Pretending to be Your Boyfriend (with Danny Gonzalez)

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I was so pumped when they both released videos at around the same time lol

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/8urx 📅︎︎ May 18 2019 🗫︎ replies
Hey guys, I just want to say make sure you stick around until the end of this video for a very special, exciting announcement or you can just give skip to the end now and watch that and then come back, I don't really care. But make sure you watch the ending, okay? Thanks. [DRAMATIC MUSIC] Oh my god! This is insane! I gotta call Danny. [DIALTONE] [DANNY'S PHONE RINGS] DANNY: Hello? DREW: Hello? DANNY: Drew? DREW: Danny, you gotta come over right now DANNY: What? Now? DREW: Uh huh DREW: I gotta show you a video, it's so funny. DANNY: A what? You want me to come all the way there to watch a video? DREW: Uh huh DANNY: Do you have any idea how far I am from you right now? DREW: Uh huh DANNY: So you understand that it was ridiculous of you to call me DREW: Of course DANNY: and you understand that I am coming over? DREW: Of course. DANNY: Goodbye DREW: Okay bye Wanna make a video? -Wanna make a video? -Yeah, okay. Hey guy, welcome back to another beautiful day on YouTube where - oh, there you are - where I'm going to be showing Danny something insane that I found. -And boy am I excited! Today I'm showing something to Danny that he's never seen before, hopefully. I believe I haven't seen it, but he hasn't told me what he's showing me yet, so even if I have seen it before, I'm gonna pretend I haven't seen it, so as to not hurt his feelings. -Yeah Thank you, I appreciate that. -You're welcome Buckle your seatbelts everybody Because I think it's safe to say this might be my cringiest video so far? -Even cringier than hard rock Nick? Yeah! So without further ado, Danny, have you heard of boyfriend role play? Um, it's not porn is it? *laughter* Ah yeah, I'm gonna be showing you porn today -Ha ok DREW: A little not safe for work DANNY: No wonder it's going to be such an uncomfortable video. Shout out to Hoodrat on twitter for sending me this first one, and then I was so intrigued that I fell down a rabbit hole for about four days, this is all I've been watching for days, now. Let's start with the first one. This is the most popular one I've seen DANNY: "Jealous Boyfriend Roleplay ASMR." Is he gonna be whispering in this? DREW: Well, let's find out. DANNY: Okay *VIDEO* [whispering] So how was your day? [silence, chewing sounds] [whispering] That's good. [whispering] Me? Mine was okay, work is work. So, how is it - I'm not getting jealous vibes from this guy. -No, don't worry He gets very specific and that's the thing with these, it's as if he's having a two-way conversation with the viewer you are his girlfriend in this situation, but he asks you questions-- Aww... I accept! -Danny, we're both married [LOOKS AT WEDDING BAND] Oh yeah. [whispering] You know, the boys needed me afterwards [in the club?] to help out with trash, so... [whispering] I helped them and it was kinda lame, but whatever. What? Did he say he needed help with trash? -Yeah, I think the boys needed his help with trash? Is that what he said? [whispering] "Yeah all of my friends are always playing around in garbage." You know the boys are -Yeah [whispering] So how was your off-day? [whispering] Dang. [whispering] You lucky -What? Well, that's the thing is like he's reacting to that he's reacting to what we're saying Maybe he expected us to say something like, "I didn't touch any trash all day, I didn't have to help anybody with trash" Yeah, it doesn't matter what you say to him. You want to have a conversation because he's such a heartthrob of a boy and he's your boyfriend. -Uh huh. -So you would naturally want to have a conversation with him, but it doesn't matter what you say, he kind of goes on this whole narrative. -Yeah, it seems like he answers with really specific things [whispering] Yeah, I love frizbee. And this could work well, if he answered with one generic things like, "oh, that's cool" [whispering] Oh, y'all played... y'all played ultimate? Yeah, I'm starting to feel like there should be like a script for our part in the description. -I was just about to say that. Yeah, or at least someone in the