The Most Disgusting Experience You've Been Through!?

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what's the most physically disgusting experience you've ever been through when i was a very stupid teenager i was working under the table for a local restaurant one day the owner asks me if i'd like to make some extra cash see they were the former owners of a catering business and they used to use this rental unit kitchen on the other side of town but they hadn't used it in three years and the lease was up so for five dollars an hour they wanted me and this other guy to go over there and clean it up so the new tenants could get moved in the place had no electricity and hadn't for a couple years so when we opened the door only darkness greeted us darkness and a blast of the most revolting putrid air i have ever experienced i have cleaned animal corpses out of my wood shed i have wrestled with a badly skunked german shepherd i have been to newark new jersey but nothing compares to the freaking stench of that old black kitchen it was as if three years ago the place had been in full swing preparing for a banquet when suddenly everyone dropped what they were doing and ran away never to return pots full of rod stood on cold cobwebbed stoves chafing dishes sat lined up in the insulated hot box that was the fridge brimming with cruddled remnants of leftovers knives and ladles still lay across the work surfaces with the stains and group of rotten food still on them the trash cans were full of trash which had decomposed along with the bags into evil black soup i still do not understand how it was left in that condition it didn't make any sense but that other dope and i spent hours gagging on the miasma of preposterous neglect shoveling rotten biomass out of a dark dank building by flashlight i felt filthy on the inside for days after that i felt like something or many horrible things must have invaded my mouth and lungs and poisoned me it was disgusting beyond my ability to explain and i'm trying i recently tried to play the new resident evil and i can't it's not the screaming rednecks it's the dark festering house and the pots full of death and the fridge full of rotten filth it takes me right back to that kitchen and i want to vomit i feel like i need a shower just from remembering this first semester of college was packing my suitcase around 12am bc i was taking a bus at 8am to go home for the weekend i checked my fridge for any perishables that i should eat before i leave and saw my sushi roll i had gotten at the market earlier that day a mistake i scoffed it down and within 20 minutes i was already having flashbacks of the nightmare that was to come i am 19 years old and i have thrown up twice in my life my stomach was not equipped to handle this war after kneeling before my dorm toilet for two hours nauseous and in denial it happened suddenly hundreds of grains of rice usain bolted up my throat and propelled into the toilet bowl this projectile vomiting continued for 20 seconds before ceasing but i was unaware that the rice grains had reproduced while in my system because i proceeded to spew 3x as much sushi into the toilet than i remembered eating my throat burned from the soy sauce my nose burned from trying to breathe through the never-ending shower of vomit or bruised battered and defeated i made the journey back to my room and laid in bed ready to forget about this tragedy but i should have known that every good horror story has a sequel the plumbing in our bathroom clogged up because the previous owner did some custom diy plumbing and it turned out terribly it works barely it would be way too expensive to fix so we just have to deal with it one day it clogged i'm talking a system wide back up and the only way to fix it is opening up this one pipe and letting the pressure of the water push out the clog now the way it's set up is that the pipe you have to open is connected to the toilet you can see where i'm going with this i was all alone and had no one to help me because i opted to stay home while my parents visit family far away i go to flush my toilet after a long dump lo and behold it doesn't flush i knew what i had to do so i go outside and pop the top to pipe and let the water flow out some toilet paper comes out as well and i think that's it go back inside and try to flush it doesn't go down i go back outside and pop the top again and let it go through i do this a few times so i say frick maybe the clog is deeper in so i grab a hanger and bend it so that i can poke it into the pipe that doesn't work so i swallow my pride crouch down and reach my hand in there my hand is engulfed in warm liquid a mixture of pee and water i gag and push through it my hand hits a clog it was a mixture of those flushable wipes and toilet paper i resist the urge to vomit and push deeper into it and rip the clog out suddenly there was a rush of water and i get covered in a wave of brown liquid and i get field chunks of crap hitting my arm in the pipe i start vomiting and it gets all over me i rip my arm out of the pipe and in doing so launch chunks of broken faces into my face and some lands on my lips and mouth i vomit even more i was vomiting every fiber of my being i get light-headed and fall to my knees right into a puddle of crap stew more vomit escapes from my mouth before dragging myself into my house stripping away my crap covered clothes and just scrubbing every inch of my body with as many types of soaps as i could find and scorching hot water i walked out of that shower looking like a bright red prune that smelled like coconut covered roses so an abscess about the size of a baseball in between my rectum and bladder they had to drain it somehow they couldn't do it from the front since intestines they couldn't do it from the side because hips they couldn't do it directly from behind because