True Size of a Tyranid Invasion (Part 1) 3D Documentary

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the tyranids the great devourers are among the greatest threats to humanity and to the entire galaxy as a whole this reputation is more than well earned by the ultimate adaptive race whose sole purpose exists to consume all in its path we're not getting up now strike they all G left but unlike their Rivals this capacity comes not from any cultural economic or technological advantage rather it is derived purely from their unparalleled evolutionary fluidity which allows them to spawn a stunning diversity and quantity of bioforms with which to overcome any foe these range from the smallest of microbial spores to the largest of multi kilom space fairing Hive ships in this series we shall cover the diverse specimens which have been cataloged by the margos biologist including the Vanguard assault command and support organisms we will then bring their full might to bear in neverbe seen simulations of a planetary Invasion featuring millions of models in detailed 3D environments this is the true size of a tyranid Invasion so I hope you guys are enjoying this content as much as I have been uh it turns out the true size series and 40K is just a match made in heaven it's got an RP production team super excited they're already working on some future episodes so we have 40K on the mind and I've got 40K in the pocket because I've been playing a lot of Warhammer 40K tacticus which is today's sponsor now I've actually been playing this game for quite a while I really enjoy it and I actually reach out to them it turns out that the team at snow print Studios is actually a fan of ours their viewers and so it was a really nice collaboration and they're willing to support us now as for the game itself it stands out for two major reasons one it's fun two it's fair so let's get into these for fun it's because this is a really open crunchy tactical battle uh the way it plays out is you essentially have a hex based Battlefield where you deploy your troops against a range of enemy forces the battlefield is very Dynamic line of sight matters character movement matters range of weapons matters the type of terrain matters it's all really important it makes for really great replayability in addition they have really good level designs so for instance one of my favorite ones I've played recently is chaos charging at Imperials where the enemy has two major abilities colon artillery colon rein enforcements and it makes for a gameplay where you're basically under the gun charging trying to clear out the Imperials before you get swamped by shells and men so I think that's really fun zooming out the way this plays out is basically you start off with a small Cadre of characters playing in one campaign you slowly unlock different characters from different factions which then allows you to play in different campaigns and then you play those and you slowly expand to get a bigger and bigger roster of character more and more campaigns so that I found out played in a really fun gameplay Loop that expanded and kept itself fresh now as to the second Point why I like tacticus is because it's fair I felt that the pacing of all this was really natural and it wasn't asking me to pay to unlock these different tiers I could progress at a rate that I felt was achievable without having to put any money down uh in addition to that it felt like most mobile games have you on a timer where you run out of energy before you can play your fill that is not the case in this game you can easily pivot to one of your other campaigns or you can go into the plethora of other battles that they have uh available to you you have Guild battles for instance you have these scavenger battles you have these wave based Onslaught battles you have these weekly and monthly special events so there's always something to do for instance the tyranids are a major faction which recently got added you can now unleash death leapers Tyrant guards and Wing primes on the battlefield with many more characters and factions on the way I highly recommend this game from personal enjoyment so check it out and support the channel by scanning the QR code above or clicking the link in the description be sure to use the code invict gift for some awesome goodies from now until March 29th enjoy before we begin it should be noted that tyranid swarms defy any externally imposed system of organization the only being capable of understanding this chiman Behemoth is the hive mind itself an entity of equally unfathomable complexity derived from the shared consciousness of trillions upon trillions of tyan IDs spread out across the Galaxy and Beyond yet that is not to say that a study of the tyranids Lays beyond our grasp after all vast quantities of data have been collected since their first Clash with Humanity in the year of 741 of the 41st Millennium this report for instance outlines some of the broad evolutionary branches of the Swarm which were identified early on by Imperial forces while its observations still broadly hold true the tyranids have not ceased to evolve especially as each High Fleet plunges ever deeper into the Galaxy adapting independently as they go as such ever increasing numbers of researchers and scribes have been required to document the nature of this growing threat to the Imperium but we shall leave such exhaustive explanations to the likes of luttin with this disa claimer in mind let us now reconstruct a more digestible model of a simpler theoretical tyranid Army as a preview of where we are headed this is what a swarm looks like millions of creatures spanning dozens of species and their countless variants bearing down upon outnumbered and outgunned Defenders but to get there we will first have to familiarize ourselves with the tyranid soldiers on an individual level as they