How Two People Created Gaming’s Most Complex Simulation System

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Dwarf Fortress already has more than two decades  of development history and if it’s up to its two   creators, Tarn and Zach Adams, they’ll continue  working on their management simulation game for   the rest of their lives. To get a clear  understanding of Dwarf Fortress’ origins,   we have to go all the way back to the eighties,  back to the brothers’ childhood. Born in Kitsap   County, Washington, Tarn aka Toady One and  Zach aka ThreeToe grew up around computers   from a very young age. Their father, Dan, worked  in wastewater treatment, writing software to   crunch data and run sewage plants. He supplied  the family home with the latest computers and   even taught his sons the rudimentary basics of  coding, knowing programming and computers would   become even more important in the future. “I was  set in front of computers by my parents when I   didn't even know what was going on. I remember  some kind of ASCII demon or alien dancing,   and they set up the dance moves by pressing  the keys. We also had a Vic 20 and an Atari.” When Tarn was six, his father taught him how  to use a ‘FOR loop’ in BASIC, to make something   move across the screen. The brothers eventually  started playing a game called “The Temple of Loth”   and they noticed it offered full access to the  source code. Seeing exactly how the game was made,   it inspired them to develop their very first  game. This ultimately led to them developing   about 400 projects in BASIC, ranging from Tarn’s  ASCII monster designer tool to a John Woo-inspired   text-based assassin game. From a young age,  they fell in love with Dungeons & Dragons and   J.R.R. Tolkien. The two also downloaded many indie  roguelike games from early bulletin boards, which   were basically download servers that predated the  internet. One of those roguelikes was Hack and   dates back to 1984. Hack, along with Rogue, Larn  and Ragnarok, all games the brothers also played,   helped to popularize roguelikes at the time,  and in turn greatly influenced Dwarf Fortress. “We liked that you could choke to death on  your food or fall down a stairway and fall   on something poisonous you were carrying  and poison yourself. That lineage was big,   largely inspirational for Dwarf Fortress,  especially the bones file part where you   die and then you have in your subsequent  playthrough, something about your previous   character, more than a score or whatever,  incorporated in the game. You can trace that   directly to Dwarf Fortress persistent  worlds. That’s where that comes from,   this idea that you can kind of churn  this system and build a history into it.” Around the time Tarn and Zach were 12 and  14 respectively, they started developing   their very first fantasy game together called  Dragslay. It was also written in BASIC and Tarn   described it as basically a D&D game where  the player runs around and kills dragons and   other creatures. Curious details and game  variables already started to emerge here,   like your character having an IQ score that got  reduced if you were hit too many times in the   head. It was meant to be just another project  the brothers would soon forget about. However,   a couple of years later (1993), when Tarn was in  high school and taught himself how to code in C,   Dragslay was revisited. Programming the game  in C this time meant he and Zach could make   it bigger and add things like a world  map, a more complex combat system and   keeping track of goblin populations. They  kept working on it for about five years,   but it would eventually evolve and play an  essential part in the creation of Dwarf Fortress. Programming has always been Tarn’s escape. He  wasn’t the type of kid that would play sports   or talk to others, instead he was very withdrawn  and only occasionally had a friend to joke around   with. Even then, he didn’t care about socializing  and would spend almost all of his time behind a   computer. There’s one close friend he made in  high school that Tarn still sporadically talks   to today. During their childhood, the brothers had  to move around a lot because of their dad’s work,   but eventually found their way back to Kitsap  County by the time Tarn and Zach were 18 and   20. This experience brought them closer together  and Tarn feels lucky to call Zach his best friend. At this point in his life, Tarn didn’t  see a monetary future in his and Zach’s   video game projects. Not being interested  in Computer Science as an academic pursuit,   he picked math instead and went to the University  of Washington. Since Zach was already studying   Ancient History in the same university,  they decided to share a small apartment   in Seattle. The summer before Tarn went to grad  school, he and his brother rebooted Dragslay.   They changed the title to Slaves to Armok: God  of Blood, named after the god from Dragslay,   who was originally named after a variable  called ‘Arm_ok’ that counts the number of   arms you have left. For now, it remained a  2D project in a somewhat-isometric view and   featured roughly the same combat system as the  first public alpha version of Dwarf Fortress,   as well as persistent enemy groups, meaning  they could show up in your next playthrough. This version of the fantasy game was very  short-lived however as Tarn and Zach started   having more ambitious ideas. They kept the  title, but made the switch to 3D graphics. Over   the course of development the brothers added many  specific details and options to the 3D character   models, like the possibility to remove the enemy's  skin with certain spells. They even went as far   as to develop an option where the player could  zoom in and inspect how curly the character’s   leg hairs were, or discover the melting point  of various materials. This version of Armok   is the first piece of the Dwarf Fortress puzzle.  