The Most Broken USA Strategy EVER!!! - Team America

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what are the casualties Dave losses for Germany seven point three mil service have lost five point one my losses forty-two hey I am feedback gaming and this is hot sir vying for again this is the game where you mess up history you go in with the intention of playing historical and then you make a pig's ear of it and that's exactly what we're gonna do today you guys seem to love my thirty minutes of Hell video so let's do another one another achievement united states 936 historical on regular difficulty let's go new treatment we went for today is Team America drop a nuke on Paris this is not an achievement most people have got already well let's get this one in the bank a few be we're gonna ask me like Dave why have you got no achievements what's going on I don't play iron monster my thing okay just give me a rest okay this wouldn't be a feedback gaming video unless I abuse the game right we're gonna do instant conversion we're gonna make a death stack Navy that's right Amanda grunts death stack Navy and we're gonna primarily focus on air and Navy forget ground forces this battle can be won in the sky are you ready are you sat down you have a lovely delicious warm beverage in your hand I recommend coffee a lovely cup of decaf drinking tea get out of here this is not your channel you've got the wrong place here have you hit the like button dine out and house of I'm fought is always tricky so I like to show the initial stop so we're from left to right with your notifications we're gonna work initially on electronics because we want to research nuclear tech as quick as we can we're also gonna work on a production to get our economy rolling up and going and we're gonna go for something we've never done before we are gonna go for the air doctrine of strategic destruction Oh what I know next up we have civilian factories we're gonna play civvies in the areas of the map which have the highest infrastructure a little bit artillery is nice though and we need to carrier planes desperately we are so also going to make naval bombers perfect we're gonna be lend-lease in China so what we're gonna do is add a few Mon there and a few more there let's switch this around let's have a look is a little bit hot key for your hold shift and left-click on the category and only show you that one category it's really useful for sewing there's a few ships we've got in progress here as long as it's just one more ship they're producing I'm completely happy with that so I spin it off the existing ships because a lot of them are partially constructed anyway there we go okay next up national focus three parts the focus to USA is your political stuff on the Left you've got your invasion stuff in the center and you've got your research booths or your land Navy and air here now these are pretty good but we'll come back to them later we're gonna continue the New Deal first finally we have insufficient resources which is a little bit uh provide a little bit of chromium not a big deal let's go five-speed and let's start while the game is running we can merge up our Navy's whole shift left-click on each of the fleets right-click on the reserve and press G to merge them all create a powerful Navy is USA is easy if you want to see more of a challenge how about you check out mine or weigh Sweden naval guide here and here now you want to merge over your air wings this two ways of doing this you can go f3 and slight them on the map and move them you can zoom out to facts that disappear so good way of doing it click on this tab and just hold shift lip left click on all the air wings that aren't naval ones aren't the ones that position on carriers aka all of these and you can right click here and move them here but unmerged super fleet here and we are going to exercise it because we need lots of naval XP and we'll do the same for our air wings as well we'll make them into relatively decent stacks and then we'll air exercise them as well even though the airbase is overfilled they can still exercise explain that one hmm next up we're going to go for the historical path for America which is the Neutrality Act it reduces war support but it gives lots of political power it gives access to the Manhattan Project when we're going to need that for the research right we need to work on radio and we need electronics so we're gonna have to go down both will start off with mechanical computing to begin with right industry we're gonna go for disperse industry ok next up we're gonna go for Arsenal at democracy right we've filled our oil supplies again so stop exercising the air wings because they're all level 3 anyway we've got a few extra ships will merge those in and then we'll start exercising let's work on our air force we are going to need to research heavy fire heavy fighters great because the additional range as well as additional air attack the end up being good escorts to accompany strategic bombers but they all of tender being really good at shooting down strategic bombers as well they'd seem to do both they tend to be not as good as fighters in dogfights alright next we're gonna go for WPA and then go for the Agricultural Adjustment Act which reduces the effects of Great Depression all right so this is what you do with this naval exercises you keep performing the exercises until you run out of fuel completely and then when you run out of fuel you turn off the exercises build up the oil reserves again and then activate rents and repeat rents from replace with the election event it is tempted to go for the extra political power and the free Standard Oil of California is so tempted to do that but just don't give a if you change your president you're unable to do a lot of decisions when Germany goes to war so I'd recommend continuing the New Deal okay we're gonna also research the b-17 Flying Fortress as well now we can start making