might be encountered during the major phases of an invasion the first phase will be one of reconnaissance here potential victim worlds will be targeted by Vanguard troops which may be inserted via drone ship or smuggled in aboard enemy vessels who may unwittingly act as carriers in the process of fleeing other infected zones but regardless of how they got there all such van guard bioforms will share evolutionary traits that favor stealth and Independence common species include liors leapers and Jean Stealers liors are lone Hunters who seem to deploy on planets one at a time while some may doubt the threat posed by a single organism they are not to be underestimated standing 2 to 3 m tall with long mantis-like claws Li have the speed strength and dexterity to outmaneuver prey or pursuer across almost any Terrain in spite of their size they managed to pass virtually undetected thanks to a range of adaptations including noise reducing hoofs body heat dampeners and chameleonic scales which can shift tone and texture to blend in with any environment furthermore lictors May leverage bladders of super nutritious fluid to remain immobile for days on end awaiting the perfect opportunity to strike or relocate in this way will they begin to reconnoiter a victim Planet collecting information about its resources flora and fauna until such data may be relayed back to the hive Fleet but perhaps most troubling of all is the indication that liors are capable of absorbing the memories of their victims and may even inherit the experiences of all other slain members of its species if true such a creature would represent a military asset of incredible strategic value which must be rooted out at all costs a related Vanguard organism is the tyranid leaper these are often pack Hunters who might deploy to a planet in the dozens or hundreds at a time leapers trade some of the hyp specialized traits of the lior for more aggressive combat cap cap abilities as such while reconnaissance is still one of their primary functions they tend to focus on crippling the eyes ears and vital organs of an enemy force and finally we have the gene Steeler such creatures are smaller and weaker than their Vanguard Brethren yet they should not be underestimated after all genan Stealers are still larger stronger and far more longlived than your average human but what makes them most frightening is their evolutionary niche as infiltrators this process begins with the spawning of a pure strain Gene stealer within the hive Fleet upon reaching a Target population victims will be abducted and implanted with an embryonic organism which begins to both alter the genes of its host and bind its will to the tyranids in this way a hybridized gene steel is created and a small brood can develop in the shadows over time future generations of hybrids will become ever more numerous and indistinguishable from their host population underground Gene Steeler Cults may now begin to creep their way up the social structure further infiltrating Society at large should this process prove successful the genan Steelers will psychically summon their High Fleet with the dinner bell rung they will then bide their time ready to burst forth Behind Enemy Lines at the opportune moment in combination these various Vanguard forces can wreak havoc on a target's defenses active measures will be necessary to detect and keep these tyranids in check though the task will be great it is achievable by efficient counter infiltration operations what proves far more daunting however is dealing with the assault forces which come [Music] next the first sign of an incoming Invasion will be the so-called shadow in the warp a vast psychic emanation of the hive mind which Smothers entire star systems disrupting all forms of warp travel and communication those who fall under its shadow will be cut off unable to call for help or to flee the tyranid fleet now having isolated its prey will begin the assault phase of its Invasion the nature of Horrors which will soon begin raining down upon the Defenders varies greatly the hive mind after all will be acting upon the information gathered from its Vanguard forces and can dynamically biomanufacture the exact Army it believes will most effectively achieve the task at hand it would be a Fool's errand to attempt to catalog the endless evolutionary permutation of this besty thus we will have to be satisfied with a broad overview of the more common tyranid bioforms the first major category of assault phase tyranids will be the spores these range in size and function on one end of the spectrum are the microscopic spores these may be Unleashed in their trillions upon a planet drifting down as great clouds upon the land here they may begin slowly altering the planet's biosphere rendering it more hostile to the natives and welcoming to the Invaders such swarms may also Target Machinery Munitions and supplies to gradually erode a target's logistic system for more direct damage larger Spore mines will be spawned these are bulbous gas filled creatures who float across the battlefield when their feelers sense Targets in close proximity they will detonate their payload this may include poison bio acid or shrapnel variants which can tear apart infantry and armored units unfortunate enough to be caught in their blast the related variant is the mucolid Spore these are capable of maintaining higher altitudes and moving at greater speeds which enables them to act as surprisingly effective anti-air mines while such spores may not be threatening on their own vast Mine Fields capable of guided propulsion and rudimentary intelligence can be quite deadly at the Tactical level and will certainly complicate the battlefield situation at a strategic [Music] level on the larger end of the Spore Spectrum exist the all important ship to surface organisms several variants of these 10 to 30 