SUPER SWEDEN IS BROKEN! - Hearts of Iron IV Man The Guns

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and we Raab Malmo their capital and for some reason they don't seem to pop a fight oh they start moving now and it's over dudu the quickest civil war hey it's feedbag gaming but some more huts I'm dyin or you don't know me I'm a heart surveying for youtuber but I am looking to play some other games in future if you have any suggestions for other games in future that I could play feel free to comment below on a previous video I asked if we got 3000 likes I will do a super Sweden you're gonna see something this game you have never seen before in a heart survive four let's play that's right this is a world burst Sweden let's go all right let's do the housekeeping to begin with political effort all divisions elite all but one exercise merge all the fleet electronics machine tools construction blocks and lots and lots of old guns and finish the ships we're currently already go in progress and make convoys when we're done and we are going to make loads loads of infrastructure so to make this a little bit different we're gonna go for an economic powerhouse Sweden I don't usually do this I usually just focus primarily on the war but what we'll do is a bit a reverse one where we're gonna focus on industrial capacity as well as the resources inside of our nation and it should make things a little bit different but that's not all we are also gonna flip ideology twice will this work I don't know cuz I'm actually tested it but it's gonna be very fun to find out a demagogue is first we're also gonna make the one division as big as possible to get as much XP same old same old right step one is to get enough support for the Nationals socially car aubergine party and then prepare for the Civil War and get support from extensible sport but all we need to do now is drop our stability below 50% then we can fire it the quicker we can do this the better therefore we can do all our ambitions and get as much industrial capacity as possible we're not selecting a national focus to save as much political power as possible and we're banking or of a political power because we need to save that for later we've got to go for excavation immediately this means we'll take advantage of those X resources as soon as possible we're also gonna go for early mobilization as well the probably Sweden is you start with very low war support and that doesn't change pretty much into 1939 so way in for partial Mobe is not an option as Sweden hey there are one division into a horse and train in an additional division we've gone for industry efforts so we can get dispersed industry three quicker alright this division can be deployed this one is currently on the field right now what we're gonna do is anti-fascist raids and then ignite the Civil War because we are below 50% stability before you can do that I know it's from experience that this one division always seems to go to the opposing side but that's not a big deal because we have our one additional division our trump card additionally we drop this boy off land it to one of our generals then spam right click to move it to where we want it to go and we grab Malmo their capital and for some reason they don't seem to pop a fight oh they start moving now and it's over do do the quickest civil war October the 27th 936 come on guys can you bys beat my record come on boys comment below try and beat my record can you flip any faster than that as Sweden I challenge you all right we need a round about 130 political power to justify so we're gonna wait for that now okay the correct way to just apply for this is to go for Denmark you justify on three states 335 days and a single stay in Norway to 350 that way the justifications for Norway and Denmark will be synched so we can declare them exactly the same time now we've flipped governments we can go for the collectivist ethos because we can get the free political power and it is pretty o P so why not okay we are gonna work on our industry and I get one artillery they go for a single light tank and a single fighter all right so we've got a 5 experience so we create a brand new template single division we are gonna make 30 of these a31 pains them to the desired template we're actually going to use and that way we've got enough divisions to cover no waste front line no waste are some pretty strong they've got like 70 15 divisions which is a lot for a minor power but their front line is so large that you end up just running around their divisions because there's just not enough space to cover the front lines okay so we can rush disperse three now go on for excavation two and compute machines that means we are gonna get the most of the resources that we've got in this case Austin steel chromium right we deploy you 31 divisions we are gonna convert all of them to the horse division and it's put eight of those divisions in the South nearly about here and then the other 24 on the board of Norway but just the south of Norway I put them on aggressive to is the big surprise you know swap out a fascist demagogue or a democratic reform although Swedes have a change of heart no we've got down the road back we messed up a change instead of going down the artillery tree we are gonna go down SPG tree and that's the reason why we're producing light tank one so we can convert light tech ones into SBG twos because you can do that so I like workhorse time give us a little bit more political power as time passes on