Orks vs Necrons 2000 pt battle in #new40k in 40 minutes.

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we at play on have been doing this for a couple of years now and as such have had quite a few people come back to play on our Channel Michael and James are two of those people both players have had a storied career on Play On And even faced off against each other with James pulling out the victory however today it's a new addition and a new day and it's time for a 10th edition rematch this is 40k in 40 minutes necrons versus Orcs pretty 40K fans and welcome to this episode of Michael vs James an absolute knockdown drag out slobber knocker of a match I am James Mr initiative Jones I am here to show off Orcs in 10th edition gas Gould of course trucks two squats of Gretchen two squads of Mega knobs a battle wagon two squads of three kilocans each a squad of B snagger boys two more squads of boys another Squad of Mega knobs and another Squad of Mega knobs and just for fun 20 more boys with a weird boy attached man oh man he's got some Mech he's got some speed I expect him to be on Michael on turn one or two and just getting stuck in like the boys ought to do so 10th edition's exciting it's a shake-up which I think was uh well due and I'm just excited to put Choppa to skeleton skulls and just get my Crump on my name is Michael buckthorpe and I am returning once again to show off the prowess of the necron dynasties Michael's got a catacomb command barge with the sempiternal weave so he's gonna get a four-up feel no pain an Overlord with scythe and resorb in a squad of 20 necron Warriors a Lord with staff of light and technomancer in a Squad of 10 lichgard with shields a plasmancer leading 20 necron Warriors five death marks a hex Mark Destroyer two Locust heavy destroyers five flight ones a canopic reanimator a ghost Arc and of course Watson the Doomsday Arc I'm really looking forward to seeing what Watson can do in a new addition and that hex Mark Destroyer is no joke he hits on twos all the time even in OverWatch it's kinda nuts when 9th edition first launched I played James he's a fantastic player I hadn't really read the rules not gonna make excuses and he absolutely trounced me like it was a pretty bad showings it was complete decimation so I can't wait to repay that debt and I'm hoping I can pull it off again our mission is take and hold so each objective is going to be worth Five Points up to a maximum of 15 per turn and 50 for the game we're also playing with the sweep and clear Mission rules so all of the objectives should they be held in your command phase are sticky meaning you'll hold them until your opponent takes it away for secondaries Michael has chosen bring it down he'll score two victory points for killing Vehicles plus one Victory point if it has 10 or more wounds and plus one more if it has 16 or more wounds he's also taken storm hostile objective so he's going to score four points every time he flips control of an objective James was taken engage at all fronts he's going to score two victory points for being in three quarters and four victory points for being in four with an aggressive Army it kind of makes sense and assassinate he gets four victory points for every kill character if they're all dead he's gonna keep scoring those points every turn Michael's got a lot of characters on his list not a bad idea I honestly haven't read too much into the rules for Orcs so I'm excited I just I'm so excited about my own rules it doesn't matter what I'm going against I'm gonna play the way I want to play James I'm coming for you baby don't worry Papa's here no the mega knobs are starting in the wagon and the weird boy with 20 boys are gonna be in reserve and the hex Mark Destroyer starts the game inside the go-star oh [Music] foreign [Music] looks like it's going to be James going first both players take up to one command Point here we go this episode is brought to you by our friends at Frontline gaming whether you're looking for neoprene game mats or even pre-painted or unpainted MDF terrain Frontline gaming has you covered they even carry all sorts of gaming gear for those of you North America all the big name games and they even do commission painting Frontline gaming is your One Stop Shop for everything 40K or mCP or really anything you could be looking for make sure to use the affiliate link below and tell them play on sent you I got first turn not I mean I missed her initiative what did I expect right uh grots are holding my home objective what I'm going to roll a single dice what if I roll a four plus I get a command point I do not now that represents them scrounging for stuff right yes they're not very good at it no not not yet grots are gonna jump out and run to the objective thank you nope jump out James moves up to jam up some lanes and get us some shots as soon as possible but orc shooting is not really anything to talk about now we'll start with these uh killer cans okay two of them are in range of the ghost Arc okay so before the shot happened okay shooty Power Trip I roll