LORE DISCUSSION: Angron VS Ghazghkull Thraka - World Eaters vs Orks - Warhammer 40,000 Lore Overview

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in the Grim darkness of the 41st Millennium two figures stand as the epitomy of bloodthirsty ferocity on one side there's angr the blood angel demon Primark of corn and on the other side is Gaz cool mag uraka the legendary prophet of the [Music] wall these two behemoths born from different species and ideologies share a common ground in their unparalleled expertise in melee combat making them among the most feared Warriors in the entire galaxy one could argue that a clash between them is set to happen sometime in the future but who would emerge Victorious if these two Mighty contenders were to clash in this video we will explore the possible outcomes for this potential fight let's keep in mind that this is a hypothetical scenario so until we get a novel or an official lore piece from Games Workshop themselves we can only speculate and make predictions with no true definitive answers but with that aside let's get into it angran the Primark of the world eater Legion of the Space Marines has undergone a harrowing transformation to become a demon Prince of the blood God Korn in this fearsome form he becomes the very embodiment of rage and brutality an avatar of the blood God's insatiable thirst for Carnage and Devastation he leads his Legions of Traitor Space Marines in ramp pages of utter destruction across the Stars angron's mere presence on the Battlefield is a catalyst for chaos it is said that merely being near him can drive even the most disciplined Warrior into frenzy Berserker rage his Aura infects those around him their blood burning hot with an uncontrollable desire to kill man and burn in the name of the blood God this terrible effect coupled with his own unmatched Marshall prowess makes angran a unique and terrifying force to be reckoned with and thousands of Worlds across the Galaxy have suffered the world eater wrath and their insatiable thirst for blood furthermore angron's transformation into a demon Prince has augmented his already formidable physical capabilities his strength speed and endurance are Beyond mortal comprehension allowing him to tear through enemy ranks like an overpowered Predator amongst prey his resilience to physical harm granted by his demonic nature makes him nearly impervious to Conventional Weaponry thus requiring extraordinary means to even challenge him in his fearsome Arsenal as a demon Prince angran wields two dread weapons that resonate with his demonic power and unquenchable fury Samy arus and spine grind these weapons are Not Mere tools of War but extensions of angron's own cursed existence samni arus is often described as a monstrous weapon a demon sword of enormous proportions it is said that the essence of a Mighty sanesi Demon named Samaras is contained within this demonic Blade the legend goes that samaras's gladiatorial posturing infuriated the demon primar so much that he used an unworked iron bar to deliver a terrible beating to the sanesi demon and Forge the new blade from that legendary bashing spine grinder on the other hand is a Titanic chain axe colossal in size and unmatched in its destructive capacity the weapon came from a Forge World of the dark mechanicum who toiled for entire solar decades to build it only to become the axe's first victims when angran rejected their pleas the chain A's teeth hunger for the blood and Souls of those it renss these teeth whirl and Nash with the malevolent life tearing through the toughest armor as if it were mere flesh in angron's hands spine grinder is a tool to spread the doctrine of corn that blood must flow and skulls be offered the mere sight of these blood encrusted weapons strikes Terror into the hearts of the victims that are about to die often breaking their spirit before the fight even begins even when a combatant is so Valiant or stupid enough to stand against the red Angel it would be next to impossible to actually be able to kill the demon Primark a revelation whispered in hushed tones among the ranks of the Inquisition speaks of a terrifying new aspect of angron's existence the fact that he cannot truly be killed should the demon primarch be cast into the chaotic Maelstrom of the war he defies the very laws of reality and REM manifests in the Mortal realm after a precise and ominous interval 8 weeks 8 days and 8 hours later Scholars and inquisitors delving into this phenomenon have proposed Myriad theories to explain angron's persistent presence in real space yet even the might of void chip class Weaponry serves only as a temporary impediment to his wrath this cyclical Resurrection is heralded by eight Crimson Omens each a port of Doom and despair striking unbridled fear into the hearts of all who witness their appearance these Omens Are Not Mere Celestial phenomenon they are a forewarning of the heightened Fury and Vengeance that angran brings upon his return thus angran transcends the concept of mortality that binds the Lesser beings how does any Warrior stand against this kind of monstrosity who could potentially go head-to-head with this true and terrible manifestation of Corn's will to war is it we're going to war respected and feared by billions and considered to be the biggest boldest and baddest orc there is in the entire galaxy known as the prophet of the wall Gaz cool thaka the mightiest orc War Boss of his age stands as a potential Contender a Propet in the eyes of the green skins race gaz's strategic genius and physical might has led countless w Ms spreading Devastation across the Stars his belief in the orc gods gork and mor and his Destiny to lead the Orcs to their final greatest W makes him not only a formidable War Boss but also a Visionary leader