spine so they had to perform what they call a transglutial drain so they would numb up the above part of one of my butt cheeks and then stick a foot and a half long needle in there then snake a wire through they would cat scan me and if they found that the wire was close to the abxis they would begin draining if they were off they would move the needle around put the wire in and tr6 again it was trial and error they said that i would be out of it during the procedure anesthetizes off my balls well they washed my sorry butt into the operating room eath general anesthesia and fentanyl really good painkillers but the unimaginable discomfort coming up could not be numbed the first needle punctured my cottage cheese tincture and you know that feeling when you have your hands wet and hold onto something plastic so your fingers grip and rub on it making that squeaking noise imagine that feeling slowly being pushed into you then the wire you ever felt a hair in your mouth imagine that big cold and wormy also somehow the wire felt like it migrated its way to my nut sack so this frozen noodle caressed my family gemini do you have any idea how awful that is to be awake too last summer my boyfriend told me he would take out the tash well his idea of taking out the trash was just putting it in the trunk of my car and not telling me instead of driving the two blocks to the public trash bin a week goes by and i decided that it is my turn to take out the trash i gather the bag from the kitchen and some other boxes of stuff that i didn't want anymore and when to put them inside my trunk let's recap that it was summer my boyfriend put trash inside my trunk a week previously and it had been in the 90s all week i can't even begin to describe the smell that hit me when i opened the trunk it was hot and burned my eyes i wish it had just been the smell that bothered me upon further inspection i found that my trunk was full of long plump maggots i have a huge dislike for all bugs and this basically sent me over the edge i was in full panic trying to figure out how to get the trash out of my car while still making it to work in time i ended up throwing the rest of the trash into the trunk and driving the two blocks to the public trash bin with my trunk open to hopefully help with the smell i got out and found some old fast food napkins in my glove compartment and after disposing of the new trash that wasn't covered in maggots i used the napkins as a barrier between my skin and the squirming pile of trash in my trunk getting the rotting trash bags out of the trunk was the easy part the maggots fell off all over the place i tried not to breath out of my nose by using my mouth but the smell was so awful that i could taste it in every cell of my body what was left in my trunk was a puddle of maggots in all stages of life i used the napkins to pick up the maggots by the handful i could feel them popping open if i held them too tight when i got them all out of my trunk i kind of broke down and ended up on my hands and knees puking i ended up half an hour late to work and ended up leaving early to go home and curl up in the shower tldr bf put garbage in my trunk and didn't tell me sat there for a very hot week so many maggots as a doctoral student in health sciences we were required to take an anatomy dissection course while this course was extremely interesting on moment stands out as borderline traumatic since i am not a med student we had the privilege to dissect our cadavers one layer at a time that means we remove the skin then the subcutaneous fat then the muscles etc now one of the cadavers we were working on was an overweight person the group in charge of removing the layer of adipose tissue decided to remove it as one unit this means they would take the fat off in one piece like it was some kind of jumpsuit they did this well but i was in charge of helping move this only she of stored human fat you could probably actually wear this thing it was at least 70 pounds and it was yellow greasy and would consistently squish through my fingers as i tried to carry it not to mention the smell of embalming fluid and formaldehyde was almost unbearable i had to leave the room as soon as we set it down and i didn't enjoy food for at least two weeks because that smell and feeling of human grease was ingrained in my mind for days tl dr i was temporarily scarred from having to move a 70 pound jumpsuit of human fat in anatomy class this story prompted me to go to whole foods and buy forty dollars of vegetables no more take out for a while i will not become this cadaver i bought a cell phone off a guy on craigslist a few months prior to the incident i work at a large airport doing electrical repairs the guy i bought the phone from happened to work in the mechanical department one day we both get called out to do some repairs on the biffy dump it's the sewage collection system that processes all the airplane waste collected by the sanitation trucks there was a problem with the pump used to empty out the trucks turns out to be just a clog in the filter so mechanical guy gets to work while i stand around and chat with him he's suited up in his hazmat outfit pulling out random objects that have clogged the pump trash cigarette boxes a few cell phones i notice that he is putting the cell phones in a desperate bag than the rest of the garbage so i ask him why he explained that a lot of times you can just rinse them in d water and let them dry then they are as good as new after thinking how gross it was i realized that he was the guy i bought my current phone from and that it was at one point soaking in a pool of human crap never again will i buy a used phone many moons ago i worked for a tow truck company we got a call one day to pull a stuck tractor out of some mud we decide to take the largest record we had as the call didn't state how big