the never-ending search for a good bedwars teammate

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welcome gosh we're playing some bad words were here with Lok Lak to K number 1 bedroom where he hasn't gotten any resources so far but you know he's doing his best he's standing guard Manny ain't no one messing with that bet I was going over he's for you to items drop he hasn't he's not is he gonna start getting some of them huh he's doing it oh my god incredible let's go techno are you dead no yeah technically never dies come on basic stuff over here okay we actually have enough blocks pink teams already got in like all the way over to the diamonds we are behind because I had to wait at the way and get that TNT and they have wood so it was a good good investment I wonder how aggressive are they gonna actually go for us immediately that would make my life very difficult I don't know if they have enough blocks to do that with a bridge that early it looks like they're playing actually intelligently whereas my teammates just going off into the middle of nowhere I didn't think it would be a drop there alright we have to get over here and be pvp gods do you have any tips for me in bed wars just everyone you're facing is an idiot so place blocks and they'll just they'll fool themselves like just to go above them and TNT all your problems away and I placed TNT above which is a common mistake you can never mind they're fine their defense was weaker to the side than it was okay their defense was weaker to the sides and it was to the top so I tried to TNT the side the problem is when you're placing TNT from that high up it's a bit hard to get it accurately placed down and if it goes slightly too far to the side it's not gonna work out and they're placing a lot of n stone why are you guys like this ah this is not a good situation to 1v1 not a good time to be 1v2 and with that that's just that's what I get for playing doubles oh my god these guys are turtling oh and this man just doesn't take knock back what is my life leave me alone God um can we get a final kill oh my god we can and the other ones going I have no idea how what we won that subscribe detective late alright see I told you he died lies I just won thank you very much I bought the wrong thing but I'm gonna totally act like nothing happened oh yeah ii o blaid hasn't made a mistake ever before we're gonna go to mid possibly I don't know if anyone's been to mid that it's not gonna be worth it I kind of looked like there was some blue wool over there if you can be the first person made you can just get free diamond armor and just enjoy the entire game it's pretty fantastic otherwise ah not so much wait hypixel tweeted at me oh my god I'm famous alright yeah looks like there's a ton of people at MIT actually let's go beat them up okay there is a way I can redeem where they both on the same team please don't be on the same team I think they're both on the same team wait blue blue beds gone blue beds gone okay we have a chance I believe in the dream if we can find the person who has the emeralds and kill him he has diamond armor already are you kidding me okay we're just gonna pray that we can combo the student off because his armor is 30 times stronger than mine is and it's not enough good day red team is alive I am gonna go on a suicide charge just store my valuables before I die mm-hmm I think I got it all right we did it we did it guys and my teammates actually play some defense it's good for em teammate we're gonna buy actual prot because we have zero additional defense capabilities right now it's just not working out teach us PvP I'm not exactly a PvP god it's just bed worse has a very low skill ceiling compared to games like you HC so the difference between me and the perfect bed worst player is not as large not because I'm a PvP guide but because there's a lot of skills in Minecraft like cave in mine and using a fishing rod that just don't matter at all in bed words and those are a lot of things that I'm bad at so they don't show up here bridge in however speed bridging is something I need to get good at that's I think that's the biggest difference you should practice speed bridging I am terrible at it I fall off the map and hi I pretty much only play bad words and I'm live-streaming and every time I fall off the map I get cyber bullied so I tend not to speed bridge but no it's the only way to learn is to do it so whatever I'm not quite tired enough to practice in single-player off cam there's no emeralds here I'm still poor alright we have iron armor though and prop prot one is actually pretty bad I'm not gonna not gonna brag about prop 1 or anything see bed words is always a contest if can I read the chat without walking off the map so far so good they've written Asian equator by the way I don't know if it played the donation sound or not usually it plays it that I have this fall with a donation sound like never plays on time it usually it's fine at the start of the stream gave your mic is muted lies and slander alright there's this yellow team player he's over here if you jump above them on the staircase you can usually at the first hit now his armor is well a sword is stronger than mine his armors does I have no idea what his armor is he just his eye and I can't tell us brought levels now him having a strong sword doesn't matter when he can't hit me but it's worth human he also had sharpness I'm just sticking around I want diamond armor man I also want diamonds is he he's not grabbing them I'm grabbing oh oh oh nope nope psych I'm out all right let's go we just need one more emerald they don't okay a red dude is aggressive on me I want to live know how aggressive is he I don't see aureus there it is he's over there okay well you just have to get out of here alive I have no idea where my bases my base is over there I'm gonna do whatever God there it comes oh no no no no I want to live I want to live I want to live life wait where'd he go i whatever alright we're gonna go over here hey teams live as well I just realized both of these teams are alive the only way I'm gonna be able to actually spend these emeralds as if I okay they they also have fireballs I I'm not even rushing their base their suicide charging because they think I'm Russian I'm just here for your ender chest psych climbing wall here might as well Russia base No hey goddamn thank you I just got a final kill I don't how do I knock image the void he was like as far away from the voyage one person can get out whatever oh no I'm not complaining I'm not complaining the problem is we still have like zero diamonds we have prot 1 no sharpness we have diamond armor but we're still pretty weak in terms of gear we need to farm ourselves some diamonds mm-hmm gonna get ourselves some prot to like this the diamond armor is really gonna help the problem is the diamond erases target if you have like prop for no one can see that but it's actually like just as good as having diamond our protection is very powerful I'd say a level of pride is pretty much just destroying us having an extra upgrade from letter to letter to gold blood blood blood to iron took me so long to figure out what iron armor was I'm dumb leave me alone I'd say I just woke up but I'm probably just about to go to sleep it's 8:30 a.m. my sleep schedule is dead leave me alone we're gonna get a stone sword the fanciest of equipment and we're gonna go cyberbully some teenis hopefully we're not getting rushed