The Siege of Vraks EXPLAINED By An Australian | Warhammer 40k Lore

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g'day guys and gal everyone loves the death corps of krieg except the death corps of krieg these dudes and dudettes despise themselves so much that their only goal in life is to die and for some reason we find that cute we need help hence i was thinking about a video i could make on them but they don't really have chapters or regiments it's just kind of the death core of krieg and due to their characters being a bunch of humorless vat growing clones that wear gas masks 24 7 it's kind of hard to drill down on specific characters but then it hit me the siege of rocks an amazing showcase of the death corps whilst also being a fan favorite moment in the lore on top of that the only person who's really covered it is arch but he did so in a 43 part series that would nearly take two days to watch to his credit i heard that he did a good job of it but i don't have that kind of time and even if i did having to listen to arch speak for that long would make my attitude towards life align with that of the kriegsman so i thought bagaret i can do it in 20 minutes with twice the charm and a hundredth of the patience we speed running this [ __ ] boy speaking of arch guys and gal we are just over 10 000 subs away from claiming a skull at this rate that's about one month away ever since i was a simple zygote in my mother's uterus this has been my dream and boy do i have a fun video planned for when we do overtake him so grab your cat grab your [ __ ] and grab your fake online e girlfriend and smash that juicy red button finish line is in sight and boy will it taste good today we'll go over the siege of racks what the setup was why it was such a big thing in the lore and what was the end result we paying special attention to the death corps of krieg because you know they're [ __ ] awesome let's get into it to set the scene it's the 41st millennium the galaxy is going through some [ __ ] and all the heroes and factions we know and love are out and about the world of rack's prime existed as an important armory world that was led by a newly appointed cardinal called zafan see there's the first issue an entire star system ruled by a kitty finland priest never goes well olmate zarfan decided to do a tour of the system to see what worlds were now under his control and well the tour escalated due to his intense faith in charisma he kind of ended up inspiring extreme religious zealously and holy uprisings to take place in all the worlds he saw this started off kind of good corrupt faithless governments and tyrants were toppled reignited their love for the emperor and their loyalty towards the imperium cardinal zafan was like no [ __ ] this is pretty cool i could like totally stop molesting kids and instead use my faith and influence to wipe out all heretics however this is warhammer 40k we're talking about [ __ ] always go south one of zarfan's closest advisers deacon marmon was a secret chaos worshiper who slowly but surely twisted the cardinal's perception he convinced the cardinal that he was the chosen one a living saint of the emperor and that his vision of heresy was absolute the extremism set in and the cardinal decided that it was time for another holy war against the faithless the issue though is that by this point the cardinals definition of the faithless was pretty different to a lot of others he took his huge following to vrak's prime where he was able to sway the entire planet into believing in him other than the adeptus arbites but those dudes were always gonna be a tough nut to crack the inquisition was like [ __ ] this guy so they sent a vindica assassin to snipe him however due to some fancy self-defense device the bullet was blocked and the cardinal survived the attempted assassination did seem to back up the cardinals point though hence the entirety of racks exploded into rebellion and quickly seceded from the imperium whoops at this point there wasn't obvious signs of chaos corruption just a crazy cardinal who was abusing his power the world was too defended to just orbitally bomb plus it was a key supply world so the imperium preferred to maintain its infrastructure hence the death core of krieg were deployed unbreakable men and women with hard-ons for trenches and barbed wire it was a match made in heaven the war was to be simple send in a bunch of kriegsman watch a lot of griezmann die watch a lot of kriegsman kick ass and claim victory within 12 years yeah needless to say that didn't [ __ ] happen i mean the craig's been dying and kicking ass part did but the 12 years are not so much the cardinals army was made up of about 8 million soldiers that were reasonably well armed and trained they had a lot of supplies and ample time to prepare they were dug in as [ __ ] the imperium was right to send in the death corps but it wasn't taking vrak super seriously they had run the numbers and were confident in their victory the commanding officer for the siege was also a young untested man who was put there due to his family's influence and power they would later come to regret this act of nepotism actually landing on the planet wasn't too hard the cardinal had grouped his entire [ __ ] army into one multi-layered stronghold and he didn't have a fleet to prevent the imperium's arrival hence millions of soldiers landed and prepared for war only a couple thousand k's away from their final target the citadel the war began with the noise of a thousand earthshaker cannons opening fire both sides began to bomb the [ __ ] out of each other due to the long range difference the majority of the shells missed using this engagement as a destruction the death core of krieg advanced on the enemy position and begun setting up trenches to get closer to the target over the next little while these trenches got closer and closer to the enemy's position whilst artillery and supplies were slowly moved up as