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in today's episode of the Tommy Kay show know the hardest part about playing the USA on communism or fascism is that once the song was over it's 1942 the games almost over and you don't have anything your economy sucks compared to Russia Germany whatever so it's it's not getting it every time I talk about the CIA there's some random virgin boy in chat again it's a real play game okay zero right ghost you know something about money in Mexico he controls all finances if something is sold it is sold to the white ghost if something is bought it is bought from the white ghost okay Boston rebellion okay okay everybody shut wait I lost my army why uh he leads now oh yeah oh yeah oh he buffs you like crazy okay is this the day the unpossible is happening oh my god it took so long Stan's no Tommy it's a zebra I'm playing the greatest mobile game of all times right now and which one is that you know what it is and here we go sponsor time is back and you know exactly what it is wait I'll be talking about the best free-to-play mobile game that's also available now on PC peers you ride it's right shadow legends voice great shadow legends back and it's more amazing than ever a church stop playing or can't stop what but what do you ask a channel legends I'm telling you what the battle pass is now available season one is now life and you can win awesome rewards including free edge refills gems upward artifact sets new epic and legendary champions by fulfilling the daily and weekly challenges now yes you can click a link down below and get two hundred thousand seven for free and a free champion the Grinner I mean look at that champion they're giving you that for free what look at all the stretch of guys that's waiting for you and it's only available for fruity more days hurry up get it now grab it and make it yours so guys five million downloads don't like click the link down below and get great shadow legends and a free champion right now the game is as I said available on PC also now start your journey have fun also have fun of the video I'm gonna be a bit busy right now because apparently there's a bus fight going on okay go away some people say Christmas vote love some people say Christmas is about family about coming together above religion I say Christmas is about getting [ __ ] fat on cookie stupid [ __ ] look at that [ __ ] you get like the make smoke some of races they're black I mean by white glogg about shipments brah look at that [ __ ] I made this one for you chat take a look this one is made for you yeah this is what if this is ditching my feelings for you this is my feelings for you goddamnit yeah let's check what for wait it's never all thank you I'm not paying any attention what's up three two one I think Italy CSA one the 49% dude no one is voting actually a lot of people with it CSA one that's gonna be a long day man long game I mean we have time it's so early I woke up so early man that if you if you play the USA without democracy you're really putting yourself in so much danger man you will have crazy issues man but I'm up for the past man I like it gave us up guys please someone spam the Discworld link I don't know how to do it I think I know what if you'd made know the hardest part about playing the USA on communism or fascism is that once the silvers over it's 1942 the game is almost over and you don't have anything your economy sucks compared to Russia Germany whatever so it's not getting it good gentlemen welcome to roleplay with the ginger and we're playing something today that I'm not gonna say too much because I'm scared of too much attention you gotta be careful let me go to where this poor channel that's a big question okay gentlemen I need to you need all flan for the gold standard so I can't take that right now so we do board apartment yeah look your ovaries games predict arena you're already so much weaker wait I should actually put in the self right because they are gonna join my effort beginning you see I'm already getting so much weaker just because I'm choosing to be non-democratic you already have crazy Shuster some day ago that's the whole already game I think there we go I did everything yeah yep I did everything I did everything gentlemen the first big wall play move first big move as always dear friends in Brazil Brazil the that's normal that always happens the beginning the CIA wants to propose a secret offer to Leon not to Watson latest capitalist India right every time I talk about the CIA there's some random virgin boy in chat again it's a roleplay game okay there's a [ __ ] shadow Hitler in this game what yeah I don't even [ __ ] when the see I was waiting real-life I just made the CIA first of Jerry 96 I made the CIA suck a dick of course my most esteemed president what can we do for you with the rise of fascism in the world the USA is moving towards its own field of new ideas we are looking for a fascist ally in South America that won't get our support to control the entire continent a [ __ ] go I got my first mission I see we're of one mind My dear sir Brazil will be most interesting against you and she she welcomes your support let us work on this deal hiddenly my friend go AB and let's calm down calm down but after this I need to stop building planes also you don't stop the fire once yeah you don't fight at once it's America I need to do them the civil wars actually gonna be hard because every [ __ ] gonna