfortunately my setup was so scuffed okay well that's an h all right i'm going for a crossbar crossbar so it has to have the cross bar and go n or define crossbar okay it's hit off so that counts as a crossbar yeah that's crossbow just any anywhere like just around the crossbar you can put it in though so i have to pretty pretty loose yeah let's go nice oh that was like ronaldinho crossbar challenge all right it's all you uh let's go for a double touch like start off like not super crazy on me yeah yeah of course nice let's go solid i always get so silent when i'm like in the air it's like i have no i'm like i have to focus so hard i don't like starting from the beginning too like this when it's here yeah i'm like i mean you can start wherever you want but it's whatever oh nice i'm gonna try for that turtle reset musty again turtle flip reset muskie yeah all right okay i did it yeah decent decent that was all right the start was kind of awkward but yeah like you said once you get the setup yeah it's just normal i warmed up before this i'm not gonna i i feel like i should be able to do uh turtle reese i must see but i don't want to jinx myself okay yeah it's kind of a breezy but a breezy is a must according to dictionary.com yeah yeah we got yeah exactly 100 kph flick from anywhere you want exactly 100 kph if you get this you deserve it oh my god my flicks are just too op right now close close i should have called out like flicked a crossbar or something insane all right pogo ceiling reset pogo oh god yeah so ceiling reset and then a poco oh no dude i don't know how to do it on the octave i could do you know what i'll actually yeah after you tried that as well yeah go for it pogo reset there's go in the ceiling then a pogo yeah yeah it's oh that's actually a good one let's go will you do the front of the car i didn't know you could do uh i should do the front of the car that makes more sense now you got to match me but the pressure is on you know what i mean so now you might know so now i can't miss you're gonna destroy me here yeah i'm feeling kind of juicy right now oh oh my gosh that was good i mean it was good enough yeah both pounds it was a good recovery honestly yeah it was back into the room it didn't even bounce either yeah that counts right that counts 45 degree flip behind the line has to not touch the ground behind half court got it yeah and no bounce yeah 45 degree flick from behind half court i think i can do this you should be able to do it nice yes let's go okay solid solid salt you're looking pretty consistent i haven't really warmed up so i i'm a little worried about what you got in store for me let's let's take it up a notch okay let's see this double flippies had no bounce oh i actually got it oh nice let's go you're destroying me i don't know if i can do that let's see if we can do it look at you all warmed up yeah i usually i'm knocking away i i know that's the problem so like now i have to do it on pressure okay okay just a normal turtle air dribble thing okay normal or triple so don't get the flip reset beforehand got it yeah and double tap though and double touch oh god can you get the height oh that's a good shot okay all right we're ramping up a little bit that was clean no air roll dude i'm just like so focused i'm trying to get this let's try hard air dribbles all right so i'm used to going for flipper sets before so this normal turtle double touch i had some spins to it make it look fancy nice oh my god you're warmed up what is happening right now yeah scared you know like have you heard of a sting pot no okay i'll show you what a sting pop is just like i'll go off the ceiling really great yeah today today learning 101 learning 101 so this is what like so it's like you flip cancel flip up and then like you would continue inevitable like that okay for this i'm gonna ceiling shot sting pop to pancake all right i see how it works pancake oh man we're going off the sidewall pancake from here maybe dang it man that was close let's try though all right full field air dribble full field air dribble how did you start that no bounce okay off the floor okay let me watch this replay i wanna see how you started it out yeah i mean i use the bounce right there but i can roll it back to you if you want you can tell me if it's not good we'll reset it all right we got this we got this is that good yeah yeah should be good um i think so nice let's see that's fine yeah i kept it kind of pretty low that's good yeah we're going we're going for the good old 1kph shot all right obviously gonna have to take my time here going for the the slowest shot in human existence or i mean i think i've seen some people no that's too fast ah it's like that's like two or three yeah dang it that's three i'm gonna try and get zero you're gonna try to get zero oh my word yeah yeah these are always so funny yeah you are a lot more precise than i was oh i'm gonna do this i need the h man oh that might be it but you said zero i think that that has to be one that has to be one i think i don't know there's no way that's zero that was three what mine was way faster than that that makes no sense that makes zero sense i don't understand that at all let's go for a ceiling pinch double nice let's go okay yeah you're gonna get me