that every Orc in their thirst for the greatest battles wishes to follow his rised power and his subsequent crusades have reshaped the galactic landscape making him a figure that equals destruction on a massive scale when billions of green skins travel from star system to star system following gazol into the most brutal battles there are in the galaxy gaz's physical prowess is unmatched among his kin Standing Tall and more robust than any other orc his presence on the battlefield is both inspiring to the green skins and terrifying to his enemies his strength is Monumental capable of tearing apart armored vehicles with his custom power claw and his resilience bolstered by a bionic augmentations in the favor of the orc Gods makes him nearly indestructible before he even gets close to the enemy the massive war boss can fire his enormous four barrel the big shooter it is so big that few other Orcs could even carry the weapon much less fire the big shooter is said to fire so much DCA that any enemy would be showered in bullets and Torn to Pieces before close combat even begins but Gaz Cool's true danger lies in his unparalleled strategic mind unlike many of his kin who were driven by a simple lust for battle gazol combines brute force with a cunning intellect his unique ability to orchestrate massive ws and direct them with a purpose in efficiency is a reflection of his unique leadership and vision as a special green skin furthermore gazco is Guided by a belief in his Divine mission after surviving a near fatal wound he claimed to hear the voice of gork or possibly Mor directing him to lead the Orcs to their greatest gu this prophetic Vision has given him purpose to pursue greater and greater conquests uniting desparate orc tribes with a shared purpose in a hypothetical clash with angr gazul would bring not just his physical might but the collective fervor and power of belief of the orc race making him a truly formidable adversary in a one-on-one battle with the prophet of the wall against the red Angel there are many variables and potential outcomes but what if they were to fight with their full armies behind them the ensuing battle would be nothing short of apocalyptic that is for certain angron's power lies not just in his physical might but in his embodiment of Corn's ideals the glorification of combat the Relentless Pursuit of Victory and the sheer Pride found in the heat of battle his presence is a rallying call to those who worship the blood God inspiring them to Greater Feats of violence and savagery behind the indomitable figure of the demon Primark of corn March the Fearsome War bands of the world eaters many of the war bands of legionnaires operate as independent entities yet they are inextricably Bound by a shared lineage and a primal call that resonates from their fallen primac each War band unique in its identity and approach The Art of War converges with a singular purpose under angron's battle the void butcher for example represent the adaptability and evolution of the world eaters masters of ship to ship combat and boarding actions they have honed their skills in the vacuum of space turning the void into their own bloody hunting grounds Gladiator cadra 331 is a war band that clings to the vestages of the legion's past their armor still Adorn borned in the iconic blue and white heraldry but often covered in the blood of their enemies the diversity of the world eaters extends further into their tactics and strategies not all succumb to the stereotypical frenzy charge some like the bloodstalkers exemplify a more measured and tactical approach as they make more use of a long range weaponry and not necessarily only melee weapons their philosophy is simple yet profound a warrior who survives longer claims more skulls for the blood God then there is the 66th armored company a group that has transcended the traditional bounds of infantry Warfare and have adapted their tactics and strategies to make the best use of their tanks and armored resources they Advance bulldozing through Enemy Lines with Relentless Force they embody the world eer adaptability and their unquenchable thirst for destruction in the blood slicked holes of our Legion stand cages of hellish brass Within These infernal Chambers esoteric rituals and torturous augmentations bind an octet of demons to a raging Berserker finally the screaming stops and the candidate emerges the presence of angry serves as a beacon igniting the Marshal prowess and bloodlust inherent in each War band his Aura amplifies their Zeal binding these separate groups groups into a cohesive force of unparalleled savagery who would be more than capable of standing against the Furious green tide Of Orcs to claim blood for the blood God and skulls for the skull Throne it's time boys eager to fight and do battle the Orcs are not ones to back down from a proper scuffle the prospect of battle only serves to get them excited but when fighting with a major purpose it can truly turn them into an Unstoppable force in a potential fight with angram out of all foes the green skins could have that extra motivation to not only fight but also Avenge the death of Kamar Sebastian Yar a man famous for his involvement in the second and third Wars for Armageddon where he gave the Orcs more than their fair share of fighting thus becoming an enemy to gazal thaka but an enemy the massive orc came to respect he even spared the life of the Kars but in recent times there has been some spe speculation that the biggest and baddest of the Orcs was more than angry when he learned that his best enemy had been killed by Angry an apocalyptic war of Vengeance may be heading towards the demon Primark and that could be one of the reasons for their possible Clash again the death of commissar Yar at the hands of