The Horus Heresy Ending EXPLAINED by An Australian | Warhammer 40k Lore

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good day guys and girl after almost 20 years of Storytelling over 60 full length novels and an obscene amount of extremely dope ass law the Horus heresy has finally come to a close with the end and Death volume 3 just been released a few days ago now personally I am not up to the end in death yet I'm only up to like book 40 and while awesome the Horus heresy is a long ass series because of that as a bit of an unfortunate side effect of 40K law being my job I have to constantly spoil everything for myself which kind of sucks but it is what it is hence I have read many synopsises watched many videos and have spoken to many people who have finished the series to gain a complete understanding of the Horus heresy and its ending with only 18% of you guys and girls reading over a dozen Warhammer books it seems like most of you will also never reached the end of the heresy either so you would probably be Keen to know how it ended not just from the perspective of the last book but the key points from the end of the series as well as well as what happens to each of the primar and the Emperor as well as a few other key characters in the end and so with that said today we'll go over the ending of the Horus heresy detailing the fate of all the main characters the key events that occurred as well as how the fight between Horus and the emperor went in doing so we'll also look at how close to the original Law the new law is before then wrapping up with if the ending was good and what happens next also massive spoiler warning no [ __ ] [ __ ] although to be fair it is extremely common knowledge that Horus kills sanguinius and then the emperor kills Horus after getting mortally wounded so that's not really that spoilery let's get into it I'm obviously not going to recap the entire heresy with many books not being that important towards the ending so I'll just set the scene after years of brutal hectic fighting epic victories and crushing defeats on both sides the siege of Terror kicks off Horus Pabo mortan angron Magnus fulgrim and their respective Legions along with a few thousand word bears and night Lords aing Terror Conrad is [ __ ] off to go do his own thing and lgo is in Exile after Horus beat the [ __ ] out of of him for attempting to usurp him as warm alarius was killed by dawn after attempting to metaphorically play chess with a rampaging bull which led amig to also withdraw the alpha Legion from The Siege although they do pop up to defend Terror we have the Emperor who is stuck on The Golden Throne battling horus's psychic might the chaos gods and the warp Rift underneath the palace simultaneously thus his attention is pretty firmly stuck rogul leads the defenses with sanguinius and jaged making it back to Terror with their Legions Vulcan is also present after getting through the webway and works with the emperor to create the Talisman of seven hammers a device that would destroy Terror and the entire chaos Army in one Mega Death explosion as a final [ __ ] you if Horus was to win Gillman Russ and the lion are rushing to Terror with their massive Legions which if they were to arrive in time would catch the traders in a hammer and Anvil especially with how depleted the traitors were corvis was off doing his own thing and Ferris was dead The Siege has multiple brutal phases as pabu's Unstoppable Force crashes with Dawn's a movable object the Traders are basically aiming to make make Terror corrupted enough to allow demons to manifest on its surface thus angron mortarion and Magnus would be able to join the battle directly Horus remains on board his ship for The Siege and is grappling with his own insanity and the weight of his choices a surprising reveal is that Horus isn't just this possessed meat suit for the chaos Gods he is still very much himself and has his own free will see when the chaos Gods create a champion of chaos undivided they can't actually do much to properly control them as all the chaos gods have to agree perfectly which never really happens hence champions of under provided a given a shitload of Free Will and to use the power given as they see fit now with the siege of terab its own miniseries and by many I mean it has like a dozen books a lot of super awesome [ __ ] happens so to make it easy and to keep this video under 100 hours long whilst also giving you something to look forward to if you ever do read it I'll just focus on the key characters and what happens to each Primark Magnus is hellbent on attacking the emperor directly by wearing down his psychic wng and energy so he enters the webway and begins trying to tear the rent open which would Doom Terror Vulcan is sent to stop him and the brothers engage in a ridiculously one-sided Jewel as Magnus kills him time and time again with the most obscene use of warp sorcery