Things all the new Rocket League players will learn soon (Recording Toxic Players 3)

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8:20 is so cathartic, we all wish we had the time to explain simple things like that to toxic/salty players.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/PopWhatMagnitude 📅︎︎ Oct 03 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] there were a million and a half people playing rocket they get one point this weekend do you realize how significant that is like say fifty percent never play again say thirty percent play it again but casually say and i think this is a really conservative estimate ten percent get hooked and say another ten percent it becomes their favorite game and they go full try hard that's 150 000 try hearts which is basically not that far off from what the entire player base used to be rocket league has achieved the impossible and become immortal in video games fall guys was released less than two months ago and kids on twitter are already saying it's dead because their favorite streamers play another party game now rocket league's been out for five years and now it's booming cemented in history it will never die you know on the other hand maybe we need to kill it now i'm just kidding i actually enjoyed fortnite the few times i played it i just never got hooked disliking something popular isn't a personality trait you know that'd be like judging someone in rocket league based on what car they used exactly what a fennec user would do because rocket league is for true intellectuals like this guy you see this is what you have to look forward to new players this is a collection of things rocket league players deal with every day let's get started here's a clip showing the true intellect of a rocket league player i probably should just challenge straight away in the corner but the opponent completely with so i can turn and clear this bulb oh wait my teammate wants to dribble and that would be fine except i got bumped now oh and that's yeah that's my fault yeah yeah that's that's on me i should just run right into you [Music] you know that happens though you gotta forgive your teammates because now i'm gonna score it doesn't really matter put it behind oh double post tip it happens you know we'll get him next time get him next time always another chance in rocklin that's the thing you always get another chance another chance to hit the post what i tabbed out best goal i've ever scored easiest saved my life wait a minute how about a magic track right so this type of stuff it looks simple but it's actually me working for a long time to figure out how to do this stuff [Music] and it's practice it's hours and hours and hours of practice oh god no oh but there's no blood this is how you play defense guys one two three challenges that's a triple commit triple command equals triple chance of success but it gets even better on the kickoff we have the red sea parting it's a very special move you very rarely see it but when you do it's beautiful then my teammate what happened there let's see can't wait to hear this explanation low disk space or something yeah yeah low disk space that's rough gets even better here's an open shot and uh very unfortunate save there and then we lost and the explanation team can't rotate yeah yeah that's why we lost sometimes rocket league is just baffling and you can't figure it out here i have an open net my teammate saves it then he turns around and flicks it and yeah i tried to steal it there you better believe i tried to steal it and then he says what a save but i don't know if he's talking to me or if he's talking to the other team teammate places a nice little pass out he's up so i don't go but he misses teammate tells me take the shot thanks thanks for telling me that i will take the shot and my opponent will score exactly how i planned dude i don't need to shoot i'll just pass and my teammate says this is boring stop playing passive no idea why [Music] [Music] this is one of the most unfortunate events that's ever occurred to me so i go for a bump looked a little sus i feel like i got the bump my teammate it's only one to zero by the way my now it's two to zero though my teammate leaves rage quits but i had the bump i went back and reviewed the footage look another magic trick so if i would have got that my teammate wouldn't have raged and left [Music] so [Music] all right i should have this save no i don't i suck my opponent holy cow what a save okay a little rude but whatever i can take a little trash talk then the trash talker gets scored on no what doesn't believe it how's that possible my teammate has an explanation that was not a great challenge man i'm sure griffin will respond very intellectually shut up [ __ ] you know sometimes you just really don't know what to do and you need a teammate to just help you out a little bit like what do i do in this situation i wish i knew like if i wish there was some way for a teammate to maybe tell me what to do i just don't know i'm just so lost you know i'll shoot i'll shoot but i wish someone told me [Music] oh all right that's fine later in the game oh i need a good teammate is that what you [Music] need [Music] you see why we lose you have three shots damn he's right i did only have three shots and he had ten actually i think i remember one of those huh well at least he had ten shots though here's a good one a challenge in the corner defending the ball goes to the middle that's not good but my teammate's right there no pro oh went for a squishy save you cut me off just rotate yeah that's a rotation issue there for sure this one is definitely my fault but it's actually funny okay i bumped my teammate that's bad but then his reaction thanks thanks thanks why he says because i had ball cam on and you want to do this let's let's break it down i'm a wizard you want to do this let's do this so i see you turning here and because this isn't grand champion i assume you know about back post rotation so i assume you're going to make a nice little turn right here and you're going to go along the goal line and then go challenge the ball because i'm clearly leaving it i funneled the action towards you for you to make a nice challenge now now i'm going to rotate behind you i'm going to do a back post rotation i'm going to curl around behind you and back you up in case you missed the challenge i would think that by now you would be about here so i turn a little to the left to be extra sure that i don't bump you up surprise you're actually right there and not on the goal line and not defending the ball so that's why i bumped you that's why alright this is a real saga so try to stay with me here okay we're up two to nothing i just scored i'm on the blue team my teammate i am tim says good luck rel who's one of the opponents hamish is a real bot then hamish scores on the guy that said that a little bit of hamish's revenge if you will except that dish is served piping hot then i am tim scores on hamish and then he what a saves him so this is just escalating he's really pissed i'm tim is very pissed for some reason we're winning by one now hamish kind of messed that up and i am tim gets a goal so i am tim is loving this what a saves then hamish pipes up for the first time i had the shot idiot to his teammate so hamish is pissed at his teammate as well and then i saved that and hamish is just in disbelief touch wow not even the quick chat wow types wow at his teammate so then i flick his teammate and then hamish says how does one miss that and he kind of has a point i mean rel wasn't quite in the right spot for that so if we go to the next game and my original teammate i am tim is now on the other team and hamish is now on my team i'm just stuck in the middle of this incredible feud amish is making plays now or hamish i don't know if it's hamish or hamish i'm just gonna keep saying hamish that's what i've been saying there's a backboard pass hamish delivers he's popping off he's mad he's funneling his rage look at him go he cannot be stopped look at this kid look at that flick 45 degree upper 90 hamish i'd say wins the feud and he says i am tim this is what happens when i get a teammate with a brain and that's probably the nicest thing anyone's ever said about me this is how dramatic rocket league players are my teammate scores gg it's one to nothing here's why you don't get too cocky four to one our opponents are destroying us gg well played he's calling it really early still three minutes to go you know what that means extra try hard mode it's actually happening i'm actually clawing back into this game we have tied it up and have done the impossible then we lost anyway
Channel: SunlessKhan
Views: 3,011,742
Rating: 4.9469748 out of 5
Keywords: rocket league, rocket league pc, rocket league best, rocket league guide, rocket league funny, rocket league moments, rocket league pro, funny rocket league videos, multiplayer games, xbox video games, ps4 video games, free pc games, rocket league free to play, new rocket league, rocket league toxic, toxic gaming moments, rocket league multiplayer, rocket league 2 player, rocket league ps4 game
Id: zemBQPMYgO4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 35sec (695 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 03 2020
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