A Young Gunslinger brings hope to his Town terrorized by Outlaws | Western Movie | Vintage Movies

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Ernie Parsons having been found guilty by a jury of your peers I didn't see any jury well they was around anyway what difference does it make you gun down Wendy Jones and he was one of our most beloved and respected citizens I heard he was the town drunk well now that he's dead he's one of our most beloved and respected citizens I don't care who he was I didn't kill him you've got the right to hear a few words from preacher unfortunately our preachers out of town but luckily we got Farley Mard here and he's a feeding grain salesman and he owns a Bible no thanks now what does that mean I don't want any feeding grain salesman praying over me I don't want anyone praying over me I don't believe in that stuff you ready Max you got one more inalienable right to speak a few last words and I mean a few h we don't want one of them things where the chem takes off with a declaration of independence well go on well I'd just like to say that this is the lousiest town that I've ever been in well I've met a better class folk in a San Francisco opium parlor drunken pool hall bum would be considered too high tone for these parts and as for your system of justice well that's enough you see what I mean he was just one breath away from the declaration all right Max don't do it don't do it don't do it don't do it Ed Lo just confessed he killed Wendy in a drunken barroom brawl about a pregnant Indian squa Ed claims Wendy was the father and that he was acting as the avenging Angel Wendy was going to be the father or something that's what Ed says all right on time giving his gun now that's the way out of town son take it keep on going and don't you never come back you heard her I'm not guilty even so we don't want no fast guns in this town fast guns raid alongside with lepers in this law-abiding community can I ride back to town long enough to get some food that's the way out son don't Press Your Luck thanks bye I'm going with you you don't have to I'll be back when whatever you do don't leave town wait never give up hope see you I have known he was going to act like that I never would have lied for him you would have never what I don't care I thought he was cute there ain't a man around here I'd have as a gift and they took a bath ever so often besides after him [Music] [Applause] all [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] a [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Applause] easy boy [Music] let's go [Music] [Music] Reverend Frank Fleming well pleased to Know You Frank dear Reverend everybody in Castle walk is real excited about you coming here we ain't had a preacher here in over 3 years when our last one left in such a hurry he didn't even say goodbye he was a Pious man but he had a yellow streak down his back we're all looking forward to meeting you for the first time all looking forward to meeting you for the first time H I don't know know how long you'll be willing to stay but you'll be welcome every minute of it give the preachers Horse let's see what you got pal Frank If Ever I catch the guy who did you in I'll take care of him for you the meantime I'm going to need your clothes and your horse I got a posy after me for something I didn't do [Music] I'd say a prayer for you Frank but coming from me I'm afraid as L to do you more harm than good [Music] all pull up this the hold up why it's a preacher Percy uh sorry about that there Parson but uh we're a little too far off to catch that there collar is there anything we can do for you Reverend either you boys ever heard of a town called Castle walk why yeah it's in Arizona sure ain't much of a town though how far is it from here oh about 150 mil it's over Y in that direction how's your church attendance been lately boys you boys see that Branch over there uh yes sir that was PO for the Lord boys he loves you but he hates your profession yeah I can see how I would I want you boys to go and sin no more uh we surely won't Parson uh as as soon as we can afford not to uh preacher you being so good with that gun and all how come you didn't just kill us as we was riding up here because you boys are children of the Lord just as much as I am Children of the Lord huh [Music] [Laughter] [Music] oh [Music] sorry Sadie didn't have the time to dig it no deeper well I guess we better just put him in the ground get it over with all right without even a few words Mr Ross didn't say nothing about no words said we could have a buing Mr Ross didn't say nothing about no words but Sam was a Christian man you can't just bury him like a wild dog can't we stand up to Mr Ross just this once you're leaving here after the burial we got to stay here and live with them all right let's get going wait a [Music] minute is it one of Mr Rossman looks like a preacher well what do we do now and I wrote him myself not to [Music] come thank God you're here re got many receptions in my life man yours is