The Mob FULL MOVIE | (Ernest Borgnine, Neville Brand, Betty Buehler) STREAM CITY

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[Music] [Music] [Music] what do you think these look like they were mined with a toothpick you said you wanted something for around $150 Johnny but these look like samples would you like something for around 250 I'll tell you I'd like something for around 500 but I only want to pay 150 for it jeez they look more like it 685 how much you off for the police force why should I knock off anything just because you're a policeman thought you might want to try and bribe me I'm always reading about cops being bribed I've got more influential friends than you and the boy Scotts oh come on Fred make me a deal you know Mary ought to cut the price in half I've known Mary since she was 8 years old and the price is still 685 bucks how do you sleep at night friend just fine thanks how much cash how much you got about 300 it's yours wrap it up stay back all right drop it don't turn just drop it I'm Lieutenant Henderson 21st Precinct my badge is in my right pocket get it out toss it back here okay Lieutenant I'm Johnny Deo take the third from the sixth Precinct who's the pigeon Tony Rogers he shot up one of my men about 2 hours ago hey what's happening you got a phone yeah I'll call in too all right get out of here go on get out all right get back get back what is it you too nosy or did you shoot this guy no Lieutenant Henderson shot him he's calling in I'm Johnny Domo 6 Precinct G build G is he hey sure is you made good time what's up just a small killing funny nothing came over the radio on this what do you mean nothing came over how'd you get here we were just cruising calling in I'll be right back9 file hey what's going on out there where's the man just came in here to make the phone call phone call yeah big for of trench code black hair oh him he just walked in the front door and went out the back Lieutenant back Lieutenant Banks yeah I'm going a shooting on West 63rd he just came in over the radio what are you doing there I saw the whole thing big fell shot a little fell and I pull a gun on him in the best tradition he Flash the bad he was Lieutenant hon 21th Precinct little fellow was Tony Rogers and he just killed the cop I searched the dead guy he was carrying identification Edward Jensen 1911 Inland Avenue What's that name again Edward hon where is this Lieutenant Henderson he jumped into a lunchroom before and I find out he went out the back door Johnny you're kidding I know it sounds like a bonehead play Lieutenant but the Banshee flash was the McCoy and he was carrying a police revolver get down here right away Johnny is it bad right away Johnny okay and you even hand him back his gun why you even train fair but I'm telling you that badge was real you couldn't fool me with a tin job sure it was real was taken off the body of Lieutenant Miry by the guy who murdered him 3 hours before I didn't hear about any killing I was off duty you know who Edward Jensen was no you should Jensen was a principal witness in the grand jury investigation of the Waterfront rackets Lieutenant Mary was a special investigator ass signed on that case the guy with a badge your description is the same as Mary gave us just before he died I should have gone fishing I call the commissioner and the district attorney while you're on your way down they want to see you tomorrow morning pretty upset don't count on your pension well the Army is always waiting I'll do what I can Johnny thanks where you going I got a date with Mary not anymore I've got an artist waiting to work with you see if you can't get something that looks like you're a pal well that won't take long I'll phone it and I don't want you to leave here tonight why hang around an order they'll go to the Commissioner's Office together in the morning okay weight approximately 160 lb height approximately 511 this is going to be a big help sorry commissioner it was the best I could do it was dark and raining and after you showed me the badge I didn't pay too much attention to him you should be back patrolling vacant lots a man commits a murder right in front of your own eyes you tip your hat shiny shoes and send him off with his hot little guns still in his hands you're suspended for 60 days yes sir that's only for publication however instead of actually suspending you we're going to give you a chance to get yourself killed we want this man awfully bad and I'm stuck with you because you're the only one who knows anything about what he looks like no record no record no pictures no prints no anything Mary gave us the name Blacky CLE our boys have been hearing the name around the Waterfront the last couple of weeks sit down Deo yes sir what do you know about this Waterfront setup very little sir I'm not surprised at that but anyway your job is to bring in Blackie Cay I think we should brief him just for background but Radford can handle the racket end about 3 months ago the union came to us and ask our help in getting rid of the racketeers who work their way into the Waterfront Mary who was killed last night and Radford here were assigned to the case how did the rackets work they got a 100 angles kickbacks from everybody working on the docks highly organized thefts and loadings and unloadings that bring them in about 50 million a year contributions I could go on for hours we began getting Witnesses from the truckman steamship lines in the long shoreman you enough to convene a grand jury and start presenting evidence then they evidently sent out some new boy to take over things began to tighten up but we still had enough to go ahead Jensen was our prize witness and Mary was one of our best men how far had Mary gten I don't know for sure we were working separately but pretty near the top I guess he scared somebody this Blacky CLE he's the new boss that's what Mary said you don't have anything on him we know someone who might be able to identify him who's that you how do I work we'll get everything set up for you you you will be Tim Flynn a middle-sized crook from New Orleans we'll have the New Orleans police phoning up a record for you in