The Gunfighter | COLORIZED | Western | Gregory Peck

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[Music] la [Music] la [Music] [Applause] a [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] hi Jimmy Hi Old Timer [Music] give me a drink say just give me the drink for you You Bet Your Life [Music] chimmy you know who that is who Jimmy Ringo well well what do you know nice to see you again Jimmy thanks you remember the Old Buckhorn in Paso yeah you worked there 5 years ago when Tim O L had it you don't look so tough to me well if he ain't so tough there's been an awful lot of sudden natural deaths in his vicinity how many do you figure 10 12 15 depends upon who's telling it I bet he ain't as fast as Wyatt herb God City places like that they say he is just two hands like anybody else yeah the same number it looks like but oh no wait a minute Eddie you ain't think of doing nothing foolish are you you mean you're so tough I can't even talk to him I mean this ain't no joke boy that's a real mean man there I just want to see how a great big important fell like that handles himself that's all what's wrong with that I'm telling you Eddie I wouldn't do it if I was [Music] you hey Chuck how about a little service down on here that's if Mr frazzel bottom or whatever his name is don't object Eddie don't you know who this is you mean an ate Mr frazzle bottom it's Jimmy Ringo it he well it looks like Mr fro bought him to me did you ever hear anybody kid like him how about a drink Mr frazel bottom no thanks how's that Mr frazzel bottom Eddie please please what I asked a man to have a drink with me what's wrong with that how about it Mr frle bottom okay partner I know Mr frazzlebottom wasn't going to pass up a free one don't you understand Eddie this is Jimmy Ringo all right so it's Jimmy Ringo so what's everybody supposed to do fall on their knees well you can be a little plate at least Mr Ringo Chuck figers you got a little extra consideration comy around here is that right no how's that Mr Ringo you'll have to speak up if you want me to hear you why don't you button up your Brites and go home how' you like to try to make me Mr Ringo now listen partner I come in here minding my own business now how about letting me go out the same way I want to know first what you meant by that remark you just passed tell you what you just bought me a drink now I'll buy you one and then we'll drop it what do you say give him a drink for me never mind a drink I want to know what you meant by the remark you passed listen Eddie I ain't talking to you I'm talking to Mr Ringo I want to know what you meant by that remark he passed how come I got to run into a squirt like you nearly every place I go these days what are you trying to do show off in front of your friends are you ready to back up that remark or not what about this ain't some of you fellas in charge of this donkey I'm telling you Mr Ringo Eddie don't mean no real harm Mr Ringo and let Eddie keep his big ugly nose out of my business business if he don't want to get it [Music] slapped did you see that yes sir he drew first do you see it yeah I saw it yes sir I saw it except I'd get on out of ton anyway if I was you why because he's got three brothers that ain't going to care who drew first all right everybody stay where you are he can't be more than an hour ahead of us must be killing that horse of his ain't doing now in any good either you can't keep it up at this rate that horse of his won't last half a day all right put up your hands now drop your guns right out there where I can see them now get off your horses and stay away from them guns back up right back there come on Bo get out get out get out get out come on get out go come on get out get out get out get out get out give me a walk never mind about me bud you got all you can do to worry about yourself you got about 3 hours walk back to Santa Fe now get going I'm warning you Ringo we're going to get you yet yeah I know I heard that before too you had no right to throw down on a boy like Eddie what was I supposed to do just stand there and let that little boy shoot me full of holes now come on get out of here no more than a kid he's heading straight for cayenne well you think you can make it Ken ain't no further in Santa Fe come on what give me a drink are you up early or out late he either way you want it partner just so I get a drink Jimmy Ringo well where was it with you by the mint Saloon in DOD City you and Bucky Harris used to come in there nearly every night don't you remember could we ever get a drink sure oh oh oh sure sorry Jimmy hey remember now yeah I remember now what about something to eat you got a cook around here my old woman's back there what do you want some eggs you got a steak yeah I got a steak I'll take a steak and some eggs and a pot of black coffee what about a place to wash up first well right out on the back porch here I'll show never mind I can find it you got a livery stable here boy hey he's a little astonished Jimmy when you get him un astonished tell him to take care of my horse yeah oh and don't ride him lead him he's all wore out Archie you heard what Mr Ringo said now go on and do it you going to be around Hurry Up Archie sure I'm here all day want to have a little talk with you yes sir now never mind the Horse Run Over Yonder and tell the Marshall that Jimmy Ringo is here and hurry was it really him go on I tell you on will you please leave that blame M here Marshall Jimmy Ringo's here Marshall where in the palace bar you going to shoot him who told you it was Jimmy Ringo Mac Mac knows him ma called him Jimmy he's on the back porch washing himself Charlie dad get hold of butt and sko [Music] where is he out on the back porch getting cleaned up I ain't after any trouble Mark I just thought you'd want to know he was here you said over there there Charlie stand on there spe take the door button just take it easy and don't try to jump them hi you Jimmy Mark de son of a gun how are you partner I'm fine Jimmy are you joking nope I'm the Marshall here now well I'll be done these idle bar room loafers they your deputies mhm M for me mhm then you won't be needing them I ain't starting anything you sure Mark that's the last