I built a city at sea from nothing...

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thank you to the patreons for supporting the channel this video literally wouldn't exist without you and neither would the editor of this video Michael he would have withered away without the fortnightly cruel rations that I can now afford to give him anyway hello fellow engineers and welcome to Haven doc now the dev sent over a killer so thanks for that and it's a very intriguing little game so let's get into it and I'll show you how it works so first off we've got to create our character and that will not do that is not me so that looks much more like me his name is Matty boy I'm a male but I can be referred to as it I couldn't find a hard hat so this was the closest thing to an efficient looking strong hat I could find and then we've also got these quirks though they have no gameplay effects even if they sound like they do and I'm definitely not picking that one no chance honestly I feel like this is probably the most accurate one so we'll go with that you appear to be stranded in the middle of the ocean oh so we get a cut scene by the world's most enthusiastic talker right so what the very very Boardman just described to us we're stuck on a desert island we've built our first little deck with an E YouTube captions and essentially we've got a build so in this game you can only expand on a pair no building rafts or anything like that um we can pick up these resources so we've got logs and leaves now you can see there's some over there but no they're too far away I cannot telepathically move them towards me only only if they're within the green line yeah so let's spend some of these resources we just got building Our Deck we've got to make a longer deck the longer the deck the better so I'm really pushing the YouTube captions today so as I can see the water is sort of it's moving like right to left on here so I should probably build like this direction because then we can go collect these pieces of wood that float past and the more wood we get the the longer Our Deck will be oh that one's still too far is it gonna go range yes yeah there's also there's a little fish that we can catch as well we don't need a rod or anything we can just zap them out the sky with our telekinesis um you'll notice this top left we do have hung and thirst bars so I should probably get working on those um for now though I'm just gonna try and make the most of my efficient building and grab all the resources nearby there is a box up there so we'll grab that oh that's filled with loads of stuff okay so all these things flash at me they're like things that I should probably build they're all new so we probably want a pump I guess we'll shove that there so that's gonna get us seawater yeah but we've got to pump it so we leave that doing that and that's gaining us sea water lovely lovely sea water oh I can still I can still grab resources as they flip past oh and in case anyone's gonna judge me on the location of this everyone knows you produce water in the right one so yeah okay right so the pump is for us we can control click to take that we've now got five sea water on us yeah but we need we need a way to make that clean so I think we're gonna make our deck a little bit longer this direction and then using 10 logs and one leaf we're gonna build a distiller so let's expand our right nut that way then just look and go there so shove a load of salt water in there please and you can see that is being converted into lovely lovely drinking water although my guy doesn't seem too impressed with foreign loads of stuff up here so let's grab the leaves grab those can I grab that one yet so we can control click to take them and we've got one of the two waters we need to complete the the next Quest and I guess in the meantime I'll just keep building some of these other things so let's build oh we can build a bridge a stable Foundation to build across deep Waters now when I was building my deck did you notice there I cannot build there the water's too deep so we're gonna have to build a bridge across that now with a bridge we need a five like Stone material cut stone yeah and obviously we can't build that but if we look around you can see there's lots of different places we can go to so I imagined stone is probably going to be over there on the island and but first let's just complete this Quest so we've got that we've now got to build a workshop so we'll wrang that there in the gooch of our base and then in our Workshop we can research some technology uh absolutely huge research trees oh so much but we're going to start in the top left with some agriculture yeah now this costs two water but I have if you click on all these you can see they all cost like different amounts of different resources anyway we'll research that will take 10 seconds then we'll be done so there we go research completed so we've unlocked Farms birdhouses and traps so next up we've got to build a farm now where the frick do I build a farm on this I mean if I extend my deck this way I mean I can probably make like a bit of a larger area at this end I guess we could call this like the tip of Our Deck maybe