Mixing ALL the MCDONALD'S SAUCES Together (Big Mac + Chicken Nuggets + Fried Chicken Burger) MUKBANG

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love is love genius so you're just dumb as I am hi everyone what you don't my name is Stephanie and today we are back with another so today I'm very excited because we are bringing back the mixing together every single thing making sure it doesn't taste like show hopefully it is amazing it's kind of like a Russian Roulette that we're playing and today we are going to be mixing together every single McDonald's sauce I think there's about like eight or seven major sauces I know they have like ketchup and mustard on the side but today we're gonna mix together the major sauce cup I've already gotten started already opened up my tangy barbecue sauce and I don't even know how to sweet sour how do I just pour it just pour it i disinfected every single one of these SAS cups ok it's been a long day I don't think this is gonna taste good I think it's gonna taste delicious I feel like everything we always are skeptical but the neurons are tasting so good that we're just like we were wrong ok so we've got a ranch let's add in some more color we've got ranch hot mustard I feel like this whole thing is just gonna take hella mustard you like mustard mustard mustard wait what's your favorite McDonald's sauce let me know in the comments I'm gonna do something funky fresh I'm adding honey which I love honey Murch if you guys said taste like honey looks like honey I'm just kidding don't eat it Wow Wow it's starting to look even more gross disgusting oh yeah barbecue I think I'd like three honey mustard ranch sweet and sour oh there's spicy buffalo this is my favorite this buffalo sauce makes that be it ah do it Oh should we not mix it and just like dip it and get whatever sauce sorry I just dipped it well that's cheating because I wanted the zesty buffer Oh Oh God what hmm each bite is different big bite it's like a whole new world ok let's mix it we've got two Big Macs we've gotten two chicken delight sandwiches we've got a bunch of Nuggets we've got a strawberry pie and apple pie orange juice diet coke a McFlurry Oreo and some large fries and that's looking really gross that's looking like what if it turns into like an animal style sauce it's like an acrylic board pink hey looks like like animal stuff review I don't know what I'm eating hold on I need to try another bite is it good enough it's not that I'm not like wincing but I call this the mcdonough sauce boy looks kind of cool lots of honey mustard you were totally right about that lots of honey mustard a hundred percent honey mustard hon dopey yeah though the color looks good mm-hmm I mean it tastes pretty good with fries but I feel like you only know if you dip a nugget in there so here we go let's try and McNugget all right honest review very good it does not taste bad at all well what's really good huh Wow one it tastes very McDonald mm-hmm if you were to make me just have one taste and it would combine all of McDonald's fries no yes Big Mac everything that's a sauce that's good is this your secret sauce with this I don't think I need any other sauce because you've got all the sauce in this yeah no I got it mm-hmm that mean to a real sense okay oh sure I Big Mac with the sauce No well hey that's a success so gone this one maybe I'll dip some sauce in there I want to get any lettuce and there I feel like that'll be really gross sorry okay blueberry sauce lose our chicken sandwich no it's really good this is your bottom huh where's the sauce Co where is it hmm yeah you'll find it tonight do you think there's like some plots that Netflix won't touch who do you think is the edgiest craziest most spontaneous film production film company massive movie makers massive TV show makers out there networks HBO oh I feel like this is a plot even HBO won't come up with because it's just so weird I mean I was so scared you were gonna get that I was less advanced - out of you I saw you going from the dip and I was like don't do it this is strawberry whipped cream mm-hmm that's disgusting good I still prefer arms Jollibee though the peach mango really yeah interesting now I can hear all day really I don't like that but he's weird do you thinks Thanksgiving pie should be sold year-long pies are good besides cherry pie participated it threw up I think got another cherry pie to take yeah first cherry pie fresh out of the oven I think you weren't gonna get like a gift card you weren't gonna get like $1,000 even $100 $10 even it was just like Oh cherry pie eating contest the winner gets to take home another choice what about throw up and then we're like what are we doing what are we doing right now so you're just dumb as I am so what are you talking about then nobody can touch today's room it's so odd I don't even think Hollywood wanna would wanna partake in something like this everyone keeps the requesting you know what kosher Cooper pushing Peter gay why don't want me to eat pizza when I talk about pizza gate and I'm like you want my last meal to be pizza if I want my last meal to be pizza [ __ ] it's so bad you're scared I'm so scared there are some things I'm too scared to touch what else are you scared of honey Pizza gets super scary I don't know what else to say other than how creepy it is but you know we've been watching the boys on Amazon which is a TV show it's really interesting it's almost like Marvel and they call the the company's Vaught instead of Disney like Marvel Studios and they're like real superheroes in real life so it's not like an actor playing a superhero