right now I have no I teammate left she's gone he didn't have any faith whatever did you place some blocks around her bed and left his mission complete all right that's some diamonds not enough not enough but some we're gonna go let's see if we can sigh really other teams for their diamonds red and blue were next to each other and they have all been a free emeralds I'll just take those while I'm here we might actually become rich boys oh here we go here we go pvp pvp I don't actually care enough to fight you you have diamond armor as well and you have a bed so fighting you would like sort of no purpose at all how do I get out of here all right well this dude really wants to PvP is he willing to go over here though he is not so this is classified it's not my problem yellow team successfully rushed aqua which is why I'm rushing over here because their bed is completely open we're gonna go like this and now we're gonna fight him mmm mmm okay we actually got like two or three more hits than him but as I said we're pretty starved for diamonds right now so in fights that are not super one-sided we're gonna get destroyed we did store all of our valuables of so it really didn't matter profit rate I just like brought man I don't know why I just strongly prefer protection over sharpness we're gonna go like this we successfully got yellow team's bed and we stored all our valuables so I consider that a success even if we didn't get the extra unrolls from killing Matthew he is a wealthy man in my defense he had powerful stuff we do want sharpness law sharpness would be convenient all right how many beds there's only them left and they have matching clan tags oh god oh no or these guys actually good am i up against some PvP Legends discord bad blame communication I don't know what I'm up against I have for the first time in this game I have a decent amount of stuff the problem is I'm up against some PvP guys it's not great teams over there I don't know how it gets to them but hopefully because they're over there me walking over to them I don't think I'll be able to sneak past me and rush my base which is a problem because they have two players and I have one player so I zero backup defense none at all on the good news is that due to the positioning of the bed of our beds they're probably not gonna be able to sneak past me and break my bed oh I'm not seeing any of them which is not making me very confident but I'm pretty sure defendant write their names okay good okay it always stresses me out when there's someone unaccounted for I'm just gonna pray that on earth obsidian they are people like in definitely afford obsidian yeah the problem is since there's no defense if even one clown sneaks past you race you dead okay they're both rich fancy boys so we're gonna mess around with blocks and he's gonna walk over them and fireball and make my life terrible okay there and they're not falling for it today we're gonna throw it all I can't I can't throw it my stuff am i dumb did they fix it did they fix throwing out items I have no idea they might have actually changed bed worse I hope so all right we're gonna actual stuff now they're gonna come kill me probably what else would they do all right get a knock-back stick you can't there other on the roof nevermind I'm fine we got this if I can get one of them separated and get like a god combo oh wow they are not letting that happen they are going full camp mode they both have absorption these people have zero interest in a skill-based fight which to be fair I don't blame them who needs skill when you have all the items and other just camping at this point okay okay man did they even seal this exit they sealed up this exit they're just trolling okay welcome to another episode of survival minecraft we're just going to take these diamonds and leave I don't care this is a pretty weird rush in terms of budget I'm hoping to kill one of them I doubt I'll be able to kill both of them I don't have a diamond sword I haven't gone like full emeralds or anything on them but if I can separate them I believe I can combo one of them into oblivion the problem is you can't combo two people simultaneously that's just that's just not how minecraft works I mean you can but they have to be really bad it's not a matter of you being good at that point it's a matter of them being bad and these guys I think they know how to play video games they have matching clan tag I'm just gonna hope this is like hollow so there's actually a way for me to get to them is it not Hollow are you kidding me thank you oh my god these guys are camping so hard separate them he still has almost full health oh my god what is my life hmm oh wow he's hiding in the corner get killed yes bye oh my god that shameless tag team and he crits me out while his teammate hides in the corner good day sir still vanquished goodbye oh my god I have the last time I fought a team that was camping this hard they had two layers of obsidian oh my god and even they weren't camping this hard man at least they left their base sometimes these guys what are they doing what doesn't make any sense they wasted a pearl but I it's just good to have a pearl around just in case you never know what will happen block this guy might actually come like b.a.p you be God or whatever but considering you managed to get a kill in a 1v2 I don't think that our PvP gods but you never know you never know we didn't bring AG apple they're gonna have Kapil's yeah they are deaf you saw them you guys saw when I jumps down they were both camping in the corner and they simultaneously chugged the gaps before a camp and me that is how hard they are camping the good news is now I only have to kill one nerd killing one nerd is so much more relaxing oh my god you have no idea cuz now I don't have to worry about getting tagged team I can just fight one nerd now we don't have two golems but the two golems was mainly a distraction which allowed me to get a little bit of damaging on the first guy which was just just barely enough as we saw last game I don't is this guy here i I'm assuming he's still in his base there he is I always will be paranoid because if he's not here that means he's probably breaking my bed right now I mean you never know I'm just gonna blow up the rest of the space I really don't care about your feelings hello mm-hmm pvp i cannot click on this man for the life of me and i don't know why what is reach okay wait now i'm a pluck in him yes the reach favors me for no reason at all hmm and we're playing doubles again I don't even like doubles I'm gonna be honest I I don't like doubles I just hate so amore and at this point I'm already on the doubles leaderboard so I play solo it feels like a waste the thing is originally I played doubles 2000 I want more of a challenge I can fight more enemies but then then I get cyber bullied so many times as people figure out how to actually play bad words and yeah doesn't work out but so it was boring because you don't have a teammate and I mean someone just has to walk past you and then there's no way to catch up to them except jumping off the map and it gets really old so usually I display a bad worse the teammate but the problem is it's really really a morning so I might like my friends have actual jobs so yeah it doesn't work out grain is weird usually teams bridge to the diamonds they're just going straight to mid man which is kind of weird cuz usually got the way at least a little bit for more