comments should be like, "for those who are interested, here's what you're supposed to say." No, most of the comments are just people being mad that he puts mid rolls in and they're trying to fall asleep and it's like "I made this website with Wix™." [whispering] Aw, you could have invited me! So basically in this scenario, we hung out with our friends - our group of friends - all day and didn't invite him [whispering] So why didn't you invite me? -which..he was helping with trash all day, so I don't think he could've come anyway. -He was with the boys covered in trash [whispering] Wait... [whispering] Jesse was there? So this is where shit gets real. He gets up because he's kind of just like on Tinder probably because he's so mad at you, but he gets up cuz we mentioned Jesse and he fucking hates Jesse. -Mmm [whispering] You didn't tell me Jesse was gonna be there! -You didn't ask! -You were with the trash boys! [whispering] Why are you being so secretive? [whispering] What's so different about Jesse than, like... [whispering] Tina or Greg? Well, Greg™ is the fastest-growing army on the Internet -That's what makes him different from the other names [whispering] You do realize Jesse's your ex, right? I didn't! That is- honestly, I did not! I'm sorry, if I had known...! [whispering] You know, you're hanging out with your ex... I feel like he's adding things to the story and we're not allowed to contribute at all like, you know, I could-I can't just be like "well, you know, " "you fucked all the trash boys, right?" -Cos he's just gonna say whatever he wants to in that. -Mhm [whispering] Shh! My parents... So we're supposed to be like getting a little bit louder there, explaining it to him. -Right. Yes. We're getting a little riled up Okay, a lot of props to him, a lot of this makes sense Yeah. -It's just if we had gotten a script beforehand, it would have been very helpful Yeah, this is a cold read and we don't even have the lines [whispering] I'm not cute when I'm jealous, shut up. [sniffs, adjusts headphones, smirks] [whispering] I'm not. [whispering] I'm not jealous... I'm not. So you get the idea. I started with that one cuz it's the most popular one but there's so much here. Dennis! My boy Dennis! -Yeah, Dennis has a pretty devoted following. Is he chewing gum? -Yeah, he does that in every video. -Yeah, but he was asleep! - Yeah! [whispering] Here, open up. Can you feel it? [whispering] Open wide. Yeah, do you? -Yeah. [whispering] Alright babe, I've got some good news and some bad news. You have a fever and you don't have a fever(!) [whispering] The bad news is, you do have a fever. Fuck! -Is he gonna show us the thermometer, I'd kind of like to see it. If he does show us the thermometer, I'm gonna be kind of impressed if it has like a fever readout Yeah, can you imagine? -Because he just stuck it next to the camera? So I was expecting him to show us it and it to say like 70ºF [~21ºC]. You'll be like, "I think you have hypothermia." [whispering] Maybe we can get the fever down a little bit. I'll just sit here and I'll keep you company. And that's gonna get the fever down? -Yeah, is this guy a doctor? Cuz that's not true. Yeah, no when you go to the doctor and he's like, "oh shit, you're burning up a 104°F [40°C]." "I'll just sit here and keep you company." -He calls the receptionist, "Hey, can you cancel the rest of my appointments for the day? I gotta stay with this patient. All right." Uhh can I-- -[whispering] Shhh Okay, I just think this is gonna help-- [whispering] Shhhh... my parents might hear. [whispering] I put... some gum... in my mouth...because I... [whispering] ...didn't want my breath to be bad He knows how videos work though, right? -Hmm? -He knows that we won't be able to smell... I can smell it. -Does it smell good? -Hmm [whispering] I'll give you some Ibuprofen. Ready! [whispering] What did you get a headache from? [pointing at mouths, unable to speak due to baby bird faces] [whispering] I'm treating you well this time, babe, because... [whispering] I have you some coke. "He's treating me really well(!), he spent a dollar on a Coke™." -And then drank most it. [laughing] Yeah, what the fuck? [taps on glass for ASMR feels] I like how he mixes in ASMR with it, which I guess makes sense for the video, if it's supposed