thing I want trouble all right boys what are you doing here Jimmy it's about to have a drink how about it no thanks Marshall Mark stret well that ain't a good one but I'm glad for you mark Mighty glad thanks but I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to move on why I ain't wanted for anything around here am I no I just want you out of town anyway and prto coffee ready Mr Ringo thank you lady well you don't mind my having something to eat while we discuss this to you mark I'll have the rest of the minute matter of fact I don't know anybody in the world I'd rather talk to this morning than you old lady will you bring another cup for the Marshall yes sir how about it Mark I got something I want to talk to you about it looks to me like you got a gossip on your staff that's your public Jimmy yeah I'm a big man now that's what you wanted wasn't it Top Gun of the West yep guess I got more people wondering when I'm going to get killed than any other man in the country you don't sound as happy about it as as you did the last time I saw you how many is it now 11 12 there's one you ain't heard about yet you really keep counting don't has dumb questions mark what's the trouble now Jimmy somebody after you three somebody's the law no this is personal I don't want him to catch up with you here Jimmy I don't want him to catch up with me anywhere that's why you got to move on right away you know why I come here don't you I guess I do how wish she all and the boy getting on fine I want to see her Mike you think she wants to see you I got something important to see her about then I'll clear up where can I find her I'm afraid I can't tell you that Jimmy what do you mean you can't tell me all right then won't tell you you want a steak Marshall no thanks why won't you because nobody here knows who she is Jimmy she never even told the boy about you they've got another name now and another life it looks to me like that's the way she wants it to stay will you tell me what name she's going under so I can write to her nope I won't tell you that either looks to me like you're taken quite a lot on your own responsibility ain't you Mark I'm doing what I think is right Jimmy and I'm hoping I can make you see it that way too how' you like to see that street out there full of Gunplay Mark I'd rather not well that's probably what you're going to have a couple hours from now cuz I ain't leaving here till you get a hold of Peggy for me and what if she don't want to talk to you you let her do the deciding about that will you go then if I tell her I told you I would just tell her I mean not make her do anything about it just leave it to her that's all I ask you better wait in here not move around much I'll see what I can do about it oh while you're at it you got any squirts around here that want to make a big name for themselves I hope you'll cool them off before we run into any trouble I will Bo get on away from here why don't you going about your business and leave Ringo alone he ain't bothering anybody is he fast man the whole world why Jim kill wi open in a minute well you bet I bet you million dollars you would you seen hun probably around this morning no what she done now I think I just want to see him pass the word around with him sure will Mark morning Marshall morning Miss alen he don't look so tough to me yeah yeah that's the way it always starts you don't look so tough to somebody except with this somebody it's going to stop right there too you better because with a man like that you can't come off much better than second he don't bother me I don't bother him the only somebody that's bothering me right now is Mr Hunt brownley oh yeah I forgot about that squirt you seen him already no but maybe you better take a look around for him now want me to bring him in just tell him I want to see him but make sure he comes I'll get him and Charlie yeah watch yourself don't take any chances with that boy I don't aim too much morning Charlie morning have you seen hunt browny around this morning no not this morning well tell him I'm looking for him if you see him sure will Charlie if you see him looks like it might be right interesting [Music] day hello Mr Mar where all you girls going this time of day we got a holiday n of the boys came to school this morning so miss War said we could go too you mean all the boys played hookie yes sir I went downtown to see that bad man that Jimmy Ringle that's down there come on K come on Mark you already heard huh yes the children told me the girls that is none of the boys came this morning I guess they're all down around the palace bar by now little Jimmy too I suppose so he's about as wild as the rest of them what's Jim doing here Mark do you know he says he wants to see you what about he didn't say I thought you might know no I didn't tell him anything your name or anything like that I just said I'd tell you he wants to see you and leave the rest to you what do you think I ain't thinking I got nothing to say either way well I won't do it I can fix it for you on the quiet if you want to see him no I think it's better the way it is tell him I'm sorry whatever you say Peg Mark how does he look oh just about the same I guess a little older a little tireder not as cocky as he used to be tell him I'm very sorry I'll tell him want some more coffee Mr Ringo no thank you lady want to bring that bottle over here up Jimmy best up in the west this old kuner a lot of fellas around here won't drink anything else why know somebody chase them kids out of there and you got a school here for him to go to Sure Jimmy we got a school I'll get him away from you will you please never mind come on now get off stay away please don't come back [Music] stay Jimmy Walsh now just do wait till your mother hears about this but we're not hurting anybody Mrs develin you just wait till I tell her you're loafing around a [Music] saloon morning Miss morning it's simply an outrage that murderer sitting over in that Saloon like he was an honor guest or or something and the children literally running wild through the streets I completely agree with you Mrs Devin and 5 lbs of sugar and did you see all those loafers hanging around over there you'd think it was Deadwood