Fran Bow is WAY Darker than Little Misfortune

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hello my scrubs welcome back to welcome back I'm so used to saying welcome back welcome to the very first episode of Fran bow now after completing a little misfortune it's gonna be hard to top that in my book because of how much I loved that game Oh God okay sorry I have an injury on my tongue so I still sound dumb it still pains me to talk but you know what pains me more racing uploads so we're gonna continue well start I don't know why I keep saying continue a lot of you guys have been even before I play Little Miss Fortune if you don't know we just played that game I highly encourage you to go download the game check it out obviously check this game out as well but I'm pretty sure you already know a bit of this game if you're watching I think that this game in that game I think the stories are somehow connected as well so that's gonna be really interesting to figure out how they're connected but without further ado let's start it up this is at the DIMM this is oh my god it's not like freaking I'm just gonna shut up it feels like heaven I missed the first thing I know I'm restarting it restore the whole thing everything's fine it feels like heaven I see my parents is this gonna be just as messed up as Little Miss fortune they look happy good good start they have a present for me I wonder this looks so creepy it's a cache so sweet it pretty I just want to read this in her voice now dark has the deepest night [Music] it's mr. midnight my best friend my only friend we were having dinner and I see Aunt Grace - I really like her a lot it's Friday my parents are going out how old are you are you eight - Aunt Grace takes good care of me I sure hope she does we are having so much fun the cat it's a Monday night I'm playing with mr. midnight but something feels real bad Oh God a strange creature creature outside my window I don't like it it scares me so was that the same demon from the from the other game suddenly I hear something it's mom screaming I want to know what's wrong a bright light shines from my parents room I go closer and closer oh that's not a good thing mom dad please don't hi oh god mommy daddy oh my god this is way more messed up than the other came hi how did this happen you know I've run away to all with her cat too [Music] I like sleeping [Music] it's like the camp will protect her oh well well well never mind maybe not okay she dead ran please follow my voice on the count of three you will wake up one ooh Oh with that three Brian how do you feel Oh Oh it's one of these kinds of games it goes the slow motion I feel like dying I find I guess oh I actually dry press the button no I don't have to click it I'm buying I guess I just just sad to see the same things sadness is something everyone has within I want to find the killer oh yeah I do too I want to know who killed my parents the police are working on it oh oh we're over I can't either I don't find my cat and the killer your cat is missing it would be impossible to get him back but now I have something for you friend what is it see the desk there's a little package for you it's from Aunt Grace take it do I get to move oh yeah so this is a point and click game which was the other one was not a point and click game this was my mother's purse open it there's something inside Oh use okay okay so alright alright I get it I get it examine alright nearest friend here is the purse you liked so much I thought you would like to have it when I was thinking about you I remembered that you like to examine objects that could buy them and other things yeah nice tutorial cover-up here so I hope you always keep this purse and give it and all the other things you find a good use never forget the creativity's absolutely the greatest gift you have love at Grace she always gave me tutorials I loved her she's worried about you and grace well I know the reason to let me go well don't worry about her she is fine can I leave now can I go to my room now yes you can leave but before you do it is time for your new medicine no more medicine I don't want to try more tea I don't think I would want to either it's called do routine that would do with teen and it will make you feel very relaxed nurse we're ready she said no dude anything new today doctor derned nothing actually same visions as before oh I see here friend take your medicine and if I say no we don't have all day Brian take the pills down and if I don't know hey I could actually move around okay sweet no I don't think I have a choice I think I have to take you [Music] you guys are gonna time in the comments no you should have grabbed the paper off the wall I don't feel good Oh kind of minister she give me oh no take her back to the room and nurse don't let her take this ever again okay well what a start this game is obviously a lot more gruesome than the other game beware frightened boy it's definitely the same person right if you leave the house of madness I will hunt you down cut you and bring you