Top 5 Physically Strongest and Weakest Primarchs | Warhammer 40k Lore

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get day guys and G the answer to the question who is the most powerful primarch is incredibly difficult to answer as it really depends on the context in a dark ambushing area Conrad and korax would body the rest in an open field with no ceiling sanguinius would ter his brothers to shreds from 50 km away no one stands a chance against Peter turbo they all have their clear strengths and weaknesses with the emperor not coming extra H in one test tube compared to another except maybe sanguinous but that's besides the point however measuring their physical strength is a lot easier would there been a very clear tier system for the physical strength of the primarch so I thought let's look at the five strongest and weakest primarch to see who has the giri squat bench and deadlift and who would get [ __ ] slapped or has been [ __ ] slapped for being a weak ass demigod before we get started I very excited to announce the launch of The Magik Hill Christmas merch drop this drop features four new original designs available in both t-shirt and singlet form including the midnight clad design flesh his wig design the sacrific design and nothing to lose design now unfortunately the samples that were sent to me were actually stolen during Transit by one of you cheeky [ __ ] I respect it but it also means I don't have them to show off right now which is super annoying however they made of the same material and print quality of the previous merch drop including this t-shirt if you've gotten majorkill merch before you know the quality is Elite with me always choosing a nicely cut T-shirt so if you lift people can tell and if you don't then people can't speaking of this t-shirt we also have some of our older merch designs available in very small quantities as a part of our Legacy range so if you've missed out and like some of the older designs then here's your chance as the icing on the cake we bringing back the massively popular [ __ ] Santa hats alongside the first 200 orders also getting a free Mage kill stocking that's a $20 item for free so now is the best time to pick something up especially to make sure you get it before Christmas I'm a huge fan of this drop especially the midnight clad design which actually comes in Midnight Blue Link is below today we'll go over the five strongest and weakest primar starting at the fifth weakest then going fifth strongest and then working our way to the top I'll be discussing the primar before demonic Ascension to make life a bit easier let's get into it starting us off with the fifth weakest Primark is fulgrim now before you [ __ ] blood and come piss hear me out fulgrim was known for finesse powering and countering speed and skill he never really applied overwhelming strength and was often described as very light and slender for a Primark he only really started getting strong when he picked up the layer blade and borrowed the royal power of a demon which as we have said we aren't counting when fulgrim and Ferris fought fulgrim won because Ferris used the move that would have worked if fulgrim was as strong as he was normally it only failed due to fulgrim drawing the strength from the demon surprising Ferris with his power which then allowed him to go for the killing strike just cuz he's the fifth weakest doesn't make fulgrim weak especially compared to the four below him but until he got all demonic and [ __ ] our boy was is not outmuscling his brothers now for our fifth strongest we have Leman Russ the wolf daddy himself Leman was considered to be one of the most powerful warriors out of all of his brothers despite having a pretty mid-track record when it came to jeweling the other primarch while a big part of this was due to his strength after all the dude was a [ __ ] Viking it was more so his ferocity and aggression which is why he isn't higher up on this list sure he picked up Magnus and snapped his spine over his knee but if you look at the physical strength of the primarch all of them could have technically done it lemman just had the ferocity to fight Magnus down and create the opening for him to Bane the [ __ ] out of him it was this same ferocity that allowed him to overcome Horus and have him at his Mercy as well as established the Space Wolves as the emperor executioners so whilst Leman wasn't the strongest of his brothers his total Reliance on his physical power puts him in the top five now for the fourth weakest of the primarch we have alarus alarus was two parts of a ho not quite a half Primark but not a full Primark either as evident by rogal dor killing him in a fair Jewel as well as a squad of mortal Lucifer of blacks being strong enough to allow one of them to stab alarius alarus his entire game was scheming sub auge manipulation a dagger in the shadows he never showed any particular signs of strength and was the shortest of the primarch in saying that as he didn't have any psychic ability and he relied entirely on his physical prowess he wasn't the physically weakest of his brothers not to mention he wasn't afraid