three which means if I roll a two plus they have ignores cover if I roll a one they they do Mortal wounds to one of my units so that is going to be two D3 rocket shots let's do it how many shots and now just because of the new changes rules yep I have cover yep because not fully so plus one to your armor save yes okay nope uh we'll do gaz's wagon so we're just gonna put everything into these the heavy discharge okay or it's shooting it's nothing to really ride home above uh fail one I take one damage we will move over to this truck okay into Destroyers Force make them both then we'll do this one okay four nope this one nope this one nope he's gonna put everything into these guys want to say here I believe yep so we'll do the big shoe to First sixes uh nothing too bad a good thing for that stealth uh bank here I will do these uh kill cans they will put everything into him wounds remaining I think I have weathered your storm that is all the shooting as soon as it started flubbing I had a feeling that uh everything I did was all for naught because everything was getting healed back I think we're gonna try a charge okay where are we charging I'm gonna charge the flight ones with this red truck the truck charges the flayed one and it fails 10th edition baby who knew I mean the game seems so much more less lethal it looks like we get to play with our toys longer than we thought well James has managed to score two points for engage at all fronts both player still at a command point and a score of two nothing in favor of James command face now when the reanimation heals that heavy Destroyer so to start I'm going to spend a command point the overlord is tardying the necrons with protocol of a sudden storm that's going to make their weapons assault and give them re-roll advances for zero command points nice thank you so if Tyler's gonna hop out looks like Michael's setting up some charges before James gets to him with his next turn potential why I have big plans on my shooting phase I think Watson is gonna absolutely annihilate whatever he touches so I'm really excited let's see what Watson can do are you ready James I was born ready for the paid so any truck that has nobody standing on it is empty all but three guys here are gonna be able to fire at this and because of the plasma answer in the unit I am screen criticals on a five up sweet Warriors Now open up into the empty truck and down it goes that's gonna be three bring it down points plasma answer is going to fire at your battle wagon so it survives okay uh nothing so the ghost Arc is going to Rapid Fire into your battle wagon so I take one get wound okay so it knocks him down to 15 wounds remaining only 15. that's manageable uh so we're gonna do the heavy destroyers into this truck in the back there make sense love it it's awesome wow that's about right uh let's do Watson yep I think Watson is going to line up a shot how many shots for Watson's Cannon oh no okay um a one and unfortunately I don't really feel that spending command point is worth it because it's a D6 plus one weapon I'm Gonna Roll two dice they have a six up in both must be box cars it now this is how it starts this is how it starts [Laughter] watch it now kills a killer can for two more victory points I'm gonna use the plasmaster's Ability before I forget about it the mega knobs take two mortal wounds from the plastmaster his uh living lightning Special Rule death marks up top here they're gonna fire the same one I think I can see with two guys oh the death marks bit of a whiff the hex Mark Destroyer okay he's gonna fire into the mega knobs again choose hey everybody from The Immortals is gonna fire into the truck over there okay so I'm gonna fire The Immortals next sorry is this the high unit or this is the highest okay yeah good save nothing okay so four wounds so far okay grand total six wounds okay down to three okay Overlord opens up at the same Target finally that truck goes down that's gonna be three more victory points for Michael when the Warriors are shooting here other fives oh there he is like three of them takes four wounds down two six yeah smell that pace t Okay points I think that's Everything James I think that's all my shootings okay let me have anything else uh let's do some charges yes so first charge is going to be the flight ones are declaring a charge versus one of James's trucks James overwatches for a command point the other one remaining and he managed to kill a flayed one and now you charge I charge almost unfailable don't roll double ones I need a six chamber into the gross I'm coming into your garage I already overwatched damn it damn it oh oh double once high five yes I think I have to he command re-rolls to charge the Gretchen man he really hates Gretchen oh you made it okay high five now yes here we go can they kill 10 rods well that is uh that's how the dice crumble over that way let's go let's just look for them let's just get that out of the way please take 20 ap2 on your I would love to three it's my garage I don't like rocks Gretchen are paste no consolidate