or one of those places Mark Str will get him out of there soon soon and pray how long is a murderer supposed to be entertained in Cayenne how much are these potatoes 8 cents a pack two for 15 I'll have a half a pack you know who'll do something about it Mrs Penny exactly she'll get a little action out of Mark stret will you go with me to talk to her I most certainly will just soon as I get some of these lovely onions what about you Mrs Cooper I'd like to meet Mrs Penny feather very much morning ladies good morning Mr Marlo oh good morning Mr Marlo tush to the backer George what's all excitement in front of the palace well it's that murderer of course what murderer well that Jimmy Ringo well haven't you heard where's Jimmy Ringle sitting right over there in the palace bar just as big as you please we're going straight to Mrs Pen Feather right now all right Jerry what'd you forget what are you going to do Jerry Jimmy ring goes in the palace bar and when he comes out he's going to get this right in the face have you gone crazy get your hand off that door well that's Mur Jerry what was it when he killed Roy you're not even sure that was Ringo he was in the bunch that's enough for me but you don't know that that's just what people said oh Jerry please don't get us in any more trouble we've got all straightened out now you're wasting your breath Ellis all I know is Ringo killed my boy and I'm going to kill Ringo just as soon as he walks out that door got boy take care of my horse I'm getting cleaned up right now Jimmy here he come never do that again Alice never I know what I'm doing and I'm going to do it come found that boy Archie say any of you fellas seen Archie yeah yeah Ma just went across the storm in the go Archie Archie here I am ma go see how soon Mr Ringo's horse will be ready and hurry up Archie all right hey Ma Ringo don't look so tough to me then why don't you go in there and take a punch at him for what I ain't got nothing against a man oh W here comes a marsh but he's going to shoot jingle a he can't he don't even carry a g why a you kids from school nothing doing Jimmy she says she's sorry but that's all there is to it did you tell her it was important I told her exactly what I told you I'd tell her and offered to fix it up for her on the quiet if she wanted to see you what else what else what I'm sure you didn't talk against me who's asking the dumb questions now didn't she give no explanation at all what explanation could she give that you don't already know I could only talk to were just for a few minutes how does she look Mark oh just about the same I guess a little older but just as pretty did you see my boy n he's on the loose today what do you mean on the loose you hear those boys on the street yeah well he's one of them [Applause] which one Mark well I I don't see him right now that ain't a fine way to bring up a kid hanging around in front of a saloon ain't you got a school in this town yep we got a school here you broke it up partner they all come down to see Jimmy Ringo the big gun the Great Hero is my uh does my kid think I'm kind of a hero nope as a matter of fact I understand he's a w her man her you ought have taught him better than that me and where was you all this time I beg your pardon both of you gentlemen for interrupting you but this is a kind of a serious situation for me Marshall what is it the truth of the matter sir Is that West is burning my house down what's he doing that for well he just felt like it Marshall that's the only excuse in the world he's got just felt like it drunk he certainly don't act like he was Al together Cold Sober all right we'll go down there and see what we can do about it wait outside yes sir and thank you too sir Mr Ringo it ain't like me to interrupt Two Gentlemen like you go on out I said yes sir you moving on now yeah I guess so sorry it had to be like this Jimmy it's not your fault watch yourself partner if I write to you when you give her a message you bet thanks I'll be seeing you Jimmy well I hope so but don't lay no money on it I'll be seeing you all right how much M oh no no charge Jimmy on the house it's an honor to have you oh thanks don't grab this from your wife it's an honor and a pleasure Jimmy yes sir we're oldtimers you know you and me Jimmy Molly I didn't know you were here Jim Bo you must be about the only one in town that didn't I work late so I sleep late work where here what do you mean I'm a singer Jim you've heard of singers haven't you want to buy me a little drink H you know well sure kid sure but why got to live h't you but where's Bucky didn't you hear hear what Buck was killed 6 months ago in abene no I didn't hear I'm sorry Molly who did it I don't know was found in an alley shot to the back of the head well didn't he didn't they leave you anything a horse and a saddle two guns and $15 I never heard a word about it money have you seen Peg no do you whenever I can doesn't do a school teacher any good to be seen with a barom singer you know come on over here for a minute something I want to ask you you wouldn't see me is it somebody else you ought to know better than that no I don't it's been a long time I never be anybody else for pig anybody else tried of course pretty girl like that young squirt named hunt brownley got after thought she couldn't take care of herself boy you should have heard her tell him off what did he do to her nothing I'm nothing really just one of those loudmouthed barroom loafers who trying to move in on a woman without a husband you know the kind do you see Jimmy too whenever I see her what kind of a boy is he he's a good kid Peg takes good care of him what is he big or little big about right for eight eight and a half look you want me to talk to Peg well Mark already talked to her she said no will you let me talk to her are you you in some kind of a hurry if you think there's a chance I'll stick around a little while longer you stay right here I'll get her for you but it don't take too long I'm a little behind schedule already I won't be [Music] long hiun Heal Me Out deal me back in again I bet two bits that finishes name well I don't want more of it either want to set in for a couple of hands joh go with cards I made