Can Chino Bull Survive the Lawless West? | Powder River | Full Western Movie

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[Music] la [Music] la [Music] this is Powder River Country it's wild country and strong pot River Rocks are granite and the pine trees are hard and sweet to smell sleep under them you feel 8 ft tall in the morning long about 1875 they found gold here and Johnny Slater wrote to me and told me to come out I did but first I hung up my guns in my family the men generally wore a Marshall's badge it was a pride we had but I'd had enough of killing I wanted to sit back and be like other folks but one summer evening things began to happen hey now Camp I guess we go around maybe magag of mind's blown so is yours camp out here means Fresh Horses [Music] howdy morning hey that sorrow's pretty can I have that sorrow shut up we was thinking of trading horses with you better think again I seen you someplace before Mr uh the name is bull bull what kind of a handle is that I seen you in Cheyenne once sure you're Chino bull some call me Chino yeah I heard of you heard you got a hard hand with a gun quite a reputation started with Meatheads like you thinking my name was funny you don't look like no hard rock to me you look easy slow take it slow I heard you put your guns up you got a belly full of killing and put your guns up I notice you ain't wearing anything right now so how about being polite I never learned well why don't I teach you hold it right where you are I wouldn't even twitch if I was you let me one of those you said you was all through with that I don't like this Meathead come on I'll only [ __ ] you let's go anytime you're ready Meathead I wouldn't have a chance Mr Bull get him out of here here make tracks both of you I'll remember you you too Johnny yeah you seeing you sometime somewhere let me know that one that knew me was lony Logan mean as cats milk him and his brother both I blew off again Dam it this time nobody died you were getting better what did them jokers want our horses getting ready to go to town when they showed up want to trade fixing to get nasty about it good thing he came back from the diggings oh I had a reason look at here [Applause] nuggets that new streak of gravel we hit yesterday say that's the biggest I ever seen well keep it just don't go flashing it around town I like it kind of private out here yeah rest this goes in the bank keep an eye peel while I'm away those Jaspers might come back [Music] say Chino I made up a little list of things here already got a list of everything we need yeah I know but this is kind of special candy and peaches where am I going to get peaches well a fell at the store said the next time I come in he'd have something new peaches in a can peaches in a can yeah how they get there well how do I know you can ask can't you what's this oh cigaretes tailor made they're smoking them back East real fancy well nobody see me way out here all right dude when I buy all this junk I'm going to tell them it's for you sure you don't want to take your gun belt with you no every time I wear a gun all a hammerhead at hard rocks for miles around come along and want to choose me better off without it and don't get mad at nobody same to you take care of the bank [Music] [Applause] [Music] you go man thank you how do you have my boy I have a little list here well find yourself a seat this will take a while oh um might well fill this out while you're at it you got what it says there peaches in a can latest thing out drummer says pretty soon they'll be putting everything up in cans yeah thanks kind of a country boy huh yeah what's your name Country Boy bull bull bull Chino bull what's yours uh Logan I'm Harvey Logan the old Blackjack at the Bella Union I um I talk too much got a brother named Looney yeah I don't like him either well what's up Sam Harris crazy drunk Marshall Simpson and I went down there to take him in he killed the Marshall either one of you boys want to volunteer to go and get Harris not me try this Bravo it's none of my business any my business I go and drag him out by the heels I guess that sort of makes it your business yeah guess it does give me the word Mayor by virtue of the power vested in me as mayor of this community I hereby appoint you temporary Marshall and I hope you know what you're doing [Music] [Music] are you the gallop that's shooting up the town if you get outside and get yourself plugged well what are you looking at excuse me ma'am I never saw a lady smoke before [Music] ha is he dead no I just hit him with a bottle you got more nerve than I've seen lately I'd admire to shake your hand Mr this is Chino bull May then had she like to shake your head thanks Marshall's dead if you're looking for a job no thanks I'm all through Marley got a belly full of Gunplay sure looks like it all right guess I got a little upset jobs open if you want it pay 300 a month from what I hear it's worth it in this town I've got other business thanks all right get him out of here [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] w [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] offic is closed yeah that Marshall's job still open what changed your mind somebody killed my partner I'm sorry to hear that why would I go looking for Loney Logan it's hard to say lony is not like his brother hary sticks close to town he's a dealer at the Bella Union lonely is more like a coyote here one day someplace else the next but he always comes back to Po River I'll wait for him might take some time