The King made me CHIEF ENGINEER in Hydroneer!

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hello fellow engineers and welcome back to Hydra near where last time we continued making loads and loads of bars with brand new mining equipment including this little guy here that allowed us to drill tunnels so yes deep underground I mined out a load of space just so I could move this and set up our brand new tier 3 drills these lumps of dirt are worth way more than my other ones but yes today we'll be leaving this because I have been told by the dev there is like a new Quest thing that we must go check out now he said it won't be easy but I've gotta head over there to the castle now was that always a castle I don't actually remember for those wondering where it was you just got to go past the fishneto over the poo bridge I mean or or the original bridge if you're boring but it's up there so here we are the I don't think this was a castle I'm pretty sure it wasn't uh but yeah we got the quest give us here look you can see this one he's probably one that I was trying to do the soup quest with because we've got soup yep he wants soup yeah but this one he wants a 200 weight bar of gold but as as a dag wait what as a dagger but you use iron to make daggers not gold or do you so we'll head back to our claim we've got to decide what bridge we're gonna take that is the trouble with building so many incredible bridges in this game I mean the gemstone suspension bridge did get 10 out of 10 from our independent Bridge review what they put a blumentary at the end devs what are you doing that I swear they've done this on purpose they've stuck a tree there so they now can't drive my vehicle along this one if we walk along the gold Shard bridge look more trees at the end they weren't there before they've done this to spite me I'm sure of it but anyway finally back to our claim I have this machine which gives me a hundred weight bars remember so I'm pretty sure I can just take two of these that I'm gonna want to melt them into a new part so I'll tell you what let's just pour that out this is our new material core Stone yeah I'll put two gold bars in there pour that out and then this one should weigh 200. you can just shove it on the scales here yep 200 exactly nice so we just need to heat that up on this end I did not re yeah I didn't realize so before you could only make you could only make a dagger out of iron but this it looks like you can make anything out of any sort of bar interesting okay so we want to make a dagger so we'll shove you on there we'll give it a whack with this Hammer boosh golden dagger whoa It's really straight look at the reflection on there oh it is legit Reflections yeah what a lot of people probably won't realize there's a lot of Reflections and games are actually like fake it's not actually the reflection so that's cool I appreciate that anyway we've got to take that to that bloke so ego me oh I gotta take this first okay take that first yeah yeah I got it I got it so you take that there you go lovely and shiny give me your tokens thank you very much and he's open the door okay I'll leave my tokens there because I don't actually need them I probably do actually if I want to get that drill thing because that looked cool but anyway for now we are in the castle oh no they want to see what how many 4 600 tokens for that blooming now hmm okay say 300 turnips and 300 broccoli in a soup oh wait wait there's another guy here what do you want oh can I choose I don't have to do the soup I could do another dagger oh my goodness 5 000 that's 50 bars that'll take me ages I mean that's probably easier than the soup oh my 18 000 I mean as much as I probably could do the soup pretty easily I got a pretty good farming setup back at home I think I'm gonna do this one because that seems a lot more doable and I can spend those coins on like all the new stuff so the question is does this bar that we pulled out earlier weigh more than 400 I mean I did leave this running for quite a while but 400 seems a lot I'm pretty sure this is like one of the rarer things maybe not as rare as cloudium but still we'll shove that on there and oh 700 oh Blaine that is decent okay 700 so we'll shove that in there to be heated now what else did we need it was a thousand gold and 5 000 iron so tell you what probably makes sense to move this to the bars so you'd be going forward and backwards so I just need 10 bars one two nine ten so pour that out and then I just got to put 50 iron bars in here one e three four 346 minutes later 49 50. oh it's like we'll pull that out we'll look on the scales and see that I counted it wrong to quickly add it back in with one more take a moment to be appreciative that I actually built this sourcing machine so I could actually do that quite easily thank you past Matt you do look after me so that's the sword let's hope I didn't miss count I I did check them all right I'm having doubts now anyway they're all gone oh look at that bar that's cool looking give that a boost there is the sword oh look at that oh man so when you combine like different materials you get different like parts and that's coarse during the blade we've got a gold Hilt and then an iron an iron handle that is really cool fair play devs anyway we'll take this back inside the castle and then give it to this bloke right there you go mate does that look good nope what uh yes it is don't say it has to be 400 exactly are you actually kidding me because they put slightly too much core Stone it what how am I meant to get 400 exactly what am I gonna do with this now right well does anyone around here want a really expensive sword oh yeah you can see in the bottom left say iron 5000 gold 1000 course name I must put too much core Stone in and now the guy's saying no what an absolute joke all right how much can I sell this for 128 Grand and you won't even