almost unique we were going to have to bury my husband without any proper words being said but now that you're here you the Reverend Frank fing that's right I wrote you a letter telling you not to come no you wrote me a letter welcoming made a castle walk I wrote you that letter yeah but things changed first Mr Ross said it was all right for us to have a preacher and then Mr Ross changed his mind gentlemen what the hell is going on here reverence the hell is a word that came straight from the Bible folks all I know is we've got a heartbroken little Widow here you did say you were the Widow and these are my children that's a child she's 18 oh she certainly [Music] is well first order of businesses I say it is to get this poor man put decently into the ground oh thank you [Music] re I I don't know what Mr Ross is going to say about this I haven't been here 5 minutes and I'm already sick to death of Mr Ross come on let's bow our heads don't you have a Bible Reverend oh I probably do in my saddle bag here you can borrow mine Reverend the deceased was probably a simple man so I'll just say a few simple words of my own not bother to dip into the Bible today you all know it's ashes to ashes and dust to dust which may not sound like the best deal in the world but it's the only deal you ever going to get so you might as well learn to live with it I didn't know the late decease but some of the works he left behind are Mighty [Music] impressive what did he die of he was shot in the [Music] back may the full Wrath of the Lord fall on people who shoot other people in the back it's a rotten sinful way to make a living amen amen I can't thank you enough Reverend I'd like to say more but Mr Ross only gave us half an hour to get out of town after the funeral you're leaving town you taking her with you Mr Ross said we all had to go who is this Mr Ross he's a mean miserable murdering thief and he runs everybody in this part of the country there ain't a soul of us that had a single solitary happy day since he rode in here and took over he's going to hear every word that you said yeah and he'll probably kill me but at least I got to say something that should have been said before I died why is he running this woman out of town my husband Sam was the only man in these parts to stand up to Mr Ross so he had Sam killed he let us take one wagon load of our things we'd better get started ma'am the only place you're going is back to your Ranch I'm sure with the help of all these fine citizens that we can make Mr Ross see the air of his ways Reverend you don't understand the situation around here Mr Ross is a powerful powerful man he's got money and influence and he's got 20 top gunfighters working for him before I tell you people what I really think of you I'm going to tell you something about gunfighters a Ross doesn't have 20 top gunfighters working for him because there ain't 20 top gunfighters in the whole USFA now what Ross probably does have is about 15 Cowboys that wear guns for ornaments they do just fine at shooting up a Saloon or making some terrified dude dance a little jig Ross has probably got about three men who are pretty good at getting their guns out of their holsters but no good at hitting anything once they do which leaves about two or three men that might honestly be called gunfighters not top gunfighters more like second or third Raiders so you see you folks have been letting yourselves be red around by a bunch of two bit yahoos how come you know so much about gunfighters Raven the Lord's work takes one to many places and many climbs Matthew 31 there ain't no Matthew 31 well there ought to be Widow I want you and your family to get in the wag and I'm going to drive you home you're going to sit next to me oh I don't know Reverend man you don't look like the kind of woman that would back away from a little fight where's your faith my faith is in good shape Reverend and if you are willing to take take the risk so are we get in the wagon kids us and the Reverend to going [Music] home the lives of this family will be on your soul Reverend re couple of Ross's men are in town and they're pretty liquored up that was their first mistake you ride my horse son okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey let's go have some fun remember the children re those are just two of the Cowboys ma'am who where do you people think you're going where is the place that Ross would least like us to go i' say her R well that's exactly where we're going wait Mr Ross hears about this Mr Ross is a skunk of doubtful parentage Mr Ross is so low he could walk under a rattlesnake's belly wearing a high hat and that's what I think of Mr Ross without ever having met the man and that was indecisive Cowboy could have very easily cost you your unimportant life those could have just have easily been your ears flying off your head boys well that's a terrible way for a preacher to have the Lord wants someone to move he wants them to move re my husband Sam would have followed you to hell and back don't talk about