I've got the time I'll wait nobody ever proved anything against Loney nobody will have to I see well the town is going to be real pleased about this I what to be fair though and warn you kill him legal or just kill him hary won't stand for it here and lonely you're pretty close you just swear me in the pleasure raise your right hand I virtue of the power invested in me [Applause] [Music] smoking your husband likes it little competition never hurt anybody Frenchie Town's getting bigger all the time yep but when one of my dealers open his own place I've got to wonder where he got the money well let's between you and Harvey it sure is [Music] looking us over Marshall yep lot of work around here you won't get much sleep I don't need [Music] [Music] much well I heard third what changed your mind maybe I wanted to live closer to the cam peaches well drink to my place Marshall it's the first time I ever went into business your bottle from now on may have never run dry thank you looks like you're spending quite a lot of money [Music] yeah you saved it all just working at the Bell Union yeah I saved it still working there though going to work till the end of the week go on drink up somebody said something about the Logan boys would that be you and your brother Looney yeah who said what about the Logan boys why does he do your brother in business with you Loney travels he don't like towns and you don't see much of him he comes by that's not so bad tell me when he does I'd like to meet him why like to meet him part of my job I'll let you know thanks howy Marshall Frenchie she wants to see you who's Frenchie B Union she said you buy me a drink if I bet you bet she didn't bet she already gave you one you're trying to get paid twice [Music] the new Marshall good morning good morning oh now wait I know you yeah it's me the new caret I was trying on my new caret yesterday well Marshall you already know a lot about me and now I've got to catch up with you here help yourself from now on this battle is yours everybody is generous this morning little too early too early in the day or too early in our friendship just too early it's nice to see a handsome face over that badge so last Marshall and that nose I'm glad you think I look better you do stay that way it's kind of difficult in a town like this you know one day a marshall tomorrow a cops of course a man can stay alive longer if he knows the right people and the right people wouldn't be Harvey Logan or his brother oh that brother is a cheap crook but Harvey Harvey is the best dealer in the business and he leaves me an open his own place you better watch out his table won't be honest then they won't last long that goes for all the tables in town mine too you wouldn't put me in jail real fast I had an arrangement with the last Marshall who you know the usual thing a few dollars here and there for little favors and and his private bottle you lay it right in the line don't you I'm a businesswoman marshall how much do you know about the time I'm Le learning anything about Mitch Harden nope the Logan Brothers are dangerous but Mitch faster the Gunner the best and he's my protector uhhuh I guess that's nice for you real [Music] nice no hey Bill come on that's out I'm LIF her ey have the dice Here We Go Again dice five and a [Music] two I'm that's nine in a row better ride this time a six and a five six and a five 11 have here you are sir Melle herself maybe a lady can cool you off be more passive than I own the [Music] joint on the line boys double your bed the lucky man is still rolling hold it this is for fun [Music] huh box cares again what goes on here like that just a [Music] minute who's going to pay for that beer those dies can pay for anything come on what to calabo you're not going to put me in jail no not if you want to stay alive you're forgetting about Mitch Harden Marshall yeah I know you're his girl and he doesn't like to see you pushed around that's right you have any complaint mister I'm not afraid of Harden well I'll tell him you said so as for you pick up your hoop and roll it out of here Mitch Harden or No Mitch Harden you're running a crooked table you're going with me haha Mitch Mitch St over here sh over [Music] here hello M it's long time no see point out the Marshall it was all a misunderstanding bch believe me we'll get it all straightened out I said point out the Marshall a tall fellow at the crap table give a man a name is bull you you with a badge they tell me your name is bull bull what you call me mister I'm ACH Harden I don't call anybody mister I understand you're a fancy Dan with a gun and I've got one I'm not wearing any now get one get it fast oh here here you are Marshall take mine for you betting on Harvey either way it's all right with me come on come on let's go I leave town if I were you this happens often I take that chip off my shoulder it happens let's have a drink Mr Bull my pleasure Mr hman want your prayers answered Harvey we'll go to church more often see you in Sunday school Marshall Come on B gamble good man it's pretty fancy Concho BT zi Indian yeah belonged to a friend of mine gunfighter gave it to me just before he died my friend had an idea the conchos would protect his belly thank you Mick my friend was wrong who shot him I [Music] did what about Frenchie quite a g I rode 40 mil to see here well a complaining witness just left town I guess I can let her out one condition condition you have to protect [Music] me save me a walk get on the calab Boo and let Miss Duman out sell eight