Trazyn The Infinite Is The Most Powerful Character In All Of Warhammer 40k

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G guys and girl people are always debating who is the most OP entity in Warhammer 40K is it the emperor corn the void Dragon the hive mind but I'm going to throw in my own little Pokémon into this battle and make a strong case for trzin everyone's favorite lovable Undead space Egyptian Ash Ketchum cosplayer as I believe he is actually the most powerful character in the setting with abilities and Feats which put the other Heavy Hitters to Shame by the end of this video you'll be like holy [ __ ] major kill Trin really is the Warhammer 40,000 or money back before we get started why am I wearing a hat I'm not usually hat boy well it's because of my surgery I spoke about in my last video full transparency I got a hair transplant now before you evil bold people started ripping me for my years I've spent Waging War against you firstly I didn't get it cuz I was Bolding I just had a severe Widows Peak that I wanted to correct cuz I'm vain and insecure like that and secondly even if I did it cuz I was Bolding that just proves how much I despise you that I'm willing to spend a shitload of money undergo invasive surgery and go without sex or partying for at least 3 weeks just not to be like you major Gill one Horus zero but yes I'll will be hat boy for a little while you don't want to see my head right now it looks like Stalingrad but a more important news I'm also excited to announce that the major minis are officially back launching with a new and improved website a significantly better Logistics system and a brand new model that being the collector of infinity a curious and Powerful traveler who seeks to collect everything and anything that ever was this model is available right now alongside the other dozens of professionally printed major minis we've produced over the years like the shark daddiy space of Hawk Lord the Empire endar kitten and many many more all playable in your D and D campaigns or as proxy models for tabletop war games we will be having weekly mini releases for the next 3 months on top of an upcoming a high ticket painting competition and other exciting announcements so watch this space link is below today we'll go over why Trin is so godamn powerful showing off his Feats abilities and power from the lore let's get into [Music] it I want to work my way up his power level starting with the Normy stuffff before getting into the autismo pew pew holy shittiest stuff but first who is trzin our boy is a necron overlord who was one of the first necrons to wake up since the war in heaven meaning he was active and fully conscious during the Great Crusade and Horus heresy finding the latter to be an extremely entertaining Affair now most necrons who awoke early with the true Awakening date being the current setting not around the great Crusade they would suffer from dementia and malfunction but Tren woke with 100% of his faculties intact cuz he's just dope as hell like that Trin is an extremely curious kleptomaniac traveling the Galaxy in order to collect and document literally everything he is like a Warhammer nerd with infinite money infinite time and a good airbrush buys every Army and spends all his time assembling and displaying them he has collected Guardsmen from every regiment armor from every Space Marine chapter and pretty much every weapon type ever forged but beyond that he has also collected some seriously hectic [ __ ] as well like a cro a solitire multiple custodians an enslaver an ancient canite warrior just to name a few the dude has even collected [ __ ] fleets all of which is stored and displayed in the Solomon's galleries which is basically a world spanning Museum as an Overlord trun enjoys many powerful benefits if you slay him his Consciousness will return intact to his tomb world where a new body will be forged for him he also has 100% of his willpower and can command thousands of nekron Warriors at any given time but overlords really aren't that impressive in the grand scheme of things they are often beaten by Space Marine captains or Terminators Warrior type such Rin finds it fun to [ __ ] with no what really set Trin apart is three things his unique upgrades his Pokémon and his attitude towards everything I'll start with his upgrades Trin is actually a [ __ ] monster on the battlefield due to various Technologies and weapons he uses his obliterator staff is considered to be one of the most powerful weapons in the entire galaxy it's called the emphatic obliterator and if Trin hits a single unit with it that unit's entire Squad will also die as it reflects that damage to all nearby creatures that are of the same unit type as the unit that was hit so if Trin gets attacked by 50 gold want hitting one will fry all 50 this stuff is also capable of parrying and damaging Katan shards as evident when Trin went toe-to-toe with the Transcendent deceiver in melee combat a style of combat that Trin loathes it said that he stuff was a special