In December 2000, the brothers created a website   for their indie studio Bay 12 Games and used it  to distribute Armok as freeware. Additionally,   the site also lets you access the official  forum where fans can connect with each other. Even though Armok was their main focus for the  next few years, Tarn occasionally took time off   to work on side projects whenever he had a  good idea. They were usually small in scale,   needing only a couple of days of work to  be completed. The most popular examples   are probably Liberal Crime Squad and WWI Medic. In  2002, Tarn began working on a side project called   Mutant Miner and this is the second piece of the  Dwarf Fortress puzzle. It featured turn-based   gameplay and was loosely inspired by Miner VGA  and Dig Dug. Players dig underneath buildings   to search for minerals and fight monsters.  The goal was to discover radioactive goop,   bring it back to one of the buildings at  the surface and use the goop to grow extra   arms and other mutations to speed  up digging and fight off enemies. Tarn eventually tried adding extra  miners, but since it was turn-based,   the game started to experience lots of lag. This  gave him the idea to switch to real-time gameplay   to prevent all the slowdown and swap the one  mutant miner for a group of dwarves. Furthermore,   he came up with a more interesting gameplay loop.  It still involved managing a mining operation,   or a fortress if you will, but once the player  “loses”, an adventurer comes in and is able to   explore the ruins of your fortress. This section  of the game played out like a more traditional   roguelike where the player has to collect goblets,  journals and other trinkets that were generated   during the previous phase and bring the treasure  back to the edge of the map as a way of building   your high score. He called up Zach, who moved back  in with his parents after graduating, to flesh out   the idea over the next three days. It was this  idea that would pay off big time 20 years later. The brothers started development in  October 2002 and estimated it would   take about two months of work, just in  time to release it during the Christmas   holidays. Little did they know it was  only just the start of perhaps one of   the longest development journeys in video game  history. Thanks to the simple ASCII graphics,   they were able to implement features at a very  fast rate, to the point it was starting to steal   too much time away from their main project,  Slaves to Armok. Therefore, development was   temporarily halted in November so they could  focus on Armok again and various other projects. Fast forward to 2004 when Tarn and Zach’s  enthusiasm for Armok was all but gone. The   3D graphics were slowing them down too much,  causing more and more new features constantly   having to be delayed. So, the brothers made  the decision to fully switch gears to the   dwarf game. Since early prototypes worked on  much of Armok's code, Zach and Tarn considered   it to be a sequel to the 3D game. For kicks,  it was even officially named ‘Slaves to Armok:   God of Blood II: Dwarf Fortress’. After this  change of plans was made public on the forum,   along with a trailer and screenshots  of Dwarf Fortress, Bay 12’s community   started to grow more exponentially. People  were intrigued by all the possibilities,   especially knowing that the brothers wouldn’t  be bogged down by 3D graphics anymore. Dwarf Fortress’ landscapes are made entirely using  the character set CP437, which was also used for   the original IBM PC. It’s more commonly referred  to as ASCII, a character encoding standard   consisting of 128 characters, or code points  if you will. As a result, trees look like clubs   or spades, blue tilde symbols display water, and  dwarves move through your world as smiley faces.   While many players prefer this almost matrix  looking aesthetic, most fans use mods that replace   the character set with actual graphics, allowing  for a more accessible gaming experience. Fans   often used to request updates like more modern  in-game systems, in-game tutorials, 3D graphics,   a less confusing keyboard shortcut system, and  better mouse support. Aside from the necessary   and quick bug fixes, Tarn had stated that these  type of suggestions would not be his focus. “It felt like adding graphics would  ruin our ability to work on the game,   given our failure in the earlier 3-D attempt with  Slaves to Armok: God of Blood. The DF modders have   done a good job adding graphics though, and it  hasn’t impacted development negatively, but that’s   a bit different from doing it in-house. Part  of it is thinking about what the point is. How   many people are we trying to serve? In what way?  Is it better to be a niche thing for a thousand   people? Or is it better to serve a million with  something that’s going to be shallower because   you have to work on getting appearances up?”  Instead of giving in to the many fan requests,   the brothers followed their gut feeling and  solely focused on adding and expanding features. Tarn and Zach made for the perfect team during  Dwarf Fortress’ development. While Tarn was   programming away, Zach worked on the narrative  and descriptive details that give Dwarf Fortress   its atmosphere, informed by his background in  ancient history. For example, goblins hang the   skin of their conquered enemies from towers,  inspired by the writings on Assyrian kings that   Zach recommended. When Tarn runs into issues,  the brothers typically hash them out together. Dwarf Fortress was making good progress and Tarn  was perhaps making even better progress in school.   