case anybody checks what have I done a few misdemeanors in a man's Slaughter R we'll arrange for you to fly to New Orleans tonight get aboard a boat work your way back up here it'll take about a week make sure you notice plenty on that boat these boys probably check on anything they think look suspicious yell for all the help you need and keep reporting in another man can pick up in case you're knocked over off that's a cheery thought it's no stroll in the park and don't forget deole Cay saw as much of you last night as you did of him already thought of that commissioner also thought of something else there's another guy got a better look at him last night than I did who's that the lunchroom proprietor won't be much help we picked him up dead in an alley at 4:00 this morning pl's a little gun happy isn't he remember that when you're prowling around late at night yes sir [Music] [Music] whose picture is that know that's old Heathcliff Deo he's an uncle of mine he operates a string of girdle Factories at Pompton Lakes look I'm not really suspended well then why the story detective mumble jumble your friends will know that isn't your picture I'm not expecting any trouble from my friends it's late I've got to get back wait a minute it's beautiful Johnny the budget must have groaned and cracked a little I just sold some of my oil interest and there it was oh I love it good do I see you later tonight no Mary as a matter of fact maybe not for a couple of weeks why well I have to go underground you know like gophers and commun something to do with the story in the paper yeah can't you tell me anything I'd rather not don't worry I won't if you love me you would this is almost as nice as the ring you promised me when we were first engaged and remember lady that's not just a present that means at 685 bucks you belongs to me from here on in really mhm Fred told me he gave it to you for $300 Mary a successful marriage is based on a wife letting her husband lie a little now let's not get started on the wrong [Music] foot yeah this John Deo 6 prec yeah that's right Ted carpel of the heral I thought if you were going to be around for a while I'd come over and have a talk with you what about I'd like to get a story you going to be there yeah sure I'll be here okay I'll be right over [Music] evening Harold city desk please city desk let me speak to Ted carpel who Ted carpel he a reporter not on this newspaper he isn't are you sure sure I'm sure who's this thanks [Music] [Music] Lieutenant Banks Lieutenant Banks Lieutenant I just got a phony call there'll be a couple of guys with guns at my place in a few minutes probably from Blacky CLE get a car over here right away and see if you can't squeeze some information out of them hold it Johnny get a car out in front right away way okay Johnny I'll stick around till I get here then I'm off to the airport you'll hear from me next week right Johnny [Music] [Music] [Music] I don't know who signed you aboard Flynn but if you ever try to get back you try to get back on this Turtle I'd rather have tyho you've been a troublemaker the whole trip should have kept you in the break I wouldn't had to say so much of you get this straight I'm putting the word out about you I'll remember your face I'll try to forget yours get off hey you guys you better drop that work and lay down a red carpet you got a tough boy from New Orleans in v your town hey who are these guys long Shan stupid no Kidd I thought they were a bunch of stranded chorus boys [Music] want a room no I just came in admire the decorations three bucks a day what's that include sheets on the bed you got to register don't be funny hey I take my stuff upstairs the ain't the Waldo friend how long did you work here before you found that out keep an eye on this I'm going to have a drink any more orders princess yeah my name is Tim Flynn when the mayor comes with my key to the city ask him to join me in the Orchid room h what'll it be white wine and beer come again white wine and beer mixed together no a glass of each that beats me I had a nut asked me once for a glass of gin in a candy bar this is a new one I know guys used to drink white wine and beer down in New Orleans I spent some time there have a drink thanks be smoothie my name's Clancy Tim Flynn all right yeah that's a great town New Orleans I had a girl that once used to play the piano with her teeth with her teeth yeah well she had kind of long brown teeth sounds like some of the dogs I've run into how long you been away just got in 20 minutes ago I was there when you got off the boat some of the boys were thinking about pleating your chin with that crack you made boy shouldn't be so sensitive you check in this place yeah how is it when a tenement Crowd Goes sluming they come here oh it ain't that bad I'd rather have a sleeping bag in a sewer you going to be around for a while Clancy yeah maybe why keep my drink warm for me I only get settled in my room that's a how calling it a room have a drink on me while you're waiting white wine and beer don't let her flip you smoothie I knew a guy used to drink vodka and goat milk bring me another beer over the table here huh Lieutenant Banks Lieutenant Banks Lieutenant this is deo I checked into the Royal Hotel at Tenon Walton and say did you get anything out of those two guys you picked up at my apartment no I put a tail on them when we let him go but they left town right away well look I'm applying for my work permit tomorrow and I'll play at kg and make sure I don't have any trouble getting it and listen Lieutenant put my calls on tape from now on I might be in a hurry and won't be able to repeat oh and another thing why did you have to pick New Orleans I hate white wine and beer so I let it right on the line to this thing I says honey if it's a millionaire you're after you've been digging in the wrong Pea Patch so get that champagne look out of your eye and finish your beer how you take it well she didn't next day she headed for Canada with my cufflinks my car and a mink dyed hamster coat I bought in Atlantic City one of my chances of getting some work on the Ducks you got a union card yeah from New Orleans well