sell eight yes and lock yourself in for the night myself in yes you're all right Marshall get on I'll have to I'm supposed to keep the peace even if it means Gunplay huh even so I hear you're pretty good I'm pretty good myself maybe better maybe looks fast is fast seen all kinds belly guns arm guns singles two hand crossover only heard about KNE guns never saw one before looks fast is fast fastest I was ever up against was a swivel swivel huh a guy had his gun on a swivel just push a handle down and let fly real fast fast is this faster lucky for me he couldn't aim what he's speaking about I can aim same here doesn't this make you nervous if you [ __ ] it I'll get nervous you're all right Marshall you're all right we better be friends or else you better start wearing a gun hanging on a hook in the office it's going to stay there what happens when there's trouble oh I can always get a gun somewhere [Laughter] [Music] oh are you the actors send from Chicago the great ball At Your Service ma'am he grabs money almost as hard as you do Frenching I hope you're good we buried the last actor we had here why because he was dead come on there you are Miss could you tell me where Dr Harden lives Dr Harden Dr Mitchell Harden Marshall yeah this young lady is looking for Mitch Harden stays right here in the hotel these your things by yes I'll take them for you [Applause] ma hey Mac nobody here maybe we can find a nice room for you let's see 207 best room in the house you go on up and I'll register for you right at the top of the stairs thank you the name's Deborah Allan where from New Haven Connecticut and would you please find out the number of Dr Harden's room yes ma'am [Music] pretty good you ought to know you weren't here so I put her in 207 all right oh sure thing what room was Mitch Harden in now why would she want to know that you said she did well in that case it's a 210 just put in there thank you I'd keep this closed at night if I were you it gets a little noisy across the street there what does one do about a bath one yells downstairs for a wash tub I'll yell for you you're very kind thank you Marshall you're welcome that room number you wanted is 210 if you should happen to see Dr Harden don't tell him I'm here want to surprise him huh you will hey who's that for the actor let him wait [Music] [Applause] [Music] h [Music] [Applause] what are you doing there Debbie hello Mitch I've come to take you home Debbie it's been a year more how did you find me I followed your reputation I bet it was easy at that all right you know where I am and what I am that's enough stage coach goes in both directions you want me to leave that's a message I'm trying to get across go home no not without you you're going back with me look at me Debbie who am I Dr Mitchell Harden the man I'm going to marry no I'm not a doctor anymore not since I had the bad taste to blackout after carefully opening up a patient no I'm not going to marry you not since I found out why I blacked out Debbie do you know what a brain tumor is I've got a railroad train in my head roaring bigger and louder every day but you're a doctor youve saved other men's lives there are men who can save you same old Debbie still believes in Santa Claus well I'll be in a few months is a nice exhibit for some jerkwater Medical College I have no intention of becoming a married corpse get that and keep it it's yours as a parting gift I won't go back without you Mitch yes you will I've learned how to be unpleasant it's a rare feeling not caring whether people like you or not I'm good at it you haven't got the stomach to take what I could dish out if you hung around ask about me anybody in town ask her for instance she knows a lot about me more than you how about it Frenchie have you noticed any sweetness in my character lately a love of pity where's that buttery little poopy good old fredie no false sentiments no clap trap about marriage straight to the point that's what I like about you who are you Debbie a lady wants to know what do you mean no sentiment no marriage do you think I'm one of the boys or something do you think I have been holding hands with you all this time without ever wondering if iight this to the preacher stop it crunchy stop it Mitch oh Mitch my darling when does the next stage leave tomorrow morning I want a ticket you just got here didn't you how is that you excuse me none of my business I'm sure the name's Deborah Allen yes ma'am I like to sit facing front at your will ma'am stage leaves at 6:00 Sharp thank you hotel's that way Miss Allen you got a reason to go there that is if not then maybe maybe what well I don't get a chance to talk to many females kind of left footed about it PA always said to talk to any woman to listen to me that way I'd get over it so far I haven't I'm uh driving out to Lost Creek mine country is very pretty a lot prettier in a wallpaper in that hotel room we could talk and that way I'd get a chance to practice a little I don't feel much like talking well then I could just look at you Paul said that was good practice too [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] maybe you can tell me the name of those flowers they look like aelas alus I never knew that before might if we pick [Music] some they make me homesick who are they for friend of mine is she pretty it's a heat all I grew up with sure did like these flowers aelius made him homesick too kind of funny I guess since neither of us had a home we always took our hats off wherever we happened to be [Music] how did he die