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so today's video is going to be another solved true crime case today we're going to be talking about the Hello Kitty murder this is a really really well done case it's quite a popular one that's often talked about in like true crime forums and things like that again this was a channel member suggested kiss so thank you so much to her egami who suggested this one and while we're on the topic of channel members I just want to give you a little bit of a up there so about a year ago almost I activated channel members on this channel and thank you so much by the way if you are a channel member it means the whole entire world to me that you want to go that extra step and support me and the content that I make and because I activated channel members right when it first launched it was still kind of basic you only had one option like all channel members would pay $4.99 a month and they would all get the same perks it was pretty much like patreon but with one level and like all that was well and good but there were a lot of you guys that said you wanted to support me you wanted to be channel members but you couldn't afford $4.99 a month which is totally understandable but now YouTube's have changed it so that you can have different tiers of channel members for different prizes so we finally got two levels to Ellen on your channel members right now so level one is $1.99 a month and you get access to the community tab where we discuss cases you can request cases and get them fast-track you also get that little sticker of my face next to your name in the comments and then level 2 is all of that plus your name on the end card at the end as it always has been so if you're currently a channel number right now don't worry nothing's gonna change you perks aren't gonna change the price isn't gonna change like you don't have to change anything like you're good of course if you want to go down to the 190 98 that's absolutely fine as well you'll still have access to the community tab but don't worry if you can't become a channel member at all like I understand I appreciate every single one of you for supporting me in any way that you already do whether it's like leaving a thumbs up I'll put my notifications on I'll commenting on my videos or just you know turning up and watching the videos that I put out it does mean the world to me not to get sappy but you guys have allowed me to have my dream job at such a young age and I can't thank you enough it really just mean the world to me let's get into the video I do want to give a little bit of a warning on this case it is very very disturbing it's kind of similar to the junker for route 2 case that I covered it's very graphic I will give another one in right before it gets really graphic if you still want to watch this video and you still want to hear the story but you just don't want the really bad stuff I'll put a little warning and a timestamp so you can skip that but if you just can't handle cases like this at all thank you so much for coming along I'll leave you a different video here if you still want to watch a video just not this one but yeah I'm so sorry about this super long intro before we get into it I just want to give my usual disclaimer that I mean absolutely no disrespect to anyone that I talk about in this video this video is for educational purposes and everything that I'm about to say is just information that I have found on the internet and I'm compiling into one video so in May of 1999 police in tsim-sha-tsui in Hong Kong had a very distressed teenage girl coming to their police station this girl had just turned 14 years old she came alone no parents no friends or anything and she was very clearly distressed and she sat there and she told police that she thought she was being haunted and because she was so obviously worked up and stressed about this they just let her talk even the police obviously don't deal with paranormal things and stuff like that they just let her kind of get everything out to them so this girl told police about this one particular spirit that would come to her every single night it was a young woman in her twenties she had blood all over her and this teenage girl felt that the only way that she could get this spirit to stop coming to her was if she went to the police and that was when police realized why this girl had come to the police station of all places to talk about girls this teenage girl confessed she had taken part in the month-long torture and murder of a young woman in her 20s and this spirit was the victim coming back to haunt her until she come fast so this teenage girl her identity who's been protected through this whole case no one knows who she really was she's just referred to in every single sources are formed she was 14 when she went to the police station and talked about all of this however she was actually only 13 when she took part in this crime but she wasn't alone in this she was actually part of a group that did this to this woman however she was the youngest and she was the only female all the other people in this group were older men in their 20s and 30s and they were very powerful men members of the triad if you know what that is it's essentially like the Chinese mafia it's organized crime very very rich very very powerful very very scary people and she sat and told police that it was mainly all of the men that were doing this to this woman and she just