you might get a visitor's permit but I doubt it couldn't you fix it might be worth something to me why you're hiding out a little money usually fixes anything clency not around here what's so different about here well this Waterfront is tight as a two bit color they don't like strangers too much I'm just asking about a job maybe you can't give me any help let's just say I won't give any help I don't get it why all the mystery let's talk some more about women I know a little chick from Detroit look I need a job you know there's something funny about a guy that breaks his neck getting a job breaking his back maybe I like hard work I thought you said you were right Irish all right Clancy I got in a little trouble in New Orleans nothing serious when I want to lay low for a couple of months they'll check in anything you say around here who'll check who are you talking about that I at this girl from Alabama she was a muscle dancer in a charity Bazaar buy another beer I'll tell you all about her buy two beers I'll give you your address do gang number 12 report to nerum birth 145 at 8:45 a.m. hey Max where do I see about a work permit over at the end window thanks ship gang number 14 report to pis birth 147 at 10:30 a.m. yeah I got a cart in New Orleans I want to get a visit's permit funny guy what's funny about it I need a job try the government buddy we don't have anything here now listen Buster maybe you don't hear so good I said there wasn't anything we haven't issued a new permit for three months well it's about time you started those are in good order I'm in good standing hey you heard him don't start any trouble get going I said get going man number 50 report to Doc gang number 12 n birth 145 at 8:45 5 a.m. hey you you from New Orleans yeah ship gang number 22 report to cash here forgot your book thanks for nothing you must be half Irish and half Congressman to get that permit so easy a dollar a day paves the way what happens now Willie allesandro breaks a leg yeah what's that mean you're just about to find out no need for you guys to hang around you're not working today or any other day what's the matter with them they're troublemakers they want a full day's pay without any Kickback all right marble heads now shut up and listen to me we need 40 strong backs on this job and I mean strong two days work unload today and load tomorrow oh over time tomorrow and after 8 hours today we don't need any brains on this job so Dum of you that can't stand hard work shut up makes you feel right at home doesn't he now I want guys what will cooperate I speaking of cooperation you all know Willie allesandro who got his leg busted this morning the fourth leg for Willie this week now Will's a good guy he's got a wife and four kids but now with a busted leg Willie can't work so when you come up here to get your tags I'm asking all of you who want to work to kick in a little something into the part we getting up for Willie Alexandro don't let me in trouble Joe Hill will be glad to help them you that don't have the money what's he mean help he lends you four bucks for Willie this morning you give him back five when you get paid this afternoon what a 10-cent ret well it's only cigarette money for the boys but it amounts to over 200,000 a year who gets the money what are you care you want to work yeah sure let's go don't forget poor Willie they'll ride you home in your face let's give Willie five bucks this time he's had a lot of hard luck you got a card Yeah Tim Flynn you know we on here brand new where'd you come from how a socialite would like to try his hand at hard work who got you the book the guy that told me to keep my mouth shut what do you mean told you to keep your mouth shut that's what the man said what man that's what he told me to keep my mouth shut about was it Joe Castro maybe it was Joe Castro's boss take this over come on FN you know what you're talking about all I know is I want to go to work Castro's boss huh it's pretty rough work on a Ducks now to run one of these sure I ran one in the Army it's better work than wrestling boxes hey Kio you better know what you're talking about clir is taking over your left today you go on down and unload with the rest what do you mean he's taking over that's my job not anymore it ain't what do you think you get off you want to work get on down if you don't beat it you and me are going to have a small talk later on I'll be busy thinking of things to say come on Flynn I'll put you to work now go on Beat it and let's have a full day's work for a full day's pay [Music] hey fln it's kind of a nice job you turned over to me I don't know how you pulled it brother but I don't want to see you back here tomorrow better not look too hard because here's where I'll be maybe you'll need a little smartening up when I do I'll get a smart boy to do [Music] it lucky I didn't break your neck you want some more get up you can tell your friend Castro I don't like being pushed out of a good job I may have a few things to say to a few people you better take your sority sister home boys I think she's had a very hard [Music] day so you end up your busy little day with a street brawl huh I just working up an appetite what's your angle Flyn where do you get your drag no drag people like my personality you ask a lot of questions but you seem to know more answers than any of us I don't know what thing all I did was get myself a job and take care of some sore head who tried to object good be if you're afraid to be seen with me move on down the bar oh no no I'm not afraid just curious they don't pass out soft jobs down here without some reason the guy asked me a silly question about a jerk named Castro I never heard of him you sure sure I'm sure so I gave him a silly answer about Castro's boss and Bingo I'm in a featherbed job maybe you would have try it yourself now I work hard but I'm healthy I'm poor but I'm alive more double talk maybe you'll wish it was why don't you buy another drink while your money is still some good to you hi you f i got a little invitation to a party for you RSVP sure I'll go right home and change this is sort of a come as you are party get in [Music] have