well after a shitload more shelling and when i say a shitload i mean it the first of the death corps of creek bayonet charged at the enemy lines this had did not go well thousands of kriegsmen were cut down by an onslaught of bullets and bombs those that had somehow made it to the enemy lines were torn apart by the zealous defenders despite literally getting caked in the gore of their fellow kriegsman the second wave of men charged without hesitation and died without hesitation it was an unstoppable force versus an immovable object situation both sides had unlimited morale so suicidal charges were a huge vibe after a lot of death the kriegsman stopped charging which the heretics took as an invitation to have their own suicidal charge yeah needless to say charging a kriegsman in his own trench is a terrible idea hence the heretics died like the sons of [ __ ] they were by the end of the first three days the sight of mangled corpses and stench of death and gunpowder coated the entire battlefield the war entered a stalemate neither side committed to an all-in charge for over a year as they instead bombed sniped and raided each other where they could despite the lack of leroy jenkins tear charging thousands were still dying each day eventually the death corps were able to break through a small [ __ ] in the heretic's armour some kriegsman got into the enemy bunkers and desperately fought to hold their gains whilst reinforcements arrived if it had been anyone else the heretics could have pushed them out and resumed the stalemate but these were the guys and gal of krieg more creek's been poured into the breach and after some intense close quarter combat which involved a lot of flamethrowers and bludgeoning [ __ ] with the shovels the outer walls and defenses of rax had fallen it appeared to be time to attack the second layer of defense except it [ __ ] wasn't a huge enemy counter-attack was launched that caught the imperial forces off-guard dozens of thousands on each side died daily as the war turned into an absolute mess consolidating ground became nearly impossible this back and forth battle continued for quite a long time both sides gaining then giving up ground it honestly made the first part of the war look like a jello fight with a brazilian prostitute after seven years of fighting [ __ ] hit the fan but to me jacoon i feel like the [ __ ] had already hit the fan you know because millions of people have died such a [ __ ] mouth to me before i sign you up to singing cardinal zafan's sermons yes things have been hectic but it was about to get even more so see a bunch of alpha legionnaires came out of [ __ ] nowhere and bolstered the defenders of rax the reasoning is not entirely clear as the appearance of the trader marines sparked an extreme response for the imperium in turn i believe that amigon sent those marines in to make the imperium take rax more seriously so the imperium could achieve victory because you know omegon or maybe alfarius is loyalist the first to answer this call were the dark angels oh [ __ ] who quickly went about sabotaging and taking over the enemy star port which deprived the enemy of easy access to offload reinforcements and supplies this is racks though so while deuce down by the fact that it was quick a shitload of dark angels died a mega fucktillion heretics died and a whole bunch of alpha legionnaires died after nine years there was no end in sight and the gruelling high casualty war continued each meter of ground that the death corps of creed claimed could be measured in the blood of thousands but eventually through extreme effort and strokes of tactical genius the heretics were losing ground if it wasn't abundantly clear by now cardinal zerfan was now a chaos worshiping fanatic i love the jump from i am literally jesus to i suck satan's [ __ ] that he did but hey the path to hell is paved with good intentions with his mortal army failing him zerfan allowed his chaotic sorceress to perform their magic foremost they sent out a signal an invitation vrax was a [ __ ] blood orgy and everyone is invited a huge armada of cowships formed and beeline for vracks despite a valiant effort by period ships to stop them the armada was able to unload a shitload of bad guys onto the planet including world eaters and iron warrior space marines [ __ ] just hit the fan again while the chaos fleet had been heading over the legendary armies of krieg once again attacked the enemy's position the citadel was the most fortified structure on the planet by far and taking it would be a [ __ ] but for the last decade krieger been [ __ ] [ __ ] so they charge onwards an inch by inch made more and more ground and that's when it all went to hell the huge load of bad guys had arrived and they did so in style all the games that the armies of the imperial suffered for years to make were wiped out in an instant cornite berserkers tore through craigsman like butter the deathcore fought on valiantly but they just weren't ready for this kind of [ __ ] the enemy's outer defenses were re-established and the end of the war which was in sight was now cast into doubt it now appeared that a genuine chaos victory was more than possible oh yeah and the traders had brought titans with them feck with things in such a disastrous state the high commander of the siege of rax was fired and replaced with a much more experienced and trusted leader he requested the support of titans more firepower and more soldiers as the death guard began arriving on vrax and turning large parts of it into a decayed cesspit at this point it wasn't even the siege of wrecks anymore it was the [ __ ] of rax there was no defined battle lines and the objective wasn't even to take the citadel anymore it was to survive until the titans arrived and then hopefully they could do their work the cardinal wasn't remotely in charge anymore he had no command over any of the trader space rings running around nor did he control the legions of cultists