oh man I'm so annoyed I'm so annoyed because I don't think I can melt this down now so yeah I guess we'll take the money I don't even need that money or just leave it there I do have a feeling though in this shop where I can spend those tokens that I'll get wasn't there yeah what's this so it only cost 320 tokens Cuts resources down to a desired size input with logic okay we will take one of these no I know I've left my tokens somewhere I've left my token somewhere right give me a sec I'll just go find them aha it was over where I bought this thing so yeah we'll grab those uh this is the drill by the way I should probably buy that at some point it allows me to Prospect for all veins we don't know what they are yet but I'm sure we'll find out soon you know we'll shove that in there buy that I'm really annoyed as well that I didn't find those quests you know because I did like all the crappy I'd rather like really crappy quests around town that gave me like no tokens and I could have just done one token to be able to afford both of these vehicles anyway anyway so this thing has logic input on the side I think I need to input a number so probably need a keypad so as I'm back I should probably go make some more core Stone so let's just turn this on all right so everything's running so we're making materials again good stuff I mean actually there's a lot there's a lot simpler way of doing this to be honest as much as I want to use this new thing that I've just spent some money on I think I'm better off if I just Swap this one which is cloudium for the core Stone so you go on there that means core Stone will go along this one so I could just change that number to 400 or I just could wait for four bars to go along there but yeah then the cloud team will come down just sit in that hole okay sorted so we'll shut that up we've got core Stone there so we should see that goes right and then it waits there yes it's waiting there it's waiting there until it's been well until there's a hundred weight essentially and then it goes and gets melted into a bar down here using this guy okay so that would be good so out here we should have some core Stone bars weighing 100. hang on hang on yeah I've just re I just realized I realized why it didn't work so it's a lot more detailed than I thought it was if we look at the core Stone bar that's number one if we look at the the figure above one should be the handle so if we look on here you can see one should be the handle so my blade was three I think that's why it didn't work I'm going to assume the exact weight isn't required because yeah I've got a 4 149 Baht so we'll just shove that in the fire so the blade needs to be Iron uh the trouble is the trouble is they're all blooming how I don't know what is what they're all the same color oh it says bottom left okay so that that was actually iron so you go there you go there and then this one can go there so I think that's right let me just double check see a gold in the middle iron on the end that okay sorted so we'll give this a bash oh no they've blumen they've cooled down okay so go there Iron there core Stone there give it a bash before they cool okay so that actually that looks more like a sword I prefer the last one to be honest with the core Stone blade but yeah whatever this should be good enough if it's if it's not I'm gonna I'm gonna cry but still we like living life on the edge don't we if you don't take risks what's the point right please accept this that looks fantastic yes okay so 18 000 tokens let's shove them on the pile with the others out here so we'll be spending those oh what I can't why can't I go upstairs why can't I go upstairs I have to do your quest as well fine super is okay so beetroot and broccoli do I actually have those in my farm by the way welcome to my farm this is Matt's Farm I did go all out on carrots before as you can see I sort of wish I had grown a bit of everything now okay what do we need then beetroot and broccoli we're gonna have to go get the seeds I think first we'll just hop in this combine and we'll just we'll just Harvest all these carrots so we got space to grow stuff so we're just digging up all the carrots there's nothing in the back so we're not planting anything look at all those carrots there's so many uh this was to make the carrot bridge by the way in case you're wondering why I have so many but yeah we'll leave that there and we'll go get some beetroot and broccoli so this is the farm shop we should still have here still got money in there so we just need beetroot seeds 430 each blooming out then broccoli which are 380 okay I can buy quite a few of those so we'll do that then back off Farm we'll just plant them in the ground and then they will grow into their into their vegetables but of course they won't just grow that they need water hence this sprinkler set up so we just got to connect this like that and then yes water here sprinklers there so they should all grow and I'm sort of I'm sort of wishing I did this one first before messing about with the sword because then they would have grown by then but anyway we'll wait a few days four to six days later then after waiting literal years I think we're good so if you stay on the table we can use this knife over here to give it a chop actually screw chopping on a table or just chop on the floor so we can chop all of these up we can then combine them onto a pile that I have been stacking to try and get enough weight and then hopefully if we put them on the scales yes 356 and the Bee Tree 415 okay we're good so we can make a soup now so we're just gonna shove this pot under some water then we add the Beet treat wait that did it why didn't that fit oh it doesn't fit I didn't think that this would be the hardest part right there we go so that is in then want broccoli in there as well nice and then we just shoved that on the stove and that should