I pushed astronauts to their LIMITS in Kerbal Space Program 2!

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hello fellow engineers and welcome back to Kerbal Space Program 2. now due to some mishaps with previous schemes the UK space agency is now recruiting new astronauts this is a once in a lifetime opportunity for those that get selected but first I have been commissioned to engineer machines capable of pushing these astronauts to the extreme and today we'll be testing five different attributes of the astronauts the first preparation our curb was prepared for anything the second ejection protocols the third nautical operations because training in the sea is as good as training in the space we'll then be testing out the fourth attribute insanely long missions to make sure these kerbals can last a long journey in space before finally testing the stress of gravity on the body and keep it simple I'll be calling this five-step plan pennies so let's get into it and let's test some astronauts so first off are these curb was prepared for anything let's start with a one of these Norm normal pods it's got a nose cone on top it's a coupler underneath but you will notice there's no parachutes on this stage that is because at the bottom of this stage there is this another pod and this one has two parachutes on ready to save the day and the staging is such that the parachutes will only go off once this is disconnected so our kerbals are gonna have to use this ladder to get down yes they'll be doing an Eva in space or at least in the outside of the atmosphere to hopefully get from the top pod down to the bottom before this top piece gets disconnected so with the ladder in place we'll be picking one of these at random to go and do this and it's Jeb so Jeb is in the tin can at the top we are on the launch pad he's happy he has no idea what's about to happen so let's launch so Sparks are firing and there goes the rocket so we're heading straight up we've used over a third of our fuel we're actually coming up to half of our fuel because I'm talking so slowly we're literally just going straight up though because we don't have a big budget we can't just go and like find Jeb every lands so hopefully he's gonna land fairly fairly close to the launch pad where he started uh but wow wow we are really we're so high 30 000 meters we are going up so fast the fuel is nearly done which means we're about to stop in a second I'm worried the Earth is gonna spin quite a lot oh there goes the fuel boost there's that disconnected okay so Jeb now begins your training your first task are you prepared for this Mission so you gotta ev8 then you're gonna have to climb that I'm I'm just as scared as you are Jeb so if we press space is he gonna go onto the ladder I've never actually I should have tried this on the surface but this is where you're gonna be prepared you should have been prepared Jeb so space uh okay now now we're just floating next to it okay grab it grab it again F so we'll just beat a board dude okay let's just come back inside all right what if I like look down at that can you then grab the ladder no he's not grabbing the ladder oh no I'm not sure we're prepared at all Jim yeah also we're just going further and further hang on let's have a look at the old what's happening with the map oh wow we're still we're still going up in a big big way so we do have time we've got time on our side to try and work out how to do this because uh this might require a Google I thought I could like I thought I'd have like a little jet pack on so I could move about a bit oh jet pack we just got to work out how to turn the jet pack on I want to turn the thrust down just so I don't ruin everything um Enter space e g for jet pack Jeb I don't feel like you're very prepared for this let's have a look in here anything about turning a jet pack on ah Eva so I mean translate up and down jetpack left shift left control let's try that left shift left control not doing much I'm worried why is the rocket like wiggling I don't like it wiggling because I'm not wiggling right no I can't figure it out look how high we are we've still got time we still got time I'm gonna give this a Google wait there Jeb oh no he's drifted I can't actually I can't actually oh I can't reach I can't reach Jeb don't be alarmed but you're sort of you're actually stranded in space right now you're drifting from the spaceship I'll try and Google this quickly I don't know why I'm helping him it's his fault all right so if I press r yes yes look we got the jetpack things okay so okay we're moving we're moving down we're moving down yes Jeb okay grab grab grab grab how do I move forwards F yes okay we're on the ladder we're on the ladder uh but we've already we've already moved down the ladder so we didn't actually need to grab it again I just got to get to that door so let go then move over this way and then F to grab yes we're good okay bored beater board okay so we're officially in which means we can now yes we've now got rid of that hang on hang on why is my why is my camera looking up no I wanna I wanna look at the other one oh no I'm an idiot I'm an idiot I've just I didn't realize this was the this was the Pod controlling us that one's just like it's like a bit of architecture it's just visual so although Jeb is in there we have no control over him I have no idea if he's gonna survive I think the parachutes are on like altitude thing so if we look at the map I think Jeb is in that bit so if we just fast forward this and then we can just keep an eye on that purple thing because that's where Jeb is so you can see we're heading down fast what happened to the oh the other one crap oh no we lost Jeb okay that um I'll write down on my pad we need to do a bit more work on Preparation so next up we'll be looking at ejection protocols so for this we're probably gonna need one of these because this is where our Pilots will be stood or sat what's the what's the orientation of this okay so I think that's upright because there's pedals down there okay cool so you might be wondering well what what are we ejecting from well what I was thinking we literally just get a solid booster flip it on its side and then as long as we have a decoupler or probably a separatron oh well that works that works a radial decoupler yeah so we'll have that there we'll then shove that on the piece to like that give it a nose cone give it some Wheels make sure we got a tail fin make sure we have some wings and then for the staging we want the rocket to Fire and then that to happen and as that gets ejected we need to make this safe remember