they actually have superpowers and they're actually villains they're all disgusting and they're so interesting it reminds me so much of pizza gaiden so understand if you want to get my take on pizza gate just watch that show called the boys today's case is about a love story an illegal one now why would a love be illegal love is universal love is amazing love is something that everyone can get behind the love is the center of all fame Disney movies love is love love is the love of genius well why was this one illegal because it involves a fourteen-year-old student and an older woman and now I say older woman because she's a very complex character we're gonna be talking about Linda Linda Lusk and Linda Lusk is a [ __ ] complex human being and she's a very illegal human being but I mean she's complex okay and that's because she is actually the wife of the high school principal in the local town so she's the principal's wife ends up having an affair with one of the children one of the students that he is the principal of she ends up having an affair but on top of that she has a daughter and this was her ex-boyfriend she's a 14 year old daughter whose ex-boyfriend is also 14 year olds years old and Linda Rusk has an affair with him that's so weird it's so weird it's so disgusting on so many levels and it's just so creepy this entire story is very very creepy and then at the end there's gonna be a massive plot twist because it's gets even creepier let's start off in Prosser Washington Prosser Washington in Washington State was one of those small towns it was kind of like a wine town so they had a lot of rural wineries they weren't like booming it wasn't anything like Napa Valley but they were really trying to progress to that point they really wanted to be known for their wine they wanted to put themselves on the map for being wine there's a second wine valley come on over and get your ass drunk that's what they wanted to be known for but that wasn't gonna happen so their population is around five thousand seven hundred people which is they said you could walk through the entirety of downtown Prosser and it would only be a couple blocks everybody wants the same high school everybody knew each other let me take a bite of this Oreo mic play that is melting so good though are you one of those people that dunked did you dunk that's gross so Gerta I'm amazed by this JEP Kevin and Linda Lusk now they were high school sweethearts at one point and they started dating in high school they fell in love they were obsessed with each other and then they broke off like most high school relationships but what's not similar to most high school relationships is people thought they were always gonna just be together they were meant to be and that's why after they graduated they ended up getting married two completely different people they ended up both getting divorced and then 15 years later since their high school relationships they reconnected with each other after their separate divorces that had absolutely nothing to do with each other so it wasn't like they reconnected they started an affair and then they broke off their marriages it just both of them naturally happened they reconnected they fell in love all over again and the way that people would describe these two is almost as if no time had passed they decided to start a blended family they move in together now Kevin Lusk was the principal at the local high school so he was super well respected I mean during his entire tenure as the principal everybody said this man deserves to be principal and you know small towns they've got a lot of opinions okay and that's just the thing like if there's only one high school of course everyone's gonna have such crazy strong opinions about who the principal is it's kind of one of those towns where everything revolved around that high school even people who didn't have kids like the most major events in that town would be the school's football game it wouldn't be like this new opening of this new shop or anything like that it would be like football games are the major town events people even that don't even have children that attend that high school would go to that high school football game like it was very very weird right very interesting when was this this wasn't like 2010 oh wow long he comes into this new marriage with Linda with two sons from a separate marriage they move into the house Linda she is very interesting she's not a very weird working life so she starts opening this store where she sells a lot of handbags and I think I was called like get a grip she's a real bunny named bits so she starts this you know business she's a business entrepreneur business owner small business owner etc etc everybody in the town loved her everybody in the town always went to her for these handbags she was doing really well for himself and she ends up joining this marriage with also two sons of her own now later they end up having two kids together so this is a six kid household so they have Carly a daughter and they also have another son so Carly is the only daughter in this entire family and the rest of the sons I'm just gonna keep their names out of it because they're not really pertinent to the crying that happened so it would just be like you know what's going but there is another son that is somewhat pertinent so Carly is gonna be pertinent the only daughter of the family and also Taylor he was born with something called trisomy 13 and the way that Linda described it is that the doctor told her essentially that it's a syndrome where he's just completely incompatible with