make us a soup oh my God why is it vibrating it looks dangerous ah broccoli soup so we just need a soup bowl now so it found one over there so we'll just shove that on the table and then we just pour this into there then bottom left cut broccoli 356 cut beetroot 415 actually I probably should have checked it was 300 of each right yes view so I feel like it makes the most sense to use the carrot bridge this time Yep this this was a this was a labor of love this one but we're finally back here have your soup drink it up thank you for those so I'll shove those out here so we got both types of tokens now then presumably I can go yes and go up the stairs where we've got oh oh no you're not a fishing Quest oh it's been a while since we fished in this game I assume I can't get up there no I can't okay so he wants he wants a lobster 1.5 weight now I noticed my frame rate is suffering oh dear yeah this this don't look good there's a lot of resource going mental here so yeah this is why I don't leave this thing running for too long so we'll do that we will say clear overall resources clear then oh we have frame rates again but yeah so for this one we're doing the fishing which I should have all the rods laying about somewhere yeah right so here's my master fishing pole so hopefully I can just fish and it won't take too long till I get a lobster now I do have an entire video on the fishing Quest by the way so if you want to watch that I'll probably shove it in the old end screen but yeah since that video exists I probably won't bore you by doing this the whole time I'll just skip to the point where I have the lobster all right say what whatever this reward is it better be good the dev itchy said it's well worth it but we'll see so there's your Lobster mate oh it looks tiny in his hand please be big enough folks yes okay so that's money don't really need that but I do want to go up the stairs because of all the kiggers so what does the king want oh he wants a ring of 2 000 claudium and 700 Onyx wow okay Mr King I'll see what I can do for you thank goodness this is the last Quest that is all I'm saying this has taken ages now we should be able to do the calcium fairly easily I'm pretty sure these will weigh a hundred let's just double check yes they do so I just need 20 of those in here that's pretty easy two one two three four twenty so we'll pour that out double check the weight 2 000 okay we're good you can go in the furnace then 700 weight of Onyx so Onyx is a jewel and if you look over here Jules of oh they've been flying all over the place I mean this thing is completely clogged here we are my magnet on a stick just to try and move all of those out the way because essentially I need only the rarest of gems which is this an onyx gem let's just see how much one of these ways oh no it's only 10 it's only ten okay but still I'll pick three and I think if I shove them all in this thing this should combine them into one gem so it will just pick up all the black ones shove them in there so that's filled up I think I should just be able to turn this whole machine on and then that should now the thing is how how do I get it back why is it shot in there right there we go there we go so let's go weigh this and see whether we need to do more waiting or not 106 166 okay we might we might be here a while I mean the sensible thing to do would be to expand my number of Mines down down there so that this happens quicker but at the same time I could just go take my dog Paddy for a walk now what do you think pad what should we do okay pad we'll go so I'll see you guys after dog walk and then hopefully we'll have enough Onyx to build this thing one hour later okay so the moment of truth please yes 837 so that is fine we just got to set this to was it a ring yeah ring the Onyx goes on number two okay got it so Onyx goes there that doesn't need to be heated but the gold does so that goes there we give this a boost and is that it that is tidy now before we actually take to the king though let's just weigh this and see what it's for oh 670 Grand it looks so like crappy honestly anyway excuse me I have an errand for the king all right Mr King I've got it for you there you go what do we get for this incredible reward oh what is that a dirt wand creates dirt chunks inside dig sites thank you Mr King that is very kind of you right let's go see how this works then so how does this work so if I click oh wait it makes that sort of dirt chunk I thought it meant that sort of dirt junk so what you're telling me is I can now use this fairly simply to build things out of dirt now I don't think this is the intended solution for this I think we're meant to build cursed Bridges although I forgot a hole we're meant to build cursed Bridges look at this thing I made a truss Bridge it looks sort of like knickknacks I don't know if you have those in your country but that's what these look like who flavored knickknacks which I've actually never tried building a bridge out of maybe maybe I need to but anyway that was a fun Quest I really really enjoyed this actually I do just want to do one more thing before I go let's just see in the style of Josh is there a limit to how high we can go with this thing oh wow okay they're they're literally might not because oh my God how tall is this thing oh boy okay let's go this goes quite High look at the view from up here so if we jump off oh my goodness okay so I don't know what's better the cursed Bridge all that I mean I think I think now it's better right and on that night peace love and very tall ones are those bye guys
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 380,792
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 49U4lPf8KmY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 22sec (1042 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 17 2023
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