back to insanity that's so messed up why bran wake up why does he always wore little kids the medicine will help you escape I'll be waiting for you in the forest oh that's the cat but probably not the voice even huh I love you oh I love animals you know to get some my heart's game chapter one my so birdie okay well I mean you can clearly see the big art jump like how the quality of the game was increased drastically with a second game I can see why it took them so long I think this game came out like what 15 or 16 not sure I'm still here a hideous place I have to get out of here it's still had that same creepy vibe though I'm just like despair oh sweet sweet melody red and tiny you are hiding from me I have to find mr. midnight I have to find him now I miss my kitties he hugs because he is afraid he told me that the medicine would showed me what he is hey the monster I hate the monster too was the eyeball dude oh oh it's like okay I get it what about the clown painting I only get your nose I will get it yeah I think we played two with the it was awesome another little girl it is a point and click game I can't help but think that that game was inspired by this game all right so we're age tin bran bow dead getting hearts the patient was found near the Oswald asylums showing signs of psychosis the bow ding bagging heart family tragedy details admitted treatment dr. Marcel gern has tried different medications and all have been canceled because of the side effects Oh Day 1944 that's old oh holy moly something fail well she does have the potty mouth in misfortune does tower-defense we have to we have for you a crazy person called friend or is that a defense tower um that is my way out I don't think my head would fit through the window what's behind curtain number one I can still walk around it and see what's on the other side oh hi are you here oh hello Phil hello no any way out do you know the way out right there are many ways outs everything's locked oh you liar indeed but the office is the key what do you mean what do you mean the office the show I saw the doctor right his secret code secret code the Yellow Door he doesn't want me to tell you why did he tell him who him oh my god all the doors are closed you're a prisoner my games that's not what I expected and nobody will help you escape yeah look it's got like the same claws it's always definitely the same it looks a lot more scarier in this game and it doesn't have a voice but man it's really a shame this game is a voice-acted cuz it was so like amazing in the other game mommy daddy I need you so much right now I already missed you I don't know what she said what's this that looks important Oh a secret box Shh oh it's open okay use it oh well there's the key now use tiny key with Teddy oh wait oh what a mr. horse are you having a good time back and forth the trip of our lives aha this is terrifying alright so we got a key how do you where do we use it where do we use the key go back how do you go back oh that that looks like a that looks like a okay I think we use it the keys to tiny okay so what I use isn't there oh great just a creepy rocking chair if I sit down all of it should get up to be seated or not to be seated that is the question she's got a point if I sit down I'll just officially get up so what's the point my fates are just fine besides you wouldn't sit down anyway what's the point oh I wants to know what she's writing I'm curious it's so weird I'm still getting used to like how to play this game I'm not used to point click games for some reason empty bottle empty glass is nothing useful reminds me of Resident Evil though I can't see through this window oh not so easy to see through this is this the playground maybe someone already tried jumping through this window ok ok so morbid Oh friend you're awake good how long was I asleep three days maybe was it the medicine probably yes it was the medicine that was why you were not taking it anymore something happened oh I forgot something happened see you were nothing but trouble what is it Oh Brooke the curtains I was trying to look outside and I accidentally broke the curtains accidentally I have to fix this follow me oh is this how we get past her we look so traumatized I thought that would work oh now I can see what she's writing oh she's still inside this room she doesn't look like it Oh II fix it can I keep right I just keep breaking them over and over again Oh locked okay that's definitely what we use the key for it yes I got it in there something inside a bow tie pin what does that what's the call my hair clip I should that's what it's called I should give it a good use let's use it use it with your hair oh you can actually do it oh wait I thought you could okay we'll save it let's examine this was hat my family was she born like that that's so scary oh maybe we could pick the lock with our hair clip let's try that oh come on I thought that would work for sure oh so he's eight and he's a male I don't know what that's supportive but I told you that the boy has to bail paranoid