A Horror Game about What Happens when you don't feed your Tomogachi | T- Gotchi!

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but when i do i have really strange dreams like about chewing on my own fingers please feed me [Music] has caring about a green haired anime girl always been the dream of your life it is well congratulations you now have the ability to purchase a brand new teagachi yay i've always wanted a chicachi pay attention to her needs and she will be your most loyal friend well i mean this sounds like my kind of game trigger warning this game might not be suitable for people suffering with oh i see i'm sure that was nothing no wonder why i wonder why you guys been recommending this game to me i'm scrub pie that's my name oh it's so realistic i love these graphics i've never hello player congratulations you have purchased a brand new teagachi i'm guessing it's like tamagotchi take care of her and don't let her die oh that's like a lot of pressure you can interact with l b uh look around with r b good luck i don't like that face man day number one [Music] oh hi um hi i'm taiha you are my new owner aren't you yeah i i've i was hoping i would get to name her i mean i don't like the pressure of naming people but you know that says i paid for it is your name scrub pipe yes well please to treat please treat me well scrub pi i can't guarantee you i might accidentally leave you in my pants that sounds bad you know my stuff you or my i might step you in my pants and leave you and you might get washed in the washing machine i could see that happening you know that's probably why i never owned a tamagotchi uh friend i want to say tamadachi i i just hope you'll be better than the last guy oh you've been with more people hey i'm kind of hungry okay all right let's feed her feed what did i just give her a pear i wouldn't say if it was about anime girls i probably would have had one that's pretty tasty thanks you're welcome please wash me so i don't oh wash me okay i don't know oh okay it's not so bad i don't know what i didn't know where this game was going for a second oh she's singing yeah i like the style of this game really cute game okay so her hygiene should be going up all right i'm almost done it's not weird at all that i'm watching your shower okay i own you you're my slave well that was refreshing very glad to hear so um are you going to do that from now on do what i mean i mean like oh she's blushing caring about me and giving me food and stuff uh of course i already stand her so much of course i'm going to oh right not that i like it too much or anything uh oh i guess i have to go what if i don't want to go [Music] oh i have to go no matter what day number two is she fixing your hair oh hey scrub pie i haven't seen you in a while uh you know i'm sorry it's okay i feel like we're gonna establish a bond a connection like the movie her have you ever seen that movie it's a good movie except this isn't scarlett johansson it's an anime girl oh okay i don't know what this what does this do oh okay cool settings i'm kind of used to that what are you used to again let's talk oh we could tell our things if i was playing this as like a child like back when i was like i don't know at least like 10 years old or something you're cute i've never talked to a girl before you are such a beauty whoa thank you um again could you feed me please i guess i have to do this every day so can she die if i actually don't that was pretty good thank you uh i'm really curious i really kind of just want to see what happens if we don't don't shower her on screw what is this place anyway what place never mind then after all at least you were here you know you were very different from the owners i had you see i never asked for food and showers more than two times so my previous owners just waited until i stopped asking they didn't feed me at all why did they do that i'm not sure i don't know what ending they expected to achieve by doing that thankfully you don't seem that bad and i guess i was not as dull when you were around it's not as though when you're around i'll try to come more often i'm feeling feelings for her all right i mean to be honest it actually does make me happy when you come here scrub high oh well it makes me happy too bro i'm starting to catch feelings right now i guess you are not that bad after all i'm not two seconds later i wonder what happens if she just doesn't shower at all oh hey you gotta do that you can't scare me like that well scrumpy you have left me for for too long again but now you're here so as punishment you have to tell me how cute i am okay someone's getting a little clinky here but you know i mean look at me i can't exactly blame her you know you are the cutest t i love it when you say that well someone's in a good mood that's right it's because you were so good to eat scrub pie you know if you didn't feed me and tell me uh cute stuff enough we could have ended up somewhere else i guess like where hey scruffy why won't you wash me all right i'll wash your freaking butt right now here take it you better scrub it you better scrub high i'm sorry for that guys oh she literally i didn't really mean it god why don't we feed her while she's in the shower eat just throw a sandwich in there let's talk to her while she's in the shower i'm almost done i like your voice sorry what was that your eyes are beautiful sorry [Laughter] what was that you said um you are beautiful my waifu that is so nice you to say hey scrub pie i'm a bit hungry all right oh yeah i'll i was gonna say i'll eat you that's not what i want to do hey thanks for the food bob can we over feed her no you're not bad enough for me eat more scrub