as those Mega knobs are dead hard and he doesn't want to give him a free shot at him good call you can come you don't want to get punched by the Omega knocks in retaliation killing my brats you can come to me you chicken-hearted robot man uh all right next up the other played ones blade ones into the truck now does some work but it does not die two wounds left could have been a little bit better just saying but we got round two in us we got round two of us lots of dead trucks round one and a killer can and a lead for Michael of 12 to two however I have a funny feeling that a log is brewing so anybody who has sense of hearing or they are wearing a headset right now maybe volume down or plug your ears that's none necessary gross my Gretchen are going to attempt to farm my command Point there's more Gretchen give me a four no James fails battle shock on his truck but he does hold an objective for five primary so I'm gonna move I'm gonna start by moving some of these Mega knobs [Music] these orc boys are going to jump out of this truck okay and they are going to head towards the objective okay Warriors OverWatch the boys popping out for zero command points and James loses three boys Gotta Love attached characters Gaza and the boys jump out and the hex Mark strips of wound off of one of the mega knobs with him again with a zero CPS draft yikes that thing is gross now we're gonna have these B snaga boys jump out so the guys on top are on the bottom yep here we go for one command point an extra two inches to advance and charge and those boys Advance into the backfield [Music] now the real thing is is like do I fall back with this truck I think I have to are you gonna fall back there you can roll it or am I gonna roll it you want me roll cable here we go I have the dice in my hand a one or two James that truck dies okay what are you doing what's your what's your prediction what number two you're gonna be a two I think I'm Gonna Roll three and survive oh good job good call hey wait I killed it does that mean you don't get the points [Music] led by the weird the weirdest boy surely face now Strength 11 damage five attack from the weird boy misses oh that's too bad uh so now I'm gonna do these two units into them okay Beast boys do some incidental shooting here we're gonna shoot uh all these guys into them yep so first truck uh nope okay second truck okay yeah a little better uh yep wow seriously work shooting is bad we're gonna do these killer cans they're gonna shoot everything into the Warriors okay uh these are the not rocket cans two up first I do got it so ignores cover not that it would have mattered fours threes another one uh we will shoot with the first five-man Squad of Megan Ops okay you know what let's just blast them into the freaking Lich guard nope uh and then the other unit is just gonna shoot into the Lich guard okay five up we're gonna shoot them into the Immortals because they are within the 18 so I'll get my rapid fires no okay two drop yeah uh killer cans okay same Target yep okay four five nice yeah that's okay uh we're gonna go with this guy now the battle wagon he's gonna dump everything into those guys as well fives no no James that's okay uh and then uh you were not within 18 I don't think so string five blob does not wound it was strength five as well we'll do this truck over here into the Warriors all right so I will get the fire yep yeah nope okay and firing back from the hex Mark Destroyer take it on chin take out wound nine movement yeah charge face though this is where the Orcs live and die and James has a ton of charges to make the boys are in the 20-man boy Squad are in the mega knobs are in gaza's in the mega knobs are in cancer in the trucks are in every charge is made what a malfunction at the junction we are going to start with one of these units of Mega knobs and we are going to spend a CP okay to give them the juicy bonuses Mega knobs with unbridled Cartage for a command point and sustained hits means he's boots them 16 times he's out of command points but what a hammer of Mork or gork so so far I just failed 10. so that is the unit uh all right so I'm picking up two at a time five up feel no pains on lynchgard what the deuce has both past both has did it again wow okay that died plus another one pass one saves this is crazy only four die it is what it is Dice Man they tell a story sometimes the story is my sadness okay second Squad of Megan Ops these guys don't have all those things well they have everything except for the procking on fives okay oh no oh no and the squad holds Good Lord those Lich guards should be dead Mike you're five UPS buddy you did so good so that is gonna be five out so that is 15 boys second volley the big boy Squad now into that catacomb command barge and take it down to three wounds now let's do these bee snack boys two 17 dead Warriors and the Beast are doing some serious work Michael uses protocol the undying Legion within 12 of that can Optical animator and he just brought back six Warriors for a command point that is fantastic undying