The Last Posse FULL MOVIE | (Charles Bickford, Broderick Crawford, John Derek) STREAM CITY

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[Music] oh la [Music] they're coming they're back the P's back they're coming now [Music] than yeah I don't see drun with them we get the rors I don't know that sheriff looks half dead [Music] someone get Dr prior quick give me a hand Todd I've been so worried I am glad you're here obviously I'm here thank heavens you're all right Frank you look aside now now dear got to see about the sheriff e take him up to his room and easy with him I'll get my bag has he got a chance doctor I'll do what I can but I'm afraid there is much hope you heard what the doctor said easy with him I'm glad to see your back Jeff you're all right you're not hurt I'm all right Deborah you seem changed we've all changed we were onun that desert a long time it can change anybody see you later what' the doctor say not much chance hello Jed judge gentlemen what happened out there well sir we we did what we set out to do Mr Emerson you tell it there was no picnic judge when it was over four men were dead one of them Samson drone looks like the sheriff won't make it either case of enforcing the law we all did our best about the money it'll have to be held in custody of the court now the drun dead we couldn't find it you couldn't find it 100 $5,000 they must have hidden it somewhere before we caught up with them we couldn't find it drun live long enough for us to witness his oral will he left everything to Jed Clayton thank you gentlemen I'll arrange for an inquiry you're a good Pary for a good Sheriff well I won't bother you any longer they're still the sheriff what if by some miracle he recovers let him it'll be the delirium of the dying man besides it's five against one let's get cleaned up that's right go on drink some toasts to yourselves five big heroes talking to yourself friend oh yeah yeah I guess I was stranger in town just got in this morning drag Goods an ocean oh glad to know you is my name whiskey Davis is my name what's this all about anyway it's all about something that should never have happened care for a drink delighted good as I said before it's all about something that should never have happened the day I got into town and were having a annual celebration uh founders day they call it all the usual things speeches and uh bunting hung all over the place the inevitable speechmaking by those stalwarts the town's first C citizens and Robert Emerson founder and owner of that enterprising newspaper the weekly Roswell Gazette 25 years ago Roswell had its beginning in two Adobe buildings today we're prosperous and Progressive we take pride in our school in our church but most of all we are proud of our respectability much of our success is due to the man on this platform Judge Parker Arthur Hagen who gave Roswell its Bank Tod Mitchell who opened the first law office and Frank White whose Splendid new star you know as Morley's Emporium 10 years I've been selling booze in this town for 10 years I've had to listen to the same speeches I think of this town less than 10 years ago when violence and lawlessness stalked our streets when the Six Guns settled more disputes than our Courthouse and I think of one man a man who put an end to our Lawless days eight years ago he wiped out the Jenkins gang on this very Street and since then we've known peace I speak of Sheriff John Frasier unfortunately he was ill and could not be with us today I'm happy to say it's nothing serious just a case of an upset stomach you mean a case of whiskey don't you [Laughter] [Music] hello John well my old friend stoly it's good to see you have have you been F fine I thought you went away I did last year now I'm back again oh sit down sit down thanks know John you uh you ought to be out there out there what for do you take a bow you've done more to put this town on the map than all those so-called pillars of respectability out there put together doesn't matter it does to me you're the man that should respect around here more than anybody else respect the only men I ever respected were those I fought and they respected me they're all gone now that was a long time ago everything's peaceful now civilized civilized that's a very unpleasant word John every time I hear it I lose a customer you'll always have a good account in me stoker but I think of the men you've had to kill to make these roads safe for a pedler like me I I get so mad I could drink my own liquor that's a good idea let's have a drink I'm sorry I thought I had some left in there it's all right let's go over the hotel we'll buy back some of that liquor I sell them you are a friend aren't you come on let's [Music] go thank you [Music] thanks I'm sorry stoy nothing to be sorry about [Music] I remember what I said art we'll do it my way you're wasting your time PA you'll do as I [Music] say we've made history here today Mr droom the biggest cattle deal ever transacted in Roswell you got yourself some fine stock Mr Folly and you you got yourself $105,000 well Roma it's good to see I haven't seen you in a long time that's a fine looking boy you got he must be about 18 though huh 22 22 time flies does it how's your cattle well it's it's