hell to a sinner ma'am you a sinner now we're all Sinners about to be [Music] all right kid as soon as we stop I want you to get the wagon onloaded I want to get this family settled in before dark you don't mind if I order your kids are around little do you man re you can do anything you want to Reverend Reverend yes ma'am ring this hole in the back of your coat it looks like a bullet hole well that'll be my guess Ma you guess how could a man be shot in the back and not know it well I was carrying that coat over my arm when the shooting took place welcome back is one of the Lord's works too ma'am I get my things and fix your coat do you think Mr Ross and his man are going to come down and get us tonight no not tonight honey I'd imagine that Sunday in church would be where he makes his first play aren't you scared at all I'm scared all right Sally but not the kind of Scar that make me knuckle under to the likes of that Ross thought of a text for a sermon tomorrow Reverend tomorrow tomorrow Sunday I've lost all track of time the last few weeks what do you think I ought to preach about I thought you said the sin of cowardice yeah that's not bad either thought you probably had some favorite passage from the Bible to illustrate your point oh I do several of them as a matter of fact but what's your favorite passage from the Bible that would illustrate that point man I think it would be luke 12 Christ says do you think I have come to give peace on Earth I came to cast fire upon the Earth and wooded were already kindled says that in the Bible Well I told you Luke 12 oh Luke 12 yeah that Luke he really knew how to turn a phrase didn't he your clothes up for the services but I'd appreciate that you don't have to have a Bible around do you I um seem to uh misplace my glasses did you turn to that spot Luke that your mother was talking about it's right here you don't wear glasses no something you're right I don't know what got into me well good [Music] night n [Music] [Music] folks uh I'm going to read you from uh Matthew chap 10 and verse 34 although Luke says pretty much the same thing in his 12 think not that I am come to send peace on Earth I came not to send peace but a sword now I don't know what that means to you but I know what it means to me it means that while God loves peace when the occasion arises he's not reluctant to use the sword matter fact when the occasion calls for it he might become downright irritated if you don't use the sword or the gun or the Rope or whatever's handy you folks have had a cross to bearhead lately and his name is Ross they say that people get the kind of lives they deserve and I guess they do but when men won't fight for their wives women and children and when their women won't make them fight for what's right and these people don't deserve any kind of lives at all that's exactly what you've got get his gun never done it I don't think you could possibly realize what an awful thing it is to kill a man I don't know who God must be mad at the most that man for wasting his life at the order of some tinhorn dictator me for having to do this thing in his own house you people haven't quit before the fight even got started I haven't got the heart for any more church today that's all [Music] Mr Ross and a couple of these men are outside take care of yourself son have a second bring that body outside [Music] you've had a couple of fun days here preacher well I tell you Ross you the name is Mr Ross name was Mr Ross and you hear me good Ross either those two men go for their guns I'm going to go for you first I think I can take them Mr Ross don't think here's your chance boys either you holding any grudges against him draw on me and I'll kill him for you we go together we can get him before after he killed me you don't look all that fast to me shut up friend of yours Ross all right preacher you pulled yourself off a nice little grand stand play for the folks now I want you out of town who killed Sam Underwood you are one of your men I'm going to find out if I have to take the whole bunch of you to pieces give me the word I'm sure I can beat him I'll go on back to the ranch I'll be there in a minute you sure now that's the way I like it man to man did I make the first play or to you I just changed my mind I don't want you out of town I want you right here where I can get you anytime I want you service is next Sunday at 10:00 and there's a four bit fine for being [Laughter] late you wouldn't shoot me in the back would you preacher like that any of you folks think your preacher doesn't deserve a drink after the events of this morning well we just don't believe in the same God that's all some of you boys planning will you don't you feel a little strange having a drink with your preacher on a Sunday morning no how come you know about 10 or 12 years ago I took a trip up to Cheyenne come across this altercation between a 19y old kid and one of the top guns Slingers in that part of the country at that time this kid he didn't want no part of the fight but this gun he was