heavy fires which will do immediately there we go the lack of rubber is 25 percent penalty we'll deal with that for now it's okay and then we'll start making the first Air Wing hey it's trivia time how many people died in World War two how many people died in the whole of World War two if you know comment below right we've got radar researching and we're also going to focus on machine tools too at this point we've got two options we can go for the research slots here and here and we're eventually gonna work on nukes but right now we're just gonna grab one research ler and then we'll start walking working on the Buffs or our Navy and Air Force here cheaper fires HEPA bombers and the option to go for the more advanced subs as well as carriers as well as cruisers as well as capital ships the most annoying thing in highways whenever you start with a carrier it's never a fully loaded carrier it's so frustrating in this case we're gonna take off all these close air support I just don't like close air support on planes I tried that okay I tried it where I make a carrier with only close air support it is Japan it just does not work there we go we're just lacking a few naval bombers which we are working on as always if you've got one division exercising to make that division as big as possible means you're grinders much XP so we're going to max at 50 combat with the new meta all right next up war department we are going to go for trade-in diction I'm going to spend 100 XP to to get a boost quicker our Navy will consist of two things destroyers would max radar they're gonna be able to detect allow our capital ships to do lots of damage and also really strong submarines that are gonna basically intercept everything but we're gonna go for sonar to a Flying Fortress is now done will produce just one one factory on there just a trickle in the production our first one we've done in eight years Wow next up we're gonna get bigger torpedo tubes which we can add on to our destroyers also we're gonna work on the next radar too and that unlocks our first radar module can add on to our ships we're also going to smoke generators and then we'll work on depth charges we also have the option to boost depth charges as well I recommend it only 50 XP and it boosted by a hundred percent and understand this I have the ability to cool any site right now it won't let me comment below I don't actually know why all right to ocean Navy act let's go all right next up we need to go for science electronics next up we're gonna do bureau of ships which gives XP and I slight cost reduction for all of the ships alright next up we're gonna go for compute machine now we have access to fleet submarines so we can rush sub 3 and sub 4 alright we've got the ocean descending attache to China so we'll do that it's a ground XP for us and it'll help out the Chinese a little bit right ship designer winner here for ship designer is rating fleet designer and the reason you want to go for is it gives extra speed to all of your ships which results in more detection overall alright we've got the option now to go for great legs which puts on to civilian economy I start producing our submarines our new ones alright we're gonna go for fair labor standard axe which reduces the impact of great depression once again we also have the ability to jump straight up to partial mobilization now we're on civilian economy I recommend you do that and now we have lots and lots of factories all right next up we don't need to produce any more guns or artillery but we need to leave at least one factory in there just to keep up the slack if we do fall into our reserves all right we're gonna go for now the heavy fighter designer then we could start researching the next heavy fighter a little bit ahead of time but that's not a big deal and then we can go up ahead Scott fires means the third one but we researched 300% faster I'm decided I'm gonna rush some room for as well one percent boost I mean it we've done just over a year yeah I'll do that it's sad when I see this but there's a technology here we need and it's radar technology but we need to get to these two first let's go for the carrier research that we're never going to use at this point we've got 202 civilian factories that huge at this point important a little bit of rubber from the UK will not hurt anything we have the option now to get rid of great depression by going for the Federal Housing Act starts do that when you're exercising your ships don't forget to repair them they're gonna get really badly damaged look at the list of these subs I was on forever all right for the incident you want to demand compensation to get extra war support you got the Clare Worrell if you wanted to but the penalties are just crazy right we can rush the Lockheed xp5 eight Chain Lightning now at 300% but this is a 944 plane and we'll get a early 1940 that's insane our economy is huge right now we're struggling to build enough factories be aware I've forgotten about dispersed industries so just keep going down here to build it get my building slots and you can continue to build more and more civvies I can now go for the lend-lease act it doesn't actually say that as one of the requirements that Europe has to be a war but it is there you go the more you knowing we do war propaganda against Germany I recommend you do it as soon as you can get that extra war support that's really crucial for us a we've got extra political power so I recommend with the refuge for the German and Italian scientists now as well we've got a bunch of events now to help out the UK gives us more war support so it's worth it I've decided I'm gonna go for a light cruiser there's a few buffs in our doctrines allowed to get light cruisers extra surface detection and that's the one we're gonna go with so the cruiser marked two big engine we're gonna go with the lightest armor we're gonna go with max so now we're gonna go up don't house on this side you can't