emeralds to spawn so you can get diamond armor but some people are weird and buy diamond swords don't buy a diamond sword early in the game you don't never buy a diamond sword I don't buy one never do it man don't buy diamond swords boycott that are terrible you're just gonna die and loose them buy diamond armor diamond armors forever diamond armor has your back through the good days through the bad diamond armor is a friend you can trust in times of need alright we're gonna go over here hello I don't actually want to kill that guy before his beds broken he'll take that kill his teammates admit maybe emeralds have spawned it's emerald to spawn he has them so we're gonna want to kill him I don't think we have to worry about knocking off the map if our hypothesis is true and you can't throw them out anymore we do have to worry about him killing us though or maybe not he appears to be completely afk whoa we did it oh my god what a sick PvP battle that was incredibly exciting my teammate went to the diamonds good good teammate let's be supportive in the chat yeah I saw something but I'm blind all right we're gonna go over here now I have very little faith that my teammates are actually gonna buy something good but maybe he'll buy it but no no but no that bridge that bridge is stressing me out it's not that building a bridge to mid directly from your Island is a bad idea well I mean it is a bad idea but everyone does it so I'm not like gonna yell at people for doing it the problem is if you build a bridge directly from your Island to another Island then there people that from mid are just gonna be able to rush straight to your bed which is what I've been here I brush at this island and this island is bridged amid if they want to rush us they gotta walk all the way around here that takes 12 years plenty of time for me to figure out where they are and that they're nerds you bought sharpened swords not what I go for but to be fair it's not like I base that decision you know rationality so whatever we're gonna go over here thank you for donation redemptive challenge oh why name it the no fun challenge while we're at it I actually pretty much did the note and he challenged a while ago it was in the uploading stream playing with TNT changes I mean I think I used a little bit of TNT but it was so weak back then I just ended up using tools might as well buy like a stone pickaxe actually I didn't even use tools I just punched it I nap when TNT was nerfed I realized hey you can just punch sandstone and I just did that it was it was a fantastic time for bed words these guys like bridge halfway to mid and gave up on their dreams the only thing you can't punch is end stone and obsidian I mean you can bunch them it takes 12 years when I say can punch I mean realistically if you kill both of them beforehand these guys have a really really lopsided defense that's like this I was completely open what okay free stuff in fact I'm gonna store this TNT because I'm gonna be rushing your teammate let's go PvP battle now ideally we wouldn't knock him off the map wait I just realized people can't throw out items I want these coins yes and if we can survive we'll have all these diamonds yes yes yes 28 second thing we did guy fell off the mat for it wait we have a diamond over here we can get prot - aw yes leave it H my way feed fors collation alerts aren't going through for some reason no one knows why whatever all right we have prot to fancy stuff that defenses garbage I'm not even gonna buy TNT that being said I did want to get out of here I can just leave cuz this ain't my bed man how they'll worry about this out of here I need one more Emmys please I have three let me get back to you we're just gonna sprint past these guys because they're nerds bye have a nice Oh guys here I take it all back no no you're respectable gentlemen nah ah whatever well let's give her a teammate free stuff you want an emerald here you I'm behind you did you notice the light okay I gave you I'm real I don't know what's going on I just heard the donation or just going through those so that's always a good sign that's always a good sign all right what do we need we already stored all our valuables yes I have video evidence I'm very certain I gave you Amaral I was behind you what is this I don't wanna get knocked off the map instantly we have a lot stronger stuff than this guy so even if he has a PvP God and he's placing blocks like he is but to be fair everyone in their mother does that Wow hashtag sportsmanship all right I don't want to fight both of these players I don't want them to rush my bed either so I have to stay close enough to keep their interest but not close enough to get credit out so I'm just I'm front weight holy crap a Pepe how I want to live I'm surrounded by nerds he hit me from 12 miles away and what universe was I in range I had the speed bridge to get out of here and now this guy is bridging up this well leave me alone oh my god he had a heart and a half white team deal with them I broke I broke their bed defenses oh it was feeders what do you think about you sport you sports you're cool all right well we rushed blue team and because we rushed blue team White team was able to kill them and that's why you don't talk tech no bleep kids throwing the emeralds off the map what a clown at the end said he still kill white team guess who's back all right let's just stab this guy he's just one guy what could possibly go wrong I mean I have a wood sword but whatever I've diamond armor prot 2 sharp 1 could you not oh don't go over there no no no no no thank you Oh free emeralds I'm gonna be honest I never spend emeralds like I buy diamond armor and then besides that it's like every like 12 years I'll buy a pearl I always save emeralds for when my bed dives but when my bed doesn't die I just like end the game like 32 pearls or something it's happened before now 32 pearls 32 emeralds all right are you ready for our epic 1v1 I just made just place three blocks the unbeatable strat I'm not actually interested in fighting you I'm just gonna go up here now why my Oh is he gonna learn from his last mistakes or or no oh no he's learning nature is beautiful yeah you better back off his defense is garbage we can just TNT it easily as long as doesn't hit us from 12 miles away we're gonna speed bridge see boys because they're gonna come back to prepare for us this is close close enough anyways we that was more delay than I expected mm can I gonna kill I gotta kill oh yes what you teleported back what a scam is he alive a Goff kill I claim full credit alright let's read my donations redemptive shell and I demand it no TT challenge or I'll be forced to continue spending my entire college savings to super Chet well you drive a hard bargain but now all right we just have to wait there's no one left it's just teams no bet let's go beat them up all right we got this we're gonna buy an iron sword the fanciest of equipment let's go just to make sure no clowns sneaks their way into our bed that sounds a lot more inappropriate than I intended it to bed Wars is a weird game for lingo leave me alone all right where are clowns I'm just gonna assume they're at their base it seems I mean there's no reason for them to stay at their base after their bed dyes but teams just seem to do that wait Oh yellow teams a thing I don't know how I missed that this guy is a cape so he's probably a god he also has TNT ah I almost walked off the map the problem is