Sierra Stranger | Full Movie | Piece of the Action

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[Music] s I [Music] a get the Rope [Music] dragon [Music] [Music] drop them they're out I'm sure obliged to you or call me sunny sunny Grover justess Collins can't rightly recall her being so happy to see someone personal Grudge n Claim Jumpers came on to them changing my marks well they were sure quick to start shooting at me guess it upset them to have their plans changed I was going for a ride feet first through the choya headache felt better felt a lot worse if you hadn't come along find some good rock around here no it looks real promising guess they thought so too you work in this section Mr Collins oh farther north where you headed now Colton file a claim stock up Colton's not much of a camp these days excitement's moved on North to Hayward I'm not looking for excitement just the claims office and some rub matter of fact I was ready to take off for ha when I came on to those Claim Jumpers maybe we could ride partway together sech me figure they uh might be waiting for you down Trail they won't catch me again I just like company thought we might ride as far as Lone Tree Pass good campsite well I uh I hadn't figured on stopping you got to eat can't push all of way in the Colton without eating I've been surprised lately how well I can do without food get that low on Provisions it's been quite a spell since my jaws have had any uh serious chewing to do think of that man saves my life in an empty stomach well at least I can do is see you get a good feed oh no you don't have to do that I always keep extra grub hit out a Lone Tree pass tonight Mr Collins you're going to be my guest Mr Grover I'm so weak from Hunger that I'm not going to give you any argument yeah poor girl had to lead Town wasn't a man there who' take anything she said seriously after that guess you've been out here a good while long enough prospecting's a mean kind of Life yeah it sure is and it's like any other kind of gambling once you get started it's hard to quit don't I know I was all set to quit a couple of days ago I was so hungry my belt buckle was scraping my backbone so lonely I was talking to myself so what happens I find this ledge and I'm off again after you file get Provisions come back to work your claim no I figure out selling my pack mule getting supplies enough to last a couple of days sell your mule that's about the last sailable thing I've got left you can't sell your pack mule Jess what's a minor without his mule a pretty sad man I'll admit but not half as sad as a miner with an empty stomach listen there's no need in your selling that pack mule tomorrow when you get into Colton you go to the Primrose Hotel well I uh I hadn't figured it stopping at a hotel you go to Primrose and ask for Bert gains he owns a hotel tell Bert you're a friend of mine oh look sunny I I appreciate that tell Bert about the help you gave me he'll stake you to lodging and lend you enough to get those Provisions I uh can't take money from a man I don't even know that is if he's fool enough to give it to me you show Bert this lucky piece tell him me a story he'll turn the place over to you [Music] Jess you did me a favor a big one let me do this for you thanks Sunny it'll be a loan I'll pay you back as quick as I can you like Bert you like you better get some sleep still a long ride from Colton see you in the morning Jess right Sun you know for the first time in week I can go to sleep without dreaming about [Music] food for [Music] [Music] yes hello I'm looking for bird gains oh what do you want with bird oh the friend of his asked me to look him up what friend look uh uh could I talk to Mr gains I'm Bert's wife who was it sent you to him Sunny Grover Brett isn't here well uh when do you expect him back I couldn't say well uh I've got to go to the claims office and uh Wells Fargo I'll uh I'll check back afterwards you Su it yourself thanks [Music] hey Simmons he's here you sure it was him yeah Grover must have sent him into file I better get the sheriff time enough for that I just wish it was Grover lamb I don't see no point [Music] wait he's headed to the Wells Fargo office I like we got a message from M while he's in there let's check the claims office look after things for spell are you sure there was no letter there for me Meg I've been through the mail twice well she promised to write to me the minute she got to New York and that's been over 6 months ago well maybe Trudy's busy that's what I'm afraid of but you still keep hoping got to mag Trudy took everything else hopes all I got to laugh women I never should have trusted her I should have had sense enough to know that all she ever wanted was that poke of gold dust I never should have let him leave here see your next mail delivery Meg poor little guy he knows he won't hear from Trudy again but he keeps coming in asking for that letter well you can't blame a man for hoping only