When black holes swallow reality

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all right we're checking out the only game where you start as a microscopic black hole that eventually devours all life in the entire universe it's tasty Planet forever black hole this is where we start as is 607 septometer black hole I had to I didn't know that my black hole talked I had to go over to Google to find out exactly how big a septometer is I think it said it's one sextillionth of a meter in case you're wondering that's really small like right now we're not even eating protons and neutrons we are existing at a submolecular level or something I don't know science wasn't really my strong subject I just like to eat everything that could be vaguely considered the derivative of life now as you can imagine you may start small but eventually we're going to get bigger and bigger I actually don't know what a black hole this size would do were it to be released on Earth it's like the map the most malnourished black hole in the entire universe oh now I'm an autometer maybe maybe that's how you say it I have to look up on Google what that is because I don't know okay now oh I'm eating protons at this point and neutrons oh yeah give me the makeup of your cellular structure oh it's delicious there's nothing I love more than slapping a neutron and a proton together between two slices of bread with a couple of pieces of American cheese I love that my black hole is like ah it's delicious so what's coming after the protons and neutrons are we going are we going molecular at this point is this considered Atomic I think this is considered Atomic femtometers the best part about these numbers is that they could they could just be making up anything and I would buy it really doesn't matter they could be like oh yeah it's a it's a great a meter I'd be like oh it's named after me oh hydrogen nucleus I feel like hydrogen May normally be important oh you're a big piece of something I didn't get to see what it was there it is oh it's an oxygen nucleus now there's one way to destroy all life on planet Earth it would be by eating all the oxygen although technically I think we're beginning on Mars alrighty I'm past a shadow meter now into you know pectometers or whatever it's called part of me wants to say like picometers like pico de gallo because I'm so hungry right now that's why I'm playing an eating game oh it's like a it's like an atomic Mickey Mouse I can't wait to chew on you hydrogen I even get to see their magnetic fields or whatever I love it okay now we're eating the oxygen that's good Mickey come here you look delicious I can't eat them yet I'm not big enough oh now I can hold on there we go it's a water molecule oh H2O getting an entire like eighth grade science science lesson that I never thought I would get in a game between devouring all of the air and all of the water and basically all of the molecules I think I understand why I'm going to be the reason that no one gets to survive what comes next after molecules when do I eat objects that I can easily identify like a like a pencil or maybe a paper clip maybe asking yourself great what would those be doing on Mars listen just like on Earth I can only imagine that scientists and astronauts are leaving stuff all over the place that is a very vibrating red molecule what are you we're starting to gain size a lot faster now into the 500 oh I ate it oh an iron oxide molecule now let's see what life is like without your iron oxides oh okay things got really out of hand all of the water molecules belong to me [Music] the black hole is starting to get out of hand I like it uh up chromovirus I mean it doesn't sound like it would taste good but black holes don't care they're just glad to get fed oh now I'm just eating the entire virus in one bite there we go besides like paper clips and stuff I also want to get to like size terminology that I know even millimeters and I'll feel a lot more comfortable also was there like a molecular frog down here yeah see I'm chilling on this whatever this is I can't eat them yet but I imagine I eventually will nothing's getting left behind you understand I will devout oh hold on bacteriophage I am going to eat Literal time and space itself that's right your conceptualization of time well it's not long for this world I am eating all of the crispy frog creatures oh yeah molecular potato chips delicious so high in sodium I would assume I don't know or bacteriophages salty this would be more like a bitter meal I have eaten a lot of your friends and family man I feel kind of bad about this oh here we go I have upgraded to whatever I don't know whatever those whatever those red spheres flopping around are I assume they're not meatballs well I guess they kind of are they're like a microscopic meatballs what am I allowed to eat one those are prickly like a prickly sausage or something I do love sausage too oh don't don't touch the prickly sausage for some reason it's got uh like black hole repellent on or something oh I can eat my first meatball sweet where is it here we go caucus sure oh wow I am just I'm finally starting to eat the giant eggplants well I guess they're super small eggplants ah I finally developed into a micrometer micrometer micrometer I went on Google right now to look at everyone's pronunciation has thumbs Downs all of them are rated terribly no one can agree on exactly how to say this I love that my black hole is like swimming I'm not really sure where where is a black hole I developed this skill set but obviously it's coming in quite handy oh what was that Martian dust I'm eating full dust particles now how how I've grown as a black hole from my my youthful black hole days they grow up so fast okay the the objects for me to eat are becoming more mobile notice they're like running around at this point not really sure if they're trying to body check me or what like whoa what's that it's like a fuzzy balloon like an angry fuzzy balloon I kind of want to touch it oh it's not it's not happy it tried to murder me I wanted to make friends with the Martian balloon creature and it tried to kill me it tried to murder me again stop that oh I can eat whatever these are now they're kind of like molecular pickles yeah that right there that word see it oh I am eating all of