High Elo Legends

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welcome ladies and gents to high elo legends now i do not mean for this series to be disrespectful what i would like to do is i would like to use this series as an opportunity to teach people what to do and what not to do okay i'm kidding i'm not actually going to have a high elo legend series unless people really want to see it and i feel like i can find the content but we have two high elo players this was sent to me by a high elo player who said hey i know you have a low elo legend series this should be high elo legends because this is a little crazy so if you like crazy games if you like messy games if you like games that are maybe far from perfect but still have a lot of skill this is apparently one of them and full disclosure i have not seen this game i've only heard about this game so i'm going to be experiencing it along with you all in the red i i don't know this player and i'd love for someone to look him up right now if i had to guess it might be a finnish player who changes his name a lot but this is around 1900 or 2k so i encounter these names less and then in the teal and i didn't realize he was going to be a part of this and he uh he may be rather upset that i'm casting it with such a title we have king boo who has been a part of my community for many years and is a really nice guy who has really improved his ranking um you're getting 2k plus puts you in the top couple hundred in the world i mean that's not a bad spot to be at by any means so i hope if king boo sees this he knows i love him and that we're we're gonna have fun with this one it looks like it was a random civilization i don't think that these guys would intentionally pick saracens and malleans so good old-fashioned random save arabia as we have an open map lots of hills this is the king of the desert version so typically it's pretty messy we didn't see that many messy games in the king of the desert tourney uh they snowballed really quick it felt like players would fall behind and then that would kind of be that but i do know the potentials there and so i'm excited now what i think you should do with saracens just to talk this through is you want to play into archers and when you have wood lines like this and your berries and the gold on the back like this i think you could just justify walling now some players want to go for early barracks and drush but honestly i could see king buu playing passive here walling this direction walling this direction walling this direction walling this direction lots of walling and uh just protecting himself back at home wait so grapeinator says the name is finnish can you tell me how many games he has on his account the reason i ask is so there's known finnish players like valeza rubenstock max uh valas and uh i'm trying to think if there's any really high elo players that are known beyond that that's about it uh zoopy sorry um i think everyone else like pike no longer plays the game but there's another there's two more finnish players one is called the ant-man and one of his buddies which used to go by some other finnish name he always does a finnish name and it's always something a different name every month and he's a really unique player and if you remember the upload that i i uh put up six months ago where someone tc dropped me on islands i um it was that player and he's a little bit of a jerk so i don't know if it's him i say he's a jerk because he was talking smack as he was beating me and then i uploaded it to youtube and showed everybody but okay maybe it's someone else okay it's someone else cool cool well i was just asking it doesn't really matter well keep an eye apparently he's a very aggressive player from his win rate cool cool so guys the difference between a 2k and a 2k2 and you know the top ten is they'll always have this scouted like if you look at red's position he didn't see the barracks that's like a a big no-no for high-level age of empires and then if you look at king buu didn't scout the barracks so both players are going for the same builds that a lot of players go for but they didn't really scout what the opponent was doing as well as they should have and there's a chance that villagers could go down now readily seems to know where the resources are for king boo king boo does have loom though so it will be a little more difficult oh no kimbo doesn't have loom wait what happened here oh he had loom queued up oh boy oh loom was on the way and the drush surprises him and games can end with much less uh this should be two dead villagers it is two dead villagers the scout goes down as well and now boo is he's trying to figure out everything at his base has to get some counter damage in and red reacts to this and sees this and is on the way to feudal age wow that was a crazy start so two militia and his scout killed two villagers and now red probably won't take many losses okay so the big thing here if you're in king boo's in a position is wow that sucks i've got to go all in two villagers down is insane and being later the feudal age which is the age that players are gonna make more military in also insane i love the damage control from red great reactions from him he got a little lucky of course to spot the drush there and have time to prep everything but he's gonna get those walls down and uh no uh freaking andy is not finished freaking andy is austrian um there's actually freaking andy and freaking chris they're brothers and they're both really