to be sleep inducing, but for the scenario we're in it's like, Yeah it totally breaks my immersion. "Hey, sweetie. Here's your soda." [tapping on cup] "Okay. Thanks." "No can I just drink? Can I just drink?" [tapping intensifies] Danny, can you just hand it to me? -Yeah. -Okay [tapping on glass, ice clinks against glass] [whispering] Okay, here. Here you go, Drew. [Danny and Drew play soda-cup footsie, like lovers idly playing on a summer's day] Why did he put it to the side of the camera? [whispering] That's what a boyfriend does. Do the plots from any of the other ones carry over into this one? I don't think so. -Because I half expected him to say [whispering] "Because that's what a boyfriend does... [whispering] ...he wouldn't go play frizbee with some fucking Jesse." Like, get right back into the argument we were having in the last video. -Right. Also, like, is he supposed to be that close to us in real life? Like, is he having a conversation like-- [whispering] ...that's what a boyfriend does... "Boyfriend Roleplay - [shouting] You're SICK!" [shouting] With the-- [shouting, together] FLU! [whispering] Shhhh... no no no no no [whispering] Shh, it's okay, it's okay, it's okay, shhh. I want to picture what he thinks we're saying to this. Why does he say, [whispering] "shhh no no no no?" [whispering] shh no no no no [dramatically] "I don't have the flu, my leg is broken! My femur is split in half!" -"I'm tied to this chair! I need to get out of here!" [whispering, together] Shhh... no no no [whispering] No, no no [ominous music] I don't like this look he's giving us. Come on, drink up. Drink the water. Stop moving! It's spilling, it's spilling! -I know, I know. You have one nasty bug Hey! -I'm here to take care of you sweetie, alright? Shhhhh... [peck!] Felt that in real life. -Lucky. -Oh, you're gonna-- oh [grabs bucket] Okay, okay, okay, in the bucket [Danny makes "zip" noise] the bucket...there we go You just stand up and start peeing, he's like, "Okay, alright, you deserve that." There we go. -I also like to think that this is so immersive someone actually with the flu who is about to throw up, just throws up all over their phone, like "aww, I thought it was going in the bucket!" "Noo! My phone's covered in throw up!" [whispering] There we go, shhh... I know, I know... We're definitely not saying anything, we're vomiting right now, so what is he saying, "-vomiting-" "I know, I know." Yes, you're still beautiful. [kiss] This guy's a treat and a half. -You had a bad dream? Yeah. [strokes face] "You had a bad dream?" [strokes face] [whispering] I would never let anybody hurt you. You hear me? -Yeah. [whispering] I would never let anybody hurt you. No, I promise you, I would never let anybody hurt you. Are we saying, "no, you will let someone hurt me." -But I, uhm, can I give you some kisses? [chew chew chew] [police siren in background] "Can I give you some kisses?" Immediately police sirens! It's us from the previous video, being rushed to the hospital! -God, I'm sorry, but the I'm sorry about the, uh, sirens going off I hope it's not your fault, you shouldn't have to apologize for that. -They'll pass, it'll be okay. Yeah, they're not just gonna drive in circles for hours [long pause] [mep] [wolf howl in background] Is it a... a wolf howling in the background?! There's some weird subplot where there's like a werewolf running rampant in the town, there's like police cars chasing them. [howling] Awoooooo! "Dammit, we should have predicted this with the full moon tonight!" Want me to give you a head massage? Yeah? Do you want a head massage? Perfect. Thank you. Good girl. You know-- -That's enough of this guy [text reads: it got too dark to film so we'll be back tomorrow] [jazz music in background] All right, sorry about that guys but we're back, it's the next day, uh, how'd you sleep Danny? -I slept great actually. I decided to try to watch one of these to fall asleep and-- -and it worked? I didn't get past, like, five seconds of it. Yeah, I was out immediately. -Yeah, these are really effective. -Yeah. I'm not sure because I was so relaxed, or cuz I was so scared that I kind of passed out But yeah. -Yeah You were so scared that you... the only way to escape how bad it was was to fall asleep. -Was to go completely