the pickles all right we have leveled up to the the next Violet stage of complete and utter wow no joke I'm being chased by an angry camouflage sock not super happy about it it's also eating a lot of my food oh I can eat that now not really sure if it's important or not but it doesn't really matter because everything's going to die anyway oh yeah it's like a water balloon filled with delicious I don't know maple syrup or something so sweet so delicious I really want to find out what it is that's following me trying to mug me I'm going to be eating you soon enough you understand oh yeah the time has come I've run away long enough come here yeah bring me socks now there's a now there's like a big potato with feet running around okay we have upgraded to the next level now I can finally start maybe eating the baked potatoes although my when my baked potato is biting me back it loses some of its like appetizingness that'd be a great way to like not have to eat your vegetables like your parents should like eat your vegetables you're like Mom my vegetables just bit me come here yeah it doesn't feel so good does it yeah you're tardigrade that's what you get for being edible oh we're into the world like the visible world now I'm eating crumbs that means we're at one millimeter a word I know it's like a bunch of computer chips laying around I don't I don't know what these are we got some nuts and bolts very good I love that whoever was I I think as soon as like a space station or something like they're just left all their tools all over the place really taking good care of this place oh yeah oh uh oh it's water droplet no H2O the humans can't have anything to regrow their civilization from can I eat a nut yet no I do love nuts okay I think I've eaten just about all the crumbs so here's some more and I eat the nuts yet no I love how the black hole is kind of like captured by the stuff around it not really sure that that's something a black hole should have to worry about oh I ate my first nut oh it's glorious okay drinking some more water you gotta hydrate you understand even as a black hole mother black hole is always nagging at me telling me to drink more water there you go getting more iron in the diet too oh I had a capacitor and a bolt and a computer chip uh gotta wash that down with some water oh we're starting to be able to eat everything now now nothing's gonna get in my way because the black hole is starting to get bigger than everything else is that a stick of ram I'm gonna stick a ram on the side over there I think there might be like a protein bar oh it is it's an algae bar oh God ah yes Garden Fresh algae my favorite flavor mmm okay we're in the centimeter area now that's good and again we're gaining size pretty fast here so can I can I eat an algae bar yet I really want to know how this tastes I mean I may regret saying that but oh there we go I can eat a circuit but ah what is that it's like the robotic Doge the robotic doge is like I haven't had a friend on Mars in like the last 25 Days please talk to me no I'm here to eat all of you and your friends and your algae bars but you weren't really doing anything with them anyway space snack okay these these Space Dogs oh here we go yeah robot dog no he was such a good dog 21 centimeters that was a whole bunch of snacks over here in the corner I don't know why oh it's a human the humans are like man we made such a mess and now it's all been cleaned up how did that happen if only you knew no one's asking were all their robot dogs are going they just ate I don't know what that was like a trash bin oh it just ate a person oh compressed gas that was a human being that just got black holed oh boy there goes all the storage containers and a wall just ate straight up ate the wall yep starting to get out of hand now 100 you shouldn't this is why you don't feed the black holes people beat your Hydroponics plants too come here no one's Left Alive all the walls we don't need those oh I think I'm gonna let all the Compressed Gas out if I eat the airlock yep planter boxes no plants on Mars I decided I'm eating your Lazy Boy chairs too I love how they don't even try to get away from the black hole they just see it coming and they're like well here we go all right I'm over a meter in size now that's good get everything on this uh kind of like this and the outskirts of what I assume is like a like a little tiny space Dome over here little living quarters oh there goes the airlock yeah you better run oh no oh I made it outside it's Martian rock all right there goes all the Compressed Gas oh there's a Rover over here I can't wait to eat that I'll bet there's lots of nutrients inside of the Rovers I hope you guys weren't Excavating all this rock because it pretty much belongs to me now all right we're at two meters there goes the outdoor storage containers I had to get big enough to eat those there's a lot going on here on Mars what are all you guys doing I didn't know there was so much traffic here all right there goes those stores can containers still can't eat the Rovers yet okay there it is all the rovers are getting eaten three meters four meters I appreciate that all of you Rovers obey the speed limit because it makes my job a lot easier solar panel oh wow six meters seven meters eight meters now we're moving right along am I gonna start eating the oh it's the corridors oh there was no one inside of there imagine that you're in you're enjoying the beautiful Martian Sunrise when all of a sudden a black hole slurps your entire Corridor away yeah as it happens man all right 11.5 meters I still can't eat the main living domes yet but I think I'm getting to that oh never mind Martian building 13 meters oh there's no survivors they still like discovering stuff was it still a good idea they're like No Gray it wasn't we should have stayed on earth oh boy now I'm just eating entire Martian neighborhoods look at it we're at 24 meters right now 25. I can almost eat every single building yep 30 meters okay now these Tootsie Roll looking buildings are edible that's nice they went to Mars looking for life and I mean I guess they found it but then I immediately ate it so I'm not really sure if you want to call that a win or what oh oh boy am I gonna be eating like Martian mountains and stuff like all the different