I Spent $17,234,247 Building The BIGGEST MINE EVER in Hydroneer

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so i've been doing some thinking i'm thinking that we're making big fat stacks of cash here in our fully automated mining facility now i have also been thinking that i absolutely hate playing around in this cave it's so annoying like trying to fit things in so we have this gigantic stack of nukes that was left over and i'm thinking to myself i said self what happens if we bring this back to the surface and i can use that gigantic fat stack of nukes here at snow roon falls to create a brand new mine and hot dang that took like three hours to set up all these nukes but the good thing is we're gonna have an explosive good time and speaking of an explosive good time i'd like to thank today's sponsor which is a game called mec arena and i'd like to thank a game called mecharino for sponsoring this video if you haven't heard of it before it's a free to play 5v5 mobile mech shooter game it's casual yet fun and it runs smoothly and looks good on almost any device the artwork is also great and unlike other games the maps are very bright and sleek so you can see easily the game when you're playing mecca arena also just released a brand new pilot's feature that brought 12 entirely unique pilots to add a whole new depth of strategy and gameplay variety customize your pilot skills to build the perfect pilot for your playstyle and use them to highlight your mech you can even collect rare epic and legendary pilots and pair them with any mech in the game there's tons of new combinations to discover and they'll give you new tactics to outsmart no player opponents there's a lot happening this month including battle pass season 7 with new amazing skins and other goodies there's also oxana the brand new pilot and new weapons like the voltaic rpgs that shock the enemy and mess up their aim i can't wait to play with him and as i said macarena is entirely free to play on android and ios you can scan my qr code here on the screen or use the link down below in the video description to get a steel reaper skin 508 coins and 70 000 credits to help kick start your game you can also add me as a friend by using my player id so don't wait and let's have some fun so i guess if we just place this right on here and press the button hopefully the last three hours of my work comes and actually works also i ran out of straight pipes and had lots of those ones so i just used those there anyway this is gonna either be a game-crashingly bad adventure or maybe it'll work i don't know and three two one there goes 50 nukes i like blowing up nukes oh man i'm hoping everything worked well i'm just stuck in a snow filled pit i got unstuck oh yeah oh they didn't all blow up oh i dun did the dumb and i didn't hook it up right wow i literally only got four of them how did i mess that up so badly and you want to know the worst thing i literally just brought one pokey thing and the buttons i probably gotta walk all the way over and get another button i think that's just the worst part about this game is having to walk literally all the way across the world to spend 84 dollars and then walking all the way back just the travel time takes forever i spent like 400 000 hydro coins on all of those pipes too i don't know if it's worth it i still feel like this game needs some sort of like subway system or weird aqua powered like teleporters or something maybe that's what tier three tools are gonna be we're gonna get a tier three teleporter i'm also concerned that i didn't put my nukes close enough together because these holes are not where i need them but you know what i've already set this up so we're just gonna do it why didn't you why didn't you do the do did i put this one in look at the big brain right there okay now it's connected ready three two one kablano oh yeah it went a little farther oh it didn't go all the way i have to run back and get another one i'm incompetent and you'll be like blitz why don't you just take the truck it's so much faster yeah kind kind of not really we just unstuck things everything goes quicker in the world all right all right third time's the charm ready to get set i hear about things going oh yes that's satisfying look at all those nukey boys now great one show me the carnage that i've completed oh we have a secondary blast that was fun i also missed something over here oh how did i do that probably turn things wrong way that got most of it though kind of excited for that i literally didn't even hook up this side it literally didn't even hook it up wow you can tell it took me forever oh oh and nice oh wow that's interesting this didn't break we'll just switch it around and then we'll go boop nino run away oh yeah nuking things is so much fun in games i wish i could have a nuke in real life i don't know what to do with it though so now i have this gigantic mess that i need to clean up oh no why did i try to make such a big scale what is that why is there a rock here hey let me in i want to lick it kind of wish we had the truck back that allowed us to do to uh to mine things again or dig unfortunately we don't but thankfully i still have a couple million left over from our little adventure so we'll just plop that all together neat and i can buy a butt load more of nuclear bombs oh they're so adorable when they're like this all right so the scope of my idea was way bigger