he was shot bushwacked we call it he didn't have a chance sure like the zus used to wait for him every year never knew the name now he knows maybe [Music] it's beautiful lots of it you ought to stay around a few days and see the country I suppose you wonder why I'm leaving so soon I don't ask questions Miss alen if you want me to know something I figure you'll tell me why are you leaving Mitch wants me to hit figures he's pretty sick how did you know kind of caved in once I happened to be there we were going to be married he became ill and then he disappeared I followed him here to take him home but he's very sick and he wants me to leave so I'm leaving sounds logical now what's the real reason [Music] Frenchie it's getting late yep kind of chilly too [Music] thanks for coming with me I wish you'd change your mind about leaving tomorrow don't ask me please goodbye and thanks $300,000 and gold bars and the mine safe scares me I've got to ship it out this is Mr pie of the homestead Min you know he's planning to make a gold shipment I'll have the bullion here early Monday morning better have two shotgun Riders I'll send Chino along why don't you save the boys in trouble of sticking up the coach just put the goal out in front and tell them to come and get it two Messengers in one stage is dead giveaway afraid to risk your neck maybe Gold's easy to find necks are scarcer I know one that ought to be stretched Gino ly Logan's come back Loney Mr py said he got a glimpse of him on the way down from the mine he'll make trouble if he gets window this go shipment Lowry when are we going to have some real law around here this town won't grow until businessmen know their investments will be protected simmer down you'll be protected where's Loney now hard to say always camps outside of town Chino it'll be suicide to go straight to him then I'll make him come to me had a case like this back in Cheyenne we used a decoy stage went out loaded with deputies the real thing went out 2 or 3 hours later and the road was clear I'll be up to your mind tomorrow morning have some boxes ready fill them with sand or gravel but make it look real tomorrow why that's Sunday that's why stage never leaves on Sunday this will look like a special job you can't get deputies on a Sunday their wives will holler blue blazes not Pike Kendrick's wife they hate the Logans how do you figure in getting word Tooney Logan you haven't much time no but I've got an idea Harvey works pretty fast oh one more thing no passengers tomorrow better cancel Miss Allen I'll goes to squeezers you know uh silver dollar buys one drink over at frenches pretty near two over at Harvey's Place tell you something I'd pay a dollar to anybody forget he saw me talking to Mr py in a stage office you know how folks run on Mr py a homestead mine big gold shipment no I didn't see anything that's good so when you go over to Harvey's don't say a word about a big gold shipment tomorrow morning not even if he gives you another dollar oh he'd pay that Harvey just to have something to gossip about oh I wouldn't say a thing I know you wouldn't so you just forget the whole thing and go on over there and wet your whistle oh thanks Marshall [Music] I can't find that actor what actor the one I imported supposed to be here entertaining my customers so have a drink Brandy settles everything how do you feel alive that's good you feel alive no to feel nothing at all that's good Mitch what am I going to do with you I want you to do anything you just leave me alone you'll be better off where is that actor he's late I sent the boys all over town looking for him Brandy doesn't settle anything just makes you mean mean is a going go Room Brandy and young ladies from connectic shut [Music] up you don't want to head as you had me shut up I know something what would you know it's white the dollar all right there's going to be a big gold shipment tomorrow from the homestead mind so the Marshall is going to ride shotgun I heard so how you found out I heard he sent Bo to lony I didn't tell him so the Marshall get his head shut off that's what he's paid for anyway you're a nice fell not that nice anyway it's time for a change my dollar go and tell the bander to give you a drink thank you your new friend the Marshall I don't like him and I never will why cuz he's always laughing at you at me at me you should take the place of my actor you f what was your friend doing all day riding in his bug board and who was with him smiling and having such a good time a pure sweet little lady from the East when she's with you she cries but when she's with him Marshall's winning that's what I was just now telling Mr Harden I too good evening Mr mon good evening I'll bet call raise me hi F so you don't strain your eyes very dull hand Harvey Logan kidnapped your actor what do you mean came and got him myor is aning Harve Logan now what are you going to do about it I'll go talk to let's stop more shooting take a gun this time no thanks these things are dangerous Holy One yes where you headed Mr Bull going to have a little talk with Harvey Logan mind if I come along there's nothing I like better than a pleasant [Music] conversation I haven't always been this good how much you paying this guy nothing too much oh no no on this one that one is very easy that's a little harder that one is very hard here's the one to worry about supposed to go in the other eye the good one yeah [Music] I'll I thank you he belongs across the street you'd rather work for me ask him you seem to be in the wrong