This game made me do UNFORGIVABLE things...

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hello fellow engineers and welcome to a bris build to destroy yes the full game is finally out you may remember i played the demo of this and you guys seemed to like it despite the fact this game made me destroy bridges but i gave the devs my feedback i said can we build bridges rather than destroy them so let's get back to the campaign and see what they've done but first a massive thank you to apex gaming pcs for sponsoring today's video we've teamed up to bring my own custom line of pcs that i actually helped to create now won't lie these pre-built do cost more than building your own pc but it takes all the hassle out of it and you know it's been set up properly the reason i've always chosen pre-built myself so if you're thinking of drawing the pc master race consider checking out my line at the link below and if you use code engineer you'll get a five percent discount thanks apex for supporting the channel but let's get back to some destruction so if you haven't seen this game before basically we're in this like weird underground world with like floating robot whales or something i'm sure there's a story i just haven't followed it but from what i could work out basically architecture have taken over every building they build is white and weird looking our job as engineers is to destroy it now to pass each level we've got to blow up these red things but we need to build things to destroy this now as our engine is we get this golden podium to stand on and that's where we can start building excu excuse me mr whale you're in the weight and on the left here we've got loads of different pieces we've got a heavy pillow we got a connector and we've got ultra heavy cubes so if we grab a heavy pillar and we go to shove it on here you can see we can place anywhere we can make it overhang so if we were to overhang like that they've placed some scaffolding down there meaning it can't topple until we click this go button so we're going to use one of these a connector you can see the scaffolding around that we do another pillar so they're now connected together and then we'll do another connector on here but we're going to rotate it that way so that we can shove an ultra heavy cube there and another one there i think this one might perform quite well and then we can show another one of those and that one there right so these top ones they're not connected i may as well use all of them sort it so press go the scaffolding disappears and then everything falls forward and then boosh we got one of the red things down there boosh the other red one goes beautiful right so the level is complete you can see we used one move which is good we only destroyed 86 percent we want to aim for that expert area but let's just see what new levels there are so on this level you can see we have a tower it's got a red glowy thing in the middle that's the explosive core we gotta hit and underneath it there's a golden platform so if we get rid of this building we can then build on it and then over here there's a bridge so what the game wants us to do is destroy this tower build on the block there and then destroy the bridge however i've built a giant hammer so let's press go oh man this is like probably how like guilty criminals see their court hammer coming is it going to reach oh look at that look at that boosh yes and then the back end smashed through there oh that was actually i'm impressed myself so how did we do what percent oh 99 how so close but we did in one move we will take that i think red is the best yellow is like you get in there and then there's probably green which is like architect level right i feel like this is new they've added a new camera in which makes like working out how high you are and stuff a lot easier so i think the idea with this one is we've got to use this rotator and if we build up using these then now we can see where the right height whatever we put on top is going to be the same level as the blobs so if we go back to this view and we shove a couple of those on the back wait that's not going to do anything i was going to shove another one there but i just realized it will fall off we need another connector all right well perhaps you don't want to smash the red things perhaps if we smash these rockets out the bottom maybe they'll fall down i assume you should never assume as an engineer but i am going to assume that those rockets are supporting the walls and therefore the red things above look at that scaffolding as well it's so sketchy so sketchy right beside the level we can press this button down here and that spins the thing oh yes oh yes that's good that is good explosions love to see it well you can see stuff falling down it's just like a never-ending shoot i wonder if we can head down there ourselves anyway we got 94 we're an expert now you may remember this level from last time mr one where they made us destroy bridges i can't believe i have to sit through this again i can't if my colleagues could see me now they they'd be screaming at me no matt what have you become i mean look at this bridge it is truly a sight to behold i do i really want to destroy it oh yes even if we're preventing architects from using it to get to work or something i'm still not sure it's worth destroying a bridge