a fool goes on hoping when it's plain there's no reason it's better to face facts well it depends upon what kind of a person you are little guy can't face facts now uh you we aren't talking about me what can I do for you uh I'm expecting some mail from San Francisco your name Collins just Collins you just come into town that's right and I uh can't say the people seem too friendly well if you're looking for friends I'm afraid you came to the wrong town seems like everybody's got a a great big chip on their shoulders maybe they have a good reason to there's no letter for Jess Collins you sure maybe you better check again miss uh well there's no point Mr Collins I don't mind waiting this is the nicest place in Colton did she promise to write like Dan's girl oh uh no the the letter I'm expecting is from a man owes me some money then you're just as foolish as Dan you won't hear from him how did a lovely girl like you get such a sour outlook on life look Mr Collins I've told you there's no mail here for you now if you'll just it interests me uh did you get like this just working here or is it uh from living in Colton I'm very busy yeah I can see that what time do you close 5:00 why well I thought I'd wait and uh Walk You Home well that hardly seems necessary since I live just across the street across the street the Primrose hotel now isn't that a pleasant coincidence you know I'm thinking of putting up there myself well anyone with the price of a room can it's not exclusive I'll pick you up up after work and maybe we can have some supper get I have other plans oh we'll work out something Mr Collins I'll bring my knife your knife that will Whittle away at that chip on your shoulder [Music] [Music] H Mr gain's back yet well uh I like to have a room so why don't I check in now and then I can go on up and I'll uh talk to Mr gains later that'll be a dollar in advance uh any law against uh waiting in there not if you can pay for what you drink say uh what's the price of information around here depends on what you want to know uh the name of the uh young lady who works in the wells Faro office Meg Anderson thanks uh you can put that on my bill whiskey well Mr G bird here no is there going to be trouble not much you stay in here is I got here as soon as I could you hurt Fred oh is that the man that's him all right take him along take me along for what I asked you a question Sheriff do I get an answer you're under arrest for jumping Simmons and GTA's claims me jumping their claims they're The Claim Jumpers arrest them now wait a minute your name's Collins yeah Sunny Grover is your partner I don't have any partner I never saw Grover until yesterday I came out of these two beating Grover up and about to drag him and this one here took a shot at me that's a lie we shot self-defense I'll handle this gch don't take any handle him just put him in jail Fred Simmons here's got a good business gch has other claims we know these men Collins I've got a claim too I just filed a few minutes ago Sheriff it looks to me as though you're making a mistake you'll keep out of this gains oh it looks to me as though Collins was telling the truth gotch this isn't as simple as you made out well it's plain enough to me if you dot my word sheriff you can check at the claims office you'll find out what I filed did you check Fred he didn't file an our claim Mister you better find out who you're helping before you jump in seems the same holds for you Sheriff I haven't heard anything here that's changed my mind I still think I helped the right man [Music] and then we win yeah I'd say so I lost a good friend in that fight that was the last friend I had in the world man give me another bottle compliments of the house there's nothing like a new friend to forget the old ones huh Bird games Jess Collins BD are you all right yes sure Ruth man get out a bottle of the special for myself and my guest so you helped Sunny huh well I gave him the same kind of help you gave me I never could stand to see two guys picking on one I uh promised Sunny I'd look you up he asked me to uh give you this yeah you know he's carried that ever since he was a little kid I gave it to him just after we lost our folks your brothers huh half Brothers I raised him at least I tried to Sunny's always been kind of wild liked excitement nothing serious though well I liked him he played square with me and I couldn't quite go along with that story about him being a Claim Jumper well you see gots always hated him the kid made a fool of him right here in this room and since then he's been trying to get even well where you staying Mr Collins well to tell you the truth Mr gains uh I'm broke well then you stay right here with us until you're ready to leave Colton oh thanks I suppose you came in to file a claim and get some supplies then you'll need some money tell me how is that claim of yours pretty good well it it looks real promising then I'll grub steak you Sunny said you would