good death match players but freaking andy is the player who who has brought his skills to rm good news for king buu is that he is saracens saracens can do a lot of crazy stuff when they're walled and can use the market so there's an argument here for maybe he sells all of his stone and tries to buy resources to go castle age but i think red's build is perfect it's actually one of my favorite build orders right now is to go mallians and go for the two militia drush and then since malian wood buildings are discounted you can afford to go for double archer range oh actually he's gone one archer range in blacksmith okay i was going to say double archery range opening flood the map with military and oftentimes you can afford to make double range and the blacksmith um but i think at that point you're not going to be getting eco upgrades so he chose to get eco upgrades which is also fine and there you go he's going for the range i guess the difference here is that he rushes the fletching upgrade i don't think fletching at this time makes much of a difference so it's just a preference thing on the other side we're going to have boo and boo is just again in a spot where this military can't do any damage and life is hard right now maybe he had a rough day at work maybe he stubbed his toe walking up the stairs maybe he went to to make coffee this morning and he didn't have any creamer or sugar and it was just one of those days and then he doesn't scout the opponent he loses two villagers to a freaking josh when he's doing the same strategy and can't get any damage in we've all had bad days okay we've all had bad days and it looks like red has had one as well in feudal age because he did so much he didn't actually produce villagers for 60 seconds which means the ville count is even now oh man that's funny he also has to be careful he doesn't lose an archer here to this scout there you go all right so yeah this got messy red got pop capped a bit so his ranges wouldn't produce and he was a little late to some important aspects of the game now as for king boo king boo is just on one range no fletching so what should be happening here is that the player who has the double range archer production should have more archers but he doesn't because he got housed god i feel like we need to make a song it's like instead of because i got high it's like but then i got house that'd be so funny oh god i need someone to write the script i'll sing it i promise okay there goes the archer down dead and just sloppy you know just sloppy this was sent to me by yupe by the way oh wait a second why didn't i put two and two together you pay is a finished player at around 18 or 1900 so he's probably friends with this guy like maybe it was yupey's account actually why did i not think of that maybe red is yupe the tc dropper himself but here comes uh the archer's finally from red and finally he has more numbers and here comes the sneaky little group from king boo alrighty uh i am noob any tips only play against heart ai and still lose lol uh keep villagers producing out of your town center and uh practice some build orders i would say check out the interactive build order guide interactive build order guide can be really helpful this game is a game of practice this game is a is a game of time so practice makes perfect those would be my tips wow big army here for red and there are some weak villagers here so king boo has to be careful as he now falls back to the market but also has three villagers there are three archers excuse me they used to be villagers but they changed jobs and they're going to get behind this wood line oh that could do so much damage i think the better move though would be to go here because now the villagers can just leave the wood line and run right to the tc whereas if you sit here the villagers get hit and they'll get hit more if they run in towards the town center all right army from boo out of one range red oh god he's reacted oh no but wait a second he just rolls with it and now he's through oh this is so messy okay these villagers are trying to save themselves red's trying to kill this army but it's a bigger army than he expected the micros going on over here red killed two villagers which makes it a total of five this game king boo has the army but he doesn't have all the army for some reason as more villagers go down and make that seven villagers killed by red in this game however over here he's got to be careful because he doesn't have the army to deal with that yet because he's sending the other army forward it's not a bad thing to send the other army forward but let's hope that he can protect these bills king boo though is on the way to castle age guys sloppy sloppy sloppy sloppy game but still high elo stuff king boo's done a great job keeping his tc producing i have to say and if he can get crossbow with this army red could get completely wiped i would say keep this army in the thick of things if you're teal this should be dealt with keyword should but red's army micro has seemed superior in this game i think his macro has been worse uh just i say that despite the fact that teal oh king boo oh oh oh oh make it stop i'm not too bad actually yeah i think king boo just does a better job creating villes and red does a better job with with micro in the armies at least from what i've seen so far today all right red is a massive nerd he's putting his glasses on and he's continuing to micro finally the micro nerd gets dealt with king boo now excited to push out with