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[Music] the display doesn't indicate which tire is which and according to the manual the numbers are displayed randomly each time you drive nice it's a multiple choice question if you don't pick the right one your psi goes down a little bit more life's posed colon yay no more diarrhea gas bloating and abdominal pain they got a what nah that's not a white stroke from photoshop that's an ethereal glow bud from that lack of abdominal pain an abomination that's not even a fish [Laughter] oh create a fish daddy will meets mommy turtle what will their baby look like you don't want to know oh man double lollies wait i am a bath fizzer do not eat well why'd you advertise this double lollies then i thought it was a two for one score bud you know some kid's gonna eat that and his mouth's gonna fizz up from the bath fizzer my uncle's house got a bathroom without a door literally the first thing you see when you enter the house welcome to our lovely home you know what they say a house is only a house until you get a bathroom and no door then it's a home now come watch your uncle take a big old deuce deuce in the toilet if you didn't know 718 billion is only a little more than 266 billion just wanted you guys to know that it's only like like a hair just a hair above 266 billion and honestly when you get to that kind of money i kind of agree mike and ike and warheads bath bombs well why would this why is this crappy design i don't think this is no the design is very much on brand yeah no i'm actually i'm taking contention with this post this isn't crappy design at all this is exactly as intended you just don't like it think outside the box you ever seen two tic-tac-toe victories how about no [Laughter] the braille on the alarm and stop button on this bus are the same it's called gambling 50 50 odds okay it's something fun my school's official anti-bullying presentation every title slide is the same way thank you for coming to my presentation my city just replaced all their buses with brand new ones the stop button is now located where you normally rest your knee it's super sensitive and people constantly hit it by mistake so the driver has to stop although no one's getting off good luck resting comfortably on the bus now [ __ ] this is a city mandate this is a city anti-comfort mandate that i signed [Music] would you imagine if i was the mayor of a city that'd be horrible i would just i would be the worst mayor i'd be like uh i'm forgetting his name but the mayor and the powerpuff girls who's just like guys the powerpuff goyals the captain of the submarine in my english book [Music] don't worry that's actually intended the cat just wanted to stand outside for a minute he was having a smoke today in sharing economy struggles our app powered car rental lost cell service on the side of a mountain in rural california and now i live here i guess it appears that although i do not have enough cell service to start up wait what it appears that although i i just realized that this car this car is powered by cell service i guess the ignition like it doesn't start unless it's connected or something i've never heard of that before that's crazy it appears that although i do not have enough cell service to start up my only means of transportation i do have enough to live tweet my struggle so thanks for tuning in i'll be here indefinitely you're welcome oh son okay take a look at your family tree uh here we have your aunt and uncle and they made a niece and nephew they made your two cousins rather i'm sorry a little thrown off by the dog at the bottom [Laughter] i'm a little i'm a little perturbed by the pump that's at the bottom there because what this implies but what this implies to me is that um the the the they made a dog together you want chips cool without chips even better it's about 90. what chips 240. i think they mean like [ __ ] i think they just didn't mean to i think that's just [Music] i have nothing i have nothing to say for that love acquires no silent and the speak went up us to win to be and i'm gonna get that tattooed you're tired of breathing in that dirty outside air well how about you clean the air in the car get that out get that car ozone and don't worry about the convertible in the bottom there they're just happy they're hanging out they're spreading their clean air to everyone else you're welcome this coffee grinder fills its base motor and circuit boards up with grounds it sure grinded that coffee all right but it also grinded its uh its functionality i just left with a paperweight smells like coffee shoe color frequency white is blue blue is red yellow that's fine black is green red is orange gray as teal and brown as dark blue but you know what green black shoes are the most frequent so my my questions are answered honestly does it say sore what does that say i don't know what that says but what a weird basketball court somehow spider-man's able to keep a hot drink in his cup while upside down hey don't worry about it that's movie magic baby what is what do you know about movie magic poster ah yes the 90 degree angle just how i remember it the most beautiful custom cookies as wedding favors we ever did see die 808 20. well you know what pretty fitting for august 2020 plant diet underwear on etsy sure that's plant it definitely looks organic but i don't know if it's for the right reasons oh my god oh people being crying babies about the the google icon changing shut up i for one like them because i like lots of flashy colors so when i see these new icons i get excited it tricks my little peanut brain into using the apps more you ever want to feel so good that you feel like a freshly dried towel 10m keep walking my girlfriend has a pair of gloves and all the fingers are the same length put it on see how weird it feels oh see harry potter was fine till the fourth there that's how you know the fourth wasn't good because he's on the bottom of the dvd my friends under the stairs bathroom where the toilet is diagonal and partially installed into the carpeted wall this is my thinking toilet don't you dare come in here crimes happen in this toilet crimes to porcelain timberland boot soul is hollow oh yeah of course it is are you are you shocked at that how do you think they're