place Mister sir I'm in the wrong hemisphere come on down we're going across the street get back here you ain't much but you're all we got back up you're in a wrong Pew I've been waiting for you cylinder won't turn so it can't fire remember that Army anybody else huh anybody at all no no Miss there's L to be a lot more shooting Mitch Harden taking on the whole Logan outfit come on Mitch put your gun up will you now what he ask for it didn't they anybody [Music] else Brandy keep it coming come on upstairs Mitch I've been upstairs go worry about your customers they tell me if you drink enough of that stuff the lady in the picture begins moving yeah well tonight's my night to find out thanks for backing my play across the street there's nothing it's too bad I didn't kill lo I don't see how you've managed to stay alive so long for one thing I don't go out unarmed another thing I don't care most of all I mind my own business don't go on a prod with me you don't have any reason to where were you this afternoon you when your buck Bo so that's it that's it first you tell her to leave town then you're ready to cool anybody at speaks to her they were talking about you you do a lot of talking don't you she loves you [ __ ] why I don't know that's the way it is what are you going to do about it nothing not a thing and that's for you Mr Bull you stay out of my life maybe I think it's worth saving I don't happen to agree with [Music] you oh there's only one thing to do with a man like me this L what did you do to him I hit him you didn't have to do that he was looking for trouble this way he won't find it let him sleep it off [Applause] snitch [Applause] [Music] bit yeah [Music] driver told me you were in here he said no passengers this trip what' you say I said yes we're on a special job might be trouble I don't mind trouble that's what I'm looking for you hung one on me last night when I get as slopped up as you were you can get even I can't wait I'm climbing you right now all right but why not because I hit you L already told me you fixed it so dead stay in town he thought it was funny I'm not laughing you know something Mitch you've been at this fish-eyed killer axle long you beginning to believe it don't bother with that smoke I don't think you'll finish it I think I will I'm not wearing a six gun you'd look pretty silly trying to draw that one sitting down especially with this right in your kisser let's try and see all right tell you what we do draw your gun but don't [ __ ] it I get nervous if you [ __ ] it now what now we count up to five and then fire you do the count it's plain murder what you wanted wasn't it count 1 2 3 4 five get loaded no you knew it wasn't loaded yeah I I also knew you weren't out to shoot me you wanted me to shoot you no thanks you want to be dead that bad do it yourself here have a smoke [Music] [Applause] [Music] hi Pike you look ready for Bear ready for Logan all right bring those boxes out get those dummies aboard put this one inside and the other one on top don't give them the real thing boys boys let's [Music] [Music] go oh give me hand Pike right don't you boys know it's Sunday yeah we're on our way to church now get morning [Music] boys holy all right get a board all right get a board son here give me a hand on that H Joy you heard him sh up just be sure you take it nice and easy like you always do stay with them will [Music] Jerry [Applause] w a if you keep me covered I'm going to cut the toe [Applause] line get me that axe go on hold your fire bring up the [Applause] horses I bet take a look at Pike [Music] you hurt no it's my head just my head those Rapids are chewing some pieces we got to get a line to shore fast give me one end of that well we'll still get the gold all we got to do is a little fishing when that stage cracks up in the [Music] Rapids you all right go ahead I'll throw it to you they desert and ship already r on Mitch [ __ ] run oh [Music] they made it we better hi tail it out of here the stage it's [Music] back somebody get a doctor fast he's gone to Whitewater he won't be back until Day After Tomorrow never mind he's dead died on the way in hear that it's P's dead died on the way in is that for Mr Harden yes ma'am he mustn't drink you know that yes Ma I know that but I've got better sense than to tell him and suppose you let me tell him yes ma'am come in I set it over there I get out of the and tell me get my horse ready as soon as I feel better I'm leaving town if I won't go you will is that it you're giving me a bad time why don't you leave me alone all I want to do is die in peace and I can't get any cooperation you're a good doctor Mitch all you need is faith faith in a wedding ring huh forget about me I don't matter I didn't stay because of myself I stay because of you I want to help you believe in yourself again you sound just like the mar Marsh he's your friend too Mitch is he Debbie is he really a friend of mine I'll tell you something you know why Mr Bull took the Marshall's job somebody shot his pal his sidekick a lad named Johnny Slayer I know about him he liked a zus I wouldn't know all I know is who shot him and stole his gold was in some mtel deer hide pokes ever see anything like that before Debbie that's right it was me it was me to killed Johnny Slater now why don't you go and tell a marshall huh he'd kill you if I told him yeah I would have told him myself once but we got to be friends he was my friend I hate losing friends why did you kill Johnny no it was an accident I rode up to the camp and he