Dr. Mike On Insane Misinformation, Quarantine Life, YouTube Hate & More | Ep. 29 A Conversation With

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hey welcome to a conversation with my name is philip defranco and today not in person not spitting his horrible horrible germs all over my face he's a he's a spitter while he talks that's not true is dr. Mike coming to me live hello Mike well hello Phil I really appreciate the introduction of telling people that I spit on you all week it's actually not true but because I said it and it's on the internet it must be thank you so much for having me I'm excited to chat maybe we get a little coronavirus info maybe we have a little fun I heard there's a game in store yes this might be a little bit different than your billions of times you've been on TV over the past few months oh my god I need it what does yours look like this is my hey it makes me feel good that's your little cloth mask yeah that's my uh I'm probably already doing things I'm not supposed to do I have a cheap surgical mask that I've been rewiring to walk the dog so when you when you uh what do you clean yours are you are you are you just leaving that one in the Sun or I've seen like people leaving it in Tupperware or plaster or paper bags like what is weight and one that I wear just to like go walk there yeah well you said the paper you don't clean it well don't doesn't is it is it just on essentially for like visual um it's done essentially so if you're breathing out the virus or coughing out the virus it stays on you instead of to everybody else okay so it's really not it's not a it's not like you have virus from someone else on your mask and now it's gonna enter your face that's not like it doesn't really protect you at all well that's great that makes me feel super sighs it's not bad for you for everybody else so it's like by wearing it you're protecting your saliva from entering okay so I feel less I feel like less like an [ __ ] that anytime I get like a delivery of some sort and I come across someone without a mask I've I've I really in my life I don't have moments where I would consider it triggered but it's the only word that really fits how awkward and uncomfortable I immediately get when I see someone even slightly close to me or if like someone comes across my path that I didn't expect like an unexpected knock I'm like what [ __ ] my I was like ha my rings not doesn't have power today I can't see hello and it's a dude I don't I'm forgetting how to be a human and I barely I was [ __ ] barely doing it from the get-go do you watch Sebastian Maniscalco mm-hmm he's a stand-up comic but he has a whole bit about that how 30 40 years ago someone rang the bell tick Oh who's here like we're gonna hang out with people and now someone rings the bell and yet you're getting your guns l-like why are they here yeah it's the same with phone calls like and that's been the case for several years where it's like why are you calling me I uh but then it gets I haves a few people I mean we have a saying okay see and I said on next week and not directly after you and this man will not text he only messages in a voice message because just texting is still too much it's too intrusive like he the man just I think and he he just needs a walkie-talkie that's accessible to everyone on the planet that's it was that your was that your alert Mike are you not taking this podcast serious did I keep asking you if you watch stuff and I feel like I'm the only one who consumes this type of content but have you seen the circle on Netflix i watch the i watched the first two episodes and i was like I can't get through this like it's yeah it was it's painful but I what I did for no reason watch the first two episodes went immediately to the end and was surprised because I didn't get to see any ones like arc any development and I was like that guy won the [ __ ] a that's what I just got an alert for he interviewed me about coronavirus for some non profit and it's going live in 30 minutes oh that's man in the world what is your that's how that's how I'm gonna start this off what the [ __ ] is your life like right now cuz you're already a busy man and then everyone was like and then even more people were like oh you start getting booked like crazy I see you everywhere every time I open up [ __ ] an Instagram or like some news site it's always like this doctor says you're like one of 105 right and you're one of two that don't make me go personally [ __ ] crazy when I see you open your mouth my opinion not yours and yeah so what is what is your life how do you I was all ready last time you're on I was like you have the job you have your videos you have the collabs how the [ __ ] are you adding stuff on top of that especially at a time where I don't want to get out of [ __ ] bed to do what I was already doing in the first place yeah like when I was on your podcast I thought I was busy and now it's somehow gotten even more crazy and I think this is actually a really good visual representation of what my life is like now I'm a physician that's in a backwards hat wearing glasses with YouTube merch on and I think this is this is what my life is like right now with diplomas behind yeah you got a little bit of everything to mix it up but at the same time take care of myself and get some rest and stay focused with everything that's going on I mean I'm still taking care of patients I'm just not going into my practice we're doing virtual visits like tomorrow I'm working all the morning until the afternoon seeing patients and then yeah putting out content as much as I can because Phil there's so much nonsense out there I mean you know it I know it but Wow but that's like it's my job to sort of put out those fires well I uh no I I think I'm glad that you think that like and I'm glad you're taking that on I I was I mean I kind of mentioned it for a second I'm like personally worried for you because I just look at like I'm getting sent some of the most insane batshit crazy stuff that some time is like Spreckels with like speckled with some stuff that it's like Oh could it be and so it makes everything seem a lot more legitimate but then it just makes me dislike my friends that are sending me this crazy stuff in it it makes me at times it was kind of it's a little bit like when we were talking about anti-vaxxers the last time we were on the podcast at times I feel just kind of hopeless and that information and truth will prevail because there is so much fear there is so much desperation there is so much distrust so I guess if we can start off of a way serious question way more serious than what I was saying that we were gonna get to how do you deal with that because it's probably the anti-vaxxer situation amplified just because it's not like this this long time it's it's it's a moment of desperation for people right now well I think actually the folks who are truly anti-vaxxers are taking advantage of this situation of the fear and the anger that's being built up in our Society and are using it to further their own agenda that's existed already for decades so they're already saying there's no vaccine out yeah but they're already saying when the vaccine comes out we're not getting it the government's keeping us and lockdown they want to control us and little do they know that politicians are invested heavily in the stock market and it's not ideal for them either for everything to collapse and there's just so much you know what is filmmaking is a powerful tool and it could be used in bad ways just like as it could be used in good ways and I feel like my role as a science communicator is to figure out how to debunk that information without being sarcastic mean overly focused on data or simply just taking it down because as you know that's happening but sometimes I feel like these takedowns can happen so abruptly that it gives even more credence to the message that they're putting out well cuz yeah cuz any time it's like cuz that's always been kind of the issue is it's like okay how do we how do we battle misinformation where one it's not taking down a bunch of other [ __ ] that's not even like that's borderline or even further away and then that's also part of the problem is when you remove stuff it becomes a bigger topic of conversation because yeah people don't see it as like oh you're you're trying to stop blatant misinformation and I'm using this in no specific and this is kind of more of a broad setting you don't want to be part of the reason that people blames the misinformation being spread which is a constant thing that Twitter Facebook YouTube get hit with but then how do you I don't know there because obviously the freedom of speech angle and people saying well let people decide for themselves and yeah it's a it's a shitty situation to be in and you're right in the center of it buddy but though when you talk all I think is that's exactly what someone who has one of those Bill Gates microchips inserted into their forearms would say that's what I was telling people they were like Mike that's it I'm not interested you've lost my my subscribing and I'm like well you know the w-h-o has been paying me off so much can i buy it back go back so Mike something that I'm gonna kind of go back and forth on I was I was letting you know I have this this card game I think it's called skin deep I don't know it says the blank and I have the coat I have a co-worker edition because we're kind of coworkers here on YouTube yeah we're Kali mainly because I I misplaced the strangers edition though my producer has texted me some versions and I think the way that her work is I'll shuffle I'll look at the card ask questions for you and then when it's my turn I'll throw up for you and can you see that this is a test this is not how we start yeah yeah see so this one this is what we'd have to modify if you could add one person to our family would it be it why okay that's that's not well you like our YouTube family our YouTube family I don't know man I like I like 12 people in the YouTube family and then I don't know a lot and then someone there was there was a there was a very just criticism someone made of me I want to say like seven years ago and it was and they said like he there's there's so much hate in his heart and I was like yes accurate there is so much hate in my heart and what I've learned over the past 12 years is how to deal with it internally and not vomit it over everyone so that's that's the main way that I've grown but wow I I don't see I don't see who's a person full of hate no I think now these days what I would say over the past three weeks it's kind of turned into is just me exhausted and breaches but me also realizing that uh that I'm definitely not alone in that people just being like yeah oh yeah Oh yep alright so actually I'm gonna give you first the first turn I'm a little nervous about this okay what is it say how do you think I want to be perceived is that a question about you resent me no so that's you asking me how so you're asking me how do you think I want it how does how does dr. Mike want to be perceived you're talking to a doctor in a backwards hat with glasses in YouTube merch on how do you think I was I don't know let's see his doctor okay I could go really cynical and I in it because I was like because if if you balance both worlds is it do you have do you do you find that you have a little bit of a savior complex described is like I want to save the world type thing yeah and maybe be recognized for it um I think that when I put the effort in it's nice to get recognized but it's not something I do it for them does that make sense that if that's not them motivating force behind it yeah well I guess so then maybe connected to that is like whoa what is the greater or how different is it when you see you feel like people are being educated by your videos right and or people going like oh that made me realize this about my experience or this maybe changed how I interact with my doctor now I have something that's more beneficial versus patients that you see in person and you work with in person or those like is are those just different kinds of joy is that what is that I think nothing can replace being in a room with the patient talking about things that are roadblocks in their life whether it's physical health mental health-related and that sort of joy has given me so much in life that even with my success on YouTube and everywhere else in media I will never leave that behind I cannot not see patients like that is where my joy comes from in fact when I graduated my residency there was a period of time where I had to get my licensing done in New Jersey because I was licensed to practice medicine in New York so I wasn't in my hospital for probably two three months but I was still doing media YouTube I felt so unfulfilled and vacuous I felt like I was lying when I would go on television say hey I'm a doctor this and this I need to be there I need to be with patients that's numero uno for me even if you think you could hit or you get some more people using using this other thing that you have I can't have one without the other because when I'm in a room with a patient it motivates me to do better on YouTube it also arms me to speak better on YouTube because I know what questions patients have I know what language I need to use to explain