drunk he kept at it and finally the kid had to go for his gun or get blasted right there in his tracks it was Plum pitiful oh it's kid was the fastest thing I ever seen caught that gunny flat footed why he was dead before God got the news I inquired around found out this kid's name was Ernie Parson Ernie what are you doing here in Castle walk dressed up in that preacher's hit it's a wrong guess Billy you know once you've seen a top man handle himself in a gunfight you never forget one little detail what are you on for anyway doesn't matter I Didn't Do It They'll hang me just like I did if they catch me did you kill Frank pman no of course not came across his body in the hills and he was already dead I was half starved no place to go so I took his clothes and horse and came here all right all right I'll ride back to the ranch tell the Widow and the kids goodbye then I'll move on by you're the answer to our prayers aren't you no I'm not Billy don't let these clothes fool you God moves in mysterious ways boy not that mysterious look Billy what I'd like to know is if I do stick around here how much help can I count on from these God-fearing people almost none almost none uh n [Music] which is just God moving in his mysterious way to get me killed God will spite the Sinners of Castle walk just as surely as he smoke the Philistines SM for the time is at hand when you will hear of wars and rumors of wars be not afraid for this must first take place Nations will rise against Nations kingdoms against kingdoms not a head on your hair or a hair on your head will perish and I quote Luke chapter 21 verse Luke CH 21 and verse 23 for there shall be great distress in the land wrath upon his people I brought you some some lunch I didn't know preachers had to practice well it's either that or watch the collections fall off huh oh that's that's a real bad joke I stole from the Methodist oh did your mother know you came out here alone I don't know why well um you're a very attractive young girl almost too young as a matter of fact most the girls around here are married by the time they're 13 or 14 13 huh well I'll have to look into that why they had the lucky once even if they don't get a trip to Phoenix out of it that the price of marriage around here a trip to Phoenix no but it sure doesn't hurt well do I have to keep on calling you Reverend oh no call me Ernie Ernie my full name's uh Frank Ernest Fleming all my good friends they call me Ernie is there anything in your faith against marriage no not in my faith look Sally uh sit down this conversation isn't going exactly the direction I planned I mean you know marriage is just fine I was real glad that my parents believed in it but uh what was other things too you don't know what I'm talking about D you I know what you're talking about see what's the matter oh it's these clothes and it's collar just I'm not going to get anywhere dressed like this I don't see that it makes much difference you would if you were dressed like a nun it's just a wrong outfit for what I had in mind hey preacher I got to talk to you hi s hi it's real important you know a gun fighter named Jake McCoy yeah I know of him he's in town my blessings on him and he's working for Ross is he really good yeah he's the best you can take him can't you you sure he's working for us yeah and he's looking for you although you don't know who you really are well it doesn't matter it does it where's he at now he's at the men Saloon when I left town you're going to have to ride back to the ranch alone we didn't get very much accomplished today did [Music] we can't you just feel the ice breaking all around us [Music] well this is your last chance to ride on out of here forget about the whole thing I can't I don't know why I B it I just can't [Music] him will be onor by the table he's already spotted you hello Jake I was just about to go look for you you ever run into Ernie Parsons anymore I've never run in there any par any time any place at all ever you have now you you go to the church in the hiding for the window oh I always heard you were kind of smart I never heard that about you oh look we really going to have to go through with this thing I got $1,000 in my pocket and a girl waiting for me in Boulder City says I got to go through it you all that sure you can beat me you're all that sure I can't only thing I hate is a stupid senseless fight come on [Music] well how do you want to do this really when we get in position Li the coin when it hits the ground we go for our guns all right all right Jake one of us is going to die and it's not going to prove a thing sure it is Ernie it's going to prove which one of us is a fool to call himself a [Music] gunfighter you boys ready [Music] are you hereit you did you ever missed from this distance before never me neither want to try again no no I think somebody's trying to tell us something you put your gun away I'm going to get on my horse and get get out of this place I beat you you know that don't you oh no you didn't then you know dang well you