but I feel like it'll be a good place to have a farm so let me just grab that wood and then we'll come into this tab down here the food Tab and we'll build our first farm so we'll shove that there and as you can see here needs a seed now thankfully we do have some seeds on us so let's get some raw vegetables on the go they are in there so we can also add water to um to speed things up as well but I think we'll just leave that doing that for now we'll then build a birdhouse that can go there then another one down here so they're like they're like proper like neighbors they've I feel like if they're if they're that close to each other like just staring at each other constantly they're going to be quite competitive and the more competitive they are the better it is for us oh what sort of fish is that oh it's a golden fish whoa anyway in case you're wondering like where my actual infantry is uh you just click on this bag up here so you can see you still got six seeds left and we've got loads of other starting resources plus what was in that box remember anyway oh those logs they had some some of the bars in which means we can actually build our bridge at first so I'm just going to grab this box and see what's in there oh so many resources um we'll collect our vegetables from there as well so we've got like a cabbage and then in case you're wondering what the what the bird feeders before Oh man they are covered in have you just been pooing everywhere why anyway they they collect seeds for us because the birds go away and then they collect seeds oh they're the seeds on top oh we're getting them out the Poo so the birds like fly over to an island like over there eat some like strawberries and stuff covered in seeds and then they poo them out and then I just pick through the poo and grab the seeds foreign and then we can plant them in the farm they turn into vegetables jobs are good and don't ask how a strawberry turns into a vegetable otherwise you might end up as confused as this guy right anyway I think it's time to expand I sort of I want to go experience over there I see chickens I think I see a farm as well we need a bridge to get over there not ideal is it the same for oh it's the same for over there as well still it may as well build now get ready to get over here okay so we can also grab the resources that down here as well oh there's a crate there's another crate can I tell you what let's build our Bridge so Bridge goes there and there nice and then yes okay so I think yeah that's as far as our Bridge can go although hello hello who is that over there we've got 310 wood so I can definitely afford to extend my deck this weight so we'll keep going all the way over to here hello what are you doing over here if you research flight oh I forgot to forgot I need to keep researching all right so back to the workshop let's get research there's so many things we could be researching so the charcoal requires two raw vegetables so let's just go and see have we got our vegetables grown oh it looks like we do it looks like we do so we'll grab those we'll plant some more seeds we can also grab seeds from here and we can actually we can put our raw fish in there and that will encourage our Birds to poo out seeds even more somehow but anyway now we'll research the charcoal that will take 30 seconds then we'll have a look on the research thing where is flight because that's what we need to impress that lady over that flight oh my God it's all the way at that end flight unlocks the recipe to build parts of the air engine the final objective of the current game okay we'll ignore that for now but we won't ignore we've just researched charcoal so I reckon we'll extend our deck that way just so it's a bit wider and then we'll build our brand new charcoal maker I'll tell you what I went up this end I want a burning tip there we go so obviously we've got to put wood in there to make charcoal so let's add like a small as much as we can man that is Flaming look how surprised we are oh it's raining it's raining hopefully that won't put our fire out I think it might make our farms grow a bit quicker look at this look at that cabbage whoa no did you see that I just got struck by lightning oh the bird the bird how do I put out how do I put out put out the fire because force not enough sea water to have oh I had to use my clean drinking water why didn't the rain put out this makes no sense anyway back to pumping because uh we're gonna need some more water I mean I should probably actually drink some at some point as well all right so we've got the fresh water Brewing over there we'll head over this way grab a cheeky fish because we've now got all the charcoal to grab and we can use that charcoal if we head back to our Workshop to unlock the cook house so we'll research that and whilst that's researching I've just had a look at this one fertilizer makes your farms grow 10 faster permanently but look we need penguin poop a pile of very disgusting poop now I don't really judge animals on their poos are they saying that I think I do like I used to quite like foxes until I got a dog because Fox poo is gross anyone that's had a dog dog roll in Fox poo they can surely