myself I wouldn't want to sit at that table what do you mean sitting up here playing cards on a day like this looks like any other day to me you mean you ain't heard heard what you mean you ain't heard who's in town you have to put your foot on my chair we ain't heard anything we ain't been out of here since Tuesday who is it Jimmy Ringo Jimmy Ringo uh-huh what in the name of Thunder is Jimmy Ringo doing in Cayenne sitting right up there at the palace bar no yeah we just left him there what does he look like he's a kind of a natural man he don't look much different from a lot of other Fells he looks Mighty average to be such a big man about as big as they come I guess how many hands has he got well I never counted him to tell you the truth oh he's got two hands just like anybody else and some of these days somebody's going to make a big name for himself by proving that's all he's got a big name right on his Tombstone well it's got to come sooner or later ain't it you don't expect him to go on forever do you so far as I'm concerned he can hey do you reckon he's still up there yet now wait a minute hun you're good but maybe you ain't quite that good how do you know I ain't if you ain't can I have your saddle very funny huh what I mean hunt you ain't ever really killed anybody like he has well what do you know about it you don't know everything i' done or every place I've been yeah but you ain't ever been any place but abene have you come on let's go off and take a look at this big imp important man but I ain't finished cutting your hair yet no I'll come back come on I hear he ain't too sociable might not like people looking at him well he can get used to it what about it Ike oh I got a wife and a couple of kids hun I better not either hun I got a mother who is my sole support well suit yourself yellow bellies well it never was much fun to have around anyway Ry Jimmy you're Jimmy Walsh ain't you yes sir ain't that your M calling you Jimmy come here right this minute just a minute ma if you don't come here this very minute I'll skin you alive a shf tell me which one gets killed will you but M the other Fell's going to see it I don't care what the other boys are going to do you're coming straight home with me but M Jimmy wringle in there and S is hot I don't care somebody's going to shoot somebody and I want to see it since when do I have to drink second grade whiskey here Mac that's the brand you always drink huh this Whiskey's been watered no it ain't hunt you know I don't water my whiskey I never done that in my whole life if I say it's watered it's watered and I'm going to prove it to you I want you to give everybody in this room a drink out of that same bottle and let's see what they got to say about it hun there ain't a thing in the world the matter with this whiskey do you hear what I said or not I heard and don't forget the gentleman at the table I'd like to have his opinion too H please hunt let's don't have no trouble here now I'll ask him myself I want you to settle a little argument Mr Ringo why should I you've got quite a reputation for settling arguments haven't you only my own you could say this one included you in a way I say ma Waters is whiskey and you're kind of dumb to be drinking here ain't you please Len tell me what you think don't trouble yourself you ain't very sociable are you maybe if you got to know me a little better I don't have to know you any better looks to me like there's a squirt like you in every town in the west I'll get away from here it's kind of strong talk ain't it Mr Ringo you're hunt Bramley ain't you yeah you heard of me already yeah I heard about you I heard you're a cheap no good barroom loafer if I didn't have something else in my mind I'd take them guns away from you and slap you crosy you're asking for trouble Mr Ringo you already got it partner cuz I got a gun on you under this table and it's pointing smack at your belly are you going to get out of here or not I'm kind of disappointed in you Mr Ringo we heard a lot about you around here but I guess they forgot to tell us about the gun under the table the older you grow the more you learn son now turn around and head for the Door Keep moving and don't do anything sudden with your hands I'll be seeing you Mr Ringo all the way outside sunny well what on Earth we need three horses quick Mr Barlo can you let us have them I don't see any reason why not hey Marty settle up Prince fny and Dan for these men right away you got some guns too I guess I have but what in the world are you follow us up to how far is it to Cayenne it's about an hour's ride you start now you could make it by 10:00 easy but ain't you going to tell me what's going on we're after Jimmy Ringo Jimmy Ringo I was the only fell in town I didn't see him what's the matter mom let me stay down to see to be you bet I won't you're going straight up to your room and stay there until that man's left this town because you had that I don't want to go to room I don't care what you want to do you're going to your room please M now you stand here and don't let me hear another word out of you about it did you ever hear of anything so terrible why it's like The Whole Town's gone crazy he's here just to see you you know have you talked to him I just left him why don't you see him if only for a few minutes oh Molly what good would it do it's all over now you know that not for him he's still crazy about you Peggy he was crazy about me before but that didn't stop him from being the kind of person he was he scares me Molly he really does he might have scared you then but not now he's different how different the way Bucky was different that last year you know not wild anymore just sorry and what good did it do Bucky none I guess but I liked it hope for me he'd have stayed away is it somebody else Peggy of course not you know it's not not Mark Mark why do you ask that is it I've never even thought of Mark like that of course not you think he never thought of you like that I doubt it Mark's just well Mark's just Mark he's Jim's friend oh you must be out of your mind it's still JY isn't it I guess so I guess it always will be how would you like to see ring going wide her square off at each other brother I wouldn't