didn't Jake you going to give Ros $1,000 back no I'm late for my date you folks see those bullets hit I don't think it hit anywhere River that's just playing silly hold [Music] do this is how those stupid Legends get started Jake and I have an off day in a gun fight miss each other wish there could be a thousand explanations just because a bunch of rumy St around don't see where the bullets hit all of a sudden you've got the miracle of Castle Wal now this whole miserable little Town's going to think that God's on their side well you got me convinced son but somehow or other just don't hardly believe that you convince yourself now let me point out a couple of things to you like what well for instance you're back Yonder in that town and they're about to hang you and R the last minute in rides this gal and saves your neck she and i' been fooling around a little bit all right well then you're out there in the brush posies are chasing you then all of a sudden you come across this your preacher's body you find this letter that brings you right here to this here Town supposed to lead him yeah but you was the one that wound up here right here where you're needed more than anybody's ever been needed before now all this make you want to stop and think just a little bit boy no I don't want talk [Laughter] [Music] about oh it you should have listened to me when I told you to get out of town you shouldn't have backed down in front of me the other morning either now this Whole Town's going to have the idea that you're just a little less than the tin Gods you pretended to be just tell me one thing what really happened between you and Jake McCoy I chased that bum out of town and he's not going to give you your $1,000 back either he said to tell you that's the price he charges for shaking hands a scum like you get on with it prayer man you drop that roope real [Music] slow drop [Music] it you ain't getting out of town fast just enough preacher [Music] [Music] get the point now preacher [Music] [Applause] you're in the bunk house of our Ranch I thought it would scare the kids if they saw you like this how'd you find me when you didn't come home last night I set out to look for you you Strip Me Down I'm a ranch girl with Brothers don't make a big thing out of it you're something brand new in my life Sally are you strong enough to get up and get dressed and get out of here doesn't matter whether I am or not I've got to do it you turn your back s I'm not as advanced in my thinking as you are will I ever see you again sure why not I'm not not going far well you have to when they don't get your body Mr Ross will never stop until they find you yeah this is the first place he'll look I want you and the kids to go out and dig a grave put some kind of a marker on it with my name Ty rash you found my body and buried it in the Hills can I turn around now sure Sally I don't want anyone to know that I'm alive I wanted to come as a horrible shock loss want to start giving him trouble in ways he never dreamed of I'm going to need plenty of food water ammunition I'll get you everything you need where will you go I'll hide out in the hills for a while well Ernie in this part of the country if a girl undresses a man it's customary for the man to make an honest woman out of her [Music] I'm sure that's true in every part of the country if I left you the next little while well we have a serious talk about [Music] that what's the matter old well just look at the way I look well it's always something isn't it you don't like the way you're dressed you don't like the way you look [Music] [Applause] [Music] put up the well [Music] you know I got a hunch of a bunch of Outlaws operating up in these Hills probably scared old Chad and Harley half to death blew up the well too [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah ah ah [Music] ah hold that what was that I don't know there must have been 15 or 16 of them or maybe there wen't nobody there at all what do you mean dragging a preacher through the cactus them people don't have to stay dead unless they want to everybody in town keeps talking about the preachers ghost to riding through the hills and shooting at every one of Ross's men that sticks his head up I keep telling them the whole dog on idea go to get Sally didn't you tell Billy you told me not to tell anyone Billy I'm sorry it's sure good to see you alive boy are you sure it's safe for you down here I it's been a long time since I've been safe anywhere lately it's been getting worse isn't tomorrow Sunday it sure is do we I want you to ride into town and tell everyone that we're having church services tomorrow morning at 10 I'll do it right now Sally I told you our plans ma'am yeah you have any objections no ma'am uh has it occurred to you that b Sally is LEL to end up one of the youngest widows in the Parts uh-uh Mary mt's only 14 and she's been a widow 2 years besides Mary Mt no Grace Dorothy only been married a week and a half when her husband fell down a m shaft you know how old she is Sally um could