life it's just gonna be a difficult life if he couldn't feed himself he couldn't walk by himself he can't move himself he can't use the restroom by himself he really can't do anything by himself and randomly throughout the day his heart would you stopped beating and Linda knows how to kind of try to resuscitate him she learned all of these things and they said listen when this boy Taylor was born the doctors was like I honestly would give him a week like that is how bad this condition is he ends up living fifteen years I just respect to Linda retains her huh do you think there's ever an excuse for such a heinous crime war cry like child molestation child molestation no what the heck Linda and her family kind of used Taylor as an excuse let's get into that it's a weird one I'm telling you what by 2009 um Taylor is 15 years old and he is just well-loved in the community he's well known everybody knows Linda as this doting mother who spends pretty much 24/7 with him when she's out at work at her business she just leaves him to the kids and the kids are really good with him and all of the kids kids are also really good and that's something that I'm really impressed by I feel like this like the town that I live in growing up a lot of the times people were not nice to people with special needs yeah they just I mean it depends on the person I guess but just the fact that there were even people that weren't nice to them was just very very strange right and it wasn't like that in this town thankfully everybody loved Taylor even Bubba now Bubba Frank his name is Bubba and he he's in the high school football team he's gotten like a hotshot he was a popular kid in school and he fell enamoured puppy love with Carly which is Linda's daughter so they start dating and he comes around a lot he comes over to the house a lot they have all these pool parties together and the lust house really became like a high school hot spot I mean they lived a block from the high school the principal lives there you had all of these kids I mean they have six children who all attend that high school in middle school I mean people are gonna know these kids and they're gonna go over they had a pool and the best thing was and the most heartbreaking thing was parents trusted their kids at the West house you know when you grow up sometimes your parents just have certain houses or certain families with the like you're going over whatever bye and then the next one they're like wow I'm talk to them like I'm principal's house like are you gonna go talk to your principal okay go ahead yeah what it's a bad idea for Bubba Frank some I keep eating so much but it's so good and not only was it the principal's house Linda was actually the former mayor of Prosser Washington in 2003 or something like that she ran for the position of mayor and she won by 20 votes which really wasn't a lot in that town a lot of people thought that she won by just like a little Titov right and she was the first female mayor of Prosser Washington now I don't know if that has anything to do with this but her entire term in office which was just one term was gonna be very very difficult lots of people didn't like it so men would even say no woman should have that amount of power and all I gotta say to that is no man should have such a small weenie boom bit there would be even men that would say no woman should have that amount of power and so there was a lot of people that were opposing her term in office she did a lot she was a business owner and now she became a mayor and she wanted to implement all of these business practices into her term in office so everything that people thought that the current president was gonna do but like she actually did it so she did a lot of these more riskier calculated moves to make sure that Prosser Washington would be seen by other towns in Washington she made sure that their name was always associated to this like beautiful winery beautiful wine lands she did a lot and it was controversial you know a lot of people were like whoa whoa whoa this is too much like we just want to live in our small town like stop trying to make it a tourist destination we're not trying to do all of that and so finally after just one term in office she was kicked out of that one turns like what one year I think a couple years yeah and so she was kicked out of office and she didn't run again for her second term she just was the former mayor so again imagine you go to a principal's house and the wife is a former mayor like this sounds my mom would not even ask me question so Bubba Frank now he's dating Carly the only daughter of the lusts and he constantly goes over and he hangs out with Taylor he was really good with Taylor he was really good with just all of the other sons and he was very well-liked he just was constantly over there even after Carly broke up with him so Carly says listen Bubba my entire life right now is just surrounded by you like you are this football player everyone's like what's Bubba doing today and I just don't want that I want to be my own woman and she was always you know she saw her mom be this strong independent woman a lot of times and she just felt like Bubba was bringing her down Bubba Bubba and so she was like I'm breaking up with you and so she breaks up with Bubba but Bubba still keeps coming over to the lusk because for one he was friends with Carly I found this awesome self and so Bubba would always go over he's friends with Carly after their breakup they had a very amicable breakup even though it was just kind of they both described it as puppy love but secondly his parents