you got a girl for me no this is dag do I know any of the people giving the bodyy you will will I like them how could you help it they're a bunch of jelly Good Fellows aren't you going to blindfold me you've been reading too many comic books [Music] [Music] Straight [Music] Ahead open [Music] it you're just in [Music] time this him yeah that's the guy FR get your hands up on me Su Mister you're all right we don't use the honor System here now is this any way to dress for a party look at this boss a water pistol well what do you know it makes a noise let him go sit down who are you the man said sit down get some heart just sit still and answer questions you've been shooting off your mouth for two days around here who told you to use my name of the Ducks oh you must be Castro's boss I'm Castro and I don't have any boss not even a wife Mr Castro we don't want you to entertain until later tell us a to lay off of me Castro what what's this all about so I shot my mouth off around the Ducks I needed a job I heard somebody mention your name and I used it all right I'm sorry get me a beer we're out of beer boys go get some I want that gun when I leave sure when you leave I don't like fresh guys messing around my ducks now one way or another you're going to answer a few questions make it easy on yourself you've been gone a half an hour I had to chase clear over 18th Street to get some cold beard how's old fun loving Flynn open it Flynn's okay he's on the L from New Orleans do you believe him yeah he made a little mistake but I don't think he'll do that again will you Flynn not unless it's a mistake to take this guy apart Gunner was just following orders Gunner's going to run into me one of these days without any help I like this boy he's got character have a beard I'd rather get some sleep okay Flynn you can go no hard feelings give him his gun sure you must use that to keep flies out of your room H me up sometime Gunner you're a laugh a minute kid forget about tonight Flyn okay well it's all fixed clean up this room and patch up that hole [Music] talk that bar you must be worn out at night why work when gasoline will do it for you it's nice of you to talk to us laborers just don't FP fire on my machine boy see you later [Music] hey you Tim Flynn yeah you live at the Royal Hotel that's right okay come on what's the idea we had a fight yesterday with a guy named culio fight it was more like a wall don't tell me he called the cops seen him today no I don't wonder he was murdered last night 11:30 shot with a 32 automatic we found this in your room one bullet Fire come on don't start any trouble you're the wrong town to try this buddy come on [Music] get everything all right Flynn let's have it have what don't get me sore I don't want to waste any time on you I'm ready to leave anytime you are now look FN you can make it easy or hard me I don't care which way it is why'd you killed CUO I didn't had a fight with him maybe got sore and came after you was it self-defense I never saw the guy after the fight get up all right Lean Forward on your two forefingers hold it there this want be the most fun you've ever had in a few minutes you'll be yelling for help why don't you save yourself some trouble and talk now I got nothing to say maybe you knew him before down in New Orleans that's where you're from isn't it my name is Timothy Flynn and I want a lawyer you might be interested to know that we got orders from higher up to be pretty rough on you Waterfront rats I'd like to talk to you alone sge why alone don't you like my friends think I can tell you something might interest you you bet you can you're going to start right now alone sergeant not on your life you don't get any breaks because you've been stepping on the wrong toes ever since you got in town what do you mean Castro never mind who I mean you bother to check my gun against the bullet found and kill your's body we will as soon as we get your confession I check it right now cuz they won't match up I got pretty good information that they will next time you see your information tell them I'm not hick enough to let somebody wander around town carrying my gun what do you mean trying to tell you the gun and the bullet won't match send that gun to ballistics I wouldn't want to spend your next few hours if you're lying I'm not lying another thing Bion tell your friends their frame was strictly Bush League shut up about my friends up on your fingers we haven't even started with you here's the noon report from the precincts what's up everything's pretty quiet 15's picked up a man on that Waterfront killing last night anybody we know no some out of town from New Orleans come on now you've had an hour of this at ought to be enough you wanted to wait for the ballistics report I don't care anything about that I want to hear what you got to say so it's beginning to get you all right straighten up let him alone you're not going to get any place that way Sergeant give me a little more time forget it I'll take him down to headquarters with me now wait a minute Lieutenant we make this I'll see you get full credit for it here's a ballistics report well it's not the same gun you still want credit Sergeant you better clean him up before I take him down and book him for having a gun without a permit I hope you enjoyed the P tricks sorry but I couldn't act too anxious to get you out of there I'd put a tail on that Sergeant Bion who pick me up he's tied in with a mob whoever they are you sure sure enough to want him followed I work in ditching the murder gun i' had have been a slow 12 years old to fall for that one I fired a bullet from this gun so they wouldn't catch you on what' you do with the first gun mailed it to you what about the killing that was done by a character called Gunner why was culio killed he made a crack about doing some talking after our fight so they figured on getting rid of him and me at the same time Johnny if you'd like us to put somebody else on this with you no no no no no no no I'll pick up Gunner anyway I feel I'm beginning to get someplace where I want you to check on a guy called Thomas Clancy okay do you have anything on a Joe Castro not