When he graduated he was named best math major.  Afterwards, he applied to 17 Ph.D. programs,   got into 15 and eventually chose one at Stanford  University. In 2005, Tarn earned a doctorate in   geometric measure theory and this landed  him a postdoctoral research position at   Texas A&M University. It’s a career path that  most people can only dream of, yet Tarn would   quickly discover that the future he envisioned  for himself since his undergraduate days,   wasn’t what he really wanted. Juggling between  his postdoc research work and Dwarf Fortress   proved much more difficult than he imagined.  Combined with the competitive nature and high   pressure of academia, Tarn’s mental health began  to suffer and he eventually grew depressed. In order to do his postdoc work properly, he felt  he had to give up his game development hobby.   This however was unimaginable to Tarn and right  then and there he decided it was either going to   be making games for a living or doing nothing.  He never loved math, but he loved video games,   that much he knew. Tarn describes it as a very  stark moment in his life. In the summer of 2006,   after a year of working at Texas A&M, Tarn told  his department head he wanted to resign. After   an emotional conversation, the university offered  to relieve him from his postdoc work and give him   a teaching position for a single year instead.  This new position would earn him a salary of   50.000 dollars. Hearing this was a huge relief  and Tarn gladly accepted the offer. The extra   money would give him a fighting chance of  making things work as an indie developer. In the meantime the brothers continued  working on their passion project as often   as possible. At this point, Dwarf Fortress  had evolved far beyond its initial concept   and was starting to resemble how people  know and play it today, with a few key   differences. The entire map was still randomly  generated, but it was fully 2D, meaning there   was no way to dig underground or climb walls or  buildings. Instead, at the start of each new game,   players were given a wagon with seven dwarfs  and had to explore from the left to the right of   the screen. You would always encounter a river,  then a chasm, followed by magma. Along the way,   players were still able to build and craft items  while dealing with certain dangerous encounters.   There was even a sort of endgame present in the  form of discovering and mining adamantine ore   at the far right of the map. Once you started  mining adamantine however, there was always a   chance your fortress would be lost soon and  the player would receive a game over screen. The decision to choose dwarves as  the games’ main race was an easy one,   as it seemed like an obvious choice to Tarn and  Zach for a fantasy game about mining. Initially,   their personalities consisted of pretty  basic elements like food preferences, skills,   relationships, current happiness, total stress  and so on. However, as development progressed,   the brothers wanted each dwarf to have their  own identity, much like a character in a book   for example. Therefore, more specific attributes  were thrown into the mix such as imagination,   artistic interests, curiosity, depression,  trust, achievement-striving, just to name a   few. In total there’s about 50 personality facets,  30 intellectual values, a bunch of specific needs   and 120 different emotions. These are then divided  into four categories: “creature”, “cultural”,”   family” and “during play” and all of them combined  make up the personality of a single dwarf. This   translates to much more interesting gameplay  moments where dwarves can hold grudges, are shy,   take in pets and go crazy if a goblin kills those  pets, become fond of specific items and even hoard   them. Of course, this is all determined before  you even start playing and Tarn also wanted to   make sure dwarves can evolve and change if  a certain impactful event happened to them. Believe it or not, the dwarves’ physical  attributes are perhaps just as detailed as their   personalities. Dwarf Fortress simulates muscles,  blood vessels, nerves and more. Because of this,   combat can get pretty violent and instead of a  traditional HP bar, dwarves can lose limbs and   even teeth, something that’s directly inspired by  the tabletop RPG Cyberpunk 2020. This and other   detailed combat systems were also partially  inspired by history books like The Iliad.   The two developers have also stated how games  like Starflight, Ultima, Seven Cities of Gold,   Moria and many more roguelikes inspired  them while creating Dwarf Fortress. Tarn expected that after his year at Texas  A&M was over, he was going to have to live   on his savings and eventually be forced to get  a side job in order to support himself. However,   on August 8th 2006, the game’s first alpha  version was released. A few months earlier,   on April 17th 2006 to be exact, a forum member  wanted to donate $75 for Tarn’s birthday and asked   if the website could get a Paypal button. Once  it was up, the brothers, for the first time ever,   earned money from one of their games. Later on,  they also implemented a subscriber system to make   it easier for fans to donate a monthly sum. In the  next five months, they made around 300 dollars,   which was enough to cover the Bay 12  website’s 20 dollar hosting costs. Once the alpha version was available to  download, the project quickly made its way   on different websites and