that's the spot where he could like one hit me off the map and if I jump like this he's gonna have absorption and I'm gonna take fall damage but on the other hand he is a okay this man is a rich rich boy mmm that golem is doing all the work for him what a scam whatever all right yellow team is going all out but they still have a long way to go to actually break our bed the problem is it's still of a actual stuff oh you crab me of obsidian why why are you breaking that you have a second layer obsidian you just hate fun I hang complaining you're on my team man out of here now yellow dude play stick golem with show see it's very very little confidence and actually win in PvP battles perhaps in a little bit too much like oh my god he is a second layer obsidian oh my god it's never been done before golems are extremely expensive you can only have so many of them now this dude's already here I'm just gonna charge because I don't care he is absorption and for some reason nevermind refined I just completely completely over analyzing that he doesn't have another golem he had absorption which is extra twenty percent health but the Golem was the big deal breaker in the last play my teammate walked off the map because he is a PvP god of the highest caliber and we have brought three thank you very much all the absorption related was canceled out my diamond armor besides that you have to get hits to win fights and he did not on Thank You Vernon CJ wire could you a game of bed worse where you only use silverfish I've never used silverfish in bed worse and I don't intend to start today all I've heard is that they're garbage that's all people tell me someone hit me with the silverfish once and the snowball didn't even deal knock-back I don't know if that's a future or if I'm secretly hacking but I'm just gonna have to assume snowballs or garbage I'm gonna be level with you like I've never seen a team win using snowballs so is this guy does he exist or or not what's going on here oh god the compass GUI is the worst thing ever he was at his base you just hidden what a scam all right what a scam we're just gonna rush over here don't have the best equipment well we have AK we have a budget rush equipment and budget Russian is all you need and he was just out of render distance what a scam alright he has a ball here we go here we go oh I failed to place the clutch block I tried all right oh my god we have 4000 viewers I mean um that happens all the time hmm yeah such a professional youtuber subscribe today sick top-5 plays the wikis bow camping which means the only counter to boat camping is to get an ender pearl the good news is that in enter pearl is a very strong counter I tried jump boost potions it's like a thing to counter bows but it just gets you killed even faster it doesn't really work we are gonna buy a golden apple I rarely buy golden apples which is kind of weird you school when apples are very useful for winning fights and away we go I see there's a diamond sword jeez what did I say about buying diamond swords when your bed is alive never do it buy diamond armor diversify your portfolio oh it's got the mid now we might not even need the Pearl the pearls are always a nice thing to have is he trying to Juke me and like rush my bed because that's just not happening sir nope mm-hmm eventually oh come on no no no not today no guess you also as a pearl nerd he actually is pretty strong stuff I have to worry about this mmm good bye thank you for donation I have no idea Oh Peters I meant bed words or skywards because I mean you sport I don't see that happening people keep trying to make minecraft into you sport and I'm just not seeing it's like I mean I guess whenever I watch like competitive eSports it's like there's all these like class-based and teams and minecraft is doesn't have an inherent team setup and it doesn't have an inherent class setup so it seems like it'd be a really boring eSport where everyone is just the same I don't know I never saw it it has the base for it minecraft is the most popular video game in the world but I don't it's not really set up it really isn't set up that way all right yeah that's the oarfish don't you just wait but while we're sitting here waiting for gold was fun you guys should totally subscribe to my youtube channel come on what else are you gonna do that's what I thought subscribe today strong reason hashtag League of Legends dude are you saying League of Legends has more players in Minecraft because false there is one game that has sold more copies than minecraft in the history of the world and it is Tetris go ahead and tell me how many Tetris youtubers you can name you can't buy they're actually frying I hate when bad words players try we can just jump over here mmm Oh God I meant to land and not not there I meant to land oh no no I don't teleport me back no no no clutch clutch clutch clutch clutch clutch clutch okay I got the red that's clutch enough for me all right roblox roblox is not more popular than minecraft out of my face well actually to be fair I'll watch doesn't sell copy so it wouldn't be on the same scale but it's just not leave me alone well this to be fair roblox has risen considerably recently GTA 5 is now GTA 5 it's like the I think it's fourth most purchase there's a Wikipedia page for this it did really well hope to be fair what oh what a scam we got rushed by the other team when I was looking towards white team oh you were not supposed to turn anti applying this I'm so dead I'm so dead it's all over at least I got a kill I can okay okay okay watch oh wow that's not gonna happen no all rest in peace Super Mario okay you guys are just you guys are just throwing out random names brokes go you can go to Google Trends and search how how big games are in search relevance minecraft is number one there's a reason why the minecraft youtubers are tend to be there's way more minecraft youtubers than like any other game as far as I can tell to be fair I don't have the best sample of youtubers but like I can't go like a week without fighting like some new Minecraft youtuber I've never heard of with like two millions to try there's so many of them and so many minecraft youtubers oh my god I can how people are just shell shouting out random names leave me alone you guys can look it up if you want google trends and whatnot Wow best eSports game huh yeah that's debatable it's certainly not mine crowd I'm not gonna sit here and tell you minecraft best eSport 2017 let's go i watch a lot of useful three games I don't play like I was just watching like the overwatch World Cup or something like an hour ago it was like a rush of verses can and the good stuff I don't understand anything that happens but whatever you don't need to understand PAC what's your real username there we go just hit him with a clean PewDiePie oh okay all right my entire chat is debated over video games I have made a terrible terrible mistake instead of debating you guys should all subscribe to my channel instead huh consider it well my teammates a god and it's just eliminated yellow team I might not even need me they have they have would never mind you you could just kill them all and break it to be fair I mean that's what he's doing right now oh there's only one person yellow nevermind okay mild server lag beat them up wait there's two of them it glitched what a scam and we just steal that kill it wasn't really kill steal because he was so he died whatever I I had to back I wasn't