Deeply Troubling WikiHow Articles (w/ Ryan Trahan)

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Personally I thought he and Ryan had kind of an awkward repartee

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/j11430 📅︎︎ Mar 05 2021 🗫︎ replies

This was my introduction to Ryan he reminded me of Anthony Michael Hall and I liked that.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/fellowwoman 📅︎︎ Mar 06 2021 🗫︎ replies
Danny: Okay, um.. Danny: Do you want to try to do the intro? Ryan: Yeah Danny: Okay *DRUM ROLL PLEASE!!* Danny: What's up Greg. Welcome back to another episode of.. Danny: This is my guest, Ryan Trahan. He's here today to help me make a video... about... WikiHow articles. So, a lot of you guys have probably seen the last video I made on WikiHow articles Ryan: Yeah.. Danny: WikiHow is like the weirdest place on the internet to learn how to do anything. That should be their slogan. 'The weirdest place on the internet to learn how to do literally- Ryan: Absolutely anything. Danny: Anything. Things that you would need to know in a pinch, things that you would need to know once-in-a-lifetime, things that you would never need to know, ever. Ryan: Everything is captured in one site. I literally don't understand why any of these are articles, like it completely just baffles me. Danny: Okay, this one I really like, because I just like the thought of somebody doing this. This one is called "How to Pretend to Have Ice Powers." "After watching Frozen, many people want to be like Elsa and have her ice powers. Fortunately, (*゚◯゚*) you can actually have those powers, even if you weren't born with them." Ryan: Woo! Danny: So, this is a bold promise, right? Ryan: This is a bold promise. Danny: It's not just saying, "Fortunately, you can pretend to have those powers." Danny: It's saying, "Fortunately, you can actually have ice powers." Ryan: You can have them, they're out there and you can have them. Danny: "It just takes a lot of practice, work, and, education." Ryan: The most important part, education. Danny: You need a doctorate for this shit. Danny: So this is a real article, that's on WikiHow. It has 99,000 views, and it has a three star rating. Which means some pe- for some people, this works. Ryan: Kinda works. Danny: Yeah. Ryan: They're a little over half. Danny: This first step is "learn about ice and snow." Ryan: The most important, basic element- Danny: Yeah- Ryan: -of having ice powers Danny: I would say this is starting a little bit- like I would like a lot of background information- This is starting a little bit too far back. Everyone already knows what ice and snow is. Ryan: We have an understanding of what this is, so... Danny: "Every person who has ice powers has to know about the ice and snow and winter time." Ryan: When is winter anyway? Danny: I- *laughs* "Learn about how snow is formed what snow crystals look like, and weather p-" I don't understand how any of this will help you, like, if you have ice powers, it will work regardless of whether you even know what ice is. Like, you just go like that, and someone turns into ice and- Ryan: And it's just cold. Danny: You don't have to know what it is. You just go like that *whoosh* and they are ice. Ryan: Why do you need to know what the snow crystals look like? Is it so you can like, understand? Danny: So then when you make one you're like: "that is it." Ryan: *wheeze* That is what I was going for, actually, okay. Danny: "Read stories about winter magic." When are we gonna get to making ice? Ryan: What? This is just a bunch of reading Danny: Yeah, it wants me to read The Snow Queen by Hans Christian Andersen. "The Snow Queen in this story has ice powers and you could learn a lot from her." Like how to do ice powers? Ryan: Or maybe just like her hair. Maybe it's all about, like, the way you dress. Danny: I feel like I'm in piano classes, and I want to learn Für Elise, and the teacher's just teaching me scales right now, and I'm like, "When do I get to do the cool shit?" But honestly, this seems like it has nothing to do with what I want. Ryan: I think this is just someone that owns a lot of like ice-themed products, like watch movies and TV shows if you want ice powers? Danny: Wait, this article was written by Disney and Hans Christian Andersen! He's trying to get more people to buy his book. Ryan: People really want these ice powers that I made up. Danny: "Watch movies and TV shows where people have ice powers." Dude, that's- I promise that's not gonna help. Ryan: Everyone has done that already. Danny: Ice powers are supernatural powers. Watching a TV show is not like, watching the Avengers is not going to make you the Hulk. Ryan: *wheezes* What