blogs, causing word to  spread. Unsurprisingly, donations kept increasing   over the course of the next year. In 2007, after  his last year at Texas A&M, Tarn finally started   working full-time on Dwarf Fortress, a dream  come true for him. Though he admitted it wasn’t   always easy. “If the laptop broke during a given  six-month stretch that would’ve been it for the   whole full-time thing and we were just lucky  about when our computers broke. I had my bank   account skim zero a couple times. I never did the  whole, like, mortgage... I don’t own anything to   mortgage, first of all, we haven't gone into  debt, but we were at nothing several times.” While things were tough financially, Tarn was  content. Paypal donations had reached a point   where he was able to support himself on a small  living wage. Most of it was spent on basic living   expenses and the rest went to Zach for his help  on the game. Thanks to all the contributions from   fans, the project was self-sustaining, making it  unnecessary to charge for the game. Aside from   helping the brothers financially, the growing  amount of support was also a clear sign they   were on the right track. With a bigger fanbase,  it became more important to properly maintain   the site’s forum, as it was their only form of  marketing and the only way to talk to fans. After   all, this was well before the existence of social  media. Zach and Tarn put in a lot of effort,   every single day, to make sure the forum’s not  plagued by trolls and conversations stay on   topic. At a certain point, the two developers  started sending personalized rewards to fans   that donated money. These were either stories  written by Zach or a piece of crayon art drawn by   Zach and colored by Tarn, adding even more to the  personal nature of the brothers' passion project. With his new job as full-time indie developer,  Tarn left Texas and moved back into his parents’   house before finding his own place closeby  in Silverdale. While he was living his dream,   his older brother Zach couldn’t say the same.  After graduating, Zach got a job at an Amazon   warehouse and later at a Naval shipyard. He  was dealing with some personal problems so Tarn   wanted to be there for him. It was also a good  opportunity to collaborate more easily on Dwarf   Fortress again. Zach has said that once Dwarf  Fortress started to take off, it saved his life. The brother’s maintain a list of about 2,600  ambitious features they plan to implement for   version 1.0. Tarn admitted however that not  all of these features might make the cut,   since that would probably mean he won’t be able  to finish a “completed” version of Dwarf Fortress   in his lifetime. Zach and Tarn always have five to  ten new features on the horizon to implement next,   choosing the ones that make the most  sense to add after the previous one,   with interconnecting themes and logic helping  their decision-making. “If you want to just say,   ‘I’m doing Dwarf Fortress political intrigue  now,’ but we don’t have notions of law, property,   customs, status, economics of any kind, and don’t  really understand personal interrelationships and   territories and things well enough to do that  any justice. So it gets kicked down the road.” Tarn draws bubble graphs, Venn diagrams, and  other ways to think of all the features and   their connections, leading to stacks of pages,  post-its, and text files filled with ideas. He   likes the notion of being able to hold the game  in his hands. Working on multiple varied features   helps Tarn to maintain focus and stay motivated.  In contrast to more regular game development where   coders have to perfect their work before release,  Tarn and Zach have the freedom to experiment and   completely shift focus when necessary. Since  they’re always working on multiple features   at once, the brothers simply rotate into the  next topic whenever they feel like they’re   hitting a wall. This gives them time to come  up with fresh ideas for the previous topic. Most of the time, Dwarf Fortress is all Tarn can  think about and a normal day in his life goes as   follows: he wakes up around 3 p.m. and proceeds  to work on Dwarf Fortress until he goes back to   bed around 6 a.m. 100-hour work weeks are common  for Tarn, though it doesn’t necessarily feels   like work to him. “I don’t have, like, a life or  whatever. Why would you take time off when you can   write Dwarf Fortress? That’s not bad. The 100-hour  weeks are not all necessarily on Dwarf Fortress.   It’s, like, 80:20 or something, and the 20 is side  projects and stuff. Oftentimes the side projects   that I spend time on, 3-4 hours in the evening.  You sit in front of the TV and not watch it, with   a laptop on your lap, writing a myth generator  or something, right? That’s kind of how it goes.” During an interview with New York Times magazine,   Tarn admitted he’s also not that interested  in having kids. He wants to stay focused on   his passion project and he feels kids might  be too much of a distraction. Furthermore,   as Tarn got older, his interest in finding a  romantic partner dwindled to the point he’s just   not anticipating it anymore. For many years, his  cat Scamps did provide plenty of companionship,   but he sadly passed away in June 2022. Tarn  immortalized his beloved pet in the game. As mentioned before, Dwarf Fortress used to  be a fully 2D game, only utilizing an x- and   y- axis. After a while, Tarn and Zach felt  this was too limiting and wanted to add 3D   architecture and 3D fluid simulations.  