I appreciate it Mr gains and uh I'll pay you back soon as I can sure well let's go see if I can fix you up with the room huh hey Matt clean up this mess will you Mr Collins Collins I've got a job a job I take seriously to make an orderly Town out of Colton I'm in favor of order sherff if you have differences that need settling you come to me don't try and do it your way you better sell out the GS and summons I have I don't like troublemakers remember that while you're in Colton I never been in a town where I made such a bad first impression I don't mind the sheriff come on want you meet the wife oh Ruth was just telling me about the fight are you hurt oh no Mr Collins here at the situation well on hand I just came in at the Finish oh this is mag Anderson my wife Ruth yes we met Bruce said the fight was about Sunny well Mr Collins here gave him a hand you see the reason she's so concerned she and sunny are engaged yeah Mr Collins saved Sunny from some claim jump where's Sunny now well as far as I know he's on his way to Hayward but he's all right I mean he uh wasn't hurt badly how did you happen to help Sunny well he was in trouble I just happened to come along at the right time Sunny was in trouble huh can you imagine Ruth Sunny was in trouble oh now Meg there's nothing to worry about you heard him say that Sunny was all right oh I'm sure he is I'm not worried about Sunny Ruth this gentleman will be stopping with us for a few days we got a room ready number eight maybe after you clean up you'd like to have supper with us Meg will be there oh thanks No not tonight well if it's because of me Miss Anderson no it has nothing to do with you it's just that I have a headache that's all I I'm not hungry well I uh guess I better stable my stock oh no I'll take care of that you go ahead on up I sure appreciate your hospitality Mrs Gaines it's not mine it's my husband's you wouldn't stay here for a minute if I had my way but why what have I done for one thing you caused trouble I knew it the minute you came in all I'm doing is look just do what you came to do and clear out quick as you can before somebody gets hurt or killed just clear out supper will be ready in a half hour just a minute Mr Collins please don't let on to Burt what I said it'll just cause trouble we've got enough of that [Music] morning oh good morning how's the head you had a headache last night remember oh much better thank you well I'm glad to hear that will you be leaving Colton today I doubt it well got and Simmons have been doing an awful lot of talking mhm they got a talent for that they carry a lot of weight in this town Miss Anderson I'm a stubborn man I guess it's from working with Pack meal so much but the more people push me one way the more I want to go the other well no one's pushing you everyone is they have been from the minute I rode into town well maybe it's for your own good I doubt it you for instance why should you be interested in me because I uh help the man that you mean to marry you could say that well thanks for your concern but I'll manage all right go ahead get shot or lynched no thanks I've got other plans nice talking to you I filed a new claim with you yesterday Collins yes sir well how long do it take to clear Sacramento and I I don't know I thought it was your job to know how long I'm I couldn't say it all depends on gots and Simmons no unaco it could take two or 3 weeks 3 weeks what is this will you ask me how long I told you it it's not my fault thought he'd come straight here once he found out going to talk it out with games maybe he'll be here Fred anyway he's going to start here no guarantee he'll make it whiskey no fights today it's the best we got oh there's nothing wrong with the whiskey well in that case I'll have one how long does it take a claim to clear Sacramento oo two or three days I guess why the clerk in the claims office told me it take two or 3 weeks I want to get out of here and get to work well sounds as though somebody didn't want that claim to get through tell you what I know that claims clerk very well in a professional way maybe I can speed things up want to try yeah I'd appreciate it on me all [Music] right there's no reason why you should say h anymore my brother I BL it [Music] boy that was close yeah Collins I warned you on now love Sheriff I've tried to make allowances but there's no room in this town for men who take the law into their own hands I'd be a little more impressed Sheriff if somebody hadn't just tried to kill Burton me kill you Mr Collins only returned the fire I'm a nervous type Sheriff when somebody shoots at me I shoot right back did you see who it was but I could guess Collins if you just get out of town until I no Sheriff I've been lied about and shot at I don't figure to run off now Mr gains Mr Collins good morning celil what can I do for you refresh my memory tell me Kelo uh how long do you think it would take for a claim to clear through Sacramento you had