if like at, like one hour and 36 minutes all of a sudden you're like... *WHOA* Danny: You like, reach for the remote and it freezes Ryan: What's going on? Danny: Holy shit! I don't - you watch it 20 times and it finally happens. They were right! I read the book and I watched the movie, and now I'm Elsa! Ryan: Just pour out ice. Danny: But then it becomes a curse, and everything you start touching becomes ice. Ryan: That's a nightmare. Danny: What have I done? They need to make an article on how to stop. Ryan: How to get rid of your ice powers. Danny: Yeah *slight wheeze* Ryan: "Getting the Look." NO Danny: "Add a little bit of white in your hair." Ryan: Or if you're old you can already do it. (Danny: Yeah.) Ryan: You can already have these ice powers. Danny: Yeah. You might have- wait does that mean that all old people have ice powers? Ryan: And we just don't know about it? Danny: If you add a little bit of white to your hair You'll have ice powers. But if your hair's totally gray, you're a snow wizard. Ryan: You are Elsa. Danny: "Although bleaching your whole head is a viable option, it's not necessary and could easily go wrong." Ryan: Absolutely. Danny: "Can easily go wrong?" You might turn into an evil ice witch if you bleach your entire head. Ryan: Or maybe you turn into something completely different Like fire. like a fire witch. Danny: Like as you start to bleach it like you start freezing things and then it like it fully bleaches And you just like turn into a full snowman. You're a snowman. Ryan: this is not what i wanted.. Danny: "Accessorize-" I feel like these are all things you would do after you have ice powers. (Ryan: Yeah.) Danny: These are not before things. Like the ice powers comes first And then you can start dressing like the ice queen that you are. Ryan: Yeah, like Spider-Man didn't have his suit before he even knew He was like- he could swing webs. Danny: He gets bit by the spider and he's like "This is perfect. I already have the suit!" "I made this in preparation. You know, they always told me be prepared." Ryan: Absolutely Danny: I read the article and it said, "Make a Spider-Man suit." Ryan: Accessorize Danny: Accessorize Ryan: And now I'm ready Danny: Okay. So this is when it's going to tell us how to actually pretend to have ice powers Ryan: I am excited. First thing you want to do, "Pretend to be practicing your powers" This person has their hands completely submerged in ice water. This does not seem like pleasant at all. Danny: So just basically get pneumonia Danny: So just basically get pneumonia "Just maybe hold your hand straight out at the faucet or cup of water or something when you know" "someone's about to walk in." "Pretend to concentrate on what you're freezing. At first, pretend that you don't see the person" "there, then say something like 'It won't work!' or 'Why can't I freeze this!?' and then stare at the person in a shocked and slightly" "alarmed expression. Maybe tell them not to mention this to any living soul, and then quickly walk out of there and" 'into your room before they can ask any questions." Ryan: What is going on? This is the most detailed step I think I've ever seen on WikiHow and it was like so anecdotal I feel like this person who wrote this is doing this and trying to seek approval Danny: I know and it starts off so nonchalant like they're trying to almost make it seem like they're not suggesting this Like they don't they don't haven't planned out but then like they start out Just just maybe hold your hand straight out that at the faucet or a cup of water or something Like they're like they're trying to act like they don't know how to do this But then as it goes more in-depth it's gets so specific like say things like it won't work or why can't this freeze and then stare with them shocked and then go off into your room with a slightly alarmed expression. Also, what a creepy thing to do imagine walking into a room where someone's got their whole imagine walking into someone and they're they're totally submerged in ice water like a bath of ice and they go "it's not working!" and then they look at you like Ryan: Mom? Prancing off into their room. Ryan: Are you okay mom?! Ryan: Make conversation *laughs* Ryan: Snow. Danny: The step is dip your hands into a cup of freezing cold water or under cold water. This way, when someone grabs your hands, they will feel cold. They may ask you why. Just say something like, "Oh, uh, no reason no reason at all!" and walk away. Ryan:They include like the stutters and like trying to understand what they're saying Danny: So, what is this picture? That has nothing to do with that step? Ryan: Everyone's smiling this woman just