fit two so now its radar don't gonna bother the anti-air and a light gun on the front a spotter this guy isn't for firing he's to spot and he's to run away and report what he's seen this guy is good to assist an escort our death stack which I'll show up very shortly I think we're gonna make two lines of them just so we get enough of them to actually make a difference because otherwise they're just not gonna make that's perfect that goes on the death stack aha here we go so now we have the support china decisions and this gives them an extra three military factories and makes true war the war supports almost maxed out now it is maxed out change can send them lend-lease now so we're gonna do exactly that we'll send them ten thousand guns and five thousand of artillery let's start working on the Manhattan Project what we're gonna do is train a bunch of basic infantry alright our super submarine as finish the sub 4 is ready though the sub four that's up at this model and fit bigger torpedoes though it's torpedo fours and the max radar at s mark three right these ships require chromium and all the final tier ships the smaller screens do require chromium so we're gonna pull in a lot of chromium from Cuba right new tech but before we have the national focus finish we need to make sure that we start atomic research the power of the atom they have just found a glitch us full time that's full time and that's dis coward and this one one in the middle it seems to be not synced up with the time you can rush this one okay alright well we'll do that right these are the three steps wartime industry check armaments organizer check and then finally total mobilization we can't do that cuz we need to be a war but soon the Chain Lightning has finished so now go for it with the biggest engine Oh almost almost and we can kill the bus Maggiore these there we go let's go okay it is time to join the Allies and the UK is gonna ask her to join the war yes this is something I've started to recently do you select the Air Wing particularly one that's got the most strength and experience so it's a high priority meaning when this one takes losses the new built planes really constructive ones will go straight to this Air Wing and also I assign the ACE but this means this Air Wing will for the most part if you've got the right production will fight as its maximum effectiveness all right here we go toll mobilization boom now we have the ability to convert instantly this is magic doing soon soon soon and here we go all the way to the top watch this watch this one pause the game space boom done look at all these factories beautiful alright let's bring all of our air wings over to the UK and that start harassing the Germans everything in what's this all about well the routes around the world are either going to be through underneath Argentina here underneath Cape of South Africa or through the Suez Canal I'm blocking the Suez but yes you can go through here and then go to Venezuela and you could also go to the Panama Canal that's not likely at the moment cuz I control it but as you can see that all routes now have a lock there's no way to get through and we are going to be absolutely decimating their convoys rip and rip broke up our air wings now we're gonna set them to northern France and a little bit of damage the idea right now is we just strike their air force and bring them into the northern France the AI always falls for this Bay and that way you can dogfight them just kind of worked down the amount of planes they've got and when they do choose to attack the Soviet Union the Navy the Air Force will be weaker Oh My Damn goodbye dreadnought Oh My Damn this is the power of really strong submarines the torpedoes are so strong they always engage and they do some crazy damage right now Germany is fully blockaded and we're hitting them from every angle yogoro for Rosie the rickety area which is women in the work force so we get our manpower back once again our economy is so big right now we could just de Ville Nate and we want to so whenever I see some aluminium that I'm not building up I instantly build the infrastructure no big deal okay there's 44 ships in the North Sea here 32 in the new agency - I'm gonna bring my death stack over and then we'll start engaging them from there I'm not sure if there's a timer on this but it's the Flying Tigers around 1940 I thought they were a lot earlier nevermind okay so we have the option now send fires to help how the Chinese so I have to get rid of one of these fighter groups as needs have some fighters in reserve to Center them and an activator Mexico would like to join the Allies sure why not I'm a little bit of trouble with fuel right now so I'm gonna import all of it from Venezuela and a little bit from Mexico and there we go it's way better in this instance to stick on free trade and import over dropping my trade laws which we will drop trade laws soon but we need to get atomic research done first right in this season now there were eighteen ships let's get rid of the rest of them is this a bug but you have the ability to go for these prospecting more than once because I mean I get double aluminium I don't even know we're having a little bit of problem now we can't cover the full region I want to take off my fruit regions and we get 100% again now we can under cept at full strength yes Tech has loads of chance buta all the surface detection to spot the enemy ships okay we need to go for encryption and decryption so we get the most surface detection and sub detection gauging enemy fleet here and completely destroyed look at these convoys so many destroyed another one another one another one there are another one this is like ASMR for me I think the reason why there's so many convoys get intercepted in the North Sea is cuz the Italians have invaded Scotland historical game by the way whoa what do we have here these are our freights get intercepted we need to come by escort here and