occasionally joined in and the way that she actually got sucked up into this whole thing is obviously she was the odd one out the rest of them were older men the way that she got sucked into it was because one of these older men was actually her boyfriend she was 13 years old and her boyfriend in this group was 34 so to make this case a little bit easier to follow along with we're gonna go right to the beginning of the timeline and pretty much like start from the beginning so the victim was 23 year old nightclub hostess fan man-yi sources say she was a nightclub hostess although I don't think that is what you think it is you know I mean I think a lot of people assumed that she was like a waitress or something like that but I believe what that means is that she was a sex worker so I don't know much about fan manie's childhood and upbringing I just know that her pair abandoned her when she was very young I read abandoned now I don't know whether it was abandoned as if they just didn't want this child or if they just couldn't look after a child but she ended up growing up in orphanages and of course when you reach the age of 16 or at this time when you reach the age of 16 you would be kicked out of these orphanages because she can fend for yourself and realistically 16 year-olds can't really fend for themselves for the most part anywhere and so fun money found herself doing illegal sex work and taking drugs and doing petty crimes to be able to survive family also gave birth to a son around this time some sources say it was to a husband although this husband isn't mentioned anywhere else in any of the sauce so I don't know if she actually had a husband and other sources say that this baby was to a client because she was a sex worker which to me seems more likely although I don't know in 1997 when Maggie was 21 years old she began working in a brothel rather than just on the streets so she was still in sex work well it was kind of more regulated that's probably not the word but she had like her regular clients she had like a boss that was like looking over and like making sure that she was there it wasn't a good job to have by any means but it was a little bit more safe than being out on the streets and this job meant that she was in contact with a lot of seedy characters a lot of the time and many of Manny's clients and her bosses and things were all members of the triad very very dangerous scary people to be around and Manny knew this but she still decided to push her look so one day Manny had this regular client around his name was Changmin Lok he was a member of the Triads and he always came to fan money she was like his favorite and decided that once they'd finished up and everything she was going to steal his wallet and man Locke's wallet had around 4000 Hong Kong dollars in it which is the equivalent to about 400 British pounds and of course man Locke eventually found out about this I mean that was just them two in the room it was we're too dangerous to even try but she did and so man Locke demanded that man Yi pay back that full four thousand dollars plus ten thousand interest because she disrespected him and he probably threatened her that if she didn't get this money to him he would do something to it so Maggie managed to get together this four thousand dollars and she gave it back to man Locke and he was like where was the other ten thousand and so Manny said that she was gonna get him it but it was gonna take her a little bit longer and he didn't like that man Locke knew that he was probably never gonna get this 10,000 back from man Yi and he was scared that maybe she was gonna do a runner and try and get out of paying him at all and so man Locke decided that the next logical thing to do in this situation would be to enlist the help of two of his triad friends and kidnap fan Maggie so 34 year-old Chan man Locke and his friends 27 year-old long Cheng Chao and 21 year-old long while on I'll set out to find fan man yi so on March 17th 1999 the men actually came across Maggie on the side of the road she was back to work in the streets obviously because she was way too scared to go back to that brothel where she knew that man Locke would probably be so these three men grabbed fan man Yi put her in the back of the vehicle and drove her to a property that the triad earned so they took her into this old run-down unfurnished dingy dark apartment literally like the walls were crumbling the pictures a horrendous search and man Locke's plan was that he was gonna make fan man Yi pay off her debt be it through money or through services he was going to set up a little mini brothel with just fan money the work any other girls there and she was going to provide services for him and his friends and his associates work colleagues whatever until she managed to pay off this debt so here is where I'm gonna put my second little warning if you want to skip over the full torture murder everything like that please skip to this time right here but yeah you've been wond so on the first night that the men had Maggie in this apartment it was just the three of them and they all decided to beat and rip her all night just all into the hours of the morning and most of the information bear in mind that I'm about to tell you about this whole case has actually come from that teenage girl because these men will not talk about what they've done and so pretty much everything is from this teenage girl so this is just what they've told her