you have cut the other critique opposition is formed okay hey it's trivia time Sweden was important in World War two for what strategic resource Whedon was important in World War two or what pratik of resource comment below if you know the answer right we have maxed out infrastructure in Norland there we've got the option to build four buildings in it so let's do that 100% infrastructure hundred-percent construction speed definitely worth it we've also finished up some more three military factories that we get through our focus tree so why not write the Denmark focus is complete we to wait for the Norwegian one which is very close boom and now they are synched within two weeks though the latest I can declare war is the 15th of January so we might as well wait and sort out hide guns that we're behind on all right we're good to go let's just move them off exercising for a little while now we can declare you have to declare on both and at the same time these guys in the South aren't going to move these guys in the north are going to attack and they're gonna be aggressive but we also need to make sure we do push them towards the victory points as quick as we can don't want a long drawn-out war in the mountains that is not when to be ideal early right and just encircle these ones on the southern front and move north and grab the victory points all right let's work on the SPG's and we're gonna do grand battle plan yay [Music] meanwhile in the South because I left a gap oh and got Norway as leaked in and you probably think in ah there's a stir what were you thinking Dave this is totally intended I wanted this to happen because at the end of the day you can't push up from this straight over to Copenhagen it is way easier just to snipe them in the south and that is exactly what to have done once again the opportunity to take Copenhagen's i'd really recommend you would take here hopefully if they're really dumb you might be able just to sneak into them and they know all this madness let's go out of all the divisions are from one but if you start the game this isn't it and we exercise that single division because we need the XP we literally do need the XP I'm not even joking XP is very important for Sweden right we've got the SPG artillery too and we can convert the stockpile now and that's exactly what we up and what is this restore the Calmar Union now we are a slightly darker shade of blue Wow okay let's make our divisions templates first of all we are going to go with a tank combat with its support artillery that is going to be our garrison division I've just realized something I have a 936 cruiser whole but I've not even researched it well though I've never done this before but I'm gonna make a ship there's heavy on top he knows so we're gonna research very heavy on top he tows go for like cruises and just stack loads and loads of torpedoes on them and just see how they go it might be a failure but at the end of the day if I lose their balance see I've got all my land is connected so it's not a big deal it's import as material as we can from the Soviets as we can for now fo we can fill our stockpile full of oil and when we go to war with after worry as much about how much oil we're bringing in alright medium tank let's do this so let's make our ideal tank division but a motorized so we'll slap on SPG's and we can pop in and medium alright this is what we've ended up with and I thought this wouldn't work but actually to keep my 22 armor is a decent amount of armor for what this is and plus the soft attacks pretty insane - I think this is it downside is it's gonna require a lot of motorized all right let's deploy our 24 divisions these are gonna just put the boys that hold the frontline garrison in on my pause John lundström doesn't sound very Swedish but he'll do cuz he's old guard right open political discourse old another referendum sweet just can't make the mind oh ah we've got this guy Olaf Wester oh my god he sounds like a Viking he's a deal broker and a quartermaster trainee what that's awesome that's more than I bargained for now put this off for a while because I want to make sure all the right technology to do this but now I have the option to make our ideal light cruiser this is the 9000 cruise that we've not researched but we do have anyway yep that's right yeah I'm gonna pop on there the biggest dual purpose battery on the front also with another dual purpose battery on the front big torpedo tubes so many tubes and I had a single depth charge I want to eat what did you use this for our torpedoes we count three County up to this would be a depth charge just for universal usage and at fire control three big anti-air don't have radar and we only have one engine gonna go with the dual purpose secondary armaments and slap on some armor we are gonna name this baby the multi Cruiser boom the question you guys are probably gonna ask right now does this work I have no idea let's find out then learn SIG's Swedish support I've seen this event a few times but I have no idea what it actually does I would guess it sends them sabore tears little pre division ones maybe there's also an option to let water on the Soviet Union I don't think so though if you don't gathered what I've done I went fascist then I've gone Democratic but I still have the option for military as an animal to you it's night what i'm gonna do is grab off my heavy cruisers put them in poor they're using so much fuel if I could just exercise the screens and now but I'm ready for the war they're