we take a walk outside you excuse us ma'am Sally um the reason I brought you out here is well one of the reasons if we're going to be husband and wife and you've got a right to be in on the decisions that affect the both of us you understand now if I stay here and fight it out with Ross and his men the chances are very good that I'll be killed but on the other hand we could leave here tonight get married the very first town we come to go someplace we both like and settle down and just have a wonderful life for ourselves it's all up to you Sally you just say the word well mom always said never throw yourself in between a man and what he thinks he's got to [Music] do well I won't kid you Sally I'm a little disappointed in that answer no it's it's all right I got the strangest feeling that I've been pointed straight toward this shootout ever since the day I was born there wasn't a thing in the world I could do about it Billy say it's God moving in his mysterious way me well I just don't know you very religious Sally why do man have to talk and talk can't you be quiet and get on with what you're supposed to be [Music] doing Yes Man [Music] folks I'm here today as your preacher and it's God's representative as your preacher I've stood up to your enemies for you and all it's gotten me so far as a lot of bruises and a bunch of cactus spines now I understand that a lot of you thought I was dead and that my ghost was raging through the hills wreaking my Vengeance on Ross and his men and I want to ask you something what were your feelings were you scared that you might have an angry ghost raging in your Hills or were you ashamed because not a single one of you came out to see if I was alive or if I might not need some help well I'm warning you people while you're sitting around waiting for God and me to do your work for you God just might have some plans of his own maybe he's not as angry at Ross as he is at Jew I'm not armed Billy go outside take a look around I came alone go on Billy I just thought it was time that all this foolishness came to an end we got a new country to build here we ought to be getting on with it instead of indulging in all this senseless killing I won't deny that you've hurt me since you've been here several of my men have been killed or wounded sever were more of run off because you scared them half to death I didn't know I was doing that well what do you want Ross a truce a chance to get on with our lives Ross if you were sitting on a stack of Bibles 10 ft High I'd bet money that you were lying and I'd win well now just a minute Reverend if Mr Ross is sincere and I believe he is this may be just the moment we've been waiting for Luther how could you believe that I don't believe him for a minute now s you are going to believe this man after all he's done to you GEOS a fat Reverend anybody can make a mistake if Mr Ross's man in enough to come here here please I didn't mean to create any dissension amongst the preacher flock now you've all heard what I have to say think it over well I think we ought to accept the proposition well I think you're [Music] right I have an announcement to make miss Sally Underwood and I are going to be married tomorrow morning at 11: you're all invited I don't know second the ceremony is over my wife and I'll be leaving this godforsaken town for good the ceremony won't take place here in the church it'll be at the Min Saloon you say what you want want about those people at the mint but they know why they're there and they do something about [Laughter] it Sally she's out back getting dressed her mom's with can't take all day with this thing what's your Rush boy one of my feelings and I'm never wrong that I should get out of this place what do you say that huh oh no hey y she goes [Music] now a oh you're beautiful come on everybody uh don't you get the feeling that maybe something's missing here I mean who's going to perform the ceremony you're the only preacher around here well I don't know of any law that says I can't delegate my other worldly Powers you marry us Billy oh yes Billy come I don't about the legality all this oh don't mind the legality it's the spirit that comes now I take Sally to be my wetted wife you go on from there well dearly beloveds we gathered here today to unite this couple in holy that Reverend you are right Ross and his men have bypassed the town and they're circling around and they're coming in that way oh he's let us down again hold it down hold it down how many men I counted 14 including Ross how long before they get here not more than 5 minutes well 5 minutes is plenty of time go on with what you were saying Billy I'll have to get ready for Ross otherwise I won't stand a chance we'll have to finish this thing later all right folks this is it now you see how much his word means Ross and his men are coming into town for just one reason to get me cuz he knows if he kills me there won't be enough fight left in the rest of you to hold off a bunch of sick old ladies this thing works too ways now if I can get Ross