This mining machine will make me FILTHY RICH in Hydroneer...

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hello fellow engineers and welcome back to hydroneer the game full of bridges and fish needles you've probably seen this before it's the game where you dig dirt put it in a bucket empty that bucket into a pan add water into the same pan then use a brush to give it a good old scrub and you get go oh wait that's not gold that's iron well you actually get a range of resources you can then come to the store where you can sell it for four quid thank you you can then use that money to buy a range of different things to help you such as conveyor belts smelters and a whole host of tools which have now been upgraded to tier three that means we can go deeper and therefore get more gold than ever before however looking at these it seems they require a new resource what is that red stuff a core Stone Harvester I'm guessing core stone is a new resource so if we head up to this claim this was my super oh man there's so many resources here there's so many resources here this was my super simple sorting machine essentially and how it worked if we go down here this is what I all dug out I dug this out by hand remember there we have the tier one level mining machines here basically they won't dig dirt any deeper than they are now so these are what fueled my mining Empire however if we head down the conveyor again down here we have our line of tier two mining machines so these will collector they go onto the conveyor belt that conveyor belt goes all the way around here all the way up to the sky then it comes out there onto there where it's sorted into various different parts where we make lots of nice bars and then the gemstones I'm pretty sure yeah they come around there and drop into that where they're all crushed into one thing however we're gonna need to I assume add another sorter Arrangement so we can get this new resource on the go not even sure if it exists but essentially once we do that we'll be able to go in mine way down here which I did actually start setting up so this is the deepest depths of the of the map where we should find the biggest gold so I guess first let's fire this thing up by doing that there we go we are running now and I guess we wait and see what sort of dirt is going to come up so there's the dirt all right so we've got the sauces here so we've got the shards going that way the iron should go up there Gold's going up there clausium which is very rare whether it's more rare than this new resource I don't know should come down here so I guess we sort of just stand here and wait and see if any come past what was that that was that was a gem in the meantime I'm gonna draw a cup of tea out of my architecture's mug oh it tastes so much better out of this mug you can get your own at real hang on hang on there's a red there's a red is that I don't think that's a gem what is that core stone or we found one already a nugget of core Stone can be melted into a crucible into a bar or sold to the jeweler nice nice so I guess let's turn this off and make some amendments so open that hatch up so let's get to work essentially I think do I just need I only need two squares wide to do all this so I can just move this down by two I guess so it will just move all these pipes over to here use this magnet to get these gems out the way don't ask the logic behind that then use our stockpile of pipes to add these to there and there where we can add another sorter then if we just shove some Street conveyors in between then I think we've got a system that should work I just need like a little Crucible down here I could do the auto smelter setup but honestly as simple as this thing was can't be bothered to do the entire setup yet I just want to see what these actually look like so I've just grabbed a smelter let's just shove that oh I guess it's got to go down there sort of in in the ground not ideal hang on where's my pickaxe okay here it is so we'll just give that a little bit of a boost there we go then we can get to it pretty easy if we need Okay so let's turn this back back on all but first I need to I need to make my sorter work so you Mr core Stone we shove you on there that should mean the sort is hang on where is there there's movement there but not here have I oh no don't say there's not enough water pressure anymore there's not enough water pressure so you have a pressure of 248 here let's just take this and shove it over this side 238 okay so if we take that off what is it here zero zero okay so what is it on that one then 212 what is this clogged up is there something inside there wait actually what the hell these aren't the whole are these meant to be not Hollow I've never actually looked down the end of a pipe I thought would be a bit rude but I know look they are they're not actually Hollow weird but yeah there should be there should definitely be water coming out there maybe do I just need to take that off and replace it again zero what how can the pressure just go from 212 to zero I don't understand yeah there's a lot of resources piling up as well I should probably go turn this off while I figure it out okay looks like looks like I got it to work it was just broken tea pipe for some reason but I've replaced it so 212 there now we've got 210 okay nice we're back in business so let's shove these back on there we'll say clear overall resources boosh see you later guys and hopefully if we see a red boy come out of this I've been staring at this for ages now come on come on this one there's one right okay so it's gonna head along here and hopefully it'll make it all the way to the end before it's separated now go right yes but unfortunately we have the same issue there's no water coming out there oh that's that was actually my bad I forgot to use a t-junction there hang on I can't remember which one was the broken one I think it was it that one was it that one I don't know there's a nice easy test though we can just head around this side and yep see if there's water dripping out that means it's running so if I were to shove