backing off to be oh I mean I was backing off to be thirsty for kills but I also had no health whatsoever so obviously had to let him take it for a little bit don't judge me respect woman in chat that's right Apple God respect woman in chat yeah we got one we don't have any health but we're gonna have to go over to mid if we're the first people to maybe get free diamond armor and it's gonna be fantastic and we have diamond armor the entire game huh the problem is the spin is very wide we have to complete a circuit we don't think at all diamonds you just have to get six of the eight that have spawned halfway there I believe in the dream no one's beating me up yet I don't have any health I don't have any gear if someone fights me oh no no no no no no you see you mind your own business okay he's not gonna eat here fast enough oh and a way we go we just to not walk off the map by ourselves which is generally my plan anyways and we'll be good alright we're just gonna give these to our teammate cuz I don't have anything to buy with this he probably has at least one diamonds right right mm-hmm and actual stuff belongs to us thank you very much let's go beat up some teams I should probably get some gold let's go over here alright well now my entire chat is half plated over video games and half respecting women which is a good ratio a good ratio we all know robot why I don't know how but robots like became a thing which is weird because I played roblox in 2008 like I am a roblox veteran like I I quit roblox for tf2 played tf2 for a few years and then there was this new popular game called minecraft that was still in beta so I started playing that and now like years later suddenly everyone's quitting minecraft to play the new big thing roblox I'm sitting like what how is roblox the new thing I was playing it straight up a well not quite a decade but the closest thing you're my teammate okay good I got like these diamonds I mean why not I actually looked it up my minecraft my roblox account is in the top 0.1% oldest accounts only one in a thousand counts or as old as mine and mine wasn't even that old it's just they've made so many accounts oh my god techno join team ten I don't know if my memes are spicy enough for team ten man I don't know if I can dabble it enough haters like I just jumped into the void we don't actually need TNT for this in fact it'd take longer we're gonna go over here I don't actually want to die off these diamonds but I want final kills more please walk over here I know it looks like a terrible idea but trust me it's a great idea ya don't learn from his mistakes yeah walk over here thank you he killed us but whatever we got to final kills and I can respawn we only two diamonds I don't care I dare you to dab I don't have a facecam how will you know how will you know whatever I'm Davin dab subscribe today we're downtown here Wow over here we go we're still pretty poor in terms of actual resources but you have diamond armor so everything is fantastic all the time we don't have any diamonds I don't know what my teammates doing wait it's only one team left and there's only one player I like to wait notice two players I'm wrong okay could we just could I can I just get a correct amount of diamonds that that'd be fantastic I don't know my teammate wha did you ever buy anything tech no thanks for free XP or are you just gonna sit here in freeload oh my god I want to give up my diamonds but now I'm not sure you didn't free load it off what the heck is this yet white team eliminated I don't know man they seem to be they seem to be eliminated themselves pretty efficiently over there do all job for me I will leave on you just kiddin I need coins alright actually don't need points like the only thing I don't need I want final kills though this guy's figured it out man he's just like I don't even have to play the game cuz techno blades on my team to be fair he's doing what pretty much every bed worst team and I've ever had is doing he's just honest about it so we can respect him for his honesty I mean he's a freeloader but so is everyone else at least he's honest you got to give him that you got to give credit where it's due where his Whiting we're green looking at the scoreboard white would be here there there alright yes respect me excuse me sir I respect woman bytes Billy oh my god mail his mail feminism gives us more powers than his PvP assistants ever could can we get a respect woman in the chat to help me fight white team I walked to the wrong bed because I didn't respect women hard enough but if we respect him and even harder we'll be able to get over here I mean I'm I was getting these diamonds yep technoboy never dies thank you mmm-hmm take my power we're doing a guy's we're respecting women so hard they don't even have a defense this is incredible that being said some of these times were taken recently so it's very likely he's nearby Oh Oh guys Richard no no no hmm always rich buddy is like zero reflexes so we did it guys through the power of respects and women we managed to win the game favorite three with we're with our own pink team ultimate Dino oh yes please don't leave me please like actually play the game it'd be fantastic all right can we get respect women t-shirt or any technology in the future that's actually a decent idea I mean respect woman isn't like my meme so maybe not but like but it's a decent idea in that it's not minecraft related so people won't get beaten up at school for wearing it I mean I get beaten up for a different reason but whatever mm-hmm we're just gonna casually bridge over here and get free diamonds it'll be fantastic fantastic why can't we respect man well oh god no I'm getting stabbed that's why we can't respect men you see what happens when you respect men no no instant death punishment from the gods see now my bed's broken now my teammates getting killed you only could kill him through the powers of male feminism I'm completely joking by the way I'm not actually like full disclosure before someone like calls the The Wall Street Journal to report about Minecraft youtuber gender discrimination is the joke this is joke don't sue me leave me alone all right we are already dead that's what happens when you respect men come on that's what happens all right you should have a counter on your live stream that says how many times you've told people to subscribe I that seems extravagant I wanted to call people away from how often I do that not towards it just in general all right we're gonna get an iron sword I usually don't buy a fancy weapon but my bed is gone so I do what I want could we be the first to mid it's not worth going to MIT unless for the first but if we are the first to make will get free Diamond armor to be very handy because we'll just spend the entire game with dimed armor of course it'll be less useful because usually when I spend the entire game with Diamond armor I can respawn with it but whatever man protects record I'm using aquamarine radio Simeon I probably missed your name hit the link to it is in the description Oh free diamond aw yes that's not diamonds I can't speak leave me alone whatever valuables same difference we're gonna get 10 emeralds here which is not for the number but we got half of it before the next refill that's enough for armor and that's actually a really good number in terms of buying stuff we just have to live to spend it we actually have really weak stuff right now we have prot one leather we