so we need a parachute on the back probably a big excess of that actually let's find a smaller one mean it still looks fairly excessive but then we need separatrons to make sure we get away from the vehicle get away from the tail fin behind Etc so in solid fuel boosters we have these guys so if we can find a place for these to go yeah two like that could be good more on the back like that and we'll call this vehicle the ejaculation so since Jeb didn't make the last mission bill will be taking charge of this one uh unfortunately so some idiot put us on the on the rocket launch pad not the runway so one second oh I'm guessing they they still haven't patched wheels and stuff because yes there is a new patch but uh no that is not attached very well just move it slightly see if that's helped or perhaps we can add more Wheels to spread the weight out oh that's but wait is that better devs I thought you patched the game I'm not convinced you've done anything let's turn SAS off is that the reason no SAS is not the reason interesting well solid let's launch so this thing is off but it's heading straight towards the building so we're gonna have to eject very soon project right there he is he's good whoa look at philco he's flying okay no stop now stop okay so parachutes parachutes yes Bill yes Bill he's only gone and done it he's only gonna done it wait Bill why are you upside down are you meant to be upside down okay so we have one astronaut moving on to the next mission uh which in fact is called nautical operations and I think bill is passing this one as well he's proving he can do his job even underwater it does not matter where he is so we'll move straight on to the fourth attributes we'll be testing insanely long missions so for this we will be using a completely new craft and now this will be a group test as well so we're gonna have a five seat command pod and we're gonna see if these curbles will get on in the depths of space if they're left alone for months at a time or perhaps even years so parachute on top on the off charts that we do make it back to Earth large decoupler large fuel tanks large engine then down to an X Zelda coupler where we've got XL fuel tanks then we need an Excel engine mount so we can get a smaller engine on here because there's no EXO engines in this game you can then shove the mammoth 2 underneath that should be enough for our needs although actually I want that yeah I want that underneath a hydrogen engine because these are good and deep space and you know what actually actually let's swap this earlier engine and these earlier fuel tanks we're going to make this hydrogen so we've got those up there and then that yeah there we go there we go and that underneath um I want lots of fuel up here though so I might add some more hydrogen and then finally just some control surfaces do some large ones at the bottom some smaller ones up here we'll rename the vehicle appropriately for a long term space mission we've shoved five hopefuls in here when the Pod is called the cockatoo that's got to be a good sign right so let's launch this thing is everyone ready um who is that who invited the receptionist what's she doing in it I'm not sure astronauts are allowed glasses or they don't know anyway let's go wait why isn't what uh that's that's not launching is it I think the top might be too heavy for some reason yeah it seems I completely forgot about the Thruster rate ratio we need a lot more thrust so we get some large decouplers some large boosters and then oh it's still on what it's still on 0.9 okay but firing the the main rocket at the same time as the boosters that'll get us up in the air that's what we need so let's go fire we're off I'm realizing our boosters they're a little bit they're a little bit wonky still we're heading to space for our first deep space mission they're not gonna lie quite excited to see what space is like not something I've seen much of in this game oh no it's rocking it's rocking why is it rocking I don't like the jiggle of that I don't like the jiggle I mean we're running out of fuel on the boosters so he can say goodbye to them soon I know I need to lean but I feel like with that much rocking as soon as I start leaning we're gonna start spinning right so boosters are pretty much done let's just turn down the thrust and then boost get rid of those all right then thrust back up just so we don't hit them yeah nice they're gonna hit each other but I think it's fine okay so now we're gonna start moving right so now we've got to get enough speed to try and get into orbit and at the moment that's not that's not going great we're gonna crash down there as you can see oh no we're pointing down why are we pointing down stop pointing down oh no this isn't what I wanted pull up oh no the ends come off uh ignore the red there I just need to do a few tweaks so all I'm going to do is add a load of these little ant engines because I think they should give us some some RCS stability in space so if we put them all on a stage at the top then perhaps RCS will just work with them maybe I don't know but as usual there's only one way to find out launch all right so once we're at about 10 000 meters let's try turning okay okay that's going all right that is actually going all right so that's those done so we can eject those see you later oh they some of them blew up let's find din damage didn't damage our craft we're still good so we just really need to get some speed now the receptionist is loving life by the way she doesn't know how she ended up here but um she's pretty glad she came to work this morning so this time are we looking better I mean you can see that's moving out and out and if that if we just keep going and we just need that line to get over to there so it misses the planet then we'll be in orbit although altitude is falling rapidly again come on pull up pull up that's all you gotta do we're going fast now we are going way faster I'm just trying to pull up and it won't it's not listening to me we're down to 20 000 meter altitude really could do with pulling up right now we're down to 15 meters I'm not sure we're gonna make this as a map looking yeah the map agrees fiery death incoming all right tell you what let's let's lose that okay we're going to use this to try and slow down and then then if we can survive I'll say it was a success oh no oh no no no no no no no parachute parachute parachute parachute parachute parachute uh so these astronauts they could they could only survive for 37 minutes in space shows just how hard it is to become an astronaut which means that's five more kerbals out of