still these things are sent to test us and probably test the scaffolder's ability as well like look at some of that scaffolding it's incredible engineering but anyway i've shoved a bomb on the end of each of these arms hopefully to take out the two pillars and then the bridge above will collapse shall we watch it from this angle i think that sounds fun so you can see that standing there perfectly yes because we've used a connector there it's not falling off i can then detonate either one bomb than the other or i could detonate both at the same time i think we'll do the double boosh oh it's coming straight down oh god i'm not sure i feel about that one we got in the experts here that's purely because i was basing the fact that an architect designed that next stage right from now on we're just going to look at the new levels this is definitely a new one i'm i'm loving the free camera screw using the normal one this is so much better so we got the indestructible pyramid but what we've got to destroy is this thing so that's there and then all we've got over here is a sideways mounted one of those gold things so we can build there how's that looking i could either line up with just the one bomb and hope that explodes the next one yeah i might do that actually so we've got heavy pillars connectors a bomb and a rotator to use the fact that our heavy pillars are vertical means we probably need to add a rotator that orientation add another connector and then we can stack our pillars on top of that then we can shove a bomb somewhere i don't know how that's gonna work it's not connected to anything you can see it's just about holding on there actually is it about to roll off it might be about to roll off oh oh see you later mate all right so if we start that again and then we do it a little bit quicker so we rotate first oh although i say oh look we've we've somehow destroyed it just by giving it a little a little poke 84 that's not good enough let's revert and i'm going to try and do something a little bit sneaky so if we press go i can rotate this i can't change the direction it's what i was thinking if i rotate so if i stop it there then yes the bombs rolling down and then we can boosh oh man that's pretty good actually it's like a volcano spewing out like bits of structure right let's see how we did that time are we an expert now yes 97 right this is a new level i don't know what that is i know we have to destroy those electrical blobs then is that gonna like shoot a cannon is that a laser sight but that should rotate and like poke it i hope and then we'll see what it does to that so that is a go oh we didn't need the bomb oh i made a perfect hole interesting over here we still have this to destroy so if we start again we can probably do that because i'm thinking if we destroy this wall first and i know the top held so if we put a bomb up there that should get rid of this and then maybe we can set that off so let's press go we'll hit the bomb when it gets close boosh oh there's the wall the wall is gone all right now our cannon has a clear shot at that we've just got to set this off i've only got two pieces left a connector and a bomb so if we shove a connector right on that edge then we can shove a bomb there maybe that will be in range we're probably gonna have to be quick here but if the bomb can blow up that thing will shoot a thing and it should hit that so go bomb yes yes oh nice that did the damage oh 87 we're an expert two moves apparently you can do it in one because i got the i got the yellow rating there okay interesting oh wow this one's called trebuchet and look it's given us little trebuchet examples on the edge so it's like do do that and we can fling it over that way this is what we're destroying some carousel of architecture so we got ultra heavy cubes to be our weight we've got a horizontal hinge can i just like shove that like that is that stuck or do i need a connector not entirely sure i will need to connect for this side though that is for sure so we'll put that in do an arm that way and an arm that way we'll do connectors on those ends all right we've got a vertical we got a pillar can i make use of that i feel like i could only really use it to make the arm longer perhaps if i do like that we got a bomb there so that's nearly ready to go we're just going to do the weight now obviously the arm is a lot longer that side so we really need some weights down here so if i do another connector and then i put heavy cube on the end and then on both sides hopefully they weigh enough to fling this let's hit go oh yes it's off oh but the bomb fell off the bomb fell off i've just restarted i got a new and improved design this time the bombs can't fall off so if i shove a bomb there and then if we watch from this angle when it goes now blue oh right well i found out these hinges they don't actually need connectors which means we can make this a lot longer like our original plan i'll put a connector there but raise it up and that looks a lot more efficient it looks very strong so let's shove our bomb there we don't want it to touch that connector because then it won't let go but if we put it there then we should be good how is that floosh go on oh it's just destroyed itself oh no oh we got it we got it is it enough to do the no it's not quite enough to do the red things oh oh yeah it is