ever seen Vulcan dies countless horrific deaths however he regenerates extremely rapidly due to his enhanced Perpetual Powers eventually he is able to get close enough to Magnus to beat his demon brother to death and banish him see Magnus believed that he had created a spell powerful enough to kill perpetuals and maybe it could kill other ones but this is [ __ ] Vulcan Lord of Drakes and stomper of nerds even as Vulcan is unmade and turned into for blacken skeleton he pushes through the mega attack and banishes Magnus screaming back to Hell Perabo was increasingly disgusted by his allied forces their complete lack of strategic coordination their obscene debaucheries and heresies and also their total lack of respect despite the fact that he was the only one holding the siege together and actually allowing the traitors to make ground they still treated him like [ __ ] so he simply said fine do it your [ __ ] self and he left the siege along with his Legion however by the time he left so much damage had been done that Perabo was no longer longer essential for winning The Siege as so much C's corruption had seeped into Terror that conventional tactics no longer applied morari and faced off against Nathaniel goo his wayward son in an epic Jewel G was Juiced up on Holy Faith and did a pretty bloody good job however Moran was a Primark and he killed goo but not before go gave him a cut he wouldn't forget to avenge go jaged Khan was next to fight mortarion Morty was way too strong though so jaged settled for a mutual kill mour was banished and jaggedy was put into a deathlike com angron was tearing a bloody sway through the Defenders and eventually took on sanguinius himself both Angels were read on that day both had forever carved their name into the psyche of their enemy for all time with the amount of blood they had shed they began beating the [ __ ] out of each other however angron was pretty much unkillable as they fought Horus was psychically shouting SL begging in angron's head to kill sanguinius and despite impaling the angel on his blade sanguinius was then able to rip angron's Nails out of his head giving his brother one moment of horrified Lucidity at what he had become before he was banished as a bit of a side plot here Khan and Sigman finally had their epic Jewel ascended master of death Sigman vers fully Juiced champion of K khah it was an epic fight but Sigman was on an entire league of his own and brutally massacred Khan with a kill that wouldn't be out of place in Mortal Kombat fulgrim's fate was pretty satisfying during one of the many big Trader pushes fulgrim LED his Emperor's Children against the saine wall whilst abdon and his Elite Jin teleported under the wall to attack from below however it was a trap by ro which resulted in abon's entire company getting slaughtered by the absolute Elites of the Defenders guys like Nathaniel goo despite abdon putting up a good effort he was the last alive and was on the brink of death until plot armor swooped in and teleported him to Safety in the last second it was actually a pretty nice scene one that actually made me like abdon a bit he basically sits there in shock and wishes he died along with his men horrified at being the only Survivor the coward on the surface forgrim is tearing his way through the Defenders and then [ __ ] Sigman charg es in and starts beating the [ __ ] out of fulgrim fulgrim eventually gains the upper hand but by then rogal dor himself enters the fight rogal beats the [ __ ] out of fulgrim outclassing him and actually Landing a killing blow but fulgrim regenerates due to his demonic power getting humiliated by rogul and seeing that the attack on the satin gate had failed fulgram withdrew his Legion to instead focus on terrorizing and massacring the civilians of Terror he would then later retreat with his Legion to be the only demon Primark who didn't get banished during The Siege now you might think that this puts the loyalist at the advantage only Horus remained in play with rogul the emperor valdor Vulcan and sanguinius been up and running however Tera was literally getting dragged into hell and there were so many demons and Chaos Marines still active that unless Horus was taken out Terror would be lost for Horus he knows that gilean is very very close to arriving like he will arrive before terror is lost so Horus lowers the shields of the vental spirit to try bake the emperor to attack him directly thinking that if he is able to beat the emperor into submission or kill him Gillan will bend the knee and and join him then we get one of the saddest scenes in all of Warhammer lore the emperor and malodor know that it's time for malodor to take the bigie place on The Golden Throne allowing the emperor to fight Horus at the expense of maldor's very Soul getting consumed and obliterated by the throne I guarantee you will tear up reading this scene like even the emperor is