were going through a divorce at the time and he just didn't want to be home he had a lot of anger and resentment towards his parents during their breakup during this divorce he really wasn't close with his mom at the time this is pertinent to the story he just put a lot of blame on his mom because his mom technically was the one that decided to finally end things with the dad even though it was kind of a mutual decision I was like we just don't get along like we don't belong together Bubba is old enough like we can't be doing this but technically she was the one to bring up the divorce first and so Bubba was just mad he had all of this anger towards his own mother and so he'd hang out at the lusk and he became incredibly close with Linda leska during this time and now during this time it's also very important to note that Lynda Lusk had lost Taylor she came home from work and Taylor wasn't as bad and he wasn't breathing she tried to resuscitate him she tried everything that she could but he wasn't breathing and it was really hard for the whole family the entire family they really loved Taylor that was like kind of what brought all of this blended family together everyone just felt like you know even Carly say in these interviews I fought with every single one of my brothers except Taylor you know Taylor was that one brother who was always so sweet to everyone so excited about life all the time and just so fun to be around that he just kind of makes you forget that hey that problem is really not a problem like nothing's a problem let's just all hang out and so this just completely shredded Linda this is what Linda did 24/7 when she wasn't at work she was with Taylor she fed him she helped him use the restroom she cleaned him she washed him she even moved him she talked to him she read him books she pretty much did everything with Taylor and it was to the point that every single day even after Taylor passed she would open Taylor's bedroom door and then have this grief hit her again because she almost forgot in the morning just like in the just groggy mess of waking up she's got a million things to do for her other kids she opens Taylor's room and he's not there so it was a lot so she's going through this and Bubba Frank is going through this anger towards his mother so they kind of start confiding in each other which would be a cute story except the turns that it's about to take now so they start texting each other and Linda Lusk he would take she would take Bubba and his friends out to eat whenever they were hungry like they'd just be hanging out the house and she's like do you guys want to get some chick-fil-a and then she would drive them to chick-fil-a and buy them chick-fil-a and when she was asked about this like why did you do that that's kind of creepy like you've got kids of your own like that I mean that's just weird she would like take them out to eat without her daughter or kids involved sometimes and she would text Bubba she would even text Bubba and invite him over to pool parties that they're having at the house I mean technically there were a bunch of other high schoolers that were at these pool parties but it was just a little strange yeah and she always just said that she felt like Bubba just needed some comforting some nurturing hmm so she says she's doing this for him did the other can notice anything yeah they did all over this dress super this only happens when you wear new clothes yeah when I wear my hiney match or stop looking at my buck t-shirt merch never happens I'm impressed by the sauce he would attend these pool parties and then she would even attend his tennis practices it's weird I mean sometimes she would drop him off at these tennis practices which like fine I mean that's the one part I understand so he's ever anything he like she's just acting like her his mom yeah everyone just thought like you know Linda Lusk former mayor of principal's wife maybe she felt like it was a duty to kind of nurture him during this rough time in his life a teenager's parents are getting divorced she's just kind of taking over that role of making sure that he's not being neglected while something so emotional is happening at home and so nobody really thought twice about it Linda Lusk the one with six children why would she ever do something towards a child and so really nobody questioned it nobody questioned a single thing and there was a lot of people who were really angry about this because there definitely was a double standard involved because if you think about a dad dropping off a 14 year old girl staying for her tennis practices etc etc immediately you would see moms going like this you Dylan boo boo you know you would see moms being like we need to do something about this but because it was a mother and you know so somebody say like they they talked about it yeah Bubba Frank's parents later spoke out and said this is the double standard but what were they doing your kid yeah but there were just you know I didn't know that was going down do you think parents has their parents were responsible for part of this or no no okay I think windowless was the most responsible there's so much that I heard from my mom when I was younger no sorry mom none of them to this caliber but there was something that I had from my mom and it's just like oopsy poopsy she don't need to know that I think she knew you think they always know I think so you think so mm-hmm and then it got very very bad it got really really nasty so each of them have completely different stories turning at this point and each of them accused the other person of being the one