an answer for me remember well if memory serves me it should only take two or three days how is it then that you told my friend Mr Collins that his would take two or three weeks to clear oh you didn't tell the truth did you Kelo you know that bothers me I've always taken you for a Dependable man that's why I've been so patient about those gambling debts of yours let me see now it must be about 300 well I'm not going to press you for immediate payment but you see it does disturb me wouldn't you like to reconsider your answer to Mr Collins and uh tell me when when his claim will clear tomorrow or the next day ah there you've restored my faith in you Kelso do you see how Cooperative a man can be when he's approached in the right manner Mr Collins remarkable Mr Gaines you know I'd be interested to see your approach to Mr Simmons maybe you could help me get some supplies well you just follow along Mr Collins and get another demonstration of the old gains technique I will demonstrate how a man can be forced to give you something that he doesn't want to and don't bother reporting to G and Simmons that's where we're headed [Music] [Music] well I guess this will do me how much is it word how Goods aren't for sale do you we're paying cash Simmons this is my store I can sell or not sell and aren't doing business with any Claim Jumper not so fast Collins you want to hit somebody try me I feel the same as Fred you're a sneaky slimy claim jumber you got a big mouth gut somebody ought to shut it for you we Ain after your height Gams just cols not in here you'll rck my store [Music] outside Matt BT's in trouble at Simmons's store got you a ganger after him and Collins [Music] down don't [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] well have you had enough are you going to let this claim jumper get away what are you waiting for until he commits murder Claim Jumper our murder I'll handle it cut not you and you Fred I'd counted on you but should ought have had more I've got enough sense to stand by a friend your friend ain't never going to get his claim got you can keep coming in between us as long as you like Sheriff but one of these days we're going to catch him when he can't hide behind that shiny star of yours why don't you clear out I filed a claim sheriff and I'm going to stay here until I get it besides if jet left now that only prove that got was right I'm staying here until got has proved the liar and that's final just when we was getting the habit of Law and Order he's got to come to town keep an eye on gut have a drink Sheriff I Don't Mind If I Do smooth it's really [Music] smooth ow wait a minute you're supposed to be helping me not hurting me no don't talk see you from the way you and mega carrying on you think Jess and I were not looking for that fight a man doesn't have to look for a fight on this town I hadn't sent for the sheriff oh you were the one Mr Collins if you had your Provisions would you leave town can't anyone say anything new to me would you what's your concern whether I go or stay well I well I mean if I want to stay around and let got and his Playmates re mod on my face why should you care well I don't care about you I was just thinking about Ruth and Bert oh I see well I better get back to the office thanks for fixing my face well I didn't do much well I'd say you did a fine job but considering what you had to work with [Music] what did I do oh don't mind her she's just anxious to get married and tired of waiting for sunny that's all but he does mean to marry oh sure she's just waiting for him to settle down mag understands she's just what Sunny needs oh yes she ought to be proud like all of us privileged to wait and be ready when Sunny needs us now look Ruthie you've let this little Ruckus upset you Meg ask you a question you didn't answer if you had your Provisions would you leave well I don't know Mr gains oh it's not just that it's a matter of his good name and Sunny's reputation besides I don't think this would be a very good time to go back to Simmons's store I'm afraid BT's right all right I'll get your Provisions for you if you'll just get out Ruth just get out and leave us alone Ruth all right Mrs gains you get the supplies oh looking for me you took quite a risk a risk well you know my reputation in Colton I might have shot you I wanted to talk to you did Ruth get your supplies yeah I was just organizing my packs oh then you're leaving sooner or later but you promised Ruth you still want me to go I don't know I'm not sure about anything anymore are you sure how you feel about Sunny yes there's no doubt about that what do you know about Sunny well I uh know that I found him in trouble and I helped him I know that he shared his grub with me he has a generous brother and a beautiful girl don't you ask me you're turning a whole town upside down and risking your own life to defend a man you know nothing about well it's not only Sunny's name is mine maybe you made a