Arks Of Omen EXPLAINED By An Australian | Warhammer 40k Lore

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g'day guys and girl yes I am making the arcs of omen video stop harassing me about it I held back until now because not all the arcs of urban books were out until now how do you make a lore video without the actual law being released please tell me I'd really love to know give me a massive Edge chaos is a [ __ ] that keeps coming back for more every time you spank it it creates this pendulum effect where whenever chaos does something big and scary the Imperium responds by bringing back a Primark gillyman returned as a result of the fall of Cadia and this time is no different chaos goes on a successful Easter egg hunt and then the line wakes up to deliver the Nick Cage slap of God to the forces of hell but what actually are the arcs of omen and how is Abaddon andron farsight vashtor and the line involved watch the video to find out before we get started a common issue us blokes have when it comes to buying gifts for people is that we don't really know what we are doing so we either end up spending a lot of money or a lot of time finding a thoughtful gift or you know just a crap gift that no one really wants it's one of those unspoken struggles in life on the same level as Lyme's disease but don't worry kiddo daddy major kill is here to save the day by partnering up with under lucky stars to show you guys the best gift for the best value you can get under lucky stars will generate a customizable and totally unique star map of a special occasion for you and whoever you're giving it to maybe it's a first date maybe it's when you proposed or maybe it's your mother's birthday you don't have to give it to your girlfriend after all it'd probably be a waste of time promoting a girlfriend exclusive gift to a bunch of Warhammer fans I mean I personally gave mine to my girlfriend but that's besides the point under lucky stars has been reviewed by Neil deGrasse Tyson as well as a NASA engineer so you don't need to stress about how legit it is so to get 10 off your order then use my link below she's the under lucky stars for sponsoring this video today we'll go over the entire lore of all five arches of omen books catching everyone up to speed on the current situation within the Galaxy I'll also spend some time detailing what an arc of omen actually is oh let's get into do it in recent times chaos and the Imperium have entered into a bit of a stalemate sure I wouldn't cut the Galaxy in half and turn the lights off for half the Imperium but gilliman's Resurrection followed by the primarus Marines and indominus Crusade managed to smash chaos back and even the odds however with mortarion attacking Ultramar the silent King reappearing and going in Sano style as well as the ever-present threat of the Orcs And The tyranids The indominus Crusade was forced to move into the defense and conciliation rather than conquering and retaking our Story begins around vigilous which is the planet that guard slash controls the only stable route that cuts through the Great Rift and connects the Imperium Sanctus to the Imperium nihilus Sanctus being the retaken side that can see the astronomicon and nihilus is the dark side where [ __ ] sucks Mega balls all the time however the Imperium doesn't want to abandon nihilus so obviously having control of the stable route through is pretty important abadon has been trying to conquer vigilus but got outplayed and is now with his ship the vengeful Spirit as it undergoes repairs thus giving us our style mate seeing this and wanting to add some spice to the mix Vash tour the arcophane lord of the Soul Forge decided he would take a direct role in the Galaxy's Affairs by subtly manipulating numerous events and coincidences that resulted in him being summoned to Abaddon in real space now vashtaw is a new character but the soul Forge has been a thing for a long time in the lore so it's not just GW pulling [ __ ] out of their ass like what happened with the leagues of votan in Total War Warhammer bellacor is the master of the Soul Forge whilst vashtor is the master in 40K he's not a demon or demon Prince but he's also not Immortal more like a chaos a demigod who has Ambitions to ascend to become a fifth chaos God he's in a pretty strong position to do so as the soulforge does not fall under the control of any of the chaos Gods it's the place where Soul Grinders are created as well as other chaos super weapons vashtor is like the [ __ ] arms dealer of chaos if any one chaos God tries to take control of the soulforge the other three and vashtor will unite to stop them as it would unbalance the great game too much or All Soul Grinders are also bound to defend the solforge as one of the terms of their agreement with vashtor even if that means fighting against their own God to become a God and create a super mega weapon for chaos vashtor required a key a key that was fragmented and Scattered across the Galaxy in various places Abaddon was like come here suck my balls because you know abadon is a bit of a [ __ ] so vashtra was like all right [ __ ] come with me I'll show you how opaque I am and how much of an asset I can be to your cause so they went to a world called magdalore sodomized the [ __ ] out