even want to be in the same town when that happened I still say he's yellow I gave him the chance to show how good he was didn't I you reckon that's right he didn't have a gun under the table after all yeah I heard that but both his hands were out of sight he could have been holding anything I took lots of nerves I would have Bluff like that what would you have done looked under the table I wouldn't even been there in the first place he was the one that ducked out of a showdown not me you ain't going back there are you well I ain't leave in town if that's what you mean Marshall wants to see you hunt didn't you get the message yeah I got it I'll see him when I get the time he says now looks like everybody's drawn behind your back these days all the Smart Ones come on down the Marshall's office I'll be right behind you just you wait to miss Pen Feather here's about this situation Charlie's got him there is Charlie's got him ah shuck that's just hunt Bromley Ringle wouldn't spit on Hunt Bromley come on what do you want with me sit up didn't you get my message I'm here a i how come you went over there and tried to pick a fight with Ringle you don't have to worry about me pey I can take care of myself I wish I had a $100 for every blabber mouth I've heard say that LE yellow I learned that much anyway all right then Buffalo Bill I see it ain't no use to warn you so I'm going to tell you either I'm going to lock you up in a Cell until he's gone or you're going to get out of town for the rest of the day now which is it going to be me get out of town what about getting him out when you're the Marshall you can do the deciding meanwhile you let me handle the job now what do you like the cell or the road looks like you're being mighty careful about that killer I just don't want any great big terrible men like you scaring him to death how long you known Ringo you want to be locked up no then get going south and I don't want to see you back around here before Sundown you understand you didn't say how long you no Ringo if you ain't out of town in 5 minutes I'm going to have to take them guns away from you don't ever try that Mark I won't try it I'll do it I Got My Mind Made Up Now I'm going to keep peace here today if I have to lock up every guny and pound to do it where's your badge put it on this is official I want you to take this scatter gun and sit in the palace with it and if Hunter any other Troublemaker so much as sticks his head in the door let him have it what's Ringo going to think me sitting there with a loaded shotgun hell am I sent you how long have you known Ringo Mark I'm going to keep hunt company for a mile or so I'll be back in a few minutes C Mr engo I'm Charlie Mr Ango Mark stret Deputy Mark wants me to sit shotgun on the front door with what I didn't bring it in with me because I didn't want you to get the wrong idea who is he he's the deputy like he says where's Mark he had to go out on another matter he'll be along in a few minutes all right partner get you g we'll have a drink at the bar thank you Mr Ringo say is that clock right no not more than 5 or 10 minutes out either way Jimmy you mind if I ask you a question I if you don't mind if I don't answer it who would you say was the toughest man you ever saw tell you the second toughest Bucky Harris you have a tangle with him no of course not Bucky was my friend take it you don't want me to ask you again who was the first Thomas to me like all your business is on the outside and none of it inside well that don't worry me now just wait till tomorrow after I'm gone huh this place will be famous Jimmy it'll be like a shrine I'll probably have to put on two more bartenders maybe I had to charge you a fee you name it Jimmy and it's yours are you serious why not you've done it all right I'll take it's to deal but who's going to collect for you I'll let you know before I leave where you going I can't stand this waiting any longer I'm going to take a look around outside all right but I got to stay with you you know how much you get paid for this job 60 a month why well it ain't enough what happened there's a fellow with a gun in one of them windows across the street I hav seen the sun flash out you might have got it too which window stay away from the door you wait here but you ain't supposed to leave here Mr Ringo I got to get the gun away from that he's to mess up this whole business who you reckon it is I don't know but it looks like I ought to be the one to go after him well why don't you Mark said stay here I ain't got orders covering a situation like this anyway he's still in there and he still got to come out oh Jerry please won't you give it up please nothing is going to bring Roy back and that's all we're thinking about go outside and take a look look if you want to find out who's getting ready to shoot through that door you go outside and look yourself you're the man in charge of Peace around here peace the man says you better get out of here it's my life too Jerry go over to LM and stay there keep your mouth shut all right don't move drop that gun drop it put your hands up kick it away from you further away now stand up now turn around let's see what you look like I ought to blow your head off laying for me like that what's the matter with you anyway can I put my hands down sure just don't try anything funny with him now what's the idea my name is Marlo so what you don't remember no you don't remember Roy Marlo come on Partner keep talking what are you getting at Roy Marlo was my son you killed him I never killed any Roy Marlo I never even heard of him you must be out of your mind well you killed him all right but your D don't even remember it you're crazy do you think if I killed somebody I wouldn't remember it are you sure you're not safe running around loose partner you got to be locked up come on open it now move ahead of me next it to the Marshall's office you think I ought to go across there and see what's happening Mark told you to stay here didn't he thank you that looks like we got to sove ourselves today come on where is he well he ought to be here I am Mrs August Penny feather how do you do Mrs Penny feather we are here to see Marshall marrit oh well he ain't here now