been a fine season they tell me you behind the time sherff you forget we were caught without water last year and were forced to sell our stock to Samson Dro at $5 ahead I don't call that selling howdy Mr Dro what do they want Roman we heard that you just made a deal to sell some cattle to Mr Farley here what about it you're getting some fine cattle Mr Farley we took good care of them when they were our stock come to the point will I haven't got all day well my brother and I well we figured you'd be willing to make us alone to restock our spread how'd you figure that because you bought our cattle for $5 ah head and sold them for 35 all right I told you you'd be wasting words didn't I tell you to mind your tongue I'm sorry about that Mr Dr it's a loan you want try the bank we did but Mr Hagen won't give us a dime he says you're running all the cattle the range will support you rumors were dead broke when Mr drun made you a deal you did you a favor I call it stealing [Music] this is no way to settle an argument don't you think you're a little late Sheriff your boys better go come on hard [Music] I shouldn't have hit you hard [Music] you'll find them all over hote heads looking for trouble I guess we can accommodate them come on jet let's get that money out of the hotel save and into the bank it's a mighty lot of money to be carrying around don't you think you better take the sheriff with you till you get it to the bank we have had a Sheriff around here in [Music] years Goodbye Mr drone Jad I'll see you next year it's plain to see the years haven't made you any fer of Samson Dr No nor him of you no John what happened between you two nothing it was nothing nothing quite some nothing to have lasted all these years well there just some things a man can't forget what is it you're trying to forget John maybe it's something I should have done a long time ago and did come on come on have a drink all they say this stuff loosens a Man's Tongue it seems to tighten yours yeah we uh we've known each other quite a long time haven't we uhh and in all those years something's been eating at you now what is it if it's the past if it's the men you had to kill you can forget it it was your job somebody had to do it yeah you're right I forgotten it then you better forget drun too of course it's easy to see how anybody might feel about him the way he treated the rors he broke him he wouldn't stop until he broke him on the kind of that kid he's raising that Jed Jed what's Jed got to do with the rors nothing come on going drink up sure it's a holiday anyway here have to kind kindness Kane I'll take that money now certainly Mr dun you know the bank's closed today it'll open for me as soon as I find Hagen very well just sign please I was wondering if you were coming in town tonight Jen well Mr drun and I had to come in on business always on business don't you ever do anything for pleasure this was a really big deal Deborah I'll have more time now I wonder Mr Jun and I just closed it Mr drun and I always Mr drun and I anything wrong with that well I I don't like to tell you what to do but you shouldn't let anybody dominate you so even if it is your guardian he's not my guardian I'm Miss Foreman even though he raised me from a pup I I think I carry my own weight why doesn't he let you off your leash I've got no complaints maybe I have I'm taking you to the dance tonight sure if you can get away I'll get away here you are Mr drun ready Jad right away Mr drun see you tonight no time for dates Jed have things for you to do tonight sorry Debbie I'll leave you now uncle will all right Deborah hello there drone we were going to have a private little celebration of our own won't you join us no thanks congratulations on the cattle deal Mr drone that'll bring more Capital to Roswell and money is what Roswell needs who said I was going to leave it here as your lawyer I'd advise you to that money would work well for Roswell I'm more interested in having it work for me as the biggest rancher in the Basin you ought to take more interest in civic affairs you see how our combined Enterprise has brought prosperity to all of us now take my store well I thought it was your wife's store Mr White well yes her father did finances what do you mean Samson is that we're all interested in Roswell if you're looking for improvement why don't you get a new sheriff well where's your civic pride drun every town should have a monument to its past and we've got one that walks and talks hey again I was looking for you I have a deposit for you oh but it's Founders Day the bank's closed not for Mr drun no sir be glad to open up for you Mr drun be back later folks oh oh come on this is a celebration yes let's go I'll be right with you Mr drone I just want to lock the door stand still don't anybody move all right Dr drop that Satchel behind you drop it you rors you're gone crazy shut up Clayton you left us no choice don't talk to him Paul I wish you and Hagen had been reasonable dro the range was big enough for all of us drop your gun belt Clayton now move slow to the back that's far [Music] enough I've gun the first one follows us out the [Music] door careful jet hold up the rors [Music] what happened groom is hell up groom got $100,000 follow us [Music] [Music] n [Music] you can see how the circle closes in Romans have the start on us but they're no place to go I'll get them when I do you'll bring them back to stand trial we want no summary Justice Mr drun of course judge thanks hey cord what's she mean by summary Justice Giller RoR oh all ready all right Mr drone you'll take five men right East toward portal check the passes through the Mescalero Ridge right Court yes court you take Billings in about four men right up the pakers to Fort S search that Territory between vaugh and Kaz Zoo but you left a big hole to the South Mr drun do you think the desert will be too tough for the rors Jed Clayton and I will cover the desert to the Mexican border joining your posy drone I appreciate the offer Emerson but it won't be necessary we think it is just what's that supposed to mean the citizens committee was formed to maintain Law and Order in any emergency we think this is an emergency Emerson I haven't time to shaper on you and your so-call committee I've been robbed of $105,000 and I mean to get it back and we mean to see that the rors are dealt with squarely and legally I'm going through the desert then we're going through the desert they'll only hold us up get the sheriff down here Jed tell him after he swears the py in he can go back to bed J take care of yourself [Music] don't worry about [Music] me Todd you can still change your mind about going it's my duty as a citizen of the community is it or is it just a chance to get away from me oh there you go again imagining things goodbye Todd [Music] Frank are you really going yes you know you don't want to go you're just putting on a brave front for the town you're always trying to push me into the foreground well I'm there now but this is different this is something you have to do by yourself oh well good luck [Music] swear is in his deputies Fraser all right all right Fraser say your peace raise your right hands and repeat after me I swear to upull the laws of the territory of New Mexico and the Constitution of the United States and the of the United States so help me God so help me God thank you Sheriff now you can fall back into bed let's ride drone I'm going with you you [Music] that's how it started they rolled out well you saw what came back have another no thanks I think I'll go see how the sheriff is doing now see you [Music] later gracious Mr Emerson all that time without water oh don't don't misunderstand me it wasn't as easy as the telling but but we're not Heroes we knew from the very start we had a hard difficult ride ahead of us but well we felt it was our Duty after an allight ride the next morning found us well on our way toward the mountains drun and Jed leading the way and evidently having little respect for the rest of the posy [Music] we're on the right Trail jet H and sell it all right got a cramp muscle you'll go in in a minute oh that's done it's a lot hotter out here than it is in Roswell the saddle feels as if I were sitting on a red hot stove how do you think the horse feels Jun and clayon look what are they trying to do lose us don't worry about him losing us Frank out here a man's no better than his horse [Music] yeah I nuis a lot of them don't worry about them they won't be with us long [Music] anything we can do John no I'm all coffee thanks [Music] fighting drone he looks half dead we better help him razer's in no condition to go on he needs rest see that he gets it better go back Sheriff you're just holding us up don't worry about me Clayton I can take care of myself [Music] what's he trying to do die with his boots on can you think of a better way for him to [Music] go how about another one had an appetite tonight appr appr you yeah [Music] thanks you've known the rors a long time haven't you yeah they were among the first ranchers in the valley how does it feel to track down your friends Sheriff's got no friends just a job I'm glad you're feeling better John we need you I've been on my share ofes before this one's different in the old days it was a case of kill or be killed why don't you forget about the old days this is today there are some things you can't forget no matter how hard you try they just keep growing in you all this talk about killing that's what we're here to prevent exactly [Music] this is where we leave them behind settle up I'll get the [Music] grub care for some coffee what are you doing up couldn't sleep and I wanted a drink of coffee [Music] all you don't think they'd Tred to cross this desert do you they'll try anything [Music] you [Music] [Music] get off your horses I said Get Down lead your horses take the RS lead your horses and hang on to the tail of the horse ahead of you do as I say Mel you go erson hgen come on hurry it up now keep your heads down Against the Wind [Music] [Music] now keep your hands down against the whip grab hold and hang on tight Frasier the pack horse it's gone with all our food and water Wen you watch well it wasn't my fault the Rope must have slipped you idiot you could have tied it well I thought it was thought you thought about nothing but yourself you could have kept your eyes on it but you haven't got the brains of a jackass besides it was amerson's turn to take care scare that pack horse