to start the suggestiveness of the conversation so baba says Lissa and all of a sudden Linda lusts was just kind of coming on to me and Linda says the opposite all of a sudden bubble is just kind of coming on to me and it was just very strange there is one group that we have which is bubble would say things like you would proposition her to have nasty relations together and instead of shutting him down she would say things like WTF in their text messages now I have a massive problem with that I am super non-confrontational right so typically I really can relate to people who are like listen I was in a tricky situation and yes I [ __ ] up but like it's because I'm so crazy non confront confrontational I get scared and I get anxious and I get sweaty palms and sweaty everything right but if a kid propositioned me for anything like that I would either call their parents immediately especially if I'm a parent it's one thing if you're like twenty-two and a 14 year olds propositions you because you could be like oh you little boy like get out of here right but then when you're in your 40s it's just weird even even 24 I can't imagine a 14 year old saying stuff like that to me and me being like WT what do you mean like he texts her something he did her I wanna like like it was very fierce there's like receipts of young asking for it at the beginning Hey her response was just WTF yeah which is I think how a sixteen year old would respond it's okay it's one thing if you say WTF because they're in your same age group like so if a 24 year old came up to me and proposition me I could say WTF and it's like whatever what did she say follow-up which she just her giggled and just kind of didn't reject him she just let him go on with it she just wouldn't put up these strong rejections which i think is very very strange and then eventually after he would continue to proposition her more and more more she ended up sending him a picture of herself in a bra when she's asked about why did you do this like what in your mind mm-hmm what in your mind and you know I saw a lot of people on reddit too who were like I have the same personality as Linda like I hate turning people down I hate being confrontational and that's kind of like me but even we're like what the FOB what in your mind but she was like I didn't want to hurt his feelings and it just doesn't make any sense and so she's like well I didn't want to hurt his feelings I know he was going through a lot at home I thought maybe this was his way of acting out during that because when teenagers are going through such emotional stuff at home they tend to do crazy things you know whether it's to get their parents attention whether it's a B C and D and so she was like it's almost like a kid asking you for a cookie before him dinner just constantly mom can have a cookie before that everyone can have a cookie before dinner she's just she yeah she got interviewed and she said I add my whole a snack and I'm like what yeah it's me it's just so weird and she would keep saying things like you know he would keep asking me and then finally this is okay here you go and I don't agree with that at all I mean you get it it's just nasty and he would say things like you look hot and she would say things like haha whatever so to me that because she's 40-something and she's acting like she's 14 ya know they're flirting yeah it's just gross and so she'd say like ha ha ha ha whatever I'm a guy I'm like wing boy no but like keep in mind again this is her daughter's ex-boyfriend yeah so she would say things like this and she would send that picture and he ended up showing that picture off to his three football buddies know which when you show that off to your three football buddies I mean what are they gonna say to you and I am NOT shaming him in any way because I remember when I was 14 and I feel if there is an adult and a child involved in a crime it is always the adults fault right and he would show this off to his buddies and they would say oh man you got to do her like they would kind of an egg him on and so it kind of created this weird social ecosystem around Bubba where he felt like he had to do something to be considered respectable amongst his friend group because when you're 14 I mean you don't really know any better and so he would keep proposition England Alaska and keep going on with it and continuing on and when he was interviewed he was very blunt with this he just felt like yeah I definitely felt good that my friends were egging me on you know and so it seems like he was definitely traumatized definitely taken advantage of but he's also old enough that he's like yeah I mean I can see where this happened and then one day he was like hey Linda can I come over during lunch time so like I said her house was a block away from the high school during lunch time all of her kids were in school during lunch time her husband was at work at the high school that Bubba attends and he walks over to her house and she's like yeah come in and so they're sitting in the living room and one of their bathrooms they were getting a new shower installed so there was construction men yeah and Linda said that Bubba look disappointed that there was people around and he just kept saying like I want to talk to you in private then so Linda said okay so she walked him down the hallway and at the end of the hallway there was two rooms to her left was her own bedroom and her right was Carly's bedroom and she just felt like in that moment she couldn't bring him into her bedroom cuz that'd be weird so she sat him down in Carly's bedroom and this is again where