first then his men won't have any reason to go on with the fight so all I'll need is some of you to keep his men pin down while I take care of Ross but the women and the children you don't even have to come out in the open you could shoot from the windows or from the roofs you don't even have to hit anything just shoot fast and make a lot of noise but keep his men pinned down can't believe it R I'm with you give on me a couple of rifles well you said we didn't have to hit anything just make a lot of noise you still think I'd take a chance with you do you come on Billy give me the keys to the hardware store barber shop I don't hate you people I guess you just can't help the way you are well I ain't going to be that easy on you Ernie there's something else that you ought to know about I'd have told you sooner but well I didn't want to spoil away now that sheriff that wanted to hang you he's here in town where over at my place I told him I was a sheriff here one that I got off our last late sherff anyhow I told him he'd wait there while I R you up and bring you into it how'd he find me oh him and that posy come across Frank penman's body one of them old boys knew Frank they figured that you'd switch clothes with him well well if he wants me he's just going to have to get in line behind Ross and those other 13 men you take the barers [Music] shop Ernie when this thing's over with though you got to get out of town that's all there is to it Billy what the hell makes you think we're going to live through this thing [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] I want that preer if he's not out here in 2 minutes I'm going to burn this town to the ground drop your guns boys [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] we're with you preacher wa got [Music] [Music] is [Music] h [Music] you all right barely listen on you Ross's men Ross is dead anyone who keeps on fighting is going to have to stand trial how do we know he's dead cuz I'm alive all right you heard the man Sheriff's going to be down here to find out what this is all about yeah I know Billy get my horse and meet me out back huh go over to the men Saloon and tell Sally to meet me back at the ranch we'll take off from there no I ain't going to do it I'm a dang fool for going along with this thing as far as I have and ain't going to go no what are you talking about I ain't going to let you run away with that kid her not knowing who you are or what you are what kind of a life she's letting herself in for you think if I told her everything she still wouldn't ride away with me well of course she would Ernie CU she's 18 and and you're a first love well that's good enough for me Ernie that sheriff finds out you left out you suppose that he's just going to give up I can take care of him yeah you can take care of him with one hand or you take care of with the other then if something goes wrong like she can just stand around with your baby in her and watch you hang you think I could just ride off without telling her why I'll tell her yeah then what happens to her oh she'll be tore up for a while but but she's young she'll get over it in a month or two yeah but I won't get over in a month or two I'll get your horse I'll get it myself Ernie this town owes you a whole lot but it don't owe you s I can't make any promises [Music] he's all right he's not hurt and he'll be here any [Music] minute damn it Billy you're right [Music] I'm blessings on you well thank you Ernie do I know you no I don't think so and how come you know me cuz I know every preacher in this part of the country and you're not one of them and I've been hearing about a gunfighter named Ernie Parsons and some interesting goings on in a town called Castle walk I don't believe everything you hear Reverend I don't that's why I'm on my way to Castle walk right now to investigate these wonderful stories maybe you should get them a real preacher now they seem very happy with the one they had they had a gunfighter not a preacher God moves the mysterious waves you boys sure do ham away at that praise don't you you really going to Castle walk I sure am when you get there uh would you give these to a girl named Sally Underwood tell her there just from an unknown admirer that think certain girls should have a trip to Phoenix even if they don't get married all right Ernie did you ever think that the things that happened to you in Castle walk might be your call to the kind of work you've been destined to do Reverend uh I didn't solve the problems of Castle walk by praying them way I did it the way I always do with a gun have you ever hear of a call coming that way but you left it a better place than it was when you arrived you're a nice guy Reverend no thanks I'll be seeing you Ernie
Channel: Vintage Movies
Views: 172,698
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: PDhdnX_xCo8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 8sec (4268 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 05 2024
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.