Legions man do necrons feel like they're just super resilient the killer cans are trying to down the squad now maybe not wow that is super strong five more drops uh we'll do Gaz and his Entourage now two Mega knobs hitting on threes against your vehicle to the ghost Arc mortal goons and four up emulses two or three three so I've taken two Michael saves her on point here unreal five four UPS on a six what the heck uh all right uh the two cans that are in yep the killer cans are doing work they take down the ghost Dart and it explodes 10 Warriors drop you got uh oh yeah I got this two flayed ones die to the truck s Michael's slapping back now and down go two boys in the big Squad just gonna fire or hit with his void Scythe Warriors in the overlord into the killer cans one devastating wound for three wounds knocking one guy down to two the boys are getting slapped around a bit here as well taking it to Michael hard though uh oh here comes the payback Lich guard splits attacks both squads of Mega knobs as well as splitting characters one unit loses two knobs and the second unit loses just a model what a turn five primary and two more second a for James to bring us up to nine but Michael sits at 14 as we head to Michael's turn two up a command Point eats Michael at 2 and James to one I'm gonna say it now reanimation in the 10th edition is insanely good that catacomb command barge is back to eight wounds he's returned 15 models and he scores two objectives for 10 victory points to put Michael up to 24. command Marge falls back from combat Warriors are falling back as well bottom score to Warriors will fall back and lose four in a desperate breakout battle shock is a thing folks I did what I set out to do which was push you back into your corner yep so that's good you did you did but now you're gonna blast half my Army off the table so you know that's all I have so let's go to the shooting phase you betcha death bark Target that big boy Squad Watson fires of the mama boys are the big guns into the cans fives I made two three there you go five boys Drop and the cans go kablooey The Immortals Target the boys on the objective right in front of James or make Five Wounds heavy these trailers are gonna fire your acrylic hands over here okay four five up another can three cans so far brings bring it down to 16 points so it's ongoing point so I can go first so I'm gonna fight here with the four man mega knob Squad fight phase now James is spending a point on unbridled Carnage he's gonna give him exploding fives that out of wound for his Mega knobs and down go to lichgard for Lich guard into the three-man squad of Mega knobs that have yet to fight and two of them go down one more from the other unit what a scrum no I have my athletes freeze bam dead the truck takes down the flayed once so that single Mega knob yep he's gonna do it he's gonna do he's gonna do what do it he's gonna do what going to do with whatever that is okay he is gonna do it that lone Mega knob spikes six hits and kills three Lynch guard on his own wow so why is this man playing after I would have stopped by this uh thing Michael using undying Legions again for a command point and two Lich guard reanimate and that's gotta be painful bit of a runaway at this point folks Michael's up 30-9 however James has got some serious board control here he's out of command points Michael sits at one but let's see what happens as we head to turn three Gretchen get James an extra command point so he goes up to two the same as Michael the mega knob fails battle shock everything scores now 15 primary for James and because resorbs work like this now more of the necrons return in James's turn you know what what I don't want to get overwatched a bunch of times so so I feel like I'm not really gonna move you're not gonna move so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna move these guys up okay Gaza Squad moves up and the Immortals choose to OverWatch for one command point this you don't have to roll the wound uh Auto okay I'm feeling better so two damage each kill's a mega knob that's big [Music] you know what he's gonna OverWatch me either way yep let's just get it over with the boys get hex Mark and down go two man oh man that hex Mark Destroyer is absolutely legit so this thing's gonna rip over here and try to hide behind this building foreign we are going to uh Ed Banger with this guy the unit is now down to 5 10 13. so I'm only plus two let's put it into him we need to kill him no problem and doesn't it and good talk you gotta take the and then I take a dangerous it's fine I do so we'll unload with the pistols into uh the Warriors I just picked up three misses and rolled make them all like a mouse uh we'll do the two trucks nope really sorry James yeah you're gonna do it again protocol of the undying Legion returns evil robots back to that unit Michael's down to one command Point still as that one was a freebie all right uh so we'll shoot gas go into those uh Warriors um I will get too far back at you do you care about that the threat of a hex Mark is a real