and i mean i don't care about expensive but quite expensive and now the game's actually kind of lagging a little bit so we're just going to blow up all these nukes there's i don't know maybe 200 of them here which is expensive but doable and gold oh there worked okay i thought the game crashed that's fine everything's dizzy oh wow it's beautiful it's so beautiful so amazingly beautiful i bet if i back up i can see all of the mushroom clouds oh there they go hey turn into oh is it gonna rain down fire i like raining down fire we just have nukes for days here this has already been like six hours worth of stupidity and i'm nowhere near evil there's some nukes that didn't blow up but this is beautiful oh there's something that i got a little deeper interesting i also my pickaxe blew up some time ago uh but that's fine we didn't need it anyway hmm this is nice i want to see how deep we are because tier two dirt starts at level eight and i don't think this is tier two dirt anywhere oh you're kidding me so what about instead of digging this entire thing oh maybe i can see tier two dirt down here no my entire plan was just to dig down and have a super massive machine but this might be okay like this whole area might be all right if i dig all of this out or blow it up and then we do another row of these things it should be fine okay another big farm full of bombs ready to go the way of the dinosaur this is way too many way way bigger project than i thought but it's fun and boom oh yeah that was another satisfying one please get me tier two dirt is that tier two dirt it looks like it could be tier two dirt look it's a different color yeah quiet yourself you're loud and annoying oh yeah there's the big old bombs that i love to see i feel like i just really want to do this to the whole thing but this is taking so long that uh i feel like building a machine in here is a better plan okay one more time one one more boom boom one more one more large boom boom i know this is uh a lot of boom booms together but it's necessary for the gloria blitz topia we can't see anything it's on fire everything's burning oh look everything's not burning anymore oh yes that is beautiful i'm below the nuke i'm immune to it this might be the turnover to tier three and i probably should have put them two together that's fine it looks okay and now we're just gonna you know run back and uh get a whole bunch of mining machines so you know how this goes we just park the truck underneath of here then run downstairs because i literally haven't been here in hours i mean there's no more nukes in the basement why would i come back here anymore now i have no idea how much uh claudium and iron we have in this thing but we're gonna have to make up a couple more of these this one harvester masterworks i think that's the right one thankfully they're kind of cheap oh no no no no i need the cloudium one the drill oh i need both of them i need one grindy boy and most of the drills okay give me the drills i need you yeah that's more expensive i like expensive things i am a cultured man myself i enjoy things of expensiveness oh i fell so i'm gonna have to craft up like i don't know a couple hundred of these maybe maybe i'll start with like 50. and i should be able just to throw them right in here and i'm hoping this uh brings it up to the truck boop because it says up to truck and i'll just rinse and repeat over and over and over again also it's been literally forever again and oh man there's so many gems in there ready to die again yep i knew it would freeze my computer you guys said i should put a timer on this thing so it works better uh yeah that would require more work and i'm kind of lazy even though i've been doing this for like i don't know seven hours now oh it's not good when the music literally stops uh well then please don't die i've done a lot of work and i don't know the last time it's saved oh yes it worked oh that makes me so much happier inside these gems have to be so expensive all right let's grab this again because we need it and we'll get back to making even more stupid things okay let's see how that it did did it work did we get okay we got a bunch in there sure that's fine i don't have any idea how many because i lost count and i counting is hard sometimes can you just okay they actually got in there i'm kind of excited about that and they will just get in the truck and don't derp out on me yeah yeah everything's good everything's fine we'll drive this over to our new monster money making machine oh no oh no it's hard to turn oh it's heavy please don't please don't die please don't die everything gets just driving it also turns way more than it's supposed to okay can we can we get through the tunnel ah no no balls okay that's fine because i can just unstuck it yeah yeah yeah my tunnel is so deep over here oh shoot i should have brought the shovel broom rake thing and the other thing what's the other thing that i need like a pickaxe i need to see what actually tier two is so i can not die in the hole please tip over please tip over look it says dray was here i need this oh wow did you see that it just did like x games mode okay you be good down here buddy i'll be right back i just need to buy a brand new pickaxe oh it's so laggy i need to put those things down and where's the rake at is there a rake in here hello are you a rake that's shovel where's the rake fire a rake i'd be hiding in the back