that back on there it should go right nice so they're all being dropped into there where I can melt them into a bar look core Stone bar so this is what we need in order to make those new machines so I think we'll just leave that doing that for a while and what what's going on here why are you all bouncing up and down let me catch that so this is a cloudium or why aren't you being ah not being sorted because for some reason you're not ended up on there okay all right so that is all sorted we've got the rainbow gems at the end just bouncing about think it's because these I think you need to sort like by each gem now I think they updated the gemstone thing like last update um and I haven't actually got around to like adjusting this thing to work for it yet but anyway details details as long as we're making this new core Stone resource I'm a happy boy so in the meantime you might be wondering well Matt what did you need all of these bars for like there's a lot of them I'm sure as a lot of you will know generally use the bars to make like different things so you can use iron bars if we shove them on there uh once it's been heated up in the furnace of course we can then use this to make different recipes so if we add two iron bars we can say right shove you on there shove you on there we can then give it a whack with this hammer and what do you mean her I thought that's how this worked maybe they just needed to be heated for longer so they are now red hot shove them on there give them a whack and then I don't know game is why are you saying no game why maybe I just wasn't accurate enough with my placement so one bar there two bars there then boost oh there we go there we go okay that's how you do it read the instructions matte so now we have this ax which we can sell oh look it actually tells you in the bottom left it tells you exactly how much iron is in it oh that's decent that yeah essentially this is worth more than the two bars that we put into it so that's generally how you make more money in this game but of course I didn't make this many bars just to make a few axes and to make some money what I actually needed them for was to fix this hideous monstrosity which unfortunately has been graffitied with an incorrect Bridge review score but yeah you might remember I made a load of bridges so we've got the gem bridge over here we've got the golden shards of cable stayed Bridge which annoyingly the devs are blooming put a tree in the middle of we got the Pike Creek Bridge made of hundreds and hundreds of fish which one of the developers didn't rate apparently and then my last video we made this the carrot Arch Bridge because yes you can also Farm in this game so I spent hours and hours creating the carrot Bridge oh good times and if you did download the mod they're like rce Bridge mod you may notice down here we've got like wooden supports that wasn't actually part of the bridge initially yeah basically itchy the dev that made this uh he deleted too much on my bridge silly boy but it's all good it's still standing so looking good I am worried though a new ore will mean a new bridge needs to be built let's hope that that isn't the case yeah but as I've left this running for a while look at all the gems there's so many gems um I feel like we could probably pour this out and uh well we'll try and get one of the new pieces of mining equipment so we'll shove this in the boot of this truck and then we will go for a spin so we just go around here park up here take this out the boot and then we just head inside and we can jump down avoiding the lift then in here if we come over to this giant Anvil these are all the ones I created earlier these are like the little icons now but if we shove that in there wait is there already I think there's already resource in there hang on here can I just pull that lever to get the bar back okay so down here I think we have cloudium and iron is that yeah iron bar claudium bar okay that's the change from when I did the this last time so I think if I put the iron bar next to our new core Stone bar I can head back to tools and equipment then buy some of these tier three things so they cost oh not that much only like a thousand two thousand each so that's the drill I'll need a few of them and then that's the Harvester I think I only need one of my setup so we'll go buy both of them then all we got to do is bring it over to this Anvil shove it on there and then as long as we have 600 weights and 200 weights of calcium which I think we should do because we left it running for quite a while we'll just put it in there with the iron oh wait no the iron doesn't want to go in fast calcium as well isn't it yeah it's not iron it's calcium let me catch that there we go so mcleodium bar is here so it will shove that in and then when we pull this lever we should yes we've got the Harvester okay so that goes there so that is perfect we then just need to put these back into the smelting pot so they're both in uh by the drill Masterwork design then we take that one off because we've already got a harvester we shoved the drill on then hopefully we have enough resource that we can get another boost going ready boost yes there it is so that is the drill blooming now it's actually got like a pointy drill bit on the bottom so that is one drill for our setup I wonder can we can we get any more out of this come on what yes I can actually get another one no way okay sweet that's probably all we can afford so we'll take all of these back to base so we just drove these back to base what was that hang on hang on a second what did I just spot over there look like a crane it is a creek was that always there right wait there I gotta go check this oh my God Max has actually learned how to build a truss look there's triangles up there I never thought this day would come no I do Wonder though what's actually what's on there anything up there bits of like slatey stuff okay is this just this might just be a bit of architecture I thought it was actually going to be useful but I guess not so I guess we'll head back to hang on what are they what are they