making their money this solar iron has a screw on the handle direct connected to the heat source it was burning surprised to say the least that's gonna suck oh my god [Laughter] [Music] see because i've used soldering irons before i'm so lucky that mine were properly made because i would have quit appliance repair altogether if i placed my thumb on a blistering hot screw i would have dropped that class so fast enjoy a massage anytime anywhere in the office in the car don't even worry about putting your hands on the steering wheel let god decide where you go while you're getting a nice massage and if you survive that get a relaxing stress releasing massage at home because you just survived a 10 car pile up this laptop fan exhaust grating that looks like usb ports oh my god you couldn't have made a more obvious fan grill bud oh well it's a thinkpad computer i see the red button no wonder no wonder it tricks you you bought it that's the gimmick that's the trick you had to purchase it the ref i don't get it of course it looks weird you just cut it up would you not think someone can raise his leg that high up i don't understand the point here if only louisiana looked like a letter of the alphabet i mean it pronounces so says love so i'd say success lift correctly not like this abomination that's missing an arm and it's got two legs and it's got a little bit of a dumpy two at the back don't lift like that okay you're gonna hurt yourself i don't even think that it's like a full image i think it was mirrored it looked no yeah they just mirrored the the mask image that's great hey good you like elsa all right where did smash why not come on looks like stanford needs some basic math lessons see i don't know math that well so this means nothing to me [Laughter] holy crap what this is phenomenal i'm i'm like i'm speechless i've never seen something so just horrifying and hilarious at the same time this candle melts its own container it gets rid of all evidence that this candle existed the paper in this sliced cheese makes it look like it has mold spots oh and i hear i was about to complain to the manager that's just the bad packaging hey yo you good dragon you're looking kind of weird that dragon took 40 benadryls found on facebook why not have it in order of date oh boy good luck fighting it stupid do you share a birthday with a serial killer you might just be one yourself if you're crazy enough to find it in this list paint on my cheap barbecue melts when coal is burning another classic example of products getting rid of themselves that way no one knows you owned it i love this concept i texted two zeros multiple times before i realized that was an o oh oh zero nine one oh then you couldn't have made that more obvious because why pave the actual pathway when i could just pave everything around it [Music] my mario themed bath bomb makes it look like i'm bathing in piss i mean not much different from the reality is it guy let's be real if you're using baths you're bathing in your own filth you're you're marinating like you're a piece of meat mains will plastic bag it boil the water and sous vide yourself you want money go ahead get real uncomfortable because that's the economy right now anyway uncomfortable 70 polyester 30 pu 56 polyester 44 viscose 100 polyester so which is it because it can't it can't possibly be 200 different materials to make 100 polyester a shower designed to be as hard to stand in as possible the challenge shower do you want to enjoy the beautiful view too bad you gotta worry not to slip into the cracks of the rocks cause if you do you slip right into hell [Laughter] hades is under there waiting to drag you in he's out of irish spring and wants your supply my glasses have an oakley's logo in the bottom left lens i frequently think there's a smudge on my glasses but nope oh that's awful oh that's infuriating actually that's mildly infuriating why isn't this subreddit these are some salty corn puffs why is that 220 milligrams of sodium sorry what are these two why is these these stairs are built like minecraft parkour why is this why is this the design that's so strange i love it i love every part of that actually steps that you can't see when it's in the middle of the night [ __ ] i mean good luck you know i'm gonna crack your skull the checkerboard floor check mate oh no is this like the the the mystery house in california what am i looking at here what is with this wacky wacky home does this lead to like a scooby-doo chase scene where there's like four doors in a hallway and i'm running in and out of the doors imagine dropping this survival knife in the woods [Laughter] oh man just look for the little white logo that says survivor on it man see we had to fix hulk's internal teeth this external chopper is just fine but his internals did a little bit of work so we can go ahead and just clean them up to be that'd be fantastic texas is taking over canada it says so on this flag wait what i'm shocked that apple does this in general is that real or is that fake hold on what that's kind of nuts my son is too terrified to learn anything from these speech therapy worksheets and frankly i don't blame them oh my god [Laughter] oh looks like a meat canyon drawing just a little bit doesn't it the what will you will say you never made forget and did forget the one forget the how feel so get back to work my toaster melts is unplastic when toasting another case of it what can i say we're on a roll with these self-destroying machines i love it i'm all for it make my tv do it too when i'm watching discovery channel if i put on a bad tv show just have it melt in front of my face a measuring scale but on a non-transparent bottle so don't know what what use this is this ikea colander has a lip that curves inward that traps pasta why i don't know but now i can't get none of my epoxy out from my mac and cheese my craft blue box notice to use the disabled lift please come upstairs to the buffet and notify a member of staff so that they can turn the power on thank you you gotta work to be accounted for at this hotel earth's buffet i don't know where they are i don't care they don't they don't include people who can't use the regular stairs why would i care what this establishment is measuring spoons and cups labeled with ink that