Daut's Unique Island Strategy!

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YouTube what's going on it is t 90 this is a special special video I cast thousands of Age of Empires 2 games each year I've been doing this for years and I also play a lot and I've never once seen this executed not at a low level not at a high level now I'm sure it's happened before and a hundreds and hundreds of you have commented this in the past but well you're gonna see in this game is going to be amazing and it features doubts a pro player from Serbia who is this old to the game well he's older than the game he's been playing the game I was gonna say he's as old as the game but the games 20 years old now he's way older than the game but anyways doubt is a legend of the game he's he was the number one player for so many years still in the top ten I would say to this day and what a special personality he is I doubts playing as the Koreans and he's playing against blue who is a very very stubborn player who's been playing a lot of Age of Empires too definitive edition his name is 1453 I believe on food Lee his name was Usain Bolt actually and he played a lot of life for us but anyways I'll talk more about him in a second it is a Korean War on Team Islands now I've looked at my YouTube analytics before and I know that you guys have busy lives I know that for the most part you're not able to watch the entire video and I understand that you see a YouTube thumbnail you see a YouTube title and sometimes you have just too much power you need to look ahead I would suggest free of your room Crudup pleasure that you sit down and watch all of this because what happens at castle age stems from something very important that happens in fetal age what happens in Imperial age happens from something that's very important from castle age and so on the game develops beautifully it has a mix of everything as a mix of excellent strategy as a mix of unique strategy great play and also memes and laughter so you know if this game was a movie it would be perfect Rotten Tomatoes will be all over that so this is team Islands and team Islands is one of the maps as in the current ranked board it's a map that's been played lots of times it's in a lot of big tournaments and normally on islands that's all about fishing and then protecting those fish this food income is just so important and you'll see pro players send for two wood at the start ascend to villager out to dock and normally have about three or four fishing ships when they're about to cook up to the feudal age now you can tell doubt really wants to get the feudal here because he's been pushing in his mixes or his ibex food and that means he'll have a faster feudal time so there is doubt stock and you see the dock now from 1453 I don't know what he's rated right now but 1453 has been beating some really good players he I saw him trading some games first out actually I think he shouldn't take trading games he's got some wins first out he got some wins versus Hera I don't know who else he played as I can't access player profiles but he's been playing a lot you know he's been playing spring he's been playing myself in fact the last game I played against him was a team Islands game and he went for Italians and I went for Vikings and it was a long game let me just say that I I ended up winning but I almost threw and the only reason that I won well not the only reason that I want I have to give myself a little bit of credit but essentially what I ended up doing in late-game because it got very late was starving him of wood and just that was simply by holding the water he had Navy I had Navy you simply you have only so many trees and and that's actually perfect segue into what I want to talk about here island games between two very good players who normally go on for a long period of time and with that you need wood to fight on water let's look at the wood piles now each wood pile has a certain amount of trees I'm not gonna count them all sorry but one two three four five six seven eight eight four blue doubt is one two three four five six alright this is gonna be important there's a reason I'm bringing it up now like I said everything I talk about everything I show you throughout this game is gonna be very very important leading up to the next stage now doubt is gonna break the meta here at transports are certainly more meta than ever because now you can create them in the Dark Age which allows doubt to create that transport hop into the transport and sail over to his opponents land without his opponent being able to stop it with fetal age Navy but yeah Delta's gonna break them out of here I mean Koreans I've talked about it in quite a few videos all of their military units except siege weapons cost fifteen percent less foot and they've always been a decent water Civ so and that applies to all their water options that applies to their turtle ships so it's not common to see a tower rush from Koreans on water it's interesting to me that doubts collecting ten gold with this villager I don't know if that was intentional it seems like it was part of the plan for him so three on stone here come those bills and he is going to arrive to the left of 14:53 Island in 1453 he is going for the multiple dock approach a lot on wood a lot on gold he's looking to fight on water and he does have his Scout down here now it's important to note