mutants and beastmen they had brought with them even his own men were kind of doing their own thing so no he just sat in his bunker poured himself a pint and waited for the whole thing to blow over the imperium was tired worn down and wounded and incredibly pissed off so very very pissed off so pissed in fact that they were like [ __ ] this [ __ ] let's counter attack so after a year of consolidating and preparing they sent in everything they had all the men tanks titans and bombs that they could once more the men and women of creek charge bayonets ready into oblivion ground was gained many died titans fought titans as chaos marines tore through guardsmen it was pretty [ __ ] sweet after a few days the loyalists were winning a dozen chaotic titans brought down a ton of dead traitor marines and countless heretical [ __ ] were massacred things were looking up but the war was not yet done at the same time as that engagement the imperial forces had sent thousands of men to dig underground and blow up a bunch of [ __ ] after a year of digging and dying you know hard to run away from a corner berserker when you're underground they also succeeded and boy did they blow some [ __ ] up as we know by now any progress the armies of the imperium would make would be short-lived and sure enough the next line of defense appeared to be impossible to crack the enemy had plenty of planes fortifications and a way better position on top of that the carouse space rings were still wrecking absolute tears not all the titans could be committed to the curtain wall as they were still needed on the flanks especially the ones where cows are studies were present another year passed millions more died and next to no ground was gained the imperial forces were out of the come zone but the result of the war was still uncertain they needed that special source to break through the fact that the high lords of terror were no longer vibing racks and would begin to reduce the amount of resources available hence extending the siege out for a dozen more years didn't help at all the high commander was like ah [ __ ] and he knew that he had about a year or two to win the war or would never be won hence he enlisted the aid of the red scorpion space marines who were like [ __ ] yeah and then they just straight up teleported a bunch of terminators into the heart of the enemy forces metal as [ __ ] the enemy was in disarray which is common when a bunch of terminators teleport right in front of you and murder the [ __ ] out of you and your mates with this breach and the enemy lines secured progress could once again be made and holy [ __ ] no expense was spared it kind of feels like i'm that dude from that old surf video you just drop in and just smack the lip pull back with how i'm explaining these battles but that's kind of how it was led by an army of space marines the death corps of krieg a [ __ ] load of tanks and some titans the imperial forces were able to push through to the next line of defense all that stood in the imperium's path of the citadel was the great curtain wall the red scorpions withdrew to honor their dead and victory was in sight until it [ __ ] wasn't so the inquisition saw the future and the future said that in an act of bad sportsmanship the last defenders of racks would let demons rape their tits and turn the entire planet into a demon world which would be a huge pain in the ass for the imperium hence inquisitor lord hector rex took command of the entire war adding inquisitorial troops including [ __ ] grey knights to the effort the red hunters who drink inquisitor [ __ ] like kool-aid also joined the effort whilst envoys were sent out to see if the dark angels and the red scorpions wanted to return to vrax to finish what they started there would be one final mega push the battle of all battles all the defenders had gathered to protect the curtain wall plague zombies rose in their thousands corner berserkers prepared to charge absolute chaos erupted as toxic gas last fire and the unending thumb of artillery exploded everywhere thousands more died and finally after over a decade of fighting the defender's morale began to collapse as defeat seemed inevitable but lord zuffor the leader of the skull takers who were a corner warband wouldn't have a bar of it zuffor began to unite the various kardic war bands into a unified force it's kind of ironic that a cornite berserker would be the one to do that he killed numerous cast lords and took their forces for himself before throwing cardinal zarfin into a cage he was now lord of whatever was left of rax and he intended to inflict as much death and bloodshed as possible with a unified force and the potential for a [ __ ] huge demonic army in his back if he could build a warp portal in time while zulfa was staging his coup the defenders on the curtain wall finally collapsed too many had died they had no more food or ammunition after penetrating wall off the wall line after line the citadel was in sight the final target to bring this vicious war to an end after some preparation and political meddling by external forces what was left of the armies of krieg charged forward onto their final target as the united force of lord zuffor charged out to meet them a huge battle rage where demonic activity was becoming more and more apparent the grey knights who had been in reserve were finally deployed and they joined the fighting this battle would go on for months i'm honestly beyond describing how [ __ ] it is i just feel exhausted thinking about that when you hear the phrase final push you think oh yeah a couple hours last push win the day now not at racks where a final push can take years the imperial forces reached the citadel and they began climbing up its slopes this would be the most vicious part of the entire war honestly you'd have a higher survival rate if you jumped into a meat grinder than this final part of the story the death corps of krieg knew this and pushed onwards anyway