Unfortunately, they had no idea how to   implement something like that within a world  of text graphics and weren’t willing to dive   into such a big challenge. At least until they  encountered a certain design problem. In short,   players are able to build bridges to cross  rivers, as well as build flood gates to   control water flow. However, when the brothers  added aqueducts, things started to get very very   messy and complicated because of the lack of 3D  architecture. So, after about five months after   releasing the initial alpha version, they began  experimenting with adding a z-axis to the game. One thing the brothers immediately discovered  is that world generation had to be completely   overhauled so that rivers and chasms  would now be giant open lakes and caverns,   filled with interesting things to find  and collect. According to two developers,   the main downside to this, is that it now  felt like less of a game overall. The clear   objective of going from left to right to discover  interesting things to expand your fortress with,   had now transformed into something  where players could dig and advance   in any direction, not knowing what they  would stumble onto. To Tarn and Zach,   the upside of having total freedom to build  more intricate structures and having a   more interesting world overall with endless  possibilities, far outweighed the downsides. Needless to say, this major update  proved challenging to program for Tarn,   who called it one of the most mind-numbing  things he has ever done. Not only did he   now have to take details such as fluid  mechanics and cave-ins into account,   but he had to go back to all the function  calls that relied on the x and y-axis,   and see how a z-axis could fit in. This new  and improved 3D version of Dwarf Fortress,   even though on the surface it visually still  looks the same, was publicly released in 2008. By now, the gameplay loop looked more like  this: you generate a world, build a fort,   you eventually lose, the fort gets added  to the world, you start a new fort or play   adventure mode, lose, it gets added to the  world again, and so on. Losing is very much   part of the experience and Tarn even describes  it as the entire engine that runs the game.   It’s why Dwarf Fortress’ motto is “losing is  fun!”. The important thing to the brothers   was that when a player loses, their impact  on the world would persist and be visible   in the next playthrough. An example would be  encountering the ruins of a previous fort or   bumping into an old friend or enemy you made  during your first time playing adventure mode. Although the art style is simply made  up of numbers, letters and symbols,   generating a world requires quite a lot of  CPU power. Even modern computers struggle a   bit during the process, thanks to Tarn’s  extensive programming that results in   highly detailed landscapes. He and Zach  specified everything to the extreme,   from geologically accurate ore deposits to river  erosion capacities, climate and economic patterns,   narrative and historical texts constructed in  real time, systems that model animal migration,   the list goes on. These elements also  change and evolve as the game progresses,   and the player’s fortress and the surrounding  world builds up its own history, potentially   spanning over hundreds of years. The story  of a fortress’s rise and fall isn’t scripted   beforehand, but generated in the moment by all  the dizzying amount of variables. Sometimes this   can make for funny situations and accidents,  that even startle Zach and Tarn themselves. “We didn’t know that carp were going to eat  dwarves. But we’d written them as carnivorous   and roughly the same size as dwarves, so that  just happened, and it was great.” Another   fan-favorite mishap was the drunk cat bug.  After Tarn had added more poisonous effects   when sprucing up venomous creatures, dead  cats started piling up in people’s games,   especially around places with alcohol. They  would start to vomit all over the floor,   causing them to ultimately die. He couldn’t figure  out what was causing this, and even enlisted help   to find out what was going wrong. As it turned  out, an old footprint code would cause alcohol   to get on cats’ paws from walking on spilled  beer or wine. They had the ability to lick   themselves clean and after doing so, caused  them to ingest the alcohol on their paws.   Unfortunately for the cats, one number was off  in the so called “ingest-while-cleaning code”,   meaning the small creatures would ingest large  amounts of alcohol, sending them through all the   symptoms of alcohol poisoning, which was added  along with all the other new poisonous effects. In-game incidents like this provide insight into  the inner workings of the brothers’ captivating   brains, that fuel the mind-boggling amount of  detail and variables in Dwarf Fortress. All   these elements construct one of the most complex  simulation systems in modern games, making it just   as much a story generator as a fortress management  game, just like Tarn and Zach envisioned it. Fun   fact: while the brothers mostly use the internet  to fact check things like the weight of gold,   there was one time they couldn’t find the density  of saguaro cactus wood. To help them out, a Dwarf   Fortress fan ordered the cactus wood, determined  the exact density using liquid displacement tests   and informed the indie developers about the  results. So not only is it now in the game,   it’s also easily searchable on the internet and  all because of Dwarf Fortress and its community. The brothers grew up playing computer games  with notebooks in hand and logging their   journeys in detail, as well as competing with  each other to get the highest score. Therefore,   they aimed to create an experience that would  log your adventure in captivating detail,   while also providing a way to earn a high score.  