the ones are gonna do all the damage anyway medium three I know yeah you update what's going on ten light tank rush medium tank artillery base divisions build up a big airport in the center of northern Germany Arizona think of that one out Denmark and we've made another two big fat stacks of 24s which are ten with infantry spam we're building force on the south as well for the most part Navy wise we've met a good number of light cruisers now fitted with lots and lots of torpedoes so what we're gonna do eventually very soon is John the Allies and go from there okay let's make a slight adjustment to my main infantry I'm gonna go with this Germany's at the Soviets and the USA has joined on the Allies side the only thing I'm missing right now is a big enough air for some important aluminium from brown and rubber from Bren that means we'll be able to pump out enough planes to do some damage we've managed to produce by a few light cruisers because the ones would be big fat torpedoes these boys are going to spot these regions and we are going to you on strike force though they will cover these regions and make sure they are clean we have a bunch of troops that we trained as reserves that will deploy when need be this is just in case we lose ground to the east if Finland falls not actually at the war so probably not if they do join the comments and on the axis then we've got extra troops to fill out that back line yeah I'm gonna join the Allies but these two sets of 20 widths on the front and the artillery tanks on the front - they're the ones are gonna push followed with all s port in front now we are gonna join the war here we go here is the seeds how to tell how well we're gonna handle them right now we need a little bit more reconnaissance that's something we've neglected it looks like winter break the frontline but the problem is this rear line is gonna be now made to braid you to the river air controls looking pretty good oh no we are pushing and it doesn't look like we're doing it we're not doing too bad II just realize that spying is gonna be very difficult due to the fact that we've got no reconnaissance planes but no cow poults and we have no radars so the Chancellor was actually spotting these ships is pretty much next to nothing good news is we have been a breakthrough in the center which is good means we can lock behind the river here and just capture along the coastline hopefully the other ships I can see are in the low Baltic and there's seven ships there [Music] there has to be a reoccurring theme this but my planes are getting shredded I forgot to upgrade them and it's a little bit too late now without air control your ability to push forward is like next to nothing it's exceptionally hard need a lot of oil to keep my planes up I'm M to import quite a lot of oil think I might send my ships the ships not even using that much fuel though fuel consumption by the Navy 1 point 4 K per day air 2 point 1 K Army two point nine last the first time I've seen army use the most fuel I thought we had them but if not they've managed to push his back and probably taking troops off the front lines these have been a Brook break out in the south - and so much for my air force we've shut down 59 of their fires they've shut down 620 of ours ok need to be having a world robust shortage and that's because Japan as an ex-mayor and Indonesia let's go total mobilization that's war propaganda war bonds and we can also get women boom alright we met some progress and I think the reason why we're doing so well is that the demos and Italians are distracted weird landing here I'm not sure how long we have to hold this out there because it does look like gonna be a few more divisions flooding into here this is the best d-day I've ever seen Wow a Berlin one's mine now we touch the tips blue vs. blue got a slightly darker shade of blue so technically our our blue is superior rise out the way it works in this game I don't even know anyway boom it was really strange at this point when you have to push inside of enemy territory of further eastward I think at the end of the day maybe NRA's will end this way okay don't take this guy too seriously it's just a Scandinavia guide this guy doesn't work as effectively as our old light though I was stuck here burning ridiculous amount times like two years trying to break them through and I just had to grind them in the air and then kind of wait for the Allies so it's to grind on them it's kind of weird other service I'm not moved in last year hello boys you enjoy this series don't forget to like and to subscribe and don't forget when you hit the subscription button break the bow cuz otherwise your subscription means nothing have a good day everyone and I will see you next time goodbye [Music]
Channel: FeedBackGaming
Views: 294,955
Rating: 4.8947053 out of 5
Keywords: exploit, exploit hoi4, hearts of iron 4 sweden, france, hearts of iron 4 france, hoi4 france, broken glitch, funny, comedy, feedbackgaming, guide, hoi4 guide, hoi4, man the guns, Drew Durnil, drew durnil, new dlc, hoi4 dlc, man the guns guide, hoi4 walkthrough, hearts of iron 4, hearts of iron iv, hearts of iron 4 dlc, hoi4 man the guns, man the guns walkthrough, naval guide man the guns, man the guns navy, man the guns naval, hearts of iron, hearts of iron 4 bug, sweden hoi4
Id: wxMA6k9ziiU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 40sec (1060 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 26 2019
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