m living drop pods exist including mytic spores tyrannos sites and sporocysts all share rather similar morphologies that feature huge kitous shells which help withstand the stresses of Entry as well as organic flaps which deploys air brakes to slow the podt down just enough for a controlled crash landing at this point the bio forms within be it a few two dozen humanized creatures or a singular multi-story Beast will spill forth onto the battlefield with this step accomplished mytic spores will end their life cycle however the more biologically complex tyrannos sites and sporocysts have yet another purpose to serve the former now begins filling with gas and will soon be airborne once more reigning death upon nearby enemies with ranged bioc canonry sporocysts on the other hand will borrow further into the ground where they can then use their numerous organic chimneys to begin pumping out endless waves of smaller Spore forms having thus covered the major types of spores we can move on to another branch of the tyranid assault species the gauns genus standing roughly 1.3 m tall and 2.5 M long gauns are the basic combat unit of the tyranid Swarm they are cheap and Expendable but with enough numbers and flexibility to overcome most defenses many variants exist but we will once more have to restrict ourselves to just a few namely the horants termagants and gargoyles horants are the close combat Specialists wielding massive Sye Talons they run at incredible speeds with the agility to bound over obstacles and turn on a dime in pursuit of their prey this is done with Relentless frenzy determination as their evolutionary metabolism drives them to kill feast and kill without pause pain will not stop them nor will most Small Arms fire as heavy carapace and multi-organ redundancy keeps them moving whilst sustaining all but the most crippling of damage yet there is a cost for such energetic traits pagant burn out extremely quickly with lifespans measured in the days or even hours this is compensated for by an ability to hibernate during periods of inactivity as well as the unique ability to lay eggs and reproduce outside the confines of the high Fleet or a spawning pool as a result so long as food is available a hogun infestation will multiply exponentially thus a small pack aboard a single drop pod which manages to break through to the surface of a planet can quickly swell into a group in the hundreds or a horde in the thousands if left unchecked such numbers would tax the command and control systems of most armies however tyranid Evolution has accounted for this and horag will instinct ly attack the nearest Target in swarms with little Direction necessary from the hive mind this makes them highly effective fire and forget weapons on the flip side though this is also their greatest weakness as Brute Force melee tactics can result in high casualties against well prepared positions it is for this reason that other gaunt variants exist the termagant for instance uses the base horag morphology but replaces its Talons with ranged weapons yet this is not as simple a swap as for most armies given that such biomechanical guns are actually symbiotic creatures which have effectively fused with their hosts during the spawning process many terrifying types exist the spine fist is a close- range twin-linked gun which fires poisonous spines via pressurized air the strangle web is a slightly longer ranged spread fire weapon which sprays sticky mucus-like strands to ens snare and constrict its targets the flesh Bor meanwhile is a mid-range gun that launches living beetles at its Target upon impact these will use rening teeth and digestive enzymes to dig through armor bone and flesh alike the Devourer is also O A mid-range weapon with a living payload but one which unleashes salvos of Flesh worms at a time these will either shatter in an acid Splash upon impact or survive to borrow into the victim's exposed weak points and finally Spike rifles are longer range Precision weapons which fire razor sharp Barbed spikes that kill with impact damage or the fast acting toxin which infects open wounds each of these biomechanical guns on their own is terrifying enough but when fired on Mass from swarms of termagants the resulting Carnage is unlike any seen from conventional weaponry and yet there is one more Dimension we are missing gaun variants also exist which have taken to the air the these so-called gargoyles are effectively turant with wings albeit with slightly smaller bodies and atrophied lower legs to improve their flight characteristics individually such beasts are said to be more skittish than their peers preferring to Skirmish however when they assemble in vast clouds to strike a target from all directions the behavior of the group as a whole is anything but relentless yet more gaunt variants and specialist bioforms exist to fill the evolving needs of a tyranid army on the assault for now however we will move on to other species which serve as important pillars to the greater operation of the invasion Force One such specimen is the Ripper these half meter long maggot like creatures have evolved D with a singular purpose to consume biological material following close behind assault troops they scour the battlefield to devour Fallen Friend and foe alike over the course of an invasion great swarms will pick clean the land ingesting all the biological material in their path before throwing their bloated bodies into Reclamation poles for easy digestion and reabsorption by The Hive Fleet but the coordinated activities of all such assault forces would not be possible without the warrior class standing about 5 m tall these hulking bioforms are protected by thick carapaces and boast powerful limbs capable of wielding both melee and ranged weapons the former includes siing Talons bone swords and lash whips while the latter includes equivalent