pie do you ever feel lonely sometimes i feel the same way when you are not here i wish you never left me scruff i i have to go oh oh i understand but you will come back just knowing that makes me so happy take care oh god i i mean i feel bad if we just never came back though a little bit day number four oh she's laying down now she has quite the personality she does different things [Music] why why why why why haven't you come earlier okay her mood is like really bad now i i just it the same thing i've been doing you promised grandpa please get a thai tai ha i don't know i don't remember her name yet why because i love you we're just gonna break the l word i mean she doesn't know boundaries so why should i i love you liar liar [Laughter] there's nothing here scrub pie have you looked around lately it's just empty i've been here for god knows how long and there's just literally nothing to do even daddy's gone you have a dad i like your hair i like her hair oh she said hey you trying to get me to monetize over here are you even there how do i know it's you and not some machine answering me i'm here still what does it change you'll be gone in no time just like the others i wonder what i should say even if you want to help which i don't believe nothing either of us do i i have shown up every day you cannot accuse me of these things i showed up every day okay i've done everything that i should be doing you need to get your mood up girl at the end of the day it's still going to be me against this place i guess there's just one thing left to do now don't bother feeding or washing me today scrub pie no you will be washed i will feed you i think i said don't bother i don't care i swore i would never let you die [Music] you will you will shower oh she's making i she's making me say this now don't leave me why would you care because i love you do you really you keep saying it scrub by but uh how could you love me if you don't do as much as come back in less than a month a month it's been a day i'll return tomorrow i promise did i wait a month that i just didn't know it i didn't pay attention to the time i guess day five it did say day four so like oh god okay so i'm just gonna say she's dead you don't have to you you can't see that oh no it seems your chi gachi has died maybe you did something wrong [Music] get a new one but i really liked her no okay that was pretty shocking sorry guys i would show you but if i do i'll get demonetized and like you know i i do like making money from my videos it's not like i i could and i could take the l for the video but like i i it's important that we keep the wheels turning on this channel i think but i don't know i'm sure you can find some gameplay or buy the game yourself and just by me saying that i can't show it i think you know what happened okay but i think we got a bad ending i mean i treated her nothing but with respect and the most love okay i don't think that was very fair of her all right i'm not going to wash her and we'll see what happens all right no that's not my name what is it then it's michael what the heck is the game this game isn't pulling this crap well please treat me well michael i just hope you'll be better than the last guy oh he must've been talking about me you don't know it's me hey michael i'm a bit hungry god i'd say we're saying my own name i don't know why i'm not gonna feed her or no no i will feed her but i'm gonna wash her could you give me a wash no i will feed you though it would be so funny if we could just like pile food like she'd just be buried in food i like your voice she just got a cute voice you know whoa thank you let's just hope that that saying that makes her ignore her smelliness are you going to do that from now on do what so it's the same thing i'm paying attention to the month it's 8 26 right now okay so it's just been one day our hygiene is awful hey i haven't seen you in a while i had stuff to do all right it just gets a bit boring okay hello oh i didn't mean to not say anything you look cool why won't you watch me michael i will feed you you don't need to be washed that's pretty tasty thanks i really hope to see like flies please she's just not even being around the bush anymore just please wash me how about more food i am all sweaty and sticky how about more food oh i bet you can over feed her that was pretty good thank you oh you get over yeah you can totally over feed her that's pretty tasty thanks hey thanks for the food how about some more don't be shy eat a little more you don't need anymore this has got to be an indie right okay actually i don't think anything's changing oh oh i do i don't feel so good oh god so this is what happens if you don't give her a shower maybe something i ate oh you're okay no rest no rest i think so i'm just a bit dizzy and sweaty that's all and um my throat aches a little dot dot dots oh i am uh not annoying you am i i'm so sorry michael bye now i'm just like so cold and dark wait where are you going what did i do wrong [Music] your existence is everything wrong i'm like that kid that plays with a magnifying glass and an anthill oh she's not feeling so well is she skinnier than i remember you think it would be the opposite of how much i fed her but she is sick oh she's a lot skinnier is that you michael sorry i kind of feel funny it's um hot i think i have a fever uh what can i do i uh oh holy crap oh i made a mess sorry this tamagotchi thing it's getting kind of weird isn't it oh no she just looked different when she was laying down look michael i know it's uh you think it's a game but it's a matter of life and death for me please i need medicine daddy's told me it must be some button or something i know you've