it to them it really just both feed each other like I can't do one without this is why I'll never be a doctor as or dr. Phil I ran out of real doctors sorry you pick like the two most controversial figures right now anything you want to say about that bike right here I've made a video about it are you just generally angry I'm not genuinely angry I just think that the tide is turning I think now we're really learning about what it takes to be a medical professional in media and how difficult it is when you're talking about difficult subjects you know when you're talking about weight loss or whether or not sparkling water is healthy it's one thing but when you're talking about a pandemic and people losing their lives it takes a whole nother skill level and I think when you're used to talking about things that aren't as serious or perhaps you're a surgeon and you're used to seeing patients who are mostly asleep you don't quite have the experience of develop delivering bad news and doing it in a way where it's still education and educational meaningful I think so that kind of makes me that that makes me realize like a frustration that I have that has really been intensified during this moment and that's in general right I know a number of rich people I know a bunch of success people successful people for a number of different reasons and that the common thing it's not Universal the common thing that I've found is for some reason that that money for some reason that success in a completely different field makes a lot of them so [ __ ] confident about their opinion with this oh my god and it's it's like the the amount of ego to not realize that like you're your intelligence is so specific not even going into the whole thing of like timing and welcome habla like that's I think that's there's like no humility there and I think the way that I've seen it in the past like 36 hours more specifically are like famous Instagram in fitness influencers and models going like the vaccines are gonna kill you and like that sort of [ __ ] ever just Ana that was bugging me so but yeah I think kind of the success in one field just doesn't translate to another oh my god Mike but oh the question is oh how would you describe true love Mike oh that's the real I think true love is once you can get to a point where even if the chemistry is not there in a given moment you will still be there and do everything for your partner as if they're your own blood okay so even in down times you're up or yeah not even down times like you know that spark you get when you meet someone for the first time and you you know it's exciting and everything just is so much fun and your brain is lighting up neurotransmitters are firing all over the place and then that slows down and then a lot of people especially nowadays of our generation once that goes they say well I have so many options let's move on hmm but I think those who stick it out and experience things on a deeper level where that may be gone for a given moment and it'll come back you'll come back in waves you'll still be there and you'll fight through those difficult moments I think that makes Truelove special I like that I think it's also always like a gamble because like I obviously I've been in a relationship now for over a decade but it's like it's like oh thank you that's what's scary is that's like a [ __ ] accomplishment you're like oh so you but this it's always a little bit of a gamble cuz we all change like if you think back to who you were three years ago is that a drastically different guy yes in what ways experience confidence worries were different I mean I think whenever you look back on yourself two things happen and you're always like oh I was dumb and then too it was a better time then you romanticize it yeah yeah no because I was having a bad week last week I was like this is the dark and I was like no actually it's not the darkest because I was like cuz I was like I cuz it's like if I'm being very honest like okay these are the things that are different this is just a different version of bed but uh okay so here we go now it's your turn and tell me three moments that changed your life right I see you getting in trouble be in trouble that sounds like you've know something that I don't even know um let's see I see the tweets I see the tweet storms that cover let's see three moments so as a young man probably breaking my arm in middle school because I had really really big hopes for uh for for sports because I was uh once I was in middle school I started I was like kind of kind of big but also I was like strong fat for middle school and I was like in my head I was like I'm gonna be a [ __ ] tight end this is like this is my ticket to a whole different life and then I broke my arm they were scared that was the the growth bone broke my left arm on the first day of practice because it was a hole in the field so that was one I think that was in my head there's an alternate universe where I I got to college on a scholarship but then got injured and never made it to the NFL also cuz I'm 6 foot 6 foot tight ends you need you gotta be a Grunk and also the fact that you were already at this level in your mind at middle school really shows me the confidence this the blind confidence because no one ever supported me in this thing but in my head that was that was always going to actually in middle school I was more interested in business than anything I I remember which McCall it going through the classifieds or it might have been called something else but like in the back of the the newspaper those free things and trying to find really cheap vending machines like it could be something where it's like where you where you do that and then I like walked I tried to I tried to go to stores and get them to let me just leave like these gumball machines and they're like no you [ __ ] child and I hadn't really and I and I think a better person someone that was better communicating would've been able to get it across but so weight breaking my arm obviously I gotta say rush limbaugh mocking let's see moments that change your life rush limbaugh mocking Michael J Fox because that inspired me to make a video about news because I was like [ __ ] you rush limbaugh to this day is that your first time I think I think about news yeah because I think before then I was just kind of like chasing whatever was featured on the homepage cuz back then there was kind of to the two ways one you just bash something on the main page hope that they had their video responses turned on and you get featured right underneath their video or to you do like a parody but then like you're like a but it's just all fun and then you like kind of feed their ego and then you get a free kind of like share because people are like look at this person that acknowledged me in a funny way so but yeah so Rush Limbaugh definitely and selling my company several years ago before ultimately buying it back I think that was a that definitely changed my view of the world and what I do and what and my own personal value cuz it took me a while to realize like Oh freedom even if like there's their struggles freedom is worth so much and it so gave me like a much greater appreciation and also a hesitancy before kind of trusting other people because that was one of the things I was really rough was uh I won't go deep dive into it cuz I don't want open up that can of worms but the guys that helped like talk me into selling the company almost all left in the first year and it was a fool it was initially like a five-year deal and hey they you know they they had to you know fulfill their lives they didn't have to stay just for me but that was something that like that's something that's always still in my head but you know you have to get past it because the the community that we're in is relatively small and so it's like I still work with some of those guys in different ways and the only thing that it does is if we're like close on a deal but it's not there I have that little extra oomph to go no [ __ ] do it just [ __ ] do it you owe me you [ __ ] you would've got out of it yeah but uh that's it so those are those slow you know I just watched Hank Green's video interview with YouTube CEO Susan and he mentioned that you Sue's and him we're one of the first people or probably maybe the only people to get some kind of major like funding from YouTube to launch nominees well yes oh no last yeah well no well so so okay so I think the funding that that was talking about I think this is maybe just after I left maker studios was one of the founders there there was this huge blow-up like a lot of people forget that like Shane Dawson and and several other people were a part of it initially and it was just it was a really toxic environment but right after that YouTube was looking for funding and they were giving money to people and I think [ __ ] I'm trying to remember if this was initially SourceFed it might have been it was either SourceFed or just before cuz I think there was like a tiny round of funding than an official round of funding and so with the tiny round bested a ton into equipment and I think I was one of like seven out of maybe 50 that actually used the money towards equipment there are a number of people that bought cars or a number of people bought that bought houses because they were like yet you choose finally giving mine not thinking that it's all about investment for the future and a lot of those people unfortunately burned off and failed because they weren't you know reinvesting I think you look at people today about who reinvest into their content and succeeded mr. piece is one of the prime examples obviously the stuff he puts out there is inherently connected to giving out money or like spending money but yes there was that and then SourceFed was initially funded by YouTube with a million dollars for a year which you realize at that point I was like that's like infinite money and then you realize well when I'm making a company no it's not because it's like yeah and so it's like you start off with six people and you're like yeah this is doable and the next thing you know you're your role in twenty people deep and you have and you're not you're all your money that you're making from Adsense is actually going to pay back the million dollars they give so it's essentially like a [ __ ] advance and if I wait I don't remember the specifics that detail like the way that it all went down but uh but yeah it's uh but yeah I've any time any time we can like find something like that and - whatever whatever with like the requirements and kind of the headaches that are involved with someone giving money and then you know you having to fulfill they were always really good because it's like it's ultimately still at the end of the day at Grant right it was not alone it's not anything that's predatory it's it's all about creative like creation so yeah and then yeah Hank and John I mean they're I mean I haven't I think I've only talked to like Hank two times in the last year and it was just to talk to him about his book because it's I really liked and I'm looking forward to the sequel John probably a year but those are those are good guys those are guys that I think like even if I've had differences of opinions - like how VidCon was run or handled certain situations like at the end of the day I just know those are really good guys and I like seeing their successes just cuz yeah there's not there's not a lot of well there are actually way no I'm gonna go back to this because there was a tweet that went super viral like a few months ago where it was like your favorite youtuber is an [ __ ] or some [ __ ] like that and I was like some of them some of them like but actually I'd say like 85% are pretty great yeah yeah I mean I feel like I'm not as exposed to the YouTube community because I am in New York and I feel like after Casey left you say that but like you collab where you interact with other creators in the community way more than me these days I try I mean I haven't really collab I mean there was a doctor that I've collabed with who is a youtuber but in terms of like the YouTube community I haven't done one probably over a year oh wow well no well yeah I uh I think you were my last club really yeah damn damn well I know you got that new one oh wait here we go oh this is gonna be interesting actually no I'm not gonna I'm not gonna go from the bottom described when you feel most alive oh wait I'm supposed to ask you right I don't know yes describe Mike describe when you feel most alive guess what you were gonna say hold on can I guess what out when I feel most alive yeah okay I'm trying there's probably two answers to this now related to your job like part of your job then I would I don't want to answer okay no go for it is it part of your job one of them is yeah there's two well I was gonna say cuz I've heard you say multiple times that you get a lot of joy from just sitting and having two conversations with people much more than you do talking about the news now and if you had to choose one you would do that way more yeah and I was think maybe you feel most alive when you're doing that I feel most joy when I'm doing that I think I feel most alive when uncovering a highly volatile situation and I just and I kind of like properly described it and explained it from