behavior okay okay I don't know if that's gonna be important for later okay obviously we need to get her to move so let's try that I was waiting on the curtains like a monkey I couldn't help myself she's like I again I mean that would make anyone mad really well I was if I talked her in here something is missing have you seen the hook that was the curtains up what's a hook what's that well I have to go and buy something to fix this you little girl why did she say that like I said insult oh she's leaving okay okay we definitely go get this now I think this is where the medicine is but it's locked whoo why would a nurse have this she wants to kill us all oh yeah not until I do it first band-aids I'll keep the patches to stop the blood get the gun why the trauma can have a great impact on children totally changing their normal lives for example children damaged by trauma can have mild to severe defects and some abilities such as trusting people need them seeing the world as a safe place making decisions etc because of these effects some traumas can lead to several symptoms a major mental illness for example not trusting other people we're not feeling safe in the world this could be interpreted as paranoia okay let me see traumas hmm what is this the nurses handwriting is awful I only understand three words Brian's sleeping in the medicine I want that gun though aren't you gonna come back oh my goodness this is terrible uh-huh very all right so what did I get now I got these things as examined my pills are inside I know I have to crack the code Oh as a code okay let's combine this no let's combine that I just combined everything No okay is that a straitjacket I didn't notice that before you did you see her okay sing the doctors coat is in the office but where is it in the curtains ah the playground good night trees in moon I'm pretty sure the playground isn't a good escape route I like the bunny swing thingie it makes me dizzy okay that's very cute but I need a coat oh my god that's the coat right there isn't it why okay I'm gonna take a picture of this it's not cheating now I don't know how this relates oh s hide okay obviously there was like a okay I'm about to figure this out with my big old brain okay so H equals 8 I equals 9 D is for East 5 well yeah yeah there are my pupils to get my pills I don't know how they're gonna help me I don't think it's count what got us through this a mess I don't if we should take more but maybe we give it to Georgie over here I just calling him night I know that's not his name oh why why would I do that oh god I knew it was a bad idea but yet I still did it oh great the holding my hand thank you she's like wow oh this is my is that my head give me my head back please I would like you back oh that's so creepy oh this is like spirited away get out creepy creature what about you hello miss nurse oh this game is so creepy you got a little blood of your mouth are you okay my mom you also have blood in her mouth she looks sad what's on the playground now quite normal Hills it effect that since they wear ah what's it here I got a check oh oh why are you looking at me like that you terrify me about this oh hello oh no your head dude this is just like that one game is crazy I can see it now dang you can see I can't see I see it all now to happiness this game inspired the Joker no absolutely not you can't tell her that but she has to know you can't keep me away from her the reason isn't more than clear grace no it's not I want to take her home now is that her mom you can't Fran's mental condition it's not appropriate yet well they keep giving me these weird pills Oh No why mr. Fox oh it's Benjamin no why is Benjamin here was that real oh dear Aunt Grace oh okay it was her I wonder what she has to tell me the doctor has know so I'm going home tonight Benjamin how'd you get here oh no foxy folks don't cry use my hand as a tissue would you like a hug all righty then maybe it needs a band-aid won't work hey I tried right are you sleeping sweet bunny you know I like the better I live who did it I don't know who did it trying to figure out who did it find him okay I will I will try oh wait can I pick this up oh excuse me lady nurse this may be very useful Somali sharp this might fit somewhere so maybe we can use that to get through the door that's right man let's try it oh no combine we have to combine it okay I got it I got it whoa damn I'm an expert I know exactly what I'm doing I knew we could block back the door Oh daddy was not there mommy would not care what was that more boards very great the heck you're Scott are you hey yeah you're my beloved friend BIP BIP if you want to hug me try to catch me all righty then stand in front of him okay he can still go let's go through here duh King likes drawings Oh does he now I've got pictures no he doesn't like that oh you could turn it off I didn't know that also okay we have to like go back and forth very interesting so what are we doing just spit him out why is there two doors I can go through here about this one oh hi I don't even