now don't try to pass it off on me you're both stupid I won't take that from you Al you'll take it from me you lost that horse and nobody else so help me shut this rope didn't slip it was cut who'd want to do a thing like that drun and Jed why why would drun want to leave us without food or water for the same reason he'll want to kill the rors even if he gets his money back I don't believe it oh you don't know drone like I do he likes to settle things by killing 15 years ago he killed Jed's father what are you saying yeah it's true but I can't prove it a week after they found Clayton's body dr's cattle was on his land and young Jed was in drone's house he got the land and the sun he'd always wanted and Jed doesn't know no now I want to give him a chance to grow up and be somebody into another drone I didn't figure it that way at the time Jed must be told well I'll tell him when I do it'll either shoot drun or myself depending on who [Music] believes three Riders yet three rumors [Music] you can have some water if you got [Music] any there they are I'll try and head them off [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] w a [Music] good [Music] [Applause] [Music] don't try it Jed I wasn't very smart drun I didn't have to miss all right pick it up make sure you don't try it again [Music] others ought to be along any minute Jed ever since you've grown up I've rubbed you the wrong way why you've always had it in for drun and me drun yes you know whatever concerns drun concerns me you don't know the truth about drun what are you talking about here they come out give him a hand will you you better rash in the water they I to drink it off what were you and Jed talking about worried not about you Fraser I got a long memory drun 15 years long I'm warning you Frasier that boy means everything to me you ever tell him anything that turns him against me I'll kill [Music] you romer's head the sweatband is still damp they're closer than we thought yeah they are [Music] and that was the end we trapped the rors in a dead end Canyon and when they wouldn't surrender why we had to shoot it out you know the rest it was tragic but there was no help for it Samson Dro was like a father to him he's all upset about it well I think it's time we looked in on the sheriff [Music] no change no Improvement anything at all that we can do yes you can [Music] pray pray we praying for him all right praying for him to die oh that isn't true you know it is what suddenly gives you the right to such a high code of morals you're in this as deep as the rest of us yes I guess I am of of course you're not thinking of yourselves of how you'll slice up $105,000 wait a minute Jed there's no time for callling let's go home and get our suppers got to meet Judge Parker in the lobby at 9:00 [Music] he's slipping fast now remember Judge Parker will asked you a few routine questions and the droom ranch is legally yours the four of us as Witnesses just to have to sign a few papers I've drawn up Judge Parker will be here in a minute J let's get started you go on in I'll be right with you I have to go in Deborah I wish I could do something to help you you could remember it won't be Mr drun and I anymore just Jed Clayton what's the matter nothing's the matter is it because of drun it's a lot of things please don't ask any questions try to understand well I'm trying to but it's just that you're not the same person something's changed and I don't understand sure something's changed in a little while I'll own one of the biggest cattle spreads in the territory does it mean that much to you did a while back what am I supposed to do turn down what's coming to me well I didn't mean that it's just that you should be happy this property's coming to you you can do a lot of good with it we're both own it you'll be able to have everything you've ever wanted all I ever wanted was you trust in me Jed and tell me what it is that's bothering you I've had a bad time of a Deborah try to understand I'm trying to maybe I don't understand myself well I I see I'm made now you stay put [Music] yeah come on drink this come on doctor's orders that's right how long have I been here now don't try to talk John I'll get dark prior how long the py brought you in sometime earlier this morning Emerson and and the others they're downstairs witnessing the will what will one run made out just before he died leaving everything to Jed run oh well now don't try to move John what what else are they saying what difference does it make you couldn't find the money anyway so who cares money what happened don't you remember it was lost out there on the desert just before one of the rors shot you and killed run RoR killed run no that's not the way it happened sit down sto Le listen to what I have to say what do you think you're doing I've got a job I got to finish my job whatever job you got on your mind right now it's not worth it that depends on what kind of a price you put on what a man believes in whose beliefs John yours give Meed doctor would he all right I'll get him I'll be right back not you moved I get [Music] back how is he pretty low [Music] good evening [Music] before we begin Roswell wishes to express its appreciation for the fine work you men did this