issue it can just keep shooting constantly absolutely fantastic oh it's every time everything forget it uh I will shoot I will shoot the missiles up here actually sorry at these guys it I hit him uh would you guys go up at them fill two yep one takes two days they can just come back after uh so let's go into charge phase you cannot OverWatch me nope Mama boys now charging the catacomb command barge and the warrior blob Gaza hits the death marks and warriors cans and boys into the Warriors wagon charges the Lich guard again with unbridled Carnage for one command point on the big boy Squad smacking that command barge back down to four wounds again oh only six dead Warriors so far the Beast egg is now hitting on threes fives so I lost 13 or six I should have six remaining and I'm gonna spend my last command point and do that Eternal Guardian One More Time Michael another command point on protocol all the undying Legion and there are 10 models in the unit left they'll need a battle shock test uh yeah gaza's uh unit so we'll start with the um the mega knob okay nah because of Makari nope four Warriors truck and then gas goal five attacks right how many of the Warriors are left two only Makari into the death marks Gaza all into the Warriors okay Megan Alban Gaza now Gaza picks up the squad and gets the character that's an assassinate for four victory points oh no I have a uh the wagon still huh they wipe a unit so I'll just do my two Mega knobs in of course do it to me there we go okay okay okay those last two Mega knobs managed to kill three more Lich guard James has tied up everything except the canoptic reanimator The Immortals as well as Watson the Doomsday are what an absolute slobber knocker of a game James has got me hemmed in he's running away on primary I'm not going to be able to get much in the way of points if he's holding all of those sticky objectives the Etta James turned three we have a tie score 30-30 as we head into Michael's turn battle shock time everything passed the Lich guard now hold the objective in the center to score Michael Five Points reanimation bring back to lichgard and steals the objective back OC 8-7 that gives him another five on primary that takes us to 40 to 30 in Michael's favor Watson's gotta move out of the Warriors way so they can fall back no devastating wounds for the DDA this turn [Music] most of Michael's Army has to fall back high five oh no the clocktopus is dead because of desperate Escape all right let's go to shooting phase so big gun here we go small gun into the Warriors over here okay three die four down and the road yep okay so save one I Take Five Wounds that kills the squad catacomb command bar shooting into combat killing boys like fish in a barrel or fungus in a bag I'm not sure Watson firing into gas how many shots please roll one yeah it's because you're not rolling the play on dice cheating use this cheating with those dice let's do it you're gonna roll one again Rolling Orange dice you fool five six he's dead this guy's dead yep and then you're gonna love this one Mike yeah I'm Gonna Roll one on mercari's two plus and vulnerable here it is okay so ongoing combat yep fight phase and unbridled Carnage on the orc boys again so sustained hits on fives brings the barge down to four wounds it just won't die so three here and character here two here four UPS Megan up dies one Mega knob left in the squad the wagon takes more wounds it's down to seven that's it so now I get my ongoings that are left [Music] oh that's not good and now the wagon is ripping down lichgard boy howdy what a round three 44-34 in favor of Michael James has got a command Point Michael has none as we head into James's turn four this match is anybody's game all right proceeding as planned both players proceed as planned so nobody's gonna go for a Gambit I don't blame them there's only five points in it your turn so we gain a CP each oh I get to try oh the Gretchen of game James an extra command point he's up to three to Michael's one so in my command phase I do owe some leadership tests yes okay so I'll roll on these ones first okay needing seven there we go boys fail Megan op fails the wagon uses insane bravery for one command Point takes James down to two the other Squad of boys fail and reanimation lichgard come back again however James scores 15 on primary to take us up to 49-44 his favor foreign whoa okay we'll charge okay uh four work boys into those guys yeah sure boys charging the death marks they're in Gaza charges The Immortals truck into Watson Michael overwatches for one command point and that truck is on three wounds left I mean I'll fight there here yep T5 those guys oh the death marks are ripped down to a single model so five attacks from gas bill yep Gaza now kills five Immortals yeah of course so let's guard into your nut Mega knob yep uh Forest Lynch guard now gonna clean up the midboard I think if that wagon blows it could be really big let's guard into the truck uh need success nothing okay then that's it for that yeah so off by here yep boys into the catacomb