much we figure he's about fifth man from the top yeah well I figure he's closer than that what about Blacky Cay I haven't even heard his name mentioned everybody's too scared you know if we have a snag that serent I get 10 minutes alone with him if he's crooked you can have 10 days one crummy crooked cop and he can smell up the whole FL course when you want to be released right now I'm anxious to start working my way right back to that Sergeant up and Adam Russell well what do you know I was just reading about you in the paper I figured there was P boarding you for the chair I'm going in to get a drink that should give you time enough to put back the stuff you probably stole from my room there was nothing there worth stealing put it back anyway on the house thanks I guess benan and this boys had some fun with you I'll get him alone sometime that kind always traveling bunches you hear a lot of stuff around a bar I don't you smother I don't listen very hard sure you do what do you hear well some of the boys say you were framed not very good at that I want you to pass this along so it'll get back to the right places I'm a little peeve with the boys that did it know who they are yeah I know who they are but I don't know where to find them do you ever a sell information Smoothie not me be worth five bucks I could find out where I could run into a certain guy ask somebody else 10 it ain't healthy Flynn 20 bucks or do I go someplace else who do you want to know about guy they call Gunner the college stuff anybody could have told you he hangs out every night in a little club called the black kitten it's on 18th 20 bucks please you wouldn't cross me Pap I don't cross nobody i' bounce you around like a basketball I gave it to you straight don't bother to pick me up [Music] my party tonight Gunner I heard you were out Flynn that smells Mighty like a cop to me let's go across the street I never argue with a man who's giving the [Music] party Castro should have let me get you bit good the other night he's got more sense than you've [Music] got turn around you going to knock me off or Pinch Me Maybe neither one I want to ask you a couple of questions about a friend of yours sure Blackie clay what do you want to know [Music] count [Music] Lieutenant Banks Lieutenant this is deo all right the boy who went on the culio killings tied up in a construction job on 18th Street across from the black kitten hold it Johnny get a car out in front right away okay Johnny Lieutenant don't let anything out about his arrest and whatever you do don't let anybody spring him if you do I'll be dead 10 minutes later we'll keep him buried did you got anything on Clancy we can't find a thing maybe he's using a phony name yeah I'll put a tail on him I'm going to sleep for 18 hours hey Flynn over here I heard you had applied for a permanent position at lenworth I didn't qualify who sprung You My Mother your mother must get around the way you walk in and out of soft jobs and jails if if you're trying to pump me you're going to have to do a lot better than that I'm just trying to get the formula they throw away the key on me if I get a traffic ticket there's no formula they just found out I didn't do it okay don't get sore you're too nosy I don't be like that I was just going to invite you to a party tonight I need that like I need the plague you don't like parties I've been to a couple lately that are pretty rough this might turn out that way too I've lined up to who the cutest GS you ever saw you want to share him with me well two are worse than none why pick on me you got a lot of friends well I've getting you a cute girl is picking on you I've been taking an awful beating since I was 13 who the girl now would you know anymore if I gave you their names they're women what more do you want free dishes well I could use a little fun what time I meet you at Pine and Fourth Street at 9:30 hey don't stand me up I couldn't handle both of them classy wants you to get him drunk play up to him get everything you can out of him who is he cleansy didn't say just said he might be dangerous to him what am I supposed to find out everything you can what he's doing around the docks what his connections are fine job to give to his sister why don't you do it cuz it's a worst job to give to his wife you know how jealous Clancy is yeah you going to wear your wedding ring no thanks for reminding me here he is now [Music] how are you girls sorry to keep you waiting this is Tim Flynn Tim this is Peggy and that's Dora she belongs to you now suppose I like Peggy better wait a minute pal come on Clancy you're not going to get stuffy on me I it's just that I got kind of a weakness for blonds so have I yeah well this is sort of my coming out party there's nothing that matter with Doris oh of course not you'll have fun oh come on Clancy what difference does it make you like Doris and I think he's kind of cute why can't he like Doris why can't somebody oh sit down Clancy we'll have a real good time honey yeah sure tell me all about yourself Tim oh I come from an ordinary everyday family my mother was an oil AIS my father was a zeppelin pilot did they ever marry it's been awfully dry sitting here waiting for you yeah sure let's have some drinks yes what will it be who's buying I am cheap bourbon in plain water make it for what's on the program tonight well I thought we might have a few drinks and go up to your place trying to save money again we'll bring a bottle what do you say Tim you lead I'll follow you see what nice things he says Clancy you're and I are going to get along fine that thought has already crossed my mind well say something to me H oh how you been what didn't you loosen up tonight let's take a care listen the street car was good enough for my grandfather well it's not good enough for me how we going to eat eat what's that that's something people who don't drink do come on let's take a care she acted like she knew you or what she did things must be slow at the hospital you won't tell me anything about yourself I should I talk about me when I get a pretty little thing like you around are you in the rackets Timmy let's talk about where world