mistake you mean GS and Simmons were right I just say maybe you made a mistake it's easy to do why make others why don't you let it go with that Bert believes hny Bird's his brother and you're his girl stop saying that isn't that so you're hurting me what kind of a girl are you turning on the man you love just because the Going's rough just because a man like God I don't have to listen to God to know about sunny I don't have to listen to birdie you I know you didn't come here because of Sunny please you came here because of us you and me J I've been waiting for you Meg for a long [Music] time you rush into everything without thinking don't you chase [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you be careful sure look Mister don't you know it's you never coming bird Sunny come in you sure one heavy sleeper bird I wasn't asleep business must be good if you can afford to ignore customers we've had a lot of trouble around here sunny as a matter of fact it all happened because of you B I'm in a terrible hurry what's the matter nothing it's just I haven't got time to spare you got time enough to answer a couple of questions I need supplies bird fast hi Ruth surprise I'm at staying Ruth don't worry you're staying long enough to answer a few questions I can't every second counts look I've been shot at and had my brain shook up in a fight today on account of you what are you talking about B goton Simmons don't tell me that a liar like God's trouble not me but everybody else they came into town and said that you were a Claim Jumper that's a lie they said that you and Jess Collins jumped their claim Collins yeah I tried to help him like you asked but he's in terrible trouble just because he tried to help you didn't he tell you how it was he saw those rats jumping me they' have dragged me dead bird if he hadn't come along yeah he told me all he knew but I want to hear it from you hear what did you jump there claim no of course are you lying to me I ain't lying B I haven't always played a straight with you I know of caus you're plenty of weary but I've never kept anything back have I no kid you never have I knew that g was lying I knew it he's hated me from way back sure look tomorrow morning we'll go to that Sheriff's Office and I can't wait till morning why not I've been trying to tell you there's a there's a big goal strike up North near the Ben word hasn't leaked down yet and i' I can make a fortune if I get up there fast look it'll only take you a couple hours to clear your name in colins you know what a couple hours can mean in a new field the difference between millions and nothing even the time I've spent now talking is costing me cost an user I want a hit this time not just for myself but well so as I can make up a little to you for all you've done older I get the more I see what I owe you you don't owe me anything kid maybe if I really hit it big I can well well I could even show Ruth I'm not all bad look you can't blame Ruth I don't I know I haven't given her much cause to like me but I mean to oh this could be the real beginning for me but I've got to move fast I need supplies and I can't wait till the store opens so can you outfit me well Ruth got some supplies for Collins let me have them you can get more in the morning all right I'll ask you well bird you don't have to tell him who needs this stuff Sunny who want to see you that's just it I have to talk and talk and lose more time he's got a right to know sure you tell him later I promise that in two days three at the most I'll be back I'll square everything I don't know I but if if you tell him now he may try to keep me here and well I wouldn't blame him but it'll ruin everything you and I know that a day or two won't matter to him but well to me it's all the difference in the world all right you wait right here here where's your horse up the street back at dorts right [Music] [Music] yeah who is it B oh what's up well I hate to bother you like this Jess but I'm in kind of a spot know those supplies Ruth got you yeah well a friend of mine just rode in had news of a big goal strike up north and he needs a fast grub stick I thought maybe we could bar yours and get you some more tomorrow oh sure an old friend huh yeah he's in a big hurry I sure appreciate it all right let's go where is your friend BR he's around [Music] [Music] [Music] who is it [Music] sunny Meg let me in I had to see you baby did you Sunny what's the matter why should anything be the matter oh you're sore at me I don't blame you I'm going to make it up to you baby starting right now all I ask from you is to be left alone s little Megs found somebody else huh well whoever he is he's not good enough for you you leave her alone you get out of there just get out all right ladies did he hurt you no why'd you let him in I was going to tell him how I felt Meg why don't you leave C I should Sunny's not going to change yeah no and there isn't anybody else here for you or is there