at the we have to survive yellow team is bridging to us why no leave me alone this is good it's a good thing that we bought an iron so my teammates just leaving me to die oh my God look at him he's done he's breaking the bridge the gelatin going for me or they going to mid don't think they're just going to mid hmm I still don't have like any resources I can buy one TNT with this oh boy you can't lose now we have pretty decent stuff in terms of emeralds but you know being able to respawn also a decent idea also elbow revealed I told you guys elbow reveal at 1 million subscribers I've always said that no more no less and my way that's one elbow you want both elbows 10 million thank you very much there are no elbow discounts today I've been saying it for years man one mill or bust the guy just fall into the void I hope that wasn't yellow team because I want to run a yellow team is gone on a path of conquest oh my god these guys are clearly the best players in the game besides me arguably I can't tell because I've never actually played yellow team so I have no idea how good they are and to be fair my bet died instantly so I'm probably a but whatever leave me alone they're the biggest threat anyways no the important thing is done confidence in yourself speaking of confidence in yourself I'm gonna just die all of my health is gone because I don't have enough levels of prot and prot reduces fall damage diamond armor only reduces physical damage not fall damage enchantments do that though we have to get out here he says so much health all right all right we're you gonna run and hide in a corner and cry ourselves to sleep why are you here according to all known laws of aviation you should be on the other side of the map leave me alone everyone spam clutch in the chat no don't do it man you got a spam respect woman it's the only thing that gives me strength I still don't have enough diamonds to buy prot I need prot give me the protection the good news is since blues going that way and yellow team just got killed by green which appears to only have one player gonna type slash ooh it looks like they only have one player which means they're much less of a threat hopefully I don't know maybe maybe it's a P to B God or something blue team still is several players and they're going this way hopefully I'll be able to at these diamonds first because I need higher levels of prot so I don't almost instantly die to several walks of follow damage I can they got these as well I am doing not that well with diamonds I'm gonna be level with you I thought well with resources either maybe we could upgrade now we're not gonna operate a generator it's not worth it thank you for donating by the way baked alien I was in your team yesterday twice I was you maybe was some other guy named baked potatoes I don't know man there's only so many people named baked potato and my mind can process at the same time he's coming to murder me but he can't respond so I welcome to challenge whatever I don't care come at me bro PvP or don't I'm playing with anything I want to live oh why are you here why is this a thing mmm now we have much stronger stuff but you never know when bed wars is gonna be like you know what what if your enemies had 12 blocks of reach wouldn't that be dandy and then they just obliterate you we have much stronger stuff though I want to kill yellow team they have to have a lot of stuff the problem is yellow team's actually good at video games so they might just PvP us into the ground I would love not to use my under parabola doesn't seem to be an option here who even places okay oh god he's actually he's actually decent at video games you knows to eat the Golden Apple he's got the low ground so he somehow didn't get the first two to be fair it's only a half slab and okay i massively overhyped that fight I have 10 hearts all right I I put too much thought into that I could have just walked in and I would have been fine we still need more diamonds though we still need more diamonds mm-hmm see the only reason to could con with a guy so much was because my chat respected woman that much okay only explanation we need to farm diamonds green and blue were next to each other hopefully they're gonna spend the time rush in each other instead of me perhaps perhaps others richer okay we can just keep walking they're right next to each other now blues probably gonna win cuz they have you know twice as many players I'm just trying to get as much stuff as possible before that happens I would love detection three once I get caught three in sharpness I'll pretty much be set I mean I could get more hammer 'old but in terms of diamonds we'll have enough we just need three more and they spawned fours all right there we go they don't spawn in fours but up to four can be left at the generator greens bed has been killed so we're gonna run out of free time eventually we got propery it's pretty good you also have a lot of gold because we've been eluding all the dead teams mm-hmm this that's actually yeah we have enough gold for the game all right and we have a lot of iron which is always good for pulling off one b-2s because you can get these which are essential for when you're outnumbered and just in general hang golems are awesome they were there better than teammates okay unless you have a good teammate but it's bed before so I don't even have a good team and get out of here it's nuts not let's not discuss impossibilities crazy hypotheticals alright I'm trying to read my life from chat but I'm also trying not to walk off the map by myself because everyone probably doesn't want to see that I mean some of you guys won't like watching me suffer but not as directly as that all right one dude advertised in his channel and the chats okay or you could subscribe to Tecna Blade III I think it's a valuable alternative I just don't understand with any luck I'm gonna go with techno blades live stream chat subscribe I'm gonna say subscribe to my youtube channel instead boom 100k subs next big thing next PewDiePie let's go that's how his career began man he used ones technically his life from chat said hey gosh I have 40 shelves and two video please subscribe boom next big thing your mic is muted ok I don't know why the chat is coordinating to ruin my life my mic is perfectly functional you are all liars leave me alone all right since so many of you are doing it okay guys my mic is actually off everyone say subscribe the techno blade in the chat to prove how muted my mic is by respondent to what I say cuz clearly that's the best way to go about these kind of things we have enough emeralds I could sit around here for another batch batter the carrot the green team is still alive which is kind of weird but they are gods to be oh he's right here so blue team is just dumb and hasn't got anywhere that makes sense I believe it don't look everyone saying subscribe to techno late almost as if my mic wasn't muted hmmm that's what I thought alright the one bad news with green not dying is that we're gonna have to kill them ourselves if blue dozens why are you going for me leave me alone okay I don't want to fight you here because who knows what like reach shenanigans you can pull off I am not even gonna touch the ground good day I just shot him through a wall out of my face in to the fire thank you very much ah and since I have prot 3 I barely take fall damage see how these things work out CLA work out I kinda want to kill green he is emerald after