a grand total of nine army however has three minutes to micro so let's see if king boo can prove me wrong this army comes to the wood line if bob can end we have crossbow on the way bod canero will definitely help out though i think king boo should be a little more patient wait for your upgrades uh here he's lost some units as well now he has the range and the attack difference so now he can clear up everything if he's patient enough but ah hi elo legends it's a messy one but it's a fun one they're at the elo where they know what they're doing they play really solid but occasionally there can be some errors with the multitasking sorry i um had to reposition myself and i bumped my chin on my mic hopefully you didn't hear much there so i think what king bhu needs to do here is continue with crossbow production skirmishers i don't really care about just make crossbows with saracens and then if the enemy goes elite scrum and castle age then you can make some siege so definitely not a spot where i would suggest adding a university for ballistics because it's clear to me that red is going to go in towards some skirmisher play in this game again if he does then you add the siege i think that's the way i would play it red hoping to dive because he had superior numbers but he does have to be careful here because he is getting wrecked the overall kd is really close this game there's been throw and counter throw quite a few times and king boo as the saracens often do all over the gold and he probably will be buying and selling resources another unit thrown away by red he's now clicking bodkin he's got a defensive tower here okay so do you guys remember that time where in the dark age they passed each other with their armies and then they both did damage to each other sort of kinda well actually what happened i guess is one person did damage they're doing the same thing so teal comes forward normally you there'd be a red defensive army on the hill the red says i've got a tower for that um so i don't need that and so here comes red so it's complete base trade we also have a crossbow behind this wood line which is really cute i like that so teal's like what where's his army at where could his army be and here come the crossbows and the crossbows go right to the stone oh this is awful for king boo this is awful but now red needs to leave his wood line and go over here and this army needs to be dealt with and there's really no answer for this army either uh villagers will likely all die but you never know in these situations because when you're read what you desperately want to do is you desperately want to go into the main eco as well and he doesn't have ballistics struggling to produce crossbowmen all the time and king buu can just continue to move around as red buys a tower because this is messy this has not been a game where armies trade versus armies this has been a game where armies have just been all over the place i guess the tower is not a bad move it will go up villagers will still go down and we'll see if king boo is going to be able to get out of here with some army alive he does deal with this and wow what a close game mistakes have been so many mistakes have been made right so many crazy things have happened but king boo recovering time and time again and he even has the lead right now wow that crossbow micro though disgusting meanwhile these villagers are about to get attacked by lions [Laughter] okay let's think about this again i think the biggest issue for red is lack of army production also the tc idol time continues to be an issue because he's microing my guess is he's not doing what a lot of the new age players are doing and using the uh go to tc hotkey for the select all tc hotkey to be able to create bills while they're microing my guess is he still goes back manually every time which is what leads to these situations okay two of these four villagers go down we'll see what happens to her because there is a lion there here comes elite skirm for king buu who will save her and clear this up as here comes red with crossbows and siege we're 28 minutes into this game we don't have a second tc if you know high level age of empires there's normally a lot of eco this game has just been crazy with military uh sebastian yeah someone just linked the discord there for you buddy and again teal is moving out he has army but he doesn't have the army in the position honestly so good from red he knows that army's coming to his base and he's going to prep siege for it and he goes right to king buu's base and i think king boo has to expect this or something a little late to react can just go back here to this wood line and he's going to stone so he can sail stone and buy resources that's kind of the meta with saracens okay so red's thinking might come over here he noticed it he's fleeing now uh no he's repairing the lumber camp excuse me okay now he's fleeing ballistics is in but now the siege is there great defense skirms with ballistics should be able to defend this but there's not too many numbers just yet for king buu and this is a really good game it's just so messy this reminds me of uh 2015. back in the day things were open things were crazy also it is a skill oh big shot it is a skill to be able to get yourself out of these games some players thrive and oh another big shot and that was as red had to to focus on this attack yeah like some players when it gets messy just fall apart other players when it gets messy it feels like they're at home and good fight