or what she has personally witnessed so that is pretty much the baseline of what would happen to found money everyday beatings and being ripped all day every day and this teenage girl would also join in with everything that they were doing to her and at first it was all just like beating her with their bare hands and things like that but then eventually weapons were brought into the picture they would use metal bars and kitchen utensils and bats and I even read pieces of furniture and I don't know what that means this girl said that the men would force money to smile and laugh and tell them how happy and excited she was about her beatings and if she wouldn't do that they would beat her even harder before a long fan man-yi was so brutally beaten that she could no longer really provide these services that the men were trying to make her do to get out of this debt like realistically she couldn't really move and potential clients that were to pay for sex with her were no longer attracted to her because she was so badly beaten they would say to these men well why would we pay for sex with this girl that were not attracted to that can't really do anything when they could just on the street and Frank someone that they are attracted to so man Locke's plan to make her pay off the debt wasn't really going to work but he didn't really care at this point he now had his own personal punching bag this man was sick and he liked having a hostage that he could do whatever he wanted to and when they weren't doing things to found money all these men would hang out in a separate room and play video games and do crystal meth and just hang out together as if there wasn't a dying woman in the next room as the days went on the men started getting more creative with the ways that they would torture money they began melting and burning plastic onto her body dripping candle wax on her body and when they ran out of things to burn they just kind of burned her directly they would particularly burn the bottoms of her feet so she couldn't stand she couldn't walk she couldn't do anything not that she really could anywhere because she was really weak at this point they found uses for pretty much every single kitchen appliance kitchen utensil and I don't know what they were do to her with these things but I don't think I want to know obviously they would wound her and when she would have like big gashes on her and things like that the men would take food and spices and excrement and dirt and year in and they would stuff it in her wounds and like smear it on her open cuts they also fast money to consume her own urine and feces and I think they were starving her as well at the same time of like normal food and if she refused to eat her own whatever all like if she struggled to do it if she was gagging or if she threw up the men would beat her around halfway through her captivity found my knee like I said was so weak she could barely move she was so badly beaten she was starving the bottoms of her feet were burnt so even if she wanted to walk anywhere she couldn't really and this was kind ruining the boys fun she was no longer fun to beat and do certain things to her because she wasn't reacting as much so one of the men suggested that they suspend fan money in the air making her easier to beat which is horrendous she was a physical punching bag for these guys so they tied up her wrists with electrical card and then tied up the other end to the ceiling fan so that she was kind of hanging there and they'd leave her there for hours at a time sometimes even overnight and then on the 15th of April almost a full month after Manny was abducted and brought to this place the group decided that they wanted to go out for food so that was all three men and man walks 13-year old girlfriend and as they often did when they went out they would lock fan money in the bathroom so she couldn't try to ask it if the door was locked and there the outside door was locked there was very little chance of her getting out so they all went out for food and whatever and then they came back to the apartment a couple of hours later and that was when Camryn locks 13-year old girlfriend went to the bathroom and found fan money dead in the bath now this is particularly disturbing but her body was just oozing this thick orange like pus I don't know how I don't know why but it was and there was a lot of it and I've seen photos that's another thing I want to warn you about if you go and research this case by yourself please be careful because there are photos online and they are so disturbing I found them by accident I didn't want to see them I never go and look up things like that but there were a couple of pictures on this one website where there was no one in and I've seen them and they are horrendous so just be careful if you do go and search this case so at this point the group were in shock I don't know if they were ever planning on killing her or if they thought they could just go on like that forever as if her body was just gonna keep bouncing back and keep like as if it wasn't gonna give up on her I just don't think they expected it to happen so soon and so didn't have a plan they didn't know what to do now they had a dead body in this apartment it was going to start to smell and they needed to do something they needed to dispose of it so all the men and this guy's girlfriend I'll go into the other room and they're all talking about different things they could do they