both sides without equating them as equals and trying to uh to navigate that but I think that just makes me anxious these days I'm just like there's no winning because there was definitely a time where was yeah the reaction was far different now it's just a much more toxic thing so I'm just like ah now I just prepped now I just prepped for the hits cuz I'm like I don't [ __ ] care let's just do this it is what it is the situation is what it is you do so much good there's so much silver lining the unfortunate thing I've realized over the past like two weeks I had to take that that break was like I only realized that in my moments where I'm most vulnerable and needing of like help but I think it's just because in general people assume that I'm fine because I have to be so I think yeah I think I I see it a little bit but I think I need to value myself there I filmed this video that I'm not gonna that's essentially gonna be half one second sorry hi I filmed this video over the the break over the weekend at my house and I'm it's gonna be half of a video that I released in a year and it was kind of talking about what was like when was the last time that you thought to yourself I'm great and it was like this really like introspective question that that that I kind of like talked about and like even as I was trying to answer it had this realization but I didn't want to release it because it felt like I need to actually take those steps and like do the things that are in my head and and it was it was also a good moment it's kind of like when I don't share when I film stuff just for me with my family it's like yeah this is just for me this is the Internet does not have to be a part of every single thing so yeah but I think that I have questions my self-worth for a number of reasons because it's not a it's not a unique thing it's like you just you stop feeling the highs and you only feel the lows yeah don't you feel when you're at those really low points that's also the time when you realize a lot of things like oh I feel awful and I feel like the world is ending but it hasn't and you wake up the next day and things are still there and there's opportunities to come back from it do you sort of use the lows to sort of come back from them are you are you using the lows to your own advantage I used to write I used to be able to I can do a lot with every emotion other than sad like I can do so much with anger I can do a lot with anxiety but just like just realizing oh man I don't want to get out of [ __ ] bed I don't want to deal with like coz and that the thing is it's it's totally manageable and I and I was able to kind of handle a few aspects that over because it's not any one thing it's like getting hit with 20 small things and me yeah and I think I've realized that I don't know I don't need to be the overly nice accommodating guy and just for me like it's it's always like very very small frustrations or getting like when I'm making the show I had to have a conversation this last week where I was like okay excuse me I'm gonna be very very blunt here but I'm gonna lose my [ __ ] mind if you guys do not get this handled I should not be having to figure out how to handle two or three other things that you are specifically like hired for while I'm shooting a 24 minute show in the span of four to five hours that I don't need to be involved with that and I would normally take it upon myself and but it's also like not doing it in a way where I'm like cursing people out because it's also understanding that possibly in the past I've created an environment where it was like oh well Phil probably just handle it right so just making myself clear with people I think that's been with all essentially all communication now being like digital or over the phone or in ways that can always be perceived as like the worst like when you see a text it's like hey we need to talk it's not in the tone that you want to hear right so so yeah just I feel like I've actually gotten better at text communication and like trying to properly explain things but yeah exclamation point Smiley's yeah but unfortunately like everything else in my life when I went it to me developing a skill it's usually because I've reached just an unlivable situation with that thing so yeah well at least that's a super strong positive for you that you are able to point it out on yourself and to achieve improvements well as a lot of people don't there's like that's who I am sorry but the fact that you're changing that's awesome yeah well it's that or my few days where I just stayed in bed and took a break becomes a month it is like I just don't want to do what I bore sure am i wait am I asking you know what I've lost the order oh wait the last card that you picked up that one was for me describe when you feel most alive okay so that's me asking you even though you diverted it yeah when do I feel most alive it has to be when I receive some sort of gratitude ideally from a patient that I didn't expect and I can give you an example of when it happened most recently put out a video of my nighttime routine and someone wrote a comment on there saying this is crazy I to the emergency room with my bomb three four years ago and this doctor saw me and I left that visit saying wow I wish more doctors were like that he was kind caring patient he made my mom feel at ease we even joked around a little bit and we went home and we felt really taken care of and now I'm watching this nighttime routine and I realized it was dr. Mike that level of unexpected gratitude just like for some reason that means more to me than anything that you feel validated all the work that you put in that sometimes goes overlooked and to get that back and gratitude as powerful like when people cheer at seven o'clock a tear rolls down my eyes even when you see videos of them cheering unmask together very in very close proximity to one another like I know people get mad when they see folks not wearing masks or not doing the exact social that's it saying chill the idea that we all need to wear masks is yes in principle correct but if you see a to three individual don't record them don't create a fight don't arrest them it's not it's not life or death like wearing that mask in that moment like just chill so do you recommend that they wear pasties - should wear masks it's not about shaming P so when you see like a surfer getting arrested or something like that does that does that bother you I'd like to see that done in a different way it does bother me especially because the science is just so like but it's like if they asked like if they come up to the surf and like look we really don't want to do this but please like we close the beach and they have an honest conversation and then the surfers like yeah a few I don't care then okay get arrested you're an [ __ ] but like if they just walk in and start arresting people come on okay there let's see and so okay what's the question you know I don't like I don't know hey I'm not gonna expose myself I don't know uh what question do you think I don't want to ask and answer that's this is you're the only person I will ever a little allow to ask that [ __ ] question maybe you were a KC one question do you not want to answer I was like I know yours who is the youtuber you hate most [ __ ] you [ __ ] you it's it's that's the question I know you don't want answer yeah it's it's a I know a lot of people are gonna be like he's gonna say this guy uh uh it's someone it's someone you would never [ __ ] guess I think Mike maybe knows I think Mike maybe knows I and that was like it's slipping uh yeah I can't I can't no one would believe me no one would [ __ ] believe me or understand why I would lay what they would know it would literally and text it to me right now live no okay uh you better never ever get [ __ ] hacked my this is doctor-patient confidential that's that's uh Mike do I not have your phone number yeah I I don't think I have your I think you might not have been saved into my phone way can you text me real quick and then all I just wrote oh yeah I'm sorry I never I never put dr. Mike in my phone oh my god I even have you properly named Phillip I'm just gonna do it I'm gonna do initials DM Oh the initials for that oh that's that's the first that's the first name did we talk about this last time wow I have no idea who that is really yeah never I know no one would ever that seat see that's why one cuz I said I wasn't off my phone by the way just do whatever happy to no one would ever believe me and see all right wait give me the option there we go delete Wow Wow yeah no one would ever believe me and I already said that I wouldn't talk about stuff but ya know that the FIR no I'm not even gonna say who are you in the who are you gonna say oh you know who I was gonna say this is two grown men trying to gossip without ya know that - most people think that - most people think and that guy definitely doesn't like me I just don't but I'm not I think it's just like I'm not I'm not surprised by that right or like I don't know yes so I think that that's it and so I think that that ya know so you look at least a comment section on this video is gonna be really interesting you know it's gonna be horrible as what it is oh okay we should have used the word hate which is said strongly vehemently dislike yeah that's true or still just have like confused weird hey really quick I hope you're enjoying the podcast I just wanted to take a second to thank one of these sponsors of today's episode drop right if you're shopping online right now you want to make sure you use drop so you do not miss out and drop is a free rewards app that allows you to earn points and cashback across all the brands that you know and love with 300 plus brands to earn from it is honestly the fastest and easiest way to get rewarded for the shopping you're doing already every day and if you're not already a drop member now is the time to join from now until Sunday drop is running its boost week campaign meaning that you'll earn bonus cash back on select offers when you shop through drop the participating brands include Apple sunglass hut Sam's Club and many more when you shop through drop with brands like these you'll automatically accumulate points that can be redeemed for gift cards to places like Starbucks Lululemon uber eats and many more for the next 72 hours drop is giving you all 10,000 points which is $10 when you sign up for the app via the App Store or Google Play with code Phil DeFranco with your bonus deposited in your account once you earn your first thousand points on the app so head on over to earn with DeFranco calm download the drop app and use code Phil DeFranco to kick-start your earnings today and with that said back to the podcast hi next oh wait we actually have strangers questions oh yeah out with once celebrity who's past right now who would it be if I could wait what say that again if you could hang out with one celebrity who's now past who's died right now I know my answer celebrity that's past George Carlin yeah well yeah thousand percent what about you I was gonna just say Kobe Bryant that's like at the heart right now do I need that black mamba mentality that's all you need to shoot around I just want to shoot around with ya I feel like that was already gonna be that was already a heavy thing and then it's just like it just everything feels heavier now but I think because it is because it all stacks on top of one another dude what happened to 2020 like well here's here's the [ __ ] problem with that general mindset right and it see very easy to go into it like me I'm like a [ __ ] 2020 but it's like things have just been escalated it's not like cuz in 2019 people are like man I can't wait for this [ __ ] year to be over and like like all this like like we get to reset like it's still not gonna be on fire no we were able to find The Strangers addition boom what do you love most about your friends Mike that they keep me humble they talk more smack about me that I think any humans on the planet that is important that's incredibly important that's a yeah a thousand percent hmm in what way do you think you add to other people's happiness Oh in what way see this I don't get when people when people so I know this like kind of connects back to like the self-worth thing when people say they watch no no well no when people and what's the question and what way do I add to people's happiness I think I think I'm like the palatable dose of poison in your daily life to understand what's happening in the world that's the honest answer that's I don't like Mike you don't understand how [ __ ] like inherently broken I've been since I was a kid I don't know my self-worth as far as like how do i what way do you think you contribute to people first of all do you think you contribute to people's happiness probably but I don't know how yes or no answer yes but I at all but I am I imagine based off of what people have said I'm taking this is my this is your pod that's now bike beautiful people Phil DeFranco you're my guests on show today do you think you contribute to people's happiness yes or no when I make goofy stuff no do you contribute to happiness yes or no yes Mike okay when wait what was it did what wait wait wait I have no [ __ ] idea except the ways that you said was sarcastic no you do honestly you you said you