or heavier VAR variant of the gaunt weapons we previously mentioned all of this makes such creatures formidable Battlefield soldiers yet what makes them truly invaluable Assets in the Swarm ecosystem is their role as tyrannid officers to some extent they function similarly to traditional leaders assessing Battlefield situations and directing surrounding forces but where they differ is in their ability to communicate with their kin not through language but by a synaptic form of telepathy through which they relay and channel the will of the hive mind in this way are the efforts of lesser creatures brought into Unison should this link be severed however they will revert back to their base biological pre-programming until a synaptic connection is reestablished thus to preserve this all important Hub of command and control multiple tyranid Warriors can often be found in clusters across a battlefield surrounded by gauns with an instinctive drive to defend them at all costs for additional redundancy other bioforms are also capable of stepping in as synaptic amplifiers one notable example is the Zone Thro evidence points to this species having been developed as a hybridized form of the warrior species mixed with lar DNA this has granted them impressive psychic abilities with which to not only convey the will of the hive mind but to unleash powerful defensive and offensive capabilities having thus reviewed the basic combat forms of a tyranid swarm let us now explore what a first wave assault may look like the situation is as follows several months ago infiltration bioforms were seeded onto a French ringe Imperial World these have gone unnoticed by the understaffed and inexperienced Garrison forces as this hidden threat festers the Vanguard of the hive fleet has reached the planetary system some resistance is given but the unprepared orbital defenses are quickly swept aside the Invaders now reach the atmosphere armed with Intel from their Vanguard forces they now set about targeting the most vulnerable ground positions one of the many initial objectives is this Outpost of the Imperium it stands just a few dozen kilometers out from the local Garrison Fortress housing important sensor and communication networks it serves as a valuable node in the Region's defensive Network this infrastructure is defended by bunkers and entrenchments which bristle with men vehicles and turrets around them begins to fall the first Reigns of what will soon be a deluge of tyranid Invaders already clouds of anti-aircraft mucolid spores drift into position above launch pads while anti-vehicle and anti-personnel mines begin to choke off the lines of retreat and reinforcement as the Defenders rush to man the guns they find many of their systems sluggish or impaired on account of some undiagnosed growth taking hold of the [Music] equipment to make matters worse chaos breaks out to the rear Jean Steeler constists aided by other Vanguard forces have apparently managed to Ambush one of the supply columns crippling this critical source of reinforcements Fuel and Munitions meanwhile zenos drop ships have begun to land in the plains ahead though some fall to bursts of anti-aircraft fire this barely makes a dent in their numbers soon thousands of combat forms begin to spill forth the raptor-like hordes of hormon Sprint ahead of the pack instinctually blitzing the nearest source of incoming fire the ground pounds with the beat of their killer determination behind them the tyranid Warriors now pulse orders across the synaptic Network marshalling the hordes of termagants and gargoyles who have been amassing soon these two plunge across the open ground taking flanking routs towards the Defenders behind them surge writhing packs of rippers eagerly anticipating their first meal from the perspective of the Defenders the landscape appears to Shimmer from the seemingly endless swarm The Outpost fires on all fronts at this target Rich environment but to no avail it is as though they fire bullets at an incoming wave each shot merely disappearing into the surging Mass there is no stopping this living tide across the region the other outposts face similar Oblivion Vox channels crackle with the panicked shouts of officers and the terrified screams of Guardsmen they're all G the few who make it out alive beat a hasty Retreat back to the Garrison forces here they will make their stand with the backing of far more formidable defenses but the hive mind has yet to reveal its full hand in our next episode we will examine the larger bioforms which will be deployed against such a hardened position as we continue to cover the true size of a tyranid Invasion for now you can head on over to our patreon and YouTube membership to get HD downloads of all our art catch script previews and participate in polls a big thanks to the current members for supporting the channel and to the researchers writers and artists for making this episode possible we couldn't have done it without this team and this community if you enjoyed this episode be sure to like And subscribe for more content and check out these other related videos see you in the next one
Channel: Invicta
Views: 578,493
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: invicta, invicta history, tyranid, tyranid invasion, tyranic war, tyranid war, tyranid lore, tyranid invasion documentary, tyranid army, space marine, space marine 2, space marine lore, space marine explained, space marine organization, space marine chapter, warhammer, warhammer 40k, warhammer 40000, space marine 2 trailer, space marine documentary, ultramarine lore, ultramarine chapter, space marine creation, space marine chapters, space marine cinematic
Id: zfaYrTEg7hg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 52sec (1732 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 01 2024
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