sit on tears against me who's [ __ ] making demands on me I don't [ __ ] give two [ __ ] [ __ ] that I'm gonna ignore him I'm gonna play an [ __ ] you say today we establish the gold standard voice without the gold senators money exists as a little more than article faith +5 consumer goods which which hurts at least we get sensibility but [ __ ] man this is not good more lobbying mo lobbying in Lausanne your sir you the man they called white ghost the head it is very funny little thing we say up the adverse does not speak to just anybody but I I was emissary and I'm here to talk to you today say off esta muy bien what is the message to bringing from the white noise the right ghost is a very powerful man he pulls the strings of Mexico behind the scenes and he has great ambitions so he bad let's do the hell does my ghostess the right ghost you know something about money in Mexico he controls all finances if something is sold it is sold to the white ghost if something is bought it is bought from the white ghost and currently imperialist powers are taking the riches of Mexico our oil fields are being sapped and if we truly my friend want to see as I'm sure you two cannot be having this the right go us to make you a very rich man but you have to work with him and together we can see a lot of money flowing into both our pocket fully one Sephora okay now that you don't tell your fairy tales let me tell you something my name is mr. Alf Landen and I just want the election the American people believe in me and I don't need to make deals with cocaine dealers but I might but I might if the white goes serious about this and let me tell you that we are not in need of oil at all my friend the only way that the white wolf can buy himself into nice contacts into the American government it's the symbolic return of Baja California to United States of America do you propose Senor that ferritin these territories you will allow the right ears to take control of the oil fields if this buyer California pact is signed the white ghost is allowed to do lobbying and Washington I mean there's much worse people there don't worry about that and he is allowed to nationalize this oil to push out mr. Assad most least claim for I am NOT a need of oil the red Coast offers you this small peacekeeping offer here take this very large bag of cocaine it is the purest Washington man we have more cocaine Washington the North Mexican you don't serve the white ghosts cocaine it is cocaine from the purest of sources one of these like nothing like it is and I guess my wife could use it sir that's fine see thank you very much yeah good for you a brand new Springfield rifle the best of the best Oh Senor I will put it with my others Jeff thank you very much thank you very much please tell me what mr. white dose has said I really do Senor I am sure you will see in this edition he's a scary man major has been returned the pact shall be done I'm gonna save some peepee because soon a lot of bad [ __ ] is gonna happen okay time for fascism boys this is kind of rushing I'm doing it the fastest I can at the Pope a bit faster but still fun we need a lot of fascist support recovery before we do anything and I think first it's time to get rid of the [ __ ] depression unit at Sanborn has not completed neutral to act and not limited intervention okay so we're not touching any of this that's it we're not touching any of this that's what's going on pretty much Argentina not gonna happen not gonna happen I have a doctrine of ignoring all other nations and so from Erick other than Brazil Venezuela these are my doctrines man makes sense to be honest air security and earrings and this one is a sinner ation I don't care about generating aces so let's go into formation flying seven eyes air force on America game is lagging us crazy man I think PI's watching Empire on the side or something that's the issue the lobby effort is looking good I want to get the referee oh god what happened here the UN s fascist Mexico saddled o up scallop that's the white wolf moist - Betty [ __ ] left like a bad friend wait if you take this all the nations of America get an event where they can choose to be annexed by you holy [ __ ] I've never been in this hopeless VC scuba manifest destiny - 35 % justify time very very nice okay time to spread fascism this is gonna unlock the protests people are gonna protest in Washington and [ __ ] let's go man alive with the silver shirts to restore our nation to its proper place in the world and claim our manifest destiny a more fundamental reorganization is necessary the silver shirts will help us achieve this fight for in support okay let's read everything I want to learn with demonstrations clocking every major role in and around the capital building organized by the action committee for the preservation of Republic the protesters demanded an independent investigation into allegations of corruption and misconduct administration of President off Landon in particular they demand that the president denounced the civil ijen and publicly assures them that their rights as voters will be respected president Oakland has refused to comment on these issues and let them protest and mine sensibility - Stonewall support the war is inevitable recruit the free Corps when the civil war starts I can click this decision and you guys have to remember me to click this decision raised the pre-core and you get a lot of events pong units very very important