when you said yes what were you thinking about when you said yes that people say it I don't understand it about what what do they say your show is like it makes me happy to consume the news don't know how it's not that's not a goal of mine when I make it my goal is to consolidate it as much as possible and give people the facts in a confusing situation you just said it it's happening but okay I don't know but it's always about horrible stuff you like when someone says your show brings me happiness yes so we're shooting us on a Friday yesterday I talked about a woman who got caught boxing her dog and punching it in the snout right I talked about something oh yeah everything exists at a five-hour window for me and then I talked about more horribleness or and then I talked about the barber you say that you know you you're you're telling me you deliver a lot of really negative news right yes and yet with this negative news you're delivering happiness my friend you have a skill I'll take it it like like most everything else in my life I know that this is once again an aspect of me not giving myself credit like I uh I I'll just take it it's blind luck like when when videos hit and people are like oh this is what he did with his like strategy and his SEO no literally just raw luck that's it luck favors that prepared whoever that's the whole quote luck favours I've had a good quote person but I try you did you did it you it's technically said it uh wait no I get to ask you now ooh who is your mentor and why oh I feel like I hate saying like I don't have a mentor because I've just done everything but uh my dad in terms of my mentality there's a lot to the Russian immigrant mindset of just going through I can't mmm like when you want to say to yourself I can't and there's a saying actually in Russian it's called cheetah's near Magoo that's the Russian say and it means literally translates to going through I can't and whenever I wanted to quit something give up on something doubt my dad wouldn't coddle me he would say that's what you got to do I did it I am your role model I went to medical school for a second time in my 40s in a new country in a new language with zero money my friend you have no excuse to fail a test or do anything and I'm like he's right so Pop's shoutout so your father essentially said the Russian equivalent of just do it the Nike slogans my dad is Nike for Russia okay fair yeah there we go what do you think is holding me back from getting what I really want what's holding you back no I think no I [ __ ] talk I've said this on the record multiple times I think you have too many things going in your favor then it is rage-inducing what is holding up what do you think is holding it what do you think I could do better basically I don't know you can't do more you're gonna try you seem to be you seem to be Mike wait I want I want I want the the realness here have you had any any like I have to stop for a second taking the situation dark moments in the past yeah two months in September okay my channel dropped 90% in subscribers oh well in five days just out of nowhere for the month and the use dropped by 60% despite the fact that I had like five multi million view videos so it's not like my channel like my videos I was putting out weren't performing they were but something happened in the out booth something completely out of my control and whenever something is completely out of my control or can't even find an understanding why it's happening that drives me bonkers there's videos of the literally laying on the floor in my scrubs like pounding the floor because I'm looking at the real-time analytics and just I had no understanding why things were happening the way they were so that was a really dark place for a month and I sort of used by coping mechanism of saying I'm gonna intellectualize it I'm gonna study YouTube more I'm gonna talk to as many people as possible and all of that really was kind of useless because it just kind of went back on its own but it made me feel better for the moment I loved that I was like it's such a like what what part of the last three months of just this this never-before-seen thing and this generation might have made you really dark and you're like well last year my views were down I can I can fathom and I can understand and wrap my head around why this pandemic affects people why we feel certain things like you have a general understanding of how the human mind and body work therefore that stuff doesn't stress me out as much sure I can sort of place it in my mind but when things happen that are outside of our control that you want to control it's really frustrating whatever I got that night here we go wait wait this is yours oh wait I'm supposed to ask you then I just asked you no no this is yours that you're reading to yourself because I read the other one to you right oh yeah yeah [ __ ] I'm stupid man I can't I can't do a basic one two what do you think Oh what do you think I have yet to learn about myself it looked like you froze my value to the world yeah you haven't yet been able to wrap your head around so okay you know what I think part of the beast now everyone has their own reasons to but I mean even so I'm realizing this as we're kind of talking I think early on in my career I always had someone right next to me that was the biggest [ __ ] cheerleader in the world that believed in me more that I believed right so like early on we made a channel together we haven't talked in [ __ ] forever we had a falling out by like Tony Valenzuela right he made blackboxtv one of my closest friends at the time like believed in me more than [ __ ] anything was like a voice of a generator like and I'm never I'm never someone that deal kind of like believes and those things but I think there's probably something inherently like just connected to that where it's like oh yeah I do have that and then like the next person I had was like that and was a little like that with me but it would really come out in like meetings right so when we were meeting with someone else all of a sudden it was like I'm not constantly blowing smoke up Phil's ass but here's a moment that we just say like this is what we've done and so I've always had that next week I don't really have that now right I feel very alone and what I do about aging what do you mean so when we're younger we have cheerleaders parents people more surprised that we're doing well at work and through early stages in our life it starts to ending to the point where you're never gonna see a 50 year old get an applause for going to work on time it's only if you don't do those things do you hear any kind of critique so that transition that you're going through a sort of maturing in life and seeing that there aren't gonna be cheerleaders for you at every stage so it's really difficult to sort of wrap your head around and understand that you have to become your own cheerleader yeah that's not gonna happen maybe but I'll try just just for you Mike and we block it just say I got some point it'll happen it will happen I'm gonna put it on my vision board for you Mike that's the card you just asked me the question what have you not realized about yourself and that's your value we I said this to you when you when I was in your studio you were saying like oh man I'm getting really frustrated with doing daily show and I was like dude you don't understand how much value you bring like I'm on YouTube because of you dude like you it's not me bringing medical misinformation to the forefront it's Phil DeFranco that brought dr. Mike to YouTube I shook this is funny I wish I could share my screen with you right below your video I have my desktop and I have right below you two icons below first attempt at YouTube it's right oh is this the video that you showed me yes yeah that's because of you Phil like do you understand that how much value that brings no just think like you so Mike I don't say this to be like a [ __ ] hassle or any I understand the concept like hearing you say it and I'm sure that I know that it will resonate with the people hearing you more I don't like and this is why I think part of like I'm inherently broken I don't feel anything when you say that so it's just like because I'm just in my head I'm like I get very analytical I'm like well is what do you think to yourself in your head when you hear it that it is it is just the the cyclical nature of what we do like I know that I have a much greater appreciation for the likes of zefrank and ask a ninja and the people that were there before me that popularized the stuff to me that made me go into it but for them they've also I mean I can't speak to like ask a ninja but for as a Frank he's probably heard that so many times that that dopamine hit that would naturally happen doesn't happen and I think that's where it's just you do something for such a long time like I know that immediately when I meet someone in public I know how the conversations gonna go it's gonna go like one of 10 ways and I know my bad feelings I feel and so I think in that way I feel a little bit like a robot but I need mom and also understand that I need moments like this and I need those moments and to make me not a robot to like to put a [ __ ] what is it what was that what was that old movie where I was like everything was black and white as and as they felt feelings for the first time like the world was starting to fill with color [ __ ] I don't know nobody but so I don't know so I think I'm hyper aware of myself but then like the feelings that are associated with it there's just a disconnect for me and I really hate that I hate counting your contribution to our society yeah but I'm a like Michael Jordan saying oh Kobe Bryant told me that he looks up to me but it means nothing to me what would you say if Michael Jordan said that well if he said that unprompted I'd be like that's kind of a pocket you know oh Michael Jordan Kobe Bryant said he really looked up to you before he passed and you really have motivated him how does that make you feel and he's like oh I just kind of get it what would you say to Jordan well I would say the same thing like what I'm doing right now is being really really honest about it and not thinking and I'm trying to be more of that mindset of just saying how I feel and not knowing how it is going to be perceived because it's very easy to go through that because you know like me saying I know that I know that there's gonna be if it's just clipped an inherently negative reaction to that but if I don't share that now and this is once again the things that I've realized over the past few weeks then I feel very alone with that feeling and I feel fake and so yeah cuz well the fact that you're saying it is not a bad thing yeah the issue isn't that you're saying and I'm like oh phil is an [ __ ] for not taking my compliment I'm saying that I would love for you to get to a place where that compliment actually makes you feel the thing that most people would think you would feel sure sure I don't know it's it's but everything that we deal with is not it's not a it's not natural right it's not it is historically always medical formula for how we're supposed to be yeah like it's it's not a thing that that a normal thing that people do where it's like I've gone out on stage in front of a thousand or 2,000 people that is not inherently a normal human experience it's an experience that many have had right entertainers people with more power or leaders stuff like that but it's also in a really weird place where on an individual level you can see what those people say constantly whether it be praise or negative [ __ ] that's inherent like always and so I what I think is it's more of just it's such a it's been happening for such a long time and each individual experience on their own especially initially is so impactful I've like od'd on the internet like I it's I need bigger and bigger stuff to feel and when I don't have it that's also where you can get into the dark like the really really dark times and the only way that you kind of keep the dark stuff away is by actively working through it alright and actively trying to do things and so I try but I think that's if there's like a point that I could kind of hit on and I feel like I'm stealing that from Casey nice debt pretty overdosed on the internet but yeah it's a very it's a very true thing I agree I realize like half of this podcast is you just making me try to love myself [Laughter] you brought up the psychotherapy cards I mean this is these are your cards I know I know well hey this is why this is like such a good game I'm like I'm loving this way more now that we switched over all right am i are you asking me this question let's kick you I'm bad yes what do you think is my best quality that I'm not aware of like I feel like you're aware of all your good qualities well let's see based off of this conversation I'd say that you're very empathetic but I feel like you you're probably aware of that mm-hmm pokerface hmm what do you think is my best quality that I am not aware of I feel like you're hyper aware of yourself are you d would you describe yourself as someone that's hyper aware of who you are as a person I'd like to say I'm hyper aware of my environment I don't know if I'm hyper aware of myself what's okay so actually to be a good fair judge - maybe Perrin kind of an answer in the past where you said you have people around you that keep you humble what was the last time someone pointed out like a positive thing about you that you didn't go like oh yeah with that message from the patient of mine that was like ah I don't even remember that encounter and I don't know if I did good or if I was taking care of them to the best of my ability but it's nice to get that praise okay all right let's see hell am i most like you and how does that scare you oh wait that's a question to me right yeah wait read it again how am I most like you and how does that scare you that you and I and obviously you've been at this game a lot longer than I have are getting to the point where there is a lot of feedback both positive and negative towards us every single day and it really changes the way you interact as a human so the last thing I want to have happen is where if someone says something positive to me and I'm like ooh I've heard that so many times it means nothing to me I I hope and I honestly I felt moments like that where someone approaches me on the street or we're in a bar and my friends like dude it's so cool it people come up to you and talk to you and I'm just like like really just worn out talking to people but at the same time I'm like I don't want to be come back I want to enjoy human connections and if someone's being an [ __ ] it's okay for me to be upset about it you know there are people who get drunk and constantly approach you or shove you or do weird things it's okay to be upset at that so it's about like trying to see things as unbiased as possible I hope I never lose that quality I think that's fair cuz I feel like you are biased against yourself I'm biased against myself yeah yeah I'm just saying I'm gonna let that live because I don't want this to all be broken I up alright oh this is interesting what do you love most about your family what do I love most about my family um I'm gonna stick with my little family my my my wife and my two boys I uh I know that like no matter how negative like a day might be I uh I know that they'll be there for me like I uh and I think that's one with Lindsay and I that's always been a kind of a constant weave even if we're not on like this perfect balance of like I'm in a dark place she can keep me up she's in a dark place I can keep her up we were able to kind of like switch roles during that time to make sure that the other person is taken care of and also because we've been together for so long we know the right ways to kind of like foster a good comeback so knowing that and then I just I it's the one place that I feel like pure joy which it's like it's something that Lindsay's been talking me about of just like like think of like the last time you had like pure joy not like oh that was a good show or ah this is relaxing like just couldn't [ __ ] not smile not thinking about I'm like where you're interacting with another human being and you're like oh I'm supposed to kind of like feel like that just [ __ ] pure joy and like for me it was if it wasn't last night it was a night before just uh we gave our boys a double bath and you know we're talking and I lost my headphone we were talking and having fun and just like playing around and we're all interacting and the youngest is like now at a place where he kind of talks you can understand the things he's saying and they were like racing around the couch and then we were playing and we're now we have to go half speed and they're just like and just the pure joy from this thing that was just like it was an experience it was just this and I think maybe part of that's connected to like I wish I had like experiences like that as a kid and knowing that this is something that's special for me and even though the youngest probably well remember it and the older one would and Lindsey like it was just that like that's a so though those those moments it's the one thing that provides me moments of pure joy and I think it's also the reason that it's a thing that will most likely in the future affect how much I work or what I do because I want more of that and I think kind of uh yeah so something something will change over the course of like the next 12 months because I want more of that but I have to find the right balance right because I know that I don't want to just do that like I get a lot of yeah even though I talk about like emotions and [ __ ] I get a lot about you out of this like it's yeah it's what I do it's how I define myself I'm just learning to define myself by other things that also bring me more pure joy yeah and you're not you don't have to make this decision to say like oh I'm deciding now for the rest of my life I'm only gonna work X no it's gonna AB and there's gonna be times where you're gonna want more of this versus that and then it'll switch and you'll have times so I love that so question for you know Mike do you believe in a soul mate why or why not no I don't know no my notebook fans are gonna hate me I don't believe like of the movie yeah I think that's like the soulmate movie I think of one there why are why I don't think so I think the world is a big place and to think that you have a soulmate it's kind of crazy maybe I'm just saying it's you analytically but I think there are people out there that are really good fits and you have to put a lot of work into making sure that you're also a good fit for that person so I don't think it's so much of a soulmate as a right fit and a lot of work my god that sounded so cold Mike do you would you have a fit right now I'm glad I defined true love for ice answered Mike do you have a fit right now um yes I have in a relationship and it's a great fit I'm happy with it how long wait continue being happy that's a good goal for life yeah wait how long have you guys been together uh a year oh that's big it I feel like it's always like three months and a year that's like the key a year yeah man is that is that your longest relationship no I've had really long ones in the past mostly when I was young like in high school and then College and then briefly medical school but yeah coming there working on it how does your relationship affect you as a human being Mike um has it hasn't changed you in what ways does it support you I'm not gonna ask you if it affects you in a negative way whose relationship doesn't affect the way I think it's like it's part of mandatory human growth I think it's it allows you to see things from different perspectives outside of yours it's like the person who experiences the same experiences as you but then feels totally different about them and you're able to be a cool didn't know wow okay cool and you learn a little bit more about yourself in the world and all that do you find that you you end up I don't know if you could want to talk about this relationship specifically or any others do you find that you end up dating people that you have a lot of stuff in common with or no I no no I was gonna say the same thing like with Lindsay we have maybe 15% of things I hate those kind of stigmas but for some reason you know I've been in the medical field for a long time now if you think about right out of high school I got into one of those combined programs I've never dated someone in the medical space ever I've never even like maybe like a casual hookup or something over the course of 15 years but yeah are you is it because you're scared of dating someone that is undoubtedly smarter than you I think that most of the people I dated were undoubtedly smarter than me and they were not in the medical look at you that's a smart answer Mike how's the big smarter has for definitions there's like you know book smart or smart emotionally smart so yeah no I agree there we go what would have to happen for you to know that you are incredible Phil your staff has set you up is that route was that really the what would have to happen know that you are incredible this isn't supposed to be about me Mike no I've been shuffling I will say I did I did top deck the soulmate let's see no I uh pass this is my show no pass I'd have to edit this out no I'd have to be like I don't even want it I was like I'd have to become the biggest face and news and I was like that sounds like such a [ __ ] nightmare my my goal in life is to be good enough and accomplish a decent enough amount without constantly being the focal point of like attacks at all times right cuz I just like I want to have the ability because at that point like you do something like I don't once again I've talked about this I think with maybe you and Casey and several others like I can do something and I don't have to worry about a headline popping up like when I decided to like leave YouTube and I like opened up about my mental health fur and I was like I gotta take three days they were like three reports on it that were just like not viewed that much and I was happy that it wasn't like we talked about Adele's like weight loss transformation that she hasn't really even talked about it's just everyone else leading the conversation and I was like what a [ __ ] nightmare would be teton to not just have people talking about like my value as a human being when it comes to like my physical versus like other accomplishments what's right what's wrong like but it's an international trending topic of all these people like I would ever want that so but as far as how about this I'm just gonna say I am very blessed I'm good at I'm incredible at what I do at times and I need to I need to find I think I need to find some of the hunger but in a healthy way because a lot of a lot of early days it was driven by like anger of people that said I couldn't do it or people that just infuriated me kind of middle down the road it was because I wanted to be I don't know I had other goals that were less filled with less vitriol and then and then now I think in that way I'm probably a little bit lost but it's not it's all manageable right it's all like it's all gonna be okay you're searching for your meeting once you find out you you will realize your incredible love it all right let's see that way that's boring okay what are your top three pet peeves people chewing next to my ear when I'm not eating okay Oh Mike my wife would agree with you there don't know that that in swear medical condition misophonia that's like the official definition bad breath hmm yeah why am i doing all dating stuff this is weird um and medical misinformation online I like it that's the last one no I got I guess also this I guess also the thing I've dedicated my career to yeah I uh I'm with you I'm with you on those all right so let's see can't see everything is about you finding joy in life what do you value most now that wasn't the case before you know I mean I've touched on that family okay yeah well my childhood was [ __ ] this podcast Mike this is supposed to be so I could clip doctor mike says this not Phil I love that you're [ __ ] behind the glass laughing let's see so why not why not so in in my past a lot of it was so I had divorced parents dr. Mike who is also now my a my my counselor my parents were divorced and so when I lived with my mom it was I've talked about in the past we patched things up but it was a [ __ ] horribly horrible experience like emotional stuff physical stuff whatever years and years ago my money relationship with family was to get away as fast as possible and just to like get out of that situation and even on my mom's side just there's a lot of brothers and sisters and there's a lot of like at times in fighting and just drama and I was just like never want to be associated with that part it's just it's a situation where I'm not in control it's very anxiety driven and on my dad's side I love my dad but there was a lot of pressure there and so I think but there was a lot more support when I was younger so I think you know there was definitely I was definitely close with my dad got a lot of joy from that I think my goal of having a family very much inspired by his relationship with my stepmom and you know the joy of when he also got he got the better end of the stick cuz he got to be weekend dad at first and so I was like he's fun dad and then I lived with him and I was like oh no never mind he really cares about my grades and he wants me to be a doctor even though I'm not smart enough or driven and has to be it to be one so yeah but I think taking time for those things that maybe I only experienced with my dad on like weekends like making those memories cuz they're so important they're like I constantly talk about being Who I am in spite of my parents but as far as like Who I am as far as a loving person that's very much inspired by the relationship I had with my my dad so I but I guess it's more of that now growing up because I just I know how a childhood can affect you even though like I try to block a bunch of it out and so I think that like trying to foster good experiences both for me and the rest of the family that makes sense what um do you think you owe your dad any kind of gratitude you feel that gratitude ya know and I I make sure my dad and I usually talk about like what's happening in the now but was it there was something that that happened over the past year rose I just want to take like this chance be like I am because I think he thought it was like angry at a monk or