all thanks right here mmm-hmm plus I just want to farm final kills in general we got for emeralds out of that now I have a plan we have enter pearls and enter pearls are very useful because blue team might leave their base and if they leave their base they won't be there that they have to walk all the way around and do these dumb shenanigans alright well I can just enter pearl to them water distracted and if they don't know how to jump off the map to get back to the race faster it'll just be an easy win now it's two of them so I have to do it to both of them but even doing it to one of them will be enough are they even there did did exactly what I said was going to happen happen ha sometimes things just work out on the rebound attention sorry CJ Poirier good news your mic is indeed on why doesn't hypixel pay you for exclusively playing on their server um I I don't think hypixel does that I don't hmm I mean I did it anyways free of charge if you'd be kind of weird to like show up later like hey I know I've been making videos on your servers for 12 years but please pay me for it I mean what else do I do advertise what I do make videos on mineplex I don't have I'm chill with the hypixel Sam don't worry about it don't worry about it to be fair I'm leeching off their server that's where I get all my subscribers don't worry about he will never respond to this well you are out of luck just rock the chat scroll by just slowly enough where is blue team where could they be why is there only one of them one of them jumped into the void because he saw the trap had been activated and then the bed broke right before I fell rest in peace are you homophobic no what kind of question is that is that your entry level question to everyone use greet them in the morning like hey are you homophobic nice to meet you my name is Bill are you a homophobe okay where is this clown he's slightly in that direction all right over here we go are you a lesbian oh my god this chat oh he's at the Diamonds which means he's heading off in this direction probably I can't hit that ender pearl it's too far or maybe I can I don't have the confidence do I have to hope he's walking in this direction because then getting to him will be very convenient there is it's time for a PvP encounter he's got a bow golems beat him up I'm not even gonna fight him get him golems do all the work for me yes yes this is fair this is fun he strapped why buy any all the big youtubers like get like editors and at first before I livestream and I was like yeah they don't even had it their own content what a bunch of nerds and then I had to edit that a that's steering-wheel video thing and it took like ten eleven hours to edit at night suddenly I'm just like wow live-streaming is so much more fun to be fair that video is almost two million views so that time that time was well spent but that usually doesn't happen usually the effort put in is not actually worth it I don't know okay white team is already trihard brushing us and I say triad rushing us I mean they're rushing us like I rush them because I'm a trihard so before anyone's like oh my god techno blade you're calling them out for doing the same thing you do yes exactly I hate people like me I want to experience as few people like me it's possible in my games because I am annoyin see this is okay the problem is I don't have a teammate I can't afford to try hard I mean I can't afford to try art I can't afford to fight try hards because if he if he hits me okay what what is knock-back why don't you take any what how okay the problem is we're too high oh this is a very difficult situation because I have a random teammate and they're in a party probably okay they're most certainly in a party that they both know the bridging technique alright oh my god these guys are trying so very hard we're gonna look at this yes now he's gonna destroy us we actually got a pretty using combo in here and go into three hearts they're gonna come why are we getting rushed by yellow as well what is a teammate teammate why are you like this wait why do I know you was that a stream sniper I feel like I recognize that name well we're dead boys Tech don't lay do you remember your roblox account I do actually I probably shouldn't say username although in my defense the username was hilarious I'm just gonna die here I can't even afford a stone sword yellow team's gonna rush me until the end of time and I can't afford to heal so if they do like any damage when they rush me I'm and just die that Dwarfs is a fun game for all ages whoo yay having a good time and he's back all right whoo [Music] at least white team isn't also rushing me they didn't even defend their bad that's how hasty they were two streams Knight me over here we go he's going over my head I have no idea why he'd do that that leaves his base wide open we can go over here fight his teammate hopefully we won't leave us low on health oh my god we're already at six and a half hearts what the heck all right now over here we have seven hearts we can go like this to quickly heal I don't actually think he's gonna rush us but you never know I think getting sawed off by someone else entirely I will think white teams going in I can't actually take white team because it's good at video games I was hoping I could distract them but that's not happening they both have capes and for some oh god are they stream sniping as well or or they just max I broke their bed they're clearly ignoring the yellow team player which is why I'm saying that either way I'm a dead man I don't have any items I can't fireball them i'ma die leave me alone even blue team's coming after me I can't catch a break I'm BA I'm gone bye I'm out of here leave me alone I just want to stream in peace you what if you guys fought each other instead of one b2 and me I think that would be a better idea if I stand here for long enough someone might come and solve my problems for me oh god they're actually doing this he's very low on health once down but this guy has a huge location advantage on me in terms of knocked back and defeated young men oh my god I actually pulled off that 1v2 how am i alive subscribe to Technol I mean technically never dies what full confidence and there's another team coming to kill me okay that's the thing all right all right I'm still in leather armor I never had access to diamonds cuz every what I like how every team is ignoring diamonds and just rushing at least they're not Russian I might have spoken too soon is he is he watching the stream or is he just a very friendly man with a pigskin eye I don't want to say every single person is streams tonight because that makes me sound like a paranoid crazy old man but you have to understand that people don't people don't just do that they don't just like walk up to you and block block screen shot I don't know am I crazy chat tell me if I'm crazy or not I shouldn't have said that that's gonna bias the responses whatever the chat hates me this is this is old news I need actual diamonds even if we can get we are we are poor as can be we have an iron sword at least but besides that like nothing the entire chest is I'm crazy alright thanks a lot I appreciate the support I don't even think we can ask these diamonds in time go it doesn't even deal knock-back at least the silverfish deals knock-back there we go the first silverfish kill in recorded history ladies it was it was wasn't even an intentional purchase I accidentally bought that