unconscious, yeah. That's funny you say that about watching them last night because I realized last night that Michaela, and her friend Diana, have already reacted to this Dennis ASMR guy. Oh. -I think I didn't notice because I probably started watching that video and was so uncomfortable that I had to turn it off, which is probably what people will do this one. Yeah, good. Yeah Yeah, that bodes well for us(!) So, I think my main takeaway so far is the weirder this gets, the more normal where we started seems. Even boyfriend role play. It's like, "okay It's just a guy talking to a camera," but the further you fall into this rabbit hole, the more and more specific the videos get. It starts becoming situations that I don't even think I'd want to imagine being in; "Boyfriend Saves You From Drowning?" Okay. -Because it's always good to pretend you just drowned? Yeah, well, maybe it's nice to imagine that if you did drown, your boyfriend would save you. -Yeah [whispering] Oh my gosh, good lord... [whispering] I've been pushing on your chest for about 20 minutes. There's no explanation for how I feel right now. It's more than terrified-- Yeah, me too. I'm the one that almost died. -Yeah, can you be the strong one in the situation, maybe? I'm just scared. -Imagine waking up from being unconscious for 20 minutes because you drowned in your boyfriend standing there, like, [quivering] "Eeeeerh! I'm so glad you're awake! Help me!" [shaking voice] "What if I'm next?!" But you see what I'm saying about, like, what a weird specific situation. "Boyfriend I'm Sorry I Cheated" "ASMR Friendly Ghost Roleplay" "Jealous Boyfriend Returns" Yes, he broke up with you, but he returned from a breakup, to be jealous again. "I'm your boyfriend again, alright!" "Asthma Attack Comfort After Bear Attack." -You are not having a good day Hey Look at me. Wait what the heck happened to your face? What happened your face? "What's going on here?" -"What'd you do? I don't like it." -"Is this is a new makeup look?" -"Why'd you do this?" You get stuck in an elevator, "Memory Loss Comfort," Bipolar Comfort..." Oh, "Miscarriage Comfort." Jeez. "Couple Comforts Burglar???" [crying] "Awwww, I never steal anything! I'm doing such a bad job" -" "Hey, don't talk like that!" [happy sound] "Werewolf Boyfriend?" That must be from the other video, where we heard the werewolf outside. Holy shit! [losing it] Everything's coming together! [whispering] This curse... every full moon... That's a quiet werewolf. -Yeah, he's like "Oh! A full moon! I'm changing! [screaming] [whispering] "As soon as I saw you..." [whispering] "You thirsty?" "ASMR Boyfriend Girlfriend Seizure" I think if this guy's channel is any indication then you can pretty much come up with any random scenario and make an ASMR roleplay video and get like 34,000 views Makes it seem easy, but I wonder how easy it actually is. -Yeah. [soft background music] [whispering] Oh, you're awake, [whispering] Good. [exhales] [whispering] I was so scared when you passed out. [whispering] I don't know why you would do that, why did you do that? [whispering] Ohmigod babe are you okay? You fell off your scooter. [whispering] You did it on purpose? [whispering], I think you're just saying that cuz you're embarrassed. Anyway, please don't do that again, I was so scared that you were gonna fall off and knock me over. [whispering] We noticed you were having some trouble pooping. [whispering] Yeah, we were just-- we're your boyfriend. Yeah, we were just in the other room. -And we're jealous. [whispering] We're so jealous of the toilet right now. -Yeah [whispering] Like, it's a front row seat. [whispering] I brought you something to help, you, ah... [whispering] help you. I know how much you like water, so I got you, um [whispering] A really tiny little bit of water. [whispering] I figured you were probably pretty thirsty by now, so I brought you some barbecue sauce Yeah, I can pour it in a cup [gently taps on water bottle] [whispering] Okay, here you go. [whispering] I know you've been having a really hard time, because your parents just got divorced, and you just got attacked by that bear. -and it kind of looks like you broke both your legs when you fell That was pretty dumb. I don't know why you did that [whispering] Everybody hates you, did you know