for red he's on the hill that's not bad 60 pop for 60 pop and surely the populations are going to grow that's what i keep thinking but the populations just go right back down there's been so many deaths in this game like 10 units are created 10 units die it's it's how it will continue i think and it's very close economically very close with military and that should continue here good micro from king boo though i like it i think this is the area king boo should maybe target next if you look at what he sees he sees a tower here no woodline here and he will now be able to see on this side that there's some exposed resources and what's the plan we're gonna see a town center that's i guess it's not a bad tc truthfully the map is also really bad for both as the game goes on it much better for king boo at the start though all right king boo sees the siege and says i will kill that siege because i'm a micro god red repairs it nicely though shot goes off king boo's not really a micro god after all and he gets hit twice but we appreciate the attempts all right it might not work but it was it was ambitious whereas as the brits would say and all days just the time uh all the splits oh i shouldn't have talked to smack about king boo okay i was ouch okay that hurts king boo's british by the way so i tried my best but my accent really needs work um more villagers died over here at the same time so king boo was doing good to control the game and then rox kind of controlled right into his face uh but oh god he's getting hit over here by crossbows and the crossbows do have ballistics oh alert alert army needed now is this where red's gonna make a mistake because he's probably microing here um okay he is now microing here the villagers ended up getting away it wasn't too bad for king boo and wait what um that is a thing king boo currently has a castle foundation right in front of red space how is he gonna get that up there's manganese and there's crossbows here this should never really happen unless he can somehow get the manganese out of position also there's still crossbows here king boo's searching for them good micro he's he's had solid micro this game i think even though he's made some mistakes i like how he continues to force the issue and so here's red and i think red siege might have spotted the bills for a second the red says hmm i wasn't killed so let's move back in on this side and there he goes oh he spotted the army he's going back also going back in on this side which i like red's just like you know what let's boom now i've got two tc's i've taken some big engagements don't ask me how he didn't get more value from that and king boo says screw this game and i'm gonna surprise my opponent with a castle on his face which will control farms gold and the stone if it goes up which honestly at this point it has to go up it has to go up because he is not a head in military he's not ahead economically and there's no sign that he will be ahead economically okay if he sends this army forward now this is just straight up unlucky oh my god oh god now red's gonna run into that woodline okay king boo focused here as well which is going to hurt so much more and he'll be happy that he brought all the siege over because there goes the castle and so red he sees this castle and he immediately ejects the new crossbows here to kill this and he wheels his manganello over and king boo is going to send an army this way and king boo is sending an army through the middle and king boo is getting hit on the wood line and stone and the castle is currently at 70 the castle has to go up or boo is dead it has to go up meanwhile this army is just running underneath the town center this army's running into a manganell this castle has to go up to have a chance it has to go up and it does go up now focus the siege take one manganal we'll take the second mangano we'll take the third take it take it take it kill it kill it and now the army's here what is happening what is happening this is so messy 28 villagers for king boo 28 bills he lost so many he lost him building the castle and then he also lost them at home i mean red doesn't red might not know that teal is down to 30 builds he might think 45 while he's at 60 because it's hard to focus on all those little details this will get cleared and now red's our problem is army numbers and red is gonna run out to raid a player who has basically no eco at home but i still think it's a good move and teal has enough army on the left to kill vils has enough army here to kill villes and red is gonna panic these villagers are idle this tc's kind of there but not doing much towers going up everywhere 72 pop versus 58 is just an insane stat considering the ville difference edison sainstad and this tower gets denied if teal had a siege workshop forward if he could afford that and pressure the town centers that would be so good here but he doesn't have that he almost needs one defensively right now what king buu has shown me is that he will never hesitate when attacking siege so um maybe he will just use his range units to attack the siege red is making rams here it bothers me so much he's making rams at this point in time because he's showing the siege workshop and the siege workshop is going to get shot down here teal has moved along and red did a good job to make sure that the units couldn't sit underneath the tower but never mind the house got taken out so now they can't sit underneath the tower red needs a new siege workshop or something and then meanwhile