washes off the first time they come in contact with water nice job dude now you're gonna have to do it by memory we cut girls we cut men we cut kids oh we cut them all come on down the snippy steves we cut you and if you don't have some sort of incision by the time your visit's over then it's on me you either wet your shoes or do some exercise across this bridge your choice yeah that's why i wear water boots everywhere i go i'll be splashing getting everyone's jeans wet just around the cuff once you i mean well what's what's number 10 doing there i just realized the 12a oh this is a weird elevator i didn't like that at all how's that that was a chris angel mind freak elevator sewer cover on bicycle track wide enough for the wheels to get stuck nice she already won and three pieces are floating epic what can i say when you win anything's possible i like the home alone shocked scream face on the kid he's like what he's shocked at the floating my hurricane-grade middle roof didn't survive category 1 winds and hurricane isaiah's now it's just a bunch of aluminum foil votifer waterfall worthy fearless strong oh yes i see i see where you've messed this up [Laughter] it's time we made our own future and that begins with spelling errors in turkey we have foot pads with embossed yellow tiles to help blind people come on man [Laughter] [Music] i really want one of these images to lead to a rake laying flat on the ground would it really be a crappy design video without a jig jagged sidewalk i think not and we got our token sidewalk right here hey minnie what are you thinking about i don't want to know i don't want to know what you're thinking about because it couldn't be anything productive only destructive listen to the audio well you see i would except it's on paper and i can't i can't press play i've been trying for like the last 10 minutes and i can't uh i can't actually press play i'm hoping you have the transcript down here at the bottom ah yes the 18 to 24 year old baby that's how that's how we see you 18 to 24 year olds nothing but toddlers no world experience you notice how as with age like the increasing age people wanted to leave or brexit incredible i wonder why that is i wonder why that was a trend i'm not even like being facetious my school locker can't even fit my backpack because of the shells i don't know why they had them in here but i can't they won't let me remove them what do i put in this little side cubby secrets individually packaged bananas for your freshness batgirl's bathroom is something weird you might be wondering why the door is blocked and that's because like any good superhero she goes in and out the window her entire house is like this go ahead and take a seat in the bad day bench imagine cleaning a fan so well that you uncovered two new blades two you didn't know you had before but dan you did such a good job that you found one single blind the world's thinnest window needs a single blind in fact that is such a perfect it matches the color of the wall i like that i like that a lot connect four with blue blocker discs but why are you blocking your own play red what the hell are you just trying to flex oh my god he veer mirror well he may very well be trying to flex take a look he's got another connect 4 right next to it and makes an x oh my god yellow's confused they don't even know lauren keeps the look neutral by stacking books back to front i don't want any personality in my house back to front real numbering on a bumpy surface well that seems rather counterintuitive now doesn't it but maybe that's the point maybe this guy's like a super villain who made this and he's like i know what i'll do i'll make it impossible for any visually impaired person to read what number room they're entering oh it's no wonder you're crossing your arms in that proud stance i would be too if i had if i had a piece like that goodness gracious buddy if the chair in your room was an actual person oh that's like very i get it's all in the name of fashion but is this fashion or is this more a fire hazard like where are you gonna go with this why is it in the blood font why is it in blood font because it's the fun clown for kids found by the copier will love marry you me well with a question like that why couldn't i a stupid drink up you take a sip just was that refreshing cup of coffee really worth it ah yes the stegsour it's half only half the evening dress it's looking kind of like kind of like a block game you know what i'm saying like a certain minecraft block game like a minecraft do die safely okay step aside all you god bridgers and mine in minecraft bed wars i have the new drag clicking method the row line do not exceed 20 children i don't plan to get past two why would i have 20. that just seems like a tlc show waiting to happen see experience hey whoa this is an establishment i thought this was a place of business not a place of bidness which is something totally different ladies and gentlemen fashion is indeed evolving just the waistband you're welcome fat forever i'm just gonna go home fifa 21 looks like a high schoolers class show and telling their idol because he's my favorite guess who set the alarm off at the movie theater today the men's room was around the corner and down a hall well you see you just weren't aware of your surroundings because there is a push bar to open for that bathroom and it's also a man running away [Music] i don't know what you thought buddy if you're gonna use the dumbbell as an eye then you don't need another eye why it's my fightness center i've eaten this center the rejected flag of the eu in 2002 he they wanted all of them all of the flags all the covers looks like a barcode like when you open netflix and it does that cool intro where it like does all the colors before you go to the home screen ladies please note you are standing on a glass floor and guests can see up from below we've had a couple incidents and i just want you to be perfectly understanding of where you actually are the library is now selling free coffee for one dollar hot dog wait a minute free coffee for one dollar this underground garage gets jammed too easily well i don't think it's necessarily it being jammed i think it's uh something about the other car being above it maybe just a thought who the hell