slept on it overnight and then they thought about it the next morning and chanmin Locke decided that he had the best plan out of everyone he said that her body could not remain in one piece otherwise it would be far too easy to identify it had been hard to dispose off like and make it so much easier for them if her body was in smaller pieces so because Manny's body was already in the bathtub Chandran Locke took a butcher's knife and began dismembering her body and then to remove the flesh from the bonds they decided that they were going to put her body parts in a pot on the stove and boiled the flesh and the muscle and everything off of the burn some sources even say that at one point while her body parts were being cooked on the stove some of the men were cooking noodles right next to her in another pot which is so disturbing all the sources said that the men after they were done doing all of this to fund Maggie's body they actually used that sim pot to cook food in which again saw disturb it so if you haven't heard of this case before you probably wondering why it's called the Hello Kitty murder because so far there's been no mention of Hello Kitty and that was because once they finished boiling all of the skin all of the tissue all of the muscle from found my knees head they actually took her skull and stuffed it inside of a Hello Kitty mermaid doll and then sewed the whole thing back up the only things that police actually ever found a family's body were of course her skull in this doll one of her teeth on the floor and some of her organs in the fridge but of course without a full body police couldn't determine the cause of death now this is where the case gets quite complicated so on one hand we've got this thirteen year old girlfriend saying this whole star with this whole torture kid murder story meanwhile the men had a completely different story they said that they were just running and very small brothel with just fun money and it was all consensual and everything however fan-man he was a drug addict she was addicted to meth and on this one particular day she accidentally overdosed on meth and the men supposedly panicked because she was like supposed to be under that care they weren't supposed to let this kind of thing happen and the men said that they knew that there would be intramural if one of their sex workers had died of a drug overdose and so to hide the body they stuffed it in a Hello Kitty doll and did all this stuff of course the fact that their dismembered and tried to dispose of her body was very very bad and police could see that and she died under their supervision either way so while police couldn't prove that they tortured and killed this girl they could say that she died under their supervision and then they tried to hide it which looks very suspicious so because of these conflicting accounts police just couldn't charge the men with murder because there wasn't any evidence there wasn't evidence that they had killed her so instead all three men were charged with manslaughter they were all given life sentences without the possibility of parole for 20 years which we'll get onto that in a second all three men were visited by psychiatrists after this because this is obviously a horrendous crime you have to be some level of messed up to be able to do this although I don't think psychiatrists found any mental illness in these guys I think they were just sociopaths and they had no remorse they had no emotion but they weren't actually mentally ill the teenage girl although she did take part in the torture and rip from man-yi she was actually let free without any charges or anything because obviously she gives so much evidence against these men evidence that they wouldn't have had otherwise it was kind of like a plea deal like you tell does everything you know about these guys and we were give you any prison time you know so after this whole murder and everything because of the accounts that this thirteen-year-old girl give to the police about fun memories spirit coming to her and everything people that believe in ghosts and spirits and stuff believe that fan Manny's spirit was very easy to contact it was like available and so the apartment building where she died actually became quite like a meeting place for people that were interested in this people that wanted to contact her spirit and at first it seemed quite like innocent as innocent as that can be it just seemed like interest and you know just people that are into that kind of thing wanted to contact her but after a while it seemed to be kind of sinister it became pretty disrespectful and people were doing questionable things at this place and so in 2012 it was actually demolished it was that for a long long time between 1999 and 2012 the government allowed that building to still be there you don't see that a lot especially in the UK like if a horrendous crime happens a particular like a dress and it's very fairness and like everyone hears about this crime that building will most likely be demolished as soon as it's done being a crime scene anyway in 2016 on that lot of land where that apartment building once was there's been a hotel built which is equally as creepy you would not want to stay a hotel that was built on the grounds that a woman was tortured on as far some updates on the men now this is kind of scary but obviously because this crime happened in 1999 and they were allowed parole after 20 years that means they're allowed