agree with what I'm saying here I think that's why I prefer I prefer dogs to cats as well cat poo not nice anyway I've noticed there is a penguin over there so if we can just extend our deck over that way to come up here over here grab that wood and there's a little penguin we can talk to the penguin makes a strange noise I can tell the devs of watch Pingu editor Pingu clip please it looks aggressive and might attack you at any time do I feed it a fish or do I feed it the golden fish that I got I think I'll just do normal fish for now the penguin gobbles the fish and it burps a loud burp and you watching horror as the excretes a pile of people on the ground right before your eyes okay we'll pick that up rather than laugh you somehow made a decision to scoop it up your hands are black with filth and smell and will take days to wash off awesome now let's just check the story was accurate as well was my guy in shot okay yeah he was in shock as you watch the poop I tell you what I want to feed it the golden fish as well just to see what it does I just pooped instantly okay I'm gonna laugh you laugh it off and gain five happiness oh I should have picked up the Poo anyway oh there's a creek there's a crate right get it get it nice loads of good resources more fish that we might need for more poo and then we can research the fertilizer so that's going on now meanwhile I'll build a cook house down here and if I combine charcoal cabbage fish and water now we get to make some teriyaki I'm not sure how that works exactly sounds like quite a bland Teriyaki to me but what do I know it's not like my mom was a chef or anything so all the resources are in so we can say cook so I think it's a chef hat that I've got it's not a knob hat it's a chef hat well look what I've just found golden fish golden fish doing that so the Teriyaki is cooked we now have that in our bag and then we can eat that to fill up our food but I should probably drink my fresh water as well so we'll drink loads of that so that's all sorted we've researched her fertilizer so that's an upgrade for the vegetables yeah anything good in this box I mean sort of I guess so the next research is gonna be up here it allows you to build a pier near the Sandy Island maybe it could attract other survivors yes it's going to take two seconds to research and it's done so if you want to build a pair we've got to be over there so I oh I can actually I can just build it from there nice oh we've attract our first Survivor I've been sailing for days but always end up back at the crash site all right come join me I need to build a house I need to build a house this guy's quite picky considering he's just got a crappy little raft have you not seen the size of my deck mate it's way bigger than yours and but tell you what I really want another Survivor because then I can get them doing all these jobs so you can see there settler assigned so I can get him pump in his log I mean whatever other things you do in survival games so in order to get a house we need to research the house obviously I mean it's gonna oh it's gonna cost two raw meats so we can't research that yet but we can go over here I think we're gonna build another Farm to do this so if I just expand into that area Wang another Farm down and then in this Farm I can say create raw meat um yep turn seeds into raw meat I I'm not going to ask questions I am going to add water though which reduces the time it takes dramatically so that's good meanwhile we'll do some pumping I actually look quite upset by that have my eyes got upsetted they got a little indentation at the top do I not like pumping my wood well this man watches from afar so with that done let's head back to our house and look we've grown a burger what sort of nonsense is that so we can take one raw meat we just need another one now so I guess we'll leave that going again yeah you know what I'm going to build a bridge over to that Lighthouse so Bridge goes there there and there and we have made it to the lighthouse and I've just realized we we need to do a bridge review a three-span Stone Arch Bridge leading from the world's longest deck to a lighthouse which costs 10 Stone to repair and because we're an engineer that's what we will do although no we don't we don't have enough steel Oh I thought it was Stone let's go back a second then a three-span steel arch bridge that is very shocking to stand on overall I give this bridge a 6.9 out of 10. nice so yeah in order to repair that we need we need 10 steel oh there is can I can I reach that you know let's just let's just expand that way quick quick can we get it yes okay so there's an extra one we're up to five okay I need a few more unfortunately every time I build a bridge it uses steel and we don't know how to make that yet what we do know how to make is Burgers though so we'll grab that now let's just check this box as well oh got another four oh we only need one more now nice so now we can research the house build a house down here and then invite our settler to join us yay he's joined us uh although he he hasn't because they haven't actually built over there wait come over here mate foreign I think he's a bit lost speaking