thought glass bathroom stalls would be a good idea me i said let them touch hands glass on a remote why why glass on a remote bring me the person who thought this is a good idea i just i just want a couple words i want a couple words oh you thought you were getting two 20 20 glasses now you're getting 2 000 glasses with a corrected error on top these clock hands don't glow what time is it anyone's guess facebook is pushing that share a memory junk where they make custom videos out of your old photos to boost engagement and i literally just got shown a bunch of happy cartoon characters dancing on my mom's grave i don't know what they're trying to say maybe maybe uh maybe mark zuckerberg is just championing my mom's death i don't know the absolute crap design of my school this is the place where every hallway intersects it's like bumper-to-bumper traffic we're you're not till not happy that's our promise the average female height per country india is the smallest at five inches i guess my world history class skipped a bit in memory of world war eleven huh weird i mean i learned about the second one but wars three three through eleven completely missed completely missed the anti-animal cruelty club when the hoods down you're in the animal cruelty club and i don't think that's what you wanted to be a part of imagine seeing that walking down the street they have their hood down animal cruelty uh they put their hood up oh and okay all right this is not a crime scene but a hospital hallway i mean what's the difference at this point they're both dragging blood this bicycle path in hungary well why is it like that is it for bikes to go in and out of the road why is it wait why is it like this this is how i broke my leg ah the power of optical illusions thanks of asked for sharing my ib with the world while streaming appreciate that 168 dollars for a few pieces of denim i mean if that's what fashion is gonna be in the future may as well get ahead of the curve the jigglypuff controller where the eyes are the two but oh that's horrifying that is horrendous get that away from me anus kitchen oh no sorry it's a news kitchen i mean either way if it was it would still be finger licking pocket love and good food whether or not it's the news uranuses but that may be the most important apostrophe i've ever seen one step away from eating ass to eating class like classy food when your security gate is a ladder nice try morons i'm breaking the law i'm getting over there anyway i don't even have a joke for this this is just horrifying it's compelling me to give them all of my deepest secrets including my social security number and this is a horrifying post there's the lock and right down below is the fumbled key swallower how many are down there only penny wiseness and arnie the local sewer gator the daytime doormat message is welcome but at night it's we come yeah we do let's go what should cost less a gallon of gas or a gallon of milk yes or no don't worry i'll wait this hotel is a mirror on a mirror just lying for easy looking when you're shaving just it's the beard mirror it's the beard mirror advertising plus size leggings with a small model on one leg instead of getting a plus sized mod because that is what am i gonna do get another model no we have one already here just advertise everything don't laugh pets too followed by pet cemetery where they go to die oh my god it's the nanner cup only one appropriate way to pick up this mug and i so some kid made this 100 and i would not feel comfortable drinking out of it no all right turn around think outside of the box oh well i mean he already won he by thinking outside of the box but okay guess it's a draw my panhandle's too heavy for it to stay flush with the stovetop you put a little weight in the pan silly and that fixes it right up this spider-man children's ride has a visible panty line well we got to keep it realistic i can't really decide if i'm dumb for walking on pebbles or if this is just bad design i think both both i think is good this is the most confusing like cases a pillowcase is this a this would drive me insane if i owned it nothing on this is correct i took a little moment of silence for this kid in his pennywise halloween costume oh poor guy the second degree murder charge i mean sure it's just murder he's being charged for oh no sorry that was that was the blueberry harvest festival pie eating contest i see if only fruit had like this uh i don't know maybe some sort of protective shell to keep the actual edible part away from the outside environment something like a rind or a peel oh no until we have that i guess boxing was the only option huh requires three aaa batteries in the most annoying way possible i mean there could be worse ways did you know every 3 000 sheets of paper costs us a wreath what ah yes the restroom for the barnum bailey circus acts the three-legged woman and tall lady accepting resumes for wireless sales consultants put them right there wondering where to deliver them right there in the trash we'll read them we're dead taking your eyes off the road too long or too often could cause a crash resulting in injury or death to you or others please focus your attention on driving now you gotta press okay on me take your attention off driving for just a moment trying to launch my sodium unsalted box is blue but rapper is red and vice versa easy don't buy any salted butter jesus scares yeah he does not only does this laptop stand improve your posture it also doubles the size of your screen oh why wouldn't you buy it shrek shrek 2 and shrek the third it's far quad chilling in bed he's like oh this is the life shrek's like oh maybe i should try that and shrek the third he tried it but donkey always interrupts doesn't he team makes shutterstock everything better oh yeah it does that's why it's on the wall demonstrated above is a new fire signal box that locks the hand of the alarm sender until released by a policeman or fireman with a key thus deterring the sending of false alarms yeah what if there's an actual fire when you play the sends the forget to rotate happens all the time he'll make it he'll make it work don't make it work oh that is such a weird looking bathroom actually what is this funky bathroom design that is that is the future it's kind of cool