parole anytime now it's 2019 I really do hope that the people at their parole hearing take into account what they've done like I hope they don't just try and get them out because it'll be cheaper you know these men did some unthinkable things to this woman like they're obviously capable of doing it again they showed no remorse no emotion when it happened and I mean I really don't think chanmin Locke will ever be let out he was the main guy that did the most but I think his two little sidekicks have a chance of being let out of prison which is terrifying because these two little sidekicks said that they only did what they did because they were scared of Chum man Locke obviously he was quite high up in the Triad he was torturing and killing this woman they were like well if we refuse what's he gonna do to us kind of thing now it's up to you whether you believe that or not or whether you believe they were just 100% for torturing and killing this woman scarily enough they might be let out one day because they were just acting on fear so as for fun Manny's son like I said she gave birth to a little boy just two years before she died I want to say he is actually currently a student in Singapore and while he has no memory of his mother obviously he was only two years old at the time he does always wear one of her necklaces that police gave to him and for now that's all there is on this case I guess I'll keep you updated on the guy's parole hearings terrifies me it really just terrified me especially because I'm sat here making this video about these really powerful scary men that have connections and you know I'm just asking for it really uh as for today's charity shout-out actually just a quick little apology from Eleanor Niall honestly what is new they're two videos ago I said that the next charity shout-out was going to be an LGBT charity shout out however it wasn't and that's because I completely forgot that that video was pre filmed because of the sponsor in it so you know the LGBT charity that was supposed to be like two videos ago yeah that's now today I wanted to talk about an LGBT charity from India this is actually called the hamsa fire trust and I'm Robin I'm saying that right because all the India is taking some big big steps in like equality and laws and everything at the moment they still have a long way to go same-sex marriage is not yet legal in India and it was only made legal to have consensual gay sex in 2018 not even a full year ago this time last year it was illegal for people in India to have consensual sex with a member of the same sex the hamsa far trust is one of the largest LGBT charities in India it is primarily based in Mumbai and at its very base level it just pretty much provides a community for LGBT people in India to come and make friends and just be themselves the charity do a lot of work to promote safe sex among the LGBT community because India has a real problem with AIDS and HIV probably due to the criminalization of homosexuality for so long people weren't educated on how to have sex safely their educate people on HIV and AIDS they hand out different protection methods they have clinics where they treat people and they of course campaign for law changes there educate people in authority about LGBT communities and like I said at the best level they just provided community and different workshops and support groups for LGBT people as always if you would like to donate to the home safar trust the link will be down in the description really what I've been saying that right the whole time but I do doubt it because I am a little bit stupid but the link will be down in the description but yeah thank you so so much for watching this video if you enjoyed make sure you leave a big thumbs up and subscribe down below if you want to see some more from me because I will have videos like this all the time a huge huge thank you to all of my channel members if you want to become a channel member and support me and the content and the videos that I make you can click the link in the description or you can click the join button under the video if you're on a desktop all channel members get access to a community tab where we can discuss cases you can request cases and get them fast-tracked you also get updates on my channel and upcoming videos and stuff like that and level 2 channel members will get all of that I just as well as their name on this end card at the end of every video thank you so much if you do become a member and support the channel it really does mean the world to me but yeah thank you so so much for watching subscribe to my second channel if you haven't already it's fun over there but yeah I'll see you in the next one bye [Music]
Channel: Eleanor Neale
Views: 3,586,825
Rating: 4.9426103 out of 5
Keywords: makeup, tutorial, eleanor, neale, review, beauty, 2019, vlog, mystery, unsolved, unsolved mystery, true crime, solved, hello kitty, murder, serial killer, lisbug, horror, itv, bbc, crime watch daily, case, kendall rae, documentary, podcast, the serial killer on blood mountain, mile higher, the christine paolilla case, killer, crime, junko furuta, sylvia likens, fan man-yee, chan man-lok, the hello kitty murder, doll, news, uk, china, hong kong, asia, top 10, list, cold case, grwm
Id: phByJaQRQ2E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 43sec (1663 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 23 2019
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