very important the 10-million march all across the country directly protests against the policies of president of flint and have only grown in size now regularly topping several million protesters today more than a million marched through the streets of Washington with similar numbers report in at least nine other locations blah blah blah oh I lose [ __ ] done of civility we I totally didn't see that he's already fascist so I'm totally gonna sign it obviously he's a friend man he's a friend of the state way twice Mexico in a [ __ ] oh my god I will kill the Bouldin I told them not to intervene there but first I need to do the Civil War time - this is the most important focus of all this one is some form the German American Bund has offered to help us communicate our position to the many American of German ancestry it was ensure that we have sympathies in the base States which means that all these states are now gonna join me very very important amen when this is almost on I kind of wanted to start that okay the Boston rebellion okay okay everybody shut wait I lost my army why [Music] okkkk can post again weekend ducks might offer Hajus been raised a freak war waste freak or race to civil legion race to freak war ii american civil war i just raced a [ __ ] ton of [ __ ] go 1-2-3 man they're super lead look at these guys one two three four five East joints the rebellion yeah you see it's kind of [ __ ] stop training them by the way back up let's treat this [ __ ] that'd be great the West is gonna rise up here in a second right and I don't have focus well then let's take this [ __ ] wait I have to do another Confederacy Mamma Mia calm down holy [ __ ] game what the [ __ ] happening McCall for offers to lead the government I say no here right I need help i need help say yes like offer elites these [ __ ] no no he's gone oh I lost him then what is happening but you have to go fascist after they were totally beating their asses here ah he leads now oh yeah oh yeah oh he buffs you like crazy okay okay he buffs you like [ __ ] crazy that's the end of Washington were totally done here already pretty much you need to do another conference you focus in 1000 decisions you need to own a little more someone said they fixed it you don't need to take it anymore hey before I kill them too fast and then everything's fine just stay in the war okay we're gonna teach San Francisco and lay a [ __ ] long time yeah three civil wars kind of sucks in like what what it's a real thing you more infinitely I don't yes can not talk to any foreign nation right now for we are fighting for our very survival your tech orders still on get the noodle ones the northern ones as not a table take Los Angeles I don't give a [ __ ] lion took war all in I'm going all in I'm ending a war oh god I'm doing it oh [ __ ] bro that was my go-to move in horse farm to play Italy killed Spain at the beginning today is the day where education stands again Zoomers in the chat I will finish the war and show you the focus is not [ __ ] up it's time to show claps how do we not we're going on it I'm gonna show it I'm gonna show you [ __ ] watch this what [ __ ] no watch it today you learn something man so much happening that's what I love bird we'll play games the whole world watch it watch it you guys [ __ ] suck it's still green you guys [ __ ] suck man you need to shut as a [ __ ] poop [ __ ] monster our spies have found a secret Mexican and Cuban plan to invade America man you guys are [ __ ] telling me to oh my god I trust you sir I must go a new bill has been passed in the house we were now gonna honor the Confederacy as it used to be you guys okay gentlemen you [ __ ] did it we [ __ ] reached here we go honor the Confederacy for too long the story of the Civil War was blah blah blah was told from the northern perspective the story of doomed rebellion celebrate Montgomery convention day the lawyers will be known as the loyalists you get a love stability BAM there you go and shrine state rice we're doing state rights which gives stability and fascism boom move the government to Richmond moves to capital Virginia stability and other stuff the section can acquire I never did this before this is brand new most getting billed next now you get to the next level man it's super expensive permit Confederate battle standards gives you a lot of [ __ ] look at everything growing Constitutional Convention the civil leader of America becomes the winning party puppet leg should not be held than constitutional convention and we are now the fascist si si on the Dhokla smack offer who has insane bonuses why the [ __ ] am i dr. Smith Confederate States of America first time I've ever did that [ __ ] okay it's time to do some stuff Mexico has never been seen a friend the white wolf was abandoned and many weird people Nova Imperium americano Venezuela what's that everybody shut the [ __ ] up whoa what the [ __ ] is that that's so cool I've never seen this error with the Boston insurrection finally and an end many in the government are unsure how to proceed micawber's government of National Defense was originally envisioned to totally nestled till the end of the war however the world around the Confederate States of America has only grown more hostile and we may soon find ourselves once again at war fascist leader William don't now you have to take Dudley keeping Douglas in before I triggered the Civil War in before I just triggered civil war man but doctors made an