corner i knew it and then we'll head back over to walcart as you guys told me in the comments section it's the store where you can buy carts and i'll try to buy one oh it sucks okay ready get set and sh it's always nice having a spare 11 million 400 000 laying around you buy whatever you want i think there's a couple extra millions somewhere else too i don't really know how much is left after that monstrosity of hundreds of nukes that i bought but i do know that i hate driving these things but i have a cart full of expensive machines right now so the real question is can i take the unstuck shortcut if i just walk my way over to the stupid waterfall i never thought of this before just now after all of those stupid trips i took in the truck but if i walk all the way over to here can i go like loop and then go like whoop and then yes it brings me home wow this was a genius idea so big brain today all right here we go ready get set and i need to know exactly where tier 2 starts and where tier 3 can't be mined i'm thinking this will go clunk oh wow i can dig deeper that's perfect that means this is all tier 2 variable and my truck is just like generically grinding i don't know why but i'm gonna place down a buttload of these on the ground um that looks so nice i kind of need to come up with a different strategy on how to put these together because it's kind of annoying i'm not gonna lie i'm wondering if i do nah this might be the easiest way i was thinking i need to connect that pipe and that pipe all right so it's time to get a few conveyor belts and i have 197 dollars in there uh 11 million was over here right thank you wall cart this is gonna be so annoying too by the way because i have to buy them and then after i buy them i have to move them to the truck there is no simple way to do this but i'm gonna need like i don't know maybe a hundred of these things and they don't like getting stacked on top of each other oh this is annoying it looks like i can get four on there without the guy crying like a minecraft villager yeah just like that huh [Music] huh give me emerald see i just recognized i'm gonna have to do this all with pipes too oh my word what did i get myself into today this was the worst idea ever in the history of bad ideas i wanted to go big i didn't realize i was gonna try to re-terraform an entire mining district but if you do get too many things in the cart it just you can't drive it very well so we're gonna probably not do it all in one trip up balls that's on a chain not on a straight rod it can move game it can move or you could have zero collision where i could just drive through it and pretend it doesn't exist like trees oh no never mind trees have collision now did they not can i walk through trees no trees used to have no collision that's a dumb change now i've made a couple trips back here to create more of those generators we need to get like three more i think it is and i need a grinder thing maybe a couple grinders so we'll see if i have enough claudium left come on claudium i did run on iron so that sucks but i filled it up again because i have a giant machine that's fully automatic in the basement all right so that's the final one i don't remember how many i have down there but it's gonna be a nightmare got it and then i need to create i don't know how many of these little grindy things maybe maybe i'll do five of these they're cheaper i don't know if you can tell or not but the game is getting really laggy i maybe should just shut off the basement or i should get a destroyer that literally just gets rid of every single gem that might be a better idea i gotta shut it off though maybe i'll just process it oh don't i knew it oh it didn't take very long this time neat and i keep refilling these two oh there's they're 18 and i'm good yeah maybe we just shut this up because it's lagging all right little buddy i'm so sorry i love you but you've made me plenty of money please be in there please be in there oh it might have worked neat oh no no no no no no no no no no no no get turned up oh what are you doing truck oh maybe if i turn the other way oh uh uh no yes awesome i'm so good at rolling over it's like a who's the goodest of boys he learned a new trick and his trick is just to roll over and then play dead come on get up good boy all right so if we look down inside of this hole it doesn't even want to back up there's so much junk in it there's a couple things happening down there and i'm really excited about it because that's going to make so much money but oh how do i do this i don't know how i do this i mean is this how we do it no turnover oh poop nuggets oh you're just gonna sure whatever truck whatever i mean i don't mind if you don't mind i just need to i just need to put all of these things together okay so my thought is that all of these things need to go oh and they don't go placed in until you have pipes down why did i forget about pipes that means i'm gonna have to empty my truck and start over again okay don't go anywhere don't stop being so happy why do you have to be so you're not you're grounded lay down stupid truck it's just like a puppy it's pretty sure it's gonna bite the sheetrock off my walls and when it thinks it's cute no you can't eat a slipper just stay there down what are you why why do you do this so i guess we'll just buy another cart for fourteen hundred dollars what a deal because i only have a couple million