red is pressuring here and king boo is gonna micro is this winnable for boo is this winnable for boo he does have two mammaloos here red says why would we ever make a new siege workshop when our siege workshops are even cheaper with malians why would we do that when we can just repair it that's the better move let's repair it and king boost is split micro boom on the hill gets the first one i think split gets the first one looking like a god splits again oh [Laughter] oh my god wait a second okay i need to explain what just happened there so i don't think this should exist but it does exist i must explain it because players abuse it all the time if you're firing up a hill in age of empires 2 against an enemy you do 25 less damage and the enemy receives 25 less damage okay so with manganese if you delete your mangano after you fire a shot uphill the game forgets or somehow just doesn't know that you are at a disadvantage and you do full damage okay so that is a thing the other thing is when you delete a manganella and this is the one i don't think that should exist if you delete a manganal in general it does full damage on the full shot instead of just the middle of the shot which is so weird i don't think that should exist but watch what he did here so he knew what he needed to know he fires and he deleted after the shot hit so basically did no extra damage and then doesn't even get the shot off and now here come the rams now i'm not sure if four rams are gonna be enough here meanwhile this tower could go down meanwhile this army's pushing forward and what is happening what is happening here man i mean teal's mama luke's are going to take out the rams but red is like focusing the mammalukes with the crossbows that are underneath the castle meanwhile here comes his army and there's so many villagers for the taking right now if you're teal who could win this game boo is the score lead the castle stays up the rams were waist red did make more archery ranges he's now gonna make a new siege workshop but he's out of wood over here he can't take this wood or this gold he can't take this gold he can't take the stone he honestly can't take any resources i think king boo is gonna win this one i mean that's what it seems like as he is out of gold now and is gonna run to the middle of the map no town center but who cares just take gold two army for red i have to say king king boo's micro has been really good here to bring himself back it's the type of player you just want to watch play to the aggressive players who are not afraid to just commit when the going gets rough and i i'm trying to think what you do here if you're red i mean if he had a lead skirmish skerm would make sense because the enemy hasn't been making any uh has been making any siege but i mean even then who has 23 of his own skirms you need to have more than 23 skirms so i guess siege is your next best option he's just going tower defense so double tower defense will be okay but this will certainly help king boo catch up with bills because you can only fit five in each tower just running right through it's always nice to have skirms in the mix because the skirms don't receive a lot of damage from towers so now it's 40 villagers against 56. i'm gonna tell you what i want to see right now as red runs over here to this gold i want to see red bring these villes and drop a castle right on teal's face that's what i want so badly more than anything in the world santa that's what i want for christmas please because teal has red surrounded but teal doesn't have a lot of production from home right now can you imagine he's got the villes in the position where they could run forward in castle drop he does also have stone income and king boo's got to be thinking like where do i go i feel like i've hit everything but what he didn't check is this side as we have a tc for red thank god for him he found that neutral gold meanwhile boo is gonna drop a castle here which i think is a good move i think dropping a castle here is fine continue to kill the guy off he's actually going to go a bit deeper i think and drop it here castle dropping further in here doesn't make sense to me castle dropping here makes sense to me okay that that's fine i would actually still prefer this but this is still more than fine they're basically the same castle and yeah he just has too many range units he takes out the scorpions he takes out the fills and i think red is dead but he still has 17 more bills somehow guys this game has gone on for 50 minutes we haven't seen a single player go above 100 pop this is unbelievably messy the ville kd is 55-59 as boo says i don't freaking care i'm just gonna dive underneath all your buildings again who cares kill more villagers the economic efficiency is awful everything is just so bad oh man they have if you were to add up how much they both have on food and combine it it's three [Laughter] holy moly these bills need to find a resource right now okay he realizes that maybe take the gold and okay red is making a crossbow that's exciting wow high elo legends top couple hundred in the world it got messy but it's always been aggressive and there's always been constant pressure red please you're not gonna be able to to push back this position you're still okay to take the golden stone if the army isn't there castle drop teal you have to do something offensive again here you have to that or you need some really big siege siege shots excuse me i guess he actually abandoned the stone with all of his bills