of getting his hands dirty in melee combat if needed such as his quick Jewel with Constantine valdor a warrior who is considered to be a primar tier in combat ability so while sarus definitely isn't going to win a punch on with most of his brothers he also wasn't the weakest for the fourth strongest we now have Horus Horus was an immense Primark very bulky and very fade for his overwhelming force and power after all the dude literally wielded a gigantic mace and a power Talon two very aggressive melee weapons when Horus depowered himself to fight sanguinius' equals sanguinius would rely on his speed doing hit and run strategies whilst Horus was this slower Juggernaut who hit harder and could take more hits but couldn't match Sang's speed off finesse Horus was always more of a jack of all trades did everything well but nothing the best so while he was a tough strong [ __ ] he isn't able to crack the top three onto the top three now we have the third weakest primar being lar sure I give lar a lot of [ __ ] for being a weak little [ __ ] but a lot of that is due to his poor fighting ability and low power his physical strength is actually not completely trash but as he spent so long trying not to be a warrior he was never really able to develop it or his combatti ability however he is still pretty weak when he slammed his ma into Gillman's face sure it tore half of it off but Gman barely even registered it and his uppercut to logar's chest launched logar back and broke his sternum in all of logar's fights with corvis it ends badly when corvis impaled loga loga began headbutting corvis and while it broke his nose the Raven Lord didn't even Flinch logar's supposed power boost during the heresy was purely psychic and it wasn't even that great when he tried to portray Horus and become the new warm it only took one hit from horus's mace to [ __ ] lar up and end's coup time and time again ler has shown himself to be a poor Warrior and a large part of that is him being pretty [ __ ] weak but surprisingly not the weakest on the flip side the third strongest primarch is angron we all know angron's famous feat of holding up the warhound Titans foot which is pretty [ __ ] insane but when you also consider the fact that he was considered to be one of the most vicious and Powerful primarchs in melee combat despite the brain nails and losing his primar Aura then his strength goes to a new level angron has been buried in tons of rubble multiple times only to then dig his way out all of his fights against his brothers at least before he became a demon ended with an angron win knocking Leman on his ass battering glean down these Feats were all achieved with overwhelming force and a lot of strength the nails basically allow angron to overclock putting extra strain on his body whil allowing him to tap into an even deeper well of strength it honestly feels like Mortal angron was stronger than demon angron however mortal angron also would have had his brain melted by now so can't really blame him too much regardless of how Spazzy his power is you can't say the boy isn't strong now for the second weakest Primark this one may surprise you considering how [ __ ] Jack's model and artwork is but it's actually Magnus the red dude used these psychic powers to give himself glamour muscles Magnus is a large jacked Primark but he is also so reliant on his War Powers that his actual physical power is trash whenever someone overcomes his War Powers or nullifies them he's [ __ ] once Leman had closed the Gap with Magnus he was able to overpower him and snap his spine even demon Magnus is pretty weak with Gillman punching the [ __ ] out of him once the sisters of Silence arrived to cut Magnus off from the warp Magnus once jeweled a space Wolf chapter master and was genuinely having a rough time of it as he wasn't using his psychic powers at the time probably the best example of his weakness was when the lion was fighting a shape-shifting warp creature that took on the different forms of his brothers when it changed into Magnus and punched him the lion remarked that he knew for a fact that the creature wasn't Magnus as Magnus could never punch that hard a final example is Magnus vers V when Vulcan was able to survive magnus' super mega death attack cuz you know it's Vulcan he beat Magnus to death no worries those glamour muscles man speaking of Vulcan we have him at the number two spot for strongest primarch Vulcan was an absolute Beast the largest of his brothers and easily one of the strongest some examples of his strength include his weapon of choice being a gigantic Warhammer him holding up tons and tons of rock slab for many hours when he was held prisoner by Conrad curse beating Conrad curse in a fight despite being unarmored close to in it and wounded whilst Conrad was in full armor and fresh winning that fight mostly because of how insanely strong he was during the isvan dropsite massacre Vulcan was a literal oneman Army charging the iron Warrior gun line tanking all their shots and when he reached it he began smacking tanks around like they were baseballs the only way to stop his Rampage was to drop a low yield