devastated and it shows probably his most human moment then our merry band of Heroes alongside a bunch of custodians and Space Marines teleport onto the vengeful Spirit other than Vulcan who stays behind in case he needs to activate the T man but let's just say the teleportation didn't go so well sangus and his Warriors arrive on the ship normally and proceed to head to Horus rogal dor gets teleported into a pocket Dimension controlled by corn it manifests as a desert full of the dead bodies of thousands of Imperial fists where time flows differently corn traps Dawn in there for centuries in the attempt to corrupt into chaos the emperor arrives on another weird pocket dimension bridge8 on a ship with only six Bridges then half of his custodes get puppeted by the cow gods and attack the emperor forcing him to kill many of his own beloved Warriors something else has started happening as well with all the warp energy and power the emperor is getting like really really strong like easily strong enough to body Horus however he is also becoming a thing called the dark King the chaos God of Ruin which would be a very bad thing for Humanity as a bit of a side plot John grammaticus alannis person and a few other Misfits are traveling alongside with the first captain of the alpha Legion to try get into the throne room and reach the emperor with it being revealed that originally the Alpha Legion were waiting to see who would win and then join that side however with C being extremely cringe they've decided to throw in their lot with the emperor and try to save Humanity also the dark angel corain alongside a bunch of fallen angels are attempting to reignite the astronomicon which would banish a lot of the corruption and allow Gilman and his brothers to get to Terror really quickly oh yeah and garal lokan the OG protagonist of the entire setting gets on board the vengeful Spirit as well as the emperor is preparing to ascend after all the dark king would be a very effective weapon against Horus alanus finally catches up to him alannis is the emperor's oldest friend even older in age than he the thing about all is that he was and forever is a man of integrity which is why he abandoned the emperor thousands of years ago he tells the emperor that joining chaos isn't the solution that he needs to let go of it the emperor looks at all he thinks of his primarch sons and he decides to let go ripping the dark King from himself while also tearing out his mercy and compassion to give himself the best chance of killing Horus the banishment of the dark King heals many of his Warriors whilst also breaking r Dawn out of the cornite pocket to mention while this is happening sanguinis reaches Horus first and confronts his brother and yes Horus does give him the join me brother and even dewers himself to his normal primarch form as they fight to try help convince sanguinius see Horus had actually suppressed a lot of his own Consciousness and Free Will during the heresy to make his moves unpredictable but now he is reclaiming his true self because of that he actually doesn't want to just kill everyone in truth he actually wants to create his new maval but with the emperor valdos and Inus daor and his other brothers by his side as they fight sanguinius actually gains the upper hand as in their primar forms he is the superior Warrior however eventually Horus snaps just as sanguinius is about to land the killing blow Horus ascendant is a monster the brothers charge at each other one final time with Horus beating sanguinius before proceeding to bludgeon him like a disobedient dog sanguinius is broken his face hangs loose his legs are snapped and his lungs are full of blood he can't even choke out his last words as Horus picks him up and snaps his neck spine killing the Glorious Golden Hawk boy demons then skit Out of the Shadows to string up Sang's mutilated corpse as Horus then waits for the emperor in the meantime valdor encounters abidon and engages him in combat the death of sanguinius triggers the black rage and his sons who all go on a monstrous rampage that scares even the demons they Massacre a fuckload of traitors however in their rage they also attack and kill their allies and even the custodies they so Juiced up that each blood Angel is now a juggernaut in their own right kind of like the Imperial G vack but even stronger the emperor alongside his buddies like Alanis reach Horus with Horus being surprised that the emperor shows no emotion at the sight of sanguinius' corpse the empress starts speaking at Horus but not to him instead speaking directly to the chaos Gods which confuses Horus Lan also steps forward and speaks which causes Horus to get emotional and ashamed like he just wants to hug lokan and be done with all this [ __ ] but then his rage pride and Corruption kicks in and he gets frustrated that he is showing weakness at his time of Glory so he attacks the emperor in the