that he used his Scouts and lure his boar doubt did not do that and it's also important to note that 1453 has all three of his golds right here so blue is expecting this to be a grush war or galley rush war or futile fire war and now I think he'll notice uh-oh doubt is here and he's towering me what do I do so there's a few things that need to be brought up first off blue has the Bandon ship or abandoned gold alright but doubts doubt Waldow is towering that gold doubt is not investing into to dock water so normally what happens is if someone goes land they're going to potentially lose their fish so it's really important for doubt to keep those fishing ships alive it will not be easy for blue because blue does not have the gold to make a lot of fire galleys but it blues to fire galleys were to go over to de anza fish now he would kill what's basically like two villagers for doubt all right so blue who has this map a lot more space a lot more resources as suddenly finds himself pressured but he does have his stones over here and doubt we'll see that doubt notices the stones he's annoying blue as much as he can he might actually get a Ville pick if blues not careful and blue now could probably send his Scout over here to attack doubt because doubt has less HP than him and I would expect doubt scalp to need to get out of here so far blue has not built a tower correct me if I'm wrong here but now he has not built a single tower he also has not sent fire galleries over to doubts direction he's just protecting his own fish so he does have four fish but no real reward for him there yet sorry I don't have the right screen up here you go you can see the two extra fishing ships giving blue more eco so blue prep to go to stone to build defensive towers but nothing yet doubt has these three towers here at home doubts going to food his mill and on water doubt shows up and this is what 14:53 was expecting he was expecting doubt to come in with some fire galley so he's protecting his fish and he might continue to push here and we're about to be to see some really interesting play because doubt we'll have a third fire galley out so it's a not an easy balance for doubt and I had to say at this point I'm really surprised that blue seems to be okay with doubt building so many towers he didn't even attempt to make a counter tower there he seems really calm I mean he has all this food over here he did wall to the shoreline Delp does have a transport over here still so doubt could always transport his villagers around if he doesn't see an opportunity to pressure anywhere so like I said there's some really interesting things that happen throughout this game and let me tell ya doubts already been thinking about control he is not gonna stop YouTube he's not gonna stop it's so excited when I got this recorded game and do you want to hear story about how I got this recorded game well let me tell you so doubts towering here by the way this is an interesting tower actually because it might harass some of the fish might also kind of help him on water mmm interesting micro get to the story here in a second out pulls back his one-week fire galley here dal is that numbered but it's pretty close all right so since Age of Empires 2 de came out I've had a lot more people join my community I've had a lot more subscribers and viewers on YouTube than ever a lot more viewers my stream than ever great stuff so business-wise things have been good but content wise not that things have been bad it's been more difficult for me because there's no player profiles on de like there was on classic the casting tools are not the same as classic there's a lot of things that just need work right and so I styled snipes efficient ship here and built another Tower which is more for long term I thing when I'm looking for games I unfortunately have to contact players and certain players are not responsive as certain players do not show interest in getting me great recorded games blue is on the way to castle age by the way I mean what a great hold from him against out so anyways I contacted out after seeing this game on his stream and I will link his point of view in the video description if you want to see it and I said hey doubt can I have this recorded game it happened on this day as between this player can I have this so I could cast it and out said what do I get to which I said well I'll I'll upload I knew he was joking but I was like hey if you upload your point of view to YouTube I'll put it in the video description give you some great exposure and started listing off a few things doubt goes how many beers will you buy me so I said okay I'll buy you a beer he goes you can do better than that said alright I'll buy you three beers he goes alright how many shishas so this guy is trying to get all this stuff for me for a recorded game and I said I said how much is the shisha he goes not much I said okay I'll get you a shisha too and he goes you can do better than that so freakin doubt man it was like pulling teeth to get this recorded game from doubt finally got it he's such a troll but I would say that in many ways he's he's kind of behind right now the key though on Islands is always to take that map control and I think doubt knowing that is going to prioritize it what worries me for him the shisha boy she should man is that what blues going to be in castle age so doubt transports around