an ato r here there's nice almost guarantee i got an hor here though they're just in the net unfortunate h-o-r and it's your turn though it's your turn i'm gonna do a ceiling shot musty double tap ceiling shot must see double pad uh okay that's the mustang i'm thinking triple flip reset from like the the blue corner into the blue oh great of course oh yeah yeah yeah i want to go to the corner nice did i get it nice let's go wait you reacted to that super slow are you trolling me no what do you mean you react to that pretty slowly actually no i just didn't i don't remember if i called bounce or no bounce no i feel like you're you might be in teamspeak with somebody or something in a different call i don't know that was a little weird i mean just playing if you want me to like prove it's me it's it's me all right it was just a little weird that you reacted the way you did oh there's no way there's no way yeah it's sad all right horse uh turtle reset musty double touch all right oh my gosh i just can't today man i just can't i'll just go for a turtle ear dripple okay i should have warmed up for this the mechanics nice clean yeah we got it we got it that's not it today for me i'm gonna be honest with you if you don't get i'll give you like two tries on this one if you don't get no no no you know you don't go merciful on me i gotta just do it why is the ball bouncing i didn't say anything about no bounce or anything was this a turtle what was it air dribble again yeah it's turtle air trouble and i messed it up no it's insane one more one more shot come on do another the pre-flip uh off the backboard all right just like the full field air dribble i just can't i just can't today man i'm gonna be honest with you it's just not good i'll try a flip reset musty flick to the backboard and then another flip reset and then the double touch you're saying what you want him to do and then he's doing it i don't know it's weird i can tell either way i played like poop though yeah you're commanding someone to do something i don't like it but nothing uh okay i just i don't know what you mean though but like do a double touch just normal all right nice oh bounce i don't know man the way you're doing things is weird like the way you're reacting to stuff and the way you're like you said double touch no bounce or with the balance no bounce no bad h for me okay let's do like a ceiling shot pre-flip double touch okay like you pre-flip and then get the uh yeah like reset or whatever uh oh that was close all right this one's a double off the uh the side wall from the from the start of the ball okay i can do that oh i was so close i'll try the same exact thing actually let's put it in my own net and restart try a turtle turtle reset musty on me but don't say it out loud oh you're doing this first that's right yeah yeah i'm doing that one first okay okay good shot but do the next one without saying anything all right you're typing it i can hear you say what you're caught you're caught i'm not what do you mean you're caught you're caught let's go i caught musty i gotta finish it off though all right let's see yeah yeah yeah yeah all right musty go ahead turtle reset must see it's a casual yeah yeah of course of course casual must-see there we go yeah nice job musty well played let's see it let's see if you can match my shot here yeah of course of course this [Laughter] the i knew it i knew it i knew it oh there it is you're putting me in a voice call let's go do you remember the uh the sun the video where you pranked me with sunless yeah yeah yeah oh it's payback thanks man i appreciate i appreciate that the things you were throwing at me i'm like you're just ramping it up so quickly i literally just got back on i was like oh my god what is happening right now i was so nervous yeah but this is uh though he's the guy who won the uh the ford f-150 literally the freestyler that who won the tournament is is flapping me right now and that was pretty funny the fact that it's mexico of course like dude you're so consistent there's that shadow of a doubt where i was like you know ninety ninety percent sure once you did like let's go after the ball within for like two seconds oh okay there's a lot of delay on there i would say it was a it was a half successful prank you know like you didn't say you noticed right away but you did kind of catch me like before it was over so uh it was it's a win-win for both parties i was just sitting there like oh wow the touches are perfect every single one of those but that was so good well played [Music] you
Channel: amustycow
Views: 2,194,617
Rating: 4.9555287 out of 5
Keywords: Rocket League Musty Flick, Musty Flick Rocket League, amustycow, Rocket League Mechanics, Rocket League tutorial, Rocket League, rocket league prank, rocket league prank musty, rocket league prank leth, rocket league prank lethamyr, rocket league horse, rocket league horse musty, musty vs lethamyr, lethamyr vs musty, musty prank, musty pranks lethamyr, I got the best Rocket League freestyler to PRANK Lethamyr, pulse mesko, mesko rocket league, rocket league freestyler, mesko
Id: WNfYk8cb7-0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 4sec (964 seconds)
Published: Thu May 06 2021
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