this one also seems to have a case of the dumbs it is out of alignment why are you doing this to me game whoa whoa it's so much faster oh no no no great not again why does it have to be so bouncy why is it bouncing so much i don't like this so we need to buy a few pipes interesting that these are tier two i didn't realize that these were tier two i thought these were tier three we're going to get a new metal i guess it'll be the next hydroneer 3.0 so i need one of those i need an absolute ton of these probably some tea pipes and some elbows well this is just one of everything i guess we'll need some of the pressure tanks as well this sucks why did i sign up for this at least i can reach that's good and i hope you don't mind i'm just gonna probably cut to having all this put together because like you guys know how to put pipes down it's nothing fancy okay okay okay my friends it's been hours i've spent something stupid like 17 million dollars worth of gold in this game but it's it's functioning it's functioning the nukes are really expensive by the way if you buy a bunch of nukes evidently it gets expensive but look at this thing i don't honestly know if it's going to work but i love how the conveyor belts look now so we got that going for us all of these are hooked up and i haven't turned on a single one of these mining things because i honestly i have no way to process them oh shoot is there still a button on the side of these to shut things off hey hey do you have a button on the side of you to make you quiet oh stop stop this there isn't okay that got turned off i gotta plug it with corks i guess but i've already made like 19 trips back to the grocery store oh it's functioning i love it so i mean i kind of want to just turn a few of these on to see if they work where's the clicky button hello are you the cl how's the where's the on button hey there it is oh these are underground that's stupid oh yeah look hey look how slow it is this thing has like zero pressure to it all right ready we gotta we gotta open this up which side is it on it's on the the right side so over here hey i found the clicky button and then bloop and then bloop uh also there's literally no pressure back here oh you know what else i just realized i have zero filters on this entire machine so all of these things are taking durability damage right now and that's illegal but the good news is is it's functioning i think they're going slowly onto here if they just drop in stop it that hurts my liver and then it turns to the side so that's working it's working i didn't know if this would actually work or not good thing i got such a large cranium between my ears yes okay we have it all turned off i need to increase the pressure i don't even know how to do this anymore it's been like hours and hours okay if i just turn that i kind of want this five long right so i could build the uh the filter system i made thankfully i have a couple leftover pieces of garbage down here so that's one two three four five perfect and would you fit into the water no of course not why do you why do you have to do this to me game right now i don't want this right now and of course i only have one extra curve pipe down here oh great i gotta go buy a new one because i need two of them or i could just reinvent this right nice it's functioning okay we have the pipe going in and you have a place for filters i have a place for a shard i need to get one two three four five more corks i'll also need to make some of these pressure increasers what are you doing why are you doing this to me game not right now no more of this get in why are you just too small that was weird do it again it'll be funny you're cursed i hate you i've had to reload this stuff quite a few times making all of this ah but that worked maybe the amount of iron and claudium has just been insane would you not do this right now oh maybe it doesn't need oh yeah it only needs clodium no wonder it's crying at me okay we need four of these where did that big old bar go though where's that where'd that big bar go i just lost all that iron that was like millions of money's worth of iron it's gone now i don't like that whatever i'll just make some more i have no idea where that bar went so annoying now i'm hoping that filters are down here yeah water filter i need like five of these right also is there like a pressure gauge yeah water pressure gauge we need this too actually a couple of those might be nice just to check pressure at different places let's see where the corks at there's a cork also if i was the thinking man i would have put this stuff in the back of the cart before i bought it but now i get to double dip and carry everything twice just another cool twelve hundred dollars nothing for how much money we've already spent i mean just the price of the nukes wasn't oh stop it get in the hole no did you not do that get in this stupid truck you dumb filter i'm gonna totally burn you in the scrap oh i swear and i'm going to end oh take a breath take a breath everything's gonna be okay there's a song about that this has been multiple days of recording by the way everybody wants to be a youtuber until you recognize that you have to make videos that take well over eight hours of recording i'm not complaining it's been fun okay cool everything's good to go and now we need a gem so we'll quickly make a doop-de-doop grab the gem and this should be more than enough power