experiment combining necron Tech with old one Tech hence its [ __ ] bunkers power on top of that Trin also borrowed a special cloak without asking of course that would give him time warping abilities not time travel per se but the cloak could predict danger and also counter time traveler effects he originally borrowed it to help in his rivalry with Orin as Orin is a master chronomancer AKA time traveler but it came in handy in his Jewel with the [ __ ] Katan Shard as well a very unique power Trin possesses that no other nekron does like many necrons have discussed their jealousy over Trin having this power is his ability to have surrogate hosts drin can at a moment's notice possess the body of one of his underlings this underling will then be reshaped into Trin with all of his weapons and armor and Powers intact meaning Trin can basically teleport to any anywh where one of his surrogates are at a given moment and it also means that he is like really hard to kill as he will often flee one body before its destruction to enter into one of these surrogates in serious circumstances he can activate numerous surrogates at one time like some kind of Naruto clone Jitsu and have dozens of trins on a battlefield at one time so you've got a nekron overlord who can teleport and clone himself with a literal god tier weapon and the ability to sense danger VI his time cloak that is someone who you do not want to fight with but the kicker is that trin's weakest aspect of himself is his physical prowess he will rarely ever engage in this kind of primitive combat and would rather just set a thousand traps or schemes to defeat his enemy rather than beat them to death this brings me to my next PowerPoint trzin being a [ __ ] up Pokémon trainer when Trin captures stuff he does so with insane ease like all he does is throw a Pokeball and everyone in like 100 square me meters gets sucked in once when he was stealing an elder Maiden world's heart Crystal cuz he wanted it an exodite elder warhost was charging at him it had Elite exodite knights riding dinosaurs as well as well as a far Seer witch riding a T-Rex he simply just threw a Pokeball and captured the entire warhost with zero effort he has done this time and time again capturing millions of combatants mid battle if it's a particularly spicy unit like a custodian he can just focus on that single one unit and Bam got him he has like unlimited [ __ ] AOE master balls out of the W zoo and there really doesn't seem to be anything to counter it the only thing he generally doesn't Pokeball are demons or warp entities I mean it's confirmed that he could if he wanted to but bringing those back to the Galler would eventually cause issues as an example he threw away the black Bell of s gastal a super corrupted artifact cuz it was annoying him he actually threw it into the webway cuz nothing gets trin's dick harder than [ __ ] with the Elder the thing is though he doesn't just display everything he catches once caught trun will implant his Pokémon with mind shule scarabs these scarabs don't just lobotomize the victims and make them useless slaves they still maintain their Consciousness but they are subtly influenced to follow trin's instructions for example a squad of space Ry is Shackled will Engage The Enemy instead of the necrons they are fighting alongside just out of instinct they literally just won't register the necrons as a threat so with this in mind at any given moment Trin can throw armies at you during his hectic battle with a Transcendent Katan Shard Oran said to trzin mate you better have brought a [ __ ] Army to which trzin replied my dear colleague I brought five [ __ ] that part of the law was so awesome Trin just throwing out Army after Army Jane still a cultist Guardsman that exodite war host he captured 10,000 years prior this isn't just a one-off either when he was on Cadia trying to stop the opening of The Great Rift as a bit of a side quest cuz he found cows to be obnoxious he threw out Space Marine forces that dated back to the Horus heresy these estaris were a bit confused but they saw Space Marines in their colors and Space Marines with tentacles and horns and they knew who to shoot dude even threw out a custodian during this battle and the golden giant proceeded to go to town on the bad guys all of this though is Trin being extremely conservative with these Pokémon these are like the bottom tier in terms of power of what he could do imagine he just says [ __ ] it and throws out a cro a 12 meter tall Uber orc with the strength to crush a primarch non unbreakable armor and weapons that were designed to kill Gods Not only would that thing just completely Rampage through entire armies but its mere existence would send a turbo shock W throughout the Galaxy's W drawing billions of Orcs to it who wish to witness a demigod reborn who in turn would then grow larger and smarter imagin he throws out the perfect clone of fulgrim randomly bringing a new semi loyalist Primark back to the setting [ __ ] it imagine he throws out the high that he