the tractor was or how far it would have to be winched we roll up to the address given a man meets us at the driveway he says to follow his truck and he will show us where the tractor was at we proceeded to follow this guy in a beat up old truck to the back of a chicken farm the ammonia smell from the poop wasn't too bad but as we got farther a smell began to permeate the cab of the truck it was a smell i cannot describe other than pure foulness every time i think back about this story i get a little sick mouth is watering as i type we finally stop the man jumps out of his truck and we walk about 50 yards into the woods smell becoming unbearable we see what it was the tractor was stuck in a runoff area of a pond and the owner of the chicken farm would throw his dead chickens in the room off to rot think thousands of chicken carcasses rotting in the summer heat somehow i managed to hook the chains and cables to the tractor and we begin to pull the owner has jumped onto his tractor and upon feeling the tractor move he puts it in gear and begins to spin the tyres now the thing is this runoff area is fully saturated with water from recent rain and combined with the chicken carcasses made quite a soup as he is spinning the tyres dead chickens are flying up with the water and a whole new level of smell hits us we have been gagging the entire time but this smell causes full-on puking and the sob on the tractor is just having the best time smiling and waving while dead chickens are whizzing by his head thrown by the spinning tyres we finally get it out give him the bill and he casually mentions he has no sense of smell or taste mother of god this was 17 years ago and i still get queasy thinking about it roommate brought home two girls both drunk he wanted me to be wingmen babysitter for the other she was married 110 pounds i let her into my room while i was under my covers she ran to the bathroom i had the master bedroom with attached bathroom and started puking in my toilet afterwards she asked to take a shower at this point i just want to be left alone and go to sleep sure i tell her 20 minutes goes by and she's still in there i hear more puking and i'm growing more annoyed another 20 minutes goes by and i walk in the bathroom to ask if she's okay don't come in here she half gurgled at me then her head smashed against the frosted glass door and it looked like the girl from the ring was coming to haunt me here's where it gets gross i opened the shower door and see this tiny adult scooping up her faces and trying to smash it down my shower drain this crap looked like ten bowels of chili had been thrown against every inch of my shower it was everywhere here she is scooping smashing and crying trying to rid the evidence of her feckle explosion i slam the door shut and go get my roommate and the other girl they were still just talking on the couch they grab her and take her to the other shower while i had a disco party of comet disinfectant to cover up every last inch of my shower tld are a girl crap in my shower i've had neurovirus i've had food poisoning believe it or not but the food poisoning was the worst of the two it didn't last as long as the neurovirus but was more intense i vomited so much that i burst all the blood vessels in my eyes i had blood red eyes for a month after so that was fun i should have gone to a hospital by the time it was passed all the doctors could recommend was to drink lots of gatorade and sleep it was so bad that i wonder to this day if it wasn't food poisoning that i had somehow ingested some chemical or another symptoms for both were about the same spurting from both ends exhausted aching dehydrated drinking water simply so i'd have something to vomit rather than dry heaving i completely violated that toilet by the end it was dang near like the toilet in train spotting i was violated that was bad enough but the morning after was what hit me the most i woke up naked and more than a little shell shocked with memories i was too disoriented to understand the only thing i knew was that i was vulnerable and that i felt incredibly disgusting i wanted to crawl out of my skin i was trying to keep myself covered with the blanket searching for my clothes that he threw everywhere after taking them off of my incapacitated drunk butt he whipped it off me and said what are you trying to hide i've already seen it all anyways like it was his i think every day about every stupid bulls thing i'd done to end up in that situation and all the blaring red flags with sirens i'd ignored i know it's not my fault but if i had been smarter or even just a little bit less stupid i might have been okay maybe i wouldn't have these memories that come back over and over until i drowned them in whiskey and box wine i am so so sorry that happened to you how awful my dad passed me a gene that gives him and i like a million moles so on occasion they get irritated and rather than ignore it i just get them removed anyway lower back right in the waistband of my underwear sprouted up a mole and it got really annoying because it would stretch from underwear moving no biggie get it chopped good to go so i go in for the procedure with this mole in particular he happens to slip just a little when he cuts it i hear his oops and i don't want to panic it bleeds a little and three all do essentially he just cut a little deeper than normal for it he cauterized it put a bandage on sent me on my way getting off the table i felt it kinda shift and i thought it bled but bandage on it could have just been rubbing so i go about my day for a good six hours come home and at the moment i step in the door i feel the bandage actually leaked down my back so go up to the bathroom with the med kit gonna replace the bandage i pull it off and it didn't look too bad but suddenly the size of a dime like the end of a hose of blood just