then starts building a tower blue builds a defensive tower which will be a guard tower by the way all right blue he doesn't have the control of the Seas anymore it was a good move from doubt to take that and when doubt did take control of the water it gave him more map control he's actually able to delay some of the deer here as well doubt transport surrounds and out will place another tower blue hill he'll probably have to place another defensive tower and there he does but it's interesting how doubts continued to build these towers here and it is forcing a tower out of blue so it's pretty even there but blues in Castle age the downside for blue is he does not have goals he should not be selling too much of this stone either it's not going to be great for you long term and these island games can go on for quite some time - how almost loses that transport ship with his villagers he almost loses it and now doubt will tower here sorry beginning to see a theme the map control theme write it out as halfway to castle age himself blue is building another defensive tower and more importantly he's placing a castle here which will give him soon give him access to his gold again so if you ever want to know how to deal with this type of a push do exactly what blue did here I think you probably could have gone for defensive towers earlier but this castle is going to do a lot of work for him and it will mean soon once the Chou shot showers are shot down these towers were shot down he will get his goal so again just think about how this game is going to develop doubt he has control of the water currently he has some good map control of Blues land he'll ever blue he's been able to get the power spike from faster Castle age long-term will not be good for blue if he doesn't get this map control back and the players no slouch also blue is incredibly stubborn he does not like he does not normally gg he will lame he will he will give the salty G sometimes he will not resign early he is I don't know there's it's funny how tilting works in Age of Empires if someone tilts they either quit really early or they quit really late and I would say that he can be a bit of a tilt er my experience but he's stubborn and stubborn players can be a nightmare and play against how good is doubt been with this transport though blue built so many towers over here because of this but you know it's the same investment ain't blue is accidentally repairing the blacksmith I don't think that's part of this plan that blue is placing a town center here does he see that doubt is there he does see the bills he doesn't have the gold for war wagon or really anything so he's got to commit to the town center if you're wondering what's going on at doubts based out I mean it's 45 villagers for both doubt as building TC so he's about the boom all right he is not delayed at all with his eco he also has some fishing ships working alright so Delp he finished this tower he's trying his best to snipe some villagers with that tower but blues played really well he's microing the weak villagers away you could hop into the town centre with them he does and after hopping into the town centre he will try and shoot at doubts villagers which again run away and he will eventually take this tower town but if you look at blues bass is it as good economically this is where you're starting to see the difference if doubt like I said he's been around a while he's a boomer all right he knows all about that economy blues on 1tc with no fish sure he's freeing up his Gold's but as he's doing that doubts gonna boom behind this this is a land map and it was vivvy you've probably seen it all before Vivier the fat dragon he likes to apply pressure forward and boom behind he likes to tower and boom behind while the opponent's taking out those towers okay that's how her finally crumbles but you know doubts just trying to be a presence here but blue rings his town bell by accident he's just now on to TCS he still has to deal with this tower actually it's messy so doubt has accomplished his goal of delaying his opponent he has a free boom at home he has the fishing ships he'll have more villagers he is going to have more economy but he does not have as much to work with long-term it blew eventually freeze this up and here we have it doubt building a castle I told you this game had everything you doubt us known for failing with his castles and castles at 35% that is going to be a doubt castle that was way too bold of doubt but anyways it blew eventually freeze these resources up the most important resource in an island's game is wood so doubts got to be really careful you cannot be overconfident especially against those stubborn players who will hold on forever man I've seen this game twice already and I'm still so excited but mad blue made a mistake here you can see these villagers going down I guess he forgot about it I think you should just eject his Vil's and attack it it's a shame that so many of his villagers are getting hit by that tower count would love that doubts getting attacked by a snow leopard here blue chasing him down because he knows the villagers are here in our problem doubt bailed on that castle again blue I think should probably garrison his towers and shoot this down easy for us to say he might not realize he's getting hit with his freaking Korean range two of Dallas villagers are very very weak and