affairs Clancy is makes a lot of money you ought to get in on it maybe you ought to talk to Clancy about getting me in you're kidding me you've probably got a better deal of your own haven't you what color are your eyes can't you tell bbon blue where are old Clancy and Doris they're in the kitchen leave him alone you're not just an ordinary long shman are you Tiffy no what are you thirsty you're [Music] cute have you two met Clancy my boy you can think of the most delightful ways to pass the time of night I'm going to come to all your parties from now on look run back to your Mixmaster and cook up a few more of these here honey don't let me out distance here I'm with you every step not much stamina has he we got what we wanted anyway I was tired of him P you around jealous you can say that again he's really out he'll be all right in the morning [Music] you must be part of my hangover you wish is that gun loaded you want to find out no I'm happy it just guessing where's Gunner who you know who I mean if you mean that dim bulb who push me around where is he how should I know that's your problem you haven't seen him no how come this was in your Bureau drawer Well you certainly tripped me up there didn't you I didn't come up here to trade jokes with you now come on where is he I told you I didn't like people of push me around you killed him he's not around is he ought to be glad it wasn't you after that two bit frame you tried to pull a real tough guy aren't you would my hangover no come on get up I don't want it okay sucker take it right here you'll make a lot of noise nobody in this dump will care about that yeah you got a point there what' you do with Gunner's body floated it down the sewer I thought so all right get moving now that he's gone I'd like to apply for Gunner's job with your organization I said get going I'd be a good boy for you Castro my cars in are back will use those stairs where are we going it won't matter to you I'd fit into your gang perfectly I could name a disfigure people for you and shoot up the ones you don't like get going I think you're making a big mistake Castro I'm no good that you're dead he must have bumped his head on something yeah it's upstairs to your right come on give me a hand we'll get him back to your room you must be part Marine to turn up in a nick of time like this I've been listening outside your door lucky I did before I knocked huh that final dun you gave me last night must have been radioactive yeah it's an invention of my own I call that old bikini I'm sorry about last night Deo come on come on demo let's stop playing footsy with each other you're a cop working out of the sixth Precinct in the Blacky CLE business I don't try anything I'm pretty quick with a blackjack maybe we'll find out why I'm on your side yeah who are you like they say on those corny television programs special investigator where's your bid I rigged it up to get your prints off one of those glasses last night and S them through to Washington imagine my surprise when you turned out to be a flatfoot why don't they tell us these things go around gum sh after each othery Clancy haven't had a chance to send your prince in yet I've had a guy tailing you for two days I know that's why I wanted to find out a few things you have to slug me with that poison to do it no that was just to teach you not to play around with my wife you're what the plan was for my sister Doris to do your entertaining but you got to crumb things up and pick my wife you're lucky I didn't tear your arm off we must do that again real soon yeah that's what Peggy said this morning what are you working on down here a phony Insurance swindle the Alta Indemnity Company they took about half a million have you heard of them huh no was worked by a gang of four we got them all except the big boy a fellow named hummert got a line on him that's not him on the bed I'll turn in my Dick Tracy badge how'd you track him down by every scientific device known to Modern crime investigators and the fact that a stool pigeon told us where he was why didn't you close in sooner I couldn't find him only recently learned he was using the name Castro so when I heard you drop his name at the dock I figured you'd lead me to him sooner or later what do you know about Blacky CL Clancy can't give you a bit of help I've heard His Name a couple of times that's about all you're going to keep working around here oh not me that's a chump we're after I take him in and then devote a month to patching up my shattered marriage I put on a call for the boys to come and pick him up that's great why don't you just shoot me yourself and save Castro's gang the treble you got any ideas I'll keep it quiet and give me as much time as you can how am I going to get him out of here Castro's got a car in the back use that should have taken up my offer Castro come on sure you don't need any help if I do I better go back to jerking sodas sweat them a little see if you can't get some in information for me you won't get anything we'll try real hard I'll turn everything I get over to your boss don't drink any load of drinks give my love to your wife hey Flynn yeah smoothie wants to see you what about how should I know maybe he's buying and what are you doing here I'll be off duty at 8:00 Flynn congratulations there's a man who wants to see you it shouldn't be too hard I'm usually around here he's too big a man for that he wants me to bring you to him maybe I don't want to go oh come on Flynn it means 20 bucks for me if I deliver you then you could at least offer to split with me there's 10,000 in it for you straight whiskey smoothie who is the guy he'll tell you when he sees you where do I meet you right here my car is across the street in the gas station I'm going upstairs and get some sleep I'm not down here by 7 send Russell up the bang on the door are you sure you weren't followed please what's so important I'm making a command appearance in front of one of the big boys tonight who maybe the jackpot I don't know where do you see him the bartender at my rest home is driving me over what about this bartender well he says he's a go between for 20 bucks I wouldn't