Vehicles whoa what is that the hydro Mall oh I want it I need it what is this one it's it's a hydro prospector oh you can oh no way you can actually drill like little balls to try and find all veins what what has this game done okay well both of these cost a lot of heat and that's not quid t for twid what's a twid looking at the icon they have some sort of weird symbol it sort of looks like I don't know like an Iron Giant with like a flame between his legs does anyone else see that but he's got really long arms well perhaps there is a new currency in this game and we need to find it oh hang on hang on spend your token sit oh look at look at this oh look core Stone Hydro pipes there's there's tier three pipes okay how do I get them what is this a logic saw hook Cuts resources down to a required site oh look there's a hard hat prospecting helmet finds nearby all things oh man I need it how do I get weird game why don't you ever explain how I meant to do any of this because yeah look this stock market thing that gives you C quid numbers we need T twid I mean in the farming update there was these people that gave quests no they still want soup I'm done with my soup Journey oh here we go look he wants is that an iron block of two weights by the way incredible incredible haircut slash Beard You've got going on there I might have to try that out myself looks quite good anyway so he wants two weights of iron ore and it'll give me 53 Guild tokens oh okay okay right well well I should probably take that with me actually just so I don't forget so I've come all the way back to my truck I will just shove that in the boot and then we'll drive to our claim I'll tell you what I might be able to do that straight away because we've already got the tier 2 set up so we'll park there oh no oh no I left this running I left this running I didn't mean to do that okay let's turn it off and then we can grab a piece of iron I should have some scales somewhere around it so how much does this lump of iron weigh off is that four four point two seven okay I'm just gonna go take this to the dude all right so I've got your iron I've got your iron there you go he's looking at my iron does he like it yes nicer business with your meat you carry on enjoy your mooching about I'm gonna go bet well I'm not going to spend this it's probably not enough but yeah if I plonk that in there we've got 54. what do these oh man 200 800 oh so much what does the helmet cost 430 oh oh look there's all new tools tier three tools yeah I feel like I want the prospecting a helmet first to find nearby orvanes I don't even know what that is but I want it so do you have some twid to give no that's soup I don't I don't do soup anymore I've moved on oh look look this guy I think does he want a ring with 34 gold and 8.5 gems in it yes he does for 476 tokens okay I'm on it I mean luckily I should be able to do this fairly quickly because I'm pretty sure all of these weigh a hundred each right yep the joy of automating everything to give you the perfect weight so he wanted a big old Emerald I guess I'll just go with the super big one so what does that weight 13 slightly overpaying but whatever so the gem goes there the heated bar goes there and then we give it a whack boost we've got the man's ring so if we return to him we should be done in no time getting that so 176. thank you very much I can go add that to my pile and now we've got 229 so we've just got to repeat that for a few more hours and then we'll be able to buy some stuff and whilst that's going on I do want to set up this tier three stuff so they're the drills that's the this is the Harvester so I think all I need to do is replace this Harvester so you get out and let's hope the devs have been clever here by making it the same layout so we got a pipe on the side and the scoop on that the pipe left scoop right so this one where's the scoop there we go scoop left devs why so I gotta change my entire setup because I kind of water pipe on that side it's got to be on this side oh cheers devs yep cheers appreciate that so you move that to there shove that down there this was the broken one I don't know whether it's still broken I will try but that should mean everything works fine now on a I don't need don't need to see I just need a corner to swap put a corner in and turn it on and then hopefully wait why did nothing work oh is that because this is the broken okay that's the broken teeth so we'll put this one in yes everything's running okay so that should give us well it might not change anything for now but I think it's the only way to process like the lower down or the tier three or so we'll grab this and then we'll head over to this big hole and we're literally just gonna jump all the way to the bottom and then this is gonna go down here at the very depths of the mine where's the in where's the intake does it not take water oh it's on the top okay it's on the top oh I'll tell you what I could do actually I could shove it literally there and then just swap that piece swap that corner with a t which presumably I've got yeah down here so if I just rotate this like that so these conveyors back on then ah slight issue is oh we're gonna have to move oh we're gonna have to move everything I forgot I built this layer on top of the platform oh that's annoying because I'm pretty sure I can't even do take this material yeah it's completely Rock Solid I need the T3 drill I originally did this I think I bought a load of nukes that's how I built this massive hole but there's too much stuff down here to Nuke it's a bit of a safety hazard so I guess I need to do tokens to get the tier 3 pickaxe so I can make a bit of space so I can move all this over a couple of nodes so after busting my balls for a few hours we can finally afford to buy a few of these things so that's 430 shove that on there as well as the advanced pickaxe for 1240 so that's a total of 1670 so Bush I can then wear the hat what are they are they like gearcock goggles anyway we can grab this as well and we're ready to go mining so not sure how this hat works I was expecting to like be able to