now he's placing a castle here and he's just desperate for math control he's seen blues land he knows how much wood blue has over here he's just desperate and what's gonna go up faster a castle being built by three villagers or a tower being built by three villagers well the tower sowed out again well bail on a castle it's another doubt castle oh boy and the leopard will kill one oh and I could kill two villagers doubt he might be with one villager here in a second oh man he didn't pay attention to the animals ouch well blue he needed that favor right because he's just now cleaning this tower up towers are so annoying but guys blues no slouch and he's gonna realize what he needs to do here right after he cleans up these towers he needs to take water control back if he doesn't I don't see how he has any chance eighty villagers for doubt though sixty one for blue the doubt has a fourth more eco than his opponent as villagers still alive over here so in any other game as doubt has read acht and is making fishing ships this is an incredible economy the beauty of fishing ships is that you can produce out of three TCS if villagers out of three TCS and then fishing ships out of five or six docks so your economy just continues and continues to grow but yeah in any other game doubt would just go in with his economy he would make Navy he would try and start blue out he's gonna try something different here all right now over the years of making content this different thing that dealt will go for has been brought up so many times and I'm not saying it's necessarily a bad thing to bring up not saying it's a bad idea normally it's just not worth it to try I can't wait to show you this guy's a doubt loses that villager but man he got some value out of it he might have had a few doubts hours he might have had a few doubt castles but he got some real value out of it and out will click up to the Imperial age in just a second 102 eek over 74 blue he's not messing around either he's getting handcart he's getting all of his text look at this economy's but there's really not a lot of wood left there's not a lot of wood left blue has all this wood over here is tons of resources remaining really makes me wish we had capture age so I could see the the exact difference in the wood count but I would say that blue maybe has ten twenty thirty thousand more wood actually that might be I think those numbers are way off so just forget about the number I just said because that makes it seem like I'm an ignoramus and I'm not all the time doubts on his way to imp so doubt is making another transport ship out of this dock he is fishing ships all around here is he going to all in on water control because I don't see any fire galleys I don't see any galleon so I don't see any turtle ships what is doubt gonna do wait a second a seed workshop guys man I just wish or I hope sorry that someone out there it's like yes I've been wondering pros to do this for years what do you think he's gonna do on Islands he's gonna make he's gonna research on injure and he's gonna take help lose wood it's brilliant it's risky because siege is still really expensive at Korean discount does not applied to that but it could possibly work it could star blew out of the game this game has had memes with the doubt castle it's had some excellent conversation about math control and economy and I'm just getting warmed up with this this is going to be amazing you know if I could choose which videos would get a lot of views on my channel I would choose this would probably be in the top top 20 you know like if YouTube said to me alright you're gonna get 50 million views this year choose like divvy it up I would give this a high percentage because people need to see this doubt immediately clicks the auditor upgrade he has the mag Annelle and others can chop trees Dal has not completely forgotten about water he does have some fire chips out here that's mainly from earlier and blue is gonna do the classic thing you should do if you fall behind in Island's game backtalk he's making its fun of docks and make Navy yes he's behind an economy but he's going for the proper strategy choice he's going for the meta strategy choice water control on islands doubt is not doing that doubt has completed the auditor upgrade and the madman clicks siege on ature which is okay let's let's think about this it's 800 food 500 gold for onager it's 50 I think it's 1450 food and a thousand gold or siege on the dirt and then you have to make them which is really expensive and then doubt has less wood over here auditors one thing but see John is er really doubt he's going for it meanwhile he's choppa lopping away this group of trees he does have quite a few over oops sorry over here the Blue has so much available seems like he has one more wood clump available right now I again I can't really do the math on it well down knows he needs to get over here quick before blues glucose water because that is the meta you see blues producing heavily in that back corner remember I told you I played this guy myself he does not resign he does not give up Dow's transporting villagers and auditors and immediately shoots blues auditor down also got his unique tech for Koreans it's shrinkage Sean which gives the auditors extra range so he is 10 range auditors right now and he's beginning to chop the trees this is amazing this is amazing now I don't