discussion as you know is quite informal then I'll be able to make my recommendations now Jed you'll be coming into quite a bit of property more than you know about it calls for greater responsibility but you proved your right to such responsibility by the fine work you did as a member of the par [Music] [Music] now Jen will you describe the events which led to the death of Sam andnd Drome Dre you hear the judge yes sir go on Jed the way it happened [Music] [Applause] [Music] sorry I'm L not at all Sheriff glad to see you but should you be here yes I should sit down thanks go on Jed the way it happened the rumors didn't kill Samson drone I did go on Jed to begin with it was Sheriff frasure alone who captured the RoR there they are [Music] n [Music] here [Music] God oh [Music] there might be a chance we can stop him from the other [Music] [Applause] [Music] side will all it's Frasier stay back Frasier that badge won't help you [Music] [Applause] [Music] will tell him to hold his fire he's only making it worse get out of here Fraser give yourselves up you'll get a fair trial Fair trial would Samson drun a judge and jury [Music] well listen to me dr's not running this he's running you Frasier just like he runs everybody else come any closer and you'll get hurt we got nothing to lose [Music] you know it can shoot straighter than that go back come down will the py will'll see that you get a fair deal it's no use for drw's out to kill us and you know he's been looking for a chance like this for years I know that that's why I want you to give up if you don't you won't have a chance come down and I'll do everything I can for you we're staying right here shut up bud I'm talking to your will I give you my word I've never lied to you have I think back will have I he has always kept his word art right now I'm tired of running when George died back there I I kind of died [Music] myself I'm waiting for your answer will all right Johan we're coming down [Music] Mr drone they're coming down [Music] money is all there every son of it I guess I was tooo tired to think straight John hold it Fraser the rors had it coming you're my witness Jed you saw what happened soon as they saw me they started a reach break away from him Jed if you don't you'll grow up to be just like him you're going to hang for this drone they were my prisoners and you shot him down in Cold Blood no one's hanging him don't be a fool Jed ask him why he killed the rors he knows they reached you know he lies the rors had it coming sure they knew too much Chad you always thought your father accidentally killed himself cleaning his rifle well that's a lie drone killed him the rors saw him riding away after the shot he's a liar Jed he'd say anything to split us up let him talk go on frasure prove it prove it haven't you heard enough haven't you seen enough you won't shoot not this time drone there's too many witnesses Fraser you've reached your limit yeah and you've reached yours everything you ever built for everything you wanted in your life life and God is gone if that's true then then why' you keep quiet about it all this time why didn't you tell me wouldn't have done any good you wouldn't have believe me Jed and why didn't the rors talk because they were afraid to but you talk drone he didn't shoot the rors because they stole his money that was just a legal excuse to track him down and kill him so you'd never know the truth Jed you just witnessed murder as coldblooded as when drw shot your father look out [Music] la [Music] it's all there over $100,000 yeah what about the sheriff he won't live to get back to Roswell and even if he does we're five Against One yeah what are you thinking we're not selfish Jed you could have the dro property and we could have the money well that's how it really happened sir your honor the four of us can account for every penny of that money every penny I didn't know who it was to go to that's how it was Sir just for safekeeping that's admirable of you gentlemen now that you failed to carry out the theft you had intended it the court could not hold you but you'll not go unpunished by the people of this community Jed you're young you've always been governed by a stronger mind you started thinking for yourself when you had the courage to tell the truth [Music] I want to congratulate you on the fine work you did in this case Sheriff Frasier the community owes you its gratitude and respect the honor Sheriff Jean Fraser's dead he's been dead ever since he sat down here [Music]
Channel: Stream City
Views: 187,188
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: movie, movies, full movie, full length feature film, full length movie, free movie, film, films, full film, cinema, compilations, best of, comedy, horror, sci-fi, drama, animation, scene, scenes, funny, scary, trailer, new, fresh, trailers, official, movieclips, movie clips, drama movie, film noir, drama/noir, drama/noir movie, classic hollywood, old hollywood, hollywood, 1953 movie, 1953 film, the last posse, the last posse 1953, Charles Bickford, Broderick Crawford, John Derek
Id: wEQIbHfLXos
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 11sec (4391 seconds)
Published: Wed May 22 2024
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