command barge now it's down to three wounds remaining again and the battle like it picks up another Lich guard boy oh boy what a game 53-44 in favor of James this is tight folks turn for everything is looking like I'm gonna weather the storm but the question is is can I score enough to pull ahead Michael's turned four and the death marks are battle shocked but reanimation keeps bringing models back this is crazy three command points for James one command point for Michael and he scores 10 on primary to take him up to 54-53 his favor I have an idea it's a bit of a gamble let's take Watson and see if he can make his points back Watson falls back that's going to steal away an objective from James the Warriors are moving up otherwise not much in it let's go to the shooting phase catacomb command bar expires into combat kills a couple more boys heavy destroyers over here gonna put their shots in your killer cans love it two shots sitting on twos choose six up the cans lose another model that's two more victory points I'm gonna do the Immortals here are gonna put their shots into your truck protocol of the Conquering Tyrant they're gonna reroll all wounds with their weapons thanks to those characters Michael again with a clutch zero command Point Strat oh boy Makari the luckiest grot is no longer down he goes yeah I'm gonna charge Warriors to here Warriors charge the deluded boy Squad threes feeling both oh man four boys are down okay I will fight here I guess okay the wagon has killed one of the Lich guard that part yep we're gonna go fives save no problem I will go with the weird boy yep the weird boy kills some more necrons uh glitch card so I got three guys in can you combo yep choose the wagon holds Anna Michael's turn four 62-53 in his favor oh my Lanta what a super tight game as we head to turn five so I have one hope uh I feel like I'm ahead on primary but I'm way behind on secondaries if Gaz can get in on this Lich guard and these two characters and wipe the squad I take this game home James up to Five Command points Michael the two battle shock test now and the cans are taking insane bravery takes James to four command points left looks like gas was coming for the midboard James is trying to Max his score here or he could lose the game you need to jump the weird boy out of combat and I'm gonna have him do a uh here we go charge in and hopefully he can possibly help out in this endeavor uh he'll head banger into those guys it's Precision in the vehicle yes makes sense let's do it oh the weird boy misses with headbanger rockets here into Watson yeah why not got it I'm gonna shoot gazdal into Lich guard okay yep the force nope this wagon could be shooting into combat the whole time of course 105. nope he takes it he does he dies okay okay that's everything charge time coming for the Lich guard and he's in and then the weird boy yep oh the weird boy re-rolls his charge James is down to two command points I make it with a 10 you needed that uh fight with gas cool thracco with unbridled Carnage now fives are gonna explode down to one command point can he do it Moment of Truth bud Street ah blew it shoot CP reroll right now and do another one so three tell them both all of them big one one he kills two of the Lich guard Michael Spence a command for an undying Legion one let's guard comes back one litch guard and two characters left he's not gonna get the assassinate points oh no well I tried with a score of 67 is where James is gonna end Michael will score 10 on primary that's gonna take him up to 72-67 and that's gonna be the final oh my goodness really good game dude yeah that was a lot of fantastic super fun special thanks to this episode's sponsor Frontline gaming make sure to check out the link in the description if you need it they probably have it also a big thank you to you our fans for watching if you like what we do please consider supporting us through YouTube membership or patreon you'll get exclusive releases as well as behind the scenes interviews early access to most of our shows and access to our Discord the most happening 40K Community around that's it for us folks on behalf of all of us here at play on this is JT McDowell saying until the next time you see us in the far-flung future of a grim Dark Universe play on James is such an amazing opponent I really always look forward to our games together uh Mike's a handsome devil always a blast to play him he's such a brush breath of fresh air too he smells really good which he may not look like he does but he's actually a good smelling guy I think it's Irish Spring myself we're one and one now so I feel like 11th Edition we run it back uh tiebreaker always a pleasure I can't wait to see you for the next one until the next time wow
Channel: Play On Tabletop
Views: 35,372
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 40k, Warhammer, battle reports
Id: jlNCA13tZp8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 37sec (2317 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 27 2023
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