said, "Snow!" Danny: "Snow." Danny: So this-this whole thing isn't so much teaching you how to pretend to have ice powers, it's teaching you how to pretend like you have ice powers and you don't want anyone to know. You couldn't possibly pretend to have ice powers because that would require you to be able to freeze things. But, if you're pretending you have ice powers but you don't want anyone to know, then you don't actually have to ever display any ability, Ryan: Any supernatural Danny: So this is kind of genius in a way. Ryan: Ya it kind of is. Ryan: I'm starting to believe it! Danny: Number Seven: Glance at your hands when you watch a movie where someone has ice powers. Make sure people notice, but don't look at them too often during the movie. Otherwise, they will know you're trying too hard and ignore you the rest of the movie. Ryan: This guy in the pictures like, "bro," Danny: "Yeah?" Ryan: "Do you have ice powers? Wait.." Danny: So this is like telling you to lure people to hang out with you while you watch Frozen or something and the entire err... when Elsa has ice powers for the first time, just *dramatic music* This is like the most manipulative article, Ryan: I'm so confused. So we read the whole article do you feel like you have what it takes? Danny: I definitely think that I could either A: make people very concerned about me But nothing not for any particular reason cause I don't think they would connect everything- Ryan: No way -I think they would probably just think, "Danny's been acting really fucking weird lately." Ryan: Kind of off the rails.. Danny: I think he might be sick or I will just get pneumonia. Ryan: Yeah, Danny: cause dipping my hands in cold water all the time Standing outside in the snow like it's nothing like it might seem like nothing but it is not nothing Ryan: It is not you're just pretending that it doesn't absolutely hurt. Like completely Danny: Yeah Danny: Step Number Nine: Act like your frostbite doesn't bother you. Ryan: I'm fine guys! I feel like if I were to try this it would be like a life long time investment for no reason like. Danny: Yeah Ryan: like this is an everyday thing that you have to apply yourself and try to get people that can like believe that you have these powers that you don't have Danny: I guess the goal is to get people to confront you about it. Ryan: Alright, I'll ask what the fuck are you doing with this whole like cold thing. Danny: and then you and then you get to be like I Didn't want to have to tell you this but something happened last winter when I met an old witch Ryan: Well, do you wanna show me? Danny: Umm Whoa, I'm back to normal. I feel warm again. Ryan: They just went away suddenly Danny: It lifted the curse! You asking to see my ice powers lifted the curse. That's a great way to get out of it Ryan: Yeah, Danny: I remember the witch saying but the curse will be lifted if anyone ever asked to see my ice powers. "How to Act Like You're Possessed" Ryan: Why? "Whether you want to pretend to be possessed as part of a Halloween costume," of course Danny: that's reasonable Ryan:That is reasonable. "Or you simply want to pull a disturbing prank on your friends and family." Ryan: Not Both: less reasonable. Ryan: I'm just so intrigued that wasn't a very good reason to want to- Danny: No Ryan: -act this way Danny: It's like, okay, so this is a 150,000 views the other one had like 99 thousand or something like that who is reading these articles? Ryan: Just get a hobby like go bowling Danny: These are only for people who have gone through Every other wikiHow article of like different ways to have fun and they're like been there done that I learned how to bowl. I learned how to arts and crafts. Now what do I do? I mean the very first step is like it's not fun become withdrawn quiet and defensive? Ryan: see that's what I'm saying This is like a complete dedication of your life Like you have you can't have a job with these things? Because if you're trying to be cold and you're like it work like yeah You're gonna get fired like this is a complete investment of your entire life Danny: "One of the most tell-tale signs of a demonic possession is a sudden change in personality a usually happy and social person might become quiet And withdrawn followed by negativity and hostility." So basically be a dick Ryan: Yeah,Danny: just start being a dick to people Ryan: absolutely,Danny: and that'll work Ryan: and now you're possessed.Danny: Yeah, as far as anyone else knows "Develop sudden and violent verbal outbursts" Jesus. What is this? Ryan: dude like what is this, what are you doing either? Danny:There's something funny about this picture like it it seems like he's only