This desire was the spark for the game’s Legends   mode. It lets players explore the records of their  world in the form of extensive production logs   and diaries that the player can read through,  ranging from retelling epic battles to a poem   written by one of your dwarves. All of these  elements add to the player’s score. A direct   major influence for this mode was the game over  screen in the video game Hack. As you can see,   it details how the player died and preserves  that information for future playthroughs.   Before working on Dwarf Fortress, the brothers  had also experimented with something similar   in an earlier side project called Fantasy  Slaughter. This game featured cards with   environments the player had to choose between,  which eventually would lead to you facing an   opponent. After the player died, they could  consult a huge score list with statistics,   like how many dragons you killed  and how many items you collected. In Dwarf Fortress’ Legends mode, they took it  to a whole other level by allowing players to   create grand narrative arcs in their own fantasy  worlds. What the brothers had not anticipated   was how fans started producing entire animated  videos based on in-game stories. During the first   year of the game’s existence, Something Awful  forum members passed around a single fortress,   creating an infamous story called Boatmurdered.  One player would play and save its game,   then send the file to a next player, and so on,  meanwhile documenting the fortress’ downfall.   Boatmurdered was featured across several gaming  sites and made the front page of MetaFilter,   a popular blog, which alerted many  people to the game’s existence. It’s no coincidence that stories like this  happen all the time in Dwarf Fortress. A lot   of the game’s detailed variables are a result  of Zach’s creative mind. See, in order to come   up with what elements go in the game, Zach  writes a good amount of stories first. Then,   the brothers isolate all the elements that  make the narrative interesting and even   possible in the first place. These then get  programmed into the game by Tarn, making it   possible for Dwarf Fortress to generate similar  narratives as the one’s Zach wrote. What’s more,   the brothers even share these breakdowns of  Zach’s stories on the Dwarf Fortress website. Dwarf Fortress was made with a  combination of self-taught C and C++,   using a free version of Microsoft Visual  Studio as the development environment.   Tarn basically cobbled together his own engine  using OpenGL and SDL, which helped to port the   game to macOS and Linux. Tarn prefers using his  own engine over something that already exists,   like Unity for instance, though he does  admit it can be a real pain if he needs to   accomplish anything other than text graphics.  He uses the audio tool FMOD for sound design. The game has been in development for so long  that Tarn occasionally runs into bits of his   code he hasn’t seen in years, specifically when  he’s implementing new features. These bits of old   code can cause unforeseen problems, requiring Tarn  to always double check if everything is working as   intended. For instance, if teleportation were  added to the game, it would influence economy,   diplomacy, espionage, and many other systems,  making it extremely complex to implement. People from the Dwarf Fortress community have  offered to go through all the lines of code for   him to clean it up where necessary. However,  Tarn prefers to do all the alterations to the   code himself and have full control over what goes  in. Another reason for not letting fans help him,   is that Tarn worries he would end up more  as a project manager, which is something   he’d never want as he loves programming too much.  Additionally, he and Zach have very deliberately   decided to not turn Dwarf Fortress into an  open source project, knowing there’s people   and companies out there that would copy the code  and sell it in the form of a different game. While having no desire to be project managers,  the brothers do their best to keep the community   informed on their progress. Aside from regular  updates on their website, Tarn also answers 20   to 80 questions every month and does his best to  look at all the player suggestions. “There’s tens   of thousands of threads on there now and I make  sure to read the opening post of every single one,   and the discussion if it’s something that  needs a discussion. There’s 13,000 topics   and I’ve read every one. Most suggestions can’t  go in, obviously. They’re good, but, you know,   we already have a plate that’s full. There’s only  so much you can do… but it’s all cool and they   give us a lot of feedback. It’s great having  a group of people coming along for the ride.” The community also plays an important part  in bug tracking and, as mentioned before,   the creation of mods. Fans provide mods that  make the game more aesthetically pleasing,   add more items and creatures, fix vital bugs  and more. All of them are backed with the   full support of Tarn and Zach. The community also  maintains an extensive wiki, and funnily enough,   the two developers even consult the wiki  themselves when working on the game. Fans   also organize meet-ups where they wear homemade  Dwarf Fortress shirts and share their love for   the game. Tarn and Zach occasionally even join  these meet-ups to connect with the community. Back in 2011, Tarn, now 33 years old,  was offered a job at a big game studio,   though he never disclosed the name of the  company. He rejected the offer, saying he   prefers working with just his brother and not  being part of the competitive gaming industry.   