though the sliding door company yeah right doesn't have a sliding door to get in the lines printed on my butter dish are soluble in butter so guess we're throwing this whole thing out sorry boys but it turns out the women are actually better drivers than men yo does she know she's in the back seat of the photo oh thank you spiderman thank you you know this has to be intentional right there's no way they did this and thought this doesn't seem weird looking no this has got to be on purpose sure hope the electrician knows the sprinkler schedule because it sprays right there on on target every day i'm not sure where the lines are all wavy warpley but i dig it i like it a lot hey kid you want to stop uh maybe my nephew's faces on pillows for a mother's day gift was a great idea in theory but in practice i want to get rid of both of these and then also my actual nephews please have ticket or ass ready well i mean do you want it like at the window or should i just be pantsless do you want it presentable like when the mailman opened up the mailbox and spongebob was inside of it to greet the mailman or like how am i doing this this ad was meant to depict how much the tiger had grown in 10 years instead it looks like uh well you know yeah i think there's actually a song here have you ever heard hear kitty kitty these restroom tiles are something foul oh no these tiles have a aesthetic to them did you brush your teeth today did i need to be shown the implication of a tooth having genitals today look to the future it's only coming faster oh [ __ ] treason for the season ah sounds so fun and festive thank us at third floor hit yourself you will three months from now from now three months you will hit yourself at third floor thank us i don't think i will i don't think i will oh the stair railing no clipped into the wall all right well i guess we just like click and drag the pillar a little further out that'll be just fine this water bottle has markings to show you how much liquids in it but you can't see through the bottle it's just for decoration just for fun the gay beanie let's go finally a beanie for the gays you're welcome fashion industry oh you think it's my nips that are hard well let me show you what for buddy's just a shirt pig jan the nut lady jan the lady [Laughter] thanks jan what is the top w stand for and wow office works it stands for wicked stands for wild stands for uh ridiculous there's so many different options for what it could stand for but i think it stands for wow most of all keep a greater safe distance over two meters are you two meters wide you better because that's the distance we need to keep i love to trovel so much so that i slapped it on my drinking device my favorite tribeca games trebek tribeca games eric podcasts tiff taoxer coimity film festival really weird name but hey um do you i guess what in the attack on titan is this diesel oh my god why are they all smile it's like the the the smiles and truth or dare i don't want to pick i don't want to pick sprouse orthodontics simply outstanding smiles oh you know the teeth look like they're broken but i get short you know they're simply outstanding um all right sure you know how it says orthodontics um the word don't is in there as in don't go to this business there is a stop sign without a merge area to get on this interstate highway so you can just risk it every time you go through it's fun it's exciting my oven uses a touch screen so whenever i open it steam gets on the touch screen and messes with the settings oh that's actually horrible design that's way worse than crappy that that that was like a genuinely stupid design i i'm like i'm impressed with how with how actually ridiculously stupid that is what the hell is that you get that out of my face right this instant before i call somebody before i get an adult to deal with it because i certainly can't i was always looking for an apartment and found this bathroom abomination why is the toilet so skinny yes no exactly dude my bathroom in my apartment is like it is miniature and i'm a big boy so i'm like always it's like i'm mission impossible to take a shot it is the worst feeling and it's why it's actually part of why i'm losing weight so i could use the goddamn bathroom i re i related that on a spiritual level that made me like irrationally mad there's some irony and a camouflage sign complaining that you're hard to see you can't read this from the road at all i can't even read it from my desk let me zoom in heavy hull in progress it's hard to see you oh it's hard to see me please use the sidewalks of the pathways okay yeah no it's hard to see me okay you do know you're on a camouflage sign right at my school we don't allow drugs bullying or safety there's violence but don't dare it be bullying because the teachers are allowed to sock you in the face right in the face have fun with your kids see kids this is a blank table but in post let me show you a little bit about photoshop kids just stare down the blank table now look at this i like the one grayscale cube there that has no rhyme or reason the void cube is my favorite pharmacy curbside pickup design one shopper per family sanitizes before entering sorry what what happened here did they just switch the font halfway through like that the curved side pickups fine yeah no the the like they totally just switched up the font halfway that why what's the point was there an argument in the staff room of which one looked better the toilet paper is out of my reach go ahead try as you may but you won't make it to that toilet paper but he should have got some before you sat down to take a big ol poop huh now what are you going to do want to phone a friend the height of the water pipes in my brother's basement it plays a little symphony every time you close the door also why is that door in your brother's basement why [Music] why is this the the the door of choosing there's something going on in there piccadilly circu i don't know what that is i don't know what that means i think i'd like to take the way out i'm gonna go to gonna go to the left i don't think that's point zero zero two percent boss that looks like a significantly larger chunk of the pie you're taking where does this path lead it's i don't think the path i think it's a spawn point doesn't lead