I can't be sure how can I ever be sure after Sunny everything he touches he destroys [Music] [Music] [Music] anything wrong you have a bad dream yes I did oh you look wide awake now I I'm all right thanks well see you in the morning did he see Sunny no he should know he's got a right to know you can tell him in the morning that'll be time enough [Music] hold up there it's all right Ed I know [Music] him hi what that's the idea you could have got yourself shot chasing after us like that if I hadn't recognized you just got a little favor to ask thought maybe it could help me out we got no time to be doing favors we're behind schedule now I think you'll do me this favor what's this I want that strong box get down from there and get it for me now don't try it you said you're in a hurry so am I I heard tell you was a wild one but I never thought and don't start thinking now just do like you're told never mind him just give me the Box throw your gun we out you'll never live to spend this shut up or you'll never live to bury him morning good morning I uh knocked on Meg's door but she didn't answer she's over at the office so early Meg's getting ready to leave town leave town well good morning morning Mrs gains tells me that you're uh leaving Colton that's right how about Sunny there's nothing for me in sunny I think I've known that for several weeks now and when I saw him last night I Sunny was here last night he didn't want to see you oh yes Bert's friend who needed the supplies Jess you made a mistake in getting mixed up with sunny why did Bert lie to me like that oh Bert games is blind as far as Sunny's concerned he just shuts his eyes maybe he's afraid to face the truth like I was Sunny's awfully easy to believe in if he was afraid to stay here maybe there's a chance that got and Simmons were right oh he had a big story for Burton something about a rich strike and he'd be back in two or 3 days to clear your name and I see well if there's nothing between you and sunny anymore I thought I'd go to Sacramento mag let's go together I was hoping to be [Music] asked it's right this me I love you [Music] J now I got to go and talk to Burton I'll go with you [Music] Jess I'd like to ask you a few questions ber look may not have enough time got just been on running you and everybody your backi out of town why didn't you tell me that Sunny was here last night H he was in a hurry in a hurry to leave you and me to face G A he's on to something big he'll be back he promise me he should have stayed he'll be back he gave me his word that's not enough I want proof you sound like G mister I do no more fighting until I'm sure I'm on the right side little late to decide that Sunny should be here and suem like he did did youber oh look Jess you got to believe me got don't interfere Sheriff I'm doing my job you keep out of this we've got a job to do you obey the law gut or you go to jail why me other law Breakers Go free lamb you and me are Partners I'm talking to you like a partner we got to stop this it's no good for the town no good for us all right Sheriff's got you fooled one of us has got to protect our interests sure what's wrong hold hold up M killing how did it happen we just left climax station all of a sudden it come up out of the rocks and hailed us I never realized it was a hold up they drew on us and ordered me to get him the strong box head reached for his rifle my fault I told that it was all right never figured it would end up like this you know this hold up man sure it was sunny Grover are you sure it was Grover of course he wasn't mask I was stand as close to him as I am to you when he took the strong box he's got a good lead we'll track him down and when we do when we do he'll be my prisoner got sure sure if we take him alive well start right away meet at my office soon as you're settled up can't be every time there's any trouble around here they blame Sunny it just can't be sunny told me last night where he'd been or what he' been doing that driver must have made a mistake don't you think so Matt you don't pay me to think Bert I'm just your bartender got to get back to my job [Music] Jess I I hoped you wouldn't go I have to but why it's out of your hands now Jess if Sunny killed that man posy out to gun him down this is the excuse G has been waiting for all right but that's a chance Sunny took it doesn't concern you jez wrong Meg whatever Sunny does still concerns us how suppose we run off now suppose we take off a Sacramento honey I could be ready in 5 minutes it's no good gotcha somebody shoots Sunny my name still isn't cleared as far as this town's concerned I'm still a Claim Jumper oh who cares about this town the word gets all over I've got to get to Sunny first I've got to find him before they do you do understand that don't you oh I'm scared Jess if anything happen to you know it won't it [Music] can't you you know Sunny has a favorite hideout yes I know they lone Tre pass he's already killed