and he forgot to go back so yeah and now he's gonna realize that the army's coming over but he wants to drop a castle but he can't drop a castle because then he won't have the stone to protect the villagers and so he's [Laughter] he might need to buy more stone up up nope we run away okay town center king boot is looking oh wait wait wait oh no oh no king boo's buying more stone for another castle again i don't think this is necessary i think you you make a defensive castle at this point so you can protect your resources which are currently being attacked as this tc gets denied king boo takes the vill lead or you castle drop over here or something i really do not think that a third forward castle is hugely necessary but i don't think boom knows about this economy boo does not believe that this economy exists so boo is like get out of my game basically and oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god king boo has no defense he has no siege there is siege crossbow for red now if red knew that this gold was being taken i i think you should drop it here drop it here so it hits the tc and hits the gold but he's also you know he's under pressure at the moment so i can understand how maybe he can't think about the castle spots as much i mean his starting tc now has a castle on it he could actually complete that town center though if he runs over to it he could and there he goes he will complete his castle and boo could honestly lose all these bills boo needs siege but boo doesn't have wood who has been on stone and gold buu is not on wood but i guess buu does have skirms and he is bringing his main army back so as long as buu doesn't get completely rocked by this manganell if he can take that out maybe he's fine there goes the mammal luke's they're going to go down and we know what buu's going to do here right we know boo is going to try and micro down the siege the red should fire a shot and run and run back to the castle and repair it every time and see if boo makes a mistake okay good split who could go for the repair bill if he wanted to he does nice um meanwhile it's 41 bills versus 48 what is this game guys boo has nothing on food who cannot make so boo has the ville lead but boo cannot make bills and now he's going to tc over here this is high elo legends and there's a great chance that boo could eventually make a mistake with his main army and he's going to lose this tc i'm certain of it okay good time for the castle age would upgrade at 57 minutes well played red this eco has completely saved red this tc is on gold so he's still fine there and let's see oh please no please no please no please no oh my god oh that was so huge oh that's also what she said but holy crap dude don't do it again the thing is he needs to because he won't add his own siege that's the thing he refuses or just has not been in a position to add his own siege so he kind of is forced to go into these micro engagements i thought it would be one mango but instead it was two guys the year's almost over this this is high elo legends but this could also be one of the games of the year this is insane boo is going scale-barting armor for a unit that costs food as his main food eco is getting raided by crossbows you can't make it up he's buying the food now and the prices are actually pretty good because he was selling food before and of course because he's saracens i think red will see the stable though and realize he has to keep crossbows close by 47 villes verse 44. red is alive and well in this game and this is why when you have army control you can't have three castles in the same spot that that's the biggest thing to take away from this game you don't want to have three castles in the same spot because they'll expand have a castle here you had the army there check over here he has found this now um who has zero on food he does have a town center though uh you could start to farm a little also boom microwave very bold position after what happened before but he wanted to take crossbows out so he could then take out the siege with his knights [Laughter] okay well i think it was worth it for red because that's a lot of army boo can't make again but now boo can make another castle so where does he place it oh place it over here i want it here please place it over here come on he's got nothing i guess you've got nothing tc in the middle of the map from red and now we have king boo coming over here and this is actually a really good castle i this is way better than my idea because he sees the tc's going up and that castle should go up actually holy crap and at this point their brains are frying right and oh god oh red comes over here with the crossbows feels like good because he can't protect the tc but now the villes are dying how many fills have been killed this game 170 ville kills still we haven't seen a player go up past 100 pop in this game teal was close and now he's somehow at 66 pop god i need to pause this game to reassess where the golds are i'm sorry okay so there's a little bit of gold here for boo for all we know that belongs to red now okay the only reason king boo would ever look here is for the market there's gold in the middle which i guess boo can take there's gold here which boo is taking and stone so he's got stuff to mine red still has this gold that's the k the key still has some stone this gold's gone this gold's almost gone and then they're stoned okay so they've kind of positioned themselves where they both can take golden stone don't kill your own