Another company offered Tarn and Zach a 300.000  dollar deal to license the name Dwarf Fortress,   but they felt this amount would not compare to the  long-term donations they would receive over time. The following year, important features like  abilities, syndromes, detailed cities, tombs   and more traps were added to the game, as were  vampires, werewolves, necromancers and undead.   As with every new version update, donations  increased and eventually stabilized again,   making it viable for Bay 12 to keep relying on  fan’s donations. Every year around Christmas,   donations would also momentarily increase. In  2013, donations averaged about 4000 dollars a   month. That amount is of course before taxes and  is split between the two developers. Naturally,   the game’s active player base kept growing as well  and Dwarf Fortress was now being downloaded about   100,000 times a month. Despite that, in 2015,  Paypal donations started dropping below 3000   dollars. This motivated Bay 12 Games to set up a  Patreon account in an attempt to increase funding   again. Thankfully, this worked and allowed  Bay 12 to keep Dwarf Fortress free of charge. After a decade since the original  release, Bay 12 released version 0.42.06,   symbolizing they were 42% into finishing version  1.0. Right after, the brothers began working on   a myth generator and magic system, which would  usher in a whole new way for players to create   and experience their own stories. “I haven’t  done anything remotely like creation myth   generation before. It’s exciting. It’s like  starting a whole new game. And it really is   a separate project. And then it just becomes  one of the little cogs in the Dwarf Fortress   machine. They're all separate games in a  way, but then the interconnections start   to grow and you have a common framework, but  they’re all very different from each other.” Procedural myth generation would allow  Dwarf Fortress to simulate gods, demons,   heaven or hell and anything in between. The  ambitious magic system on the other hand will   be one of the most difficult and impactful changes  to the game, something that’s going to take a long   time to implement. Tarn and Zach have gone on  record saying they aren’t afraid to just take   the game, pitch it on the ground, and put it back  together if necessary to achieve their vision. The brothers love the idea of implementing magical  abilities that would extract a heavy cost as the   game progresses, an idea that’s taken straight  from the Conan The Barbarian movie. They want to   do more than just create a set of spells depending  on your level and work with the possibility of   making deals with spirits and otherworldly beings,  and having to maintain a social relationship with   them. Dwarves could chop down the wrong tree,  angering a tree spirit in the process, and then   would be able to interact with them, with many  magical implications as a result. Additionally,   Bay 12 plans on adding tools for players to edit  maps and myths themselves. Essentially, this would   mean you could play god, shaping the world and  its deities as you see fit. Zach gave the example   of being able to recreate the world of Westoros  and live your wildest Game of Thrones fantasies. Sadly, finishing the magic system and myth  generation would have to wait. In March 2019,   indie developer and publisher Kitfox Games,  announced it was partnering with Bay 12. Though   Tarn and Zach had always strived to stay away from  the more mainstream gaming industry machine in   order to maintain their freedom as developers, a  family health crisis made the brothers reconsider.   “This is primarily because the healthcare  system just really sucks, and I got sick,   and it ended up costing a lot of money, and  my wife's company was able to pay for it   with their insurance. But if the same thing  happened to my brother, we'd be wiped out,   Bay 12 would not exist. And so, that was the  original reason why we're doing this. It's also   exposing the game to a wider audience that we  haven't reached before, so that's pretty cool.” The illness Zach had to get treated was skin  cancer. After removing a tumor on his nose,   it grew back within a matter of months and  resulted in Zach needing partial reconstructive   surgery for his face. Unfortunately, cancer  runs in his and Tarn’s family as their parents   have been dealing with the disease themselves  for years. On top of that, Zach has been on   expensive medication for many years to treat his  bipolar disorder. The brothers don’t like sharing   health related news with their fans, seeing  they don’t want people starting a fundraiser,   but Zach opened up about it during a  Vice interview, shortly after the Kitfox   announcement. With Tarn and Zach now being in  their forties, it’s no surprise they’re getting   increasingly worried about their health and the  potential cost of treating more forms of cancer. Before signing a deal with Kitfox, other indie  publishers also expressed interest in Dwarf   Fortress, but Tarn and Zach needed someone that  was willing to go beyond the standard tasks and   also be in charge of things like hiring extra  developers. That way, the brothers would be   able to focus solely on development. Tanya X.  Short, co-founder of Kitfox Games, and her team   were more than willing to take on all those  responsibilities. The first order of business   was to create a commercial version that could  be sold on Steam and Tarn and Zach sat   down with the team at Kitfox and thought, “What  would be the best possible commercial release?” "So basically the whole process of commercializing  the game meant we really wanted to think about   all of the things that were making people bounce  off of it. And it's a long list. Because the text   graphics are actually very bad for some people.  