anywhere people just appear here a dance pad for giant people or long legs your choice no it's for hopping it's for hops if you got mad hops you're allowed to have that dance pad 50 units divided by nine oh let's take a look 100 150 200 250. yeah no uh um so 100 and that makes no sense yeah it makes no sense at all what's i'm very confused at why there's so many dots chief i think i'll just keep it on the function i like function more that that at least has an appropriate amount of dots for the appropriate amount of functions from my medical school lecture took me a second to realize orange met lowest incidence hepatitis a well just read the key they have a key right here right so like very low orange very low geographic distribution that makes sense to me i don't get it i why'd it whatever stop sorry stop what why did you oh online abuse i mean whoever wrote this is asking a tall order because you did this in the dumbest way possible sticking the the the football players inside because i could not read that at all and it makes me angry makes me so irrationally upset i feel like every time i say i'm mad i say it's irrational no i think this is i take it back this is rational upsettedness four one two three yes that's exactly how it goes that's the order this kid's toothbrush it'll give nightmares for a lifetime ah kids have seen worse you ever watch the new spongebob episodes where they turn all the all the fish into their their non-evolved counterparts now that's nightmare worthy never stop riven god a life lesson oh oh no i've heard about family being close but that's a little too much we hope you're not allergic to delicious um wrong version of your but actually i am it's a very very life-threatening allergy i have and i think it is irresponsible and cruel of you to poke fun at my allergy to delicious wherever go mountains my mom my go-to motto wherever go mountains because they're everywhere what it what are what are rocks but mountains that haven't hit puberty huh what that's stupid that was a stupid joke you look at a pebble oh you little baby never had a growth spurt yet jacuzzi oh how i despise you so these head rests that refuse to stay attached also get moldy when wet seriously all four headrests have mold and a hot tub that's all four of them i don't know why it's a hot tub introducing an entirely new fluid measurement is it four ounces eight ounces who knows it's mini gallons miley being cyrus alive not that's the next level of alive there's living and then there's cyrus living which one are you punk oh dude sick measuring jug if only i could read it and it wasn't god now i just like made me grind my teeth that's you're stupid why would you do it like that who told you that wasn't a good idea for the measuring jug can't read the manual of the gps device of my kid's present 0.5 millimeter pencil for comparison damn what the hell i'm looking at it i'm looking at the uh let's try and read it here oh that is unbelievably small i'm at 320 zoom i'm now at 400 zoom and it is still it's still really bad that's ridiculous who is this little who is this child who brought them here where are her arms why why does she look so stern i hate this mannequin these stairs leading up to an elevator oh it looks like a little this looks like like a really bad ride somewhere with the guard rails going up and everything it looks like i'm about to go on something that looks cool but it's ultimately disappointing the steps on this stepladder have middle lips on them that dig into your shins while you use them so wear knee pads dummy damn wish i had a key to unlock this lock that's holding my keys into the lock what kind of dummy do you got to be to put the keys into the lock and then push the lock down unbelievable is this supposed to be i don't even know what that says piantender pintendo pipes pintendo or kakashi had tatake kakashi katake god i i probably butchered those names hardcore but that's what you're getting out of me jesus that's a cool name jess asavez cool dude sick name the james a very i'm glad we've named the building now i know what to call it i'm going to i'm going to james idiot for health i do it stupid well gosh thanks levi's i can't read that text unless i highlight it a graduation decoration my mom ordered i left that's a rhyme graduation decoration my mom ordered from amazon genuinely no idea what this is supposed to say so this would be i'm done [Laughter] i'm done cool gotta get out of here home life every day will a gift be you convenient storage and carrying sweet that's some terrifying fruit that is horrifying design like crappy no because it's well done but it is terrifying this this belongs born like awful taste but great execution because this is god damn petrifying anxiety for kids no absolutely not this flyer for the pennington ham fest now this is too noisy of a flyer indoor tables are available fcfs nokia's in our setup there's so much going on in this door prizes what are door prizes i don't know what that means man if only flamingos had i don't know some part of their anatomy that could be represented on this long skinny part on the bottom like i don't know legs limit five people per meeting room one two three four that's six well is that why he's darker like he's the first one in and these other five got a scramble for position is that it do they all like change to a darker shade of gray what's the enter in or is he like the odd man out so he's actually highlighted and there's just no color i'm trying to figure out what's going on here the signs courtesy of someone who's it courtesy of i can't even read that science courtesy of uh plum grove i think thanks plum grove don't know what the [ __ ] this means these yu yu hakusho toys look nothing like the actual characters hey yo tag yourself which one are you [Laughter] fight coles all of them at once what about the twin sprouse do i fight him too the house of fart dot nl these are the elevator up down buttons come on man in case of fire and do not use thanks dick please oh sorry duck oh okay understandable donuts sweet buns baked cheesecakes freshly made throughout the day by our head of chef here our creepy donut hole that velma looks scary but also not like velma at all so it's two concerning things going on there oh that's a creepy looking baby