know if you really thought it the whole way through now see geometers in I don't know the exact reasoning for doing this but it's probably due to the map and also because someone challenged him so oh you have a better map than me will not any more I'm gonna ruin your map this is like someone walling in extra Gold's you're taking out the trees the range on those sea geometers is deadly and blue builds a castle there and blue what makes a trebuchet and will probably trip down belts castle let's be honest here's blues navy he's going for the fast fire ship option doubt has more seeds so you could probably do this with a balance you could probably go for Audigier take out some trees and then leave it at that and go back on water depth doesn't have balance this guy's playing Age of Empires only for 20 years you think he's gonna have balance all of a sudden yeah that's not gonna happen sorry big on under shots there and diss each other shirts are just so strong you so rarely see this in 1b one's so expensive war wagons were never really stood a chance there the tower never really stood a chance 225 HP and there it goes that blue actually will push this with villagers it's the only form of melee he really has that one woman is stuck in sight we'll never mind she's freed now but uh-oh blue has all these fires out here a doubt does not have Navy so now can doubt get across well he can if blue doesn't dodge this it's kind of hard to deal with this right I think blue would need to switch into some range on water it doubts over here now doubts over here and he's killed some gold miners while they had gold in their hands he's now chopping these trees he lost his castle he lost his officers on this side whoa whoa I didn't see this before all right somebody banned out for hacking that's not cool what dude that's incredible who'd eat this this is his water control who needs Navy when you can do that oh my god that might actually be my YouTube thumbnail I don't know I don't know I think it has to be something with the trees going down this is incredible chopping these trees I've never seen this before this is a strategy I've never seen a high-level player intentionally chop trees to deny resources I've seen players chop trees a black forest because they want to get through I've seen all of that but I've never seen this right here and I have seen a lot of you over the years comment saying hey someone so should do this it is 110 population for blue he's way behind in score he now does not have much wood left on his island at all remember this guy is resilient he will not give up so I played a game against him it's the same game I mentioned earlier I was Vikings I had full water control over him he couldn't deal with my long votes you know and he made a hundred huh sorry he made a hundred hussar and it was on his island I couldn't push him I try and land villagers and he just deny me every time so he's doing a similar thing here he's making stables now Koreans have the weakest huh stars in the game but he seems to be going towards house are ant meanwhile doubt she's chopping everything chopping everything and he'll do his best to take what he can of this gold yeah I mean every bit of resource he takes from blue is as good for him the risk for doubt still is that he does not have a lot of Navy that's still a big risk and he says all these-- janitors but he does not have a lot of Navy and now the light calves come in I don't think that will be too upset with this because he's still taken some some resources from blue here and here but you know the bills will die the CGI will die oh my goodness 24s Oh 24s Oh and now that realizes all right I need a V I need Navy because without Navy I can't protect myself blue could transport like cab and what would I have against that nothing you know he he knows now the risk of doing this he's probably known the entire time right but he's at least reacting how many trees is blue have he is this this is maybe 20 trees 30 maybe 50 trees left on his Island that's incredible it's so cool that doubt tried that and now doubt will transport all of those see janitors man I would have resigned already I don't know about you guys you'll let me know in the comments but we're 50 minutes in just say 50 minutes in and I would not have resigned or 50 minutes in and I would have resigned for whatever reason I maybe I wouldn't resign because it's doubt and because of the memes but when that guy shows up with 24 soo and melts your castles like this you gotta realize you're behind at least right right holy cow that is insane that castle melts this castle it's going to melt blue will repair as much as possible the repairs won't save the castle however the castle kills a few sea challengers and now the like have arrived now Korean amateurs they have less minimum range so sometimes you can hit some of these but you're still going to destroy your own see each doubt this is a risky game to play against this stubborn player a doubt has 3130 pop Galatian blue has 115 and surprised they're not winged hussars sorry their wings well they're their unwitting Lightcap but doubt he has wood over here he has some resources but he doesn't have anything to deal with Lightcap so we've seen the excellent strategy we saw the excellent map control we saw the the over-the-top memeing from doubt with the with auditors because it was definitely over the top now