offer is so [ __ ] over Power Man why not stay with them Douglas MacArthur announces the Golden Circle policy America will claim its place at the Sun and unite the Golden Circle States to create the greatest nation ever seen on God's holy earth it will bit a bit right I'm attacking everyone I need to rope with it at least a little bit fine gentlemen welcome to war welcome to spreading our beliefs Gigi taught me I tried again hey no offense to you man but I had this goal to do this before you entered s the only way I would ever kept Mexico life is if the white wolf will still be there man hey man white wolf men he took a [ __ ] overdose of the Mexican booty was too much fight left resident there this guy was the white ghost he hot joint bet they then was the white ghost listen the Confederate States of America won the war Dorcas McCaffrey as an ambitious man we're not gonna accept other fascist dictators around us the Golden Circle will rise the Golden Circle is gonna be strong the Golden Circle will take over America and once we're done there all the walkers on planet Earth need to be careful of what's about to come take him down taking everyone down taking everyone with me man it's time for the Gold Circle move your tanks you know what mountains are no good man no good Mexico esta no bueno Mexico as the gone esta new existant Oh anymore Oh Canada joined oh oh oh oh come on oh my god the Red Army is arriving let's go to [ __ ] in these tanks are gonna don't have too many issues I think that's a big piece conference chair I think don't know what oh man it's left to go to South America after this cuz my people didn't win the [ __ ] war let's talk to Quebec woof-woof-woof what the [ __ ] is portugal in this peace deal [ __ ] that guy they take your [ __ ] [Music] Oh boys you still need to fight this guy no can I have anything else only great Canada nothing else problem circle is so hard because these guys will always defend their Islands forever man what else do you need mr. MacArthur boy girls Golden Circle all of the Caribbean and we will have reached final gold that France say something what happened Russia dude these role-playing games are breaking my mind I really want to return a little bit to competitive because you don't have to use your brain so much they're away nice and don't understand what this means they want to finish the war and pubis days I want to click it and they're gonna be shitty meme dude refused that offer he gave me the respect sir I don't understand how this works oh you're a cook I don't understand of his works your army has been taken hostage I was offering it your entire Central American Empire and you saying no okay I can't form anything sir I will through the states of Central America to you yes military you have what's not a single school has been built I gave it to you better sir we are still missing we're at Politico and then I need the French Caribbean [ __ ] Frenchman poopoo yes my name is dr. Smeg offer not Tommy why do people call me Tommy I'm not here to have a chitchat I'm here to talk to Napoleon the sixth I'm here yes yes what is it that you want to this I want to buy the French Caribbean islands and swampy Island Canada for whatever price it is place is an immigration pipe and a bit of supplies and you can have the islands done this is the day the unpossible is happy [Music] [Music] the wife's leaf I'm firing huh bro how am I still not North America come on what dog [Music] well I have some issues with the Japanese at this moment but yes the US Marine Corps is on its way but I think his spice already know what is happening I have no idea what you are suggesting you men who think I made submarines I can really [ __ ] Thank You mr. MacArthur thank you sir it's been a great deal and the best doctors your zero future hey [ __ ] my god took so long first time ever North American I had know about this what thought [ __ ] is that [ __ ] man [ __ ] New York City the capital and I'm I like too big I don't even know who's winning am I too [ __ ] wicked dude and ever in this rip this is broke man I'm too [ __ ] rich [ __ ] cheap something look at dad [ __ ] whoo [ __ ] makes me happy the rest of the vote was muted so there's no more Tommy audios the game ends here anyways so it's not that big of a deal no Tom me saying bye to you guys so it's gonna be mark only in a British text-to-speech voice what does Tommy say most of the time something like I love you guys hope you have a nice weekend and stop being a nonce up something like that I think anyways thank you all for watching and I love you too see you in the next video which will probably be la resistance oh yeah oh yes we eat by EEP Parker's the jar Jar Jar Jar Jar city [Music]
Channel: TommyKay
Views: 255,715
Rating: 4.9233918 out of 5
Keywords: hoi4, hearts of iron 4, hoi iv, hearts of iron iv, hearts of iron 4 multiplayer, hoi4 multiplayer, la resistance, hoi4 la resistance, tommykay, hoi4 tommy, tommykaylive, tommy kay, hoi4 usa, hoi4 united states, hoi4 formable nations, hoi4 hidden countries, hoi4 secret, hoi4 roleplay, hoi4 role play, hoi4 usa multiplayer, hoi4 mp, THE SECRET HIDDEN FORMABLE NATION IN HOI4 MP! PROJECT GOLDEN CIRCLE! - HOI4 USA Multiplayer, alex the rambler hoi4, hoi4 america, memes, ck3, hoi4 dlc
Id: 5gbTQ3ZrXIE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 52sec (1732 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 23 2020
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