of the loyalist Space Marine chapter that lived there and they recovered the first fragment a floating pillar Vash store more than proved his power during the battle and he explained his plan more to Abaddon Abaddon was like all right cool yeah mad and they officially teamed up in order to be able to strike out and recover the fragments all at once since they knew that by collecting them with a massive Fleet one by one would alert the Galaxy to their plan and could cause more complications too early they decided they needed to create Mega ships the arcs of omen to do so they pulled new space hulks out of the warp purge them with jeans fills and Orcs And then vashtorm modified and corrupted them to become mobile Galactic star fortresses kinda like the Phalanx but not as good each Arc was given to a cow's champion and his War band without what I'm telling them that if they were to collect a fragment and then teleport it to him they would be able to keep the ark afterwards and do whatever the [ __ ] they wanted pretty sweet deal vashtra was able to convert 12 arcs of omen for the first wave that were then sent across the Galaxy at different key fragment sides then he began work on the next wave bash store knew which worlds had fragments on it as he was able to sense their warp signatures the ark smashed into different War zones and conflicts taking on the necrons on their tomb worlds tyranid High fleets Elder and even the leagues of votan some arcs completed their mission and recovered a fragment other arcs were boarded and purged by Imperial or Elder forces before them being destroyed the idea of spamming the arcs was because many of them would fail the Elder were able to see a pattern and understand abaddon's intent thus they won the Inquisition so the Imperium begun taking the ox more seriously it's basically stated that the arcs engage pretty much every faction and sub-faction at some point making all of the arcs of omen boarding action campaign games lore friendly it was pretty hectic one Arc was even destroyed by a mysterious Force ah the line at a similar time angron had returned to real space aboard his Flagship the Conqueror and was engaging in Dominus Fleet quartus one of the largest Imperial fleets in the Galaxy so the imperiment discovered an ancient Xeno device called the coral engine that acted as a mini astronomicon in Imperial nihilus it was a massive asset to the Imperials but it gave chaos a headache and angron hates headaches so he attacked the world it was on the imperial's new angon was coming so prepare to [ __ ] off massive defense the battle was gearing up to be epic and it was Abaddon had sent an arc and a cow's Fleet to backup Ingram's forces and together [ __ ] hit the fan boarding actions void battles the whole shebang a [ __ ] load of people died it was so awesome eventually angron has been able to pushed through the Imperial Fleet and land on the world and boy does he finally get done Justice he one-man armies his way through the Imperial Defenders killing everything and everyone in his path he also managed to summon eight bloodthirsters to his side which obviously helps as he was about to reach the engine the Imperials released the final fail safes on it making it go turbo mode which come blasted angron in the face banishing most of his demon Army but anger didn't give a [ __ ] well he did it hurt a lot but he came back fought through a bunch of elite gray nights and finally managed to smack the engine so hard that it exploded the explosion vaporized anger on his bloodthirsters and everyone else in the area before then blowing the planet in two and unleashing a corner shock wave across the entire system the blowback from the engine combined with the raw power of corn cause the murder curse to manifest pretty much the entirety of indominus Fleet quarters fell to Corn sisters of battle primarus priests inquisitors the only people unaffected with the custodies gray Knights and sisters of Silence but it didn't matter much as they were now surrounded by hostile Berserkers I hope a few of them got to safety I always get sad when custodies die this was a massive win for chaos Imperium nihilus just lost its Lighthouse The indominus Crusade lost one of its main Wings to chaos Vash store recovered the key fragment on the world with the coral engine and now angron was back with some super hacks the biggest is that whenever angron is killed at massive effort he is now able to materialize within like eight weeks or something usually it takes a thousand years it's made pretty clear that angron has been jerked off hard by corn with the blood God investing a lot into angron corn is currently winning the great game as a result of corrupting indominus flee quartus and destroying the coral engine the next key fragment vashtaw wanted was on the Rock The Dark Angels Flagship after some careful planning as well as calling in some favors vashtra was able to catch the dark Angel's Fleet with their pants down and Ambush them with an arc of omen and a chaos Armada once again a lot of boarding actions took place because you know law got to reflect the game and whatnot Vash door and his forces get aboard the Rock and begin pushing their way towards heart where his prize lay the Dark Angels are putting up a