you're going to see what could be a throw because blue is not a quitter all right down has 27 idle villagers blue has more population than him despite the fact that he doesn't have a lot of wood he has fire galleys on the way I mean he has sorry fire ships on the way this is winnable for him somehow a doubt has more wood banked up his fourth 4,000 wood is 3000 food 500 gold [Music] and doubt well know that blue will not have as many resources long term as I've said many many times it's a wasteland over here for blue but he's producing huh stars he did this against me and he almost won he almost what I Oh I almost threw against him so I I know now I've cast a few games of his where he does it and you know I played him myself so I know but I don't think doubt ever expected they got to continue at doubts making turnips now which are discounted but against 31 fast fire ships the turtle ships as fun as it is to see them there are only turtle ships that's so expensive as fun as it is to see them I don't think they are going to be enough unless doubt gets more of them which is trying now there's this weird thing that happens at this stage of a game where the player with food and wood will start to think about selling it because gold runs well on Islands though you never want to sell your wood because that actually increases the likelihood that your opponent will buy which will be very important so doubt we'll never sell that what he'll Bank it he might sell some food now the elite turtle ships are really doing well they have the Splash Damage so against grouped fires they'll do pretty well the blue who still has more population its freak'n 65 military 211 from doubt he'll continue to try and he probably will have transport ships with hustlers come over soon I mean that's what I'm expecting doubt could throw this maybe that's why I doubt wanted so many shishas and beers for this doubt could throw this 135 population for blue 104 doubt that's so low it's so bad by the way if you're wondering what's on the mini-map with these little red dots that's from doubt earlier that will confuse me too okay so if I ever looked back here it's because there's a cast I looked at the mini-map a lot I apologize in advance yeah here we go here come the Lightcap they're heading towards the transport guys doubt could lose this doubt could throw this how embarrassing you do all that for the memes and then this stubborn player comes back the one big difference I'll remind you of is the wood though doubt has six thousand wood wood is the most important resource in the game you need it to make everything farms houses you need to make Navy and you you actually need it to make anything that calls food anything that costs gold right the reason you would need it for anything that calls food is because you need farms you need fishing ships so you run out of wood you're not gonna be that all that well-off there's actually been nothing Maps like gold nothing where people are priced out of wood they've all the gold but but they still need to buy wood and it gets too expensive for them so just remember that now Blue has about 1,400 wood is there a single treat yes there's a single tree there's a hundred wood they're probably some t90 blind but no I think he's completely out of oh no you got some trees over here so maybe about 500 wood remaining but doubt has wood and blue has water control so he's thinking you know what I'll have myself some wood I'll take that doubt is making like calf at his own base he will put some into a transport ship to send over to Blues Island I think he will get away with that there's not much to raid there I got now you can raid the gold at least and now blue has transported like kappa rounds a lot of light cab around to doubt space a doubt was was barely starting to recover it's not gonna make life so easy but doubt did make six Elite Turtles and the fires are stacked so doubt could end up killing these but now the villagers have arrived and now the hustlers have arrived from blue or sorry the like cap I'm sorry for saying how sorry when it's curly like cap and castle drop for blue I told you the guy never gives up he never gives up against the legend of the game he's getting hit here he's massive a QA ting here one transport ship at a time but he will get this castle up and outs castle was all the way over here so that I mean it's not that easy for him to get trebs over here and if blue out pops doubt with the light cab the trebs will not be secured by anything what a crazy crazy game now can't push that yet alright well what about these light calves well blues like I'm getting out of here into the transport ships quickly he's micros that transport ship away from the light cap this is really good micro get in evacuate all right well he tried he only got eight and now he knows doubts around so he has to sail away doubts coming in for the transport ship those are expensive that's 125 what a pop I might end up being very important now the fire ships come in and this some of these elite Turtles are very weak but I think that doubt will end up on top there but now blue will have some wood so the only areas to get wood on this map as as blue is defending with his own hustlers here the only areas to get one on this map it's here and here on doubts island imagine this game if doubt would not have on edge these trees I'm pretty sure blue wins now great