half mad like he's not quite into it all the word just like something about the way he's Pointing like this. He's just kind of like trying to be discreet about hey knock it off Oh my god! You're possessed! but the other person is terrified Almost at the point where it looks like their- they went back, so hard the spine snaps. Hey! *crunch* The next one is actually concerning. Danny: Oh Ryan: Uh "Keep a blank exhausted look on your face" This is probably the one that's gonna be most convincing, I think "Leave incriminating books and images lying around," Danny: like what kind of books like "What To Do If You're Possessed FoR dUmMiEs" Guys I think Devon might be possessed "Place books about the occult and drawings of strange symbols and places where people will see them" Ryan: I'm just confused whether or not we're trying to convince people whether we're not possessed or we are Danny: Yeah.. That's a good point cause like why would a demon like be reading books about like possessed like he already knows what's up... He's a demon So like, if you're possessed you wouldn't be reading those books And it's also like how to convince people you're possessed and dumb like you're leaving you're leaving these books around places where like people can See that so that they get concerned and have you exorcised like that's not a smart demon "Do unnerving things in public sit in a chair facing the wall and laugh hysterically to yourself be seen having furtive conversations with no one in dark corners rock back catatonically while repeating a phrase under your breath hiss at people suddenly as you walk by them," and this is in public This isn't just around your family anymore my god. This isn't just a fun prank on your family. Where at the end You you tell them what's going on. These are people you'll never see again This is a life and have no reason to like be pranking These are people who are gonna go home and think about this all night. Why did that person hiss at me? Excuse me miss, is this seat taken? Oh Jesus, honestly, I fear that the consequences of this aren't that people are gonna think you're possessed. Yeah It's that your family's going to send you away. Wake up screaming Is this one of those like entrepreneurial like motivational things to do in the morning I'm gonna defeat my morning I'm gonna be on top of things. I wake up every morning at 5:00 a.m screaming My wife hates it. Okay, Let's check out the comments of these Yeah the comments are usually the best parts of these wikiHow articles in some cases because usually I feel like wikiHow articles lay everything out for You absolutely like this article was so comprehensive. You couldn't possibly fuck it up. So, let's see what people had questions about This is a kind of concerning question and I feel like this person is currently in crisis When do I stop acting like I'm possessed? Like he's gotten himself in too deep His whole life is in ruins. Um sooo I'm in a mental hospital and my family :) Stopped visiting me about three years ago. When do I stop acting like I'm possessed like when is this whole charade, like, over? As soon as someone no longer finds it amusing I imagine this could get really annoying really fast who would initially find this amusing like I would be so concerned Do you think the person who wrote this question was like oh fuck... that's when I was supposed to stop? Okay, that was about Immediately. So this one might come in handy in the pinch Yeah, I would say of course every everyday probably how to pretend to faint. Did you forget to study for a test? Are you scheduled to participate in an event, but you wish you could back out? Are you a compulsive liar who doesn't care about integrity or know how to back out of things reasonably? I'm worried about Whoever's reading this article thinking that this is a catch-all solution and they can use this whenever they don't want to do anything And so once they read this article they're like I've got this down for life any time I don't have to do anything. I can just pretend to faint. Hey Danny, can you take out the trash? Oh God, Danny you did it did it again. It's like the most basic tasks Can you pass the remote it's closer to you than it is- Oh, no, Ryan And then immediately when they grab the remote they're fine. They just stand up. I mean, we don't even have to read this article to know how to do this either. Right? No, we just did it. We both did it. Yeah Cause how do you faint? Oh you just pretend to stop doing everything else? Step 1 is 'learn how to mimic a real fainting spell' so, I mean that's the whole thing. Step 1 learn how to pretend to faint. Yeah Is this the only step? Oh 'learn the causes of fainting' It doesn't matter the causes of fainting because you already know the cause of fainting if it's something you don't want to do yeah, the cause of fainting is There's a test in front of me Yeah. 