the competition we're down to the final few and we're on to the final test stress of gravity on the body so this is the final part of the five-step program are probably the most important one as well because we're going to be trying to make a centrifuge to see how many G's we can put on the bodies of our kerbals oh I've just realized oh those were the RCs engines oh that legit could have saved me oh well we know for next time okay so since there's no joints in this game I can't actually make something spin like on the spot but what I can do is I can make it spin whilst it sort of goes up slightly and hovers so yeah essentially we'll be going with a rocket like this but then we're gonna add some i-beams to the side and then we're gonna add this external pod onto there so the pilots will be sat on the edge of that over on this side I'm gonna have a separatron facing that way then if we just shove a nose cone on there that should be fairly stable so we're gonna call this rocket Ali G boyakasha and inside well I say I say inside very much outside we have Valentina so I guess uh let's let's launch this thing and uh see how he gets on so going up perfectly straight I I mean I could just fire the next stage and get this thing spinning so there it goes oh boy oh ran out it run out of juice already oh that wasn't very many G's was it we do need to consider the earlier stages of the pennies attribute system were you prepared for this Valentina do you have a parachute are you able to eject yourself from the ship it turns out not but she has at least found a way to get more cheese going so so maybe we'll give her an extra attempt for that uh or or maybe not because she doesn't exist anymore so if we swap the separatron for a bigger booster yeah maybe one of those and then we can copy this entire arm so we got those on like that we'll swap one for valentina's seat uh making sure there's a decoupler on there of course so there's Jay bill is inside this time he may have failed to test earlier I owed him a favor so he's back in so here we go the UK space agency's five-step pennies attribute training system is coming to an end let's see how many G's we can get I don't want this to go too high really but yeah the trouble is if we don't give it Full Throttle it just does that so Full Throttle oh it still crashes into it it still crashes into it I think the trouble is the weight isn't very evenly balanced now free stuff Valentina on the edge like that I'm very sorry Bill I need to cut I need to stop referring to you as Valentina you are built as a finalist you are you're going to be a household name this is exactly how Jeb got his role in the first game right so we're going up don't want to get to space do you want to get really high can I get really high or are we just no I think we're gonna fail right let's fire these whoa oh my goodness that was a lot faster than I thought it was gonna be okay how many G that was only 9g that can't be measuring from the right part surely yeah now with balance we can actually hover this so let's go with that see how Jeb is getting on oh it's so fast you can see oh it's just Carnage okay so that's failed oh no where's where's our pilot where's our pilot that was only 3G I feel like I feel like that was a very nice speed nice I feel like the G isn't measuring from the seat What if I I rotate the seat Well actually actually I've got a better idea I have a better idea because these I feel like we were going so fast that these were getting like ripped apart so if I just lose all of that I can then use these truss pieces instead all right so what if I put the boosters on there then strut to the main craft so they are well and truly attached they are not coming off and then can I add a small oh I can't add the coupler to the top of these oh that's disappointing I thought I could decouple from those okay we'll stick with the radial ones but in order to make this symmetrical we're going to be testing four kerbals at once so we'll just shove parachutes on there as well nice so these are the final four you can see dodgery Kerman she has no idea how she got there or he can tell by the eyes they're not they're not too up for this but um look at those cables right okay let's uh let's launch this so we're going up things are looking good I think the higher we go the thinner the air will be so the first we'll be able to move it's just if we start tilting like we are now that will not be ideal although recovered definitely recovered all right okay we're technically out of control already we're actually going to spin the other direction as soon as I fire these up look at the faces look at the faces daughtery is nappy oh no the Patty kid everyone else is fine look at Tim he's so relaxed right there's some speed there's some real speed there oh my goodness we're going so fast for a stable rocket again okay it has slowed down now it has slowed down so now we hit the next stage so boost our astronauts are now floating we're in charge of Valentina I don't know where the others are let's let's hit the parachutes I said let's hit the parachutes right there they are can we see the other kerbals where are they is that one I hope that's not one where's your parachute oh no I can see I can see four little blobs heading down oh no please open the suits open your suits what are you doing I actually don't see the parachutes but what I do see is our parachutes opening which can mean only one thing the UK space agency has done it again so it looks like out of all the pilots only one could withstand the insane G-Force set out by the UK space agency and it was you Valentina how do you feel yeah I thought so right so let's just land in the water where we can then recover The Vessel and see what sort of G-Force did they withstand 537 G's no wonder only Valentina survived but as the sun sets I'll say peace love and the UK space agency is back in business baby bye guys
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 379,374
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kerbal space program 2, ksp, ksp2, ksp 2 land speed record, ksp2 land speed, ksp2 fastest, ksp2 record, ksp2 challenge, rce, real civil engineer, setting the land speed record, land speed record, ksp 2, kerbal space program, ksp2 widest plane, ksp2 widest airplane, ksp2 wide plane glitch, ksp2 wing glitch, ksp2 longest plane, ksp2 longest airplane, kerbal space program 2 gameplay, ksp2 tallest plane
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 34sec (1114 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 11 2023
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