each meter of ground they claimed was met with disaster trap after trap was sprung and even loyalist space marines were like lamps to the slaughter with the red hunters losing 150 brothers in one engagement even the god machines of mars were being taken down still the attackers pushed onwards with the lord inquisitor hector rex personally leading the battle from the front it was only due to his efforts and the grey knights that they were finally able to get a good foothold in the citadel but the battle was far from over for the next part of the most drawn out final push in the history of warhammer law the red scorpions had returned in force and were ready to finish what they started five years ago the assistance of the red scorpions was a huge asset for the loyalists as it forced the defenders or whatever the [ __ ] was left of them to reveal their trap card an entire legion of cornite demons nice the red scorpions fought through the demons and secured their objective now was after lord hector rex and his grey knights to push through the front whilst an army of kriegsman breached the underground catacombs and launched their attack from there now hector wasn't just some snotty nose inquisitor the man was a beast and was personally blessed by the emperor like he wore hectic inquisitor power armor and he led graynards from the front as hector and friends cut their way through brass demons bloodletters and other nasty red things boss music started playing angrath the mightiest of the blood verses emerged and he licks some gray knight tits almost the entirety of hector's astarte squad was wiped until it was just him and the angry demon hector being the beast that he is somehow managed to 1v1 the greatest bloodthirster around and he sent the monster screaming back to hell as angerath was banished the dark angels successor chapter the angels of absolution arrived they were like yo we will help you but we called dibs on the alpha legionnaires and hector was like what why you know what [ __ ] it sure you can have him i am sick of this [ __ ] with engrath banished and the angel's arrival the battle was more of a massacre than anything very few traitor marines remained most had died and even more had fled even zuffor the lord of corn had left the planet his objective to rack up the highest possible body count had been achieved ironically the alpha legionnaires who first arrived on vrax and who invited all the other trader marines to join the fun were still around that's right the slippery alpha legion performed a last stand and were cut down and captured to the man by the dark angels whilst the berserkers of corn retreated to fight another day what the [ __ ] so by this point the last of the defenders were literally just batshit insane mutants who had been twisted by the wharf the last time a sane heretical soldier had been encountered on vrax was some time ago whilst these demonic defenders were able to give you nightmares they were no match for the death corps of krieg with their space marine allies soon the last of the demons were banished and their warp portal was destroyed any remaining defenders were put out of their misery the cardinal who started it all mr zarfan was found and uh boy oh boy did he get his share of karma he had been turned into i kid you not a down syndrome massive writhing tentacles not in like a boss battle way i mean in like a severely disabled way the grey knights incinerated him 14 million dead cries men all 8 million defenders killed hundreds of space marines lost dozens of titans fallen countless tanks destroyed and millions upon millions of artillery shells expended for the entire 17 years there was non-stop artillery bombardment the death corps of krieg had been sent feet first into hell and they had emerged on the other side no other regiment could have achieved what they did no other regiment would be able to endure the horrors of wrecks and come out sane they had fought every nightmare cass had to throw at them and they were not found wanting the siege of rex wasn't a planet-wide war it was literally a siege of one hyper-defended fortress by the end of the war vrax was so damaged and corrupted that any hopes of reclaiming its armories and supplies was long gone the entire system was put into quarantine and declared a no-fly zone and the veterans of racks were shipped off to new war zones soon after so what did we learn today team well sometimes just exterminating your problems at the start is the way to go electing religious fanatics as leaders isn't a smart idea and using an army of 15 year old vat grown clones with gas masks glued to their face is [ __ ] awesome if you enjoyed the video and you want to support the channel then patreon is the place to be only one dollar per month give you access to a boatload of hentai including this original piece which is suitably named the death horse of uh craig yeah i don't think craig's copyrighted hit the subscribe button then hit the real subscribe button for more explosive content that induces mass death join the discord for more memes and i'll see you in the next one peace [Music]
Channel: Majorkill
Views: 920,692
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer, 40k, Fantasy, lore, Story, Explained, Australia, Australian, Majorkill, Gamesworkshop, xenos, Laer, Great Cruisade, Astartes, Astarte, Space Marine, legion, Primarchs, Emperor, top 5, top 10, Tau, Tyranids, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Necrons, Space, Sigmar, Chaos, Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Rogal Dorn, Imperial Fists, Yellow, Legion, Ultramarines, Guilliman, TTS, Superanchors, angry, why, epic, gaming, legendary, Necron, Sister of Battle, Xeno, Thunder Wariors, Custodes, Alpharius, Dreadnought, Primarch, Vraks, Kreig
Id: YxvFubVN0Fg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 31sec (1351 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 14 2021
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