tactical nuke on his ass which still didn't put him down as the Traders then had to bum rush him and stab him to death which as we know he also survived now I can definitely appreciate that a lot of people put Vulcan at the strongest and I wouldn't fault you for doing so however just hear me out for my strongest pick first but before that now for the weakest of all primarch we have Conrad curse this one might surprise you considering how well Conrad does in Primark fights holding off Gman at the line at the same time sanguinius not wanting to fight him because he was unsure who would win beating the line in a brawl and only not killing him cuz a dark angel stabbed him in the spine but here's the thing none of Conrad's power comes from his strength he's actually very weak and relies on his speed Prim Mark powers and foresight to be so deadly fighting Conrad is like fighting the Shadows when he was first Unleashed on mcra he had a difficult time killing a particularly large ultramarine captain and then when he fought Alexis poock a Space Marine so large that it unnerved Gillman he was actually getting his ass beat for a lot of the fight due to Pollock getting help from dantioch thus knowing where Conrad would be Conrad genuinely struggled to overpower him when Vulcan unarmored beat the [ __ ] out of an armored Conrad Vulcan specifically said that all the primarch saw him as the weakest and that Vulcan held back when they would Spar back in the day cuz he didn't want to hurt him when finally put in a fair fight against the lion the lion was able to overcome his spazz and cleanly beat Conrad you may argue that Conrad overcoming the line in a brawl and choking him shows that he is strong but the line was never known for his strength and getting the upper hand in a grapple a form of fighting Conrad excels in and the line of voids doesn't depend much on strength in my Jiu-Jitsu class there's a really good really small purple bell girl who is an absolute nightmare to fight against but in terms of of strength I'm easily like four to five times stronger than her it would be a similar situation here but with the line only being like 40% stronger instead of 4 100% or more just goes to show that strength is in everything when it comes to power now for the strongest of all the primarch which might surprise you since he died the fastest but it is none other than Ferris Manis Ferris Manis grew up punching on with all the nightmares his world had to offer he literally Wrestled a giant nekron construct and held it in lava until it died giving IM silver living metal arms which then only increased his strength further when the emperor came to Medusa he and Ferris literally had an anime tier wrestling match for Ferris to join him entire mountains were leveled during this punch on going back to his jeel with forgrim the move Ferris did a move that left Ferris open to a Counterattack was done because he was so confident in his strength advantage over fulgrim he just wasn't aware that fulgrim had a demon up his ass juicing him up with Ferris dying so early we don't get to see many of his Feats of Strength compared to his brothers but he was universally admired on both sides Horus said the heresy would be a cakewalk if the iron hands were on his side with Gillman naming Ferris amongst the most powerful primarch as for WB Ferris to be stronger than Vulcan despite pretty much every Reddit post and discussion having Vulcan is number one is cuz it's mostly taken from their older preh heresy Feats Ferris leveled mountains in his contest with the emperor Vulcan couldn't even lift a fire salamander and pull himself up from the tip of a volcano at the same time Ferris was like this figure of myth a genuine Hercules and I did actually read that Forge World once stated that Ferris Manis was the the physically strongest Primark even more so than Vulcan so if this list has taught us anything it's that strength isn't everything when it comes to power if you enjoyed the video and you want to support the channel then pick up some magical Christmas merch remember first 200 orders get a free magical stocking hit the Subscribe button hit the real subscribe button for more strong content join the Discord for more memes and I'll see you on the next one [Music] peace bow to me [Music]
Channel: Majorkill
Views: 165,737
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer, 40k, Fantasy, lore, Story, Explained, Australia, Australian, Majorkill, Gamesworkshop, xenos, Laer, Great Cruisade, Astartes, Astarte, Space Marine, legion, Primarchs, Emperor, top 5, top 10, Tau, Tyranids, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Necrons, Space, Sigmar, Chaos, Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Rogal Dorn, Imperial Fists, Yellow, Legion, Ultramarines, Guilliman, TTS, epic, gaming, legendary, Necron, Sister of Battle, Xeno, Thunder Wariors, Custodes, Alpharius, Dreadnought, Primaris, Psykers, Pskyers, Magnus, Crusade
Id: r7ujZ-g_tfY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 32sec (752 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 26 2023
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