well I mean doubt could have just gone for water maybe you know he wouldn't he had a big lead he could have played it Santa but so I'm pretty sure that let's say dal invests the same amount into the sea geometers and doesn't take out those trees that I think blue would win it's 95 population for blue doubts at 67 and he does lose those turtles still doesn't have a strong answer to this castle there's a trip one trip now remember I said like have a really weak so if anyone's making something other than like Cavett's gonna do very well I war wagons notably make a whole lot of sense here but they do cost would 99 population for blue is just he's just making the like calf he has less villagers working then doubt doubt has 10,000 wood which is the key can blue good enough over here he does have gold he might be buying stoking heating enough over here to deal with that TREB though there's a second one from doubt - does he have transports he does have transport with Lightcap okay war wagons like cow surely he'll have another transport come over it's not so easy to do that to load up transports constantly especially went out sending in Turtles okay he's about to run out of stone again blue needs to buy more he did take care of one trip and with another group of hussars that that this trip will fall it both have one relic of your wandering for gold and Blue has five wood but he has 30 more population 30 more military it also has light calves over here making sure doubts not comfortably farming doesn't have the best farming eco at all it has a lot of war wagons and still blues repairing this he knows how important this position is but he needs to get like tab over he can't afford another transport ship either so that's gonna be actually what's the price as doubt dives in with his Turtles and with his leg keV it is currently 68 gold no sorry 68 gold to buy a hundred wood yeah and that price will continue to go up I bet if you foresee this is happening and you're in doubt shoes you could actually use whatever gold you get to buy wood I don't think he should now he use 12k but blue he might as well to just build another castle i I think he might have invested too much into this it's hard to say but holy Cali repaired a lot there but the position will remain his he finally takes out that trap I told you the guy was stubborn funny enough if doubt would have tripped to that lumber camp blue wouldn't have been able to drop off any more of his wood look at look at blues economy does this even count as an economy do we need a different word for it I feel like we different need a different word when it gets to this pretty soon we'll have to collect shore fish and deer and that's it this gold is really really helpful though that's nice buy would make war wagons I think doubt needs to invest in two more farms here he doesn't he also needs more bills I would well you know what where are the bills gonna go maybe he could put three k3k wood into fishing ships dock back here and fish and then make fish traps I that's probably the best use of your wood economically speaking but we're one hour and 10 minutes into this masterpiece of a game and I've been loving it and blue now will outnumber doubt he will outnumbered out in the light camp he also has iron casting which South does not have so doubt does not have that extra attack upgrade and blue still has some gold which Dallas does not have so blues had a higher population than the Lord for a long time I've really wonder how on edge doubt was at this point blue is out of those trees I mean he doesn't have a ton of wood he figure it's good to fight with villagers there I wouldn't have anything the villagers give you score here which can intimidate your opponent a blue really needs to avoid the towers he the towers are going to slowly kill the war wagons he doesn't have any defence upgrades and blue doesn't have any real answer to the towers so no doubts hoping that he could create continuously create like calves and eventually trade versus those things and then eventually is star blue out which he's he's been successful with except he didn't expect his own starvation he didn't expect it at all he's the final two trees a map unless there's still more that I've missed yep there is this one tree but yeah that's about it so I there might be a certain hidden tournament coming soon and I've been debating about including or what water maps to include because team Islands has been played so frequently lately and people are getting so good at it that it turns into who has more wood more often than not it's it's a struggle at times to the point where some pro players have been banning it in there and their cues in the ranked games what are we looking at it's 46 population for both 46 population for both wild out just killed a bunch of like calves Lulu has 9 villagers on food 11 on gold that's that's all he's got they actually had some fishing ships but yeah it's not a lot of eco 22 eco for him to which are idle doubt has 37 on eco 14 of which are idle and now doubt has no wood to chop but he has twelve thousand in the bank oh no doubt this is not good unless you got a big shot off this is not good blue sees it he micros down the auditor well played however I do think blue will end up losing war wagon right as I said the towers are doing some real damage yep there we go wool wagon down another war wagon down these towers are