the story is completely different between the two Linda says Linda's story was said he sat down and he just kept like he wanted to say something but he couldn't he was almost trembling because he was nervous about something and Linda had no idea what was going on and so she thought maybe today was a rough day for him maybe some [ __ ] happened at home maybe something happened at school or both and so she just felt like he needed a hug as a mother this is Linda's words okay and so she walked over to him and gave Bob a hug which is unbuttered to immediately pull his pants down and she got really creeped out by this so she kind of jumped back and her hand accidentally went like this and so there was technically physical contact she claims right but then afterwards she was a whoa-whoa-whoa like okay I'm and she left to the living room he put on his clothes and then she went in there and she was like we can't do this what this is not okay and then he proceeded to leave her house and go back to school for lunch now Baba has a completely different story and Bubba said I went over to her house we went into Carly's bedroom she gave me a hug I pulled down my pants and she performed no yeah she did something to him okay so they had relations illegal relations and then he left the house and the interviewer asked what did you do afterwards and he said I went back to school and I told three of my friends and he didn't say it in a traumatic way which I think it's because he didn't know what happened to him and he was just kind of bragging about it is the way that he talked about it so he bragged about it to his three friends and of course this is huge news in a small town high school and kids don't really understand what's going on so not to them they don't go to the police I don't say this is bad this is illegal we need to report her they instead say guess what happened with Bubba and Carly's mom you know and they're kind of just talking about it as if it was just a casual thing and so all of a sudden every single person in this high school knows what happened including Carly so Carly comes racing home that day and she's like mom like is this true like what the [ __ ] is going on her mom sits her down and Carly says her heart dropped because her mom didn't immediately say what that's crazy he never came over she was like yeah okay sweetie I need to tell you something and she sat her down and talked about the text messages that they had sent back and forth including that picture she had sent Bubba and so Carly is like what and so she said she was completely shattered and heartbroken and just didn't know what to do Kevin comes home that night and Linda's like listen honey I need to talk to you so she sits him down and he looks at her and he says okay so tomorrow we've got two phone calls we need to make one to Bubba's parents and another to the police station and so she said oh okay and so she calls bubbles so at that point she told her daughter and husband nothing happened and I'm only kind of dishing on her so much because there's actually a big group of people out there who support her support how exactly so I know in the middle I kept like dogging on her being like um that has nothing to do with it because she would say things like she's not confrontational and I'm like no you know and it's because she does have a big group of supporters and so she goes to Bubba's parents tells them the truth they're freaking furious okay and then she proceeds to go to the police station now there is one thing very interesting about this police station statement that she made which was she took a polygraph and her version of the story was verified through her polygraph but again there have been so many times where polygraphs are wrong and they're just not really substantial evidence and again Bubba was not polygraphed I mean I don't think that he should have been because he was 14 and this is already so traumatic for him he was not polygraphed however she was and she did pass when she said that nothing happened to that room they did not do anything so the police they don't really know if this means that Bubba might have maybe fluffed up the story for his high school friends because when you're in high school all you want to do is look cool so even though he is a victim did he kind of just add a little bit of air to his story to make it something cool and something brag about he never went to the police he never told his parents he only told his friends so is this a high school rumor on crack that has a lot of truth to it but the actual mass station was not you know part of the truth or is Linda Lusk an absolute child predator right yeah and the reason that I say that she has a lot of supporters is because her entire excuse and the reason that Kevin her husband's the principal of the high school stood by her during the entire trial during all of this the reason that her entire family stayed behind her including Carly was that they firmly believe none of this would have happened to Linda if Taylor hadn't recently passed they truly believe that Bubba had kind of somehow taken Taylor's place in her heart and in this weird depression grief and mix of all these things she had she had a moment of confusion you know she had a moment of trying to be too motherly and then getting weird with it I don't freaking know it's just weird so there are a lot of people who believe that if this didn't happen to her she wouldn't have done this okay I see what they're trying I see what they're saying I'm not part of that group so right and so she ends up going to trial and they charged her with