valiant defense and vashtaw realizes that he won't actually be able to beat the chapter and take the rock but he can still recover the fragment Ezreal and vashtra engage in combat and it becomes pretty obvious that vashtra will win after all it's a massive demon demigod vs Space Marine however before the duel can be concluded bellicor comes out of [ __ ] nowhere at the head of a huge chaos Army and begins attacking vastral's forces vashtor and belakor are sworn enemies and Rivals as both of them want to become the fifth house God hence bellicor is literally here just to [ __ ] with vestal's plans what a Chad the two demigod demons Jewel with vashtag getting the upper hand but then a massive Imperial reinforcement Fleet arrives led by the ultramarines that finally drives off vashtor and the rest of the Demons enraging the arcophane as he was unable to claim the fragment then there is a bit of a random side quest involving the Tao Legend commander farsight see one of the main fragments as different key fragments have different levels of importance was near The Far Side enclaves where the enclaves and the Orcs were currently at war farsight was winning able to outplay the Orcs and push them back to an orc world then an arc of omen and a [ __ ] off huge chaos Fleet arrives once again farsight was like bruh I can't fight two at once but I could trick them into fighting each other so he baits both forces to Arthur's Mallock an unpopulated world where he first discovered his legendary sword but due to some Alpha Legion 4D chess this was all planned as the forces of Cass wanted farsight to help them find the fragment on malloc for them by accident as the Tau tried to lure both forces together farsight's men discovered the fragment but didn't know what it was however monitoring their Communications the alpha Legion swung in took the fragment and then got out of there just as far side's plan finally worked and the Tau Orcs and Chaos entered into a three-way battle that became a four-way battle when farsight managed to unleash a bunch of cornite demons farsight was happy to just fight to the death his rage consuming him but then he was like nah [ __ ] this and evacuated his forces following his departure the Orcs actually won banishing the cornite demons and fighting off the chaos army they even managed to purge after some lock of chaotic taint so a bit of an orc Victory there which is always nice to see overall bit of a filler book that resulted in chaos claiming another fragment now onto the part that people actually care about the Lions return the blood angels had been investigating strange warp anomalies across Imperium nilas these warp anomalies were actually the lion appearing at the head of a host of redeemed Fallen as they would Aid the loyal men and women of the Imperium the line had been awake for a little while now he's Awakening not yet been super clear and he had gained the ability to more or less teleport via warp power so he was able to do short-range teleports across Imperium nilas but due to the Great Rift wasn't able to get to Imperium Sanctus the blood angels were able to eventually track the lion and his redeemed down and take him aboard their ship as I've talked about before not all the Fallen had the same agenda some were loyal to the Imperium but not the lion some were loyal to Luther but not chaos some were just loyal to chaos most of them weren't corrupted by chaos and were just tricked or misled hence they were able to return to the Lion's banner and redeem themselves meanwhile the Dark Angels chapter is furious with vashtalk for his attack on the Rock they have no clue the line is back at this point they are able to discover vashtra's location after interrogating some captured enemies and they gather as many Dark Angel successor chapters as they can for the attack they know it's probably a trap but they have so many Dark Angels like literally Legion size that they don't give a [ __ ] and reckon they can just bust their way through they arrive at vashtra's system and engage the arcophane's fleet in a massive void battle featuring once again a shitload of boarding actions and so on in a bit of a plot twist it turns out that vashtra's world that the Dark Angels are now sieging is caliban their original Homeworld vashtor managed to smash the fractured Parts back into shape and turn it into a twisted shadow of its former self it's at this point that vashtra tells Abaddon about the final fragment he needs from the Dark Angels it's the t'challa engine a warped device that the Dark Angels have been using since the Horus heresy to help give them a massive Edge in walk jumping this is pretty cool as the t'challa engine has been in the law for ages if they get to Chala they can correct their super weapon called the dissidence engine I'll try and explain more about it later but it is a little bit confusing the void battle intensifies as aberdon and vashtor commit their entire fleet against it in response Ezra leads the Dark Angels onto the surface of the world hoping they can confront vashtor and kill him once again epic battle with vashtag getting sadistically creative with all the traps he laid out for them well if there's one thing Azrael likes it's falling into traps as even as these forces get past