saw me coming I guess he thought I was somebody else he drw him in and I shot him and that was it but you robbed him yes I robbed him after he died I robbed him I didn't think he'd care well that's it Miss Allen what are you going to do Miss Allen I'll go tell the Livery stable to get your horse ready so you can leave [Music] [Applause] [Music] you can't put a man in jail for what his brother did and you know it who says I can't any of you say I can't look I know my rights well write a letter to the president while we're waiting for an answer we'll see how the jail looks with you inside it I got an idea to look fine and maybe you'd rather wait for Kendrick's friends to make up their minds what kind of a knot to put in the [Music] Rope I'll go with you get [Music] over any of you go out looking for Looney you better take some shovels right now he's diing Graves tell him to grounds a lot softer here in town is he working with Loney it has Loney will try and get him out of jail why wait loney's the one I'm after we're not so choosy that's right let get boys all right if it's excitement you want volunteers deputies when looney finds out Harvey's in jail there'll be enough excitement to go around that I promise you mayor swear three or four of these men in take charge of this Meathead you you and you better get under cover Miss there's trouble coming on Mr Harden wants his horse he's leaving right away yes ma'am I'll settle up for him thank you hey Jack Mitch is leaving huh so am I as soon as I get the fery running the man at the stage offer said it would be Wednesday I'll go talk to Mitch Maybe to change his mind no it's too late for him to change his mind I want him to [Music] leave get back Marshall I'll get the doctor doctor's out of town Mitch get Mitch he's a doctor find Mitch Harden give me a hand boys easy now bullet is less than an inch from my heart this needs a good doctor that's you from what you told me no there's nothing I can do youd let her die I have no instum no chlorop for nothing yes you have we broke into doc Palmer's office and got everything you need it's all there Mitch if you know what to do you've got to do it get like that on you're watching me kill her [ __ ] please get my a hand M I'll need something to sterilize with whiskey get me about six bottles of whiskey enough Chino you want to leave I've seen bread before if you want to help stay you're going to stand there hoping the knife slips get out I'll stay lower lower yeah hold there there's the bullet I still [Music] live you know he's at the office he waited until he was sure you were all right am I all right yes I did a good job Debbie as good as anything I've ever done and I'm going back maybe they can do something for me I want to live Debbie it's important to me now maybe we could go back together after all you don't need me now you don't need anyone I'm staying here you know I tell him you to wait [Music] [Applause] [Music] 10 hello Mitch morning Mitch morning any sign of Loney not yet doctor how's Debbie Out of the Woods I left some instructions for Doc Palmer with the hotel clerk tried to get him to pay some attention to them pulling out H yes time for a cup of coffee thank you Frenchie is packing a bag down all you heart watch that back wall loney's waiting for Harvey up the street good hey lony you want Harvey come and get him [Music] looks like you're staying after all no I'll get another horse you'll take mine no thanks I no [Music] arguments what he got in this lead no books instruments you better let me carry it oh I'm not exactly puny Frenchie's G with you huh yes good thing I guess with me not here to protect you french' be pretty hard to handle yeah too much for me ah there she is Blue Bell three gated you'll like her nice horse nice saddle too hey looks like one of those stray bullets put a hole in [Music] it gold plaster gold [Music] Johnny went for his gun I don't know why but he threw down on me Instinct I killed him wait here you going for your gun Chino wait it's different now with me I'm sorry about your boy Johnny but not enough to let you gun me I want to live Chino enough to kill you if you get my way you'll get your chance Chino you're not fast enough [Music] good luck friend let's go told you you're not fast enough mate Mitch Mitch my [ __ ] you're sure this is all right you didn't spend half enough time in bed Mitch said that the time to get up is when you're ready to uh-oh here we are the last details now I go and P River forgets me in two days why go it's your town again you didn't have to sell a Bella Union my town with another bank opening next week no sh when the town begins to grow and the boys begin to save their money that's no place for me good bye goodbye oh one more thing it's it's foolish because I'm I'm not sentimental I'm a businesswoman but next time you go to bring flowers to Mitch would you perhaps but I'm there for you please goodbye all right take them off [Music]
Channel: REVO Movies
Views: 6,293
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: powder river movie, powder river movie 1953, powder river 1953 full movie, western movies, western movies full length free john wayne, western movies full length free glenn ford, western movies action, western movies full length 2024, cowboys movies, full western movies 2023, full western action movie
Id: 7bhZKYKltZ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 32sec (4472 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 13 2024
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