angram is not truly confirmed and is just one of the possibilities of what may have happened still it makes for an interesting case if they were to fight each other the innumerable green skin hordes under gaz's command bring to the battlefield A diversity and scale of force that could overwhelm even the most disciplined and ferocious foes such as the worldy the orc Army a seemingly endless tide of green skins is a unique amalgamation of brute strength unpredictable tactics and sheer numbers from the rank and file boys who swarm the enemy in their thousands to the hulking knobs who lead by brutal example the Infantry core of the orc Army is relentless their charge driven by a primal lust for battle is a sight to behold capable of overrunning positions through the already overwhelming number of Orcs under an apocalyptic wall combined with the diversity of their troops and vehicles they would pose a significant challenge to angron's forces this plus the fact that the Orcs would so eagerly want to avenge the death of old Bei as the famous com was known to the green skins could alter the course of a war between the two forces since the collective desire for vengeance would not only fuel their ferocity but also amplify the psychic phenomenon intrinsic to the orc kind the orc's inherent psychic ability amplifies their combat Effectiveness exponentially when they are in large numbers this Collective psychic phenomenon not only boosts their physical capabilities but also feeds into the efficiency and power of their technology making their weapons deadlier their vehicles faster and more resilient their engines roar louder and their shots hit harder the world leaders despite their own Marshal prowess would find themselves not only battling a physically overwhelming enemy but also contending with a force empowered by a shared psychic Vendetta making the Orcs an even more unpredictable and dangerous adversary it would be a Clash of the Titans a battle of unparalleled scale and savagery with both sides driven by an unquenchable thirst for war now let's go back to exploring a bit more of the combat capabilities of angran and gazol as individuals to better understand the depth of their martial prowess we can reflect on some of the most significant engagements that these characters have been involved [Music] in himself sh I [Music] should angram as a history marked by by bloody battles and important encounters with powerful characters this first example goes to show the immense strength of angren even when he was not a demon primarch yet this occurred during the Horus heresy at the Battle of armatura a Titan was about to crush a wounded lar Primark of the world bearers under its foot but angran emerged from the rubble of a collapsed building to raise his arms and stop the massive Titan from coming with its full weight under his primarch brother as the betrayer book puts it angren took a god machine's weight on his shoulders every muscle in his body locked tighter than the iron trying to crush him drool streamed through his metal teeth skinned Knuckles white as he defied the will of a Titan he gave a bear's Roar as the foot lowered another half meter sineu crackled in his shoulders his broken boots skitted back on the patch of un glassed Rock something cracked in his spine something else cracked in his left knee the compression of his bones sounded like Twigs breaking underfoot with which was a vivid burst of imagination he didn't appreciate this was no mere feat of strength it was a spectacle of Supernatural might to say the least and in this same book there is a passage in which angran faces his brother routi Gilman who had come to avenge the Betrayal he had suffered at C from the book betrayer the two primar met again Gilman's powered Gauntlet should have easily deflected angron's chainswords but the world eat his strength drove his brother back step by step chain teeth sprayed from the weapons as eagerly as the saliva from angron's lipless slit of a mouth the battle went on between the two but after a while angran had emerged Victorious the primarch of the ultramarines was almost beaten to death by angr and gilan only managed to escape due to the ultramarines making a costly rescue and Loro taking the chance to complete his ritual of transforming angran into a full demon as lurar himself puts it you were always the con do it no one else hates the way you do with the same depthless strength no one else feels such pain violated by life's treacheries it had to be you in the deepest moment of rage and sorrow there could be no other confident the role of the red angel in the siege of Terra where he led the world eaters in a frenzied assault on the Imperial Palace stands as a prime example of his brutality and Effectiveness in Warfare his ferocity coupled with his near invulnerability as a demon Prince made him a whirlwind of Destruction on the battlefield cutting down scores of adept's custodes Space Marines and regular human Defenders alike his Rampage was only cut short when he faced his brother sanguinius Primark of the blood angels Legion they fought at the feet of The Eternity gate itself angran had seemed to gain the upper hand over his loyalist brother as he used his Black Blade to impale sanguinius following a hardfought aerial combat sanguinius however took advantage of the opportunity to rip out angron's butcher nails and kill him in the process even though the red Angel was ultimately banished to the war angren managed to inflict a mortal wound to sanguinius the great Angel a more than Mighty adversary to anyone in the entire setting of Warhammer 40K in the year 444 of the 41st Millennium angran launched an invasion on the Imperial Hive World Armageddon leading a host of world eaters and a demonic host he butchered the Imperial