that? [whispering] We noticed that you were spending all your time with this toilet, so... [whispering] ...we just wanted to come help. [whispering] And maybe when you're done we might... have a little chat with the toilet. -Yeah. [whispering] Teach him about boundaries. [whispering] Yeah, poop in his mouth. [whispering] And poop- poop in his mouth. [whispering] Oh shh shhh shh [whispering] Shh shh shh [whispering] Shhhhhh no no no no shh no [whispering] Sh sh no no no no no no [whispering] I know, I know, I know, I know. [whispering] Shhhhh -It's okay. [whispering] Stop, I know you're scared. -I know. [whispering] I know I'm scared. -I know. [whispering] Shh. -I know I know shh [whispering] We're so scared. -We're so scared. We're so [sobbing] scared. [whispering] Okay, we'll be back later [sobbing] [sobbing] I'm so scared. All this shit is making me so uncomfortable. Yeah, I feel like I just need to, like, get up and go somewhere. -Yeah, like, even out of this state Yeah, what if we went to like one state and then again a different state and then... -A different state? -Yeah and then a different state? We should think of something to do when we get to each state. -Right to pass the time. Yeah, we could drown in every state. -I was thinking more something like... ...perform the live comedy show that we've been writing for the past five months Oh, the thing we've been writing for the past five months. -Mhm, that, the thing that we're gonna on tour with. Oh! We should do that. -Yeah! That's right, baby. We're going on tour: me, Drew Gooden. -Me, Dandy Gonzales and Curtis Connor. Yep, It's true. I'm going on tour, with Drew and Danny. It's gonna be so-- That's great Curtis. -That's right, we're going on tour! That's why we got these jackets! -Mhmm We're going to wear them on tour. -And we're hoping that by simply going on a nationwide tour, we can finally prove once and for all that we are [in unison] not the same person We always get comments in our videos that our styles are super similar and we get tweets about it all the time, people get us mixed up, so we figured the only real way to prove that we're two different people is to be seen together in the same room By as many people as possible about 500-1000 depending on the venue. -Right now we've only announced these cities so if you live near one of these cities, get your tickets. If you don't live in these cities there's a good chance that we will still be coming to your cities after we go to these cities Do it again but say cities more. -Yeah. We wrote basically like an hour and a half long comedy show, there's gonna be songs, there's gonna be sketches, there's gonna be some stuff we've already filmed that's gonna play on the screen, And... then we don't have to do anything because it'll be on the screen but most of its gonna be live in person And if us just sitting here talking hasn't done enough to convince you, we also just released a song and music video on my channel It's actually the opener of the show and it's about us not being the same person It basically sets up the premise of the show So if you want to get an idea of what the show might be like, the song is a good place to start So yeah, check that out on his channel. And then in that video, we'll probably tell you to watch this one Yeah.- So then you just come back and watch this one Yeah, and when you get here Then you can ignore the part where we tell you to go watch that video because by then you'll have already seen that Right but watch this one twice. -Yeah. Alright Greg. Well, thanks for watching this video, if you're new here, make sure you subscribe and turn in my notifications to join Greg. Thank you Josie, Josie, Ju for turning out my notifications, you are truly Greg, and thank you, guy, for being a little stinker. [Danny and Drew make strange "oow" noises" [laughing] Bye! -Bye!
Channel: Drew Gooden
Views: 7,836,890
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: drew gooden, comedy, funny, lol, commentary, reaction, vine, drew gooden vine, road work ahead guy, parody, rant, danny gonzalez, cringe, boyfriend roleplay, asmr, asmr cringe, weird
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 59sec (1079 seconds)
Published: Fri May 17 2019
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