silverfish I have to go I have to go I have to go I have to go I have to go why weren't there even three diamonds why were there not four what a scam you're not telling me someone picked up those diamonds earlier there was zero bridges there oh my god I'm gonna get one level of prot that's all I can afford he's gonna come kill us but I have iron armor leave me alone bye and yellow team is also gone for the diamonds which is good because there's a bridge they're already made for us we're just bad because now those diamonds are gonna be taken if we go over here we can force him to fight us when he returns or force him to go to MIT or somewhere else which I doubt he wants to do now we're not gonna camp on the edge like a bunch of nerds we're gonna let him come over here and have a fair fight because we are gentlemen and also I want his diamonds and I can only get his diamonds if I afford him a fair fight that he wants to actually participate in so we're gonna stand over here he doesn't he doesn't seem to be accepting our offer I'm standing way back dude there's no way I could sneak up on you from here you might be shouting at me yeah usually I can tell who's stream sniping based on shouts but I disabled those a while ago so I have less information but on the other hand I don't have to listen to people and it's fan tastic let me tell you oh my god speaking of listening to people let's read the chat all right z-man says you're a noob but he used two wrong your which is about as internet as it can get all right when is the game gonna end the game hasn't even get on it am I gonna get one V two is that how this games gonna end are you kidding me what is this that wasn't unnecessary eat I'm just gonna go over here you gonna actually fight at some point is this gonna be a thing he's watching the screen that's why he targeted us and that's why it's not playing us now because he has to be his big of a nerd as possible to maximize the attention whoo but guess what you can't Juke techno blade goodbye good day I am fully aware of your shenanigans because I have been playing this game for far too much time all right we just got 8 7 diamonds out of him we got prot 2 we have sharpness good things are happening oh yes thank you very much we are you're gonna get this we actually have a decent amount of stuff like the first time in this game it's not legendary but it's not weak either which is good enough it's better than played in one b-2s and leather armor let me tell you is this team alive this team is dead all right I would love emeralds but that doesn't seem like it's ever gonna happen how many beds really it's just reading great team one of the great guys just fellow so I don't want to walk over it in techno I subbed Thank You Z man your screen is white now it's not toxic if I I have the stream open on my laptop that's how I'm reading all this chat you can't you can't fool me this did you know Adan his return to Minecraft yet a ninja warrior I've actually streamed with him quite a bit oh this guy doesn't see him here if he turned slightly to the right didn't see me but maybe he won't oh of course his teammate Falls of the void at the exact wrong time we have to get up here because they're gonna come stab me and there's two of them oh god he's coming back and he is diamond Armour okay I can't say both of diamond Armour what ha why did I anger the rich people that didn't even that didn't even deal any damage to him his full health oh my god they're so coordinated the Russian up opposite sides and now my exit is blocked off by a blue team member leave me alone what is this this is rigged completely rigged it's the only explanation we're getting out of here why our golden apples blue because texturepack uh-huh I saw this like great texture pack for some reason it's like texture pack makers and the youtubers that use them are all like hey guys what if we made a texture pack and then didn't let people use it until an arbitrary sub goal and I just hated it so much that should be illegal all right it's not morally acceptable to use a texture pack if you don't link it in the description all right that's what I think anyways I mean come on come on you're just baiting your viewers man you're selling them out you just can't do that to a man all right we have way less stuff then gray team does they've killed everyone in the game play what huh I have no idea how the last oh they killed each other anyhow it's just me versus gray they both have diamond armor so guess I'll die hmm I don't know how aggressive they are I don't know how much space will be able to get because of it he seems to be going over here he goes over here I may be able to Juke around but it's gonna take there on the opposite side of the map so it's gonna take 12 years to get for them thank you very fake potato Ian last station of the day for me enjoy it thank you module he's still chase and that's good the problem is if they have diamond armor they're probably aware enough to jump off the map if I actually become a threat to their bed and he has a teammate and I have no idea where his teammate is it looks like he isn't chasing me all that quickly I can still get some more gold beau would be useful Beau's for ghosts or what take up most of the goal to the start of the game is heat they have a diamond sword are you kidding me how rich are these men I don't even have diamond to armor leave me alone alright we're gonna go like this what else I was gonna bite beau right I remember here he is we don't have time to escape we just have the PvP and it's gonna camp on the roof like a nerd he is diamond sword why why does everyone I fight have to be so rich he's got a diamond store he's got diamond armor he's got 12 blocks of reach how I got the bow combo and everything and he still eight blocks me what is minecraft PvP I'm so done with this game you have no idea okay they take delayed knock back which means that even if I get like the first hit they might still they both left the race I have no idea why they did that why I thought that was a good idea but do you see me complaining no no you do not did do they even know where are they going they're just migrating what are they doing can I get a free kill please let me get a free kill Wow oh yes oh my god this clutch actually gonna happen a second ago I had half a heart and now we're in a final 1v1 of the ages could it be the god bow shot huh clutch oh my god I actually did this yes subscribe to techno blade I just leveled up level 28 oh yes thank you oh my god I can't believe I've done this we have a win streak of three let's go check the bed wars leaderboards we were still fourth place I'm a nerd okay we're climbing up there we're like mm nine kills away from third place and we're actually only like 30 kills away from first I should play a lot of bad words but I have to go to sleep at some point what times it's 9:40 a.m. that's my bedtime my sleep schedule is like just destroyed amen am I in the live stream here if you guys enjoyed subscribe possibly fuel my ego I don't know and always sorry kids respect women I also subscribe
Channel: Technoblade
Views: 2,203,478
Rating: 4.9435482 out of 5
Keywords: hypixel, hypixel network,, minecraft, bedwars, hypixel bedwars, technoblade, technothepig, minecraft bedwars
Id: -X7gMTkZGRk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 55sec (4195 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 06 2017
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