units hitting the house don't okay thank you i don't think either have crossed 12 bills on food certainly not since gaslage bree certainly not since castle age i really like booze i feel like boo is the faster player in fact if we look at the apm it'll probably tell us if he's faster with military okay apparently a little bit i feel like he's more active with his military uh i guess he always has more so that helps i like how the second he spotted this he immediately came over to to deal with it for red you're kind of stuck now because there's no eco to do damage to over here so now he has to do some searching to find booze eco he also has to clear this and honestly the only thing he can do is make siege and he has to hope that the siege is enough but what's happening is i think he's going to a siege workshop and he's making siege from the other ones because when you do the go-to hotkey for any building it always goes to the first ones first and he's had so many of them oh my goodness imagine being these villagers there we go making a scorpion not sure i like how buu has split up the knights from the rest i feel like the knights have a purpose here and it's not to kill villagers but i could be wrong well this is entertaining oh no oh no red found him red found them and at the same time teal found red and so it's just so much going on guys in a normal game you have your base and then you go to the left you go to the right you go to the north south whatever there's a structure to it this game there's no structure to it there's no main base anymore so it's so messy and it's still not a game that boo can lose if he continues to move his army around reddit red definitely has better farming eco boo has better army right now however that will change here because the knights go down that said the scorpion will go down as well still getting some good hits villagers going down for boo as he's gonna drop another castle and this castle will be right on top of 25 villagers are you kidding me who make a farm bro just just like one okay okay he's got farms to be fair i don't think he knew about this army at all he's probably looking in three places when he needed to look at four and now red sees oh crap i've got to take this gold red's actually going to have some big gold problems if this goes up and red could make a castle there's a chance that red could drop it over here oh boo okay there's a chance that red could drop it over here but i would also understand the instinct to buy stone and drop it here yeah yeah just so you can protect your gold because you don't want to lose 22 bills and you don't want to lose access to gold these villagers can go back to work but they're really not working because everything's really crazy red has had eight total hours of idle time in a one-hour game also this skirmisher is called slowly killing stuff so who knows what's going to happen there boo completes the castle does not know red's castle is there and knowing boo probably wants to make a mining camp there um as he realized the crossbow army's here he's gonna kill the crossbow army and he still has a chance because he consistently his army wouldn't have like elite skirm would have been such a good unit for red here because now he has tons of food and he has tons of wood but he never checked into that he's only going crossbow siege okay these villagers just came back to this gold [Music] i mean who wins this game say a player right now who wins this game chat if you had to predict who would win who would you say i want to say red because he has the resources and he has quote-unquote eco as he's on one town center but that's not good eco i mean he might even be flirting with the idea of going imp which is kind of interesting um boo uh honestly actually hold on let's think about this red has more villes where can boo kill villes right now here this is the area the boon needs to kill villagers here if he kills villagers here he can do it he has to be there he cannot address that castle and another big shot from red red's gonna get one more volley oh boy i think maybe with that another one nope but it's it's mainly skirmishers here boo this could be a problem yeah i think red's gonna go imp for trebs and if if red is able to get some mil ah saw military over here to defend himself then he could do it okay blue is to run away and split okay nice split split again split split split okay that's fine oh my god this game is incredible this game is incredible oh god red has four army but going in for army however you could have a treb here takes his castle out you get the gold you get the wood safe farming and wood eco this is perfect um you could have a trap here whoa trap here and trap this down and upon trapping that down that castle's out of the picture you still have a village but because red only has one tc and that's the tc producing bills normally it's now idle going imp giving king boo a chance to create villas out of his own tc when he thinks about it um red now going for a lead skirm probably could have happened a while ago but i like it good time to remind you that malians actually do not get bracer so you'd probably just have to go for the final armor upgrade which is still fine um red is making a trap and red will eventually make a trap upon getting the wood for such a thing okay yeah it's on the way now i mean boo is playing hide and go seek right now he's trying to find out where red might have resources i guess this would be the sweet spot right there okay boo is just