want to know what you look like with the pills hello you see them you do right what see what the creatures that follow everyone the shadows you mean the shadows uh-huh I can't see that but I know they're there well let you know I'll tell you give me one second I got some pills you know what they are yeah I guess tell me please well tell me you like to draw I love to draw she's gone crazy a crayon I find I want to find a crayon I draw all the time I want to find my cat so sad so I can't if you don't have one I could draw my cat but I'd rather find him your cat is in danger the shadows took him I know who told you that the one that follows me by okay oh my gosh she wasn't kidding you should blame yourself be quiet what's in here I don't want to attend [ __ ] it's the clown from the painting so creepy Chinese tiny hands all over you eating your soul well what happened between this game of the other game it's just totally like way darker in this game I think they just wanted to tone it down a little bit oh this is one of those mute clowns okay what about here Oh huh there you are you should be in your room the door was closed you left it open I'm gonna blame her I'm sure it's not open I know because I locked it how did I get out then huh you tell me don't try to trick me go inside your room and wait for the doctor oh great I have no time for this I have to find my way out should I have not oh there's the doctor did you break out from your room but that's not nice friend I haven't eaten in days but I'm hungry Sarah I haven't eaten in days I won't listen to any of your excuses young lady well she really looks like it maybe Peter let me go eat something sir doctor please just let me go out to eat something you have to learn how to listen to those in charge you big people lesson learned just don't do it again friend go and eat now then go back to bed okay who is right sweet I have all the words living down here oh god it's so creepy the skinny is very locked I guess I'll never see I've never seen this gated locks is it unlock now oh go back go back hello up there miss your dress is very pretty my mother had a very pretty dresses too a bleeding clock it feels like it's whispering right in my ear what was in here before what a dramatic change you a crunchy pig's head ready to be served ready to be served mr. pig is naked he has no wings to fly with wonder what part of the body that is yes yeah reach the key okay okay sir the key hang it up there can I have it sure I could give you the key if you give me a kiss what that's just creepy he's got the moustache and everything oh okay [ __ ] you should kiss your butt yeah what would misfortune say give yourself up that's what I say to him what about you can kiss your butts a bat language is definitely like deserved right there I'll take it myself that's the office key you must be but what can I do to reach it he's not a very good bodyguard if that's what he's supposed to be what are you looking at nothing I think look at a Jew stupid so you're able to think you should think about getting the heck out of here I go where whenever I once go where's your mommy and daddy get lost oh I can't watch you die oh that's not even my vision's either hello are you alright what is that supposed to mean I wanted to know it'd be rude about it I don't want to tell the doctor will cut your head open if you don't leave he likes to eat brains he already took mine he ate all my thoughts he ate your brain he believed your shoe I saw you inside the doctor's office you were dead oh no that I have to go I hope you find new thoughts spy [Music] uh what about this Teddy what are you doing here what would they do to him okay I will laugh at you I will lie to you I will hide you inside the shadows okay it's better here that's so creepy hello what are you doing all his brain it doesn't work the papers not working what do you mean the paper should be working like they told me what does the paper do I need the paper to show me what's on the television why isn't it working the waveace must be powerful we'll change the channel please what does it mean Isabelle okay yeah you know I gotta try it so oh oh oh game awful let's killed Monday branded you did say change the channel Oh Oh does that mean this is matter okay I change the channel Oh oh there we go I probably should have tried that first put the head you like that no human testing approved great really glad to be a part of that all right I don't know if that does anything I don't think there's anything else in here that doll is creepy there's supposed to be where Clarence came from I seriously could picture Clarence being in this game okay what's down here this game's just surprising hello are you new here oh I haven't seen you before no are you from downstairs uh-huh they think I'm better now what's your name could you please kill okay sure I don't know I don't know why I would have said that but it was an option so let's just see the shadows are always with the kids mr. midnight are you here oh no the lady nurse died okay let's go back