once captured for a laugh now obviously Trin doesn't want to throw these things as a it could destabilize the Galaxy and B these are some of his favorite displays but if the man Unleashed everything no holding back his enemy would be turbo [ __ ] like imagine Gillman and his honor guard charging Shin he could legitimately just Pokeball them or throw a crck at them what are you going to do in that situation except just eat turbo [ __ ] all of this power is enhanced even further by trin's attitude trzin wants to have a fun Galaxy that isn't too hard to navigate so we can go around and and steal interesting [ __ ] to add to his Museum in the hopes that he can one day open it up for people to come and see to this end he tried and nearly succeeded in stopping the opening of The Great Rift by allowing Cole to unlock the secrets of the Blackstone pylons Jin also once said in passing that the Imperium should let him take the Emperor as he believes he could much better preserve or even restore him which based on necron Tech and all the insane [ __ ] Trin has in his Museum I wouldn't actually be surprised you know how I spoke about that deceiver Katan that was in Fort well upon beating him he took a Shard for himself and now using uses it to power his Museum the kicker is that he is constantly chatting to it and interrogating it shifting through what are lies and what are truths he is even feeding its smaller deceiver shards as rewards for It sharing its knowledge with him despite the fact that that is making it harder and harder to contain but trzin doesn't care he just turns up the containment field power Jin is so aloof and Hyper fixated on what he wants that it honestly wouldn't surprise me if one day he accidentally killed abdon and saved the Galaxy because one of the joysticks in the vengeful Spirits Command Deck was a oneof one model that Trin wanted so he accidentally mkss the war master of chaos to get it as a funny side note that pretty much perfectly encapsulates Trin one time he was super mad at Orin for [ __ ] him over so he spent centuries entirely focused on bypassing orin's defense network until he was eventually able to materialize in orin's room where he proceeded to shoot Orin in the face before leaving now Orin simply could rewind time to undo the damage or just heal as he is a nekron a worst case scenario regenerate a new body so it literally did nothing except satisfy trin's Petty rap AG which I thought was hilarious speaking of Orin trzin is a genius probably the smartest being in the Galaxy he was able to stalemate a court case against Orin despite the fact that Orin kept rewinding time in the court every time he lost as Trin was so smart that he continually counted all of orin's arguments until Orin eventually settled for a draw because he could not outwit res in another note I need to mention is that at the end of the infinite and the Divine book during the epilogue skip ahead 20 seconds if you want to avoid spoilers oracin has figured out how to become an energy God for short periods of time under very specific circumstances he wishes to destroy trzin and his tomb World due to trzin being a sneaky [ __ ] and going against his agreement with Orin the book ends with Orin becoming this God and preparing to imminently strike yet trzin is still in the setting and his Museum as far as I can tell is still intact so trun was able to counter an attack by a [ __ ] god a God who easily tore apart and defeated a Transcendent Kenard one of the most powerful things in the setting Tren can destroy armies capture armies imprison anything and he's a near god tier melee Warrior who has the ability to literally defeat Gods the best part is that all he wants to do is show people his collection with all of his power being collected due to his desire to protect and grow his Museum so one day people can appreciate it [ __ ] me that's wholesome if you enjoy the video and you want to support the channel then pick up a major mini more specifically the new collector of infinity available now hit the Subscribe button and hit the real subscribe button for more infinite content join the for more memes and I'll see you in the next one [Music] peace go for me [Music]
Channel: Majorkill
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Keywords: Warhammer, 40k, Fantasy, lore, Story, Explained, Australia, Australian, Majorkill, Gamesworkshop, xenos, Laer, Great Cruisade, Astartes, Astarte, Space Marine, legion, Primarchs, Emperor, top 5, top 10, Tau, Tyranids, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Necrons, Space, Sigmar, Chaos, Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Rogal Dorn, Imperial Fists, Yellow, Legion, Ultramarines, Guilliman, TTS, epic, gaming, legendary, Necron, Sister of Battle, Xeno, Thunder Wariors, Custodes, Alpharius, Dreadnought, Primaris, Psykers, Pskyers, Magnus, Crusade
Id: wcBZaF_f8kM
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Length: 12min 6sec (726 seconds)
Published: Fri May 10 2024
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