Defenders and their Space Wolves allies however the Turning Point came when he confronted a formidable force of 109 gray Knights who are an elite and secretive chapter of the Space Marines uniquely trained armed and dedicated to combating the forces of chaos particularly demons these are amongst the most powerful Space Marines to exist angren along with his escort of 12 bloodthirsters initially overwhel WellMed the grey Knights until his Black Blade was successfully Shattered by a powerful psycher leaving angran at a disadvantage the red Angel was ultimately defeated but the battle took a heavy toll with only 13 gray Knights emerging as survivors from the intense and bloody conflict in the planet of warmwood angran emerged and proceeded to brutalize the blood angels and then he successfully defeated their leader chapter Master Dante who is himself a formidable Warrior and one more than capable of standing his ground against Mighty opponents however Justice angran was on the verge of finishing off the chapter Master of the blood angels He was confronted by The Returned Primark of the Dark Angels lion l Johnson the first son of the emperor in the ensuing colossal duel between the two primarchs angron's Fury proved to be unparalleled the two Mighty beings fought hard causing wounds to each other and dealing blows that would kill a normal man many times over in the end the lion managed to pierce angron's throat with a Power sword fty subsequently as angran lay incapacitated the lion utilized the emperor's Shield to crush his head banishing the demon Primark back into the war now let's take a look at some of Gaz kraa's big fights and campaigns of Destruction it is important to note that the biggest and baddest orc War Boss keeps himself busy fighting all the time taking out challenging War bosses monsters from different planets and subjugating any orc tribe that won't follow him under his command billions of green skins mobilize in Mass to different star systems to Conquest and do battle I swore enough to take the head of the Beast the one called traka I was true to my word though the cost was severe Ragnar black man also known as black wolf is a wolf Lord and chapter champion of the Space Wolves Legion he heard strange prophecies that led him to find Gaz thaka on the planet of kar determined to personally slay the Monstrous orc Ragnar struck at the head of a small force in the Ferocious duel with the Beast he suffered horrendous wounds that left him in a state of near death ferocious Warriors both gazol crushed all but a trace of life from the space Wolf but his own head was knocked clean off his shoulders tra's knobs brought his body to Mad do grck the Mad Do's intensive labors required immense macro capacitors and generated a Vortex of green power hundreds of miles wide gazol was restored to life bigger and more powerful than ever his orcy strength of presence is such that green skins from Light Years Around are drawn to his power to join the Great War in one of the most infamous rivalries in the Galaxy the clash between gazul mag oric thaka and commissar Sebastian Yar was especially pronounced in the brutal campaigns over the hive world of Armageddon yar's reputation was forged in the fires of countless battles where his strategic Acumen indomitable will and person bravery stood for the Imperium as a beacon of resistance against the orc Onslaught in these battles Yori and gazul faced each other several times each encounter displayed their skills and determination Yar armed with his bionic eye and power claw a trophy taken from an orc War Boss became a symbol of fear for the Orcs Gaz called traka on the on the other hand viewed Yar not as an enemy but as a worthy adversary earning a grudging respect from the biggest and baddest orc War Boss if it is true that angran has indeed killed commissar Yari then the idea of gazul hunting the red Angel would be an actual possibility and sets the stage for them both to be on a path to Collision resulting in a fight between these two that would be interesting to witness but what do you think could happen if these two actually got to fight each other on a community poll we did here on YouTube where more than 6,000 votes were cast with 57% over 43% Gaz cool thaka was ch chosen as the winner in this Clash this close result goes to show how highly considered both of these characters are When taking into account their ability to fight in close [Music] combat we not trapped here D's trapped with us very interesting comments were written by the community and we thank you for voting and leaving your theories and opinions in there as they helped a lot in the making of this video as always in a hypothetical scenario like this no answer can be considered definitive and many are the variables that would come into play when and if an actual fight between these two behemoths ever takes place so what's your opinion who would win if they faced one-on-one what if they faced with their full armies well let us know in the comments below
Channel: The Book of Choyer
Views: 58,495
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cinematic Battle, Warhammer Lore, Warhammer Fantasy Lore, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 40000, Warhammer 40k Lore for Beginners, angron 40k, angron vs sanguinius, angron vs ghazghkull, angron vs lion, angron lore, angron 40k lore, ghazghkull mag uruk thraka, ghazghkull warhammer 40k, ghazghkull thraka yarrick death, ghazghkull thraka lore, ghazghkull vs angron, ghazghkull thraka, world eaters 40k, world eaters lore, angron kills yarrick, 40k lore for newcomers
Id: xruPf4elJAo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 12sec (2112 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 25 2023
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