something and I was like just so you know like even if like I'm angry in the moment like I love you you're the the person that made me in part Who I am and not for the in spite reason but in spite of and yeah that message I think we were talking on FaceTime because he's in Florida and especially now they're like that that man especially because he's a he's post-op for a kidney transplant like that yeah he's he's been hung pkt right yeah so he's been hunkered down and like I'm fine cuz I think with the only negative thing now is I'm having to take lisinopril for like higher blood pressure because my kidneys are well one I'm a kind of bigger guy especially staying at home and [ __ ] snacking my stress away right now but also because the kidneys and but they said the higher blood pressure I guess right now puts me at a slightly higher risk but not the kidneys because the kidneys I guess would have to get at a much lower percentage of effectiveness or productivity or whatever and I'm still at like eighty-five percent because I'm only 34 yeah okay fair enough I was gonna ask you to do something on camera but I don't want to put you on the spot me on the spot I can always cut it out I hate YouTube why can't we be live on TV right because I'm horrified don't like that oh my god there's have you ever heard of letter of gratitude no experiment no so this is pretty crazy so you could pick one person in your life and it sounds like your dad might be an optimal choice where you write on a piece of paper or on your phone it has to be put down somewhere physically a letter to the person that you think you owe some gratitude to and you have to read it to them aloud in person you have to mmm and you don't tell them why you're meeting them you don't explain anything you say hey I just need to see you and you read the letter and what we've seen when we've done it through research is anywhere from three to six months of decrease of anxiety and depressive symptoms just by doing that one letter Wow it's hard though I imagine later I imagine Tang Tang Tang Tang I like just change their cholesterol numbers because they've done that wow that's amazing I see it but that's it's not to the same degree but that's why so the way that this game is normally supposed to be played is obviously in person but you can ask a question but then the answer one you have to directly look at the person right in front of you like it's in eyes and if you pass on a question you have to just stare at that person for 30 seconds and then say pass that's that's scarily that's that's a scary amount of intimacy and vulnerability I'm glad we're getting to do this on skype is a kind of a test oh no I want to do it at life now god this is sorry I just looked at the top of the question that I was supposed to ask for you what do you think my first impression of you was um he's taller that he looks on his YouTube channel that's that's definitely one thing what else that was the most benign thing well I get that a lot I think a lot of people think that I'm like five eight yeah everything everyone thinks everyone's fine you're either five five and you're shorter than I imagined or you're six foot and you're taller than are you 6-3 ma yeah yeah okay I was like I'm trying I was like I don't remember you saying what it was but I was like I'm trying to remember wait so is that the only thing that was your first impression yeah I don't know it was am i right I mean that was one of the things I was I was I was out [ __ ] it awful I was surprised I was as I was surprised you were as nice as he were oh because because it's easy to feign it but like I can immediately feel someone out in the first 5 minutes before we start filming if if it's like a if it's effort because it's like you definitely there are definitely people that have to kind of like force it and I don't know it's not not always a negative thing some people are just like really are generally quiet people or interest yeah and and so it's just like and it takes him a little time but uh yeah basically whatever the opposite of Liza Koshi is because I watched your behind the scenes with her and she's like hugging all of your staff and she's like saying everyone's name I'm like she's a better human than I but even that's like when when she so I think that's what it ends up becoming more meaningful when like a person like that opens up about her dark times because because and even then it's like you can see that it's something that they're still processing because they're like still like smiling and laughing through it cuz it's like the body's like the reaction it's so weird okay name one thing you suspect may be holding me back one thing I think that I think you have to make to being nice being nice Mike I know I know that I know that you you still trying to bring me to the dark side yeah I think I think so your point of like you always kind of leave the door open I've been up this mindset - I fear that it enables a lot of bad thoughts as not I'm very interested to see what your next video looks like how its received which I already be out by the time that this podcast goes up so maybe maybe we'll get some of that here's a fun fact BTS I had to blow dry my armpits seven times in the midst of filming that video because I was so stressed out I stress you stress sweat yeah yeah a lot yeah so but I think cuz you're you want to be a nice and reasonable guy but I think I've just come across too many people where it's like because so there's like this what's being said right in general and then someone says a wildly insane thing and generally rational people like yeah yeah the middle is probably or though the truths probably the middle and it's like no no just because someone said something else doesn't mean it's right there in the middle there might be like smaller aspects see that's what I tried what you just said is what I tried to say but without that voice that you put on that's what we do and like if we do that we actually turn people away so I'm trying to not do that no I know and but that's the thing is I I think it is unwinnable I think we are living in the end times of information and rationality and common sense how do I get you on my team I'm - I'm - I'm - I'm war-torn on this man I'm war-torn on this because it's like it's also because it's like anything will be used people are imperfect human beings right and and mistakes end up happening and I think I was far more aggressive when I was younger and I think you know I think maybe now I'm just on the other side of it seeing it for what it is of just like people equated people actively trying to misinform public with at times people just only get part of a story right or like the data came in wrong and then people use that as a way to discredit everything else and then equate everyone as like equally imperfect and it just it's it's an unwinnable game it's it's I try think more about their intentions like how did they get to that spot what information led them to decide to use these intentions and then work backwards from them and I think you're a much nicer guy than me and you're gonna and you're gonna reach out to more people I just that works I want to be like dude what do you say this is insane but like and I think that's it I just I can't I don't have the thing that used to hold that back just isn't there or isn't working as effectively sure hey really quick I hope you're enjoying the special quarantine edition of the podcast and I just want to take a second to thank one of the partners of today's podcast pink one network to help fight pancreatic cancer you may have heard of pancreatic cancer before and then it was right since a number of celebrities like Steve Jobs Patrick Swayze Alan Rickman and so many more have been lost to this disease and pancreatic cancer is considered the deadliest cancer with eight percent survival rate and that rate has remained almost unchanged over the last 40 years due to underfunded research meanwhile other types of cancer have seen their survival rates double or even triple in that same 40 year period and penguin is making incredible strides in understanding of the various subtypes of the disease to develop the best possible treatments and every donation gets them closer to that goal of raising the rate and that's where you and I come in personally I'll be donating a portion of the proceeds from today's video to the cause and if you'd like to contribute as well you can click on that link in the description down below to donate and every little bit helps fund research that could save thousands of lives and so if you're able to help at all thank you in advance if you don't have it definitely share that is it for now and back to the podcast let's say is it your turn my turn I think it's your turn to ask you okay yeah if you could grant your family one wish what would it be and why oh I would a lot I mean not allow I would get my mom back from my dad oh well yeah she passed when I was in medical school and so we came to the United States and like December 1995 my father went to medical school right away 1996 graduated in 2000 so we were broke in debt my mom's sweeping floors even though she has a PhD in mathematics and we work our way up and then now that we have some level of financial security and can go on a trip or a vacation or something and the kids are succeeding she passes and my dad's left alone with Roxy my pup I would love to bring my mom back mmm how do you mmm doesn't do you think any mother's day we just passed mother's day when this comes out right yes and two days looks like I was like oh no you got me really scared I thought I thought I was like I missed it because I was like I think it's in a few days do you feel like that has in any way that's gonna kind of like affect or has affected the way that you live your life or what you how you plan to live your life do you feel like because you're throwing yourself so much into work that you're gonna miss those things I know that like it's a conversation of like when you know that it's going to like that you know like okay I have four months to live or like there there's some sort of deadline that people about like it was actually the most freeing thing for them to because they knew each moment they got to have with someone even though this is inherently true for everyone because we don't know what's gonna happen that that it changes you know how how how much you want to work or know or is that like completely um I don't think I think about it from that standpoint that much even when she passed I think my biggest worry was like obviously I was sad and heard and all of that but my main focus right away went to my father like I hugged him and worrying about him and I slept with him in the same bed for a few weeks after that I I thought less about myself but now I think I started to realize like I still have to mourn that in my own way as well and not just think always all the time about other people because then it hangs on you and you never really process it when you don't mourn well in the moment it's always gonna catch up to you like you have to experience those feelings you know blocking out your childhood works well in an office setting for a day but then when you come home and you put your head on your pillow it's a whole different story so I think facing those types of difficult situations on your own and thinking about it thoroughly is really important I still need to do that anyway what do you think in your life right now even with its successes what what's like on the bucket list for you that you haven't been able to do and not work-related right something that maybe even work and your current current schedule keep you from um I really want to travel I really want to travel and like people in my office when I come in and I see my nurses and they're excited see me they're like dr. Mike what's up what have you been doing you've been traveling we see you've been everywhere and I'm like I want to travel so bad they're like what do you mean you were just in Shanghai you were there I'm like I was in Shanghai for 20 hours I flew 20 hours work 20 hours and then flew 20 hours to come back here so I'm never really getting to experience things and the crazy part is you know you work your way up to a level of success where you're financially well-off your notoriety is high so like if I go to like when I was in Hungary people lined up out of a cafe before I even had a YouTube channel to meet me and say hi I love meeting people another place but I can't do that because of the same thing that's gotten me to the place to do that so I need to do better with my time and really enjoy and reap the fruits of the labor that I've put in I want to do that more and this pandemic has really taught me that more than ever well I think yeah probably for a lot of people of even just not have it it's like I I like to be invited to parties even if I plan on not going just like knowing I have the access to it and I think I feel like even a lot of introverts now we're just like [ __ ] I could I could [ __ ] with a park right now good I could I could not cancel plans next time a thousand percent but I also don't know how even with I know in California like there's like a four phases and they're saying like the difference between phase 2 and phase 3 could be months like I even when people open up