here is they've gone one's gone off the edge i think we've just about done the level that was terrible oh 60 what if we shove a weight on the very bottom and then perhaps we can move these ones see they're like down there because that's a bit more leverage which should give it more power i mean i could try deleting that connector as well but i'm pretty sure that's going to come off let's see what happens yeah it does it just goes straight up look at that shaking oh i've see what's happening we're clipping our left nut on the shafty thing oh okay i got it i got it so if we get rid of that so i'm going back to shoving my connector there and then we'll go how is this any better um doesn't really have the range i will explode it and we'll see what happens oh everything exploded it doesn't look that destroyed although it did shatter this time i reckon that could be better ready ready oh 98 it's like i'm a civil engineer or something right you might remember this level from last time we've got to build a rocket to like take out all these scaffoldings but it was really hard to see like how high that rocket is but now with our new camera angle we can see exactly how high it is oh it's so so ray traced this light so we'll shove a pillar in the middle and then we'll send our strongest shape rocket on its way boosh well that actually did really good is it going to take out the last tower oh no you didn't take out the last hour all right come on i believe in you i believe in you let's let it aim up a bit there we go there we go there we go yes yes we thrusted through that last tower like it was nothing and then it all falls off to the side down into the impending doom and i think we're pretty good it's racking up it's racking up 95. we'll take that all right so this one was like almost impossible although look oh they're so sneaky so that means i did the intended solution if you look there that thing that flew up that's the intended solution and that is what i did in the last video but this one with the new camera angle i should be able to cheese it a little bit so we've got that before we did the old rotators to rotate the rockets and stuff but no i think with this camera angle look we can sneak underneath yes we beat the game because the game doesn't want you to build underneath but i want to build underneath so i have so let's go so we'll launch both of those rockets and then boosh oh god we missed all that the camera was too quick all right let's watch that again from back here boosh oh it is beautiful that's gonna be a hell of a score come on a hundred percent come on 100 yeah yes we did it finally got 100 that's hard to do on a lot of these levels all right so this level is called circle so we've got all of those to destroy and looking at this we've got a vertical hinge we've got eight horizontal hinges and then we've got two thrusters oh man this could be a really fun level it's what i'm thinking if we build something like a connector and then a heavy pillar a vertical hinge there so that will rotate in a circle so if we just make like a chain sort of thing and now we're really testing the scaffolder's ability in fact they've given up using any scaffolding it's just holding apparently so we've got that we now bung a connector on the end with an ultra heavy cube on that end and then two rockets poking out this side this is gonna do some damage so my sort of thinking is it's gonna fall and then as we turn the rockets on it should start spinning and hopefully the quicker it spins it should raise up destroying everything i don't really know how it's to happen if i'm honest oh yes look at it oh it is smashing through all of them we've completed the level but i think i can destroy everything you can see over here there's a little cube that we're missing so if when it gets close we turn off the rocket it's dropped and then it swings down and then we turn the rockets back on we've destroyed it ready it's like a terrifying roller coaster ride how did we do 96 i think that was like little twiddly bits hanging onto the edge i've just been told connectors don't stick to frictionless build grounds so for this level we've got this it's frictionless and then beneath us we've got loads and loads of like cubie things with a few bombs in our only object is 22 horizontal hinges so i'm guessing we just sort of do that sort of thing and then when we press play it should slide down oh no that is what we call a fail it also looks like a judge i find the defendant guilty so we probably want to build that right over the edge so it actually falls down so yeah our chain is ready to go so now when it falls it falls forwards and boosh oh that was that was terri what the hell was that that was useless all right what about them what if i build like over that way a bit instead and it should get some momentum right all right is that any better i have no idea oh it's got a bit of momentum the left one's good ish man this level's hard what if we do them that way round then they're all rolly to be fair that looks far more sensible so let's give the rollers a go oh there it is there it is we got there in the end matt you and your stupid brain although we did miss a strip we missed a strip oh what's it gonna cost me we're an expert that's fine we move on switch gravity with an anti-grav device oh wow okay so on this level we've got to