'Decide on a harmless reason for your fake faint' Because you don't want people to get too concerned about you- right- because you didn't actually faint? Right. So there's nothing like actually wrong with me. It's just a one time case Mm-hmm. Everyday. 'What will happen if I'm out for one minute or more' like what are they asking? What are my friends gonna do? I don't know your friends. Like, we don't know. First they're going to ask you if you're okay. Yeah, then they're going to say wow Brian always fucking does this he's an asshole and he just pretends to faint all the time Brian we know you're awake right now. Then they're going to wake you up and make you take the test The answer is it is not safe to faint for longer than about 20 seconds. That doesn't get you out of any situation Yeah. Other than in immediate like- yeah. Pass the salt. You walk into a test and you faint and 20 seconds later you're like So, what? Is the test over? Do I still gotta take it, or what? They're like 'we haven't even start- I haven't even handed out the test yet.' 'We're all just like looking at you doing this thing I don't know. I love this one. 'What will happen if I am out for Let's say, one hour? Yeah, I feel like they're- -planning a big plot. Yeah, and trying to act really casual about it. They know that the idea of fainting for that long might be crazy but they're trying to say 'let's say, let's just throw out a random number, like, an hour. About as long as a high school test session. While we were looking for articles we found an article called how to be a spy kid. Which I think sounds really cool That's a lot of fun. Yeah I love spy kids. Have you seen the movie? Oh, yeah. Yeah I always wanted to be one so this article- pretty cool Yeah, but while we were looking at the related ones we found this one called how to be a girl spy kid So I'm just kind of curious as to what the difference is on Yeah, I don't know. Is it just like you think it's just like the things you do? I don't know. I'm worried It's gonna be a little bit sexist. It's like how to be a girl spy kid. 'Um, don't. Spying is for boys.' Oh, no, actually, that's the first line in the description 'Do you think that only boys can be spies? Just because they only sell the cool gadgets for boys It does not mean you cannot be a great spy girl. Number one: buy tiny notebooks.' Tiny. Has to be tiny. 'Pick a color that you like. It should be about 2 to 4 inches.' 2 inches? What kind of? Wait is this thing thick or like? Like how would you even write in that? Okay first note: the- Flip the page. fuck, uhh 2 to 4 inches? It must be talking about the length because you wouldn't have a four inch notebook That would be some serious notes. 'Do not write anything like my spy clues or my spy notebook on the cover' You would blow your cover. Everyone would know that you're a girl spy! So it wants you to write 'homework notes' or something boring that doesn't attract people like 'Notes on how garlic day came to be'? What? what the fuck is garlic day? I would just think they're weird as hell and if someone was learning about it Why would they devote an entire notebook, a four inch thick notebook, on how garlic day came to be? 'Blend in with your surroundings. Use camouflage.' Why do these look like whole ass trees? It doesn't look like a branch. Like it looks like a whole ass tree Like she's a giant that pulled trees from the earth and stuck them in her head 'I blend in.' She's like a hundred feet tall standing over- 'Tiffany what are you doing? How are you so big now?' 'I'm a spy!' Well, uh, I think I learned a lot today. What do you think? I Ryan! Not again, all right Well, I think it's safe to say we're coming out of this video a lot smarter than when we started. That's right. I hope you guys enjoyed this video. Check out Ryan's channel. We did a video for his channel as well I'll link to it in the description. It's pretty funny if you liked this video make sure you subscribe and turn on my notifications to join Greg. I'll see you guys next time with a really interesting video where I cut off my dad's hand. Bye!
Channel: Danny Gonzalez
Views: 4,331,848
Rating: 4.970027 out of 5
Keywords: danny gonzalez, funny, commentary, reaction, wikihow, react, reacting, hilarious, comedy, ryan trahan, articles
Id: UJi-0nl5icI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 27sec (1107 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 15 2018
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