vastral's defenses they arrive at a ritual site where World eaters have just finalized the summoning of angron oh no meanwhile Vashta wasn't even on the planet he'd snuck near the rock with the intention of claiming the fragment he reaches out to the t'challa engine which in itself is sentient and it tells it to come with him the engine complies and teleports itself and vashtra into the warp away from the Carnage thus vashtor achieved his ultimate Victory and goal so yeah the Dark Angels are [ __ ] vashtra has the fragment and angron is in front of them but like the right of the rohiram itself the blood angels Fleet a rising system and they're like oi cousins we got your Primark let's [ __ ] [ __ ] up it's not just the blood angels and the lion but also the largest Force Imperium nihilus has ever gathered so now it's the Imperial Navy the blood angels and the Dark Angels taking on abaddon's Fleet in orbit whilst angron is going nuts on the surface they came down due to the line directing them here his Primark senses being tingly and whatnot as Ezreal and his remaining Warriors about to get finished by angron and His World eaters the sky lights up with thousands of drop pods as blood angels land to the world it is rear surrounding the trait of forces the blood and Dark Angels charge angron probably the first people to do so in thousands of years and clash in an epic storm of superhuman violence despite the blood Angel's arrival though they really have no chance against angron he's just two goddamn Ops Dante and his sanguinary guard take on angron and despite literally [ __ ] slapping angron in the face Dante gets smacked down and is unconscious and broken and God repels to strike the killing blow against the lord of the blood angels but then the lion appears using his warped teleport ability even angron hesitates and he's like holy [ __ ] [ __ ] dude but that moment passes as anger and charges the line and the two brothers Jewel this distracts angra long enough for the blood angels and Dark Angels to extract from the planet which is destabilizing as vashtor uses it as the conduit to put the key fragments together the redeemed Fallen are also here and help the Dark Angels as well much to asriel's distaste and bewilderment now you might be expecting the lion to hold off angra long enough for his forces to escape then he withdraws but no this is the [ __ ] lion not gillymen after one of the most epic fights ever the lion knocks angron on his ass and then smashes his brains out over and over again with his shield banishing him that's right the lion fought andron at his own game and won the Loyalists escaped the planet and get to safety with abaddon's Fleet getting absolutely devastated however a decent chunk of it escaped Abaddon is laughing about his victory until he gets told the line is back that makes him go real quiet Dash store turns caliban into the key using the fragments the reformed key becomes like a mobile web wave thingo that allows vashtor extreme ease of travel across the Galaxy now he has the key he needs to find the lock if he manages to find it and open it he will gain access to something created by the old ones themselves likely fueling his Ascension to godhood so overall a big win for chaos there are still a few arcs of Omens hanging out vashtalk created his key and took to Chala off the Dark Angels and angron can only be banished for a short period of time in return the line is returned and now leads a huge host of Dark Angels including the redeemed fallen and the original chapters and successes more or less how I predicted he would years ago the story ends with the Inquisition becoming aware of all the events of the arcs of omen including the Lion's return the Inquisition activates turbo mode unlocking all their resources assets and agents that have been dormant for thousands of years in order to prepare the Imperium for the upcoming apocalypse overall a pretty [ __ ] sweet plot line that advances the setting in a fun but not overly dramatic way giving multiple factions meaningful wins if you enjoyed the video and you want to support the channel the patron is the place to be where there's not only a boatload of battle mace 40 million hentai but also a bunch of live action nude cosplays hit the Subscribe button and hit the real subscribe button for more mini content join the Discord for more memes and I'll see you next one peace [Music] fall to me [Music]
Channel: Majorkill
Views: 439,897
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer, 40k, Fantasy, lore, Story, Explained, Australia, Australian, Majorkill, Gamesworkshop, xenos, Laer, Great Cruisade, Astartes, Astarte, Space Marine, legion, Primarchs, Emperor, top 5, top 10, Tau, Tyranids, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Necrons, Space, Sigmar, Chaos, Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Rogal Dorn, Imperial Fists, Yellow, Legion, Ultramarines, Guilliman, TTS, epic, gaming, legendary, Necron, Sister of Battle, Xeno, Thunder Wariors, Custodes, Alpharius, Dreadnought, Primaris, Psykers, Pskyers, Magnus, Crusade
Id: JGQkuXGdAp4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 50sec (1070 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 21 2023
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