someone throw it away it's damaged it's spoiled the pure sincerity of this local reporter slash website designer is truly impressive breakthrough web design websites for business sweet this is meant to say courage the [ __ ] because i would not have guessed that unless you told me column yes it is yes indeed it is and that is a column to separate the boys you melt my heart starbucks that's sweet that's very sweet box says 160 pieces in 10 different colors but contains 16 different colors i mean that's a steal right you're getting more you're getting more colors this cardboard battery display and it is not doing too well it is having a bad day the final transformer superman himself if you're 11 19 text your years old school nurse 0.750 wait hold on if 11 19 text your your years old school 07 507 nurse 334-357 we help young people with all kinds of things like relationships mental bullying self health alcohol harm healthy eating drug sex smoking give us a call [Laughter] this stopping line is way in front of the traffic light button so i guess i'm stopping here bus hey it's in disney springs man if only there was a more jar-shaped letter like uh like i don't know like a u it impresses me some people don't realize that and then they put things like that out into the world like in like they're like damn straight this is a good [ __ ] friends appreciate for who you are until it's gone you don't know what you got you can choose not to use think about it asap cool you is this supposed to make me feel like i need to be a better person or i need to go get a doctor's appointment i'm not sure what's going on 20 bottle 14. wow if only there was a number that looked like a bottle the science isn't there yet but i'm sure one day we'll find a numerical value that resembles a bottle and give it time i'm sure animals you might find in riley ranch nature preserve what might we find a bobcat a golden mantle to ground squirrel a white-tailed jackrabbit a california quail dark guy junko a gray flycatcher the pacific chorus frog the common garter snake and the sagebrush lizard well i'm gonna tell you right now those sound like fascinating creatures fascinating wildlife uh but these are pictures of plants not animals so i i don't i cannot tell what they look like here's a bag that doesn't know how to count let's follow along one two three five six four nine seven eight ten eleven twelve and that's our numbers that's our numbers ladies and germs a quick look at your digital music player did when did did alfred make this for bruce why is it a batarang the instructions on a black tight face over a too dark blue container good luck reading it silly um that's not how light bulbs work says who huh maybe they're just how the maybe that that is how they work just the contacts on the bottom need to be touching that's all once those contacts were touching you got light baby but screwing in is only for aesthetic purposes so i don't know what you're talking about this cabinet the forbidden captain no one may open it it's secrets forever sealed now get back to class omfg i can't with these chairs what's wrong with them just a new modern avant-garde style like get with the times pal this is the kind of bar that is this a home i don't know where this is this is a psych ward i don't know where this is but i want to go i just realized i didn't have my voice monitoring on and now i do and this is so much easier all right here we go cece's pizza i don't oh god i don't want to go in there what they do to cece i remember cece's pizza man you'd go in for those of you who don't know it's like a pizza buff it was like a buffet bar of pick your own pizza and they'd have like dessert pizza there was like with the one i remember going to had like this little arcade it was awesome but this no this is five nights at cc's i ain't going out there's even a five on his shirt there's animatronics in there and they want to oh my god me in a suit no no not having it these european cities written on a tea towel londo nepal shoals inca madrid nice i want to go to all those places especially audrey here's a table that is painted with crumbs so that it never looks clean the most infuriating piece of furniture you could ever buy really go ahead and hang something on the clown's knobs i'm sure they're more than willing to have it be played with i hate this i hate every i hate everything about this listen have you tried to accelerate assessment and communication excellence for safe patient outcomes yeah it works okay so complicated it has a long note to explain how to use it oh boy let's zoom in let's see what the instructions are the terrace door operating instructions to lock door lift handle up to the highest position to lock multi-point hardware after releasing handle normal position horizontal turn thumb turn or keyed cylinder to locked position to engage deadbolt towards lock jam on single door or towards the inactive leaf on a pair of doors to unlock the door disengage the deadbolt by turning thumb turn or keyed cylinder to unlock position away from lock jam then push lever handle down to lowest position to unlock the multi-point hardware and to retract the latch to open the door also a note if the deadbolt's not engaged by the thumb turn or heat cylinder the door can be opened from the interior or exterior when the deadbolt is in the lock position the lever cannot be operated just so you know awesome i'm just trying to get to work all this i don't need i don't think that's how you're supposed to eat that you bit into the label and everything this is my grandma's couch and it's a freaking pain and the back well you know what she likes it so how about you get off her back okay can you guys hear that i think you can it's just really hot in here okay so i'm gonna go ahead and just leave this fan on because i'm sweating balls in my office so if you hear a fan i'm not sorry dude okay papa's hot papa's sweating i don't think these people understand crosswords uh well let's take a look uh yeah i know looking at all of this i i think none of these people quite get how to play a crossword puzzle but you know what that's okay because neither do the 45 to 50 year old mothers who are buying these to put in their homes uh and you know what they don't need to because it's not about the crossword