beastly just beastly such a ridiculous game to wasteland over here doubt has the wood and he's doing what I would have liked to seen for him earlier he's actually making fish traps now I was expecting a dock on the back because he hasn't fished this so you could actually fish before the fish traps but I think if doubt gets more food then he can make more like calves and then more like calves then he should win the game he should win the game but blue is not having it now does he have a transport ship sorry I have to check I think he might have lost his only transport ship it is still 68 gold to buy a hundred wood so he could buy wood he'd have to buy 200 for one transport in low numbers the turtle ships are gonna be way way better ok what just happened there what did he use that did he buy food I think he bought food I think blue bought food there he is fishing a bit and now he's on the shore fish he hasn't taken the deer yeah that's actually something you should have taken a while ago it's right next to the mill does blue murder holes I think blue research murder holes which is really rare at the high level that's what it seems like to me oh it didn't research ballistics ouch I always miss those shots piggy you missed 100 100 percent of the shots that you you know alright never mind so doubt fell behind after this wacky wacky game he fell behind kind of at least in pop but his position was strong he denied the woods earlier he then unaged the woods and things began to get a bit questionable he arrives with delight calf to see blue has more like Jeff there's also not much here to raid that's the funny thing but doubts economy is way stronger now 44 on food so he'll have food income to make those like calves and blue just won't be able to for his long I don't think doubt realizes just how bad it is for blue but again wouldn't you resign here guys 1453 he doesn't resign I mean that that year has historical significance and okay date are you kidding I I just as I'm about to make the joke about him not resigning he he resides now I can't see in-game chat on de I'm not sure if he called Gigi or not if you're wondering but what a game that was that's the first time a high-level player has said you know what I'm gonna take out his trees because he has more than me I'm gonna starve him out it's the first time I've seen it to that degree and then doubt almost through his position doubt went completely overkill with the siege auditors it's just this game was just so doubt doubt castles doubt towers that fails there but still that excellent economy which has kept down at the top of Age of Empires 2 seen for a very very long time so here's the statistics for this game I really hope you enjoyed it 400 eighteen kills for delts I did promise doubts and beers and some shisha and also that I would post his youtube link in the video description so if you want to watch his point of view please check it out he does upload from time to time and it's great stuff to hear his insight I add less exploration than blue this is just probably corners of the water it's not a huge deal and look at look at the timeline what's funny here to me is the lack of economy for blue but also the fact that if you were to just see the timeline you wouldn't be able to realize because of the ratios that they were at fifty pop I hear they're at 150 pop here they're at 50 pop hey you can say okay well they must have lost some eco and spiked up in military whoa somebody just subbed to me on Twitch who was that um thank you and Nord lurch for the sub while I'm offline recording I'm not alive right I don't think I'm live anyways so I just think the ratio is there really really funny what a game guys do me a favor this and many of the other videos that I've been uploading to YouTube as YouTube only casts I need to pay people to get the recorded games apparently it's more difficult for me to do it I have to hunt them down I've defined the games I have to get the games I have to review the games and so basically I put more time into doing it but that's okay as a content creator as a caster I want to give you guys the best games and I like putting in the extra time as long as you guys enjoy it so like the video if you enjoyed it that's all mask because if there's more likes on videos I hunt form then I'm going to do it more often if there's less views and less likes or a similar amount of likes dislikes and views on videos that I hunt down for and put extra time into I might kind of shy away from doing this more often so far you guys have been really appreciative of this and I hope it continues so thank you for watching I hope you guys have a wonderful wonderful day if you want to check out another game or doubt did something wacky it's going to be in the recommended videos here on the right side you can click that and get binge watching otherwise have a nice I have a night that my intros are awful I'm sorry I'm just done that wasn't an intro that was an outro Oh God
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 248,627
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DauT's, Unique, Island, Strategy, Incredible Play, Wise, Man, Koreans, Towers, Turtle Ships, Onagers, Siege Onagers
Id: CHozgLB-q0M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 11sec (3071 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 07 2020
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