starts pouring out i faint my sister comes in she puts a bandage and pressure on she faints fast forward like 10 minutes when i wake up to my sister flush and sitting up and to what felt like i peed myself but it was just a warm puddle of blood it took a trip to the hospital to stop the bleeding and took like two weeks to heal tldr got a mole removed and the dock didn't bother to fully cauterize it about six hours later i fainted from all the blood when i was a brand new sailor stationed on my first ship i was still learning parts of my job i serve as a welder plumber on a ship all of the waste drains into big tanks all the shower water deck drains kitchen drains and crap and pee from the toilets is collected and routinely pumped over the side i was sent to manually run the pump and empty the tanks i was unsupervised and not very knowledgeable yet there are some small details that come with handling the pumping system that i was painfully unaware of as i was unscrewing a t-handle valve to prime the pump i encountered one of those small details and learned the hard way i was naive i assumed the t-handle would stop screwing out once it had reached the end it didn't it just busted out and i was immediately blasted with a brown liquid coming out at a high velocity 5 000 people's crap pee shower and kitchen water was pummeling me i was so in shock i stood there and tried to jam the tea handle back in the result was similar to the effects of washing a spoon in the sink and a gheeze of poop water shot at my face i came to my senses and frantically secured a secondary valve this all happened in the span of just a few seconds but it felt like i was moving in slow motion oh god this is only one of many unspeakably gross things i've endured in the navy but this is the worst it happened recently so it's pretty fresh in my mind my buddy was having a birthday and decided he wanted to get hammered pretty much par for the course with most young people so since it's his birthday i offer to drive he agrees but at the last minute he decides he wants me to drive his car i agree but not sure why it mattered we get everyone together and head for the bars over the night he's getting beers shorts and so on maybe five hours of being bought shots one after the other i want him that he'll be sick and insists that he hasn't puked in so long that he will be fine fast forward to the end of the night and he begins to pass out in the passenger seat of his car i keep his window rolled down in case he does get sick next thing i know i hear him spewing vomit not out the window but straight into his car he filled the cup holders and hand grips in his car we had to drive almost 20 minutes home still and nothing to clean it up with the smell was bad the chunks of food were worse but the worst of all was trying to get it all out of his car while we got him cleaned up he was covered in his own vomit and trying to scoop it out of the cup holders was challenging considering the smell and the fact it was someone's vomit one of the single worst experiences of my life so far i worked as a daily support provider for developmentally disabled adults in kentucky a few years ago our facility took on the worst the state had to offer four nights three days a week i'd stay at a group home which housed three young adult men and i'd have to care for them as one would a young child changing bathing feeding cooking cleaning helping them board the bus to the day center etc one of the men was a profoundly autistic 26 year old that had some weird thing going on with his butt i was bathing him one day and he got on all fours in the tub and prolapsed his butthole i bugged there were two of us in this home because it was considered the most difficult in the company and of it my coworker said didn't you read his case file just put on a pair of gloves and push it back in that's exactly what i had to do it was around christmas time 2015 i think i had a mess of unused coals cash coupons and i had an additional coupon that entitled me to 30 off of my purchase when i entered the humanity was sick i was not prepared for that but i also was not discouraged i bought some slippers a few t-shirts and some pants i don't remember how much the final charge was because that receipt was discarded a long long time ago that night i feel something kind of goofy in my stomach i didn't pay it much attention i laid down and tried to get some rest as the hours pressed on it got progressively worse fast forward a couple of hours to about 1am i had a gag reflex i haul but downstairs to the basement it's worth noting that i sleep naked for this story don't judge me as i'm puking my guts out a stream of crap is firing out of my butthole onto the concrete floor below i thought that was it sadly it was not the shower was right next to the toilet and seeing as i was already naked i took the opportunity to shower oh dear i puked in there too lots and lots after i finished with that i got a nearby dustband and garden shovel not sure why i had a garden shovel in the basement and spent the next 15 minutes scooping my vomit chunks into the dustpan and dumping them into the toilet so by now i'm done vomiting i grabbed a nearby towel and wiped up the mess i shat and tossed it right in the garbage sadly i was unable to attend the holiday festivities with my family as a result of this if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video so bye for now
Channel: Updoot Everything
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Keywords: #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh, disgusting experiences reddit, reddit disgusting stories, disgusting stories reddit, nasty reddit
Id: CfV-TnDmvuY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 28sec (1468 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 20 2020
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