ma'am I don't know just where he is we will wait yes ma'am do um want you have with you who are you a deputy no just a friend he wouldn't be over there arresting that murderer would he no ma'am I don't think he is well doesn't he intend to that I couldn't say ma'am I ain't sure just what he's going to do about it well he'd better be making up his mind pretty soon this is not Deadwood or Tombstone this is a law abiding community and we want no murderers running wild through our streets shooting and killing our women and children he ain't exactly running wild through the streets manate he's a murderer isn't he is he well what else pray tell after all those killings well I mean maybe U he don't think he is well then he must be a fool too I'm just guessing understand lady but maybe he figures it was either him or them what do you mean him or them well I mean maybe there was some some misunderstandings and it was either him or them that was going to get killed 50 misunderstandings in a row not 50 ma'am nowhere's near it well it was a lot nearer 15 than 50 and I can tell you that for a fact what are you trying to do take up for him oh no ma'am no indeed no indeed not me well don't you think something should be done about him absolutely ma'am he ought to be arrested or run out of town or something he ought to be hung yes yes him there's a lot to be said for that that point of view too good morning ladies good morning good morning you're late late yes ma'am I figured you'd be around long before now what do you intend to do about the man nothing ma'am you're going to allow him to sit right there in that Saloon as long as he pleases demoralizing the whole town well the trouble so far ain't been him demoralizing the town it's the town demoral izing him some fell right here just tried to demoralize him with a Winchester is that what you mean we are here simply to remind you Marshall strength that it is your sworn duty to keep peace in Cayenne that's right ma'am and that's what I'm aiming to do to the best of my ability moreover we the ladies of cayenne regard it an outrage that this man Ringo a notorious murderer should be received here practically with honor and allow to sit and state in our finest Saloon so now we demand Mr Marshall that you do something about it immediately such as what ma'am either arrest him or chase him out of town what do you think well he's planning to leave anyway a he that's the way I understand it what do you figure would happen if I tried to chase him out I don't think you could do it and keep the peace at the same [Music] time that's what I thought can't you arrest him he ain't done anything here to be arrested for well isn't he wanted not by me ma'am I'm just a stranger here myself ma'am but if you was to ask me I'd say hold off for another hour don't do anything that might make trouble until say half 10 if you ain't gone by then then let the Marshall go to work on him shoot him down like a dog exactly ma'am that sounds very sensible uh what do you say ladies oh well then that's the way we'll have it Marshall thank you very much that's a very reasonable intelligent idea don't thank me ma'am thank Mr Ringo oh but of course thank you very much Mr Ringo Mr Ringo please come on I saw Molly she said she'd talk to Peggy I know she's down there now I better get back to Palace that's where she' be looking for me what' you do with Marlo who the fell in the window oh I arrested him for you he's in the cage back there you going to let him out not until you leave town wait a minute I'm going with you I forgot something Mark say where was your boy killed you don't know what would I be asking you for if I knew Chelsea wasn't me partner I never even been in the territory in my life wife what time do you figure them brothers will be here I got plenty of time yet I hope so I hope you ain't miscalculated any they're on foot I chased off their horses they'll be doing good if they're here by 11: I see better fights in thisit a prayer me me like they ain't got as much Spirit as he used to I go for these eyes Jak is that a horse in any shape to go again today no I don't think so Mark he's putting air War down to another you got a fresh one here I guess so why have him at the back door of the palace in about 15 minutes saddled up with Ringo stuff give him enough grub and water to make Santa Maria and charge it to the county all right Mark anybody working here today too busy to work today hi Ma Tommy glad to see you Tommy looks like Saturday out there how's Ellen fine thanks give me a right I don't know about that what'll Ellen say now look she said I could have one if it was Dusty a wife don't like him to drink don't blame her ah she knows I'm all over that sort of thing too much work to do these days join me oh thanks not the same thing what you got a ranch yeah we got ourselves a little place the first year we was married ain't very big but it's coming along all right married the cutest little old girl you ever saw no bigger than a bug but brother did she settle this round her down that's her all right little but oh my how many h a cattle you got about 400 started with a 50 got horses too well we ain't got many you need more outside help than we can afford for horses but I guess we got about 30 sounds like a right nice start yeah that's the way her and I figured it takes a lot of hard work to make anything out of a place that little but oh we don't mind grazing land's good and there's plenty of water so I guess we're better off than a lot of people we broke even last year you know sounds mighty good have one with me no thanks one is what she said much oblig to you though just the say so long Ma so long Tommy Tell Ellen hello for me yeah I'll tell it nice fell Tommy kind of getting on towards time Ain it I'm going to give her till the last minute you don't want to draw it too close you know I got to hear something Mark no matter how close I draw Molly ain't back pretty soon she told me about Bucky never heard it before I guess he never knew what hit him that's a fine life ain't it just trying to stay alive not really living not enjoying anything not getting anywhere just trying to keep from getting killed that's what buy used to say was waiting