of lost him saying like they kept coming back to this point when he tried to escape I'm getting like lost vibes from this no spoilers but I hope this doesn't have a terrible ending all right so let's expand our deck so you can come join us there you go mate welcome aboard I do have to give you a job though what would be most useful probably yeah so I'm gonna sign off to there oh look I can change his name hey I only go by the name of Alf do you think I'm a Pokemon oh fair enough sorry Alf sorry about that mate a nearly danger after page on there that would have been embarrassing wouldn't it right so we got Alf doing that I've just put some charcoal on the goat I'm gonna do a bit more research we'll research rocks yes they allow us to sleep and really you sleep on rocks is is as comfortable as sleeping on knives at first yeah fair enough but can be upgraded okay got it got it research completes sleeping rocks okay so I've got to build them for people to sleep on I mean we literally have a house there apparently they don't contain sleeping rocks though oh no it's you oh my goodness it's huge so sleeping Rock can go there lovely no it is rainy again we gotta look out for the blooming lightning like last time but oh look someone else has arrived you're right mate do you have any food I'll come aboard if you have six lettuces I said yes when I didn't you call me a dirty liar give me time alf's got one of them nice okay I'll grab another one so I now have six nice okay let's get this guy aboard yes I do I'll right so just giving him the six he's coming board what's your name hobo Joel oh I can actually rename you are you still a hobo if I pitched Michael surely you'll be hobo schmeichel right yeah it's nice oh that's so good oh no he's a hobo because he doesn't have a house I do realize that okay so I've got to I've got to build another house basically it only costs five wood well plus plus the platforms as well we'll build a few houses I think I hear Paddy whining so wait there a sec [Music] yeah he needed a Wii and not gonna light world's longest we have ever seen any animal do like a resource he was but yeah there's your daily dose of Paddy footage and uh I didn't have any Wii footage you'll be probably pleased to me but uh we did we did the best we could so hopefully you enjoyed that anyway look at these guys look at all the ingredients they've got so I think schmeichel is a chef surprising considering he's never eaten solid food before he lives on gruel that guy he loves it anyway we're researching water tanks that costs one Teriyaki apparently won't argue with that I tell you what I've just realized like look how efficient that water pump is so we're not pumping logs we're literally like it's like caressing the test anyway that's alf's specialty tickling those so I'll leave him doing that and then I need to build a water tank yeah and I tell you what the best place is probably to build that next to it so there's that how do we get the materials to build like glass spheres anyway oh do you Survivor so they want two food okay so yep welcome aboard how many farms do I have I've got loads I'll tell you what Huey I am actually gonna I'm gonna rename you after a patreon so crazy strick welcome aboard so I'm gonna make you head chef crazy strick we're gonna research scuba diving except let's set let's dive underwater which collects me oars sand and fish which means I'll be able to craft bricks and glass oh lovely I've just noticed as well I've got more than 10 steel so let's head back over our 6.9 bridge and give this a repair oh look you turn on the lighthouse and it's light pierces the sky there's a boat coming towards us hello there boss they want to trade for some steel okay come oh unfortunately though they don't want wood I mean since we're making food maybe I can I can sell a few teriyaki's that sell seven of them and get as much steel as we can so there we go because I feel like we're gonna need we're gonna need Bridges to survive more than food that's that's how these games sort of work right right uh next up I'm having a sleep on the Rock myself I'm definitely asleep I sleep with my eyes and mouth wide open anyway I just saw Alfie complained there wasn't a dining table so I guess we'll build that so then people can eat you don't want to eat standing up that's bad for you apparently yeah we'll then build a scuba station I guess do I want to do that like in the middle of this bridge like bear can I I can still get past because that's good uh so do we want sand or iron ore I guess sand first so I've gone diving myself as you can see there's a three percent chance of injury blooming out anyway we've got the sand so let's stop I'm gonna assign schmeichel he's literally just using a rock he must be doing editing then but anyway Michael I'm Gonna Make You useful for once in your life so you've gone into there to get some sand oh look we've attracted another person as well I want two seeds okay I can do that welcome aboard you're not elif what the that's not a name Ella Fanta who's one day old you look a lot older than one but uh since I know that this person is also female I'm gonna do a Susan Elizabeth there man look at this place