see like some veins perhaps well that doesn't seem to be the case anyhow I should be able to yes I can dig this out now okay so let's just make some room so I can move these conveyors back oh I forgot I'll slow digging with this oh you can probably see why I use the nuke now I mean actually even even this is taking too long I'll tell you what yeah tell you what give me a few more hours I'm gonna go do a few more quests and I'll be back with something a bit more interesting yep here we go I bought the hydro Bowl I'm not wearing anything apart from pants I've just remembered yeah right let's drive this thing back to our base it's actually pretty quick to be honest it's got quite a slow turning Circle but I am not gonna complain so yeah we'll drive this over the Stone Arch Bridge and look at the background that's all my farming area we had some good times there growing the carrot Bridge uh one thing I am worried about we're not even back at the claim yet and look in front of me I think that's the fuel tank because everything takes water in this game and uh that looks pretty empty to me not ideal still we made it back to our claim just about I do I think I am Gonna Fill This up with water before I go too far so I need to I need to I need to start turning this thing off because my frame rate is going to be in trouble there's so many gems yeah turn off we just need to slay greatly tweak these pipes like one more one more pipe there we go so that should be filling oh it's still missing okay move it forward very slightly yes that's filling up the fuel tank okay we're done that's all it needed just a bit more fuel okay we'll just quickly put these back and then uh let's drive this thing down that hole I guess this is going to end in tears right Geronimo oh no I'm stuck on the ball I'm stuck on the wall wait I'm driving what the hell I'm driving on the wall right we're nearly down we're nearly down oh wow I'm massively underestimated how big this thing was yeah tell you what though he's almost in the right spot so if I just turn on the blades oh look at that oh that really dug out loads yes dig dig my pretty okay I'm not sure you're meant to be doing this on the side but um I mean if it's working who am I to argue really okay right we're down we're down which means we can dig oh man this thing is a pro look at the title look how far it's going oh I'm actually in love with this thing this is so cool yeah I can really clear out some space underground oh look at this look at this thing oh I'm absolutely loving this best thing they've added to this game in my opinion anyway I did actually get distracted the reason I bought this thing was to make some space over this way so let's just dig over here nice that looks good so now I can move all of these conveyors back a few spaces and then Plumbing all of this stuff and then we should have a tier three setup so I'll see you in a minute 16 paranoia field days later all right so it took a bit of building but I think we're done I just need to plumb in the other drill but I think we're all good I've just got to make sure that this like connection works because it looks like on the edge of this conveyor there's like a bar there whether that will stop all this dirt don't really know but let's head up and try and find out I I just fell down so close this up and then everything should run as normal so we're here down here then oh yes look the dirt is going along the only trouble is it's going up the side so is that gonna be an issue when we get up here yes it is look all the dirt getting clogged there okay I have a slight fix because there is another type of conveyor let's just turn this off we can use one of these as centralizer hook so what I'm thinking if I swap that one which is like a like a shredder hook I mean I could just put a shredder like you could shove that on there that would be fine but then put the centralizer on there that should push all these into the middle so you can see as these come along the side they're being pushed into the middle okay sorted meanwhile down here this isn't working but that's because I haven't turned it on yet I've now turned it on there's our first bit of dirt tier three dirt so I guess I just bring down the other drill and then we have twice as many and then hopefully if we head to the top we should be able to do a little comparison I'll tell you what actually I might go do that now so if I just drop down here so this in my hand is a tier one piece of dirt I'm gonna shove that there you can then grab a bit of tier two dirt from that and then grab a tier three bit of dirt oh now let's conveyor yeah grab a tier three bit of dirt take this to the surface then we can see how each of these work in terms of getting different size resources out I think started let's just remove that yes that's paused everything okay so tier one that you go in let's see what size or comes out so that is a tier one piece we'll shove that there the tier two has gone in so we'll put that next to it oh yeah you can see it's bigger already and then the tier three I really hope this is iron because then that'll be a very nice test oh it's gold stupid gold but oh man look how much bigger that is so if we take this to the scales tier one gives us three in weight worth 28 tier 2 gives us oh 4.37 worth 39 I'm just trying to find another tier three that's iron oh it's stupid Gold All right so here we go so 4.37 worth 39 hydrocoins how does the tier 3 compare to that 5.13 worth 46 I mean it's not actually that much better to be honest but it is better that is for sure so we are going to be adding a lot more of these drills to our system and we're gonna be rich which means I can spend my time just drilling around in this thing I guess yes for now I'll say peace love and get them rich in your pants bye guys
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 820,326
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: SouCrw033SQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 16sec (1336 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 15 2023
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