to get knocked off by some tough kid like the kind of kid I was and the truth of the matter is it don't pay much either here I am 35 years old I ain't even got a good watch how'd you get out of it Mark I just quit no it ain't that easy how'd you do it really you remember when the gang split up after that bank at Medina we didn't split up they scattered us well anyway some of us put into Prairie City to get some supplies but the word was ahead of us and you should have seen what we walked into yeah I heard did you hear about the little girl no I got sick when I saw her who did it who knows with all that shooting it could have been me just as well as anybody else you don't know that it don't matter I was there so when we got back to the hills I kept it going and I kept on it going until I got here and I asked a man for a job didn't anybody ever say anything I wasn't as prominent as you are oh there funny is what that was a time I could have kept on a going too yeah I could have rode right on back to piggy I used to wonder about going back and giving myself up I finally argued myself out of that one thank goodness Mark yeah I got that hor out here be there in a minute Jake I guess ain't much use my waiting around here any longer you can write to me and I'll give it to her if you want didn't do any good she's got her mind made up now no place she could reach you I reckon no don't know where I'm going to be so long Mike do you have to be going already Jimmy yeah I'm got to see if that up the line so what about your cut of the business who do you want me to give it to who's the prettiest girl in town well uh I used to admire the Banker's daughter but I might have been influenced by her money then there's a girl named Frankie May and a school teacher a school teacher I always having a kind of a weakness for school teachers put it in an envelope without any notor anything and drop it on her Des school teacher you consider it then Jimmy it's been a real pleasure to see again Jimmy I often think of the good old days in do City with you and Bucky and the other fellas makes me real homes yeah that was good old days all right come on Jimmy sometimes I don't think people have fun like they used to do you no Jim got a minute or two well you look fine honey I'm doing all right I come here just to see you you know I know Mark told me but I just didn't know what to do Jim well it's all right now how's Jimmy he's a lot like you I'm afraid don't you think you better do something about that right quick well I was just joking oh he's a little a while like all kids but he's a good boy do you know he's out there in front now I took him away once but it looks like The Whole Town's crazy today I never saw anything like it I looked out there Adam I couldn't see no kid that looked like me he's still there I'm afraid Mark Molly tell you what I want no I want to get away from here Peggy want to get out of this part of the country see if we can't find us a little ranch Maybe you and me and Jimmy if only you'd thought of this before well we can still do it honey I can go on out to California or the Northwest where they ain't never heard of me before see if I couldn't find this a little place then you and Jimmy could pack up and come on out there later or they would never know who we were we could be safe out there the rest of our lives when did you get this idea Jim well I didn't get it it just kind of come over me the way getting older comes over you all of a sudden you look at things different than the way you did 5 years ago all of a sudden I knew this was the only thing in the world I wanted you and me and Jimmy together on a little place somewhere it's a wonderful idea Jim it's wonderful but it's no use why not well it's too late why Mark D it eight years ago but you couldn't not now you're too well known the only reason Mark doesn't arrest you is that he's marked and you're his friend but you can't depend on things like that forever in one of these days the federal officers will pick up your Trail and that'll be the end of it they'll never give up not as long as you live what about South America we can meet in New Orleans get on a boat and what's the matter Peggy don't you love me you didn't have to ask that Jim I've changed you know I'm different now Pig I just want to be somewhere don't you understand oh look darling if it were just you and me I'd do it I'd go with you this very minute anywhere in the world you wanted to go but it's not just you and me there's Jimmy too well we can take him with us no Jim we could run and hide and Dodge the law all the rest of our lives not a little boy like him he wouldn't understand don't you see jimy give me another minute will you4 10 Jimmy it's all right I tell you I got plenty of time they're walking they could have run some too you know all right just one more minute somebody's after you never mind that listen a year from now if I come back if I've been all right the whole year will you talk to me about it again no Jim it's no use it's too late just talk to me that's all maybe you'll feel different something might have happened nobody knows what can happen in a year but you got to say you'll talk to me about it again I will well we can make it honey we can make it you just just wait and see where are you Grandma now look Jimmy now listen to me Mark I got to have 5 minutes more you can't do it Jimmy you ain't got the time how many times do I have to tell you I know what I'm doing those guys ain't got any horses what do you think they're going to do fly what do you want 5 minutes more for I want to see my kid no no jimy look you dumb cow man sorry but my mind is made up so get him honey I don't care how you do it but get him right here in this room what are you trying to do mess up the whole business I ain't trying to mess up anything I just want to see my kid but how can I fix it so he won't know you can do it honey you'll think of something but I ain't leaving until I see him alone me and him right here in this room and I don't care if there's 300 Brothers can you hurry it up I'll try all I know is it's been 8 years since I've seen my own kid and it ain't going to be another 8 years before I see him again you ain't here I'm