doubt it could we get to his car it's in a gas station across the street from the hotel how much time do we have couple of hours we put a transmitter in this car why you may let something drop in case anything happens to you we'd like to know what it is and we'll put a tail on you look if they catch on we're back at the beginning they won't we'll use a fluorescent marker can all right just don't follow Too Close give you about 10 minutes you know I got to hunch this is it be careful yeah sure I'll carry real bullets in my gun hey smoothie you got a flat on the right rear of your car it was all right this morning probably a slow leap want me to fix it I've got to use in about 40 minutes put on the spare okay smoothie couple of beers [Music] you've only got 40 minutes I think we can make it you better change that tire in case he decides to check Paul you handle the marker can under the right rear fender connected to the ignition switch calet you and I work on the transmitter we'll put it under the floorboard and the mic goes under the glove [Music] compartment okay disconnected hand me that ultraviolet lamp let's go I [Music] we'll wait here [Music] are you set down there ready here turn on the ignition switch and I'll see if it works here it [Music] goes shut it off all [Music] set you'd better hurry up okay already to come contact mobile units Lieutenant mobile unit 2 mobile unit 2 this is mobile to keep cruising and be ready to jump in with a fix anytime I ask you right that goes for you too mobile 3 okay [Music] Lieutenant tune your antenna [Music] antenna tone that should do it Lieutenant Bank should be receiving us now they made it here they [Music] come all fix smoovie I'll put it on your bill all right [Music] Tom listen we wait 10 [Music] minutes trust a bartender to know all the right people you pick up a lot of things on a job like that you mentioned something about $10,000 let's dwell on that for a minute well this man has a job for you you likes the way you work how does he know about me he checked on your record in New Orleans what work of mine does he admire the way you took care of gunar after he framed you who said I took care of it didn't you smoothie it couldn't be that you were a cop could it no it couldn't I didn't take care of any bu have it your way he's not around anymore that's all I know all right let's go get you off the violet light there it is [Music] tell me about this man he wants to see de is he really big the biggest what does he want me to do kill a cop is that all well that's why it's worth 10,000 bucks just any cop or does he have someone in mind we have someone in mind we as you said a bartender knows all the right people circle around cut on down the way we were going and hurry up F dumb crummy lck pull over to the curve mobile units 2 and three report in mobile unit 2 at 63rd and Downing streets mobile unit 3 at Sycamore and Langley all right stay where you are we'll use that as a baseline I'll triangulate it from here as soon as they get where they're going give me their bearings from your position is there anything else you want to tell me you'll find out everything you need to know when we get there are you receiving them all right loud and clear same here all right draw your Baseline come on this is it why couldn't we meet him in a more lighted spot this is the back door of the house we'll go up to his apartment answer me one question smoothie this guy Blacky C where'd you hear that name around the Ducks boys say he runs things the boys are right but they shouldn't talk so much come on [Applause] mobile units two and three they're at their destination report on your bearings this is mobile unit 2 our bearing is 74° this is mobile unit 3 our bearing is I guess you two know each other yeah I guess we do how are you Flynn I'm not in the mood for any finger exercises benion it's no fun is it glad you're going to be with us Flynn I don't get it is he Blacky CLI are you kidding benyan runs errands around here sit down where's C then he'll show up in a minute maybe I ought to give you a rund down first on what this job he wants done I is if you're interested that depends knocking off cops is a tricky Pastime they take a bullet just like anyone else yeah but more people seem seem to resent it well $10,000 isn't exactly starvation wages no you can buy a lot of smiles with it well this won't be tough at all there's the boy we want he doesn't look impossible it's a deal then no I want to talk to the man who wants it done he can hear us I want that to work both ways well I can make the deal for him no not for me I'll deal with the chairman of the board or nobody all right fix yourself a drink and I'll get him thanks [Music] [Music] [Music] they're in the vicinity of 68th and Charleston Lieutenant mobile units this is Lieutenant Banks they're near 68th in Charleston let's get that whole area sealed off watch for his car it's a 46 Ford Coupe license number 7x 8576 come on in Flynn meet Blacky clay [Music] I must be kind of slow I should have figured this smoothie why should you have figured it a lot of smarter people than you haven't it's a little corny but it works you don't have any morx do you a few I haven't said I was in yet you don't have to you're in whether you like it or not oh I see you wanted to talk to Blacky Cay all right you're doing it but that automatically puts you on salary okay by me that's half the 10 grand you get the rest when that cop turns up gone tell me all about this cop he's been hiding out I think we'll find out where he is tonight oh come on I'll show [Music] [Music] you pretty isn't she yeah I'm stubborn what did she say she hasn't seen him for a couple weeks who is she the cop's girlfriend how'd you find her why I think I've seen her someplace before where just let me make sure it's the right girl she seems to know you she ought know I was on a party with her last night a party yeah you know that fell Clancy I'm always was drinking with at the bar I know he invited me to a party last night there was a couple of girls she was one of them glancy he doesn't look like the picture in the paper but if that picture of phony Clancy