one man Jess I'll be careful you're not going anywhere Jess first I'm not worried about the posy getting sunny he can outsmart them but you you're different he figures you for a friend he'd never figure you to go gunning for him that's why I'm not going to let you leave this hotel you're making a mistake B sure I'm making a mistake I'm making a mistake believing you were my friend in Sunny's I'm not judging sunny sunny never hurt anybody in his life I'm not riding out to kill him I want him alive I can't trust you anymore Jess that's why I'm going to give sunny every TI I'm sorry bird I'll leave your gun downstairs Sunny gets hurt I'm going to come looking for you I'll be around be careful Jess you you let him go why what did Sunny ever do to you why don't you wake up Burt and stop fooling yourself you know Sunny's no good that's not true everywhere he goes he brings hurt and trouble Sunny's not to blame for that then who is I don't know me I guess I raised him taught him everything he knows good or bad if Sunny killed that man he should be out gunning for me that's crazy bird you've done everything you could for him no but if Sunny gets hurt I'll turn and kill her for sure all set what about Collins what do you mean well I suppose he tries to get away before we get back I think you got to put him in jail my concern right now is taking a killer gutch we wasted enough time already settle your Grudge with Collins when we get back one vment at a time [Music] in for [Music] [Music] gr Grover what do you want Collins on I uh just want to talk to you Sunny there's nothing to say I think it's to your advantage to hear me out you come from BT yeah throw your gun away with your left hand why didn't Bert come himself Sunny you're in heavy trouble tell me something I don't know Sheriff's up with a posy looking for you now the guard in that stage died take a lesson the men are going to shoot you on sight you have to sight me first your best chance is to come back to Colton with me why should I go back to Colton look if you came here to tell me to turn myself in you'll get a fair trial Fair trial fair about whose ideas having been Fair trial to death Collins no thanks you're not going to get away this time Sunny there's no one to Spring the trap for you oh I thought that was why you'd come Jess to help me out like you did before I thought you were right then right who makes things right or wrong men with money Jess well I got money lots of it that stage strong box is loaded I could use a partner JZ we'd make quite a tea ber would join us too there's enough money here for all of us that kind of money scares me it's of course you got no nerve no I don't need you I don't need anybody start depend on other people and you're dead that didn't stop you from using Bert and Ruth even Meg Meg oh so it's you you move fast should have guessed Sunny she's nothing to me neither are you I used you once but and now you're just in the way [Music] f [Music] come [Music] why'd you kill him Collins afraid he might put the Noose around your neck too I've had just about enough of you gotch so have I do us all a favor lemon shut up you're all right Collins you take the py back I'll stay here and help Collins with Grover's body and the rest want you to know I'm sorry for everything [Music] hi hi the [Applause] usual another day another friend he's been waiting like that all night Meg what am I going to do what happened one varit dead one got away who's dead I'm thirsty [Applause] over's dead Meg what about just Collins he killed him but is Collins hurt well he's coming with the sheriff thanks Mr Simmons Wy man we're celebrating we're celebrating the death of the skunk what's the matter for safekeeping yes sir we went out today to kill a little skunk named Grover Sunny Grover but we were saved the trouble another skunk beat us to the job Collins killed Grover Forest saved us from getting our hands dirty on a sneaking varit like Sunny Grover burry [Applause] [Music] but hasn't there been enough hurt already but you can't help Sunny now [Music] you better let me handle this this is between me and gain Sheriff [Music] draw Collins draw [Music] I'm sorry BR it's not your fault I guess it's nobody's fault [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Piece of the Action
Views: 146,435
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: action, piece of the action, fight scene, fight, car chase, explosions, jean-claude van damme, steven segal, ice cube, vin diesel, chuck norris, wesley snipes, jason statham, michael jai white, fight scenes, martial arts, Sierra Stranger Full Movie, Sierra Stranger, Full Movies, Full Length Feature Film, Full Length Movie, Full Movie, Free Movie, Full Movies On Youtube, Youtube full movie, free movie, Howard Duff, Edward Kemmer
Id: HyiyvivDNoc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 38sec (4418 seconds)
Published: Mon May 27 2024
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