surely glad you don't drop in every morning there H where's Charlie he just stepped outside you want him tell him to come in here right away with him sure Mark Jimmy Jimmy wal Jimmy is that your mom calling you yes sir come here hurry Jimmy but M all the other fellas never mind the other fellas Molly wants to tell you you something come on with me you know his horse I know it [Applause] who learned you to bust into a room like that nobody well don't ever do it again you knock first and wait till somebody answers do you understand yes sir I'll shut the door [Music] there Molly here said you wanted to see me yeah that's right what about I'll tell you in a minute how old are you nine you're 8 and A2 how' you know well I got my ways what grade are you in the third honest you know what grade I was in when I was your age what the seventh at 8 and 1/2 well I was in the sixth anyway you was in the sixth grade at 8 and 1/2 I wasn't far from it are you really Jimmy Ringle sure I am what do you mean then how come you didn't draw and it kicked in that door well draw on an unarmed man I never did that in my life you got to give everybody a fair chance don't you did you ever meet Wyatt her yeah I've seen him once or twice is he the toughest man you ever saw the fun I run with we just spanked w her's britches with his own pistol really why the real tough ones laugh at her who is the toughest one you ever saw you mean the real toughest yes sir besides you well I guess I never seen anybody any tougher than a fellow you got right here in your own town fell by the name of Mark strp you mean Marshall Mark strp he's the toughest man I ever met but he don't even carry a gun well he don't have to son he can handle him barehanded and we've been calling him softy all I can say is don't you ever tangle with that softy no sir what's the matter doesn't thought Jimmy Ringo was in here he was here all morning had a drink right there where you're standing now ain't left town has he not yet he got held up back there wow you watch here [Applause] now I'll tell you what I wanted with you do you see them kids out front yes sir why ain't they in school we come down to see what's going on well they got no business hanging around in front of a saloon I want you to get them out of there but I don't know if I can or not what do you mean you don't know whether you can or not when I asked for somebody to handle this situation why Miss Harris told me you're the smartest kid in town that's why I sent for you well I'll try don't try you do it you get them boys out of there the way mark stret would you understand yes sir that's a good boy guess we picked out the right fell after him well he's all right you got a good boy Mrs Walsh look outside Molly get ready all clear goodbye man you take good care of yourself goodbye goodbye son bye Mr Ringle I hope I see you again sometime oh what about next year will you really you'll be watching for me a year from today sorry Jimmy sorry for what a year ain't nothing I can hide out that long look out for it will you you bet I'm much obliged to you mark That's all right partner looks like you're going to make it after all here he comes I got Charlie out to have them fellas off anyway keep an eye on the kid for me will you I'll watch them I'll see you a year from now I'll be looking for you what you fellas doing up there drop them guns drop them is that you Charlie come on down you these the fellas you meant come on out you fellas these them yeah that's two of them I told you fell you was wasting me time much oblig Charly I you at hit mark for a raise so long how about it Ringo M I ought to give sare in the belly both barrels got be Hunley got Ringo hun Bromley got Ringo no don't you please M hear that hun Bromley shot we got to please no please we got to go back please no no come on got to go home come on get away don't go caddy we got the doctor coming Jimmy just lay still and you'll be all right that boy hunt we got him son he ain't getting away with it no I drew first I was ahead of him I seen it Jimmy you don't have to say anything like that I seen who drew first you heard what I said Mark I drew first first I don't argue with me I know what I'm doing you don't have to do me no favors papy keep your mouth shut if I was doing you a favor I'd let him hang you right now and get it all over with but I don't want you to get off that light I want you to go on being a big tough gunny I want you to see what it means to have to live like a big tough gunny so don't thank me yet partner you'll see what I mean just Qui now you look don't say anything hunt don't talk to me don't say one word to me you can't don't talk to me I tell her I'll kill you if you do you understand now listen to me yellow belly Ringo's fixed you good you're going to get it exactly like you give it to him because there's a thousand cheap dirty crooked Little Squirts like you waiting right now for the chance to kill the man that killed Jimmy Ringo but it ain't going to be here Sunny not in my territory so get going now get killed somewhere else and that's just the beginning tough boy [Music] I'm awful sorry but there ain't no more room Mrs watch ain't another seat left in the place is Mark inside well yes and he's inside will you tell him Mrs Ringle would like to see him yes Mrs Jimmy Ringle Mrs Jimmy Ringle and his boy yes Mrs [Music] Ringle come on in bgy [Music] Rock of Ages for me let me hide myself in the [Music]
Channel: Grjngo - Western Movies
Views: 14,055
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Keywords: The Gunfighter 1950, Gregory Peck, free movies, free western movies, western, western movies, western feature films, ranch movies, cowboys, wild west, western movie, western movies online, full western movies, full movie youtube, classic western movies, western movies full length, cowboy movies, western movies full length free, full movies, best western movies, westerns full movies, spaghettiwestern, spaghetti westerns, spaghetti western, free westerns, old western movie
Id: hoUcvP83UEA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 21sec (5061 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 13 2024
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