we save them in time yes right so there's two numbers here when you hover over a sea zone it says friendly supremacy in enemies depressing and underneath it says engage based on number of ships so you go here North Sea it seems there's 12 ships and the enemy's supremacy is 1411 so what you can do with this is figure out what ships are actually in these regions because each ship has an individual value screens as you imagine is a lower score where capitals have a higher score as you can see in this case in the Med here we've got 6000 this looks like a lot of screens let's see if we go ahead and see what we can find straight away we detected a fleet and it looks like a Vichy France fleet whoa okay I blinked an eye I sunk their plate okay remember these are all the ships from the very style the game remember all I've done is given lots of passive bonuses that's all I've done that just maxed out all these passive bonuses here in here so look at the name is then so it Tilly has 30 ships and Germany has run about 20 so their fleets are both completely a annihilated pan is justifying on those oh boy all right we can go for the super fortress now one year and we'll have the best strategic we reached a point now where the Navy's I just completely decimated so what we'll do you'll go through the Suez and see through the if we can intercept some convoys hopefully we can and this will cut them off from Africa and that way they'll never be able to get Africa back at the minute we're not winning these air bells it's a bit of a back-and-forth but we are I'm like pulling away a large number of their planes so when they want to attack eastwards you're gonna find it more difficult to push against the Soviet I didn't spot this but the Republicans with the civil war so that means it's gonna be eats first west and a lot more convoys in the Mediterranean now the Germans have stopped contestant is in the northern France region I think it's probably due to I'm using their air force in Iberia and Russia but we're gonna be adventurous now we're gonna start bombing them in the home territory and they're just letting those bombers okay got the ability just like to cheat have maybe two we can go for the Commerce rating expert no no troop transports get intercepted and moving from Denmark to Norway oh no those are the most devastating wants to lose we all know the feel the pain of a front line that splits and the AI chooses to move over an ocean Oh another five another three ah the pain is unreal I feel the ai's pain he's research right now working on doctrine so he wanted my building slots so we're going to disburse industry working on their strategic bomber three more encryption/decryption for spotting also construction for more excavation and working on our nukes whoa forty-four convoys thanks German convoys now are down to four hundred Italians gone down to seven Vichy France nine okay so we can pretty much safely say right now we control the Seas of Europe so you might as well just bomb Berlin right meanwhile on the Pacific I missed this the game should let you know if there's a major battle gonna happen and this is the outcome look at this guy look at all the medals he's got and this guy what happened I don't even know a one advisor I forgot about was the nuclear scientist now we should be able to get nukes just a little bit faster casually looking at Vichy France I was like one convoy that's not good then I clicked on Italy and I was like ooh ooh let's make some super fortresses first thing we're gonna do is give you the most agility which I'll give it defense in the air final destination nuclear bombs okay we're struggling to spot here and the reason why is their ships are faster look this is the all the attributes that play into detection there's so many isn't there air superiority radar coverage encryption/decryption advantages and a top it off speed alright we've reached critical mass right now we've got so many these fires we don't need them anymore so in this case we're gonna go all strategic bombers now the most popular question that always gets asked is what are the casualties day losses for Germany seven point three mil babies have lost five point one my losses forty-two isn't this pretty it is amazing to look at oh my goodness there's so many convoys getting sunk they're even disappearing on their own as well it's like the game knows it's gonna glitch out if it gets too many Japanese convoys zero now what's gonna happen now is all of their troops on land are gonna get D org as you can see one supply v so I twelve not too bad and the last month we bombed 26 buildings last bump 202 last year's 0 and it is bust I'm saying like I think you've done enough damage flip them off and move them here and here and here and we'll just bomb everything Germany is scraping the barrel with a hundred thousand dudes left it's not looking good alright let's go bomb away are they even gonna attempt to shoot us down oh here we go they've got some heavy fires not that many and yeah they we've reached critical mass of TG bombers right now and they're just tickling these bombers they're losing more fires than we're losing bomb oh damn I feel sorry from this is bullying no bully guys and they've given up they have accepted their fate they just let is bomb them now oh wait no yeah and they've arrived to get a shot down that's right the the bombers are shooting down the fires yes historical game by the way well prioritize we'll prioritize bombing of the airfields I'll prevent them from ever getting any planes back up here anyway big Airport big radar big poor max infrastructure gonna do a naval evasion now to Okinawa and once again I thought this would be the end but the only is holding here interesting I love games of holy father unpredictable these are the best ones usually have played so many games like this always a predictable pattern everything's happening you see one push brought happen you're like oh that's the end of