given me your real name you tr oh she knew holy crap then what the heck was the matthew then you trusted me right i know what time zone you live in oh no hey no i don't live there i don't live there you speak english no nihongo nihango you see him i have access to your system oh no this is getting scary how about more food give me the medicine michael or i'm going to delete all the files i have access to on this machine you better not you better not you have eight seconds how about more food how about a little more we talk to her oh she hey that's not fair you weren't counting down well i'm sorry for this i am so what a spoiled spoiled tamagotchi after all the things i did for her was that an indie oh dost or dd oh dd dd oster whatever okay i don't know how to say that this is such a cool game i didn't wow i only seen it but like i didn't know okay now let's not feed her only washer but i have the feeling it's because i gave her my real name that also gave me a different ending nope only wash you're going to be the cleanest tamagotchi ever which crank the freaking valve is like the hottest it goes ah my skin all right i'm almost done now you're about to do 24-hour uh shower challenge oh now yeah at some point it just makes you actually talk so this is some nice little music for me torturing this poor girl hey don't slack and feed me you look great today let's cut her off thank you yes you think it's messed up to eat this burger in front of her while i don't feed her i don't know guys that's not messed up i just i'm not a bad person hey you want some you want some with some habit burger you've ever had habit burger it's pretty good yeah i'm doing this in the middle of the video but you're not my mom my mom watching imagine [Music] so good no i didn't mean to feed her dang it i did not mean to feed her oh no she's taking food away from me [Music] what [Music] you doing another shower okay oh my god this is so good hey leave a comment what's your favorite burger damn hey what's your favorite burger don't you just love food hey you want anything long gone you're not hungry right okay she'll have the water okay all right i'm back i got you uh one diet water i know how much you love that all right let's see if she's still alive i mean i don't know what like i'm what am i wondering of course she'll be dead i know she's still alive she can actually survive alongside without food i did accidentally give her a pair so that probably is prolonged her uh life so i guess at some point we like leave for a month we'd have no we have to do it there's nothing we can do about it oh god what is she doing oh no same ending that we got before oh you can still feed her even though she's dead all right let's try not being here again i don't think i did it right i think it's probably best if you don't say anything then she'll actually like move or start talking oh i swear i can't stop thinking about that burger it's like they put crack up in there and those buns because dane i've had that place a lot but that one was just like it was fire slapped me across my face so what's your favorite kind of food oh i just feel kind of dizzy i think i'm gonna throw up it's better if you came back some other time i thought she'd throw up if i didn't give her a shower which you know doesn't make a lot of sense but i guess over time you would get sick from being dirty oh hey i you came back again you you know i couldn't i usually sleep before but when i do i have really strange dreams like about chewing on my own fingers oh i don't think it's healthy i don't think that's healthy either i wonder what we could do about that like a place fading what it's like please what huh i i just i i don't know what you're saying i'll die if you don't i need food food what is your problem i'm not some pet you can just stop feeding okay yeah so i accidentally gave her an outfit what do you what oh dude she's like shaking you want to what you want what i don't want any of those things if i show them you'll feed me right no no that's not oh my god oh my gosh she's why are you doing that for her well she's showing us the panthalone is that's not what i wanted that's not i i don't i think you must understood i just want to torch you and that's it that's all i wanted oh god oh i feel so terrible i feel so terrible i did not think that she was gonna do that oh my god this kid's crazy dude well how did we get here i would like to say that it's not my fault i don't think this is my fault you know player you're awful she only asks for food twice today's score of the day goes to [Music] dr fan sofia so there's like five more endings if you guys want to play this for yourselves uh be sure to check it out i'll link the the game down below for you guys to play it i could do it more endings if you guys really want to see it but i really enjoyed this game and it was uh very surprising to say the least but either way uh really really cool but i didn't like i always i was i was actually surprised by it very good game i recommend but just make sure to read the warnings on the game before you play it of course of course all right guys scroll scribe if you scroll today and i'll see you in the next one bye guys [Music] you
Channel: Bijuu Mike
Views: 252,533
Rating: 4.9617023 out of 5
Keywords: bijuumike, bijuu, mike, t gochi all endings, t gotchi, tamagotchi horror game, bijuu mike horror games, t gochi game, horror game, anime horror game, indie game, lets play, horror games, scary games, video game, t-gotchi game
Id: WUfeIC49Efg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 43sec (1303 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 30 2020
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