could be to Moo what do you got to say now honey I don't know what you're talking about let's get this straight Miss we're going to find out where your boyfriend is if he's going under the name of Clancy now tell us and we'll drive you right back to the hospital I don't know anything about any Clancy he's lying you're dealing with Blacky C girl you better tell him what you know maybe she's forgotten maybe I can help her remember we'll go back and have a drink let us know as soon as you get anything let me talk to her she wouldn't understand you nearly as well as she would him he's very experienced in this sort of thing well honey I'm afraid you're going to get mused up a little more [Music] Lynn have you gone nuts don't try anything smoothie I was tailed here are you a cop Flyn without a wig to my name you must be my friend to me you must have a crystal ball you were kind of stupid to kick out that light it won't matter it already has I've got the girl Amo and I'm going to back out the door you'll hit her if you shoot at me it won't doing any good smoothie there's cops all over the blood just remember what you'll be shooting at [Music] [Music] never mind loock off they pick them up how many others are in there I don't know I think I got two of them let's go be careful Mary's upstairs who Mary wait here the sergeant benan came and got me at the hospital he told me that Johnny M had been hurt and he wanted to see me I didn't have any reason to suspect anything because he showed me his bed all right M let's get her to the hospital well colle put this girl in the car and take her to Harbor Hospital yes sir don't leave her until you're sure she's all right come on Mary Lieutenant I got that guy out of the car do you want to see him bring him in yes sir I'll be over as soon as I'm through here he's got some awful good scotch we look it over after we talk to him here he is Lieutenant that's not him this is a guy was in the car where is he benan I don't know I just heard some shots and I tried to get away PNY you promise me come us alone with him listen to me Bion every guy on the force is going to take the rep cuz you got big and greedy I'd like to do some work on your fingers there office safe there's a door goes out the back check free syncs 10 and 12 lieutenant still no lead on Blacky Cay he'll never get out of town we've got every bridge tunnel and Road plugged maybe he doesn't want to get out of town and we'll pick him up this guy's no school boy that back door through the safe proved that you sure you hit him there was blood on the floor wasn't there we'll get him he'll have to go to somebody for help maybe remember he can turn up as a redhead or a blonde anything he wants here's a report from Washington on those prints we picked up in his office no record you better get us some sleep Johnny but don't go near your apartment what about Mary I got men all around the hospital I'll go over there then come back here and sleep take a car [Music] thanks how's it going Joe ah time flies like a rock I'm supposed to be looking for some baldheaded guy who wouldn't be dumb enough to show up you know what much about that guy as I did you keep your holster on button nurse where have you got Mary Karan tied down room 306 thanks come in nurse I don't want the patient in room 309 Disturbed he's only in for a medical checkup yes doctor patient in room 309 is not to be disturbed you were right he just came in what about the ambulance it's at the back entrance I'm taking an awful chance I'm paying an awful price I had no idea that was the type of work you did for a living last night was pretty quiet gets down right exciting at times supposing you hadn't turned up but I did I don't have to tell you to keep quiet Deo make any noise and she gets it first stand [Music] up turn around open your coat now you take his gun and put it on the bed don't stall don't reach for the Bell or knock anything over do what he tells you Mary smart girl close the blinds now move back to the [Music] bed didn't I Wing you last night just a scratch we got cops around this place like Fort kns they're watching for want me to break in not out don't make a false move to Moo tell them to come in come in only take a minute well let's see how you're getting [Music] along I think you need some more sedation I'll go get it and then the visitors have to leave we'll wait until she comes back before we go on with our business what business is there I don't like to be made out of Sucker besides that you two can identify me too easily how do you figure out getting out of the hospital the way I came in an ambulance you don't miss a trick do you that's how I stay alive I was in the safe when you told them to take her to the hospital that you'd come to see her [Music] I don't think we'll wait for the nurse toss me a [Music] pillow go on over and stand beside him [Music] I knew something was funny as soon as that nurse came in she's one of our best cops didn't she look all right she used her thumb to feel my pulse no nurse would ever do that she did all right Lieutenant what do you think my chances are of getting a promotion out of this no I thought with the added expense of getting married no very lucky for me I have an income of my own where did you get that tiling pinball machines you got that from Cay it belongs to the city [Music] Timmy I'd just like to see how you're going to talk your way out of this [Music]
Channel: Stream City
Views: 101,791
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: movie, movies, full movie, full length feature film, full length movie, free movie, film, films, full film, cinema, compilations, best of, comedy, horror, sci-fi, drama, animation, scene, scenes, funny, scary, trailer, new, fresh, trailers, official, movieclips, movie clips, drama movie, film noir, drama/noir, drama/noir movie, classic hollywood, old hollywood, hollywood, Ernest Borgnine, Neville Brand, Betty Buehler, the mob, the mob 1951, 1951 film, 1951 movie
Id: 45Fq8FHWjgE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 23sec (5183 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2024
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