third degree of child molestation for two reasons the picture she she admitted to it and the second reason was she admitted in the whole mix-up of things even if her version of the truth was the truth she did go like this and there may have been some sort of brief contact even that is child molestation in the state of Washington and so they charged her with child molestation to the third degree so she goes in front of a Drudge a judge during the trial and this trial is an absolute show presser Washington is just turning into a show and I feel like the ultimate victims are obviously Bubba but all of Linda's kids and even her husband a little bit because I mean he still has to go to work every single day as the principal of this high school I just don't understand I mean I remember resumes well I don't understand how he could have his job was already not easy no it's gonna get a lot harder no one's gonna respect him I mean then it's just weird okay it's just very very weird and the kids they go to that high school yeah um there was YouTube video after YouTube video after YouTube video that was made inside of that community talking about how Linda's a hoe they even made parody rap songs at the time about you know Carly's mom Linda's a hoe etc except etc and so this was the school that Carly went to this was incredibly embarrassing for Carly this was her ex-boyfriend and her mom that allegedly did things I mean what was she supposed to do on one hand she loves her mom more than everything and she firmly believes that her mom wouldn't have done this without the trauma and Carly's exact words were she hated Bubba because she felt like he shouldn't be seen as a victim so when you're 14 it's different as an adult we're all like why did he's a victim right but when you're the same age of someone who is kind of going around school bragging about something like this meanwhile there's a criminal case going on I mean I can only understand like the complexity of Carly's situation and so she's upset these were I mean I think they're all victims in this story out there than Linda and trial happens and she goes in front of the judge and she was very transparent about everything and she was like these are the text messages that I send I absolutely regret it but also this is what happened that day and when the judge heard the words that she stepped back went like this and may have accidentally made contact the dad had judge decided to up the charge with the prosecution to rape and which is a felony I don't know why the other one's not really considered a felony maybe it's because it was the third degree and so she would be facing about maybe at least five years in jail is what they said and they had to decide does she plead guilty to get less time or does she plead not guilty and go with the trial so she decided to take an Alford plea and the Alford plea is essentially hey I am not admitting to the crime because when you plead guilty to the crime you're literally stating on paper I did this and so the Alford plea says I am not admitting to the crime but I do know that you guys have a lot of evidence that makes it look like I could have committed this crime and I don't think my chances are too good and that's pretty much what the Alford plea is so she took that plea and she was given 90 days in jail and Bubba's parents were so furious about this and this is where they believe the double standard happened because even if you had a fourteen-year-old girl going around almost bragging about sleeping with the ex-mayor this teacher or a teacher's husband you that man would be in prison for a longer time and usually would be seen more as a pariah of the community but she was given 90 days and those 90 days were more 90 nights because she was allowed out during the day to attend her work I mean she had to report back to you mean she couldn't leave her work space but she wanted to keep her business alive and they approved it so she was given work authorization which people hated in the community they were so upset by this Linda had to register as a sex offender afterwards after she was released from her 90 days Kevin was still the principal of the school and nobody really liked the family the family was being treated as just this huge pariah in the family technically she wasn't even allowed to go to her daughter's swim meets legally because she can't go where there's a lot of children congregated so her daughter would have these massive swim meet she can't go she would watch from the parking lot she wasn't allowed to have kids over to the house so anytime any of her kids wanted to have some one sleepover she would have to go sleep at her store because she can't have people like she can't be in that type of environment and I mean I don't feel bad for her I'm just saying it was very hard for the children again this is impacting the children like imagine that feeling of like oh you can't come over for lunch because yeah you can't she wasn't allowed to attend the daughter's graduation from high school they ended up staying in Prosser Washington because they wanted the kids to finish high school there and Kevin was the principal and I almost felt bad for her a tiny bit like points I'd possess my body and again it was coming from mainly I felt bad for the kids and then something weirder happened so after all of these years trial jail time etc Kevin went to every single court hearing everything he was there he was behind Linda behind everything I mean I think a lot of it had to do with the polygraph and like her version of the truth he felt like maybe this was explainable by Taylor's