like you see the cinnamon bun melting in my mouth oh we could actually use it in chocolate yummy hmm okay I don't know what we have to do with that yet but we'll see hello oh hello friend how are you today I see dead animals you mean in the television no for real yeah just forget it very well Franco play with your friends now or no what's the play everyone's freaky awful how about you okay I don't know we'll try to mess with her later don't disturb me go away I'm eating oh the king that looks like something I could use don't test my sword this sword I didn't know he was yours you should bow and speak clearly to me I'm your king you are not the king I'm oi the king of the whole universe bow to me I bowed to you sir a little cute little thing very well my child what is the purpose of your visit I've watched your cane what walking cane did you mean my sword yes your highness your sword what would you give me in exchange who have a nice I have a nice cinnamon bun anything you need your highness bring me a castle at a horse only then like grant you my sword alrighty then and he loves to drink the milk like a kidney their stores always locked at night can't go out and play I don't want this I'm not hungry I guess if Damian eats the pasta it can't be that bad about the bird birdy bird I like you oh okay here she is I want to talk to her now hey any uh how are you aren't you afraid of me no why would I because I could do magic tricks and make you sleepy I didn't know you could well label get a mile buster mal girl show you but it's very scary it's better you do it I'm not a magician I can't I can give you the magical stuff well it's a stronger than the pills cuz I doubt it I highly doubt it really woo yes the magical stuff that will make anyone fall asleep that's amazing powerful and grand here as a gift ticket slowly Oh what does it mean this is from dr. Mario how does it work I have no idea another mystery so we're gonna need a falsie for some reason oh forgot to try the pills in here oh hi peep there's little kids out there the holy man took all your clothes off this game just makes me itchy it's alive oh I know that was freaking creepy people out there that playground good night trees and moon oh it's the only difference is there's like a hand there all right it feels like a chilly breeze of sadness coming through the fence yeah I can't go through there yet [Music] like we can bribe someone with a cinnamon bun or something like that maybe we can bribe the guy to get the key yes here I'll give you this magical pill okay nevermind try the cinnamon button no yeah all right oh so that's the office door hey get your hands off the office story okay so that's the people that I visited okay oh the King likes drawings it said okay now that makes a lot more sense we know about the guy there's a kid that claims he's a king I don't think he wants my picture though well our our whole task was to get some food right so let's go back to see what happens oh I got a hug now okay use or examine it she said she was looking for that image right there can she give us a drawing maybe she can okay so she wants a crayon somebody de crayon now ding I got a search for everything the heck what is she doing here where's she going just going in here I follow you just stalk her for a little bit yeah well thank you're going back already she just walk around everywhere maybe she did something that maybe she takes the gun nevermind I'm guessing we need to do something with this because he keeps doing that oh it works a miracle thank you paper visually positive great can I see no this is mine if you want you can take the papers that didn't work what did that kill me what the heck oh yeah so I guess he said that I never said that you liar I'm busy paper vision revisit in action oh now I can write our draw when I'm bored oh we probably use that for the drawing I see maybe we just take that to the girl I didn't wear it ever mind I thought it would oh oh I don't put his head back on the hook No there's the work the band-aids don't work you know it was worth a shot okay guys I can't figure it out and so far these are the items that I got so yeah I'm gonna have to save this for another episode but I'd apply for like an hour now and that's and that's all the time I have I'm sorry anyway you screw up with the daytime today's from the day goes to snow ones [Music] hey piers want to see more smash like uh this game's crazy man really crazy but it's very interesting yeah just let me know down below if you want me to continue the series then I totally well if there's enough support for it but that is though all right bye guys [Music] [Music]
Channel: Bijuu Mike
Views: 381,476
Rating: 4.9756217 out of 5
Keywords: bijuumike, bijuu, mike, fran bow, bijuumike fran bow, bijuu mike plays fran bow, cute horror game, fran bow lets play, bijuu mike little misfortune, little misfortune
Id: 4sKY-yuvbLk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 39sec (2199 seconds)
Published: Fri May 29 2020
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