accuracy it's about the love for making a house a home and i think that's beautiful this starbucks cup design just makes the cup look dirty the one on the right is with water [Laughter] i like that that's funny that makes me laugh i i'm all for it speaking of starbucks i have a starbucks coffee right here i have a trenta iced coffee with no classic syrup three stevia double pump espresso and three pumps of sugar-free vanilla very tasty dog cup what secrets will i get from sipping from the brew loads of fun normal is a setting on dryer don't be my god i hate this loads of fun normal is a setting on dryer don't be wash minded it all comes out in the laundry the clothes whatever you're trying to say buddy i'm not picking it up this emoji with two mouths looks like a depressed middle-aged man ask him if he's okay you know all i can see is fortress performance [Laughter] hey at least i can wash my fingertips you know keep my little nubs clean i'm okay with that free artificial colors from flavors and preservatives well i thank you i'm glad i know where they're coming from i'd like to be an informed consumer i don't think that's what a giraffe's head is i see that's where the monkey's head is and kind of for the tiger but why am i chess burster for this giraffe i feel like i'm not only violating uh an ip aliens but also i'm really disrespecting this giraffe and i don't like either of it i don't like either of them image with a kid hand is going into the product indeed it is oh indeed he's phasing through and that's what this product is for it's an educational toy for a baby and this baby is smarter than beyond even my years my favorite vans hat vows anyone hey that's unique i like that i i like that a lot i'd buy that hat ask them what vaz is i i go google it oh poor kid only the top part huh that's what you guys are gonna pose with this melting fuel dial on a patio heater maybe it's a little too hot maybe you just turn it down kitchen towels that say hello this isn't crappy design they use the fruit as the oh this is exactly what i'm talking about this is what they should be doing didn't we just make fun of the bottle cap and post one for not using the bottle as the one why is this different i feel like crabby design wants it both ways and that's just not allowed amazing of the low instruments my favorite instruments this week only 12.99 oh dude finally one nation under god american east jesus and the jesus shirt yeah kindness us connects don't know why yoda made this shirt but you know what i like it i'll buy it play together welcome to cub battle to the last skittle to last skittle why are these people so small this dog medicine which has a less than sign it's for 15 to 30 kilograms well now you know those tablets are uh less than 15 to 30 kilograms i guess oh no i think that was supposed to be like for dogs under 15 to 30 kilograms i don't know i don't know you know what i don't care that's the only light in my grandma's bathroom and it's over the path let's go oh the creepiest kind of lighting the mascot of this noodle looks like a poop indeed it is but you know what i think he'll try this guy's poop noodles i'll try his poop dolls why not his poodles hey uh maybe take the mattress down a few pegs before worrying about the sheets okay these certified 100 organic garden crib fitted sheet yeah well how about the fact that this baby is floating right now that bed breaks that baby drop it at least three feet [Laughter] i had to compose myself because i just pictured mickey mouse like is he's just oh boy the second one's just i can't do mickey mouse man he's just like this is where the bad kids go when they don't pay for disney plus into mickey's mouth want your slippers hot put them in the microwave you want them cold put them in the microwave that's hot therapy adult therapy works at the same time baby screw to nowhere i just want one in just cuz hey listen we're free from organic food none of that nasty organic we have entirely artificial crud here okay slop muck grime we got it all good luck parking here idiot yeah we have handicapped parking good luck getting there though yo the trick shot pie there's so much pressure that it splatters the whole room when it's on let's go dude my favorite game pokemon boy gotta get all of them men drop trout we have the pictures and the show no in between promo oh that i read promo click and then my brain said wait that doesn't say click man that c l are way too close together i don't want no promo dick unless of course they're paying shark shark is also the beginning of the letter s squid don't escape this is a very intimidating index card i don't know if i'm gonna pass the test i'm too scared she she could believed so she did strong with a side beside a what a sign of what london's transport is almost begging people to write something in that space please keep your distance for your safety and the safety of our staff please keep my what distance and speed limits 25 and 35 what n25 begin 35 and 60. something else this is the cambridge speeds of pennsylvania courtesy of cambridge springs of pennsylvania the most confusing speed limits in the entire state bathroom stalls door won't close because the toilet's in the way don't ask how that happened because i don't know i just had to tinkle and now i got no privacy no pst no gst so is there tax i don't know the toilet and the paper being on the opposite sides of the room at a hotel i'm staying at you gotta reach if you want that white buddy yo this thing is dishwasher safe that's the bottom rack for sure windows that can't be opened at the same time inconvenient but it's the truth yes nice hunger anyone here's the cafeteria and my work oh nice before you [ __ ] delicious thank you guys for watching if you like this video and want to see more like it be sure to subscribe and until next time my name is damian you've been watching daily and i'll see you next time [Music] [Music] you
Channel: DeeLee
Views: 212,444
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% true stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, ez pz, reddit funny
Id: 3S5dZW3fqVg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 23sec (3263 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 05 2021
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