destroy those two things um when we destroy this that's the anti-gravity machine and then behind there there's those two walls okay so what if we start with that smash through there and now there's no gravity right yeah so now there's no gravity we can destroy those two things all right all right all right so i've made this for whatever reason it's just a super wide rocket thing so if we do that it's balanced perfectly ah balance so now if we fire i'm hoping the rockets will turn on we'll nudge this into that we'll get anti-gravity this will carry on flying take out those two and i think this is like a wall that should move out the way i have no idea let's just launch boosh boosh boosh yes three strikes and you're out of there oh we're just shy of being an expert so what i've done i've just made it a little bit wider and then i've shoved like an extra missile on there i don't know where that one's gonna go but uh should be fun so fire boosh boosh the missile just got destroyed oh that went straight down let's add some weight over the back maybe add another rocket as well all right here we go here we go all right that looked good that looked very good for some reason the anti-gravity didn't turn on that time i think it was to our benefit though because we're definitely an expert despite you not being able to see the footage just take my word for it all right so what is going on here we've got a building platform and then we've got like a bit of a corner we've also got some bombs so what i'm thinking as we've got a frictionless surface i think we're gonna have to like rock it one direction and then the other i have no idea how that's gonna work but let's do that rocket and then that rocket oh god it went it went the other direction well if i just launch both oh both isn't a bad shout actually i feel like if i started building that like there we might be able to launch a rocket around the corner uh or it might just go that way i think my rocket was too far forward oh there it goes there it goes that actually hurt the frame rate blimey 60 no that's no good so actually i reckon now we're here let's get rid of those we're gonna use the no gravity to help us so if we shove a heavy cube there and then another one on top then we know we're not connected to that so basically we've built an arm over here which means we can build a new rocket so we shove connector there rock it there shove some bombs on the side is this cheating now we can just launch that over that way and then boosh explode we thought we missed the red thing i think i need a few more connectors so if i alternate if we do that we've now made a missile that can launch around corners if i shove another bomb on there as well then hopefully that's going the right direction and then boosh yes that should do it i think 66 fine we'll take 66 stupid game all right so this one we build there there's a circular thing with a electronic switch thing which goes to anti-gravity so that turns gravity on because you can see that's white already so we hit that gravity goes on and then we got this platform to destroy so i assume we send some sort of rocket that way and then when we turn gravity on it like falls onto the plate so we probably want something sensible looking i might make it a little bit longer because when's that ever hurt anyone oh don't answer all right and then we should be able to fire this hopefully it's well i'm not sure it's wide enough actually looking at the spacing of those red things but uh let's launch that oh man it's it's got some weight behind it we've we've completely penetrated the wrong thing and it's just it's so bendy just going off into the distance right with an extra rocket is that any bet no we're too low okay we've actually got to be higher look at it fly though all right so we've got to be a bit higher so let's build up here we probably want to be wider as well right so we'll do that we have the option to add two more thrusters if needed but let's see if we actually hit the thing to get rid of the gravity boost right in the middle and then we didn't do the best of jobs but if we give ourselves double the thrust then boost it off through that down oh yes yes and hopefully that counts as destroyed down there sometimes it doesn't what's the percentage gonna be oh we're only 74. why is this so hard i'm using the strongest shape and everything anyway now we've unlocked lasers you may have seen we dabbled in these in the demo but uh we're gonna leave that there for today if you want to see more please the like button if you want to see the rest of the game let me know in the comments but for now i'll say peace love and building to destroy stuff bye guys [Music] you
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 305,430
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abriss, abriss build to destroy, abriss game, abriss gameplay, abriss drae, abriss highlights, destruction game, building destruction, building collapse, abriss video game, puzzle game, destruction sandbox, physics, physics-based, physics-based games, indie games, building demolition excavator, dangerous building demolition, building demolition, rce, real civil engineer
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 5sec (1265 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 14 2022
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