And then the keyboard input was nonsense. There   was no mouse input at all. No tutorials to  speak of. People like to say, ‘I pop open Dwarf   Fortress and then I also have the wiki on another  computer running’. And that's probably still true,   but that’s not a good ad for the game. So we  added tutorials, tool tips. We changed the flow   of certain menus, completely rewrote other menus,  and we even changed the AI behavior of the dwarves   in certain cases. This was just a process of  trying to maximize the number of players.” Their plan was to release it in a couple of  years so time played a factor in some of the   design decisions. For instance, developing 3D  graphics would be too time consuming so the team   settled on a top down 2D pixel art aesthetic  instead. Kitfox hired Mike “Mayday” Madej and   Patrick Martin “Meph” Schroeder, mostly known  for their tileset mod packs on Dwarf Fortress,   to create pixel art of every single element.  Musician and sound designer Dabu was hired to   create a fully-produced premium soundtrack. Before  the official release date was announced, the Steam   page stated that ‘time is subjective’, a reference  to the games’ uniquely long development cycle and   a statement that the game would be released when  it was truly ready. To put fans of the original at   ease, they also stated the classic version of the  game will still remain available for free and will   receive the same updates as the premium version. On December 6th, 2022, after about three years   of dedicated teamwork, Dwarf Fortress’s premium  edition was officially released. According to   Tarn, the response to the commercial version has  been mostly positive, although there’s a vocal   minority on the official forum that claim the  brothers sold their soul to the devil. Overall   though, the community was very excited about  all the changes and this was evident when the   first sales numbers came in. Kitfox had estimated  Dwarf Fortress would sell 160.000 copies in two   months’ time, instead selling that amount within  24 hours of release. After a month, the game sold   almost half a million copies, blowing away all  pre-release sales estimates. The brothers’ health   insurance problem, the main reason for doing  all of this, was taken care of overnight. Tarn   and Zach thanked their fans. "Dwarf Fortress  is a wild success it seems, but it is all an   illusion without you. None of this was possible  without the support of the people that helped   us out. Along these amazing 20 years, by far the  best in my life. We win... and it’s your fault!" To help manage the existing community and the  influx of players discovering Dwarf Fortress   for the first time thanks to the premium release,  Kitfox hired content creator ‘SalfordSal’. More   surprisingly, a second programmer from  the Dwarf Fortress modding community,   with the username ‘Putnam’, was also hired.  The brothers describe it as a historic moment,   since it was the first time someone other than  Tarn and Zach has seen the Dwarf Fortress source   code. It’s a big adjustment for Tarn. Even though  Kitfox handles most of the hiring and marketing   outreach, Tarn still has to manage people  to a certain degree. As mentioned earlier,   he never wanted to become project manager  but he and Zach realize they have to adapt. Ultimately, they’re happy more people are  discovering and actually playing the game   now. Their current goal is to keep the operation  light enough so they can just keep going with what   they have. In the past, Tarn has mentioned that  even if version 1.0 would be finished one day,   he and Zach would just continue improving the  game for the rest of their lives. For now,   the brothers have years worth of features  left on their list to add to the game,   with the enormously complex magic and  myth system on the top of that list. Though the brothers are now millionaires,  they remain remarkably calm under these   latest developments. While Zach has mentioned  he and his wife plan on buying a new house,   Tarn admitted he hasn’t had much time to think  things over. “It's just a ton of money, but it's   also for 20 years. So when you divide that by 20,  you're kind of back down into normal tech salary   range. Which is still pretty high, obviously.  I'll have to rework… my, uh, whole life, figure   out what the heck's going on there. I don't really  have any ideas or plans right now. I've just been   thinking about dwarf stuff. We don't have plans to  sell Dwarf Fortress 2 or whatever in five years,   right? It's just the same game. So this tail  off this game, for however long it goes,   that's it. We have to be responsible with what  we've got, now, for the rest of our lives really."
Channel: ThatGuyGlen
Views: 725,004
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how dwarf fortress was made, how dwarf fortress was developed, how dwarf fortress created, dwarf fortress behind the scenes, dwarf fortress video game documentary, how it was made, making of dwarf fortress, dwarf fortress making of, dwarf fortress documentary, dwarf fortress development, video game documentary, behind the scenes, bay 12 games, dwarf fortress, video game, indie game, tarn adams, zach adams, text graphics, bay 12, documentary, indie, ascii, thatguyglen
Id: 1ieGQ_YddX0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 54sec (2334 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 20 2023
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