gonna take the stone still haven't seen a player go over 100 pop it is looking a little better for red now that he's going to start tripping castles down but he needs to ensure that he uh there you go good engagements boo doesn't have army here he needs to ensure that he makes archery ranges and that he just fields skirms for now he doesn't really have that much gold he of course will be able to if he wants it but i think going skirm is the play and here comes boo you can't make it up oh my god double tower to protect from this army the imperial age player still doesn't have the forces to defend but double tower will be fine and this castle will definitely go down and this castle will definitely go down here's this army there's so much act action in this game now what you would want to do big shot attack round oh that was a sick dodge he's going to dodge back again no he won't never mind but yeah what you could do in a normal game if you're boo is go light calf all in castle to push back skirms cast legs leg cap with upgrades are really really strong uh up against imp skirms especially if the skirms don't get bracer but i haven't seen boo go above adon food so it feels like boo is just gonna make skirms and just gonna make crossbow and if he's only doing he wants to drop another one if he's only doing that then i think that eventually red should have enough skirms but i mean eventually red is an imp he trapped down castles oh it's a big shot but here comes boo to drop a castle right on red's corner eco red has a base in the north red has a base in the in the east and he has some little thing in the middle [Laughter] oh boo don't lose your army here please guys i think boo can do this don't lose your castle foundation oh that could be gg right there oh he calls it he calls it it was winnable it was winnable if he took care of that manganell his castle would have gone down and i think then the tc goes down for red and maybe it's winnable but holy cow the game ends 63 pop for red 60 pop for teal and i mean of course red would have trapped these castles down eventually but at this point the castles don't protect anything but i don't think that was the biggest deal also red wouldn't have had support for his traps going this way but of course maybe he would have yeah that was insane um well that's high elo legends that was one of the craziest games you'll see props to both of these two i know that they'll look at this and it definitely wasn't one that's necessarily there for the highlight reel for their careers but truthfully when the games get that ridiculous it's hard to play in that environment and it's hard to know what to do and they figured it out and there was constant action whether it was siege and archers or it was castle drops and eco relocating all the time oh man and this is where it gets tough because someone's going to say well i think boo would have won if he added more farms right well guess what he wouldn't have microed so well he wouldn't have had so many crossbows if he added more farms that's the trade-off someone else might say oh red could have just made scarves t-90 he had the eco well guess what if he starts to produce and add those buildings and add those skirms and then micro them then he has less eco because he's focusing more on the economy so they're playing within what they can handle and with what they both could handle it and it turned into a ridiculous game um both of them could probably go back to the drawing board on general army position things in the mid game but that was nuts at one point boo was behind by 30 bills and still almost won that game that should not happen but you can see how much military he had 340 kills from red he did make a lot of siege this game but it ended up paying off with a couple big shots um economically red had more wood and more food and that is just such a low number of wooden food for an hour and ten minute game like an hour and ten minute game typically has 30k plus food i mean that is such a low number and boo had more gold and more stone control um i mean the up times don't really tell you too much you could maybe look at some of these upgrades like it was just all the same stuff in the mid game and then somehow some of these upgrades came in late and holy moly um again shout out to the players and also to viewers wow this is crazy too so total villagers 164 for red he ended the game with 48. total villagers for boo was 143 he ended the game with 47. but yeah to the viewers i hope you enjoyed this um shout out to yupe for sending me this game i don't know if he is returned if it's just another finnish player i hope everyone's been enjoying their holiday season i hope you guys do enjoy your holiday season depending on when you see this and uh take care of yourselves of course and i hope to see you around for more content you
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 98,111
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Twitch, Games, Game, Age, of, Empires, Two, Definitive, Edition, AoE, AoE2, AoE2DE, AoE2HD, HD, DE, Age of Empires II, II, Facebook, facebook, face, book, Face, Book, FaceBook, game, games, gaming, Age2, Age4, Age of Empires IV, IV, Four, AoE 2, AoE 4, T90, t90, official, Official, T90Official, t90official, high, elo, legend, legends, 1800, 1850, 1900, 1950, 2000, 2k
Id: y171srqobMk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 38sec (3098 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 27 2021
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