it's actually a proper like Civilization now so I'm gonna build a smelter over here I'm gonna make some glass so I need some charcoal for that come on Susan keep up you're a bit slow I'll shove the charcoal in there and that's creating us glass right so there it is there's our sheet of glass so we'll take that please thank you very much oh and down here we have the blacksmith has returned so we can do some more trading for steel to be honest I don't I don't have enough I'm just I'm just gonna dismiss see you later they are well and truly off oh another settler it's Santa Claus what a hot date I mean you're wearing a Santa outfit what do you expect you want to water it yeah we can do that so that is hobo pinky no it isn't it's hobo tez grin very accurate I reckon um I think for now I'm just gonna I'm just gonna build like over to all these different things because you've got like chickens over there and if I'm fast I might be able to intercept I can't build this way no quick I want to try and get that crate anyway you gotta build a bridge first so build the bridge no we need more steel oh no I mean the game wants me to build a dance floor really is this that essential I need Bridges game fine I'll build a dance floor there though with just 10 bits of glass we've made that dance floor quite impressive I can hold shift to dance first oh wow yeah we really really have the moves but anyway I'm gonna change this recipe from Sand and we'll say iron ore and then this thing rather than making that you make steel because we need to get some bridges on the goat whoa whoa whoa are you are you okay there mate what's wrong oh he's tired oh my goodness he's lit she just collapsed from tiredness is someone why didn't you just sleep here like no one else is sleeping here so another smelter thing another scuba station and I think if I build a storage box people should just keep building stuff so we'll shove two storage boxes there and I can see what's a store nice okay look at all the resources they're so ready so steel can be stored Teriyaki seeds cabbage and raw meat okay so I think that should be most things being stored now oh my goodness careful season careful sleep in there that's quite precarious anyway thank you for this deal I will take that yep he's passed out again okay this isn't going as well as I thought wait what a penguin wants to join us I need a zoologist in order to understand it so he floats away okay we need to find a zoologist wait what I can build I can build houses up oh did I just upgrade that house wait can I just whoa I just made that into a mega house I've gone inside it's got an inside whoa I wasn't expecting that how does that compare to a little oh they look identical okay fair enough anyway I'm not seeing a lot of building and stuff going why are you just stood around tesquin moving to dance floor I mean are you it doesn't look like you are I feel like the Dance Floor has ruined everyone's productivities apart from Susan over that all right I'm going to demolish that and then hopefully that will get everyone working again yeah okay for some reason I think the the Dance Floor ruined everyone maybe they get everyone's just passing out go sleep on the Rocks all right so I can upgrade this tree thing I've added an available spot so I can spend another 50 wood oh look at this look okay we've maxed it out so it's now like a treehouse thing so six people can sleep in there now so hopefully that should cure my problems anyway the blacksmith has pulled up let's trade a load of golden fish for a load of Steel see what I have my glass as well I don't I don't want it I just want steel I just need Bridges all right so there we go trade yes please thank you and by the way I can claim I can claim my lighthouse look how petrified I look I think that's to give me like a view of like what's around everywhere and oh look there is a farm over there anyway we'll go this way and we'll build our bridges there we go so now we've got access to all of this stuff so we now have chickens so we get some eggs nice anything good in there yeah I guess sweet so then we need to build a bridge behind this so that can easily be done and then we're back to building decks I don't know what that is is it like an iceberg I don't know I want to get over there though so we're just going to build up this way along here seems I need a boat to reach that I really I need a boat to get over there okay we'll have to come back for that then we'll build this way we need one Bridge piece there sorted then we'll see what's down here oh we can't get to them do you think I need a boat to get to both of those as well I don't know if all I do know there is a lot to research and plenty more to do another day for now I will be surprised at schmeichel's lack of work during this episode right but for now I'll say peace love and one hell of a doc bye guys
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 570,378
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: havendock, rce
Id: RX2B2rPg0hw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 5sec (1445 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 07 2023
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