to generate that thing for years no no it's one of my least favorite things about this and then i guess we'll put all of this to good work okay these things are pressure intake boosters and we can just slap those right on the side and that should increase the pressure i kind of want to see how much though so if i put one of these tank hooks on somewhere i could take a check on how big it was that's weird somebody said that you can put like eight of these on just by the different stop it different would you not right now there we go okay 255 pressure we might need more of that would you please just connect thank you they're having such a difficult time again they're not learning uh which is right just right now right in right in between just roll the mouse wheel roll them all sweep that's not thank you where's the last filter are you the last filter you are you are the chosen one it's your destiny okay i hooked up another one and went to 285 that's cool and if we hook up another one it'll go to where are you i don't even know what the max number is 315 so these must boost it by 30 huh look at me doing the big brain math and i'm guessing 345 hey okay let's see what this thing does now whoop and then if i go like that and then i go gently slide it gently into the hole that's not it i want you to go inside go in good would that not it go in no that's still what are you doing game why do you have to make this so difficult into the hole go into the hole i hate you that's it that's it really really you don't you don't want it oh okay am i gonna try to jump a drop jump it up drop a drop oh it got in there hot dang somehow i also picked up a pipe but whatever i don't care we have pressure and now i can't place you oh there we go he did it okay how much juice we got 368 that's not as much as i wanted that only boosted it by 20. weird okay so we'll pop in the last of these things right like that i totally didn't need eight i only needed four didn't i i forgot that they went at the end of the tunnel oh that's not gonna go in there do i even need that one i do need that one so i'll just use a turny one nice okay everything's good we have one more remaining and i will put you in here also what are you doing over here we don't need you so far and we'll clog the end of that pipe too is everything good that was weird why didn't i use a curved one there i just kind of got into a rhythm i laid down all the pipe before i put in the the conveyor belt so that's what happened i didn't know how i was gonna power this end of the world i wonder if i can put this on yeah it looks like i could it'd just be kind of nice to know how much power actually made it all the way through and then we'll grab this hit unstuck oh oh oh we're good we're good everything's good where'd the boat go i had a cart there a while back sometimes they just kind of fly away they have a mind of their own they become sentient all right we'll grab this pipe put it back together in hot ding let's see the leg happen hello legginess okay is it working why are you not working i turned everything on do those not even have power why does the right side work and the left side doesn't this sucks troubleshooting in this game is rough man and i haven't even done anything special like the logic circuits and stuff oh yes that's not even that's like one row of these even being on it's not getting enough power oh there's so much money happening and i love every little bit of it these are big chunkies of gold too oh yes very satisfying indeed you but check that out all of the lights only like a quarter of them are on at any given time we're starting to have major problems the game's going like 7 fps oh boy i got to clear it just so i can turn everything on this one doesn't even have enough pressure to run the conveyor belt how much is over here 132 how is there 132 pressure here but this conveyor belt isn't going wait no it should be there's literally a pipe right there i have no idea but i do know that i've made an absolute monstrosity of a machine and it's gonna make me a lot of money very very quickly as soon as i can get it running anyway my friends that'll do it for today's video of hydroneer i hope you've enjoyed our gigantic pile of gold and the multiple hours and millions of fake money that i spent making this creation so thank you for watching i hope you enjoyed and keep your stick on the ice we'll get you next one bye and i'd like to thank all of my patrons and youtube members including autoday of innovator ben dickie jake teddy hit splatters joke dub rules quarian link rob the king bread katie player b and c mr m game terrarian gamer two from kyle d tyrion with grace robo rise twenty twenty one dollars destructo man max spencer tcc individual good baron fox jason and whiskey
Channel: Blitz
Views: 831,453
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, blitz plays, blits, blitz hydroneer, hydroneer blitz, hydroneer gameplay, hydroneer ep 1, hydroneer mods, hydroneer mod, hydroneer gems value, hydroneer modded, hydroneer multiplayer, hydroneer intern, hydroneer interndotgif, interndotgif hydroneer, hydroneer coop, hydroneer multiplayer update, hydroneer, hydroneer machines, hydroneer sorting machines, mech arena, mech, arena
Id: keYdfsrf5WA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 5sec (1625 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 12 2022
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