dunes and can you even eat a crater it's not really like something that you would digest yeah we're gonna eat it yep whole hill just eating the entire Hill why not there oh I'm yep you do eat the craters I love it Mars is gonna be so flat and desolate no Hills no valleys right we are now 304 I am getting like 20 meters at a time I mean to be fair I am eating entire Mountain sides but you know 600 meters I'm gonna be a kilometer soon there it is full kilometer I don't know why some of these Hills are getting really big okay so at this point we can eat pretty much every Hill and crater ah yes it's a great day when a young black hole eats its mer it's very first mountain range look at it I'm getting like two kilometers per per Chomp as well all of the mountain ranges belong to me uh 180 kilometers oh my god oh I'm eating the polar cap there we go I am so sorry now I'm gonna eat all these asteroids that a mega meter even if it's supposed to be like megometer or Mega meter would I like it as Mega meter more because it sounds oh it's Earth I was gonna say it just sounds more epic I can't wait to eat earth oh I've waited for this day Earth first Mars oh God all right Mercury oh then Venus oh then Earth no okay hold on oh wait hold on let me I gotta grab this asteroid belt here I need to get a little bit bigger the sun's looking at me and it's like don't you dare there goes Uranus there goes Neptune there goes Saturn there goes Jupiter ah the sun is really hot I mean I know obviously there's a lot of things over here that I can't eat I was able to eat this small star it was a young star if you will the tiny star uh-huh oh now I'm starting eating a lot of stars a lot of stars are getting eaten kind of feel bad about this there's not going to be that many stars left I don't know if I ate the sun yet or not specifically gigameter okay I can now eat every single star it really doesn't matter look at that bam right there huge star look at this oh that one's still pretty hot but this one isn't I mean it's still hot you would figure it goes down not quite as smooth have I have I eaten all of the stars yet I feel like I'm running out of stars there's not gonna be a Goldilocks zone anymore for life to exist because there won't be Stars uh-oh oh yeah I'm getting real big 10 12 16. oh that was a red giant oh yeah I like to put some barbecue sauce on the red giants and that was some curly fries are those is that like an owl iron nebula I need to know but I can't eat it yet not big enough I love how the only stars that are left are the red giants uh-huh oh yeah oh my God it was it's an entire nebula I'm eating nebulous I'm chewing on nebulas like pistachio nuts oh yeah the purple nebulas there's the there's the sour apple nebulas right there you've got the uh the black cherry nebulas am I not like light years in size okay I've I've now upgraded even past those sad nebulas to is that a space manta ray wow imagine just living on Earth you know having a good time all of a sudden your entire existence is wiped Away by a random space manta ray I didn't know this is what space manta rays ate okay I can just about eat every single yeah eat every single sized nebula so now I'm going to be eating the space manta rays I feel oh oh it is it is a space manta ray I mean I just came up with that name but apparently that's what it is I feel so bad about that but it's so juicy listen to the sound he's like you ate my you ain't my brother yeah you can meet him inside the black hole oh yeah oh all the space creatures I am an equal opportunity Destroyer all right what comes after this everybody I'm gonna run out of existence pretty soon here you'd figure ow what is that I don't know what we're about to learn it is a star cluster an entire cluster of stars is getting eaten now I'm a parsec don't you run away from me star cluster the star clusters have developed minds of their own they actually have a will to live that's odd oh boy that's right existence the universe isn't big enough for the both of us I have eaten a lot of star clusters and I'm still getting bigger oh boy oh oh I'm eating the very edge of the galactic dust look at it all your Galactic dust belongs to me okay it's starting to get out of hand now I'm starting to get to the point where I can just like roll around and I end up getting a lot of Galactic Dusty yeah you see right there oh boy oh God oh yeah that a kilopar stick oh the elliptical galaxy I'm eating galaxies I'm eating spiral galaxies now okay so now almost none of the galaxies are big enough there we go I love how it still has that super high pitched voice oh a Galaxy group ate an entire galaxy group yeah tastes a lot like potato salad I can't believe how extreme this goes mega parsecs now Galaxy clusters super clusters I had my I dined on my very first super cluster oh what is that it's got googly eyes I love that the giant Cosmic Destroyer has the googly eyes okay he's eating like super clusters as well so I'm not the only one destroying light you see that right there slurped it up like a milkshake oh I can eat him noodly monster that's what they call it the noodly monster all the super class Dash look at how ridiculous this is oh the universe oh Another Universe oh remember the beginning of the game everything has come back full circle but what's after this then yeah all of the universes are gone well now I don't have to worry about going to work tomorrow because I ate the entire universe any folks hope you just episode of tasty Planet forever until next time stay foxy much love
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 1,830,521
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: simulation games, graystillplays, simulator, and this happened, gameplay, game, android games, ios games, best android games, mobile games, android best games, all levels, tasty planet forever, tasty planet 4, tasty planet speedrun, tasty planet forever black hole, mobile game, tasty planet forever walkthrough, tasty planet forever ending, tasty planet, tasty planet game, tasty planet forever game, tasty black holes, black holes, black holes swallow reality
Id: 5ENdlrm-mlg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 38sec (1298 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 11 2023
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