that nation this is a little bit different maybe things have changed in 1.7 let's grab IRA Jima this is easy because I've got a naval supremacy everywhere all the Serbs are keeping hold of control meanwhile in Japan you call these red bars I wish I could see the factory damage but you can't see them that's a shame to rub it in we're even gonna build reactors on the islands adjacent Japan hey okay I also have another plan we are going to try and take control of the Allies do this we need to spam out a lot of divisions and convert them to the biggest ones we've got we can make but this keeps going keeps going alright we'll deal with 351 351 and then we'll convert those the big National Guard division so that means we'll have lots of manpower in the field that all letters to take control of the Allies right deploy these boys and convert them to National Guard need almost three-quarters of a million guns sustainless it's gonna cost 200 political power we needed five point eighteen million deployed manpower but this might be just enough probably gonna have to go service by requirement maybe here we go let's do this the California narrowings 3000 of them we need air superiority oh here go here and we just need a single Alma right boom Team America unlocked alright so for me to take over the Allies I need more factories of them as well hmm I could probably do that if I take land from Germany I think we're running out of things to bomb boom boom boom boom boom that is a huge India look at that baby reverse Genghis Khan Japan is completely flattened all the infrastructure is zero throughout the entirety of the country devastated let's try something different I'm gonna nuke the location of German forces that I'm gonna [ __ ] this northern front boom executes nuclear strikes on Japanese soil drop two nukes let's go historical nagasaki boom hiroshima boom and are they gonna surrender my understanding was that they meant to surrender by event but they've known so you have to pay them a visit time for tactical nukes if i you know are two layers of nukes and then counter-attack aggressive go and we've completely wrecked all the terrain but it's all good okay right rip japan I'm just gonna gobble up as much land as I can so then I can get as many factors as possible alright this is what we've got I should take all of it apart from this which the UK took it as a puppet state we're gonna annex the Philippines and what this allows do get access to all the factories they've got we've been building inside them for quite a long time and now we need another ten factories and then we could take over the Allies aha here we go we can can take control the Allies now boom the Soviets collapsed but then they've reached a point here with a been here for like six months holding this line but maybe what we're doing in the West is slowing them down hopefully regardless this is my final assault anyway I've got as many fight as I can get it Dalton France potentially we could have at least 10,000 here maybe 20,000 where the airport situation is just near impossible so what I'm gonna do is land troops here we've got a full army group and we're pretty much just gonna go from there this isn't successful then bet who cares I got my achievement anyway here we go boys this is wow this is going really well way better than I expected we're getting just enough planes up in the air to get air superiority and keep down their planes all right very good this is one way of pushing back the frontline oh and another one just to make sure and again and again [Music] I was so close to just abandon this and just say I got the achievement let's end this video now but we've made a break too so yay yay in the comments all right before it ends Germany's lost 21 million most of them to the Soviet Union service had lost 29 million almost they and then rip maybe you know what that doesn't look too bad that looks pretty good I'm not the kind to go for achievement runs they're not usually my cup of tea but this was pretty fun so we got a few achievements we've got Team America we've got arsenal of democracy I got mines bigger than yours and there might be away late late game with magnet to get the three George's as well we can justify on the Soviet Union now to get this Georgia but South Georgia round is ready to go to war with the UK do that we need to wait for the UK to go down its focus tree I start justifying on other nations if you enjoyed this video please give me a like it takes me in my it's a long time to make these kind of videos so to show your appreciation a simple like would be great if you manage the end of the video say I made it Dave in the comments below and everyone who reads the Commons is gonna be so confused you know guys subscribe to this video or you're gonna be exiled to Chernobyl and don't forget if you don't hit the bell icon your subscription means absolutely completely and utterly nothing I will see you soon goodbye as always a massive shout out to the patreon but as little as five dollars a month to get access to the feedback around the early access check on my discord they could talk to other feedback errs about upcoming content and get access to my videos before everyone else the link is in the description below you
Channel: FeedBackGaming
Views: 509,105
Rating: 4.8745747 out of 5
Keywords: break the game, feedbackgaming, hoi4 man the guns, can you beat, everything is broken, funny moments, game exploit, game glitches, hoi4 exploit, hearts of iron 4 exploits, hoi4 funny, man the guns, hoi4 achievement, funny montage, perfectly balanced game, funny moments montage, hoi4 achievement run, achievement steam, usa, hoi4 usa, america achievement hoi4, hearts of iron 4 america, Team America, united states, amerika birleşik devletleri
Id: 9c8oGB2YieM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 9sec (1929 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 18 2019
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