I wonder how fast people are comfortable going out I remember when Wuhan opened up I saw an article about like the first week where people still weren't going to restaurants even though they were allowed and I haven't looked back to see if that's changed because I feel like that's probably gonna be the most interesting cup Americans are more brazen they're gonna make up hotdog time well I mean so I so I go from the house directly to the the studio and I'm like by myself all day and so I essentially use on my car as like this little vacuum tube to the other the other leg extended home and even though things have not changed officially people are getting way more comfortable like you seeing more and more and more people out on the road every day some of it could be like there there's more traffic because maybe more people shop on a certain day but I think I think people are getting very relaxed and I I have this and this might be a little bit crazy and I hope hopefully I'm this is this is why I don't shoot things in a live setting because I don't always word things the best the first time around I watching the news I feel like there's this calm this common thing where we see someone go out there and say the most batshit crazy thing that we've ever heard right it started with like some smaller politicians saying something along the lines of you know two to three percent of people are gonna die but it's just two to three percent of people and then there's like artists outraged there's this general like shift of what people are saying publicly to go like well maybe that is less horrible than like what would happen if we you know cuz the situation doesn't doesn't maybe it's way worse if we if we don't do it and then even a bunch of people that think that's crazy in the back of their head they're like well maybe there's something there I would never say it out loud and it feels like that's like this general shift that we constantly see until all of a sudden then we have a new normal and you see that with everything whether it be something that's hyper hyper political like how everyone like almost universally felt like oh a Mexico border wall was the most insane idea and then all of a sudden you saw like the slow increased adoption both from regular people and people in positions of power so it's a you never know what to expect I think I think the yeah it's very eye-opening that anything is possible it's true you're right and I mean there's just so much there's actually two probably false dichotomies happening at the same time when people talk about reopening America they're like either with the stay in lockdown forever or we have to reopen right now well no the answer is a slow reopen that we begin right now and we monitor the situation first false dichotomy second one is we reopen right now and the economy goes back to normal or we stay in this and destroy the economy even if we reopen right now like you said not everyone's gonna rush back and go to restaurants not every restaurant is gonna reopen not everyone's gonna be spending the same amount of money because they've been out of work for a really long period of time so it's not like you're reopening the economy it's back to normal everything's great and at the same time you're putting all the hospitals at risk because you reopen at the same time so it's a false equivalence there because would you say that the the the hope has always been that well obviously there would be the hope that it goes back to zero but the realistic hope that it's not that it stops it's just that we minimize the we minimize a spread so that even though this is going to affect people even though this is going to kill people that it it does so in a way that does not cause other excessive death yeah exactly unnecessary death from hospitals shutting down people will get kovat 19 as the months go on even when we reopen we to remember the majority the huge majority of people will have mild symptoms if any symptoms at all so it's not that this virus is so deadly that we need to stay indoors it's gonna kill us all no it's about us all getting it so quickly at the same time where it becomes a big problem and I think what's good is because we've had this first wave and a significant portion of the population has had it it will slow it down because if you go into a room and two people are immune after getting sick with a virus out of ten and one person gets sick it will spread a lot slower exponentially than if no one's had it only one person's been yeah yeah my feelings in this general situation is one my jubal I genuinely believe that we will survive this there will be some sort of bounce-back it's just a question of that the timetable but it's also made me think that if we have something that hits us harder has a potential where a thousand percent [ __ ] I think I think we've seen like kind of the the shortfalls of certain areas the the just complete gaps and in the system and the general divisive Ness that that [ __ ] like our ability to move on stuff and I mean it was only a small portion of something I think bench bureau said it was one of those days he was trending for saying something but he said something along the lines of like one part of it was you know we would have a completely different reaction to this if this was killing like a module like a high percentage of people in their 20s and 30s or if it was killing kids and it's like yes a thousand percent there would be a different mindset and I think that kind of speaks to the the in the back of people's heads of what even stuff that they won't say out loud and why people are getting lacks because there's still like this idea of well it happens to other people and the unfortunate thing is I see that shift or I see the shift back to something of taking a more serious when I've had more and more friends been like yeah my grandfather died or oh my my you know my my my friend's dad died from this and it's like and it's very unfortunate that it takes those situations for a number of people to realize this is why it's such a big deal all right we keep getting serious back to me being broken as a person no I'm just I don't know what this is what does my style say about me what is what is what is dr. mike style say about him I uh you're too cool it's too cool for school Mike I love that that sounds like something like a nerdy young version of me would say you uh no I mean this is a good look for you you got the backwards hat the glasses make me still take you serious for a second can you can you make a bro face real quick maybe wait and then put the glasses on trust you way more with those right that's what I'm saying and I get the facial hair cuz it adds some years to my face so like I'm older and wiser mm-hmm yeah I I don't think what you I think I think you walk you probably don't overthink your fashion too much I think you put some on you know like yeah I look good that's fine I don't think I don't think you're you're wasting that's it oh yeah I don't think you're wasting minutes in the closet yeah like suits and stuff I like and figuring out what colors to wear but that's as far as if you who I've noticed actually waste the most time is not the suit-and-tie type or the this is like this is obviously you're like more turned down luck it's the if there's a denim jacket involved and or anything that's torn denim that do I know a few of those jesse wellens I'm talking about you a little bit I know that you're probably wasting some minutes in that mirror probably to even look at probably to even look like you didn't do it okay let's see let's you know I think we got 10 more minutes you go with that I know you got some yeah oh wow what brings you joy yeah no this is so many skypes and zooms about colvett and everything was so serious this is awesome no I was ahead of all the things that I had kind of like planned this week I was like there was a moment last night where I was like do I really want to shoot podcast and was like yes I'm a thousand I'm a hundred percent gonna enjoy it and it's gonna be a great time and it is yeah Mike if your ex was here what would they warned me about you oh my god this do I have to pick an ex I mean you could give me some maybe you could even pick and choose some things they would say what would they say positive no they what would they warn me about with you they would warn me you hmm see it's a fun chance - they would tell you that I'm an angry person really yeah and what why would they tell me that they'll say that to the outside world I'm very patient but then when I come home I'm not as patient okay and do you think that's a valid criticism oh absolutely why do you think that's the case um I probably learned it from my dad he yells a lot actually it's funny what I mean my dad talked we sound like we're murdering what my friends hear me talk to my dad and you're like dude is everything okay like everything's fine I'm like oh yeah we're just talking about like when to go on the trip tomorrow they're like it sounds like you guys were ending your family way like we've learned to communicate but we talk with a lot of yelling and anger and if you're not used to it you think wow he hates me yeah when in reality that's just like part of our communicating style so is it as a little bit of n of a earning curve in your relationships whether it be friends or whatever to be like oh this is how my communicates and it's not mean like it's not jagged edges coming at me yeah it looks like I'm about to murder someone but it's like like I don't know my current girlfriend if she drops like a glass it breaks it she always looks at me and I have like the most angry evil eyes but like I don't really care and like I'm not really angry I'm just kind of like do better and I'm trying to do this like fatherly like improve yourself vibe and it's probably weird that I do it do better might be the most positive sounding hurtful thing in the world do better like this like I've had this conversation with you too many times not even gonna waste the air just do better [Music] look into my eye I'm gonna stare directly at this one it's not gonna look like I'm looking at you but I'm looking directly at your screen we're getting intimate now you're holding this because you know that a little like after what this is waiting for your for you to tell me what you see oh wait no I thought I was I thought I was no this is a question for you the other person you showed it to me and I read it so that means I'm saying look into my eyes oh oh Mike why can't I follow basic instructions this is my first time playing this version I know to better what do I see okay wait look I wasn't process like anything I was thinking of what I look like I let's see hmm I see a cold empty robot you're correct no I know I was like when you're leaning in like that it just looks like your head is about half the size of your entire torso no Mike I think you're you're a good hard-working guy and you care and you probably care more than people want to give you credit for because even though you say that no one uses you don't really ever feel anyone using your looks in a negative way I think they're probably a number of people that even though there's a number of people that find you more accessible because of that probably immediately discount you and I think that you're as a smart caring guy that's praise that means a lot to me and I actually coming and I don't care about that opinion that's what I want understood from this podcast is I'm an [ __ ] I don't care that you don't care thank you if you found one thing about wit if you found one thing out about me that would I can speak words there's three words for line it's very strange if you found one thing out about me that would make you walk away right now what would it be that you heard dogs just punt them if you harm a puppy because you know you and I have played with wieners before we have cut the b-roll yes yeah accurate I have you harm one of those puppies my vengeance with me can you disconnect from this yeah I mean I think it takes a special kind of scumbag to like attack animals or like a baby or do something defenseless yeah yeah I don't know why my head went to puppy it's probably because you mentioned someone punching a dog in the snow or something mm-hmm I'm sure either way is that real I didn't see that yeah yeah it's this woman she has like boxing gloves on and it's like you know you can like kind of like jostle with a dog and like have fun the dog she just straight-up boxing it and like jabbing snout which is like is crazy because you know that it's like the most sensitive part of a dog like they say if you're getting attacked punch a dog in the house has she gotten in trouble so they are the where we left the the situation is like was the Idaho it was SPC and I don't know the Idaho Humane Society maybe went in they checked they had an evaluation but there was no other information they just asked people to stop message messaging them because they were handling it but uh I don't know I don't know what what happens with those situations because I mean there was like the I'm gonna get her name wrong there's the Brooke house situation a while ago and I think all that did was kind of like hurt her image publicly she was one that I think like was that the one who is recording and like throwing her yes she accidentally