mean time valdor and abdon fight with valdor being shocked at abon's Power when he scores a hit on abdon he gets a vision of the next 10,000 years of grim dark horor with abdon as the new warm this genuinely stuns valdor with overwhelming despair as he now fights to survive then the Rabid blood angels arrive and begin attacking everyone giving daor and valdor the opening they need to charge towards Horus and the emperor's battle the battle isn't going super well for the emperor they fight on countless planes of existence even Beyond physical and spiritual but Horus is just straight up more powerful at this point but the emperor is a sneaky [ __ ] he uses the most cheeky [ __ ] tactics to keep in the fight including stealing some of horus's power distracting Horus with Illusions to give himself time to recover [ __ ] with horus's emotions and so on but it's still not enough but then something incredible happens inspired by the words of sireni who psychically broadcast the words the emperor must live across all of teror the cult of the emperor is formed as countless people form together and begin chanting words from the latio divin their faith in the emperor being absolute it's so absolute that it begins cleansing parts of Terror and weakens C's grip it also Powers up the emperor and allows him to continue his absolute slugfest with Horus while also reigniting the astronomicon however Horus is still winning then in quite an emotional Scene alannis goes to the emperor and is yelling at him to get up he promises the emperor he will never leave his side again but he has to get up and he has to fight he gives the emperor the athame a special knife that can kill even Horus alanus then turns the Horus opening fire with a fully automatic LZ gun before yelling [ __ ] you you bald piece of [ __ ] not a single Step Closer Horus finds the scene quite confusing before then hitting ala so hard that he has turned into a Red Mist killing him so hard that not even his Perpetual Powers allow him to regenerate however this gives the emperor time for his final Gambit he changes his form into Lan to manipulate Horus into giving up his power now that he is W Horus does so and then the emperor then rushes him before they begin pulverizing each other again this time though the emperor gets the upper hand so C begins trying to flood Horus with power again but Horus is sick of it and he tries to keep the power out he wants to die and he asks his father to kill him so that he may die as Horus not as a puppet of chaos everything he's experienced during this fight with the emperor has really changed him the emperor tells him that he forgives him before driving his knife into horus's heart and killing him the arch traiter dying with a smile on his face breaking chaos in the process the emperor then collapses Dawn arrives and picks up the emperor's broken barely alive body before they all then teleport back to Terror which is quickly being cleansed of corruption as the traitor forces Retreat and mass Logan stays behind and sits by his father's corpse with even abidon telling him that he is allowed to freely leave but then arabus kills lokan cuz [ __ ] arabus that [ __ ] rat so overall a pretty solid ending there is obviously way more that happens with many more Side characters and subplots but this is the main meat of it overall I'm happy it does a great job of following the original Law while also adding more flavor like with the alannis vs horror scene it also actually slips in some references to Future stories including some of the eisenh horn books with the heresy now wrapped up it seems logical that we will start getting some books about the scouring the Epic campaign waged after the heresy where the Loyalists retake the Galaxy and drive the Traders into the eye of Terror either way what a [ __ ] ride that was epic if you enjoyed the video and you want to support the channel then subscribe we are gunning for 600k and I need every hand on deck for that join the Discord for more memes and I'll see you in the next one peace [Music] bow to [Music] me
Channel: Majorkill
Views: 300,440
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer, 40k, Fantasy, lore, Story, Explained, Australia, Australian, Majorkill, Gamesworkshop, xenos, Laer, Great Cruisade, Astartes, Astarte, Space Marine, legion, Primarchs, Emperor, top 5, top 10, Tau, Tyranids, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Necrons, Space, Sigmar, Chaos, Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Rogal Dorn, Imperial Fists, Yellow, Legion, Ultramarines, Guilliman, TTS, epic, gaming, legendary, Necron, Sister of Battle, Xeno, Thunder Wariors, Custodes, Alpharius, Dreadnought, Primaris, Psykers, Pskyers, Magnus, Crusade
Id: msX3x7PsfYw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 9sec (969 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 31 2024
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