recent passing and he was very very supportive and the town was almost confused the town was almost shook by this like how can he be so supportive after his wife does something so horrendous and so even though the townspeople hated the entire family they still had a little bit of sympathy for Kevin they were like okay like this is either a really sad guy who's been brainwashed or he just I guess has so much faith in this woman for some reason like there's just like this weird slight weird admiration that came with it and then finally Kevin decided he couldn't do it anymore okay he just couldn't and they end up getting a divorce and Linda even admits that she felt like Kevin still loved her when they got a divorce it wasn't an angry divorce it was just hey our relationship has been through too many rough times and I don't think I can do it anymore and so they get a divorce and some people felt a little bit more sympathy for Linda at this point until she went into her next marriage Adam was a 28 year old man who was watching her interviews when all of this took place she was doing a lot of interviews after her prison sentence saying you know this is a huge misunderstanding this is all because of the death of my child I should have gotten therapy I should have taken care of myself but instead I just I put it on something else and it just caused all of this yeah and he reached out turn he was like hey I feel for you I feel like our souls are connected and Linda was 51 at the time he was 28 at the time and they end up getting married last year Linda was interviewed yes and they asked her you know a lot of people are very skeptical but about this marriage and she went on and on about how that's a double standard because if a man marries someone much much younger than them it's just another marriage but when a woman does it and the interviewer is like no but you're not getting it you're not getting it nobody would judge you like this except you've had an incident in the past where you had to be registered as a sex offender for going for someone who is much much younger than you no and she was like well it's a different time you know like I was going through a lot and I was like this is just weird there's something about it that's weird and what's even weirder is that Adam ended up leaving his wife and his daughter to go be in Washington with Linda he was living in a completely different state he Adam was married so he got a divorce and married and this was only a few months after her divorce of Kevin I don't know I don't know I don't know how anyone can really be like a strong supporter of Linda so what a hurt supporters saying she was going through a rough time and I think a lot of her supporters probably saw a bunch of interviews with Bubba in it and he's he's a very blunt person so he's very blunt about the fact that he did all of this because he really wanted to brag about it with his high school friends right and so maybe people are forgetting his age when they see these interviews because I mean it doesn't matter like they were 14 at the time it still doesn't matter but maybe those people are seeing that but I think after and you literally sit there for like ten minutes and think about okay it doesn't matter what this kid is saying because it's still a kid these are coming from the words of a 14 year old does not matter okay 14 year old versus another 14 year old I'm right side with Linda she was 14 at the time I'm not siding with her when she's in a 13 40s it's just not happening I'm not gonna do it yeah and then I think after all of that and now she's dating Adam it just kind of makes you question that even more I mean typically I am offering age cap relationships I am super for older women younger men relationships because I'm like why can't it be that way if older men can go for younger women but this one that's not the point of this one this one's a little weird this one has nothing to do with the age gap this one's just like is this a pattern of behavior that we should be very alarmed by or no I mean like it doesn't matter because they're both of age yes it's just like yeah it's just a little weird yeah it's weird yeah I don't know what are your thoughts on this case do you think that really horrendous crimes can have a viable excuse why no I don't think so either yeah I think there can be a reasoning but I don't think there can be an excuse so I think I can see that oh maybe that's the reason she did it but not as a it's okay because she had a reason let me know in the comments what are your thoughts on this case this this is crazy do you think the double standard is super crazy in this one and I hope you guys enjoyed today's video and if you guys happen to just I have every single flavor of sauce for McDonald's honestly and they need to shabby and I hope you guys enjoy and I'll see you guys bye
Channel: Stephanie Soo
Views: 902,484
Rating: 4.9315405 out of 5
Keywords: Stephanie Soo, Miss Mango Butt, Stephanie Soo Fiance, Miss Mango Butt Fiance, MisterMangoButt, Mister Mango Butt, Stephiance, Stephanie Soo podcast, RottenMango, RottenMangoPodcast, McDonalds, McDonalds Mukbang, Big Mac, Big Mac Burger, Burgers, Fries, Fried Chicken Burgers, Fried Chicken, Cheese Sauce, McNuggets, Chicken Nuggets, Nuggets, CheeseFries, Animal Style, Animal Style Burger, Animal Style Fries, Korean Girl, Korean Couple, Korean Food, Mukbang, Eating Show, Zach Choi ASMR
Id: -Z_eS6AqYnE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 15sec (2895 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 17 2020
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