uploaded the the parts where she wasn't having fun and I forget the dog but it was just it was like it was something that looked incredibly cruel and the fact the way that it got to the public was also so incredibly it was indicative of how incredibly stupid that person probably was as well but yeah that was yeah it takes a special kind of scumbag dude I do not hurt puppies Phil or I will come after you I'll try now I think that's the one thing stopping me here we go what's an impression that you make which is false what's an impression that you make which is false I don't I think it's comes back to that I just I I hold my I hold hatred inside and I try not to spout it what's an impression you make but that's not yeah and then what do you think people take away from you that you don't think is accurate that they misunderstand you in what way did people misunderstand you that's a better way to phrase a question I think something that I try to convey is like especially when it's like when people I get get in their head that they want to work with me is like I'm I'm multiple people depending on like what the job is so like right now this is casual this is fun in a setting like I'm professional and I am this certain thing when I'm home I'm way way way more relaxed and and stuff like that I feel like I'm at times because I try to not be angry I'm a lot more passive aggressive communication with people then people would guess and I'm a but then also right and that's on certain situations where I'm like trying not to blow up and then I'm a lot more kind of blunt and straight into your face and what some people might think is like too hard and so that's why I always if someone's like I want to work for you I'm like mm-hmm like the clothes because also the closer you are you're saying you give off a good impression of yourself and they think you're always nice and you think that's false yes because I think no one thinks of like what who you have to be to be the boss and to get [ __ ] done yeah I agree and and it but it's also you have to find like the the right balance and I think I'm still going through a process of trying to find what the the right balance is just because it's like you can't be friends with everyone shit's got to get done and there's a certain expectation of how good it has to be and when people fall short of that you kind of need to communicate why this was a [ __ ] but and so when I say like very direct but also passive-aggressive cuz those things sound completely different in the moment when I want to have a much bigger reaction what can use out of me is something that is passive-aggressive because I don't want to be like how the [ __ ] right like how the [ __ ] is it 5 p.m. and it's not a big [ __ ] like you don't want to do that because everyone has an off day everyone's learning and there's but I take so much pride in my show even if I don't attribute it to like me being valued as a person I take so much pride in it that I that's where I can I'm like I guess it is what it is it is what it is today I guess that's like that's the best we can do and so I'm just dealing with the situation so that's like the passive-aggressive and then me going like hey this is what we need to do in the future separately and then trying to also not do that in a situation where like they could be like years ago it would be like something that would like slip out in front of a group where it's like you don't want to do that because that adds like that adds like shame and that's not a comfortable environment but it's not like a it's not like a common thing okay yeah I think that I think but I think that's all people you see one image like you've seen Charlie puth is probably a slightly different person in real life david dobrik probably a completely different we're not completely I don't want to say like people are fake but yeah well not completely just the impression that you get is not going to be a hundred percent accurate yeah that's it okay what do you think life is teaching you right now I think that's gonna be our last question okay that's that's a good one to finish on life is teaching pandemic quarantine adapting that it can all come to a crashing halt very soon so we need to myself included step up and enjoy the things that we took for granted yeah a thousand percent like this this this is what I love to drink I love drinking sparkly water and when the pandemic first started because I would get these through Amazon Prime I did not have these for a month and I didn't know how important this was to my happiness and I would just drink them and be like no big deal this makes me happy so okay life's given me a different a different angle to reflect on yeah how many times have you gone by you how many times have you gone to that oh yeah I know but how many times have you gone to that bottle with it being empty I was like I was like I feel like I've leader but I already started with it only a quarter full but I might come on play so the question for me cuz you kicked it back what do you think life is teaching you right now I think life's teacher eating for one for you right well see I automatically think to a business standpoint I thought life's teaching me that I don't actually need the the studio space that I have right now and that I could actually consolidate it I think a lot of people are gonna realize that a lot of jobs can actually be work from home effectively but then like maybe incorporating something that that still makes people feel like they're the part of a team and that there's in-person stuff because uh cuz yeah I mean for the the show play for my main show everything's kind of run the same except for me emotional obviously the podcast what about from you perspective I love how you run your business I want to know from the you perspective what do you think life is teaching you right now I think life is trying to make me realize that I need to not do this anymore I mean do this the conversation but yeah I don't know if I have it in my heart to do the news in this environment for a long time I don't I don't have I have hope that we as people will move on I don't have hope when it comes to information I think that it's just going to get worse which I I know is like it's not a half do you think by you stopping doing the news that will help or hurt that situation it'll hurt the situation but it'll probably help me which also I mean saying it out loud that's a very privileged position to be in like it's just I guess this is gonna be taken so much so much the wrong way I feel like a firefighter that cannot handle this blaze and like knows that like it's just gonna it's gonna keep raging I know that we're in a time of like we need to say hopeful things and hey I'm trying in the in the meantime but how I feel I don't know I don't know if this is the length of maybe speaking like try like you said a statement that it's basically not gonna get better this blaze is too big it's far gone rationally speaking with our current situation do you think that's accurate way to say it again like right like you said this blaze is too far gone like this situation is too far past me I can't do anything to change it can you give me like a rational thought if you were an outsider looking at the situation would you say the same yes because we're not there is a common goal and that we all want things to get better but the idea of how we get there is so vastly different and everyone although we see it reflected more uncertain avenues are incentivized and benefit from the the the spreading of skewed misrepresented or blatantly false information that people are willing to gobble up because of their own personal beliefs or because of their fear or because of their desperation and I feel like I feel like that's that's kind of that's kind of where we're at there's no like any other time we've seen ourselves kind of unify around an enemy right and sometimes in a very wrong way but even on this this thing that should be able to unite us we're still so more divided and I think that there's also a sense of complacency because you know bad stuff is happened in the past and things have always kind of worked things kind of go back and forth and they have and they flow that there is kind of this this feeling that things will always end up ok they'll get like the the good will win but I mean it completely misses the the understanding of how many empires have fallen that we are actually like a really young country in a new situation and so I think we're kind of programmed to be like ok things can get [ __ ] crazy but it's always salvageable I don't know do you think historically speaking if you look at some of the worst times in history they've come back maybe not in the same way that they were before but it's come back to a better place at some point and then came back and then back for our situation I'm talking thousands of years as opposed to like our history well that's the thing is I think that we kind of look at our history and we think like oh we're America good guys one and this and obviously there's a lot of a lot of blankets thrown over stuff in our history to be like you know and everything was good but I think that things can get better or be good but historically speaking it's always been because things drastically changed and the the what people what certain people in a time period would describe is good drastically changed so you're saying no time will be the same as it once was yeah yeah and so oh no so I think that's but that's where I'm at I I think that I don't want to say we've gone too far because how everything that we have is is so amazing and it's so capable of providing good in the world and has but it there's also a point where I don't have enough faith in human beings in general and that this includes myself because we're all we are all kind of susceptible to the negative stuff I mean I talked to you about like getting furious that my friends were sharing just blatantly false information other than coming to me and being like this is accurate right and I think that's I think it's I don't think there's a way to come back it's like Pandora's Box has already been opened yeah I'm excited to see what the future holds for us yeah I think hey bad or good I was like I'm I'm rooting for the good I just don't expect it I think I think if you can describe me as a person that's it's that statement um you want to be pleasantly surprised yeah I love it I feel like I feel like I'm rooting for the Jets to win a Super Bowl right now I'm like in my heart oh my god did you just compare America to the jet no I compared I compared humanity to this to the Jets we had a good run things went wrong things have been continually going wrong I'm still rooting for the team but I don't actually have high expectations I have high hopes okay that's that's it sounds like you're still you're cautiously optimistic hey man I'm uh I'm I'm gonna be here for however long I survive I want it to be good for me I wanted to be good for my kids I just I'm a faithless man scale there's a scale and on the right side of the scale it's cynical and on the left side of scale it's skeptical where are you falling right now ooh skeptical of people you mean well like skeptical that'd get better and cynical is like it's never gonna get better I mean it sound it sounds like I'm just right in the middle because it's I'm both okay that's fair that's a good place to be your ballot what would you say your at um I'm always leaning towards being more skeptical in thinking that oh I don't know if it's gonna get better but I'm gonna I'm optimistic and I think it can get better or I think this could change okay I feel like I see more of a glass half-full type situation and I have faith in humanity to adapt like I feel like Black Plague Spanish flu famines Wars like we just kind of always figure it out and if you're sharp and smart and willing to put into work you'll figure it out I'm gonna I'm happy to go out on your much happier version of society III I'm cynical but I'm hopeful that's it that's it I just pray we're not dinosaurs I don't mind you comparing us to the Jets but let's not get it let's go extinct cause dinosaurs I don't think we're gonna go extinct I just think that I think bad stuff anyway my calm Cruise is about to film a movie in outer space Phil things are gonna get better that's that's the one thing we got trolls too on demand before it went to theaters things have a possibility of an upside see there you go I want secret life of pets 10 Mike thank you thank you for for helping me provide a little bit of escapism for people watching and and yeah me too I guess me too no Harvey I needed this this is awesome I appreciate giving munis
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Views: 483,909
Rating: 4.9067335 out of 5
Keywords: Philip DeFranco, DeFranco, A Conversation With, the philip defranco show, new, podcast, interview, video podcast, advice, doctor mike, dr mike, dr. mike, real doctor reacts, doctor reacts, plandemic, the plandemic, mike varshavski, mikhail varshavski, instagram doctor, doctors coronavirus, dr mike corona, misinformation, quarantine, youtube, question game
Id: oMe0CoCBxDY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 109min 55sec (6595 seconds)
Published: Wed May 13 2020
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